Kenya★ρlεïαḋïαṉ♆ṡταɾṡεεḋ♓Young's Posts (33)

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Pope “quits” first time in 600 years.
Rockefellers flee to Fiji after they “stripped the US Federal Reserve System of all major assets, just as previously they had stripped Fort Knox of all deliverable, non-tungsten, gold.”
Congress leaves town for a quote “LONG WEEKEND” with no deal struck. Sequester hits the fan.
Head of DHS “quits” unexpectedly
“I extend my deepest appreciation to DHS Chief of Staff Noah Kroloff for his over four years of service to the Department of Homeland Security and his eight years of service to me while I served in Arizona as Governor and Attorney General. Noah has been a trusted advisor, a good friend, and a superb Chief of Staff to this department. Since January 2009, he has been instrumental in establishing and guiding many of the department’s key initiatives,” wrote Napolitano, according to the emailobtained by Mike Allen. – See more at:
Queen Lizzy cancels all engagements.
Dutch Queen Beatrix announced that she will abdicate on April 30 after 33 years as head of state, clearing the way for her eldest son, Crown Prince Willem-Alexander, to become the nation’s first king in more than a century.
This CANNOT be ignored. The list keeps growing.
Something IS up. Time to bring in the tomatoes.
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The Transformation of Self-limiting Thought Forms and Beliefs

A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon

Due to the Solstice/Galactic Alignment that took place on Dec. 21st 2012, you are now experiencing an increased influx of catalytic evolutionary energies. This state of affairs is potentially elevating as well as disruptive due to the increased polarization of humanity.

We shall focus our comments on the elevating aspect of these new energies.

As a result of the increase in spiritual light that is entering your solar system, your higher dimensional aspects are, in many ways, now more accessible.

In truth, these dimensions have always been accessible to you for they are a part of your nature, but with the passing of the galactic alignment some of the veils have been and will continue to be, lifted.

Your experience of this will differ from others, based upon your ability to sense subtle energies. But the shift has occurred, and it will affect the course of human history at its roots.

How this will be played out in your collective timeline is yet to be seen. What we wish to address here are methods and approaches you can use to positively affect your timeline and your personal evolution through the transformation of self-limiting thought forms and beliefs.

Philosophical Considerations

From our perspective you have been encumbered by many of your religious and spiritual philosophies. While these considerations may seem abstract, in point of fact, these thought forms affect perception, and by their very nature they limit your experience in the worlds of matter.

Many, but not all of your religious and spiritual traditions, look askance at the world of matter. They say that heaven, paradise or some such version of perfected existence, lies outside of your experience as an embodied human being.

Indeed, some of them consider your physicality to be an error or a “sin,” and you are tainted by the mere fact that you have a body. While you may have distanced yourself intellectually from such beliefs, these thought forms move through the underworld of your culture. They affect how the bulk of humanity views itself.

If you consciously or unconsciously accept this thought form then you are bound by it, and there will be a tension between your transcendent aspects (i.e., your multidimensionality) and your embodied existence. This is an unfortunate situation from our perspective.

We view consciousness as one continuum, from the highest vibratory levels where non-duality is the reigning principal, down through the realms of light into the realms of matter. There are vibratory boundaries, for sure, but the worlds of matter are just as “sacred” as the highest realms of light and pure consciousness.

When you attain this realization you will have access to all dimensions of your being, which will increase your spiritual courage, capacity for deep insight, and creativity, as well as your healing/self-healing abilities.

We wish to suggest a method for jumping into this reality—to experience it directly. Using this method on a regular basis will accelerate the transition from a limited sense of being into your larger multidimensional Self.

Some of you will be able to make this transition quickly. Others will require more time. How long it will take depends upon how infested you are with limiting thought forms.

The Method

This method uses the Central Channel of energy that runs from the crown at the top of your head, through the center of your body to your perineum, a point midway between your anus and your genitals. Some refer to this channel as the Pranic Tube, the Central Pillar or the Secret Channel.

In this method you first sense and imagine that this channel runs from your perineum upward, through the center of your body, to your crown at the top of your head.

Next, imagine that this channel extends to a point above your head. You can locate this point by temporarily raising your arms straight above you and then touching your fingertips together directly above your head. Where your fingers touch is the location. From the perspective of Egyptian Alchemy, this point is an energetic portal for your BA, your Celestial Soul. Your BA is an aspect of your being that is outside time and space as you experience them, and your BA is a source of immense spiritual insight and abilities. For us, this point is just one of several gateways to your multidimensionality.

