Krishna Kalki's Posts (655)

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The 12 Laws of Karma...HIGHLY RECOMMEND



As you sow, so shall you reap.
This is also known as the Law of Cause and Effect.
Whatever we put out in the Universe
is what comes back to us.
If what we want is Happiness, Peace, Friendship, Love...
Then we should BE Happy, Peaceful, Loving, a Friend.

Life doesn't just HAPPEN, it requires our participation.
We are one with the Universe both inside and out.
Whatever surrounds us gives us clues to our inner state.
BE and DO yourself...
what you what to have in your Life.

What you refuse to accept, will continue for you.
If what we see is an enemy, or someone with a character trait that we find to be negative,
then we ourselves are not focused on a higher level of existence.

Wherever you go, there you are.
For us to GROW in Spirit it is we who must change and not the people, places or things around us.
The only given we have in our lives is OURSELVES
and that is the only factor we have control over.
When we change who and what we are within our heart
our life changes too.

Whenever there is something wrong,
there is something wrong in me.
We mirror what surrounds us
and what surrounds us mirrors us
We must take responsibility what is in our life.

Even if something we do seems inconsequential,
it is very important that it gets done
as everything in the Universe is connected.
Each step leads to the next step and so forth and so on.
Someone must do the initial work to get a job done.
Neither the first step nor the last
are of greater significance
They were both needed to accomplish the task.
Past, Present, Future
They are all connected...

You can't think of two things at the same time.
When our focus is on Spiritual Values it is impossible for us to have lower thoughts such as greed or anger.

If you believe something to be true,
then sometime in your life
you will be called upon to demonstrate that truth.
Here is where we put what we SAY
that we have learned

Looking back to examine what was,
prevents us from being totally in the HERE AND NOW.
Old thoughts, old patterns of behavior, old dreams...
Prevent us from having new ones.

History repeats itself until
we learn the lessons that we need
to change our path.

All Rewards require initial toil.
Rewards of lasting value
require patient and persistent toil.
True Joy follows doing what we're suppose to be doing and waiting for the Reward to come in it's on time.

You get back from something whatever
you've put into it
The Value of something is a direct result of
the energy and intent that is put into it.
Every personal contribution
is also a contribution to the Whole
Lack luster Contributions have no impact on the Whole
or work to diminish it.
Loving Contributions Lift Up and Inspire the Whole

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The Lemurian Seed Crystals will be attracted to people who can actively assist in anchoring the energies that will aid the planet in these times. They have not yet been fully activated but are helping to set a strong foundation for the original blueprint of love flourishing throughout creation. As we grow in awareness of the primal unity of all things and open our hearts, more the Lemurian Seed Crystal transmission will permeate.A Wonderful site covering information about The Lemurian Crystals
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Edmund Harold in his excellent book, 'Crystal Healing', wrote: "During the Atlantean period it was the priesthood who pioneered the development of crystal power, for they utilised their natural electromagnetic energy to effect changes in the mental, physical and spiritual bodies of mankind.





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Arcturian Activation !!!

This is a world premier these channeled images of RA have never been released before thus in our hearts we feel it is time for some Arcturian activation Revelation for all we love so dearly. Blessings Arcturus RA

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video message

Dole Fruit is the largest company in the world selling fresh fruit and vegetables.

CEO David Murdock has made Dole the leader in promoting better health through nature's diet.

I applaud their efforts in putting so much of their bottom line into research and promotion through the many new divisions that have been created inside their organization.
In June of 2011 Dole executives asked me to come to their world headquarters in Los Angeles so they could talk to me more about my efforts in promoting a raw fruit and vegetable based diet.

I was incredibly impressed with the Dole Nutrition Institute which was created solely for the purpose of researching the benefits of fruits and vegetables.

Dole is taking on McDonald's, Kraft and even the USDA in showing the world that the best options for health are found in what mother nature has provided for billions of years.

