Laura Tyco's Posts (71)

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Laura: Good morning SaLuSa . This is the first question:
“My question/concern for SaLuSa is since none of us is really aware of our
soul’s contracts, how do we know if we will be ascending with Mother Earth
or not.  I feel I was lead to this information for a reason, but part of me is concerned because in my heart I feel the desire to ascend however I’m concerned that that may not be my soul’s plan for me, I really don’t know and I’m not sure how to handle these feelings.  If you could shed some “light” on this, I would really appreciate it.  Thank you for all that you do.”
SaLuSa: We understand why this gives you concern. We are all the accumulation of our experiences in a way, as well as being light. Living in duality means have two polarities. While you do have freewill, the matter resides in seeing through the illusion. I am speaking of the illusion built around you, in the outer world. What is often forgotten about is your own illusion about yourselves. You are not what and who you think you are dear ones. You are not what the system boxes you about yourselves. Do not have fear on this matter and do not put limitations around yourselves.
It is important that you find out for yourself answers to this question: Who are you? “Know thyself” is the key to your freedom. While it is not a new concept, it is an eternal truth. We would like you to really put your mind and heart into this idea. There are many levels of depth one can explore, the deeper you go, the more you will know about yourself, others and the universe. Look at this as the wonderful adventure and exploration it really is. Think of this as if you were exploring a new land and enjoy the experience.
There will come a point where you will have to choose, really choose with your heart in oneness and your whole being. There will come a time when you will just remember much and you will know the right decision for you, perhaps it will happen without you realizing it; perhaps it will be lead by your subconscious. A decision will be made, according to your vibrations and your experiences. This decision will be guided by your higher self and will take into consideration your soul’s needs and development. There is always flexibility concerning Ascension and nothing is set into stone for the vast majority of people.
Your higher self is in perpetual contact with the Spiritual Hierarchy. Your Higher Self is aware of your life contract and also knows what is best for you. Do not look at Ascension as good or bad, right and wrong. All that matters is your development and your needs. You are all multidimensional beings; the part of you living in duality is only the tip of the iceberg. Please understand that you are not only what you seem to be. You are far more. As well as that, you have a group of guides and guardian angels looking after you, helping you night and day. They are part of the work going on behind the scenes dear ones, as are we. Acknowledge them and ask them for help anytime. They will be fulfilled by your attention and requests.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius. Believe in the unseen dear friends. Your eyes can see only a small part of the spectrum at this time. Your eyes are still closed as it were. Soon you will be able to see what remains now in the domain of the invisible for you. You loose at a very young age dear friends the ability to see the world as it is, with all the subtle energies and subtle matter. Soon all of you will open your eyes to a new world.

Thank you
Laura Tyco
Copyright © Laura Tyco. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice link:
Translations of these messages into various languages are posted at
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Laura: Good evening SaLuSa. Here is our first question: “This is not about I am writing to you, tells to Salusa if they can to move my person to another place on Earth for making my spiritual ascension with others persons that thinks like me.  I know what’s going on with this humanity spiritually speaking, and what comes later; a brighter future for all of us.
If they cannot do anything for me about it is karma (i read the inconvenient about it:  the karma is the number one in the list), I want some information about people that can help me in my spiritual ascension and guidance here in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.  I know that you can (my brothers from the stars), that appears in my bedroom”.
SaLuSa: Dear friend. You have chosen the time and place for your existence on Mother Earth for specific reasons. So have you all in fact. Therefore you are located in the best possible place at this time for you in order for your growth to take place most efficiently. It is obvious from your question that part of you does not feel this way. However resistance is a useful force. It is important that you see the existence of resistance in you. You do have a life contract to fulfil at this time, dear friend. You also have responsibilities towards your loved ones. Your family and friends need your support and guidance now.
You will find that all you need is inside of you already. You have a healthy body and a strong mind. All that you lack now is shining your love around you. We all respond extremely well to love. A plant responds well to love, it grows faster, it blooms with more flowers, and it is healthier and stronger. Animals also perceive when they are loved by their owner. Their behaviour is more relaxed, affectionate and trusting. People working with horses for instance know of this. Love can be perceived through your tone of voice, through your body posture, and on your facial expressions.
Humans are even more sensitive than plants and animals. You are all also telepathic beings, and your subconscious knows many things. Your heart is the most sensitive tool in your body. It is your most precious instrument. It senses others’ emotions, impressions, feelings and frame of mind. Some people can only see through their heart. However the heart can be blocked from sensing. The heart can also be very hurt and this is when it is shutting itself down, in order to protect itself. Sometimes, your heart gives way to lower vibrations and generates anger, frustration and hate. Many times this results from misunderstandings.
The heart can also be trained and educated, just like your head can, and just like any muscle can. When one experiences negative emotions, such as anger, envy, fear, it is a lower survival function of the heart at work. This is why many relationships having started with the highest love; degenerate when the heart is hurt. When this happens, your higher emotional centre is shutting itself off, and the lower vibrations attract just the opposite of what the higher emotional centre wishes for. This is why it is important to remain in pure love and light. This is why it is important not to open the door to negative emotions, as this is a difficult door to shut. This is also a door opening for karmic consequences. Karma can build up over what you consider small things. For instance making an inappropriate comment at an inappropriate time can contribute to building up karma.
Being in your body, in your heart, in your light protects you from building further karmic history and also helps you clear old karma. The light sets things right, balances things out, it does not interfere with your free will and it does not hurt others. You are located in the best place for you to be at this time dear friend. We recommend you to ask your guides for guidance in meeting the right people who can help you further develop yourself in view of the coming Ascension. Books are fine of course, but there comes a time when one has to let go of safely reading books. There comes one time when one must experience what has been read in books.
There are several places from where one can experience one’s life. One can be in the heart; one can be in the head or in the body primarily. This state of disconnection is not helpful for Ascension. Connecting head to the body will help you discover your higher emotions, your real heart. Your guides and guardian angels will reply to your call for direction; you will have to be receptive and listen to what they put in your way and try it. If you usually dismiss something, give it a try this time. Perhaps it is one way your guides are trying to direct your steps.
Laura: Thank you SaLuSa. Would you also like to give us a short update?
SaLuSa: Today is the anniversary of the attack from the cabal on the twin towers. Many innocent victims perished on that day and many of you across the planet have felt the pain and fear of those who perished on that day. In fact for such a horrific event, many had what you call premonitions. They could see and sense it all happen in advance, but were unable to stop it, as not all the details are accessed when premonitions occur for lightworkers.
It is time for humanity to lift the guilt and shame of the attack of 9/11. It is time for healing to occur in New York and it is time the public to find out the real responsible ones for this terrific event. It is time to forgive and to let go of the accusations and false beliefs maintained by the media in order to justify the restrictions of your liberties. It is time to stop fearing Muslims, and to be One with them again. Those who died on that sad day are now well and ascended beings for most of them. You need to let go of them, and know that there is no need for pain to go on beyond 10 years. Your loved ones who are with us, will be soon back in your lives as our dimensions are merging. As you will also ascend, you will be with your loved friends, partner or children who left duality on 9/11 again.
We will help you find evidence against the real responsible people of the 9/11 attacks. We will also ensure that these beings are kept safe, as much anger will be directed towards them once the truth is revealed to the general pubic. As you all know, your governments don’t always tell you the truth. This is because they have something to gain from maintaining you in darkness. They wish to maintain control over your world and over you dear souls.
However we do ask you to refrain from feeling too much anger for these souls who have orchestrated this sad event, as the light cannot access their souls. These beings have never really known love, compassion, and understanding. They were never shown the way of love and all light has been removed from their souls from a very early age. They were left under the influence of darker entities that have been controlling their thoughts, emotions and actions. Their connection to the light was severed and they are nothing more than empty shells. These beings shall be put in front of divine justice and be treated fairly. Their lack of humanity and compassion will be taken into account according to the possibilities for love they had at the time.
Dear ones, the light often is prevented from accessing your bodies and directing your life because of your inner body tensions. You are also sometimes hermetically closed to your light body. Your light body can only have access to your heart for short periods of time and very occasionally for some of you. In order for you to live in your light, you must open yourself up to the light and unblock your body tensions. When you are open in such a way, you will be aware of the light within you. Your Higher Self permeates your body through your breath, but also through the pores of your skin. Light enters your body, thus enters your heart. The light needs certain conditions in order to enter your body. As you know your bodies are temples. The required conditions are you to be relaxed in your muscles, at peace, in a state of receiving and welcoming the light. The light responds very well to love and is attracted to it. Having love in your hearts will allow the light to direct your every steps.
Mother Earth loves you very much and she is looking forward to your ascension together. You have the power to help her, and to calm the weather anomalies on her surface. You have to power to transform any pain and to stop her suffering through exploitation. Although Mother Earth is a huge being in comparison with you, we can assure you that she knows every single one of you. She knows the heart and soul of each individual she carries. More importantly she also knows each of your personal history. She loves every one of you individually and understands your needs for her resources. Like a mother, she also finds it difficult to say no to you, her children. She knows many of you love and support her, and she knows of your heart’s desire to leave duality with her.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I wish you love in your heart for this day. Please soothe Mother Earth’s pain also today, as she has also witnessed this sad day ten years ago. Send her love and light, along with those people who have lost family ten years ago. Time for freedom for humanity and for Mother Earth is nearing dear friends. We continue to make contact with most of you individually, weather you are aware of it yet or now, we are with you as always.
Thank you
Laura Tyco
Copyright © Laura Tyco. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice link:
Translations of these messages into various languages are posted at
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 Laura: Good evening SaLuSa. Would you please be able to give us a short ground crew update?

