Krishna Kalki's Posts (655)

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Question: How can I focus on the Fifth Dimensional Earth when I don’t even know what it looks like?

Answer: Thank you for delving into this subject further by asking this question. It is a good one, and we are very happy to answer it. Creating the New Earth is more about a feeling than it is about a vision. We recommend that you focus on the feelings of love, peace, happiness and gratitude, and the New Earth will be created through those energies. We could tell you what we see when we look at the New Earth, but those images or visions come from our perspective and are seen through our eyes. We can tell you that there is a core thread that runs through this creation, and it is the core energetic vibration of Love. Focusing on and setting your intentions on Love is really all that is necessary, and everything else will fall into place in perfect synchronicity.

The frequencies of peace, harmony and gratitude are all aspects of the vibration of love. So to simplify things even further; just focus on love. We do understand that this may feel like we are not really answering your question; but it really is not possible for us to answer this question and explain what it is you will or should be seeing. Each one of you sees your surroundings in a way that is specific to you. We can illustrate this point by asking you and another person to explain what a specific place you both have been to looks like. More than likely each of you will describe the same place differently. But if you both love this place, you will easily identify with the feelings you experienced when you visited this place, and they will most likely be the same or very similar.  Colors, objects, people and buildings may all look different, but if you both enjoyed being in this place; you will remember the feelings of happiness, joy and contentment in a very similar way.

So each and every day as you envision, intend and create the next moment of each minute of each day; do so with the vibration of love. As you think about what you want for yourself and others as you go about your daily routine or while you are doing your job; infuse the energy of love in those thoughts. As you drive home, shop for your groceries or make your dinner; set your intentions to do so with love. And as you dream of creating the New Earth, do so with love. As you choose your destination as the New Earth, do so with love. The energy of love will serve to create perfectly what is coming.

When you create and do so through the vibration of love with complete clarity, then only beauty can be created. We want your lives to be easy and simple. Life does not need to be hard, and you do not need to struggle. Struggle up to this point has created great lessons and expansion for you. But it is now time to move into a simpler form of living. As you focus your intentions and your thoughts on creating by using the vibration of love; you simplify everything. You are going right to the core, the root, the heart of all that really matters. You will see your environment shift dramatically, and the New Earth will be created moment by moment; one day at time. It will be beautiful because it was created out of love from your hearts.

Thank your giving us this opportunity to connect with you.

We honor and support you.

The Arcturian Circle.

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FatherMotherGod Amon Ra's picture

By FatherMotherGod... - Posted on 18 July 2011


We come to you today dear brothers and sisters of the stars to guide and support in relation to UNITY and heart centred life experience. We are the Arcturians and once more we give love and blessings to this channel for stepping aside so that this message may be brought to all across the planet earth. For many channels a new energy that comes in can be confusing and many channels are not following their heart and putting trust and faith in the messages they are bringing through. Dear ones we guide that if you “usually” channel a certain energy and another steps forward then please check with your heart as to what is happening. We guide strongly that over the coming weeks more energies will step forward through different channels. WE do this to show the UNITY that human consciousness is moving towards and to bring further evidence if you will that WE ARE ONE.

It is important that many begin to live through their hearts and detach from mind centred life experience. As the energies begin to increase once more across the planet then illusion will seek to teach the lessons of lack, of fear and of the end. Dear ones we guide most strongly to detach from the mind life experience, the mind cannot process emotion and it is through the emotion that you will discern TRUTH. Many have been using the phraseology of the new age and we guide that for many this is also the path they walk but for many others it is not. We guide you to look at why you would speak the words but not FEEL them. It is vital that grounding and that FEELing take priority in the human life experience, as the energies shift and multi dimensionality becomes more and more anchored in your energy system it will become more and more vital that you live through your heart. If this is not done then many of you will descend into chaos. Chaos is where illusion sits dear ones, for not being in your heart centre means that you cannot FEEL. Illusion can also talk the words of the new age, many walk in illusion at the moment. We guide you to move from the mind back into the heart.

There is not quick fix dear ones, there is no way to bypass the work that needs to be done at this time within the human heart. There is no way to anchor the new energies and create the life that is in UNITY with the rest of consciousness if you do not do the work of clearing. For many across the planet it is this clearing that is causing much distress. We guide strongly that to fall into illusion and to try to hang on to that which no longer serves is the distress, moving into the heart, allowing the LOVE that IS to flow will take you out of distress. We fully acknowledge the depth of illusion and strength of teaching around this and we note that many will not be able to move through this at any speed at all.

We guide now on the ascension process and what it means and what it does not mean. We do this to further guide and support ALL across the planet earth. Many are still engaged in competition and we guide strongly for ALL to detach from these teachings. These are illusion at its strongest, to find yourself in competition with another human or find yourself in a situation where you battle against anothers will is to fall into illusion. We guide you to take the word UNITY into the silence and allow your heart to show you the truth. Many are still misled by illusion and believe that when they move to 5D living that it will all be over, there will be no further work to do and that the world will turn into heaven. We guide against attaching to this teaching dear ones for it has the edge of illusion to it. It brings you out of the NOW and moves your focus, that is a teaching of illuson dear ones. Remember the illusion can voice the words of the new age, however illusion cannot show the FEELing of the new age, that is the reason we guide on heart centred living. Whilst it is easy to use smoke and mirrors and talk the talk it is not so easy to pretend the emotion. For many use smoke and mirrors with other humans trying to hide the fact that they still live from the seeds of fear. We guide you dear ones that if you are triggered by our words then you have seeds of fear within you.

Across the planet the truth will be revealed to each human in turn. Moving into your heart will reveal the illusion and its teaching at greater and greater depths. Those who have made the decision for whatever reason not to embrace full heart centred living will be shown as who they are. It can be no other way dear ones, UNITY is the focus of heart centred living, one cannot live in UNITY and hold fear. It is not possible the vibrations of the two are so different they cannot co exist.

We guide those who are triggered on reading our words to look within, what is it that stops you from truly BEing? What is it that promotes the fear within your BEing? What stops you from moving into the heart? Illusion will teach the heart is full of pain and we guide you strongly to detach from this teaching. The heart will take you out of pain dear ones , for the heart is your compass of truth. Only your heart has connection to source and to all other realms, for you connect via your heart to ALL.

ALL are awaiting the connection, for this connection to be strong and to be pure the heart has to be open. Many humans across the planet are not living with open hearts and we guide that this is due to seeds of fear that are sometimes found but not weeded out. Once more we guide that when you feel yourself triggered it is not enough to simply acknowlege there is fear within your BEing, you must go within and take out those seeds of fear or they will begin to germinate. This is an ongoing process dear ones and there is no end to this. It is a constant weeding out of fear for many humans as the layers are deep. It is not written how long this process must continue for it is individual, if timescales are mentioned dear ones then please process with your heart. It is not possible to put general timescales on something that is individual.

