Krishna Kalki's Posts (655)

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SaLuSa 2-24-12…”Results are going to come to your notice… you will absolutely know the countdown to Ascension has started”


  • Perhaps the most important omission is evidence of our visitations to Earth, and the contacts we have made.
  • …it is now left to our Allies to create such pressure on your Government, that they will ultimately have to give in to your request for the truth to be acknowledged where we are concerned.
  • …[disclosure] can commence as soon as the media decide to allow the truth to be put into print, and that outright lies and false information are rejected. There are some moves towards such changes but it is not fast enough for us, so strong pressure will be applied until the breakthrough occurs.
  • …we want to see quick progress and not continual delays, and we intend to make sure things begin to happen that everyone will be aware of.
  • …results are going to come to your notice, and it will be the time when you will absolutely know the countdown to Ascension has started.
  • Sit tight yet not in tension as all is well and you will find that all of a sudden a whole series of events will take place, clearly showing you that your expectations are being fulfilled.
  • When you think of what is planned for you, we hope it lifts up your hearts and you spread the feeling of happiness it should bring you.
  • Dear Ones try to live to your highest understanding of what it is to be an ascended being, and you will soon find out how far you have progressed.
  • …you might have noticed that there is slowly a convergence of information taking place… a sure sign that the time lines are beginning to come together…
  • Those who uphold religious beliefs tend to be on their own, as they feel bound by the apocalyptic prophesies of their ancient teachings.
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Video Message

A "prequel" to my first Starseed Video "Lonely Are The Starseeds" with many many more traits i wished i would have included when i created it. But i think im getting better at this (humor me lol) as this is my sixth "frame by frame" video created! This ones a bit long but if the first half resonates with you, please stick with it so not only can you compare all the traits you may have, but also receive a special message just for Starseeds. Thank you and Light and Love to all~Misty

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SaLuSa 2-22-12…”You will soon see some tangible evidence of your success”… “Peace has been called for by you and peace is what you will get”

There is one key statement that says it all about what we (as a collective) have done for this planet. “…by focusing upon the Light, and bringing into being a great grid of Light that now surrounds the Earth. No longer do they have the negative energies to feed upon, that have enabled them to come close to taking over the world.” Exactly.

Recall one of the Alfred Webre Tolec interviews, that Tolec mentioned the “operators” (okay, I’ll say it… reptilian, Draconian, whatever-ian dark beings) of the underground, under ocean base complexes, literally feed off of negative energies. And their bases were emitting frequencies of disruption, into the Middle East, Asia, wherever their bases were located, precisely so they would continue to generate conflict, and therefore, food (negative, conflict energies) for themselves. Check out that interview out (actually those interviews, two of them, Removing Draco & Hydra reptilian undersea bases from the Middle East and China, and also 5.0 Gulf of Aden quake: Andromeda Council sonic beam destroys reptilian undersea base). So by ascending within our minds and hearts, rising up above negative emotions, we have established a new grid of Light, that is impossible for these dark ones to endure.

“You the people have achieved the seemingly impossible, by reversing the fortunes of the Illuminati. You have done so by focusing upon the Light, and bringing into being a great grid of Light that now surrounds the Earth. No longer do they have the negative energies to feed upon, that have enabled them to come close to taking over the world. Wherever the lower vibrations exist, they are being transmuted and taking away their ability to superimpose their will upon yours. You have spoken out loud and demanded beneficial changes that are now taking place, and so shall they continue until those of the Light take complete charge. Although the cleansing has only just begun, you are to be congratulated for your unyielding support, and you will soon see some tangible evidence of your success.

“Your societies will become cleansed and start again with people you know you can trust. They will be responsible for implementing new laws, and revival of the Constitution that upholds your rights. You will be freed from the many unjust laws that the dark Ones have brought in, and people unfairly imprisoned will be released. It sounds like a lot of time will be needed to bring it all about, but you shall be astonished at how quickly matters will move. We come nearer to that time when it shall commence in such a way, that you will know for certain what is taking place.”