Next, you then extend your Central Channel through your perineum into the Earth. Depending upon your personal energetics, this channel may move a few inches into the Earth or many miles. In some cases theCentral Channel can extend to the center of the Earth itself. Through this extension of your Central Channelto the multidimensional gateway above your head and then down into the Earth, you symbolically join together the worlds of matter and the realms of light. Some refer to this as the union of Earth and Sky or the marriage of Heaven and the Earth.

The next step, in this method, is to play the Aethos Sound Meditation while holding an awareness of the entire channel, from the gateway above your head, through the center of your body and into the Earth.

We suggest that you work with the five-minute sound track first. Due to the high vibratory nature of the Aethos, you will set off in yourself a spiritual purification of your Central Channel when you hold your awareness in the manner we described above.

As you continue to work with the meditation in this way you will bring to the surface of your awareness all types of thought forms that are “housed,” so to speak, within your chakra system and cellular memory.

The end point of clearing limiting beliefs and thought forms is the realization that you are the Living MysteryYou are the union of matter and light. And by your very nature, you are a Bridge Between the Worlds and thus have access to all the treasures of all the realms.

Think of this method as a type of spiritual house cleaning. As thought forms arise during this meditation, you determine if you wish to continue living in this belief or not. If not, you discard it like an old broken piece of furniture you no longer need or want. If you wish it, keep it. If not, let it go.

When you are comfortable with the 5-minute track, you can experiment with the 30-minute version if you wish, or you could work with a few five-minute tracks in a single meditation session. DO NOT, however, engage this meditation more than once a day unless you are prepared for a journey into your underworld.

We are not dangling this warning like some type of “cosmic carrot” to entice you. It is a call to spiritual sobriety as you disentangle yourself from culturally reinforced negative and limiting thought forms.

This simple meditation can bring you immense benefit by allowing you to clear yourself of beliefs and thought forms that have limited you in the past.

If you are committed to the transformation of your own limiting thought forms and beliefs, we suggest you revisit this meditation method often.

The Hathors
February 20, 2013

Tom’s Thoughts and Observations

After receiving this message, I asked my mentors to explain further their thoughts about the Solstice event of December 21, 2012.

They are of the opinion that with this particular galactic alignment there was indeed a burst of intense spiritual light and evolutionary energies from the galactic center. But as they have always said, this alignment did not signal the end of the planet. It did, however, usher in a new wave of catalytic and evolutionary energies.

I imagine there were quite a few people disappointed on the morning of December 22nd when nothing external particularly happened after all the hoopla and hype. But then human history is full of similar prophecies of doom that came to nothing. A quick Internet search of the phrase “ the history of prophecies of doom” will bring up a veritable plethora of historic doomsdays that came and went.

But if the Hathors are correct, while the physical planet did not end on the Solstice of 2012, it entered a new epoch.

The Hathors are of the distinct opinion that humanity was infused with an increase of spiritual light as a result of this last galactic alignment. How that infusion of light will affect each individual will vary from person to person.

Furthermore, the Hathors believe that this infusion of light is now working itself through our individual atomic structures—literally affecting the interactions of light and matter within us.

I asked them to clarify this because it seemed a bit vague. What did they mean by interactions between matter and light?

Their view of these interactions is based on the premise that matter and light are intimately related, and in some ways they are two sides of the same coin. This relationship between light and matter was expressed by Albert Einstein in his famous equation E=mc2. From this perspective our bodies, which are composed of matter, could theoretically transform into light under certain conditions—under extreme and unusual conditions I might add.

But what I found truly intriguing about their answer was their take on the nature of light itself. For them physical light and spiritual light are also intimately related. The range of vibration that we call “light” (meaning the electromagnetic spectrum that we can see with our eyes) is only a small portion of the entire energy spectrum.

According to the Hathors, spiritual light vibrates much faster than physical light (and faster than any category of energy in the electromagnetic spectrum as well). But due to their intimate relationship, spiritual light can step-down into physical light under certain conditions and vice versa.

When I asked them to clarify their use of the term spiritual light further, they said that this type of light is an expression of consciousness and is normally encountered only during profoundly altered states of awareness—as in certain types of Samadhi (yogic trance) or during mystical contemplation. This is becausespiritual light cannot be perceived with the physical senses but only through the agency of the deepest levels of consciousness itself.

When the Hathors said, “powerful interactions between matter and light are occurring within us,“ they were referring to both physical and spiritual light.

As in all things human, how each of us deals with this increased interaction between light and matter will be highly individualized. Some of us seem to be moving upward in consciousness, some of us seem to be treading water, and some of us seem to be losing our minds. Adding to the odd mix of irrationality, a disturbing number of us seem to be going berserk.

