Karma's Helper's Posts (1073)

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Many sensitive's and adepts are feeling there is an overlay of the 5th dimension pressing hard upon the Earth...Our own 5th dimensional selves are taking over and the ego is kicking and screaming, sabotaging, blaming, projecting, doing everything possible to hold onto the old ways, what is known...This will be the greatest insecurity in the days to come because the old world and the limiting dysfunctional ways are coming to a close...light workers are being attacked on almost every level, even by those closest to them still in the network or matrix. It is because you are a threat to their world and many know their world is coming to an end...

James Gilliland: There Will Be An Uptick In Change On Every Level


Universal Law and the 5th Dimension

Many sensitives and adepts are feeling there is an overlay of the 5th dimension pressing hard upon the Earth. Many of the flashes of light, loud booms, skyquakes, and societal changes are all a part of this process. There will be an uptick in change on every level. This process has been set into motion by what is referred to as the higher dimensional beings as, “The Real God.” It is also part of a natural process due to alignments with galactic plane, Alcyon and Sirius. On a personal level this can best be explained as the battle between the ego with all its wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experience and the 5th dimensional realm. Our own 5th dimensional selves are taking over and the ego is kicking and screaming, sabotaging, blaming, projecting, doing everything possible to hold onto the old ways, what is known. Many times this is based on fear, insecurities and decisions are made due to these fears and insecurities to hold onto the old ways.


This will be the greatest insecurity in the days to come because the old world and the limiting dysfunctional ways are coming to a close. The polarities and divisions between those who have chosen the upward spiral and those who have chosen the downward spiral are increasing. The archon network some refer to as regenerate ETs, greys, reptilians, and beings in the lower astral are being shaken severely by these new energies. The programs in the matrix of seeking acceptance, approval or love through the outer is also in direct opposition to the soul and higher dimensional selves. This includes the programs of control, manipulation, as well as competing and overpowering others for material gain and false power, the real reason behind all wars. It is all about inner awareness, allowing the soul and spirit to guide you in every moment, relaxing the ego drive, letting go of the fear and insecurities and making the right choices and actions aligned with soul purpose. We did not incarnate to be a part of the problem, we incarnated to be a part of the solution. This means breaking the controls and manipulations placed upon us, healing the wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experience and stepping into soul purpose, service to the Omnipresent God within everyone and everything.

The patriarchal ego drive where women are objectified as external adornments for sense gratification is over. The desire to be well adjusted in a sick society is also now being revealed by just how sick one has to become to be accepted and approved within it. Your soul and higher selves are screaming wake up, look around you, do you really want to be a part of this mess? Do you want to continue in the separation game, the wars, the diseases, the controls and manipulations, the fear, guilt and unworthiness programs pressed upon you by a very sick matrix? Have you not noticed the escalation of wars, poverty, disease, homelessness, the chemtrails, the gross uneven dispersal of wealth. The total disregard for your health and well being, not to mention the very platform for life, your environment? How much longer are you going to participate in this insane network?


Considering the coming changes and 5th dimensional overlay do you really think aligning with and serving this network will bring you security and peace of mind? Time to wake up and smell the roses, coffee or what ever it takes. This archon network and dense 3rd dimensional matrix is falling apart. It is meant to and will not be allowed to continue for much longer. This archon network is being revealed for what it is, those who serve it are standing naked. The unseen negative or regenerate influences are also being revealed and those who have sold their souls to these unseen negative influences are also being exposed. The 5th dimensional overlay is behind this, the consciousness and energy is increasing exponentially until eventually the Earth will be reset back to its original design. The original design for Earth was to be as above so below, an Eden where physicality could evolve to its highest expression. It was hijacked and now the hijackers and those who serve them will experience the dictates of universal law. It is written within the 5th dimensional overlay.

So now you understand why all the chaos, why all the processing, why your leadership is unraveling from the top down. This also explains why the light workers are being attacked on almost every level, even by those closest to them still in the network or matrix. It is because you are a threat to their world and many know their world is coming to an end. There is only one path to success along with several suggestions. One, remove yourself from the network and the old matrix. Two, make your own personal God/Spirit/Creator connection and start living a natural spiritual life in harmony with each other and nature. Three, shift out of the ego drive and into soul and spirit drive. Anything else will have some real hard lessons brought about by misalignment with universal law and the 5th dimensional overlay. We can take the downward spiral and continue with the old world, yet do not fool yourself, the prophesies will be fulfilled and the Earth has a destiny. It is not to take the downward spiral; it is to ascend and it will rid itself of all that cannot match its increasing frequency and its destiny.


