



Boone, NC


July 2



About Yourself

Hey my name is Jordan. I am from Muktarin of Sirius B and my higherself is Lenduce. Before my journey on earth I was a Pleiadian ambassador from the great central sun, Alcyone. I come from the Office of the Christ, the Order of Melchizadek, and the Order of Arch Angel Michael. In the command I am known as Commander Jarekaiah. I have been a captain of Sirian and Pleiadian defense ships during the Orion wars. I am a member of a few angelic high councils. My soul name, Shavu Khan, means "one who brings together that which is diverse". I am a hitchhiker of many universes and existances and was called upon by Gaia for a special mission. I am basically here to express Universal Protocol. With your help I hope to fulfill my destiny. God Bless all of you and I wish you all to "live long and prosper". I applaud your existance and your spirit. Namaste from the heart. -Jordan-

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

Well, everyone really....I am very close to Sathya Sai Baba, Serapis Bey, St. Germaine, my guides - St. Catherine and Jermaine, my angels (too many to list), Thoth, Christ, Universal love source and my dad.

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  • Hi Lenduce/Jordan. its gordon olmstead your friend from ottawa canada. though lightworkers.org i am better now since we last spoke. its been to long. anyways i am writing to re-connect. i found out that i am a commander too and i have met another commander from pluto and togeahter we have been kiciking the secret socitites butt! sending them home to nuburi. we just dont lead teams of et's and ships.  were commanders for the whole planet. can we please re-connect? e-mail is best gordonolmstead@yahoo.ca 613-726-3385


    oh and theres something as a starseed you can help gaia with


    1.find a ball of energy (this is your seed energy as a sarseed)

    2.kind a energetic key and give both the ball and the key over to Gaia!


    every starseed at some point has to do this~!

  • Hello  friend, do you remember me ?  Starweaver,  from a few years ago.  ...  here to visit you and say hello....   sending you much love from the Galactic Center of my heart..



  • i dont want anything except for Clear karma with yall...I have ENOUGH bad K in my life right now .

    ok ?
  • ~Jordan

    I owe you a great apology, im really sorry.

    I was drinking alot of alcohol... ALOT... (like 24 beers and three bottle of wine in one setting.)

    I dont even know you or Abby.

    My car is in the shop , i am stranded in my house and just got bored and started talking my anger out on the web ..

    forgive me.
  • Christ sent me on a mission to talk to you. I see that we have both gravitated twords captnano. There is reasons for this. He is trying to conduct physical attributes to something natural as we both understand spiritual is first then physical. As i proceed he is trying to alter the very foundations of nature for self gain. We must worn him of this so he dose not do something destructive. However he know's very little how the spiritual and physical co colaborate together. I thank you for your attempts of contact we must proceed with this mission. LIttle at a time
  • As you Brother, I also come from the Office of the Kristos, Order of Melchiezedek, & Order of Archangel Michael. As far as telling you "my story", it is very akin to yours... but I'd like to tell you face to face when we co-create that opportunity!
    Within Love,
  • I'm excited to have found another Commander so close to me geographically. I'd love to link up with you, Star Brother!
  • Thank you replied to me.
    can we share a idea: " the suffering and worry that happen from what cause? . I thank you from your answer, but that is in general. can you talk about from your experiences by yourself, not from learning.
    I am sorry, im Asian, my English is limited. I look forward to hearing your sounds.
    take care,

This reply was deleted.
Lenduce commented on Andronover's blog post J.F Kennedy´s hidden speach
"Interesting indeed! Wish i could see pictures of the speach in his handwriting though...and since he never got a chance to tell the speech its kind of a bummer because anybody can write a nice speech and say it was from JFK. But I believe you…"
Apr 25, 2010
Lenduce posted a discussion
Lenduce Through Jordan W. SmithApril 23, 2010 Spiritual Tools for Growth Greetings! This is Lenduce, through Jordan. We are excited to write you today because we believe that humanity has been making great strides in terms of divine consciousness.…
Apr 24, 2010
Lenduce posted a blog post
Lenduce Through Jordan W. SmithApril 23, 2010Spiritual Tools for GrowthGreetings! This is Lenduce, through Jordan. We are excited to write you today because we believe that humanity has been making great strides in terms of divine consciousness. The…
Apr 24, 2010
Lenduce left a comment for Nim
"Hi, how are you? I'm Jordan. I'm glad to see you here on Ashtarcommand! God Bless,
Aug 7, 2009

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