As these oscillations of matter into light and light into matter increase, the Hathors are of the opinion that we will see both an acceleration of human irrationality and luminosity (meaning an increase in spiritual awareness). And the world will be caught between this “seesaw” of self-destruction and self-realization. For this, and many other reasons, they think it would be very helpful—if not mandatory—that we clear out old thought forms and beliefs.

The Hathors view thought forms and beliefs as separate categories. Thought forms are concepts regarding reality, and when a culture accepts a thought form as true, it becomes a consensus reality—whether or not the thought form is accurate or not.

When an individual incorporates a thought form into his or her personal view of reality, the thought form becomes a belief.

The Method: Step-by-Step

1. Imagine and sense your Central Channel through the centerline of your body from your perineum up to your crown.

2. Extend the Central Channel to your BA point above your head. To locate this point, temporarily raise your arms directly over your head and touch your fingertips together. Where your fingertips touch is the general region of your BA point.

3. Next, extend your Central Channel into the Earth as far as it seems comfortable for you.

4. Place your awareness inside your Central Channel.

5. Play the Aethos Sound Meditation while focusing on the Central Channel.  Begin working with the five-minute version of the sound meditation at first, so as to become familiar with how this Method works for you.

6. At this point in the Method, you have two options.

Option 1:

The first option is to work on a specific thought form or limiting belief you know you are dealing with.  As you hold your awareness in the Central Channel, allow the energetic of the thought form/belief to present itself to you inside the channel. This energetic will present itself to you in the sensory modality or form that is natural for you. Thus, you might see it, or feel it in some way. You might also experience it in some other way(s). When the energetic emerges, keep your focus on it while the sound meditation is playing. When your mind wanders, bring it back.  Keep working with the energetic until you feel that there is a sense of openness or resolution in the region where the energetic of the thought form/belief was located.

It could easily take several sessions to work with particularly dense or deeply imbedded thought forms/beliefs.

Option 2:

The second option is to use the Aethos Sound Meditation to bring the energetics of a suppressed (or unconscious) thought form into your conscious awareness.

As you focus your attention inside the Central Channel, notice what arises. When you get a sense of an energetic in your Central Channel, focus on it with your full attention. This will eventually reveal to you the thought form that is connected to the energetic. When your mind wanders, bring it back to the energetic.

It is possible for more than one energetic to arise in your Central Channel. In this case, intuitively choose one energetic and work with it until you feel a sense of openness or resolution in the region where the energetic of the thought form/belief was located. You can then return and work with the other energetics that you noticed, in a later session, if you feel inclined to do so.

As with Option 1, it could easily take more than one session to work with dense or deeply imbedded thought forms/beliefs.

You will know that the thought form/belief has been transformed when you have a sense of resolution or openness. If you don’t sense this in the region where the energetic was located, continue to focus on the space where the energetic was, while still listening to the Aethos Sound Meditation until you get a clear sense of this openness or resolution.

If you don’t get this sense of completion, return to the Method again in another session for the purpose of further transforming this thought form/belief.

You will sense something new in yourself when you have fully transformed the thought form/belief. And you will most likely have a new mental, emotional, and/or spiritual resource that you did not have before.

You may have to work the Method several times if the thought form/belief is particularly dense (i.e., stubborn) or deeply imbedded.

Final Thoughts

I believe this Method has the power to reweave the tapestry of perceptual reality through the conscious transformation of self-limiting thought forms and beliefs.

This capacity to perceive the world in new ways is, I believe, one of our greatest (though often overlooked) potentials.

The power to change our perceptual reality is nothing less than the power to reimagine ourselves and the world.


Click here to listen to and/or download the Aethos Sound Meditation. Note: You will be taken to the Listening Agreement Page, and once you read and agree to the Listening Terms you will have free access to all the audio tracks. Scroll down the list until you find the Aethos Sound Meditation. Clicking on that link will give you free access to both the five-minute and thirty-minute versions.

If you are new to the Hathor Planetary postings, you might find their first mention of the Aethos of some interest. You can find it in the Hathor Archives under the title, The Aethos and Non-dual States of Consciousness.

Information not directly related to this message

Tom’s 2013 Calendar has just been posted on the website. Tom will be in Istanbul, Vienna, Toulouse and Munich in the spring of this year. He is in New York on May 25th for a one-day workshop and in the Seattle, Washington area for two three-day workshops in October.  Click here to view his schedule, or you can go to the Calendar section at

Transmissions of Light, a new recording of Hathor catalytic sounds is now available as a CD or mp3. These are “live” toning sessions from a Hathor Intensive in 2011 that consist of pure Hathorian tones, which focus on the endocrine glands and the interface between body and mind.  There is no speaking on this CD, just toning. You can hear audio samples from this CD by clicking on the link above or by going to the Store at


©2013  Tom Kenyon  All Rights Reserved

You may make copies of this message and distribute it in any media you wish so long as you do not charge for it, do not alter it in any way, credit the author and include this entire copyright notice. While you are free to share this message with others, the audio files in the Listening section of the website (including the Aethos Sound Meditation) are for your personal use only and may not be shared or posted on any Internet or social media site.