Be well.


James Gilliland www.eceti.org




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GOP Gov. Rick Perry is considering legislation that would "return the state's $1  billion in gold reserves currently stored by the Federal Reserve at a vault in  New York...The bill is being sponsored by state Rep. Giovanni Capriglione, R-Southlake...Kaufman County District Attorney Mike McLelland and his wife, Cynthia Woodward McLelland, were found shot dead on Saturday at their home near Forney, Texas...The discovery of the deaths stunned residents in this close-knit community, which is still reeling from the murder of Assistant District Attorney Mark Hasse on Jan. 31..




April 4th, 2013















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Your new DNA strands are now unfurling slowly, but surely...The first stage of that union is a request from you that your physical and spiritual beings blend into one...Your expanded DNA strands will broaden your view of life and reality...This new earth transition processes from the micro to the macro, from the smallest to the largest. So your newly unfurled DNA will first help you decipher your world...you will fit puzzle pieces together you never knew were part of your current reality...So some you Lightworkers will begin unfurling your DNA today, some tomorrow and some not until next month. But it will happen....Glory in the information you receive. And apply that information to your current life...



Dear Ones,

Many of you have begged for the new DNA strands prophesied by so many channels. You are of the advance Lightworker branch and wish to complete your transition as quickly as possible – and so you are.

Your new DNA strands are now unfurling slowly, but surely. Of course, you expected such. The surprise is the effect your additional DNA strands will produce. Even though we have used the analogy of new computer software, that analogy is not really an accurate description of what will happen once your DNA is actively participating with your spiritual/physical being.

The first stage of that union is a request from you that your physical and spiritual beings blend into one (see Jonette Crowley’s website http://www.SoulBodyFusion.com if you would like free help doing so). Once that blending occurs, your DNA will begin to unfold.

Does that mean you will turn blue or other physical manifestations that prove to you and others that your new DNA strands are fully activated? No. You will probably note little change within your physical being – other than your interests and discoveries will expand dramatically. You will just know things and find new materials exhilarating. Your expanded DNA strands will broaden your view of life and reality.


Perhaps you are wondering if those expanded DNA strands will encourage you to time travel or dimension hop. Possibly. But this first stage of DNA unfurling is more about discovering the reality of your current life than encouraging you to travel to new worlds. This new earth transition processes from the micro to the macro, from the smallest to the largest. So your newly unfurled DNA will first help you decipher your world – and then encourage you to move beyond your known world.

You will discover more about the unreality of your life by uncovering those pieces that hold you in 3D. Many of you are now declaring that you have uncovered unwanted pieces for months, perhaps years. What we are speaking of is a bit different. For example, you may discover you are angry with someone because they are needlessly affecting a current relationship via past life encounters. You will discover the ties between the “reality” of this life and activities that occurred centuries or even eons ago.

It is difficult to explain in the words we have available, but you will fit puzzle pieces together you never knew were part of your current reality. This process will be different from uncovering fears – more like a “Who done it” mystery. You will probably not feel much emotion, other than “Of course – why didn’t I put the pieces together sooner?”

This DNA unfurling – at least in the first stages – expands your inner vision by allowing you to discover the whys of many of your relationships and actions. Again, there will not be a great deal of emotion tied to these discoveries, but instead more of an understanding why you react as you do.

Will that allow you to shift your relationships? Of course, but not necessarily in the way you think. You are perhaps fearing that the emotions you have experienced in the past few months will continue with the addition of new emotions you do not wish to experience. This DNA unfurling is quite different.


You will be more of an observer than a participant. As you uncover pieces of your unreality, you will merely wish you had known those pieces earlier – instead of feeling every nuance of that experience as you have recently.

Perhaps it will help you understand if we were to describe it as putting a puzzle together. If that puzzle were a photo of your mother who had recently died, you would probably feel many emotions including sadness and thoughts of what could have been. But if that puzzle were of a neutral scene that had no memories or feelings attached, you would merely be pleased that you were finding the first difficult corner pieces. So it will be for your unfurling DNA.