SaLuSa: The current developments on your planet are speeding up. We have been expecting an acceleration to take place as we approach the end of 2011. Time is short and is also accelerating dear friends. From now on, events will rapidly follow one another. Not all the coming events will be positive in the short term, but the follow up on those events will give more and more power to the light. Do not be discouraged by set backs and delay tactics used by the dark hats, as their days in power are numbered at this late stage.


We are aware of much impatience on your part dear friends. This is of course very understandable. We too are very much looking forward to the days where pure light will shine on your wonderful planet Earth. We urge you to keep Ascension in mind  and to remain balanced. We would also like you to take your eyes off the target as you say. Keep being busy with your daily activities and keep being present every moment in your life. Keep experiencing the last remaining days 3D has to offer you dear friends. The build up of energy directed towards Mother Earth is just incredible. We are pleased to see how well you are managing the increase of the love in your hearts and to spread it around you to all those who love and who are willing to accept the light.


Your brothers and sisters who wish to continue experiencing duality cannot be forced to follow the light and they cannot be forced to follow you. So be patient with those who still reject love and light. They are simply not ready for the next stage for Mother Earth and will be safely relocated so that they can continue to experience what is needed for their spiritual growth. Mother Earth is ascending and there just will soon be nowhere to go on your planet for all those who wish to continue life in duality. Mother Earth wishes all of us to understand that there is nothing that she can do to keep living in duality. She has reached the level of development for Ascension and it can not be stopped nor delayed.


She is aware that this split is painful for you all, and much speculation and fear has grown around this area for many of you. We assure you that your wishes and your higher self’s wishes will be respected. There just is no other way for the end to play itself out. The end of duality for you and Mother Earth is Ascension dear ones. It is still possible that some undecided people will chose to ascend with her however. So please do not despair in fear of separation from your dear ones. We are never really separated. In truth, when in duality, we simply are not aware of our love and connection for the most part of the day.


Because of tiredness, stress, fear or illness you believe that you will lose those loved friends, loved husband or wife. Don’t forget dear ones, that for those of you who choose to ascend, you will always be able to be by your loved ones’ side, to protect them and love them, no matter where in the Universe they are relocated. And they, in turn will also feel your loving presence around you. They will very likely not know what is happening for them. They will not know who is the loving presence around them and helping them so much. But subconsciously they will certainly be aware of your love and of your presence.


So you see, as you are now, you believe that there will be a separation, where in actual fact there is never such a thing. You would simply allow your loved family and friends to continue having the experiences which suit best for their growth at this time. I could compare it with watching a theatre play, where your loved ones are the actors. However you can have a good understanding of the whole show and will have a first class seat to observe and even to help them at times.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius and leave you in peace and Joy. Be one, be love.


Thank you


Laura Tyco


Copyright © Laura Tyco. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice link:
Translations of these messages into various languages are posted at
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Mother_Earth_by_hellmarry.jpgLaura: Good evening SaLuSa. Here is our question today:
“Why cannot SaLuSa contact me any more directly? What is the difficulty?  What shall/should I do??”
SaLuSa: We are around you all more often than you think, either by making a mind to mind connection when allowed by your higher self, or by coming near you from other dimensions. Unfortunately, the gap between dimensions is difficult to bridge for you yet, so you are mostly unable to be consciously aware of us. You will feel an intuition after a certain period of time and you will learn to trust it. It also has to do with blockages within your body, subtle matter is blocked, very common for your species; it is not your fault at all. Certain energy blockages prevent further higher developments for you all at this stage. It is coming from Atlantis and certain entities attach themselves on to all of you periodically, and drain your energy.
This can manifest by constant fatigue, feeling of emptiness inside, various manifestations such as anger outbursts, desire to create conflicts and confuse others, tendencies to hide the truth or insecurities but also physical manifestation such as illness. Most of the above come from the simple fact that certain entities influence your behaviour and judgement throughout your day. Do not be alarmed please, but this has been the case for thousand of years on your planet, and it has contributed to shorten your lifespan, as well as stopping your consciousness development to a certain point.