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Chakrini -

Chakrini Devi Dasi is a very relented devotee of Krishna and at a very young age started singing songs for Krishna.


I know her as a friend and i like her heart/soul penetrating songs very much....THESE ARE REAL SONGS OF THE SOUL

This is an Example-Song from the wonderful Chakrini's Songs of the Soul Audio CD. The Track is called Radha Raman. She truly is a Gopi, that Krishna adores.

Please respect this Artist. If you like her Songs you can buy her CD @



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The ‘ Stone of Love & Light’,
bringing forth a joining of energy within and all around, that of Love and that
of Light.

is a beautiful creation from Mother Earth to her children. This stone
flushes pure energy throughout each minor and major energy centres, as well
throughout the physical body, to clear and open them to accept what is within
and available all around to all beings - That of Love & Light. The Divine

A stone that resonates well with the Heart energy centre and
the Crown energy centre. Using both of these to gain and form connection to
higher realms. Rhodazez is beneficial in forming communication’s to Angelic
beings for assistance in deep healing, especially where there has been
unfortunate events of emotional hurt and abuse, as well as abandonment and
sudden loss.

makes a very good stone to be given to spiritually aware children who need to
feel secure and safe, bringing a knowing and sense of being watched over from
Angelic Beings.

A stone to diminish feelings of abandonment, of being
lost and of being lonely. Rhodazez brings the “Mothers Touch” and the “Fathers
Safety” within a single touch.

Use this stone to soften and bring
peaceful energies to tense and heavy atmospheric areas. As well as to attract
protective light beings around the home where babies and children play and

makes a very good companion to the being who has a connection to the gentler
Nature Spirits, as well as making a very special gift to such beings.

very mystical offering of this stone, is that it can truly “open the eyes” to
kingdom’s of Nature Spirits and to Angelic World’s, especially within children
who already hold an innocence and purity of spirit enough to communicate with

help’s to soften and lighten the beings energy within and outer. Bringing
peace that will shine through the whole aura. This in turn attracts that of
matching energies.

“Love is more than a feeling, it is a knowing, Light
is more knowing, it is a feeling”




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Els Basten is a writer and has her own practice for Health and Personal Development in Venray, the Netherlands. She works with animals for many years and has clients all over the world. Currently she works on her second book, that will be entirely devoted to her work with animals.

"For me it is the biggest gift on earth to work with animals and to help create more balance by guiding animal and owner. Every animal lover knows how special animals are. I feel so grateful and gifted that I can work so closely with them, guide and support them and their owners, and help them come back to balance, health and happiness."

Els developed a very down to earth but profound method to connect with animals in a pure and lovable way. - from

