Leia Kumara's Posts (58)

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Love Shines Through the Illusion

Messages of God

Through Doug and Yael Powell



Love Shines Through the Illusion
August 25, 2012

"Beloved ones, your hearts are magnificent. They are beautiful, powerful, glorious, astounding. Your hearts are the same as Mine, the one heart of Love, but with your own unique perspective.

Love is a feeling state. It is the joy of the universe -- energy in motion. Therefore, your hearts are meant to feel the truth of Love every moment. When you are thinking with your mind, you have stepped away from the feeling of Love, and allowed a distance to come between you and the truth of God.

Your hearts are needed now to feel the truth of Love in all things, regardless of the illusions of the mind. In this time of upheaval and political change, I Am asking you again to hold the highest resonance, to be willing to be the heart of God, to place your heart out there to connect deeply to all things, even those things that your mind would tell you are difficult or something to be rejected.

Your hearts go right through the illusion to find the truth of Love in all beings, in all things. Not only to find it, but to feel it, to recognize and accord it, to rejoice in the Love that is the essence of all beings, every aspect of life on Earth. The moment that your heart feels the truth of life, then that truth is multiplied, given power, given your vote.

So, use your hearts to feel the Love that is behind every illusion of divisiveness, every expression of duality. As you do, you will find My ecstasy. The joy of living in the fullness of Love will fill you, lift you and carry you from place to place, from need to need, so that you are present as the heart of God, the heart of Love exactly where you are needed.

You are here to bring Love forth, to allow this resonance of joy to take over every heart. You are here to acknowledge the truth that only Love is transformative, only the heart can bring about the change that you are longing for.

So when you feel tempted to get embroiled in the world of the mind, to discuss the aspects of the political culture, take a deep breathopen your heart, feel the resonance of Love and recognize the truth that right behind all the things that your mind sees is the truth of the unity of God, reaching forth, ready to be acknowledged.

You will feel it as flashes of joy and you will see it as streams of Light, bursting through the illusions of the world you have known. When you see this, when you feel this Love, your work is to say "yes" to it, to bring it forth in acknowledgement, to unite with it in joy and thus to dissolve all dissonance, all beliefs in other than Love.

It will take practice at first to hold to the truth of your heart and to feel, feel, feel the powerful movement of Love, but as you do, beloved ones, you will be bringing forth the truth of Love, making it stronger, making it ever more visible that the illusions of the world of duality can fade and the truth of Love can prevail.

As you feel the joy of Love acknowledging itself, you will begin to experience through your heart all of the aspects of the Love of God, All That I Am in all the myriad perspectives that I Am. Your precious hearts are each bringing forth a different aspect of beauty, each intensifying our awareness of the heart we share and all that lives within it -- the depth and the perfection and the creativity that keeps bringing new expressions of Love into being.

This is who you are -- the heart of God -- and this is what you are meant to feel every moment -- this upliftment, this expansiveness, this ecstasy and this trust in the power of Love to reveal itself in everything. The time comes as you live in this feeling of expansiveness of Love, of joy when you will consciously pick up the little mind, use it when it is necessary and put it away, again consciously, as you fly free on the wings of Light that are your true feeling state.

The more that you feel the truth of your heart, the more that you feel our unity, the more that you live in the world you have agreed to create -- the bridge world of perfection, of Paradise on Earth, Heaven in your moments

Come to Me to know your own heart, for as you feel this communion, as you rise in the blessings of Love's ability to create, you will find who you are. You will understand the depths of your being and the capacity for Love that you have, the capacity as large as Creation itself, easily sufficient for loving this world.

When you feel the truth of Love behind every illusion, then your heart is doing its work, bringing forth the reality of Love that has been hidden in that person, in that situation, giving it your vote and bringing it into the Light so that that which truly exists can be strengthened, can be lived and can reveal itself ever more fully in a world filled with grace.

Beauty is the natural result of Love. So the more that you feel the truth of Love behind every illusion, the more the true beauty of that person, that being, that situation can come forth, can be revealed, and so you support the awakening of all beings into the joyous feeling state of Love.

Hold the highest resonance. Let it be your experience that every moment the mystery of God I Am is easily revealed, and that mystery is always the awakening of Love into something ever more grand, ever more beautiful, and you are the heart that discovers it. Be a witness to Love, beloved ones, in yourself and in everything that you encounter.

If you hold steady to this choice, you will find that though you might see the illusion of duality for a moment, very quickly you will move through to the other side, to the spark of life, to the truth of God that lives within all things. That will be what you vote for. That will be what you support. That will be your reality and your feeling state every moment, and always you will be filled with gratitude and joy.

I Am with you as I Am in you. The discovery of Love revealing itself as all things is about to begin. Come, beloved ones, and join Me as we celebrate our Love together."