  • You the people have achieved the seemingly impossible, by reversing the fortunes of the Illuminati. You have done so by focusing upon the Light, and bringing into being a great grid of Light that now surrounds the Earth.
  • …you will soon see some tangible evidence of your success…
  • As you lift upwards so you become more of the Light, and with Ascension will shed the heaviness of the physical body.
  • We ask you the Lightworkers to walk tall and consciously spread your Light wherever you go, so that when you come across a disturbance you can apply healing by simply being there.
  • …many of you are aware that banking fraternity are answering for their corrupt financial dealings. It is the commencement of more far reaching actions, that shall ultimately remove the cancer that they have brought into your society.
  • Have no doubt that they [banking fraternity and governmental collaborators] will pay the price for what they have done, and coming governmental changes will ensure that your future representatives are above such acts, and are true and honest.
  • None shall escape as we know exactly who has been guilty, and have all the evidence that will convict them.
  • We come nearer to that time when it shall commence in such a way, that you will know for certain what is taking place.
  • The Galactic Federation has had much experience in helping civilizations to pass through Ascension, although yours is a bigger challenge. Never before have both the people and the Earth ascended together, but there is absolute confidence that it will successfully take place.
  • There is no going back unless of course you choose to do so, and some souls will want to keep their links with those who are staying in the lower dimension, although they could have gone through.
  • Think positively as you move through the last months of duality, and do not concern yourselves too much with the fate of the dark Ones. They will be treated with full justice and be given every opportunity to make amends, and every help to find a path back to the Light.
  • Peace has been called for by you and peace is what you will get, as it is time to move on from the darkness of the souls who have controlled you and your Earth for so long.


SaLuSa 22-February-2012

You the people have achieved the seemingly impossible, by reversing the fortunes of the Illuminati. You have done so by focusing upon the Light, and bringing into being a great grid of Light that now surrounds the Earth. No longer do they have the negative energies to feed upon, that have enabled them to come close to taking over the world. Wherever the lower vibrations exist, they are being transmuted and taking away their ability to superimpose their will upon yours. You have spoken out loud and demanded beneficial changes that are now taking place, and so shall they continue until those of the Light take complete charge. Although the cleansing has only just begun, you are to be congratulated for your unyielding support, and you will soon see some tangible evidence of your success.

Each one of you has spent many lifetimes working towards this final year in the cycle of duality. There are some that are best forgotten, yet they have been part of the plan for your return to the Light. At all times God has been present and God’s assurance of the power of the Light to overcome the dark, has carried you through the darkest period in Humanity’s history. It may have felt at times that God had deserted you, but that was because you lost contact with the Source. Separation was as a real experience, yet at no time could you ever be truly separated. You and God are One, and you and all other life are One, and it cannot be otherwise. As you lift upwards so you become more of the Light, and with Ascension will shed the heaviness of the physical body. To be free is quite an exhilarating experience, and you will be literally re-born.

We ask you the Lightworkers to walk tall and consciously spread your Light wherever you go, so that when you come across a disturbance you can apply healing by simply being there. Be assured that your presence is uplifting to others, and you may notice that young children in particular can feel it, They often respond in a way that confirms their awareness. Your energy is of a healing nature, and no doubt some of you are regular healers in service to others.

With an ear to the ground, many of you are aware that banking fraternity are answering for their corrupt financial dealings. It is the commencement of more far reaching actions, that shall ultimately remove the cancer that they have brought into your society. In trying to control the world’s wealth, they have unwittingly brought about their own demise. It has also led back to political persons who have benefited from their crimes, and they also will be removed. Have no doubt that they will pay the price for what they have done, and coming governmental changes will ensure that your future representatives are above such acts, and are true and honest.

Until you learn how you have been manipulated and used by the dark Ones, you will have little idea of how far their tentacles reached. Even some judges who you may have thought were beyond bribery and corruption are involved. None shall escape as we know exactly who has been guilty, and have all the evidence that will convict them. Your societies will become cleansed and start again with people you know you can trust. They will be responsible for implementing new laws, and revival of the Constitution that upholds your rights. You will be freed from the many unjust laws that the dark Ones have brought in, and people unfairly imprisoned will be released. It sounds like a lot of time will be needed to bring it all about, but you shall be astonished at how quickly matters will move. We come nearer to that time when it shall commence in such a way, that you will know for certain what is taking place.

The Galactic Federation has had much experience in helping civilizations to pass through Ascension, although yours is a bigger challenge. Never before have both the people and the Earth ascended together, but there is absolute confidence that it will successfully take place. You should feel quite pleased to be the ones who are on Earth at such a wonderful occasion. The significance of it all will not be lost on anyone, as to have such an experience is quite unique. We shall be eagerly watching the whole process, ready welcome the latest members of the Galactic Society.