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Video Message

new paradigm 2012 shamanism shift cleansing 2012 mother earth climatic disaster pole shift end time new world new earth hopi prophecy 2012 December Dec 21st 2012 Apocalypse end world Rapture time asteroids Nostradamus native american calentamiento end of world end of the world as we know it end of paradigm new paradigm change Extreme Weather Patterns Maya END OF THE WORLD DOOMS DAY NEW AGE change evoloution shift timewave zero terence mckenna 2012 sightings nostradamus dimensional shift omega dedroidify Mayan Calendar Apocalypse Pinchbeck i ching prophecies prophecy alien ufo illuminati solar radiation Harmonic Convergence Great Shift cosmic cycle Pleiades The Photon belt Great Shift the wave of love red elk Galactic Federation solstice quetzalcoatl Pahana global warming pleiades orion singularity quantum revelations spirituality vision quest Apocalypse Armageddon endtime rapture apocalypto thunderbeing films ken thornton
post 2012 emergence planetary ET Pleiadian wayshowers WWIII alycone indigo galactic yoga sacred geometry pineal ufo phi om fifth 5th sun gloabl shift Pleiades bloodline David Icke lightworkers seer photons cosmic arcturian alignment enlightenment 5th dimenson mass awakening great awakening wayshower way shower heyoka light cosmic rays sun ascended indigo children 2012 milky way ken thornton shamanizing Biospheric Destruction The Quickening The Shift of the Ages astrological cycle Precession of the Equinoxes 26,000 year cycle prophecy Maya, Hopi, Egyptians, Kabbalists, Essenes, Qero elders of Peru, Navajo, Cherokee, Apache, Iroquois Dogon Tribe, Aborigines new cycle new beginning collective consciousness synchronicity 13 Baktun Count Dreamspell maya mayan peace energy energies illuminating enviroment change 5th world emergence climate change magnetic fields fourth dimension fourth world Mindship Earth Planetary awakening Sunspot signs solar time calendar mayan prophecy 2012 Armageddon End Of Days Nibiru Planet Nephlim Mayan Prophecies I-Ching Bible signs of the end transcendence divine intervention 21 12 2012 End of time End of the world The end of Mayan Long Count The apocalypse winter solstice 2012 precessional Platonic year 2012 end times new Golden age transformation winter solstice 2012 Judgment Day Maya Long count ends astronomical cycles kornkreise cycle quantum resonance Bode's harmonization harmonizing purification healing lightworkers abundance mantra Alice bailey Ascended masters Rainbow Warriors Native American Prophesy New spirituality environment Mother Earth elohi 2012 December Dec Apocalypse Rapture time asteroids pole shift Nostradamus Native American Indigenous Hopi Prophecy Lakota Floyd Red Crow four corners Indian Infected Mushroom Deeply Disturbed Infected Remix music song mp3 earthquakes meteors,volcanoes wildfires flooding comets, volcano tornado 2012 weather climatic solar flares collapse flooding meteor showers meditation philosophy chakra dimension cosmic
divine intervention future 2012 endtimes end of world times rapture ascension transcendence mayan calendar change Awakening 2012 consciousness ascension spirituality Light new old ways living in balance 2012 new world great mass awakening spiritual awakening love and light emegergence 5th fifth world sipapu Pleiadian Evolution 2012 mother earth sacred planet way of the peaceful warrior solar federation signs of the end New spirituality environment Mother Earth elohi 2012 December Dec Apocalypse Rapture time asteroids pole shift Nostradamus Native American Indigenous Hopi Prophecy Lakota Floyd RedCrow four corners Indian ozone depletion 2012 weather climatic collapse meditation philosophy chakra dimension cosmic new world order pleiadians messengers of light cycle of time serpent of light e Singularity quantum change sacred triangle stargate portal hopi nine worlds post 2012 sacred time timeless new change 2012 rainbow tribe the center living in harmony revelations good news 2012 hopi prophecy rock cosmic stargate pascal voten age of aquarius dimension planet earth blue star kachina super nova Carl Sagan message crop circles cropcircles galactiv federation of light

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Video Message

Wendelle Stevens lived at the Billy Meier compound in the 1980s and was present when the Pope was murdered in the Vatican. He was told by Billy that Samjase showed Billy the murder on a video screen and Wendelle didn't believe him. Billy said the next Pope will survive only 33 days and he will also be killed. That Pope lasted just 33 days and he was as dead as a corpse, just as predicted. Samjase told Billy many things that would come and most of them have. Some are still in our future, like Russia will take Iran and Turkey, so if Russia takes Iran and Turkey, you can thank Billy Meier and Samjase, Asket, Ptaah and all the Pleiadians who told us, in advance
Chapter 1 gets you familiar with the concept of antimatter and parallel universes which are needed to balance out our own. It's an inverse universe! I know that sounds perverse, but it's the reverse of our own. It's not weird stuff, any more than ours is. The aliens who came here were very surprised to find us. They thought all life was on their side and here we are, having fun on the other side! If they are antimatter, then what are we? Matter!!!! Ooohhhh! How weird?! So, it comes down to what you're used to. If you put mayonnaise on your banana sandwiches, then to you that's not weird, but if you have never had a banana and mayonnaise sandwich, you better try one, before you die, because they're great! I wouldn't live in a world that didn't have banana and mayonnaise sandwiches, unless it was the DAL Universe!