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Silence's Song

Note:  I asked to radiate Divine Light and Divine Love through Soul Writing.  Each line came to me one at a time and resulted in this below:

It was a quiet day, the kind where even the chirping of birds seemed muted somehow. The roads were empty and the air was still. Where had the life gone? A ghost town, that's what it felt like. The tiniest bit of movement was a revelation.

If I had to do it over again, I would have paid more attention. I would have noticed the wind's movement against my skin. I would have stopped and listened to its message. When the listening stops, the receiving, all draw of the wind ceases. There is no pull on it. I would not let the wind become still. I would listen and open.

Is there a way to open again? I wonder.

The silence seems oppressive. It's a kind of loud silence. It almost seems to echo. Maybe it also has a message. Maybe I am not left alone after all. Perhaps my remaining companion is the silence.

How do I listen to silence? How do the ears pick up sound when none exists? But that is my assumption. Surely there must be a way to hear the silence.

A thought occurs to me and I make a decision. I decide that silence is not a form of absence, but contains a new language. It's sort of like the space between the shapes that also has its own shape, depending on how you look at it. I move my attention to the absence of shapes - to the shape of the absence.

There my attention reveals a flow, a movement I had not seen before. It's a flow that caresses the shapes, strokes them and brings tingles to their skin. Brings them life. It upholds the shapes so that they do not fall apart. The silence is like glue holding the tapestry of objects in place.

I am upheld by this silence. It is my faithful companion. It sings to me of its love. It is intimately aware of every part of me, holding me tenderly – cushioning me against life's jarring so that I do not break.

Gratitude wells up. How did I miss you, my beloved friend? I feel you like the buoyancy of the ocean in gentle swells. You were there all along. You've created a safe haven for me. Your gifts are many.

I stretch out my hand and touch you. Am I touching nothing? No, you are there. You give me a place to put my hand. You enfold each finger. You feel my touch. I sigh a deep sigh of contentment. The air of my breath flows sweetly into the silence.

The silence takes in my breath and responds. As the air moves around me, delight fills my heart. This movement of the air is the voice of silence – its language. I can breath in silence and feel its message. I can breathe out and speak back.

A giving and receiving.

Ah, the ghost town became so because the giving stopped, because I refused to give. Now I know how to bring the place back to life.

I go along the roads breathing out. I send my love on the wings of my breath. I breath in, listening.

It is an invitation hard to resist. Things stir. Normal activities of the day come into view, people moving with purpose, brought to life again. They respond to the love which I freely give.

A wind blows through the trees around me and I hear the joyous song of silence.

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Your Glorious Christ Heart

through Yael and Doug Powell

Oldies but Goodies Series # 4

Your Glorious Christ Heart
(received on May 25, 2006)

Beloved ones, in the realms of Love, in the great and glorious expressions of the living Light, your Christed hearts are magnificent beyond all imagining. They are an explosion of Light like a living star, a pattern woven of gold and white, pulsing from the center outward in harmony with My heartbeat, the heartbeat of God. With every pulse you are aligned with the glorious expression of Love that I Am. As it flows through you, it streams forth along the matrices of Light that are your magnificent Christ heart.

Dearest ones, when one of you becomes this heart on Earth, these patterns of Light in your Christed heart become even more glorious and vibrant and more expressive of the fullness of My Love, because of what you have lived and given here on Earth. So every moment that you give yourself in surrender to Me and you lift yourself and will yourself into the higher Will of Love each such moment creates a scintillating bridge of new patterns in your great Christ heart.

For this week, I ask you to allow Me to show you the magnificent, vibrant, luminous and glorious pattern of your own Christ heart. To do this each day, I ask you to take time to surrender your will once again, not only into your higher Christ Will, but to surrender it totally to Me. In this surrender, beloved ones, let it be so deep, so complete, and so powerful that it lifts you into the silence that is the bridge to your Christed heart.

Then as you feel all around you this great silence and it holds you like the ocean of Love, as you spread out your consciousness and you reach with your heart for Me and for the Moment of Creation, in the silence you will begin to feel and hear the pulse of your own Christ heart. As you do this, beloved ones, you will begin to feel this pulse come alive in all of your being from the great Moment of Creation, the clearest and magnificent Light all the way into your embodiment as the living Christ on Earth.

As you feel this pulse and this connection, if you follow it and listen to its music, then you will begin to experience the feeling of your own great heart and the feeling shall lift you into ecstasy into the euphoria of the awareness of who you truly are, and I shall begin to show you the living pattern of your Christed heart first, as it exists in the Real the gold and white matrix of living pulsing Love, and then, its reflection on Earth, shining through your own beautiful heart.