We guide strongly that for many lightworkers there may be confusion as the life path they have created has now changed dramatically. Many have fallen deep into illusion as the fear of what will happen to them has triggered those seeds. We guide you to go within dear ones and sit with the silence. The path your create is from your heart, nothing is written in stone, this is not about following dear ones it is about creating. The responsibility for YOUr life rests with YOU. This is not about waiting for the universe to show you the next step for only YOU can show YOU the next step. That is done through connection to the heart. Only when you are in heart centred living will you be able to see the path illuminate for you.

The universe will support and guide you dear ones but the decisions of who YOU are and WHAT you are is individual. Once more we guide around labels and containment. Many who are working in the field of healing are continuing to define themselves and we guide you to detach from this teaching. To define is to contain, the ascension process is all about growth and expansion not containment and labels. ENERGY just IS dear ones, please accept this truth, process through your heart and live that truth. Illusion will seek to teach it must be labelled and have rules and regulations and be defined and we guide you to look closely at this teaching. WHY? Why would it be defined ? who does this serve? Does working with energy with no rules or regulations bring fear up for you? If so why? Why would there be fear in working with LOVE?

These questions may be taken into the silence dear ones, for another human cannot answer on this. For the answer is YOUr truth, only YOU know what fear you hold deep within YOUr BEing as only YOU have experience YOUr life journey. Do you understand our words and our meaning?

For too long illusion has taught separation and abdication of responsibility and now we guide the time has come to detach from this. If you allow another human BEing to trigger fear within YOU then it is not the fault of the human who triggered it, for the responsibility of that FEELing rest with YOU. Do you see our meaning ?

We are the ARCTURIANS and we will guide more in due course through various channels. If you are reading our words and you channel then please process our words through your hearts. If a new energy steps forward for you to channel then process this and ask the questions you need to ask. We are in UNITY dear ones, separation teachings must be detached from. Human consciousness will continue to heighten but we guide that UNITY must be understood from the heart. Move into your heart will enable you to understand our words at a much deeper level for the human mind cannot fully understand emotion, that was not the purpose of its creation.

We once more send love and blessings to this channel for her trust and faith in our words. We are the ARCTURIANS, we are your brothers and sisters from the stars. ALL ARE ONE.


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Concepts: Physalia, a Floating Ecosystem...interesting

1 Physalia A museum, nightclub and filtration system, Physalia uses its hull and rooftop plants to scrub away pollution. Courtesy Vincent Callebaut Architecture

2 The interior of the ship's water garden

3 A sunset view from the passenger deck

4 The steel hull is plated with titanium-dioxide-coated aluminum.

5 Hydroturbines under the hull generate electricity.


Physalia is half-boat, half-building, and all green. This mammoth aluminum concept by Belgian architect Vincent Callebaut is meant to travel Europe’s rivers, making filthy water drinkable. At the same time, the ship generates more energy than it uses.

A coat of titanium dioxide paint brushed onto the silvery shell will neutralize pollution by absorbing ultraviolet rays, enabling a chemical reaction that decomposes organic and inorganic toxins. (It’s the same technology used in certain high-tech concrete that breaks down airborne particulates.) As the vessel whips along, purifying waterways, it can draw on both solar and hydro power. Turbines under the hull transform water movement into electricity, and rooftop photovoltaic cells harness energy from the sun. The roof doubles as a nursery, whose carefully selected plants help filter river gunk, whether from the Thames, Rhine or Euphrates.

But Physalia isn’t just designed to be a working ship. The vessel will also be a floating museum of sorts. Scientists who study aquatic ecosystems can hole up in the dedicated “Earth garden” lab, and tourists can visit temporary exhibits in a “water garden” or settle into a submerged lounge that could easily pass for a London nightclub. Callebaut, 33, dreamed up the idea after last year’s United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen shone a long-overdue spotlight on global water issues. He has some lofty terms for his project: It’s a “nomadic hydrodynamic laboratory,” a “fragment of living earth,” and a “floating agora” on a “geopolitical scale.” Others might just call it a cool idea.

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Is main stream media finally jumping on board? The short answer is "Yes"! The proof is now undeniable. Those of us "in the know" have been predicting this for years. It's only a matter of time until everything else starts coming to fruition!


2012 Galactic Plane Explained, pole shift's,and earth's possible demise


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Big Science: The Universe's Ten Most Epic Projects

By Gregory Mone, Brooke Borel, Katherine Bagley and Jennifer Abbasi

10: The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider

Brookhaven National Laboratory

A time machine to reveal the origins of the universe

When gold ions speeding inside the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider on Long Island, New York, smash into each other, these collisions can produce temperatures of up to 7.2 trillion degrees Fahrenheit, so hot that protons and neutrons melt. As those particles disintegrate, the quarks and gluons of which they are comprised freely interact to form a new state of matter, called a quark-gluon plasma. As the material cools after the collision is over, protons and neutrons re-form, producing 4,000 subatomic particles in the process. Using the RHIC, scientists are trying to re-create the conditions that existed during the first millionth of a second after the big bang.

Scientific Utility

To better understand how matter has evolved in our universe, physicists at the RHIC send gold atoms through several accelerators, stripping away their electrons so they become positively charged ions. Those ions launch into two circular tubes and race at up to 99.9 percent of the speed of light before they collide. In examining the remnants of these collisions, the scientists have found that particles at this post-big-bang stage behave more like a liquid instead of the predicted gas.

What’s In It For You

RHIC scientists are currently developing devices that accelerate protons and more precisely guide them to irradiate and kill cancerous tumors in humans. Engineers have also used the heavy ion beam to punch tiny holes in plastic sheets, making filters that can sort substances at the molecular level. Down the line, we might see more-efficient energy-storage devices based on the superconducting magnet technology used in the RHIC.

9: Neptune, The World's Largest Undersea Observatory

Neptune Canada

Oceans cover nearly three quarters of the Earth’s surface and contain 90 percent of its life, yet they are almost entirely unexplored. Neptune, an ocean-observatory network that consists of some 530 miles of cable and 130 instruments with 400 sensors, all of it connected to the Internet, will provide the first large-scale, around-the-clock monitoring of an ocean system, including animal life, geology and chemistry.

Scientific Utility

Neptune’s battery of instruments, which lie as far as 220 miles off the coast of British Columbia on the Juan de Fuca tectonic plate, offer a real-time view of the area. A tethered float, outfitted with radiometers, fluorometers and conductivity sensors, ferries up and down the 1,300-foot water column from the seabed to the surface, sampling the column’s chemical and physical conditions to determine how it changes over time. A remotely operated vehicle called ROPOS installs instruments and gathers data.

