Krishna Kalki's Posts (655)

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Dreamland-World's Most Secret Base

It is pretty interesting and some of the UFOs that people are seeing may be from Dreamland

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Film maker & journalist Bruce Burgess (Broken Dagger) goes deep into the heart of the greatest secret of the 20th century: Area 51, or "Dreamland". This is an award winning documentary including footage of area 51, jet flyby's while they approach from the skies from within two miles of the airspace border, interviews with Bob Lazaar, Stanton and others, including someone you'll recognize now but had to be concealed at the time the doc was made. Also travel with Glenn Campbell, founder of 'Area-51 Research Centre', to the hills that have since been acquired by the base. Learn about unexplained deaths of Area 51 workers, Government-funded Black projects, abductions, reverse engineering...
One of my favourite UFO docs.

Read more… Starseeds, lightworkers and wayshowers are the intended audience for this message on an updated meaning for Resurrection. We will discuss what Resurrection means to Christ Consciousness in the days of Jesus and today, amidst this transition out of the Dark Ages and into the Platinum Age.

Meditation in first half hour assists in the process of re-birth, revealing our Core essence of Light and Love and Releasing any approach or process that is not allowing our Inner Light, Our Natural Sovereignty to Be, just Be.

Weekly broadcast is shared live, globally every Tuesday 11am Pacific/2pm Eastern (please check time zone conversions for those outside US, given recent daylight savings time changes) at

Jill's "activation" which some would call awakening began as recently as 2008, allowing her to quickly access her higher dimensional abilities and personally interact with the higher realms.

As recently as three years ago, Jill was living a very mainstream life, using her MBA in corporate America and enjoying her family and friends from her very 3D perspective. Through a series of positive trigger events her activation began in Summer 2008, leading to her rapidly re-membering her psychic abilities, healing talents and abilities to channel messages from the highest realms. While helping others re-member their own multidimensionality, Jill is continuously nurturing her own continuous evolution, knowing we are never done growing as an infinite aspect of Source/God. She lives in Boise, Idaho USA with her husband of 18 years, her two daughters and their golden retriever. She resigned from her successful Corporate business career in May 2011, allowing her more time for her spiritual service, her personal expansion, and valuable time with loved ones and her family's love for travel and new experiences.

She offers a ten part webinar series to assist in integrating your God frequencies more fully (22USD/recorded part), intuitive sessions via Skype or phone, speaking engagements and many, many no-cost offerings including written messages, a weekly radio broadcast and its archives, many videos, and facebook posts all intended to inspire and empower you to re-member God within and the powerful connections to God we naturally have with-In.

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Zecharia Sitchin

Some 445,000 years ago, astronauts from another planet came to Earth in search of
gold.Splashing down in one of Earth's seas, they waded ashore and established Eridu, "Home in
the Faraway." In time the initial settlement expanded to a full-fledged Mission Earth-with a
Mission Control Center, a spaceport, mining operations, and even a way station on Mars.Short
of manpower, the astronauts employed genetic engineering to fashion Primitive Workers-Homo
sapiens. The Deluge that catastrophically swept over the Earth required a fresh start; the
astronauts became gods, granting Mankind civilization, teaching it to worship.Then, about four
thousand years ago, all that had been achieved unraveled in a nuclear calamity, brought about
by the visitors to Earth in the course of their own rivalries and wars.
What had taken place on Earth, and especially the events since human history began, has been
culled by Zecharia Sitchin, in his The Earth Chronicles Series, from the Bible, clay tablets,
ancient myths, and archaeological discoveries. But what had preceded the events on Earth-what
had taken place on the astronauts' own planet Nibiru that caused the space journeys, the need
for gold, the creation of Man.
What emotions, rivalries, beliefs, morals (or the lack thereof) motivated the principal players in
the celestial and space sagas? What were the relationships that caused mounting tensions on
Nibiru and on Earth, what tensions arose between old and young, between those who had come
from Nibiru and those born on Earth? And to what extent was what had happened determined
by Destiny-a destiny whose record of past events holds the key to the future?
Would it not be auspicious were one of the key players, an eyewitness and one who could
distinguish between Fate and Destiny, to record for posterity the How and Where and When and
Why of it all-the First Things and perhaps the Last Things'
But that is precisely what some of them did do; and foremost among them was the very leader
who had commanded the first group of astronauts!
Scholars and theologians alike now recognize that the biblical tales of Creation, of Adam and
Eve, the Garden of Eden, the Deluge, the Tower of Babel, were based on texts written down
millennia earlier in Mesopotamia, especially by the Sumerians. And they, in turn, clearly stated
that they obtained their knowledge of past events-many from a time before civilizations began,
even before Mankind came to be-from the writings of the Anunnaki ("Those Who from Heaven
to Earth Came")-the "gods" of antiquity.
As a result of a century and a half of archaeological discoveries in the ruins of the ancient
civilizations, especially in the Near East, a great number of such early texts have been found;
the finds have also revealed the extent of missing texts-so-called lost books-which are either
mentioned in discovered texts or are inferred from such texts, or that are known to have
existed because they were cataloged in royal or temple libraries.
Sometimes the "secrets of the gods" were partly revealed in epic tales, such as the Epic of
Gilgamesh, that disclosed the debate among the gods that led to....