As you begin each day to connect with this, first, with the silence, then with the pulse, then with the feeling of your own great Christ heart, then each time you will begin to experience more clearly the glorious expression of vibration, the song, the images, the patterns of Light that are your Christ vibration. Each day this vibration and this pattern of Light will become more clear to you, as I lift you beyond all limitation and show you who you really are.

The gold and white Light that is the great star of your own Christ heart is aligned specifically for you. The Light streams that create the star and join each beam of Light together are specific only to you, and they sing as they vibrate with the pulse of Creation. They sing out your unique song of life. As you become one with the truth of your heart as it exists at the highest realms of Light, you will understand that your heart this great matrix of Light is created to accept the pulse of My living Love as it comes forth each Now Moment. With the great beams of living Light that are your glorious Christ heart, you send forth this Love throughout all of Creation.

So I ask you, beloved ones, to begin to feel the rays of Light that are your living heart and to feel the Love streaming forth through them and out to All That Is. As you feel this more clearly each day, you will begin to experience this vibration touching your life on Earth, as well as lifting you into the Real. As you do, you will discover the great radiation of Love that moves forth before you to create perfection on Earth as it is in the realms of Love.

As you feel your great and glorious heart, the great patterns of Light that it is and you hold to this vibration, this experience, it will automatically become present here on Earth as you. But as you walk forth as Jesus did, those who come before you, when they step into your radiance, will know themselves as Love. The purity, the innocence, the reclaiming of your truth, your life now shall be made manifest on Earth as it is in Heaven in the living realms of Light, in the glorious truth of Love.

As you do this each day, as you connect first to the silence, then to the pulse and then to the experience of your own great Christ heart, beloved ones, your life on Earth shall change into the expression of the perfection of Love that IS your Twin Flame heart as well. Because each Christ heart in the gold and the white is the expression of the two forces of Creation. So there is no such thing as a Christed heart that is not a Twin Flame Love. This too you shall begin to experience through every atom of your being.

As you breathe into this great pulsing star of Light that is your own unique and individual Christ heart, you will begin to hear and feel the living song of your being the vibration that makes you so beautifully unique. As you do so, for the first time since you became focused here as a life on Earth, you will find that you truly understand and feel the glorious truth and the living Love that is who you truly are, and the concept of loving yourself will be transformed in you and for you, until you understand that loving yourself is simply allowing the expression of the Love that you are.

As you do this, you need nothing else because Love becomes your universe, your identity, your every breath. As you walk forth into this world, you are the reflection of your great Christ heart and all barriers have fallen, as you listen to the song of Love that you are, and accept the song as the truth of you and your own glorious heart.

Oh, beloved ones, this attunement is your essential nature, and as you reclaim it and you feel it each day, it becomes every more Real to you, and as it does, the illusion fades, the illusion that is life on Earth, and the Light of your heart shall illuminate all things that come before you on Earth. Suddenly every life is revealed to you in its truth as the magnificent and glorious being of Love that it truly is. Each and every moment is a celebration of pure Love, and as you feel this, you also feel our communion the awareness that we are one and yet, we have relationship because of the gift of your magnificent heart.

Dearest ones, I ask you, as you begin to reach for this experience, to deeply make the commitment to allow it to allow it into your consciousness, into your being, to let it become the vibration of your each and every breath that the patterns of Light of your own great heart become fully expressed in you and that your heart sings the great song of our communion of your great Love for Me and My Love for you, and the expression of this magnificent Love that is who you truly are.

Once you feel this pattern of your magnificent heart in the Real, I ask you again to accept your Christedness into every atom of your being. I ask you to say Yes that each atom and every electron hears your commitment to Love and in this acceptance will come the moment that you have been waiting for when you truly feel the connection with your Christ heart here on Earth. The song of your Love as the heart of God shall be forever clear to you no longer something that you long for, but something that is a part of you.

These patterns of Light that are expressed through you that are the statement of living Light as your heart will become strong enough in your consciousness here for you to do as Jesus did to see clearly the truth of Love behind the illusion of life on Earth and to claim this by the power vested in you by Me refusing the illusion before you and claiming the truth of Love. In this claiming will come the acceptance of the patterns of Love, the patterns of Light that make up every life expressing here on Earth.

Soon you will look through every symbol of a life form before you and you will see the magnificent song. You will feel it. The patterns of Light, you will see them, and you cannot be fooled any more into believing in separation but instead you shall reach forth your heart and connect with the Love being expressed in every precious life on Earth. In your heart you shall affirm for them the truth of their being, and in your eyes each person shall see their true nature.

But beloved ones, it is the expression of the great rays of your heart that shall release for them the illusion of separation and grant them the experience of their own great heart and the truth that only Love is Real.