Cleansing, inner cleansing, meditating will help you. We will work on this when we are here, with you as well. Knowledge was lost through time, but it can be found again. Research your path to clearing your body from dark energies and from tensions. Stepping away from computer regularly and bring your attention to your self, your inner self, your body. Circulate your attention, like a ray of light within your body. Also a good exercise is just sensing your body, your tensions just as you can experience them. There is no need for anything else other than seeing what is right now. 
The cleansing needs to be done on a very regular basis, as these entities are constantly trying to attach themselves on to you and feed off your life force. This is why meditation helps to bring awareness of their presence and to get rid of them, even if only for short periods of time. Bringing awareness and consciousness into your body by bringing sensation of your feet and spine for instance, as well as circulating your attention to your limbs and back muscles would contribute to this clearing of darker energies from your bodies. You will bring your entire body back to life, so to speak, by bringing your God I AM presence, your light to inhabit your body consciously.
We are also aware of the long hours of work most of you are required to do in order to make a living. You are surrounded by many people who are not awake yet, and their lower vibrations are also contributing in bringing your down. This is why you would find it beneficial to meditate at least morning and evening in order to regenerate yourself. You will find dear ones that having your light cleansing your body will increase your energy levels and contribute to slow down cell degeneration as a consequence. You will not age as fast as many around you, and you will be under the constant protection from your light.
You will find dear friends, that working with a group of people will also increase this inner cleansing, and also spread the light frequencies to those around you and to Mother Earth of course. She will also benefit from your light presence being strengthened. So you could think of this as taking back possession of your own body, while you are taking back possession of your beautiful planet at the same time.
Most of you spent the vast majority of your day caught up in doing what is required of you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, however if you were able to increase your I AM presence, you will find yourself also re-energised even while you are at work or going to work. In order to bring more balance into your life and remain more centred, it would help you to be able to step back from time to time and come back to your back and spine. Sense the connection between your head, neck and spine, right through your legs, all the way to Mother Earth. Bring your pure golden light straight into her soul. Imagine how much your pouring love into Mother Earth would help her. While you are doing this, something is also given from above to each and everyone of you. No conscious unselfish action, motivated by pure love ever goes unseen dear souls.
Laura: Thank you SaLuSa. Would you like to give us an update as well today please?
SaLuSa: Yes of course. You are continuing to shine above your planet and we are very please to see your progress. You are contributing in bringing a sense of fairness back on Earth and this in turn restores hope and joy into everybody’s life. It is important dear friends to share all valuable information with those around you. They will also benefit from positive news showing that the world is becoming a better place for all little by little. We have often spoken of the effects that misinformation and disinformation have on the minds. This can be counteracted with appropriate information from reliable sources.
We are allowing time for the entire network of the cabal to be dismantled piece by piece. In order to do that, we must adapt to all changes in situation and adjust our plan accordingly. You are powerful beings and all you need is to remember who you really are. We are hoping that your various governments will agree to disclose to you the fact that many of them have been in contact and working with off world technology for decades and that they are in contact with extraterrestrials for a long time. This will initially cause much confusion in the general public, and will be a further opportunity for the dark hats to install fear in you when this takes place.
In time however the true nature of your link to your space brothers will also be revealed to you all dear ones. This is the best way for you to accept our presence and to realize that we are not here to represent any threat to you and your planet. We have established that this would be the preferred path to a peaceful and joyful reunion. We are also working on counteracting any efforts the dark hats are making in order to present us as a major threat to all of you. It is a fact that the majority of people are conditioned to trust their government, therefore we prefer this scenario to unfold for you towards disclosure, followed by decloaking, leading to First Contact.
Mother Earth has renewed her call for help to the Higher Hierarchy, as she is in need for help from the now constant attacks on her from the dark hats and she needs to accelerate her work in clearing negative energies. The change in her magnetism is also putting pressure on her to shift. She can not wait for ever, especially as the dark hats use all the opportunities to amplify all her moves and try to create disasters.
We do not wish to show ourselves in the middle of crisis and confusion; however it appears that this is the dark hats’ plan. We are waiting for our Earth Ally to continue their progress and it is clear that they have been doing well so far. The cabal perceives their loss in power as a major threat, and in response impose even stronger attacks on Mother Earth and on you with their weather modification technology or by personal attacks against lightworkers. As their influence on you clearly diminishes, they are panicking and wish to create more chaos.
Dear friends, you have discovered your power when you unite for the better good. You know the power of love has no limit and you are beginning to see the results for the past few months as secret deals are exposed and as you are awakening, taking control of your life and of your planet.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and I encourage you in remaining centred in love and light. Please do not allow fear or anger to evade your emotions and to spread. Mother Earth needs all the help available at this time.
Thank you
Laura Tyco
Copyright Laura Tyco. All Rights Reserved. (Permission to distribute this message in its integrity is granted so long as you do not alter it in any way, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link. :
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Laura: Good evening SaLuSa. The first question is from a reader from Germany. Here it is: “For weeks now I am experiencing a quite dark phase in which everything is coming up that’s still within me (karma, past life memories etc.) and it feels like a stone on my heart and heavy and it seems as if it is never ending. And there are only a few moments when I can raise myself. And I wonder if I am a great help for the light in those times anyway. It feels more and more like I’m losing my identity and I don’t know who I really am anymore.”
SaLuSa: Good evening dear one. This is a normal experience for most people, as your awakening is ongoing now. Some of you are going through these stages later and some a little earlier, like yourself. You and many others were sent ahead in order to experience these painful memories, and identity crisis. In turn, your experience will help those around you when they are also confused. Your support for those who will go through these times will be of great value to them. Experience these fully, but do not judge yourself or others. You are just asked to see what is and use what you see in order to grow.
Know that the only way to set your self free from the past is to live in the present moment. If you are able to bear all that is within you and around you, while being with your light, you will be able to grow and free yourself from a painful past. Letting go is necessary and if you can not manage this alone, ask your guides for help. This will show you a way to freedom if you are receptive to their help. Sometimes tears will flow and help you let go of all that is keeping you in the dark. We can also help sometimes, so you can also ask us to help. However we are careful not to interfere with your free will and karmic cycle. We can still offer support and send you our purest highest golden love and light. This in turn will accelerate your healing.

The loss of identity is also normal for someone who is awakening. Dear ones, you have been educated since your very early age to believe you are something you are not. You have been trained to believe you are nothing more than your body. That you are nothing else than what meets the eye. When what matters most is the God spark associated with your body. You have been pushed to become identified with your role for Earth’s Masterpiece Scenario. You are far more than flesh, blood and bones dear friends. The discovery journey of who you are is part of the awakening process, you all have to undertake for yourselves.
So you see dear friend, you have nothing to worry about, as what you are experiencing is common ground for many of you now and is in fact an encouraging sign. Do not be scared by what you see. Do not stop your work, as your doubts and fears are nothing else than a healthy resistance to the changes ahead of us all. Be aware of the resistance, listen to your emotions, whether you crying or are in fear. Accept what you see, embrace it, and acknowledge it. Nothing more is required of you at this stage. What is required of you is standing strong, like a tall tree, directing the Universe’s light in Mother Earth’s heart. Stand strong and let all that no longer serves you drop down. Watch what is useless to you now fall without regret. Be centred in your back and in your spine. The bi-directional flow within your spine is all that matters now. Witnesses the light cleanse you and Mother Earth.
As you direct your love and your light within your heart and your body, you also take away and cleanse Mother Earth’s pain, dear ones. Let all negativity, fears and doubts be taken away from your realm and vanish away from your sphere. You are living light conduits dear ones. As this work is being performed, you will notice that those around you will also be transformed. Their burden will lighten up, even if they do not realize what is in fact taking place and why do they feel lighter. We recommend that you remain connected to Mother Earth as much as possible, by maintaining contact with your feet, with the tensions within your body. Be aware of your inner state and moods. By doing all of the above, you are raising your consciousness levels, and this is your mission on Mother Earth at this time.