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Ashtar...Disclosure Is Now

By Ireneaura

(Spiritual) I only ask,if I know I can trust.
I trust Ashtar and I trust Vrillon,of the Galactics.Simple.
They are very much my family and yours.
The message is easy to understand,only humans make it complicated.
If there is trust in our Prime Creator,then what is there to fear?
Music by Dave Pearce.

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Ek Ong Kar
One Creator, Creation

Sat Nam
Truth is God's Name

Kartaa Purkh
Doer of everything



Akaal Moorat


Self Illumined

Gur Prasaad
It is by Guru's Grace

Repeat and Meditate!

Aad Sach
True in the beginning

Jugaad Sach
True trough all the ages

Hai Bhee Sach
True even now

Nanak Hosee Bhee Sach
Nanak says Truth shall ever be.

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Releasing the Habit of Being Third Dimensional

Channeled by Suzanne Lie

February 21, 2012

Dear Ones,

We the Arcturian expression of our many grounded ones wish to assist you in releasing the habit of being third dimensional. This habit, like all habits, is a set of behaviors that originate in your unconscious mind. Therefore, you are not consciously aware of these habitual actions, thoughts and emotions.

Hence, you do not know the reason for these habits. To change a habit you must bring up from your unconscious mind and into your conscious awareness. Once you can consciously observe your habit, you can begin to change it.

At first, you may not be aware that certain habitual actions, thoughts make you feel unhappy. However, if you continue to observe when you feel unhappy, you can begin to trace that feeling back to its source. For example, you may not know why you are feeling anxious for quite a while, but you keep observing your self. Then once day, you realize that a certain thought, that used to be unconscious and is now conscious, always makes you feel anxious.

Therefore, you can begin to change that thought by trying to “catch yourself in the act.”

At first it may take several days for you to realize that you are feeling anxius because you have allowed yourself to think in a certain way.

Then, with continued observation, you realize you are anxious because you just had that thought.

Then, you have the “last time” experience, in which you can catch yourself in the NOW of having that thought. But, you cannot change it! This is very important, for you can clearly observe how the type of thinking makes you feel anxious.

After you catch your self in the act, you can stop the thought just before you have it and transmute it into a higher frequency thought.

Eventually, you will heal yourself of thinking in that fashion and suffer much less anxiety.

The best way to catch your self in the habit of being third dimensional is to be conscious of your third dimensional thinking. Third dimensional thinking is based on time, space, separation, limitation, gender and illusion.

This type of thinking brings about many fearful emotions because you are constantly on the clock of what you have to do, how far you have to go to do it, other people that you have to deal with, all the limitations that you must surmount, social gender issues, and myriad illusions. Third dimensional thinking lowers your consciousness and dis-allows you to perceive the amazing reality that is just beyond your limited perceptions.

Bringing the source of your third dimensional thinking out of your unconscious and into your conscious awareness is the same process as releasing habits. Eventually, you must “catch yourself in the act,” so that you can transmute your third dimensional thinking into its higher expression of multidimensional thinking.

It is through conscious recognition of the emotions that arise from third dimensional thinking that you can begin your process of releasing that type of thinking.

Third dimensional thinking is largely fear-based, and many fear-based emotions arise from the myriad limitations, loss of personal power and loneliness that arise from it. At first, you may not realize that you are thinking in a time-bound, third dimensional way.