Few emotions will be generated. Other than finally understanding why you have reacted as you have knowing that you can now put those pieces aside for they are not part of your current life.

Even though some of you may uncover some emotional feelings, those emotions will be fleeting.

This is more of a discovery process than an opening of old fears and wounds.

You will better understand your physical being’s actions and reactions in this lifetime. And by doing so, you will allow yourself to move beyond that which used to upset you in whatever fashion.


Again, you are processing at the pace that is most correct for your physical being. So some you Lightworkers will begin unfurling your DNA today, some tomorrow and some not until next month. But it will happen for indeed this discovery piece is necessary before you use your new skills to traverse the Universes in whatever form from time travel to dimension hopping.

This is a time of increasing joy and love throughout the Universes. Such would not be possible if beings from earth were to time travel or dimension hop with ongoing fears and unknown baggage.

You accepted your new DNA several months ago. But you needed to cleanse your being before opening that DNA – much like planting seeds that grow underneath the soil for weeks before the first green shoots push through the soil.

Your first DNA shoots are ready to push through your dense 3D life and world. They will do so by first helping you understand why so many of your actions are and were based on activities that have little to do with your current life. Such will be your discoveries. Such will be your astounding joy as you realize you have kept yourself in a dark, little box because of something that happened to or by one or more of your silvers eons ago. And that those actions are not repeating in this lifetime.

Will you discover pieces that you may not necessarily like such as you were the instigator of those actions? Probably. Will you feel guilt or pain for such actions? No. For you will finally understand that your enemies were merely part of your play – at your insistence. They meant you no harm and in fact, provided you with valuable information for you to better understand you.

Your DNA will probably start unfurling in the next few days. Glory in the information you receive. And apply that information to your current life so that you eradicate those pieces of your being that were once important, but are no longer. So you cleanse yourself of those pieces – like a hang nail that is uncomfortable but not life threatening.




So be it.



Welcome to Brenda's Blog

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Summary of Brenda’s March 31, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: This week is a rebirth/renewal of your cellular structures. You are shifting physically from a child who follows inner messages because you believe you should – to following those messages because you know why you created them.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “You’re the First Wave – What if No One Follows?”


Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.

http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. www.LifeTapestryCreations.com. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: www.LifeTapestryCreations.com


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8108924876?profile=original...the Federation of American Scientists have  confirmed that there are over 5,000 suppressed energy devices classified by the  US government to include anything that is over 25% efficiency...Greer also mentioned that there is genetic evidence that we  are all related to our galactic neighbors who have been visiting our planet....(and)  in a recent poll, 40% of the people think  that ET's are here on Earth.


by Gregg Prescott, M.S.












www.in5d.com www.HolisticCancerResearch.com

Steven Greer & David Wilcock - Free Energy & Disclosure | in5d.com

Steven Greer and David Wilcock talk about disclosure,  Project Bluebeam, military whistleblowers and free energy.  According to Greer's research, there are over  5,000 patents for free energy systems that have been suppressed by the global  elite and that free energy could be implemented globally within a year with the  right plan.

Greer mentioned how over 60 years ago, psyop programs were  being developed by Disney to create the fear of extraterrestrials, which  continues to this day.

Greer added that in a recent poll, 40% of the people think  that ET's are here on Earth.


Greer also mentioned that there is genetic evidence that we  are all related to our galactic neighbors who have been visiting our planet.

Wilcock added that the Federation of American Scientists have  confirmed that there are over 5,000 suppressed energy devices classified by the  US government to include anything that is over 25% efficiency.


Ideally, Greer stated that every man, woman and child would  become a distributor of the Sirius film, where people can share the video while  contributing to the free energy project through the building of a lab where  everything is live-streamed and open sourced in order to protect their work.  Greer believes that within a year, through  this project, free energy could be available for everyone, worldwide.


Sirius video






The Orion Project



Copyright Information: Copyright in5d and Gregg Prescott, M.S.. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in any form. 