Its high-definition camera provides still photographs and video of animals and their behaviors, which scientists could use to gauge changes in the local ecosystem. Hydrophones positioned on the seafloor record dolphins and whales to track their numbers and migration routes. And a remotely operated crawler named Wally drives over the seabed to monitor underwater methane deposits, which could exacerbate global climate change and also be a potential source of energy.

What’s In It For You

Armchair (and professional) scientists worldwide can tune in over the Internet to see streaming video of Wally the crawler rolling over the seafloor, watch deep-sea tubeworms waving in the currents of a hydrothermal vent, or listen to a humpback-whale song.

8: The Very Large Array

National Radio Astronomy Observatory/Associated Universities

Radio telescopes listening to the cosmos

Positioned on hundreds of square miles of desert outside Magdalena, New Mexico, the Very Large Array (VLA) is one of the largest telescopes in the world. Its 27 individual radio antennas, each of which is 82 feet in diameter, form a Y with arms 13 miles long and gather signals from some of the brightest objects in the universe. Its sister project, the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA), is a line of 10 radio antennas that extends 5,531 miles from Hawaii to the Virgin Islands. The VLA and VLBA create detailed images of celestial objects as close as the moon and as far away as the edge of the observable universe.

Scientific Utility

Because radio waves can penetrate the cosmic dust that obscures many objects, the VLA and VLBA can see things that optical telescopes can’t. Using the VLA, scientists have studied the black hole at the center of the Milky Way, searched for the origins of gamma-ray bursts in faraway nebulae and, in 1989, received radio transmissions from the Voyager 2 satellite as it passed Neptune, giving us the first up-close photos of the gas giant and its moons. The VLBA measures shifts in the Earth’s orientation in the universe. By focusing on distant, virtually fixed objects—such as quasars—over time, scientists can detect any apparent changes in Earth’s orientation in space. This orientation can be thrown slightly out of place during major earthquakes, like the one that struck Japan earlier this year.

What’s In It For You

Pick a chapter in a modern astronomy textbook, and you will find some material or theory based on data collected by the VLA and VLBA. The VLBA also gathers data on the paths of near-Earth asteroids, which could help scientists predict if one is on a collision course with our planet.

7: The National Ignition Facility

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

A giant laser fusion experiment

Considered the world’s largest and most energetic laser, the National Ignition Facility, located in Livermore, California, stretches the length of three football fields, stands 10 stories tall, and generates two million joules of ultraviolet energy. That blast can cause the laser’s target to reach temperatures of more than 100 million degrees and pressures of more than 100 billion times the Earth’s atmosphere—similar to conditions found in the cores of stars and gas-giant planets.

Scientific Utility

When the 192 individual beams that make up the NIF laser converge on a target that contains atoms of deuterium (hydrogen with one neutron) and tritium (hydrogen with two neutrons), the atoms’ nuclei fuse and create a burst of energy. NIF scientists are trying to refine this process to produce, for the first time, a net energy gain from fusion reactions. They are also using their research to study what happens to nuclear weapons over time, a crucial question when judging the safety and reliability of the U.S. stockpile. Finally, because conditions in the laser’s target mimic those in the cores of massive stars, scientists hope to understand how fusion produced some of the heavy atomic elements, such as gold and uranium.

What’s In It For You

If you happen to be storing nuclear weapons in your home, NIF data could help you determine whether your stockpile is reliable. Otherwise, some NIF proponents say that it could provide fusion power—although a fusion power plant probably won’t be based on giant lasers.

Suicide Mission

NASA/JPL-Caltech/Lockheed Martin

Just before Juno enters Jupiter’s orbit in 2016, the spacecraft, pulled by the gas giant’s tremendous gravity, will reach speeds of 134,000 miles an hour, making it one of the fastest human-made objects ever built. Once in orbit, the craft will make 33 passes around the planet and then dive directly into it. On its suicide run, it will plow through Jupiter’s hydrogen atmosphere until it burns up like a meteor.

Scientific Utility

While Juno circles Jupiter, a suite of nine instruments will study the planet’s many layers. Jupiter was the first planet in the solar system to form, and because it is so large, its gravity has retained original material found in the early solar system, primarily hydrogen and helium. This characteristic makes the planet a valuable window into the solar system’s origins. Measurements of Jupiter’s magnetic field could finally resolve the debate over whether the planet has a rocky core. Juno’s magnetometers will characterize the depth and motions of the metallic hydrogen ocean found in the interior, which generates the strongest magnetic field in our solar system aside from that found around the sun. Finally, a microwave radiometer will measure the amount of water in Jupiter’s deep atmosphere, a key to understanding how the planet was originally formed.

What’s In It For You

Study of Jupiter’s complex weather patterns could help us predict our own, but for the most part this is pure scientific research.

5: Advanced Light Source

Roy Kaltschmidt/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

The ultimate microscope

Since 1993, researchers at the Advanced Light Source, a particle accelerator in Berkeley, California, have been sending a photon beam a million times as bright as the sun’s surface into proteins, battery electrodes, superconductors and other materials to reveal their atomic, molecular and electronic properties.

Scientific Utility

The ALS is one of the brightest sources of soft x-rays, which have the right wavelengths for spectromicroscopy, a scientific technique that reveals both the structural and chemical makeup of samples only a few nanometers wide. In 2006, scientists at the ALS helped determine that dust captured from the tail of a comet formed near the sun very early in the solar system’s history, showing that the cosmic ingredients that originated in our corner of the universe started mixing earlier than we thought. That same year, Roger D. Kornberg of Stanford University won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for work at the ALS on the 3-D structure of RNA polymerase enzymes. The structural data allowed him to describe how DNA is translated into RNA during a process called transcription.

What’s In It For You

Work at the ALS on a protein associated with melanoma aided the development of a novel medication to combat the disease. The drug is currently in Phase II and III clinical trials. Other data from ALS could lead to high-capacity lithium battery electrodes, which would increase the battery’s charge capacity. Finally, understanding the physical and electronic structure of flat sheets of carbon, called graphene, could spur the development of atomic-scale transistors and much faster computer processors.

4: The International Space Station

NASA/Paolo Nespoli

An orbital laboratory

It takes $2 billion a year and thousands of employees to keep the lights on at the International Space Station. So far, 201 people from 11 countries (and seven well-heeled tourists) have visited the ISS, which has supported the longest continuous human presence in orbit: 11 years this November, with about a decade more to come. The ISS also plays host to the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS), the largest, heaviest instrument ever to be flown in space.

Scientific Utility

On the ISS, scientists and astronauts from NASA and its international partners test spacecraft components and support systems that could be used for long-distance human spaceflight. They also examine human physiology, studying the effects of weightlessness on bone density and red-blood-cell production and how the immune system changes during long periods in space. As of May, researchers have had access to the AMS, an instrument capable of detecting strangelets, quarks that have been made in particle accelerators but have never been observed in nature.