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My dear friends, we love you so very much.

You have a little saying on your earth that we will paraphrase, "Don't let the lost, angry, hurting souls get you down." It is important, dear ones, to remember that keeping those in misery company does not serve them. Far better to stay in your light and keep them company if they wish, than to step into their darkness. In this way you become the light, the love, the hope, and the inspiration for those in need.

In very practical terms, this means, do not allow those living in anger to anger you. Do not let the depressed sadden you. Do not let the lost, hurting, and hateful, draw you into their pain. We do understand that this is no small task upon your planet earth. There is far more acceptance for pain than joy. There is far greater support for pity than compassion. There is a general acceptance of the idea that life on earth must by its very nature involve suffering. And to a degree, dear ones, it does, for that is what humanity has accepted as the "norm."

You, however, do not have to buy into this reality. You do not have to feel it is necessary to be in pain in order to help those in pain. You can, instead adopt the attitude that God has for all which is one of acceptance, understanding, and compassion. Divine Love says, "I would rather see these beautiful souls grow through joy but given their level of understanding now, they are growing through pain. I will send them love. I will beckon them with love. I will listen to their pain and bless it and help them release it." But dear ones, you do no one any good by choosing to suffer with them. Instead you simply dim your light, thereby making yourself less able to lead others into the very same.

So how do you avoid falling into the darkness when you bear witness to pain or sadness? By your very compassionate nature you are likely, as human beings to have feeling of sadness or upset, but if you can acknowledge that these come from love, from a very deep and compassionate love, and then tune into that love, then you can switch from the vibration of pain, into the vibration of love. Say you see the suffering of the innocent. It enrages and saddens you. You realize that this frustration and sadness comes from a very great love. And you focus upon the love until you see yourself as God sees you, a being of very great love and compassion. You are a being that wants better for the beings that inhabit your planet earth. And from that place of love, dear ones, then you ask, "What can I do to bring this love to the surface? How can I best express it here upon the earth?" You will be guided then to express your love. You will no longer feel powerlessly mired in pain, but rather powerfully rooted and guided in love. And in this space, then you can become the force for changing the very things that bothered you to begin with.

Let us make this discussion a bit more personal. Suppose someone close to you is angry or sad. They are attacking you. It hurts. You get angry. Your human tendency is "fight or flight" and you want to either fight back or run away. Stop there. Focus on what is beneath this "fight or flight." Is it not a desire to love yourself, to be treated well, to have the other person act in a higher and holier manner? Focus on your desire to love yourself. Does it really help you love yourself to attack the other, or to run? Ask the question, "How can I best love myself in this situation God?" And then you will be guided. Sometimes you will be guided to speak firmly and with compassion. Sometimes you will be guided to go. Sometimes you will be guided to simply listen to another perspective with compassion. When your words or actions are guided you will act or speak in a way that is conscious, that acknowledges both of you as souls who are basically, deep in your hearts, seeking love.

And so dear ones, beneath your pain is love. And from your love you can act, speak, or think in ways far more powerful than if you remain mired in darkness. We know this takes effort. We know it is not always easy. And yet we know also that returning to the truth of love is the only way to ever effect change upon your planet earth.

God Bless you! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

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As channeled by John Smallman – February 17, 2013

Listen to John read this latest message from Saul here:

These are exciting times for humanity as the intensifying energies of the New Age swirl around you, sweeping you up into an increasing awareness of your spiritual heritage: your oneness with one another and with God.

Focus on the sensations that they inspire — an awakening realization that Love is the answer to every question, to every problem, to every conflict, to every confusion, to every fear . . . because there is only Love. That realization, stirring within the hearts of even the most staunch believers in the reality of the illusion, is leading you irrevocably homewards.

Love . . . Love . . . Love is where you need to focus your attention, because It is the divine energy field in which all of creation is conceived. It is abundant, kind, generous, inclusive, utterly accepting; and It contains all sensations – sight, sound, touch, taste, smell, and an infinite selection beyond those – which provide the constant experience of beauty and inspiration, gift-wrapped in Love, that your Father has created for your infinite fulfillment.

You can see from the reports on the mainstream media that there is still much behavior and activity across the world that can at best and most compassionately be described as unloving. However, the vast majority of humanity is finding it increasingly unacceptable as the embers of the original flame of Love within them stir and nudge them towards the awareness that will lead them to awaken. You are on course and on schedule for your grand awakening as you release anything within you that is not in alignment with God’s infinite Love for you.