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Many of you are thinking...Will I be left behind? Why does my world seem to be so chaotic, in such turmoil?
Where is the peace and joy you said would be forthcoming?"...During this process...try not to see or judge anything as good or bad, see it as it truly is: a matter of balanced or imbalanced energy....Constant negative thought forms will surely shift you out of your Sacred Heart center of power into the astral planes of fear and guilt...a true master does not have to demonstrate his/her mastery before others; they live it...they radiate it....You are the ones that have denied all things in the realm of physicality, rejecting material comfort, wealth and desire...Your goal is to liberate the power of the Sacred Fire which has lain dormant for many thousands of years...The sense of disconnection is all within your mind, and the way to “unlock the door” to the River of Life is within the SACRED HEART... You will not fail. You are exactly where you should be—you are perfect the way you are.






Beloved masters, I greet you this glorious day and send to you, through this transmission, great waves of loving energy and words of encouragement to assist you through these wondrous times of transformation. Many of you are thinking, "They do not seem so wondrous to me. What am I doing wrong? I am not worthy enough to move forward, to graduate, and to become enlightened as you have promised. Will I be left behind? Why does my world seem to be so chaotic, in such turmoil? Where is the peace and joy you said would be forthcoming?" Let me ease your mind and help you understand the process. You will not fail. You are exactly where you should be—you are perfect the way you are. You have all the help you need and all the answers to your problems, if you will just allow your Higher OverSoul Self to OverLight you as you strive to refine your emotional, mental and physical bodies.

We ask you to put us to the test. Please give us permission to guide and inspire you, and in doing so you will have the forces of Heaven behind you. Brave hearts, you can only fail if you do not make an effort or if you give up. As you slowly and faithfully strive to remain heart-centered and Soul-focused, you will find that you are gradually but surely gaining more and more Will Power and God-consciousness. You are learning to maintain a constant flow of Adamantine Particles of Creator Light from the front and back portals of your Sacred Heart.


Now I ask you to project your consciousness outward, away from yourself and your little picture of reality. Assume an expanded awareness: imagine that you are viewing your life and the lives of those around you from our vantage point, giving you the ability to see the panoramic view of what is occurring from moment to moment. Look back over your year—over several years—and take an inventory. Have you not made great strides? Are you not a much wiser, more compassionate and more enlightened person? Can you not see the perfection or at least the justice in what has occurred in your past? Are you not stronger and wiser for your trials and tests along the way? Observe those closest to you. Have they moved forward and expanded their awareness, or are they still stuck on the treadmill of inertia, trapped and fearful in their tunnel-visioned view of life?

During this process, dear ones, try not to see or judge anything as good or bad, see it as it truly is: a matter of balanced or imbalanced energy. Focus on that which is balanced and harmonious in your life, and see if you cannot expand that energy into the areas of imbalance. Many small issues of your ego-personality keep you caught up in situations which could easily be resolved if you are willing to release the need to be right or self-righteous. Is it worth the pain and disharmony? If a situation is presented to you, seemingly from out of the blue, a situation in which someone seeks to dominate or control you, or someone in your life seems to have radically changed their behavior all of a sudden, consider it a gift. Many of you will say, “What have I done to draw this to me?” Constant negative thought forms will surely shift you out of your Sacred Heart center of power into the astral planes of fear and guilt. That is why we told you in last month’s message: HOLD STEADY, BELOVEDS, for you are reaching deep into your innermost Core Being in order to release, once and for all, the impacted, restrictive energy patterns of the past.

Allow me to ease your mind, dear ones. Endeavor to become the observer when any of these situations are brought into your awareness. If you do not assume a defensive or adversarial stance; if you stand firm in your integrity and speak your spiritual truth as you perceive it without criticism or the need to dominate or control in return; if you focus on the God Spark within that person (no matter how dim) and not their negative attributes; and if you allow them their beliefs, but do not take them as your own, and just move past and beyond the event without allowing it to impact you in any way—then you will have passed the test.


Precious ones, a true master does not have to demonstrate his/her mastery before others; they live it. They do not have to vocalize their level of awareness; they radiate it. They lovingly and quietly go about their mission and their work, leaving love, knowledge and words of empowerment behind. Oh, they may be very visible, if that is their mission, but they are always unassuming, patient, tolerant and willing to share words of love and encouragement wherever they go. By their works you will know them. By their actions they will demonstrate their power and purity. Those of you who came to teach, guide and keep the knowledge flowing, which will eventually evolve into wisdom, thereby creating change and allowing new philosophies to be implanted in the fertile minds of children–as well as those who are awakening and ready for higher truths—yours is a formidable task, for you must teach by example as well as the spoken word as you transmit the validity of love, joy, peace, honor, integrity, unity and abundance, rather than fear, hate, guilt, isolation and limitation.