Billy Meier was prepared for his mission and he says it was like passing through seven hells and more. Asket guided him to help toughen him up for his life's work. Billy was a Pleaidian, when Pleiadians took advantage of humans and exploited them. Then he was a human, again and again. He even led the revolt, against the Pleiadians. Free will is something we all have and so Billy is free to quit, at any time and he's been thinking about it, but quitting means forever.

Billy Meier is taken for a ride through this galaxy and many others and he's also taken to different time epochs. So this is one heck of a ride! No wonder, he's taken there by Asket. She's from an inverse universe; Like matter and antimatter!
You might ask, 'Why did Billy get to go and I didn't?' Because Billy made the deal, before he was born. Did you? No, of course not. You have to get up pretty early to beat Billy to the alien craft.
UFO Contact From the Pleiades - Wendelle C. Stevens, is found here:

The PDF is here:
style="text-align: center;">

Video Message

Chapter 6 Other Atmospheric Planets
If you are waiting for aliens to attack us and kill us off, relax
It's already happened and we are already doomed
There were things we did not know about nuclear science and now it's too late
There is nothing we can do about it and we can't ask any alien species to save us, because that's not what they do
They feel that if a civilization does not have peaceful intentions, does not listen to reason, wages war, uses atomic devices in peacetime as well as in warfare, why should they keep us alive? So we can infect the entire galaxy? Not a chance!
They'd prefer we destroy ourselves and end this line of uncivilized beasts so that the universe is a safer place
Who needs ruthless conquerors who will use any device, regardless of how much poison it puts into the atmosphere?
They warned us and our leaders ignored the warnings
Now, we have to perish, because we have stupid leaders!
When the decision to use atomic weapons are in the hands of a failed haberdasher, what do you expect?
Harry Truman was no more prepared for the task of leading America than Obama or Clinton
All of them have been a disaster
We need to put an end to this current system
It's too much like the Middle Ages
Billy Meier is taken to planets, where they are in the Middle Ages and he sees with his own eyes, when Samjase takes him down to the surface of the planet to witness how the others live on other planets
Wendelle Stevens tells the story and he has plenty of experience in investigating UFOs and first hand testimony from those who have direct contact with aliens
I have been following the Pleiadians for years and have read the Handbook for the New Paradigm three times and started on a fourth read, but it was beginning to be outdated and I had to move on
This is just Chapter 6 of this book and it's 35 minutes of continuous reading
I must have spent 25 hours preparing this video, so if I do the entire book, it's going to take some time
I have the Akart story from Brazil and I might do that one too

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Ek Ong Kar
One Creator, Creation

Sat Nam
Truth is God's Name

Kartaa Purkh
Doer of everything



Akaal Moorat


Self Illumined

Gur Prasaad
It is by Guru's Grace

Repeat and Meditate!

Aad Sach
True in the beginning

Jugaad Sach
True trough all the ages

Hai Bhee Sach
True even now

Nanak Hosee Bhee Sach
Nanak says Truth shall ever be.

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Marcel Messing (The Hague, 1945) studied anthropology, philosophy and comparative religion, was ao staff lecturer and dean at the Higher Professional, scientific employee of the Philosophica Bibliotheca Hermetica in Amsterdam and advisor to the IKON television Via Mystica . He is a regular guest on radio and employee of the journals InSight and Prana .

As a speaker at home and abroad, Marcel Messing is known for his synthesis of Eastern and Western wisdom. Here he connects the deeper insights of esotericism in science, religion, art and poetry.

From 1991 to 2001 he lived in the French Pyrenees (Ariège), where he researched the history of the Cathars, guided tours and floor gave week.

After a few years thoroughly engrossed in the hidden forces behind the world stage, he began to see that the (spiritual) evolution of man is seriously threatened. As a result, he wrote the 2006 book Are We Awake? About the hidden forces behind the world stage. The next DVD 'We Are Awake "has been translated into eight languages.