Many of you are now finding that sensations of irritation, anger, even extreme rage, are among the unattractive moods and feelings that are rising up into your awareness to discombobulate and unsettle you. Do not engage with them; they will pass, although it can be helpful to scream, bang on drums, or hammer on unyielding surfaces to help with releasing the forceful and seemingly uncontrollable energies that have been set in motion.

Do not project them onto others, even though something another has done may seem to have been the trigger that roused your ire and consequently makes it seem justifiable. These feelings are invariably ones that you have suppressed, buried, or denied, either because they seemed unacceptable or because it would have been too dangerous for you to express them at the moment they originated.

This is what psychology refers to as the shadow side. Every human has a shadow side, and it has to be fully integrated if you are to release the feelings of unworthiness, guilt, and shame that have accumulated over your many life-times. In the illusion there are countless opportunities to cause enormous harm to another or others – pain, intense suffering, death.

What you have done in these circumstances is illusory, but because it appears so real it brings with it intense feelings of shame, guilt, and anger – anger with yourselves, which you seek intently and constantly to justifiably project onto others. Frequently, opportunities occur that apparently justify your rage, as you observe the unacceptable and gross misbehavior of others. When this happens remind yourselves that all are one!

Feelings of anger, guilt, and shame have to be acknowledge and accepted as your own. Initially, that can seem not only impossible but quite wrong: without doubt others are to blame for the anguish you have experienced! But as you allow these intense feelings space in your awareness so that you can observe them, you will realize with amazing clarity that this area of heartache is crying out to be comforted and loved by you – it is often referred to as your inner child.

Instead of moving into those feelings of wretchedness and attacking whoever is conveniently to hand, compassionately offer yourself the comfort and solace for the suffering you have undergone which was unavailable or denied to you at the moment of your pain. As you begin to comprehend what has brought you to this state, you will perceive with the eyes of an adult, and realize that those who impose pain and suffering are, themselves, in great pain . . . and you will find compassion for them.

When that happens, an opportunity opens up within you to forgive: first yourselves, for any unacceptable things you may have said or done; and then others who have hurt you, your loved ones, or humanity at large. The dawning of this realization is a moment of tremendous healing for you, and as you are healed, your ability to express compassion and love expands enormously.

This healing allows you to open your hearts ever more fully in love, as your understanding of the insanity of what has come to be regarded by so many as normal behavior enables you to offer others only love and compassion — whatever the situation. This is you coming more fully into alignment with the energies of the divine field of Love enveloping you.

And as you come into alignment your own energy fields undergo a dramatic shift: compassion and love flow through you and from you without effort, assisting all who come into contact with you to bring their energy fields increasingly into alignment with the divine one. And it is precisely this that you are on Earth to do.

When you feel overwhelmed by the suffering you observe throughout the world, remind yourselves immediately that Love is the solution, that It is flowing vigorously and compassionately throughout the whole observable universe, healing and comforting all who open to It. Doing this reopens your hearts — which you were allowing to close in response to your sense of overwhelm — as God’s Love fills them once more.

Remind yourselves that you are never alone and can never be alone because you are all essential and inseparable parts of God’s creation, united with Him in every moment of your eternal existence. And rejoice!

With so very much love, Saul.

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All is not lost. Nothing is all lost. Nothing is lost. This is hard to accept when you may see loss all around you. Loss of life, loss of limb, loss of love. What are all these but loss of illusion, a story told, and a story untold, a fiction related and unrelated, done and undone, flipped over to a new page. All that is owned only in order to be lost, beloveds? All of life in the world is a passage, a glimpse, a walking down a hall with certain sights and a banister your hand touches or you even hold onto.

It is that holding on that has to be let go of. Yes, that holding on. The hall you walk down is illusion. The banister is not real, yet you hang on to it as if it were, and you cry out when you no longer can feel your hand holding on to what is imagined. You feel cheated. You feel forlorn. And, yet, there are still more halls for you to walk down. There are more parks to visit and more people to meet and more people to say hello to, and more people to say good-by to. You are walking on a marathon, beloveds, and you brush by loved ones and sundry, and still you walk on the marathon.

When you mourn, you are mourning that a fire has now become cold embers. The campfire is out. It was only a campfire. There will be another by and by.

Life is current, not past, yet how you like to pull the past along with you. This is an illusion like any other. You don't want to let go of it. Even when it was not all that it was cracked up to be, you don't want to let go of it. Now find another dream to dream. You don't have to latch on to it. A moment does not have to be locked in place.