What's In It For You

Research performed on the ISS led to the discovery that salmonella bacteria become more virulent in space. That discovery, and the identification of the genes that cause the change, are fueling the development of the first vaccines to combat salmonella and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteria, the staph infection that has plagued thousands of hospital patients.

3: Spallation Neutron Source

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

A movie camera for molecules

Every month, the Spallation Neutron Source in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, draws between 25 and 28 megawatts of power from the electrical grid and uses about 8.5 million gallons of water to stay cool. During operation, the particle accelerator in the SNS sends bursts of two quadrillion neutrons per pulse down into a target chamber. These dense clouds of neutrons deflect off materials to reveal how atomic structures change over time.

Scientific Utility

The SNS sends neutrons hurtling toward a sample at up to 97 percent of the speed of light. But unlike particles in a collider, neutrons do not create large explosions when they hit their sample. Because they are small and have very little energy, neutrons interact only weakly with matter. As the neutrons pass through a sample, they scatter off the atomic nuclei in the sample. That interaction changes the energy and direction of those neutrons, and 14 different instruments, positioned a few feet from the sample, record those changes in trajectory.

Software then adds up all the scattering data to produce the atomic structure of the sample. Because the SNS sends packets of neutrons at a rate of 60 pulses per second, it can record how structures change over time, like shooting individual frames of a movie and then stitching those together into motion.

What's In It For You

Better batteries. Scientists are using these atomic-scale movies to monitor batteries as they charge and discharge in real time. It will also be used to study protein structure.

2: The Large Hadron Collider

Maximilien Brice/CERN

A proton accelerator to find the elusive god particle

Buried 330 feet beneath the border of Switzerland and France, the Large Hadron Collider is the world’s largest particle collider. The facility requires 700 gigawatt-hours of energy and some $1 billion annually to run. More than 10,000 researchers, engineers and students from 60 countries on six continents contribute to the LHC’s six standing projects, which are designed to unlock the fundamental physics of the universe.

Scientific Utility

What exactly is dark matter? Are there extra dimensions in space? Does the Higgs boson, commonly referred to as the “God particle,” exist? How did the universe form? The LHC’s six particle detectors record and visualize the paths, energies and identities of subatomic particles, which may answer some of these questions. The ATLAS project’s detector, for example, is searching for collision events in which there appears to be an imbalance of momentum—an indication of the presence of the supersymmetric particles thought to make up dark matter. The Compact Muon Solenoid project complements ATLAS by searching for supersymmetry and the elusive Higgs boson. LHC-Forward will simulate high-energy cosmic rays, and LHC-Beauty will provide information on why the universe is made up of matter rather than antimatter. TOTEM tracks proton collisions and provides data on the proton’s inner structure. And ALICE will track quark-gluon plasmas, similar to experiments conducted at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (also on this list).

What's In It For You

Though the LHC has brought black-hole alarmists out of the woodwork, the project will have little effect on our day-to-day lives, unless your family and friends are the type to discuss the origins of the universe over dinner.

1: The Earthscope


A telescope to peer deep into the heart of our planet

Designed to track North America’s geological evolution, EarthScope is the largest science project on the planet. This earth-sciences observatory records data over 3.8 million square miles. Since 2003, its more than 4,000 instruments have amassed 67 terabytes of data—that’s equivalent to more than a quarter of the data in the Library of Congress—and add another terabyte every six to eight weeks

Scientific Utility

Researchers are using EarthScope, which consists of many kinds of experiments, to examine all facets of North America’s geological composition. Across the continental U.S. and Puerto Rico, 1,100 permanent GPS units track deformations in the land’s surface caused by tectonic shifts below. Seismic sensors next to the active San Andreas Fault in California record its tiniest slips, while rock samples pulled from a drill site that extends two miles into the fault reveal the grinding and strain on the rocks that occur when the two sides of the fault slide past each other during an earthquake. And over the course of 10 years, small crews have hauled a moveable array of 400 seismographs across the country using backhoes and sweat. By the time the stations reach the East Coast next year, they will have collected data from almost 2,000 locations.

What's In It For You

Collectively, EarthScope’s measurements could help explain the forces behind geological events such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, leading to better detection. So far, data from the project has shown that rocks in the San Andreas Fault are weaker than those outside it and that the plume of magma under Yellowstone’s supervolcano is even bigger than previously suspected.


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Thank you so much for asking us this.  We appreciate the opportunity to provide a response to it.

There are many spiritual guides and messengers that come forth to bring information to your physical realm. Guides of all types and energetic frequencies exist in all dimensions. They can be of different levels of mastery and skill level and also at different levels in their own evolution. Where they exist or come from is really not as important as what their intent and purpose is for connecting with you. You can use the same guidance system that you use to decide if any type of information is good or not for you to determine whether the information in our transmissions will assist you or not. If it feels right and true and it expands you, then the information will most likely assist you. If you feel bad after reading a transmission or you are left feeling fearful or stressed, then it will be in your best interest to not follow our advice.

A true guide will never provide you with information or guidance that scares you or makes you feel bad. We are here to assist you and to support you. We want only the best for you, but it is up to you to choose how to proceed with your life. We may offer advice, but it is your choice to determine if it makes sense to you. A benevolent guide will never feed your ego but will be happy for you when you evolve, grow and expand. A less evolved guide may try to provide you with predictions of a disastrous future or advice on how to evolve or succeed very quickly. Their main purpose for connecting and providing you with this type of information is to feed your ego-based self. They thrive on eliciting heightened and fear-based emotion from you and leaving you with a sense of being powerless.

Each person inherently has an inner guidance system that will steer you to what is right and true for you. Many people call it a gut feeling. We encourage you to determine if our messages feel right and true to you. Ask yourself if the information helps you, if you are learning and expanding from it or if conversely it is limiting you in some way. We encourage you to use your own wisdom, intuition and your core truth with any guidance you receive.

Remember that true guidance comes from a place of unconditional love and the desire to help you expand and learn in the easiest and most loving way possible.

With love and light,

The Arcturian Circle.

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Today is a very important day. We are sure that you can feel it at some level in your body, in your mind and in your heart center. We want you to know how happy we are to report this amazing and wonderful news. It is because of the vantage point from where we reside that we can see the big picture. Your physical being may be experiencing only a fragment or a portion of this huge heart opening, but at a higher level you also have this awareness.

Your planet and every being on the planet has been going through many accelerated changes, some of which can look and feel terrifying and even chaotic. But we can see the higher vision of all that is happening and want to assure you that everything is happening in perfect alignment, at the perfect time in the perfect order.