There is no going back unless of course you choose to do so, and some souls will want to keep their links with those who are staying in the lower dimension, although they could have gone through. From hereon it is all gain, and a continual outpouring of Light will continue to guide you ever onwards and upwards. Because of your experience you will be in demand to help those who are still in the 3D vibrations. Your place would be similar to what ours is to you now, and that is how it works when you desire to be of service to others. Be assured there is never a dull moment and think upon the size of your Galaxy, and the millions of suns and planets teeming with life.

Think positively as you move through the last months of duality, and do not concern yourselves too much with the fate of the dark Ones. They will be treated with full justice and be given every opportunity to make amends, and every help to find a path back to the Light. Know that every soul will end up exactly where they are meant to be, which is at a level that will allow for the next stage of their evolution. That Dear Ones is what it is all about, and it is the same for everyone even if they are unaware of it. No path is walked alone, and the Creator is ever sending out the Love and Light that is the milk of life.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and from our ships we look down on Earth and closely follow your exploits, guiding and protecting you when necessary. In this present time you are beginning to hear about our actions carried out on your behalf. We have ever increasing authority to intervene on any attempts to start a Third World War, and you need not fear the threats that are being uttered by those who have such an agenda. Peace has been called for by you and peace is what you will get, as it is time to move on from the darkness of the souls who have controlled you and your Earth for so long. Keep going and do not be distracted by the fear that some dark Ones are trying to generate, through their desire to start another conflict. It will not be allowed under any circumstances. God Bless you All.

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.

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Alien Moon Base Captured By Chang’e-2 Orbiter

▃ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▃ With Chang'e-2 you will be able to see moon bases and domes and towers and huge buildings! More new images of the moon posted here for downloads soon! Thanks to NASA, America, Russia, China, Aliens, UFOs, Extraterrestrials, Moon, Space, Milky Way Galaxy. China on Monday published a set of full coverage of moon map and new moon pics with a resolution of seven meters captured by the country's second moon orbiter, 1 Pixel = 7 Meters on the Chang'e-2. The scientists have produced 746 moon pictures with the resolution of seven meters being very high resolution moon photos and the total volume of data is about 800 GB, the statement said. The map and new moon photos released by the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence (SASTIND) are the world's highest-resolution lunar images ever published that cover all of the moon, said Liu Dongkui, deputy chief commander of China's lunar new moon photos project.
The new moon pictures were photographed by a charge-coupled device (CCD) stereo camera on Chang'e-2 from the heights of 100 km and 15 km over the lunar surface between October 2010 and May 2011, the SASTIND statement said. China's Chang'e-2 New Moon Bases Pictures. Moon Bases Photos. Highest Resolution Moon Photos! China Moon Photos, Chinas Moon Pictures, NASA Bases Towers Domes UFOs High Res Highest Resolution NASAs Moons Photo Picture Images Chang'e-2 lien UFO Aliens Space Entertainment Photographs Moon Photography.


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This Part Goes in-Depth into the Multidimensionality of our Planet and The Hollow Earth Reality (Secrets of GAIA). Not to mention, all other planets are hollow as well.

Hollow Earth 3D Animation by nieslighting

Mirrored from danielofdoriaa


This is the Second Part going in-Depth into the Multidimensionality of our Planet and The Hollow Earth Reality (Secrets of GAIA). Not to mention, all other planets are hollow as well.

Hollow Earth 3D Animation by nieslighting

Mirrored from danielofdoriaa


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The Core Message - The Divine Completion)

- Role Venus and Mercury Explained
- The New Earth Theory Exposed!
- David Wilcock Explains deep scientific Data of the Coming transformation
- Pane Andov Shares his Experiences and Coming Transformation
- Proof given that our Sun will become a Red Giant on 21 Dec
- Its a Fact that all planetary bodies are experiencing exposure to this energy which is heating them up and bringing a rapid expansion of their surface's and inner core's.

People who still deny this fact, this divine process that is now so close to take place, you are going to be shaken soon and hopefully you'll wake up, as there is nothing more beautiful then to realize whats about to happen.

I haven't included the information on the beings because to my feeling it says its best for you to search for this yourself, i hope you understand.