You are in a library of love. There is always another book to browse through and to take out. All the books in the library of life have a return date, didn't you know that? Impossible, but true. Every book of life is on loan. Every widget. Every occurrence or non-occurrence. Leave them all in the return slot and find some other books to take out. So many to choose from. Come right up. Books on loan.

Some return dates are open-ended, yet all books are returned.

The sun sets. Drapes are pulled. The stars come out. And tomorrow another sun rises, and you rise, and the stars go behind their curtains, and there is a new blue sky. Clouds pass. All passes before your very eyes. There is no holding life in place, for everything is moving, and you are moving, and you are flying and leaping, and all are dancing. You are dancing on the stars, beloveds. Wherever you may think your feet are, you are dancing on the stars, on the moon, on the sun, on the Milky Way. What a dancer of life you are. How long you steps are. How you pirouette, and how you do somersaults, and how you land and how you spin and how you take off and how you pick the flowers that tomorrow or the next day go back into the ground. You are a dancer of note.

You play the notes. There is no piper to pay. All is free exchange. You leap from freedom to freedom. You set sail for new lands. And you learn another dance, and you leap high, from underbrush to sky, from hill to dale, from one star to another and back again and off again. All this twirling is life. This is the light of life. Star-struck, and star-dust.

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Ascended Master Lanto:

Greetings, all. I am Master Lanto, here to bring you tidings and Love from all the Spiritual Realm. It is not ever that I have appeared through this channel, but find it necessary to bring my words of encouragement for your Ascension through her today, my dear ones.

Throughout the times of your growth over the ages, over the eons since your fall into duality, I have been with you, watching your progress. I now again offer my support and my encouragement on your long but illustrious journey along through Ascension.

Many times you have wondered, as you trekked along this winding road back to Oneness, as to your value and as to your capability to succeed. Well, I am here to tell you that you are all succeeding beautifully. It was not for the weak of spirit or faint of heart to embark on this wonderful path you are all on, my dear ones. No, it took and is taking great strength and wisdom and courage to continue. 

And for this I offer you my advice this day. With each breath you take, on this your fortuitous* journey into your Ascension, abide by your beginnings as magnificent Beings of Light, that you have always been. You have tapped a great deal of that potential so far. What remains is for you to step up the pace, my dear ones.

Your potential is limitless to absorb the Light as it is pouring in in increasing amounts and no one is immune to or incapable of accepting the increasing amounts of Light as is being readied for your acceptance and sensitivities.

Your acceptance is key as you receive the next portal of energy, building as we speak. To be prepared, I offer you my contribution for your advancement, which is:

Begin each day with a prayer and a visualization of your being in a vast arena of Light. Imagine it to extend out for miles. Feel the vacuum as the Light swirls in ever-increasing circles and waves of penetrating bands of Light particles as you reach deeper with each breath you take.

Feel yourself sinking deeper and deeper with each breath, as you feel and visualize a vast column of Light forming all around you.  Take it one step further and imagine that you are glowing brighter with each breath. Get adjusted to the brightness, and then take it one step further and allow yourself to breathe in even more Light as you feel your cells and body light up even more, and suddenly there is no boundary between your body and the vast column of Light you are within.

Now, try to hold this image and feeling for as long as you can, basking in the radiant white Christ Light that you were so used to being within, and in, many eons ago. Repeat this daily if you will, for it will speed along your ascension and benefit not only your own ascension but the ascension of all Beings and of planet Earth.

I leave you now with a prayer you may wish to include:

“I absorb the universal white Christ Light of protection with each Divine breath I take, knowing that in doing so, I increase the magnitude of protection throughout my earthly sphere and the sphere of all the universes, of all the Beings that inhabit this earth and of all the Beings throughout the universes, forever on into eternity. I pledge my devotion to the greater good of all humanity, and of all the Beings throughout the multi-verses. I know myself now as a Multi-dimensional Being, equipped with all the elements necessary to emerge as the magnificent Divine Being of many facets that I am, and at the same time a magnificent facet of the Divine Oneness, of Creator of All-That-Is.”

I bid you farewell, my dear ones, with my own prayer for your magnificent opening of the precious flowers that you all are, so full of promise for your grand awakening into Oneness. 

I am Master Lanto, at your service, always.

*Note: Master Lanto is using this word ”fortuitous” in the context of “being fortunate”, not in the context of “happening by accident”. 

As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. 
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1. Salt carpets. This is the simple easiest best way. Simply sprinkle dry table salt on the carpet, wait an hour and then vacuum the up the salt. Use approximately 3 to 6 spoonfuls of salt for a medium size room. Salt crystals have an amazing natural built in-ability to erase the programming of energy. Using salt is like using an eraser on a chalk board. The information on the board is wiped away.