Laura: Thank you SaLuSa. I believe you wish to give us an update now.
SaLuSa: I do indeed. Dear ones, your light is shining strongly across the planet, in spite of the cabal’s efforts to lower your vibrations. They are doing their worst in order to mitigate the weather and to maintain you in a state of constant fear and alarm. However what the dark hats did not expect from you is your support and solidarity for each other as human beings. Your love and kindness is stronger than ever before. Your vibrations are taking your beautiful planet to new heights. The dark hats are witnessing your awakening no matter what their next plan is.
You are doing all the work without much help coming from us dear souls. You are able to maintain your high vibrations, to spread love and compassion around you and to embrace the dark hats with a strength never equalled by you before. We are truly joyful to see you taking your first steps as a galactic civilisation of its own right. You are becoming a responsible star nation, with little help and support from us. This is what needs to take place dear friends. We will need to step back progressively from working behind the scenes where you are concerned, so that you are given the opportunity to raise to the occasion and assume your responsibilities as Galactic citizens.
The dark hats will soon have no other choice than surrounding to the love and light filled vibrations directed onto Mother Earth from the heavens and from your inner God spark dear souls. You are given the dark hats the opportunity to join you now as light beings and masters of your destiny. The dark hats will soon have no other choice than accepting your incredible love, or depart from this reality in order to continue in duality on different worlds. As your God sparks are becoming activated, you will find that your light is intensifying. As a consequence, you are continuing your journey towards Source and moving closer to the consciousness shift required for your entry into the fifth dimension. Your soul journey returning closer to the light is accelerating, as you are bringing friends, loved ones, but also old enemies with you into contact with the light.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and I wish to congratulate you on your continuous efforts to rejoin the light. As you continue your journey of self-discovery, you are moving closer and closer to the light. As such, your powers are increasing and your energy grows exponentially. Your efforts will soon be rewarded and you will understand what a strong stand you are making right now. We continue to assist from behind the scenes, but soon our help will be less and less required, as you will soon take back your birthright as light beings among us.
Thank you
Laura Tyco
Copyright Laura Tyco. All Rights Reserved. (Permission to distribute this message in its integrity is granted so long as you do not alter it in any way, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link. :
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fast13.jpg?w=320&h=240Laura: Good evening SaLuSa. From the questions and emails a few people are wondering why is the Galactic Federation of Light not stepping in on our planet and help us with our ongoing various crises, deaths and sufferings caused by the cabal? Would you be able to give us some insights into that matter please?

SaLuSa: Yes, as we said before, we wish for the greatest number of souls to ascend on your planet. We wish the light to be victorious and divine decree to be fulfilled of course. This is the reason so many galactic beings are here. We are here to ensure God’s will is fulfilled and that Mother Earth ascends. Along with Mother Earth a certain number of souls will also ascend of course. You dear ones are helping Mother Earth to ascend and you are helping your loved ones stay into the light.

Our duty here is of course to assist you in your Ascension, but we are very much here also to ensure that your planet’s wish to Ascend is fulfilled. Earth is a living, breathing being. She has her own rights and her own free will, which we must also ensure are respected. In order for this to take place, Mother Earth must cleanse herself from negativity and scars so to speak. When she ascends, she will carry into the fifth dimension a certain amount of souls, mainly those who have agreed in their life contract to ascend at this moment with her.

However nothing can prevent souls from fulfilling their life plan contract concerning Ascension. When we assure you that nothing can stop these souls from Ascension, please keep in mind that what you call death does not prevent anybody from Ascending. Death is in fact a sacred process, it does not always have to be a painful process, nor is it scary for those undergoing this process. Death is not an end and nobody dies alone dear ones. Just because someone dies, it does not mean they can not ascend. Please do not look at death as the end, as all of us are undertaking various lives, on various planets in order to further our growth and evolution.

You see, dear ones, Mother Earth and you are closely interconnected in many ways. You are supporting each other and depend on each other when it comes to your Ascension path. It is a great honour and achievement for a soul to assist a planet in her Ascension. The opportunity is only given to trusted and deserving souls. However it is also your duty to assist her in her journey, as you are Mother Earth’s children. You and only you can assist her best in this process. This is why we must allow you alone to fulfil your duties towards her and helping her in recovering her pristine beauty. Our presence now would interfere with your progress in working together and in learning and discovering who you are, discovering your place in the scale of the Universe.

One of the reasons so many souls chose to incarnate on Mother Earth now, is to help her raise her vibrations. This can be done by the quality of vibrations ordinarily. However, because of the cabal’s efforts to limit your levels of consciousness, Mother Earth requires a large amount of souls in order to uplift her vibrations to the required level for Ascension. Although the divine deadline for disclosure has passed, we are still bound to respect your relationship with Mother Earth. We do work in accordance with Galactic Law and Divine Law. We are bound to follow the high hierarchy’s directives, when it comes to our mission here. We are operating under a certain hierarchy and follow orders, just as you do.

Our civilisations have gone through Ascension eons ago. We are not here to forcefully impose our rule, you all have free will and we will respect your wishes concerning your choice for Ascension. We are here to ensure that you all get the chance to ascend, if so is your wish and your life plan. We are also here to help relocate those of you who wish to remain in a three dimensional environment. For the time being, these souls refuse to see what is ahead of them and they refuse to admit our existence. Many of them refuse to see their connection to the light and prefer to remain in the dark when it comes to knowing who they really are. They are just not ready to accept their own power and light because of various reasons.

We do never place any judgement on such souls for choosing to remain in duality. We also ask you to try to understand that these souls will rejoin the light once they have cleared all karma and have done the learning needed. They will rejoin you when they are ready. As you cannot eat a meal until it is cooked, one can not ascend until one is ready. There is no hurry, dear ones as your experience of time in duality is merely an illusion and you are all eternal souls.

Your principal aim when you enter duality is to learn from experiencing being in a body. The other aim is also to always be connected and in communion with Mother Earth, while trying to remember your true nature, your real self so to speak. We have no place in interfering with your individual learning and developing process. You life contract has been planned by each one of you. It is no coincidence that you are here at this time dear friend. You have accepted to descend into the lower vibrations for a certain purpose, fully aware of the risks, as well as the consequences of being in duality. Our interference in each one of your life plan would not be permitted dear ones. It would mean such a loss for most of you to steal you from your victory in duality. This is not permitted by the Higher Council of the Light and the spiritual Hierarchy.