However, you are very aware that you are feeling nervous, anxious, depressed, angry or sad. Instead of asking yourself what outside event initiated these feelings, you ask yourself what thought initiated this feeling. In other words, instead of looking into the illusions of your third dimensional world to find the source of your emotions, you look inside to your own manner of thinking.

If you take a moment to connect with your higher expression of SELF, you can use your superconscious perspective to quickly identify that third dimensional thinking has created your uncomfortable emotions.  At first, you may wait until your emotional reactions to your thoughts are quite extreme. Fortunately, with practice, you will learn to more immediately identify that the source of your discomfort is your own third dimensional thinking and NOT an outside source.

In this way you can realize that most of your emotions arise, not from your physical life, but from the way you think about your life. With this realization, you can begin to catch yourself in the act of thinking in a limited, fearful, separate and/or time-bound manner. This is when you can begin to release your habit of third dimensional thinking, and begin to allow yourself to remember your innate multidimensional thinking. Multidimensional thinking arises not from your third dimensional unconscious brain but from your superconscious multidimensional mind.

Whereas your third dimensional thinking has been trained to use only 3% of your DNA and about 5% of your brain, multidimensional thinking arises from the 97% of DNA that was formerly turned-off. As the higher light from the Galactic Center enters your Pineal Gland and is integrated into your physical brain, the 97% DNA is turned-on and your “whole brain thinking” is activated. With whole brain thinking, the 95% of brain activity comes online to originate your Multidimensional Operating System, which is based on multidimensional thinking.

Whereas third dimensional thinking is based on the illusion of time, multidimensional thinking is based on the NOW of the ONE. With continued experiences of the NOW, you loose time. And, with no time, there is no space.

Therefore, there is no separate. At this point you begin to have “NOW experiences,” in which you are ONE with your Multidimensional SELF. In these moments of Unity with the ONE you can perceive and experience higher dimensions of reality.

Within these experiences of being you Multidimensional SELF you begin to understand how YOU have created and chosen to participate in every aspect of your life. As you gradually return to the habit of being multidimensional, you remember how to transmute your habit of being third dimensional into the Truth of being your true SELF.

Transmutation is your innate ability to change any experience through raising its resonance into a higher frequency of reality. Raising the resonance of your reality is ascension. As you ascend with your beloved Gaia, you will choose to perceive and participate in progressively higher frequencies of your ascending reality.

Transmuting your reality as it is happening is a rehearsal to remind yourself that you do NOT want to participate in reality in that fashion—or that you do not want to participate in that reality at all. With each rehearsal you identify the reality that you don’t wish to participate in and/or the behavior that you no longer wish to exercise.

Each time you catch yourself in the act of behaving a certain way or participating in an unwanted reality, you have an opportunity to look inside yourself as and say, “I AM the creator of my reality. Why did I create and/or participate in that reality?”

There may be different reasons at different times, but if you observe that you acted, or are acting, in an unconscious, habitual manner say: “I AM the creator of my reality and All patterns of resonance are created by my consciousness. My reality, the reality that I AM creating, begins with a thought form, which I created by the thoughts and emotions that I am consciously, or unconsciously, allowing to fill my heart and mind.” This sentence is the key to being able to remain on New Earth.

New Earth is not a place; it is a frequency. It is not your responsibility to experience it; it is your choice. You can only perceive and experience New Earth when you are resonating to a fifth dimension and beyond state of consciousness. These higher states of consciousness are what open your Inner Portal to New Earth. However, whenever your consciousness drops below the fifth dimension, you will no longer resonate to that frequency of reality. Therefore, you will no longer be able to perceive the reality that is always there.

For example, insects perceive and experience the ultraviolet reality. This reality is always around you, and you can easily see the third dimensional insect bodies that are seeing and living in that reality. However, your consciousness and, hence, your perceptions, do not resonate to the ultraviolet frequency of the physical light spectrum. Therefore, you can see the insects, but you can’t see reality as they see it.

At first, ascension will be similar to the insect vision, in that you can perceive New Earth, and others could see your physical body, but they will not be able to see the reality you are seeing until their consciousness resonates to the same frequency. This example is similar to a clairvoyant who can see beings from higher dimensions or a clairaudient who can hear higher dimensional voices.

Those whose consciousness is still only third dimensional, can see these people, and may ask them to share the reality their experiences, but they cannot experience that reality themselves.

Fortunately, as your consciousness expands,  so do your perceptions.

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