2. Remove clutter. Things like old magazines and dirty clothes can trap a lot of negative energy in your house. Remove old items you no longer need. Keep coffee tables picked up and clean. Put your laundry in a laundry hamper. Wash your dirty dishes and put them away. Negative energy needs objects to hang on to so it can remain around. By keeping your living space picked up, neat and clean,

3. Loud noises. This is the reason the Chinese love fireworks. Loud noises break up energy patterns and allow them to disperse. Mother Nature does the same thing with the noise of thunder storms.

4. Play spiritual music. Buddhist monks use tingshaws to dissipate unfavorable energy. You can use your stereo with the same effect. Combine this technique with no. 4 and a great pair of speakers for a really deep cleaning.

5. Meditate there. A proper meditation once or twice a day in your living space will broadcast out a powerful positive vibration. A broadcast from a meditative state of mind becomes much more powerful than it would otherwise be, making positive energy more powerful than negative energy. A proper meditation will saturate a space with uplifting energy for several hours.

6. Rearrange the furniture. The Chinese practice the art of Feng shui. Again negative energy needs something to "cling to." Arrange your space with as much wide open space as possible, allowing any negative energy to disperse. But also the act of rearranging will cause this harmful energy to dissipate.

7. Add living plants. Plants add color, life, oxygen and positive energy to your home. All good things to have. But only if you water and maintain them.
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For many, many years, much has been written about the December 21, 2012, alignment of our Sun and the center of our Galaxy. But what most people don’t know is that the real Galactic Alignment – the one that matters most – occurs just a few minutes before midnight EDT on Saturday, June 16, 2012. This is when the Earth will make the Galactic Alignment.

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There have been several tasks given to different people through military command.  To date all have been either completed as requested or are still developing.

This is an open letter to those who requested these specific missions.  At the onset of these missions, extraordinary efforts were expended in just their start up.   Each of these required a similar expending of time and effort to complete, all on a voluntary basis.

There were very few objections as to following mission parameters and instructions.  Real patriots seldom complain of any hardship involved in any true patriotic effort either.

We The People have done as requested, and yet there is a great and growing concern.   As many as possible have been contacted, groups, militias, and freedom loving individuals.  These number in the millions here in the states, with many more millions world wide, watching closely.

Our efforts are looked at as the cornerstone to be built upon for all nations.  This was only a dream of a hope for those of us most directly involved in all this.  It seems that everyone is looking to us to lead the way, just as happened in part because of our war for independence.

There is and has been growing concerns as to the military’s not taking action that the people see as both vital and timely.   I have offered the tactical complexities, both in house and outside, as a possible reason or cause for this delay.

However, there are a growing number who are beginning to believe that there never was any intent on the military’s part, to help the people in their efforts to restore our foundations, etc. This is where things are at presently.

The request is major, both for you and the people.   In order to restore the faith in the military helping the people, an official statement of this intent needs to be made.

I understand all the ramifications involved in an action of this nature. Therefore, I have decided to go farther out on the limb I’m presently on, and offer you to directly contact me.

I was asked to offer several things in my broadcasts on internet radio as a help in the overall plan.
  •   I have accepted the risks involved in the same light as our founders.
  •   I pledge my honor, life, and fortune in this effort.
  •   I can do no less for my country and my countrymen

We The People now respectfully request the same from our military.   Note that this will be sent out to everyone I have been asked to contact.  Thus, the quicker the reply, the better.

The country looks forward to your reply,.

        ~ Drake
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Dear Reader,

We live on a beautiful planet. There is so much love and beauty. But the powers that rule it, the governments and the elite, just don't seem to want to do what's right. Mother Earth produces enough to let at least 10 billion people live in peace and abundance, but all our rulers can think of is how to keep their power, create conflics and war, and make us pay more and more. Through dark brotherhoods and secret operations they ignore the will of the people. They try to keep us in a state of dependence and fear through the media that they control.

Isn't it time to change that? Isn't it time that WE decide how our planet is run? It's easier than you think. Yes, really. There's a law of physics that maybe you've already heard about, which is perfect for breaking this old and worn out paradigm where the rich few control the rest of us. This law is called the "Law of Attraction". It says that whatever you focus on that you want, and truly feel in your heart, you attract to yourself. Just look it up on the web or in the library (read "The Secret" for instance), there are many, many stories of people who changed their lives successfully this way.

The way to use it, is through visualization. When you visualize something that you want, and you feel the joy AS IF IT HAD ALREADY HAPPENED, it will manifest itself.