When you look around your planet you can see that so many events are taking place where people are coming together in very large groups. Some of these events are joyous and happy occasions like the royal wedding and the beatification in Rome. Other events are more dire, but nonetheless people are coming together to help one another (e.g. Japan earthquake, the tornadoes and other weather related events in the U.S.). We mention only a few events; there are so many happening in the world right now. One of the most common threads of energy that runs through all of these events is that many people are gathering together, sharing energy for a common purpose. When humans gather together in small or large groups and they share a common purpose, their heart centers link to each other and the energy is activated exponentially. This is a very natural occurrence, and it is essentially how you interact with others when you are in your non-physical, energetic state. You do not need to have intent or action for this linking of your collective heart centers. You simply must come together, physically, emotionally or mentally. It does not matter whether you are physically near each other or are joined by telephone, web cast or television. Your higher level programming knows to kick in when you are gathered together and are focused on a common purpose.

Imagine what this looks and feels like. Over a million people are gathered in person to witness a joyous occasion and even more people are linked to this joyous occasion through the Internet and television and many other means. It is a joy-filled and happy event, and the linking of your collective energies amplifies that energy greatly. The same thing happens even when a disastrous event takes places like the earthquakes or tornadoes. People all over the world want to help, they link their heart centers again and the energy amplifies. So many major events and experiences are happening at a rapid rate across your planet. You are relearning what it is like to connect your heart centers again and realizing that your energies when used together are extremely powerful. Once humanity’s heart is synchronized, you will continue to work together like this. You will understand that before action, inspired intent and joining of energies will literally help you move mountains. Remember that we explained previously that to understand the magnification process, you simply multiply the number of people who are joined together in focused intent physically or virtually by itself and then multiply that by 1000. Yes, that is correct. 

As the heart center of your collective consciousness opens, you may have some physical experiences. We will name a few and let you know that it is perfectly normal. You may experience headaches and body aches, foot and knee pain, allergy symptoms and even a feeling of being light headed. You may need to sleep more or have trouble sleeping. These simply are usually associated with bringing more light into the body and allowing lower and denser vibrations to be released. Focus your heart on taking care of yourself and giving yourself what you need: more water, more rest or seeking the help of a medical professional. As the energies stabilize and balance, you will feel better.

Your Sun is a key energy in assisting with the shifting of the energies for all the beings on your planet and for Mother Earth herself. You can align yourself with the Sun’s energies for feeling very grateful to her for the life she brings to your planet. She will continue to bring life and light and will assist in the ascension of every living being on your planet. You can allow yourself to feel grateful for her help and simply set an intention that you will easily accept her shifting energies. How do you do this? It is very simple. Just be thankful for the energy she provides to you and appreciate her warmth and light. When you express gratitude and appreciate for the Sun, you will align your vibration to her shifting vibration. It is really that simple.

We are telling you this because we want you to see and feel the progress you are making. We want you to hear good news and to feel excited and joyous about it. We want you to move past hope into a knowing that you are making wonderful progress and are remembering what you came to remember. Please know that you can continue this progress by being together in groups of any size. Join your heart centers together and feel happiness and love. Imagine a perfect world, imagine what you want and let go of what you do not want. You can do this by yourself, with friends, acquaintances or loved ones. You can do this while in nature or while at work. It really does not matter how you do it or when you do it. Just do it!

We love and honor you.

Until next time.

The Arcturian Circle.

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This is a very exciting question, and we are so happy that there are others that would like to connect with our energy. We are open and available to anyone who would like to connect with us. Many of you resonate deeply to our energy for many reasons. Some of you originated from our planet, Some of you have spent time on our planet, and others can connect deeply to the energy of our vibration for Arcturus is a model for the future of your beautiful planet, Earth. It matters not why you feel drawn to our energy, You only need a desire to connect to us as we also want to connect with each of you.

Telepathic or channeled communication is something that is possible by everyone on your planet, and we will provide you with a basic template for connecting with us. We do want you to understand that each of you will receive our energy or information in a way that makes sense for you. Some people will receive information with us through writing, others through images and still others through thoughts and words. Because you are individuals with preferences, you will need to find the way that works best for you. We will provide you a basic template for connecting, and you can use this template and practice. If you find you need more personalized instructions, we suggest that you request a personalized session with Debbie.

The key to connecting with the Arcturian Circle is to detach yourself from your ego. Just let go of your thinking mind and relax. We suggest that you place yourself in a space that feels very comfortable. Prepare yourself as you would prepare yourself for a meditation experience. Begin by breathing very slowly and very deeply. Relaxing your body and relaxing your mind. Let go of all mind talk or mind chatter. You can do this by just setting an intention to do so. Simply say to yourself, “I now let go of all mind chatter.” Take a deep breath and let it go.

We highly recommend that you connect yourself to Mother Earth for grounding purposes at this point. Ask Mother Earth to assist you in grounding your core to her core. Imagine that you have roots growing out of the bottom of your feet and going deep down into Mother Earth. Thank her for assisting you in this grounding.

Now set an intent to connect to only those beings of light and love. Feel and see your heart center opening and expanding. The key to connecting with the Arcturian Circle is to do so through your heart center. You can expand your heart center by remembering a time when you were very loved and very happy. Once you remember this time, now remember the feeling and allow that feeling to permeate your heart center. Breathe in that feeling, and see your heart center expand and open very deeply. You can also open your heart center by placing the image of a rosebud on top of your chest where your heart rests. Take a deep breath and see and feel the rose blooming and opening. Take another deep breath and see it opening and blooming. As the rose opens and blooms so your heart center expands in concert.

Now your heart center is open. This is the channel for connecting to the higher realms and for connecting to the Arcturian Circle. Now ask for a heart-to-heart connection to the Arcturian Circle. You can assist this connecting by seeing a light connection or a laser beam of light moving out from your heart center and soaring upwards to connect with the Arcturian Circle. We, the Arcturian Circle, consist of 12 light beings.radiating with many different colors (amethyst purple, rose, emerald green, forest green, sunshine yellow, turquoise, sky blue, red, orange, light pink, dark teal and lime green). Many people, when they connect to us, see our colors and some see columns of light. You may also see us in our pure energetic form of eight- foot tall beings with very large wings and a face that looks a bit like a praying mantis. It really does not matter if you see us or not, just knowing that you are connecting to us through your heart center is all that is needed.

You are now connected to us. Your heart center to our heart center. We suggest that you just allow yourself to sit with the connection and allow the energy to flow between us. Allow yourself to feel the connection. When you are ready simply think your question, and we will respond. Whatever you want to know, we are happy to respond. Please know that you may receive your answers through images, thoughts, feeling or words. Each of you is tuned differently and has a preference for how you receive telepathic or energetic communication. Take your time and allow the information to flow between us. We are here to assist, and we love any and all connections between the ourselves and you.

Also remember that you have grown up communicating via verbal language. So, to move back into your initial form of communication may take some practice. Relaxing and disengaging your mind is really critical to receiving our energy.

Also, if you would like healing energy for your physical, mental or emotional body; ask us and give us permission to provide that to you. We are here to assist you, but you must ask.