We wish to be joining you once your level of vibrations have reached the required level for peace and harmony to be a reality on your planet. This is fully within your grasp dear ones, we have no desire to take anything away from your victory. You are all divine sparks and divine creators. Your power is limitless dear ones. As you are able to create the most painful nightmares, you will discover that you are also able to create the most beautiful reality for yourselves and for your Mother Earth.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and I can assure you that far less people than you may think are necessary to awaken you all from this collective dream you are finding yourself in. The dark hats know the power of God within all of you and do all they can with their science and technology to maintain you in low vibrations. They do not wish to see as little as one hundred of you in full possession of their God given powers. They fear you dear ones, and this is the reason they have so many plans to keep you in deep sleep. However the dark also offers a golden opportunity for your awakening. The time for taking your rightful place among your galactic family is nearing every day. Be Joy, be light.

Thank you
Copyright Laura Tyco. All Rights Reserved. (Permission to distribute this message in its integrity is granted so long as you do not alter it in any way, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link. :
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Laura: Good afternoon SaLuSa. Would you be able to give us an update today please, perhaps if you could also take into account some of the questions from readers in the update if possible.

SaLuSa: Good evening, yes of course. The incoming energies are still heretic and unsettling. Their effect is rather destabilizing for most of you emotionally. Your connection to your light becomes weaker in such periods and the cabal knows of this also. They take this opportunity to direct more negativity towards you in order to destabilize you further. As you are well aware, they are using their weather control and Earth control technologies in order to create weather anomalies, earthquakes, hurricanes, and volcanic eruptions, which in turn creates a great deal of fear and furthers down the global level of vibrations.
Mother Earth is therefore affected not only directly by the weather and tectonic modification technologies, but also by the drop in the level of vibrations on her surface. So you see dear ones, Mother Earth has always been a target for the dark ones, along with you and all life on her. The dark ones see their plans for control over Mother Earth slipping away from them, as you are continuing your journey towards awakening. As a consequence, they have decided to increase the level of attacks upon you and Earth.