Once again thanks to those who played a major role in my life and in the past lifes and on galactic levels as well so i thank you all that are present on this Planet

Be Well

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Stephen Sindoni shares a startling revelation in the video entitled"HOLLOW EARTH LOCATION REVEALED- BAFFIN BAY." See Additional translations that follow:
SPANISH TRANSLATION: Stephen Sindoni comparte una sorprendente revelación en el video titulado "SITUACIÓN Tierra Hueca-REVELADO bahía de Baffin."
ITALIAN TRANSLATION: Stephen Sindoni condivide una sorprendente rivelazione nel video intitolato "SIAMO TERRA CAVA SVELATO-Baia di Baffin".
FRENCH TRANSLATION: Stephen Sindoni part une révélation surprenante dans la vidéo intitulée «TERRE CREUSE LOCALISATION révélées baie de Baffin."
GERMAN TRANSLATION: Stephen Sindoni teilt sich eine überraschende Offenbarung in dem Video mit dem Titel "Hollow Earth LOCATION REVEALED-Baffin Bay."
PORTUGUESE TRANSLATION: Stephen Sindoni partes uma revelação surpreendente no vídeo intitulado "LOCATION Terra Oca REVELADO-Baía de Baffin."
THAI TRANSLATION: สตีเฟน Sindoni หุ้นเปิดเผยที่ทำให้ตกใจในวิดีโอสิทธิ"LOCATION EARTH - Hollow เปิดเผย Baffin BAY."

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The Hollow Earth - A SlideShow Presentation

Video Message

An outstanding interview with slideshow containing satellite photos, videos and many others revealing evidences about the Hollow Planets.

Interview performed in English for our foreign viewers.

De Lucia was born in Bethesda, Maryland. He studied Business Administration at the University of Baltimore, and later on completed a two-year course in translating at the Catholic University in São Paulo. He has maintained a life-long interest in Indian Hindu philosophy and spiritual practices, which ultimately led him to take up Vedic astrology. He began his studies in 1981 under Nalini Kanta Das or "Tom Hopke", and has been a student and practitioner of the art ever since. His articles were published in two Bangalore magazines, "The Astrological Magazine" and "Modern Astrology." Dean has also written a book called "Astrologia Vedica" and participated in the Red Ice Radio Show in Sweden.

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"You have been telling people that this is the eleventh hour.
Now you must go back and tell people that this is the hour!
And there are things to be considered:
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your Garden.
It is time to speak your truth.
Create your community.
Be good to yourself.
And not look outside of yourself for a leader.
This could be a good time!
There is a river flowing very fast.
It is so great and fast that there are those who will be afraid.
They will hold on to the shore.
They will feel that they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly.
Know that the river has its destination.
The elders say that we must let go of the shore,
push off into the middle of the river,
keep our eyes open,
and our heads above the water.
See who is in there with you and celebrate.
At this time we are to take nothing personally,
least of all, ourselves.
For the moment that we do,
our spiritual growth comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over.
Gather yourselves!
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the ones that we have been waiting for."

- The Elders, Oraibi, Arizona Hopi Nation

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The Dimensions Explained...nicely explained

Video Message

There are many explanations of the dimensions out there, and this is the one I subscribe to 100%. It was discovered by Rob Bryanton, who will answer your questions individually if you contact him on his channel.

A lot of you will wonder why I don't subscribe to Einstein and most String Theorist's theory of 11 dimensions, and it is because Rob makes more sense.

Physicists claimed there were 11 dimensions because they said there were 10 spacial dimensions, plus one of time. What they didn't realize, (and I have no idea how Einstein missed this) was that space and time are of the same fabric. Meaning, time is a direction just as much as length is a direction.

So what they had considered as the 4th spacial dimension, was actually time all along, and they did not need to add the "plus one of time", because it was already accounted for by the fourth spacial dimension.

Here's the analogy I came up with to help myself picture it:

Just like the "flatlanders" would only be able to see 2D cross sections of a 3D object passing through their 2D reality... so do we experience time.

We are living on a 3D plain, that is moving through the fourth dimension at the speed of light, and what we see are 3D cross sections of this movement.

The only way to stand still, is to move at the speed of light, which would in essence stop time. Like walking up a escalator that is moving down at the exact same speed would cause you to not move anywhere.

It is also known that moving at the speed of light not only stops time, but will cause you to have zero mass. To us you would no longer "exist", if existing is defined as having physical mass.

I theorize that...

...on second thought, i'll keep my own theories to myself for now. ; ) Hopefully this sparked some thought of your own. Tell me what you think!

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Secret Worlds - The Universe Within - Powers of 10

View the Milky Way at 10 million light years from the Earth. Then move through space towards the Earth in successive orders of magnitude until you reach a tall oak tree just outside the buildings of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee, Florida. After that, begin to move from the actual size of a leaf into a microscopic world that reveals leaf cell walls, the cell nucleus, chromatin, DNA and finally, into the subatomic universe of electrons and protons.