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If you’ve ever wondered why you’re here and what it all means, the Arcturians can answer these and many other questions.  The Arcturians or Angels of Light are a race of the highest spiritual beings who are here watching over us and paving the way for us to find peace and return home at last.

Home Sweet Home


Doesn’t that feel wonderful? The thought of home brings the feelings of warmth, safety, protection, happiness and comfort. Home can be a place, and it can be a feeling. You can build a house, but not a home. A home is created out of love. It can exist anywhere, and you can always carry it with you.

The phrase “home is where your heart is” seems so simple, but yet is extremely profound at the same time. It so accurately describes what a home truly is, in its simple and more basic form. Our home is where our hearts exist, here and now.

When we are in spirit, in our purest energetic form, we are all connected. We are ONE. When we are one and in our pure energy form connected with each other, we are truly HOME.

Now we are returning to that space, that frequency, that beingness while we are in physical form. We may be separated by body, but we are forever and always connected by spirit. We are reconnecting ourselves to the energy of home while in ourphysical bodies, and we are reconnecting ourselves to each other. We are remembering and awakening to the knowledge that we cannot exist alone — we must allow the knowing to return to us, to reconnect us to each other and to reconnect us to ONEness.

To allow us “Our Return Home”.

When love, respect and gratitude exist,the energies that are needed to sustain life; automatically manifest.”  The Arcturian Circle

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The energy that surrounds you at any given time, is always, always a reflection of what you are thinking and feeling. We know that there is so much going on in the world today that it can be difficult for you to bring yourself back to your center and recognize that all that is around is a reflection of that which is within you. Now is the perfect time for us to remind you that you can go within to create peace around you.

Everything that you see, you experience, you feel in your external world is always a reflection of what you are feeling in your inside world. You can easily experience peace and tranquility around you if you choose to focus on peace and tranquility. The single and most important thing that you can do to help Mother Earth and the people and beings of your planet is to create peace, harmony and love there. As human beings who are having a very physical experience, you tend to react in seeing all that is around you and want to change it. The more you want it to be something different than what it is, the more it becomes an even larger display of what you do not want. We can tell you without doubt that you can change the world around you, but you cannot do so from the outside. You can only do this from the inside, from the inside of you.

To begin this important endeavor, we ask you to become acutely aware of what you see and feel around you. You must really see what is around you, and you must really feel what is around you. Become aware of your surroundings. Look and feel what is around you as if you are watching a play or a show. As you become aware of what is around you, what is really around you, you can then take the next step of accepting that you created all that surrounds you. This step is sometimes harder to accept and harder to comprehend. But we assure you that there is nothing that surrounds you that you did not vibrationally attract into your surroundings. All that surrounds you is there because it matches your vibration. Yes, this includes even those things that you do not like. We can actually hear you saying, “No, that cannot be right.” Oh, but it is. You are vibrational beings, living in a vibrational world, a magnetic world where those things that vibrate like each other are attracted to each other. Like attracts like, whether you like it or not (LOL).

The next step is what is truly meant by the words “conscious creator.” When you look around you and you choose to accept that all that surrounds you is there because you attracted it into your reality, you become aware. You become aware that you are consciously creating your reality. That is a big AH HA moment, and a really good one at that! Yeah! Hurray! Yippee! There are many more words that we could use to show our delight when one of our precious human friends become aware of their ability to create and they take responsibility for that which they have created. Because when you realize that you have created all that is around you, the next Ah HA moment is the one where you say, “Oh, I have created all that is around me without much effort at all. Imagine what I can do if I choose to focus my intent on what I’m creating.” This is where we say “Wooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooo!”

Now you are seeing your surroundings for what they are, and you are aware that anything and anyone in your surroundings is there because you choose it to be. What do you do next? You begin focusing on those people, those things, those circumstances in your surrounding that you like and love. The more you focus on what you love, the more you will see things to love. This is where you begin to become very aware of thinking and feeling and putting your attention on that which you love so it can be magnified. You have an awareness that you are choosing to focus on all that you love. When you do this for yourself and for your own reality, magnetically your reality begins to change. As your reality begins to change, so do other people’s realities.

Another way to look at this is to see each person, each object, each situation around you acting as mirrors or reflective devices. They are all reflecting back to you that which they see. So if a person comes into your life and they are angry, they are simply reflecting back to you something that is within you. A person cannot reflect anger back to you if none exists within you. The same is true for love. This is also the reason that your car breaks down or you get stuck in traffic when you are already in a bad mood. You cannot attract anything into your reality that does not already exist inside of you. That is why we suggest that you become very aware of what you see in your reality and become very selective in what you choose to magnify. When you see and feel what you love, we want you to be so aware of that so you can magnify it exponentially. You see, your emotions are the fuel that magnifies your creations. Be grateful and appreciate when you see what you love in your reality. Your gratitude and appreciation will magnify it and attract more of it into your experience.

Now we want you to imagine that more people are becoming aware of their own reality. They are working from the inside and are paying attention to what they are creating. What do you think will happen on your planet? It is not necessary for every being on the planet to practice creating consciously. It only takes a small portion of the beings on the planet to begin this process. We can tell you it is already happening and many, many beings are taking responsibility for the choices they make. They have become aware. Now is the time for you to choose to create your own reality. It is what you came here to experience. Create love and happiness in your own reality. Focus on it and allow it to expand!

We love and honor you.

Thank you for sharing this connection with us.

The Arcturian Circle.

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So much chaos and denser energy is visible currently. Mother Earth needs to continue to clear and heal herself. Please know that this is not the apocalypse, not even a precursor to the apocalypse, It is Mother Earth healing herself. You call these types of experiences, when they happen to your physical bodies, healing crises. She is doing what is necessary to ensure her continued existence. It is healthy, and it is natural. Many of you are reflecting similar experiences. Our message for you today is one to assist you in navigating these changes and also to help you assist Mother Earth. As we have always told you, each and every person has access to great stores of energy and power. You only need to remember who you are and use the power for the highest good. That is why we are here today. Let us begin.

When you decide to go on a vacation, your first decision is about choosing where you want to go..It is always a choice, and you usually take many things into account. For example, how much time you have, how much it will cost and how you will get there. Once you’ve decided where you are going, you then begin the preparation process. But all the while, you think about that wonderful destination. We ask you, right here and right now to choose your destination where you want to go during this great shift. You do not need to be concerned about how you will get there, how much it will cost or how much time you have. You have only to choose where you want to go. Do you want to choose a beautiful and peaceful destination or something completely the opposite? You have a choice. We recommend that you choose the destination of the fifth dimensional reality of the New Earth.