They wish to disturb and unbalance your life at every level, day and night in order to force you place your trust in them. Their main strategy is fear by making you forget that you are all of divine birth and that God is all loving for all. The tactics they use consists of installing a sense of God being unfair to you all by putting you in harms way on your planet. Dear ones, we know the cabal is behind most of the upheaval you and Mother Earth are going through for a long time.
Many of you, dear souls, have given up your rights as sovereign human beings and have allowed those in power to do as they wish when it comes to your lives and the lives of your loved ones, including your pets. For a long time, many of you felt as if you had simply no say in what is to become of you and your countries. Laws were designed in such a way that power has been taken away from you for generations. Many of you are therefore used to live in subconscious fear of those who control them. As for the brave souls who dared oppose the cabal, they were quickly silenced by intimidation or by attacks against themselves and their loved ones.
As your societies, as well as entire countries are awakening, you will find more and more resistance opposing this downwards movement. Do not be fooled by the cabal, as they have plans within plans in order to keep you in the illusion they wish to maintain you in. The cabal also relies on creating division and discontent among you all. Dear ones, we encourage you to include all opinions and accept various points of view, rather than having an antagonistic approach where different opinions are concerned. Do not release anger and hate towards those opposing you, because they too have been lied to and deceived, they too are in a state of fear, they too are manipulated and controlled by the dark ones.
The cabal is controlling the quality of your food, your water and your air. The dark ones also use electrical and magnetic waves in order to disrupt your brain waves. They control your finance, your political, judiciary and health system, along with your commerce and your media. The plans to restrict your freedom further and further will however not succeed as everyday your consciousness level is raising. Your discernment and consciousness are growing even more, as your realize how the dark ones are affecting your everyday life.
Their other grand scheme is to remove any loving and joyous feeling from your heart, in order to replace these by indifference, selfishness, fear and even hate. Constant wars reinforce the division among humanity. As the dark ones have you believe the economic system is breaking down, they are also encouraging feelings of racism, patriotism and seek for support among you for the war industry to continue. They will have you believe that the only way out of the economic crisis is to continue even further to generate wars, social differences, racism, and pursuing petrol based economy.
Dear souls, as the cabal will be more and more exposed in the coming months, your light will shine strong for all of us to see throughout the entire galaxy. You have attracted to you many light beings eager to contribute in any way they can to your awakening. We anticipate that the old corrupted system will be exposed very rapidly, as lightworkers will join their efforts towards love and light. Your efforts will bear fruits in synchronicity and you will find it difficult to keep up with the rapid pace of change for a better world. Once started, the avalanche of positive changes generated by the collective human heart and consciousness will be unstoppable.
The cabal will eventually have to abandon ship, as you say and you will be left alone with Mother Earth, free from the dark ones. The planet will be back into your loving and caring hands, as it was always meant to be. There will be much repairing to do in your lives and for Mother Earth. There will be much pain, when you will all realize how much useless suffering you, your loved ones and Mother Earth have gone through. There will also be much rejoicing and celebrating for having freed yourself from the illusion.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and I can say these times will be upon Earth, as love, peace and harmony will be restored into your lives. At this point your Star brothers and sisters will be glad to welcome you in their arms again. We can only show you the way, however you will have to walk the liberation path yourselves, dear ones. We have walked this very path ourselves many eons ago and will be happy to assist you in any way we can, once we feel welcome by you again. Dear friends, these changes can be much sooner than you might think. You have the power of love and of creation. Miracles can occur over night so to speak. Do not lose hope; do not lose faith in love and light. Once you are fully awakened, nobody will be able to hold you down.
Thank you, SaLuSa
Laura Tyco
Copyright Laura Tyco. All Rights Reserved. (Permission to distribute this message in its integrity is granted so long as you do not alter it in any way, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link. :
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SaLuSa to me 22 Aug 2011
Laura: Good afternoon SaLuSa. We would appreciate an update if possible? And also here is the first question: “Between the Beings of Light that connect with us there some of them that enlightens us very much. They call us Starseeds, they tell we are Light, that we are all part of the One. And I wonder how can it be so? What about murderers, thieves, deceivers that are on power (governments)?. How can we all be equal and the same? I know I am not a saint, otherwise I would not be here, but being the same as a murderer or a gangster … it is sad to know that.”
SaLuSa: Good afternoon Laura, of course. The dark ones are at their worst at this moment. They feel cornered and are full of fear. They are at danger peak for you right now, as many of you would have guessed. Do not be intimidated by their actions and threats dear ones, as their power is fading by the day. The incoming energies are affecting them the most and they do not feel at home with the level of light present and projected on your planet at this time. They have been given every chance to correct their actions towards you and we are still allowing them time to rejoin the light. All those who sincerely wish to reconnect with us are certainly welcome.
We do intend to allow for fair trials to take place on your world as soon as a friendly policy towards us is set up and take charge. We will also offer to have access to precise records in order to carry out perfectly fair trials. Our arrival among you has been delayed for over fifty years. We have allowed for every plan the cabal has made to play out in all countries. It is your planet and we respect your wishes, your free will and your governments. We are acting according to galactic and divine laws. We would like to consider ourselves as guests and wish to come to your world as such. We long for days when we would be able to be openly with you, dear friends. 
We are aware of all the pain and suffering the cabal causes to many of you dear souls. We do protect you when the cabal launches attacks on you. However, it is not always possible to protect all of you as much we wish. The cabal actions are unpredictable at this moment and they are using newer tactics than previously. We will however adapt and will do our best to protect you as soon as you ask for our help. The dark and the light have been at war for a long time in your universe. It is not the case in all universes. There are galaxies and universes governed by the light only, and there are also a minute number of universes where the dark are the ruling force.
Your universe had a cyclic learning process. God has decreed, however that your entire universe will ascend now; therefore, a new set of rules will naturally emerge in the coming years. As you progress towards the light, darkness will no longer be present here at all. Their plan to take over this entire universe has failed and there is no other choice for them now other than join the light, or retreat. As the light will illuminate your body, heart and soul, your memories will return to you and you will retake your natural place on the spiritual evolution scale.
Those who do not wish to reintegrate their light will be sent to other universes, galaxies and planets where the dark is in majority if they agree to it. Throughout history, a handful of these dark beings are kept on a few planets, where they can review their actions over and over again. They can be kept there for eternity, while others may get new chances or return to lower life forms. A few can also eventually be decomposed through various physical laws. These are far less than one per cent of the existing souls however.
Creator, in his great love and forgiveness allows for us all to learn and evolve at our own pace. We do not say this to scare anybody; we just wish to inform you of the next stage for your world. You see dear ones, we have to act in synchronicity with all happening in your entire galaxy and universe. The pieces of the puzzle must come together at once. We have to allow for all to unfold accordingly.
Laura: Thank you SaLuSa. This is our next question: “What will happen to commun people like ourselves and the ones that are not aware of or have got no information about Ascension? I keep faithful in the Grace of the Divine Plan”
SaLuSa: Dear ones, the divine will is perfect and there are many beings and many levels of existence still entirely unknown to you. The higher the level of vibrations is, the higher the level of responsibility one has. Dark souls do get almost infinite chances to rejoin the light, considering the scale of things, if not in your universe; they will get this chance in a universe ruled by similar rules to yours. The Light has won the battle in your universe dear ones. There shall soon be no more darkness here. There will still be cycles and ages as you call them, however, the degree of consciousness will be pretty much maintained to a constant level.
When a universe ascends, as you know, there is karmic forgiveness up to a certain point. You will have to choose what the next step is for you, having said that, there are certain vibration laws which will have to be respected. These laws are automatic laws, and cannot be bypassed. For those who will not ascend, every soul will have the opportunity to review his or her life, once in the after life. Your next stage of evolution will be greatly discussed with you and all will be done to accommodate your wishes in this respect.
The ascended beings looking after you in the higher dimensions of the after life are working very closely with God and will respect your wishes as much as possible of course. Eventually, you will come to an agreement. Sometimes your wishes do not match the level required for ascension, in which case additional incarnations will be necessary. However, those requiring further incarnations will choose their life path in a great deal of detail. The beings planning your next life are very kind and loving. They will do all in order to accommodate your wishes best.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I assure you all is prepared for the next stage for your planet. We wish your planet to finally know true peace. I send you my blessing for your return home journey dear souls. It has been a long and tiring journey for us all. However you will be more than pleased with the final outcome dear friends. Things are very near to clicking into place.
Thank you, SaLuSa
Laura Tyco
Copyright Laura Tyco. All Rights Reserved. (Permission to distribute this message in its integrity is granted so long as you do not alter it in any way, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link. :
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Laura: Good evening SaLuSa. Here is a question from a readers: “How can all we (the ground crew) work together more harmoniously, effectively and consciously in the immediate future?
In order to spread the Truth, maintain the Light (disipate fears), anchor the Love energies in the hearts and minds of the human collective?”
SaLuSa: Good evening dear ones. The incoming energies are helping your awakening. There is very little you can “do” at the moment, as the bulk of energies coming to your planet from the Universe are shaking the old paradigm. The light is also radiating from Mother Earth now, her light is shining brightly. Right now, we recommend that you keep grounded to the maximum and stay in connection with her at all times.
Try to remain grounded while meditating still, and while you are in movement, or doing practical work. We refer to this as a form of prayer, a prayer to your inner God. If you can listen to your Godspark, you will know what is needed at all times. It is the most important thing to do right now: to stay with your Godspark as long as possible throughout your day.
Very often the energies are trapped in your body, in your head, in your emotions. Your body carries a tremendous amount of energy. Your energy levels are dissipating throughout the day. One way of saving your energy, in order to use it in a positive way, would be avoiding arguments, and emotional energy waste. Anger outburst, endless arguments are contributing to this waste of energy in a dramatic way.
In general, with the ongoing situations at the moment, in order to maintain as much positivity as possible, we recommend that you avoid expressing any negative emotions. Once this trend starts erupting, it will be very difficult to stop. Avoid confrontations as much as possible and chose to walk away from potentially explosive and harmful situations. Let all hurts, anger and negativity drop on the ground. Mother Earth will carry them away from you.
Negativity and anger spreading are contributing in maintaining the old paradigm. The power of violence and verbal abuse is exponential at this moment in time. Everything is magnified and its power gains momentum when navigating in these dark waters. You integrity is affected and you become corrupted by dark entities when you allow yourself to descend into these type of vibrations. It is a lot easier for dark negative entities to attach themselves on to you and to influence your thoughts and actions when you descend in these lower vibrations.