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Dolores Cannon comments about 5d Earth

Dolores Cannon comments about 5d Earth

dolores cannon december 21, 2012 the New earth and 5d earth These are some 'what to expect' excerpts from Dolores Cannon's 'Convoluted Universe Book Two' from the chapter, 'The New Earth'.  Dolores is a hypnotherapist who specializes in past life regressions.  For the past 20 years, she has been receiving messages from entities, through her clients, about what we can expect as we near December 21, 2012

NOTE:  When Dolores refers to "they," she means the entities that give her this information through her clients.

On what we are experiencing right now:
dolores cannon december 21, 2012 the New earth and 5d earth

On the importance of what we eat and drink:
dolores cannon december 21, 2012 the New earth and 5d earth
dolores cannon december 21, 2012 the New earth and 5d earth
dolores cannon december 21, 2012 the New earth and 5d earth

On how to energize your water:
dolores cannon december 21, 2012 the New earth and 5d earth

On the changing frequencies:
dolores cannon december 21, 2012 the New earth and 5d earth

On the New Earth:
dolores cannon december 21, 2012 the New earth and 5d earth

More on the New Earth from some of Dolores' sessions:
dolores cannon december 21, 2012 the New earth and 5d earth
dolores cannon december 21, 2012 the New earth and 5d earth
dolores cannon december 21, 2012 the New earth and 5d earth

dolores cannon december 21, 2012 the New earth and 5d earth
dolores cannon december 21, 2012 the New earth and 5d earth

On how some will not awaken in time:
dolores cannon december 21, 2012 the New earth and 5d earth

On the importance of beginning your spiritual journey:
dolores cannon december 21, 2012 the New earth and 5d earth

On raising one's consciousness and going "home":
dolores cannon the new 5d earth

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5d Earth: Will Some People Get Left Behind?

5d earthby Gregg Prescott, M.S.

In spiritual and metaphysical conversations, many people are talking about 5d Earth and whether people will get left behind or not.  This speculation has caused great controversy among many people within these fields and this article will most likely continue the speculation.

Past life regression hypnotherapist, Dolores Cannon, has received messages from entities, through her clients, about what we can expect as we near the mysterious Mayan calendar end date of December 21, 2012.

Below is an excerpt from her book, Convoluted Universe series, volume II:

what we can expect as we near the mysterious Mayan calendar end date of December 21, 2012

According to Cannon, some people will get left behind if they are “still into the negativity”, yet Cannon added that you only need to be at least 51% positive make the shift.  Cannon additionally stated those who get left behind will “be left with what they created.  They’ll stay there.  They’ll work out their karma there.  They won’t move into the new Earth.”

Cannon’s message resonates with information from the Law of One, which also states that one needs to be at least 51% “orientation towards service to others” to be part of the ‘harvest’.

According to Ra, you do not need to understand the Law of One or have an esoteric or metaphysical knowledge in order to ascend.

According to Ra, you do not need to understand the Law of One or have an esoteric or metaphysical knowledge in order to ascend

In short, no one will get left behind, even nefarious people such as Hitler, Mussolini and every other world leader who has worked against the best interests of humanity.  It will just take them a lot longer  (and many, many more lifetimes) to reach their next level of spirituality. 

Your spiritual journey is exactly that: a journey of spiritual growth.  Each time we incarnate, we come to learn specific lessons or to pay back karma from a previous lifetime.  Whether we are part of a shift into a different dimension or not is irrelative, because in this writer’s opinion, we will all get there eventually.  It’s only a matter of time, and time is just the blink of an eye in the scope of eternity. 

When you are a “service to others” person, you are helping to make this world a better place for all of us!  Being a “service to others” person doesn’t necessarily mean you have to own a website and a 170-plus videos on YouTube that help other people.  It could be as simple as being an introverted empath who absorbs other people’s energies.  Or it might be a quiet person who brings an amazingly positive energy and simply “exists” without much fanfare or notice.  You could be a healer, a tarot card reader or just someone who thinks positive thoughts for other people which could be as simple as mentally telling oncoming traffic, “I love you”.  All thoughts are energy and are recorded into your Akashic record!

The date of December 21 2012 is irrelevant. It is possible that this shift might happen before December 21st, 2012 or after that date...or not at all. Right NOW is the only time that matters.  Everything else will fall into place.  In the meanwhile, pay attention to what is going on around you and how it’s inevitably tied into the cycles of time, but most importantly, enjoy the ride!

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