Once you make your decision and you choose your destination as the New Earth, then be happy about the choice you have made. Let it go and keep yourself focused on the destination. Remember, that once you choose, nothing will keep you from going somewhere else. You are the only one that gets to choose your destination. No one else can choose it for you. Just like when you think about your dream vacation, we want you to dream about the New Earth. The more you focus your energy on the New Earth, the more real it becomes. Keep your focus and do not allow yourself to be deterred from that focus. It is very much like you buying tickets to Hawaii for your vacation and then seeing lots of advertisements for other destinations. Once you’ve made your decision and bought your tickets, you really don’t care about all the commercials and other advertisements. You know you are going to Hawaii, and you are thinking only about it.

We ask you to do the same with what is happening in your world today. Do not pay any attention to all the drama and other events that can distract you from your true destination of the new reality. This does not mean you ignore what is happening on your planet or the people that are experiencing many tragic events. You can be aware of these events, send the energy of love to them and to the people and beings participating in the events; but you must stay detached from them. We have found that it is often difficult for human beings to watch these events without being affected by them. Because of that, we suggest that you no longer watch them or immerse yourself in them. Keep yourself focused on creating a beautiful and peaceful space.

You have chosen your destination, the New Earth. You can maintain your focus on that destination by anchoring your energy into that new reality. You can do this through intention and thought. Before you get up out of bed in the morning, say to yourself, “It is my intention to connect with the New Earth. I anchor my heart with the heart center of the New Earth. It is also my intention to navigate this connection with ease.” We also suggest that you set this intention before going to sleep. Your heart centers are extremely powerful and will assist Mother Earth in her transformation with greater ease. Your heart centers are powerful magnifiers of energy, much greater then the power of the mind. By anchoring your heart centers in this way, you will amplify the energies of the new reality.

You are powerful creators in a very pivotal time on your planet. We want you to know that you can consciously choose your destination. It will not be chosen for you. What you think about and focus on is what you will create. We want you to deliberately create a beautiful, joyous and peaceful planet. But to do that, you must choose your destination and keep your thoughts and energy focused on that specific destination. Do not allow other people, events or teachers to deter you from what you choose to create. It is not too late to create a new reality. It is never too late to create a new reality. Consciously choose your destination now, pack your proverbial luggage and connect your heart centers to your intended destination.

We are watching and will see you there!

We love and honor you.

Thank you for the connection.

The Arcturian Circle.

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Can you tell us more about yourselves and Arcturus?  Do you have finite lives in your bodies, die and are reborn in different bodies?  If so, how often do you change bodies?  Does this happen when the energy in a particular body has expanded as much as it can and must take on another to further expand?  Do you have one specialty per body such as you who talk to Debbie and then change the specialty as you move to a different body?  If you die, what happens between lives?

Arcturus is a fifth dimensional planet. It is very beautiful and many of our brethren reside in physical form on Arcturus. Many of you, who are reading these transmissions, lived on Arcturus at one time or another and it is the place of origin for some of you.

Just like on Earth, our people are in various stages of evolution or ascension (it’s really the same). We who you are talking to and hearing from are in between physical lives, vibrating in the ninth dimension. We choose when we want to move back into physical form. You do the same. Those of us in physical form have learned that we can stay in our bodies much longer then you currently do. We usually exist in these forms for 300 – 400 of your Earth years. As we grow and expand, we make choices to grow and expand more. Any time that we choose to move from one form to the next is because we choose to do so, and it is for the purpose of expansion.

Arcturus exists in more then one place and time. In fact the occurrences of Arcturus are infinite. The same is true for your planet.

The Circle of Arcturians that you are communicating with exists purely in energetic form. We do travel in ships that are made of light, pure light. These ships are a part of who we are, not constructed or built like your cars and trucks. They are created as a part of us, and we travel in them and with them. Because we exist in energetic form and you exist in physical form, your physical bodies will not be able to exist or travel into our ships. But you can join us in and on our ships by allowing your consciousness to exist with us. Debbie does this regularly although she is not totally aware of how or when it happens. We will be providing more information on this type of exploration of consciousness at a later time.

Our fifth dimensional aspects, those of us in physical form, do travel in solid form ships, are near your planet and visit your planet. You have seen them. They use light, liquid light to travel. They look very luminescent and have a rainbow effect when seen. They travel out of the normal light spectrum and only those individuals who have trained their eyes to see this spectrum can and will see them.

There is no such thing as a finite life. We all live on forever, but when we are in form our bodies do not exist forever. We choose when to move into physical form and when to move out of physical form. You do this as well although for you it is done at a deeper level and you are not aware of these choices. We have total awareness of these choices. This is a part of the remembering process we spoke about in our earlier transmissions. You are closely approaching this state as well.

Yes, we do choose to change our form and our life experience when it is time to further expand. When we feel that we’ve experienced and learned all we can about our current focus, then we move onto another. It is always a celebration of life expansion. We do not suffer or feel sad about the shedding of our physical suits or what you call death. There is no such thing as death, only expansion.

Because we are all One, it is natural to feel fear when a part of the one is leaving. Only your mind prevents you from knowing and understanding that you are never alone, you can never be away from the ones you love and you are always connected. That is why we are here. We want to help you learn this, but even more then that, we want to help you remember this and know absolutely that this is true. Because you feel so separate from each other, it is quite a challenge to know and feel connected. We are here to help you with this.

We think we have deviated from the original question. Let us get back on track.

Yes, you can say that each one of us has a specialty. The specialty does not depend upon whether we are in a body or are in energetic form. It is just a choice that we make for expansion purposes. We have guides, older and wiser beings that help us decide. As you are never alone, neither are we.

Yes, we are confirming that we are currently residing in a vibrational space that you refer to as the ninth dimension. Debbie questioned this, and we are answering this question. She wants to know why those of us from the ninth dimension are in contact with you. We are here to help you through the changes of 2012 and beyond. We will be with you before, during and after. We are so very excited and feel privileged to be present for these times. Thank you for opening to our connection and hearing our voices. For as you expand, so do we.

Do Arcturians have families, live in family groups, and raise new energetically created Arcturians?  Does your civilization live in buildings, have responsibilities limited to Arcturus rather than travelling to other dimensions and civilizations to help and protect them?  If so, please tell us about life on Arcturus and what kind of animals and other things are there.  What is the topography like?  You have said it is very beautiful and has water.  Is earth patterned after it as far as earth’s physical appearance?

Yes Earth is patterned after Arcturus. Arcturus was a model for the creation of Earth. Of course it is not exactly the same.

For purposes of this question, we will talk about the fifth dimensional Arcturus. This is the planet that resides in the Bootes constellation. It is so very beautiful. It is a blue planet and there is lots of water.

The Arcturians live in structures that are more organic then your buildings. The buildings are very beautiful too. They are made out of a white crystalline material, and they glow and sparkle in the sun light. The energy we use is light and crystals help us use the light for whatever power needs that we have. We do have families, but they are different then the family structures you have. We also have functions or jobs, but because we do not have a monetary system we exchange services and products based on our functions. Our civilization functions very seamlessly. Whenever someone needs something; there is always someone there to fulfill that need.