In 2009 he received the "Frontier Award, which he sees as recognition for the work of the group WijWordenWakker, including those at the base has been of .

As chairman of Foundation Lindenhof, Marcel Messing has been for 20 years involved in development projects, especially for children (food, clothing, education and school construction). Started in India and continued in Poland, Nepal and Africa (Kenya and Uganda).
- translated by Google from

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Human Ascension into Activated Lightbody

Ascension is basically a change in the focus of consciousness. It is the natural, on-going evolutionary process of all Creation. As eternal, spiritual beings, we were created by God to expand through experience. When we choose to incarnate in the dense, physical, third dimension, we descend. We come to Earth again and again in order to experience, learn, and master this most difficult of dimensions with unconditional love. This choice greatly accelerates our spiritual evolution. The only problem is, we fall asleep in matter. We get bogged down in materiality, thinking that it is our total reality. We forget that we come into incarnation in order to return to the spiritual realms with added wisdom and experience. This is ascension. This is our goal.

All life is ascending . . . the plants, the rocks, the animals, each in its own time in its own individual way. The Earth, as a living being, is also ascending. It is happening according to the Divine Plan whether we know about it or not. Only the resistance to this process is painful.

This natural evolutionary process can be greatly assisted by consciously choosing to commit to our personal ascension. Our personal awareness and choice is so important. Spirit will never force us to accept love, joy, and inner peace. Our free will choice is always honoured. By ending our resistance, we can move rapidly forward without the pain and struggle so often associated with human life.

In past ages, ascension occurred after the death of the physical body. When souls decided to plunge totally into the dense realm of matter, they found they needed many human bodies to spiritualise physical form. When too many mistakes were made in one body and it was exhausted, the body was discarded. A period of rest was experienced without the body, then a new body was formed to allow a fresh start. Memory of other incarnated mistakes was blotted out, not as a punishment, but as a gift of beginning again, without entanglements, to meet the challenge of spiritualising the physical body. The soul, of course, retained the memories. As more and more of the soul is incorporated into the consciousness, "remembering" past experiences becomes easier.

This process of reincarnation has progressed far enough for the proportion of spirit to matter within the body to improve considerably. Now it is possible for people to ascend with the physical body, no longer needing to leave it behind.

The process of Ascension
Earth is in the process of elevating in vibration in order to attain the state of a star. The process of the elevation in vibration is known as ascension. The process of ascension involves many stages of initiations or tests, and as each test is passed, the body or planet at large increases in vibration. Humanity, the dolphin and whale communities, along with the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms are well under way in their ascension process and have been for some time.

Ascension is about growth of the Soul and expansion of our consciousness. It is about accepting full responsibility for everything we think and do. It is about falling in love with ourselves and about releasing all those fears that inhibit the full expression of who we are. Ascension is about regaining our self-respect in the full knowledge that we are magnificent beings of Light who know the power of love and who live every moment of every day by that principle. It is about actively being in service to that principle and therefore able to love our enemies, knowing that there is no such thing as an enemy. It is about seeing everyone, no matter who they are, as part of ourselves and therefore, to be revered in the same way that we revere ourselves, regardless of their behaviour towards us.

What does ascension involve?
Many people have noticed the strange changes in weather patterns occurring all over our planet, but they are minor compared to the cosmic and spiritual changes happening not only to the Earth, but to all the levels of life upon the planet.

Life as we know it is rapidly changing, and while it is wonderful and enlightening to study ancient traditions, and ponder on whether or not other life forms exist throughout the galaxy, we are fast running out of time.

Life exists throughout the universe in physical and non-physical forms and many visitors from these other civilisations are on hand to assist us through the great changes about to take place on our planet. These loving and intelligent beings are here to assist in keeping the energies in balance, and to assist humanity and the earth in the ascension process.

Parris Vincenzo Stefanow

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