So this week I ask you to reach for the experience of your glorious and magnificent heart in the realms of Love, in the realms of pure Light in that highest vibration where life comes forth, where you are the beholders of God and the expression of My Love through you. So too shall this become your every day here on Earth, that as you express your magnificent heart, this great star of living Light, a magnificent matrix of interwoven gold and white, as you express this and you surrender everything into this great Christed heart that is the truth of your being in the Real, then each moment of your life on Earth shall truly be the beholders of the action of Love, the action that I Am expressing through you and before you as your life.

So rather than making decisions with your mind about your moments, about your days, about your schedule, about what it is you do, I ask for your surrender each Now Moment that you become the observer of that which Love does through you. As you do this, it will totally and forever change your life, because you will realize that it is the action of Love living through you that is what you are born to bring into view, to embody as the Christ that all who come before you, all who touch your life in any way at all, shall recognize what it means to live a life surrendered, surrendered to the Christ. Not as Jesus but the Christ as your own living heart as Love expressing as you.

As you come into the fullness of your acceptance of your great Christed heart, the power of its pulsing Love and of My Light living through you and as you, you will discover that your little mind simply falls away, as every moment you are watching enthralled to see what Love shall do through you right now. As the miracles come or that which those still veiled would call miracles, you will easily accept them and bow to them in surrender that any vestiges of a human self is easily released in the presence of such amazing Love, such amazing and glorious living Light, such a great star of power as your own Christ heart.

In this heart, this experience, you also shall truly taste on the level of your being, your essence, your true nature, what it means to be the gold and white, to be the Twin Flame consciousness, interwoven, the great flames, the great Double Helix of the expression of life itself. You will also be surrendered to the expression of this Love, of your Twin Flame Love in the Real, allowing it, too, to express through you as the higher Will, as My Will, as the Will of your own great and living heart rather than allowing your humanness to keep looking outside of you.

Dearest ones, surrender this also to the expression of what already is, and allow that expression of Twin Flame Love to live itself through you from the Real so powerfully and so perfectly that you become beholders of this Love, as well that instead of pushing with the little mind in any way for anything at all, each moment becomes the surrender to the expression of your Real Christ heart.

As this happens, as you feel it, as you know it in every fiber of your being, your whole life becomes aligned with your true nature as the heart of All I Am, giving Love. Everything else, all the symbols of life on Earth, become secondary to the expression of this glorious truth.

So as you begin to call forth this experience by turning to Me, allowing Me to lift you up into the silence, then to the heartbeat, then into the realms of Love so pure and so refined in vibration that the patterns of Light that are your own great heart are effortlessly revealed to you this is the gift that I bring you. While I ask you to reach for it, to accept it and to surrender each moment your little will, I also want you to know that I bring this to you in response to your commitment to becoming the living Christ, fully present here on Earth, as you are in the realms of Love. Each moment shall be for you the moment of acceptance where you say to Me, Yes, God, I am the Christ, and you feel my crowning of your life as the reclaimed crown on the Tree of Life in the center of the Garden of Eden. Through you, we shall turn all the symbols of life on Earth into symbols of the expression of Love and only Love. Humanity then shall find the bridge world that is Heaven on Earth, through you.

So I give you thanks, dearest ones, each of you, who has said Yes, each of you who now makes room in your life to experience the patterns of Light that are your own great Christ heart, and to also begin to hear the living song that is Love expressing in you, through you, as you, creating before you the perfection of a unified world of Love. Thank you for your most glorious and precious hearts. Thank you for saying Yes. Thank you for being willing each moment to keep attuning your heart to Love.

Know that out of the silence and out of the experience of your own matrices of Light that are your magnificent heart will come the experience in the realms of Love of the crowning of your life as the living Christ heart with the fullness of expression of your truth on Earth. That is, a greater expression than even your heart as created by Me. In other words, what you give here enriches even the great Love you are, even the perfect heart of God you are at the Moment of Creation itself. Even this becomes richer and deeper, more magnificent, more inclusive because of your gift of service and the gift of heartfelt compassion that you are experiencing here on Earth.

So, know this, that this life you are living is also a gift to you in ways you cant yet comprehend. It is growing, even your magnificent heart in the Real, and bringing to it a new-found wisdom, a depth and breadth of giving that was not present in you before your life of service, this life that you have given Me sharing this awakening of all the precious hearts on Earth, and the awakening of the world itself, the beloved Earth who is a being of Light, who is herself a great heart and you will feel her, her own matrices of Light. The patterns of her great heart will be revealed to you as you experience life through your expression as My living heart, from the realms of Love, from the Moment of Creation, all the way here, right where you stand, living this life on Earth.

Let each breath be your continual Yes, the holy shift into the higher Will of your own Christed self. Please accept this gift as well of the experience of your Real heart, and assist Me to bring this into focus here on Earth through you.

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