Our families come together for the purpose of creating a shared experience. Our young ones or children are created in the eighth dimension. There are Arcturians that have a purpose of creating our children, raising and teaching them. These Arcturians have energy the color of violet. This is a very esteemed purpose and we have high regard for these Arcturians and their purpose. For you see, bringing new life into our society and our world is the highest of creations. These new little ones (as you would call them) are the beings that help us to expand even further. I would say that this is the most important function on our planet.

Every function that is carried out is very important and every Arcturian is grateful for the work of every other Arcturian. We function almost symbiotically. This does not mean that we do not have issues or problems, but we’ve learned to deal with them as a whole. When someone needs help or assistance, the Arcturians that are best equipped to help do so. When a larger problem arises, then we have a council of elders that convenes. It really is a beautiful and simple process. This is what you miss the most. I can feel it deeply.

Some of the fifth-dimensional Arcturians have functions off-planet as we described in the last question.

We use light and energy to heal ourselves. Yes, and color is part of the equation as well. The energy of sound and the energy of color are all very important components of living on our planet. You can tell our primary designations by the color of our energy. We are born into our physical form with an intended purpose already known. Based on that purpose, our energy vibrates a particular color. The same is true for the ninth dimensional Arcturians. Their primary color designates their primary purpose. It can change easily as is necessary, but usually returns to the primary designated color. There are some Arcturians whose purpose is to “change purposes” or to have more then one purpose. They will have multi-colored energy or energy that changes color. It sounds fairly complicated, but it is not. People of Earth are finding this to be very similar. You call your energy fields auras. Some people have learned to see these auras and specific colors denote specific things. You are not as clear about the meanings of these colors yet, and not everyone can see them. But in time, you will learn that seeing the auras or energy fields will assist in healing, helping and understanding. The “See Energy” tool can help you see another person’s aura.

Animals on our planet are quite different from animals on your planet. We do have many wonderful species of beings on our planet. We are so very fortunate to have such infinite diversity when it comes to the variety of species that exist on Arcturus. All beings on Arcturus live in harmony. One species does not own another. You have pets, we do not. We co-exist with other species, but we do not consider them our pets. Some of these species do not have the same level of intelligence, but they are all sentient beings and we love and protect each other. There are species that live on land and others that live in water. Some of these other species travel with us when we explore and visit other planets and places.

The topography of our planet is similar to Earth. We have lots of lush green plant and trees. We have a lot more water on the planet, many oceans teaming with life. We also have dolphins and whales. We have lots of greenery, plants and trees, many botanicals that you would call flowers. We have beings that fly like your birds, and many other species of living beings. It truly is a beautiful place. It is Home.
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Gigantic Crack Opens Up In Mexico - Alert -Pole Shift-Brown Dwarf-Nibiru-Elenin

20 July 2011 


Evelyn Guzman July 20, 2011

 Results From The Pole Shift ?

A crack of 500 meters long, five feet wide was opened in the town of Santa Maria Huejoculco in Chalco, where last week the rains caused the overflowing of the canal passing through the centre of town.

According to the person responsible for planning Social of the Sierra Nevada project of the UAM, James Espinoza Hilario, the failure of up to five meters deep, was detected Monday, same already studied to verify the risk it poses to the neighbours. According to the Social Planning responsible for Project Sierra Nevada of UAM, James Hilario Espinoza, the failure of up to five meters deep, was found Monday, it already looks to verify the risk to neighbours.

The crack appeared on 13 July in Santa Maria Huejoculco in Chalco, State Mexico, land has now reached the thousand 500 meters long and the authorities have not taken preventive measures, warned James Espinoza Hilario, responsible for planning Social of the project Sierra Nevada of the Autonomous Metropolitan University.
In addition, after survey work was detected in Santa Maria Huejoculco get another gap of about four km which reaches La Candelaria Tlapala, in the community of Miraflores, in Chalco, explained Professor in interview with Martín Espinosa, for group picture Multimedia.
These failures is part of a family of cracks that exist in the region and threaten to spread across the entire area east of the Valley of Mexico, result in the overexploitation of water table and the proliferation of housing.
This event began back 2009 in a small area of this region but since it has grown and opened wide up eating up everything around it .

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Don't come after
Don't come after
Please don't follow me along,
When you read this I'll be gone

Ask the mountains,
Springs and fountains
Why couldn't this go on?
Couldn't our happiness go on?
Ask the sun that lightens up the sky
When the night gives in, to tell you why

Ask the mountains
Wild woods, highlands
Ask the green in the woods and the trees
The cold breeze coming in from the sea

Springs and fountains
Ask the mountains

Ask the sun that lightens up the sky
When the night gives in, to tell you why

Then tell the mountains
Springs and fountains,

Why couldn't this go on?
Couldn't our happiness go on?

Why couldn't this go on?
Couldn't our happiness go on?


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Mars "Survival Colony" Coverup Exposed


Previously we had reported how Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of former President Dwight David Eisenhower, had exposed her attempted recruitment from April 2006 through January 2007 by a secret Mars colony project.

Ms. Eisenhower’s account of her targeting by time travel surveillance and attempted manipulation by trained intelligence agents attached to a Mars colony project were revealed in an interview, and in an extensive written statement at Ms. Eisenhower’s it all

Back in 2009 Mr. Robert Dean had also told world media in Barcelona exopolitics summit that Mars have Interplanetary Airport.




Earlier this month we had also reported an American 'armchair astronomer' claims he has discovered a strange structure on the surface of Mars while browsing Google. read it all


Buzz Aldrin Reveals Existence of Monolith on Mars Moon

Former astronaut Buzz Aldrin spoke about the future of space exploration and said the public would be interested in a monolith on Phobos, one of the two small moons that revolve around Mars.



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The Wisdom Of The Ancients....
[ Ireneaura is a Channel for Spirit and other higher energies. A Spiritual Healer,planetary healer,visiting Starseed and Lightworker. More recently involved in spirit releasement. She respect all lifeforms, and that includes Gaia, this lovely Planet,which is sorely disrespected and taken for granted ]

Video Message by Ireneaura

The spirit that stirred me was amazing,so wonderful.
This quickening is now so noticeable,almost tangible.
Whatever happens on the time lines,and those already ascended,the fear is gone,it has happened.....blink,
for within a second so much can change.

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UFOs above Sakurajima Volcano Eruption! – July 14, 2011

UFOs have always been interested in volcanoes and especially the activities of the Sakurajima Volcano. This volcano remains active. Is that normal or is there more to it?

The lava seems to be radioactive and the debris coming out has a definite ‘wave’ about it that seems unusual.


Witness: Referring to the fact that some of those white hot particles seem to not cool down with the other ones which got me to thinking if there was a possibility of TEPCO dumping waste in this volcano, there is something going on down at the base there, many trucks going in and out, I was watching them yesterday wondering what they were doing…

Part 1


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