You have to become Light, dear ones. Be light at heart, have light vibrations, be in light moods. You will in turn attract to you beings of similar vibration, in resonance with you, who will be able to guide you in the appropriate way on your journey. We have already spoken of the important role your guides have for you. You will be far more receptive to their thoughts when you resonate in harmony with their light vibrations if you are closer to light frequencies.
In order to anchor the Love energies in the hearts and minds of the human collective, one must have Love deeply anchored within one’s own heart. One’s actions must be Love and more importantly, one must embody Love. You dear friends, just like Mother Earth does right now, will have to cleanse your body from any remaining impurities. Your Godspark can also help you do that. Keep your Godspark close to yourself all day, in all actions and in all thoughts. Allow your Godspark to circulate freely within your own body and clear all blockages there. Allow it to clear all past hurts and traumas. Allow it to return moment after moment, again and again to Source, to your inner energy flow.
Be connected to the energies flowing within you dear ones. This means being conscious of the energies manifesting in your body, in your spine and around your aura field. Be aware of your divine nature dear ones; be aware of your divine role at this time. When you are bringing your attention on your own Godspark, you are consciously connecting yourself to the Godspark of all living beings. Together you are all consciously connecting to God this way. Furthermore by bringing God into your own lives, you are bringing God’s power on Earth. You are collectively uplifting each other and Mother Earth by bringing the Divine will in your world.
Laura: Thank you very much SaLuSa. I believe you wished to give us an update now.
SaLuSa: Yes dear one. We are crossing a rather dense energy field at the moment. You will find that the vibrations directed towards you by the Cosmos are not as pure and clean as they recently have been. The rhythm is somehow slowing down in your uplifting journey, which is a necessary step. You will also find yourself revisiting the past more often than not and with this your mind will travel into the past. Take this opportunity to better understand the past by reliving it. Accept the past for what it is and try not to generate the same pattern in the future.
Do not be disturbed by the increasing amount of volcanic and tectonic activities right now. Nothing of significant scale will come from it, as Mother Earth is doing all she can to protect you by trying to control her movements. We are also here, should our presence be required and are ready to intervene openly or not, shall we say.
We are still not fully embraced and welcomed by most of you. The reason for this being ignorance, fear and disinformation. Many of you see us as conquistadors or some sort of demons. Dear friends, the Godspark within you is the same as the Godspark within us. We all share the same divine heritage. We are just wearing a different costume, we have evolved differently from you and we learnt to walk on a different land than you.
The Beings allowed within your sphere are those who also share a common genetic background to yours. So you will understand each other more harmoniously. Understand dear ones, that life is far more than what has been taught to you. Every thing lives in the Universe, but resonates at different vibration rates. Animals are alive, but so is stone. You cannot perceive rock, soil, molecules as living matter yet perhaps, but they also are part of the divine. When you will fully ascend, you will understand the beauty of our interconnected worlds, our interdependence and our Creator’s love for all life.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and encourage you to meditate on your true divine nature and on our true bond. You are aware of us, as we are aware of you, dear ones. Perhaps it is a matter of questioning the values and ideas imposed upon you from the outside. It is time that you reconsider what you recognize as truth. In the process you may make new discoveries about yourselves and about us. The sooner you are able to see that we are truly part of the One same family, the sooner we will be together.
Thank you, SaLuSa
Laura Tyco
Copyright Laura Tyco. All Rights Reserved. (Permission to distribute this message in its integrity is granted so long as you do not alter it in any way, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link. :
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GuadalajaraJune10,2004.jpgAs I read more and more fear mongering articles in newspapers and magazine, it is clear to me that the cabal propaganda machine is making its last attempt of spreading panic and fear concerning the “Evil Alien” fear mongering policy.
I have just seen today claims that extraterrestrials have caused the Fukushima disaster, and that Aliens are planning to kill humanity in a famous newspaper today and on an extraterrestrials / UFO website. Interesting to see how much the propaganda machine is at work today.
What we are seeing now is the cabal’s desperate attempts to destabilize the entire world and our belief system. The cabal is cornered now into a place, from where it knows that there will be no way out.
The cabal is now in the underground bunker, waiting for the end of the world prophecies to be enacted by its minions.
Murdoch went down, London went down, and somehow I wonder was the entire London and UK riots not a diversion from the truth emerging from the UK.
Now, after the phone hacking scandal, involving governments’ official, we are also seeing a bigger scandal being exposed in the British society. Now Heather Brooke also exposes the Data Dealing in the UK. 
Most of the so called western world is undergoing major finance changes and also cultural changes. We are in the middle of the entire cabal complex falling down.
Pressure is more and more put on the USA to end their never ending war profiteering murdering campaigns all over the world. The colonization of petrol rich countries must stop.
It is really sad that our culture has allowed for all these extremes to take place and that it takes mass killing, mass famines, and mass financial crash for people to wake up. The planet herself can no longer bear this.
How many more Fukushima disasters, how many more tornadoes, how many more Twin Towers must the cabal throw at us before we see clear through their manipulative and lying policies?
We are moving on into our New World, a world where humans have understood the lessons from past mistakes. We are going to move away from duality, in order to enter the light.
This will happen individually and collectively, but also on a planetary scale as a result.
We know that there have been dark extraterrestrials involved in dealing with the US government over a few years. This allowed the governments to obtain technology in exchange for what ever the dark extraterrestrials demanded.
These involved negative greys and negative reptilian extraterrestrials – not all representatives of these two races are negative. These negative ETs were here because our actions had attracted them here. These actions are the first and the second world wars, and all the horrors done during the holocaust.
Earth placed a call out to the the higher spiritual hierarchy in order to receive help, as she could no bear all the suffering she witnessed on her ground. While other races were safe in Inner Earth, her surface was bleeding with pain, pollution, violence, anger, famine and deception.
The ascended people living in inner Earth along with ascended positive extraterrestrials have been doing a lot in order to protect us from ourselves. They have protected us from collision with asteroids, from nuclear disasters, and from negative extraterrestrials.fleet222a1.jpg
I believe we are rapidly reaching a stage where we can accept our ascended brothers among us. The inner Earth beings and the positive beings from outer space are here to see us through the Ascension and accompany us in the Golden Age.
Not all of them are ascended, but all of them are highly evolved beings working for or with the Galactic Federation of Light. Our closest relatives are Sirians and Pleiadians.
There are also many other Positive Galactic Beings involved in this project, such as the Arcturians, the Andromedeans, Lyrans and many other species. We have been reading their messages for a long time.
These beings work with the spiritual hierarchy, and are working actively with Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Master Hilarion and many others, whose channelled messages are well known to us also.
As our friends and family are feeling lost and distressed in the middle of such disinformation about our space families, we are here to support them and explain the truth to them.
We are here going to need to peacefully guide them and reassure them, as we will see more and more attacks directed towards our space family. We are one on Mother Earth. We need to make our voices heard, even by using our calm and by remaining silent.ufoNASA3.gif
We find our strength, courage, light and love inwardly. Our brothers from space would like to come as peaceful visitors to a peaceful world. Our space brothers and sisters wish to reunite with us, but first perhaps we need to unite within and with the ones living in fear on our planet.
In the coming days there will be more destabilizing being thrown at us in the media I believe. We all know the truth. Our inner self knows the truth. I hope our working together will help our brother feel comfortable, confident and safe among us in the coming months.
Once Disclosure or Massive Decloaking happens, the entire planet will know we are not alone. Our planet will need to know there is no threat from space. There is no need for space weapons, there is no need crime, and there is no more need for wars. This age is on the finish line.
Laura Tyco
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Laura: Good morning SaLuSa, this is the first question if you wish to comment on perhaps?”
“First of all it is a great pleasure to speak with you, SaLuSa.
I am working in the health area and I help many people, but I am feeling without purpose to continue on Earth. Sincerely, I cannot see anymore the real purpose to stay here and “evolve”, facing so much pain and desolation. I cannot visualize once more why I used to help so many people so many times. Nowadays, for me, going ahead or stopping just now means absolutely the same thing. Would be better to stop at once? What is going wrong with me? It seems to me that I am tired, that I lost my purpose and the meaning to continue to live.”
SaLuSa: Dear friend, you have forgotten that in order to help others, you have to be able to help yourself first. In order to truly help other, one has to be balanced, so that one truly has something to give. Going through the motions at this time is simply not enough. Perhaps a holiday or a career break, or even career change would help, many of you work so many hours, that it is easy to lose perspective.
We have addressed recently a similar question to yours, and I would recommend that you read that answer as well, in relation to your question. You have all decided to enter Earth’s sphere, fully knowing of the dangers on your path. Once one enters Earth, one has to exit Earth clear of all previous karma. Suicide incurs karma dear friend, because of the pain you leave your loved ones in. You will have to repair this in a later life with those people. While it will not be on Earth, the law of karma still applies to all in the long run and it will catch up with you sooner or later. 
You speak of pain in your question. Have you wondered where is the pain coming from? Is it to do with you or with the people you help? People working in the health area are under lots of stress and exposed to much emotional pain. This pain has to be cleared on a regular basis. We have spoken of long walks; sea air and sea water would help you a lot if you can go on a beach regularly. Being with Mother Earth alone, meditate sitting on the bare ground. Bathing in the sunshine is also healing dear friend.