You can apply this to your personal life, but also for the greater benefit of our planet and mankind. The more people that focus on it, the stronger the energy gets. The energy that is sent out by a group of people, multiplies itself, it becomes stronger than the sum of those people. Don't just take our word for is, it has been proven scientifically. Just watch a video that we made about it, you can find it here:

Now, there have been many group visualizations and meditations already. For World Peace, for instance. Still, there's no peace. Didn't these actions work? They sure did! You could see it in our video. The problem is, that once the peaceful energy has done its job, if meanwhile the ruling powers keep working in the opposite direction, everything reverts back to the old situation again. Soldiers are ordered to pick up the weapons again that they laid down, crime rises again due to the difficult situation that people are still in, etc.

That's why we need to focus on something that cannot be reversed. Never.

And that is: a BREAKTHROUGH.

Don't worry about exactly what you focus on, energy is an intelligent thing, it will find its way. As you could see in our video, when people visualize peace, also crimes against people decline, traffic accidents decline, emergency hospital room visits decline, and stock market soar. Peace is peace, a breakthrough is a breakthrough. Energy knows where to go. If we focus on a breakthrough, it will find the weakest link in the chain that still holds this worn out paradigm together. And it will BREAK it.

When enough people visualize it, and truly feel it in their hearts, it will happen. It might be the 6,578th participant who gives the old paradigm its final little push, or it might be the 10,234th, but break it shall. Just wait and see.

Focus on something that will make you really, really happy. And feel the feeling as if it had already happened. Whether it is Obama announcing UFO disclosure, free energy becoming available for the public, a major tv station or newspaper revealing that 9/11 was an inside job, or something else major. It all comes down to the same thing: the end of the dark establishment. Just take your pick :)

What's most important, is the joy that you would feel if this breakthrough had just happened. Visualize, for instance, war and hunger making way for peace and abundance, all around our planet. Desperate children getting new hope. Stress and fear making way for happiness and time with your loved ones. Corrupt politicians and ineffective medical care making way for inspirational leaders and true healing. Toxic food and oil based industry making way for healthy food and free energy. All these things ALREADY EXIST on our planet, but are still being oppressed by the dark system. That's why we need a breakthrough. And we're gonna make it happen!

We're not going to name a time and date for all of us to do it, we ask you to do it NOW.

It's not important how long you do it, 5 seconds is enough. The important thing is that you truly feel the joy of this breakthrough, as it if had already happened. That's enough to add your own little (but BIG!) contribution to the quantum ways through which the Law of Attraction works. Together we make it a HUGE power that will change this world forever, for the good of the people.

Please go ahead, you only need to do it once. Stop what you're doing (probably reading) and close your eyes. Imagine that there is Breaking News about something that you've been wanting to happen for so long, and feel the joy that you would feel at that moment. Visualize it...........RIGHT NOW!!!!!


That's it! Did you enjoy that? Our collective consciousness just took your vote. Thank you. Your contribution was added to a huge wave of paradigm shifting energy that is already sweeping over the planet. The law of attraction will make sure that it comes into being.

If you have done your visualization, now comes the second important part. This project works through the 'everybody knows everybody' principle. It is said that within six times of forwarding, you can reach every single person on the planet. So, we ask you to forward this email to EVERYBODY in your address book that you think would like to join this action. By doing this, we can create an enormous army of light, even in one day!

Thank you so much for joining this action. Mother Earth and all of us who are longing for peace and harmony just like you, will be thankful to you. And to everybody else who joined, because we are doing this TOGETHER! Please forward this e-mail now. Don't postpone it, NOW is the moment.

Thank You!!!

Adriano, Boogy, Guillermo, Jimena, Ale, Teddy, Eduardo, Cristian, Kiki, Stephan, Martin, Ute, Alain, Luísa, Kees, Alexandre, André, Winny, Milna, Puk, Per, Cagga, Diana, Dana, Gertie, Mara, U2awaking, Camelia, Gloria, Steve, Krystal, Elizabeth, Livia, Siniša, Leif, Sorin, Danusa, Yonghun, Takuya, Toni, Gloria, Charlotte, Guillermo, Maja, Zeljka, Haim, Claudio, Bénédicte, Stella, Darko, Slava, Javier, Michelle, Louise, Anneliese, Casandra, Eniko, Tauno, Pierre, Paco, Light River, Edward, Marijana, Petra, Alessandro, (feel free to add your name)

PS After the paradigm has shifted, we can use or collective power for other causes. Like cleaning our planet, helping people in need, etc. if you would like to join these actions too, please leave your name at the bottom of our site

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my bad for linking to a site that could have possibly endagered the community.  im new here and trying ti fit in., so in my endless search for something (that i still havernt found) i run across a site i  thought people might find interesting and hey  i would like to share but i guess bad idea . So again my apologies ... i ll figure something out ...

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