There is also a wide range of healing therapies we recommend you to try; you will find the right one for you. In general, speaking about your emotional pain helps, even to a therapist if necessary. You must determine what the origin of the pain is? Does your pain come from a childhood hurt? Does it come from relationships? It could also be coming from a past life.
The best way is to be your own observer. You are here and now, given an opportunity to awaken, to fix the past. You must also be aware of the fact that with the incoming energies, many of you will chose no longer to stay on Mother Earth and their decision will manifest by developing terminal illnesses sometimes.
You must remain impartial to their choice and not judge them. Do what you can for them, but do not loose your heart in this. Remember who you are dear friend; you are a manifestation of the light on Earth at this important time. Do not allow yourself to be pulled deeper into attachments and identification in the illusion.
If this is a problem for you to deal with, we recommend you step back from it, turn off the news, go for a retreat in order to learn to better balance your own energies. You really need to stop the cycle you find yourself in right now. The stop that is needed is a retreat from outer events until you find your feet again so to speak. Until you find your light and until you find out more about the reasons you are on Earth in the first place.
You need to create a protective bubble around yourself, and allow your inner life to grow and develop. Mother Earth and all those around you are affected by you. Allow your guides to help you by asking them for their help. Be open to what will be shown to you. When you are tense and believe the reality you perceive as true, you are clinging on to life, like a climber hanging on to a cliff in the air.
Your levels of tensions and fear is very similar. All is perceived as pain. Please make space and allow for inner space for yourself. As a general rule, we have been recommending meditation. We still do recommend it for you all, at sunrise, before food intake and at sunset. Just be with yourself, sensing your life force, your aura, your energy field, and sense the blockages in your body, manifesting as tensions. It is enough to see these tensions, you do not need to do anything else. Just find peace within your heart, just listen to your guides in this manner and to your higher self dear one.
Find you inner joy again and your inner child. Find your spirit and it will show you the way out of the illusion. Find your place on Earth again and how you fit into the Divine plan for the Universe. Free yourself from emotional attachments and fear. Fear of failure, fear of death, fear of not being love.
Dear one, you came here in order to experience all these emotions, to experience being lost. Taste these experiences fully while remaining anchored within your own body. While being with yourself, while being with your higher-self. You have to help yourself help you. You have to allow for acceptance and love to enter your life.
Laura: Thank you SaLuSa. This is our second question:
“We are being told that we should get ready to jump into action to fulfil our mission. How do we know what our mission is and where and when to start? By intuition only? Do we wait until after contact?
Also I had a dream this morning after calling my guides and angels to answer me on why my life seems so screwed up after I have been manifesting my desired outcomes etc.
So they showed me getting into a small vehicle, like the little round ones in a theme park that turn in circles and move around. One guide was with me. Then it started to move with higher speed than anticipated and the music was also running to fast. I looked at my guide and he said to me: You pushed that button for “speed 4″ .
So maybe we are running in 4th D. already and this still in a 3D world, and this leads to much friction and intensity and also physical problems?!”
SaLuSa: Dear friend, your spine is your pillar of light. The energies running through it originate from source itself. This is true for all of you. If you could be in touch with these energies, you will be enlightened. It is a very difficult thing to do for you right now, as much is in the way. There is much interference from emotions, and memories. You are all in general stuck in the past, relieving painful or pleasant experiences, embellishing them, according to your imagination’s creativity.
The answer for you is simple, just stay in contact with your back. You can train and practice to do so when you do meditation. As we have just explained above, practice twice a day. This will help you hear the answers, although you may not realize it for a long time. Let your actions be guided by love and light by living in accordance to your higher self.
Allow for time for the impressions you are receiving to be processed, always give yourself plenty of time. You will open your eyes and see those around you better for what they truly are, rather than having them fit into an idea of a perception of them you had a long time ago. What I am trying to say is that nothing is fixed, all is in movement. The movement is going on around you and inside of you. Keep the connection to this alive. They will have to join and embrace each other.
Concerning Disclosure, and the role all of you have, there is no need to be alarmed. If you try to keep the head quiet and just allow yourself to be in receipt of the higher energies, you will find your place in this. We are trying our maximum to make people understand the role and relationship we had with you, as a species throughout history. We have always been there, with you. If people can understand this, there will be no need to feel any fear for us.
Those of you, who have worked with us in the past, will be helped remember of this, in due course. One step at a time, as the attachments to this life, for some of you are deeper than you might feel or think. We are taking our time to come into your lives, because it is a difficult journey to undertake.
There will come a time when your past, your future and your present will merge as one. There will be a time when you will remember all and as a consequence, you will quietly take your place among us again, in the same way as one sits into his or her favourite armchair. And for some of you, you take your place in the big chair so to speak. You will then, naturally resume your duties with us, if you wish so.
However, before this happens, you will have to learn to detach yourself from the illusion and make peace of heart with yourself. Dear friends, we are around you more often than you feel. If you could only reach out to us, we would respond in our own way. Your minds are fragile and we have to be very cautious to respect your free will, your privacy and your lives.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and I am looking forward for more moments of merging our consciousnesses with you. This process of reunion is a long and a difficult one. As the walls are slowly falling down in your world, so will they fall down in your minds dear friends. You will, in good time accept the changes in your world and the changes within yourselves. Once this work is done, we will feel safe to walk freely among you again. We have been away from your public life since the Atlantis fall and we will be together again as soon as your world is ready for accepting us in love and peace. We do not come as conquerors, we come as friends. So you see… it is all up to you as a collective consciousness and it has always been in your own hands, and your hands alone for eons.
Thank you, SaLuSa
Laura Tyco

Copyright Laura Tyco. All Rights Reserved. (Permission to distribute this message in its integrity is granted so long as you do not alter it in any way, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link. :
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