Many of you came from the lofty planes of the higher dimensions bearing so much love for the Creator that it has been very difficult to adjust to the material world and the physical body. You are the ones that have denied all things in the realm of physicality, rejecting material comfort, wealth and desire, as well as the bodily form, in the belief that you could not enjoy or accept the sensations of the physical world and still be spiritual. But that is why you came, dear ones. We know you are capable of being pure Spirit—following the Will of the Creator in the higher realms. Remember, your assignment was to co-create a heavenly Earth and to experience all the beauty and wonder of Spirit in solid, physical form.


Once again, we offer you some of the guidelines from the past to help you traverse the narrow, winding pathway into the future with ease and grace:

The Holy Spirit or your Higher Mental Self is the discerning higher intelligence which monitors and regulates the Light infusions and the gifts of Spirit that are allotted to you according to your level of spiritual awareness and your present needs. Special dispensations are also monitored and dispersed by your Holy Mental Self, which is the intermediary between you and your Divine I AM Presence / God Self. However, any special dispensation that is bestowed upon you requires that you diligently endeavor to do your part. You must make the maximum effort to use the special gift of Divine Creator Light for the greatest good. Remember, each of you is a co-creative partner with our Father/Mother God.

As you become more proficient as co-creators on the earthly plane, you will learn to constantly monitor your energy patterns and seek to upgrade them. You must strive for sustained harmony and refined godly expression. Your goal is to liberate the power of the Sacred Fire which has lain dormant for many thousands of years so that you can direct and focus your energy into the areas of your life you wish to change. By establishing and constantly upgrading your Creator Wheel of Life, you are planting the seeds of focused change, and you are supplying the Sacred Fire of Creation needed to manifest what you have envisioned. When you can do this proficiently, your personal world will become a wonderland, and you will become a beacon of Light for all to see.

We cannot emphasize enough how important the breath is in reclaiming your Divine nature. Not the shallow breathing that the majority of people on Earth have accepted as the proper way to breathe. This type of ineffective breathing has resulted in many debilitating symptoms and dis-eases as well as limiting your intake of Divine Essence, which is critical to your well being and the reclamation of your vessel of Light. We have explained and emphasized the Infinity Breath, the Accordion Breath and how important is the practice of breathing with intention. The Infinity Breath could be called the Ascension Breath, for it aligns your galactic chakras with your physical vessel, and opens the return passageways to the higher dimensions via the Binary Sequencing Technique. It speeds up the process of building your ascending vehicle of Light called the MerKiVah. It also facilitates the opening of the portal to your Sacred Mind and the front and back portals to your Sacred Heart. The Accordion Breath facilitates a double benefit: it draws forth the Adamantine Particles stored within the root chakra and also the Adamantine Particles stored within your Etheric Replica, which is located within your fifth-dimensional, personal Pyramid of Light.


Your SOUL SONG is composed of mid-fourth- and higher-dimensional vibrational patterns of unconditional love, wisdom and harmony. As a Self-master, your Energetic Signature and your Soul Song will merge into a Celestial Mandala of Light, sound and color by which you will be identified in the higher Realms. You are recognized by the brilliance of your inner Light. The more Light Essence you incorporate into your physical vessel, the more brilliantly your aura will glow.

There is a path open for each of you to follow; no matter at what station or in what circumstances you may find yourselves, a golden opportunity is waiting to enable you to assume your power, tap into your creativity and bring to the fore those many latent abilities you have stored deep within your memory banks. And now, as never before, we are close by, observing, waiting to assist, encourage, create the miracles, smooth the way, and assist you in moving onward and upward.

If you can view all that is presently in your life as transitory except the Love/Light and Spiritual Fire within your Sacred Heart and Soul, then you will know what we are trying to convey to you. Release your fear of the past and future, eliminate the emotional and mental controls others have over you, and become the free Spirit you were meant to be. When the Infinity loop and the time line of your past are balanced, and the major portions of your discordant energies have been transmuted, you will step into the Infinity loop of your future. You are in the process of walking into the Light of your future while leaving the shadows of the past behind. Throughout your times of stress and daily challenges, never forget, my brave ones: you are in the midst of a cosmic reunion process, and you will evolve in due time, in one way or another. You must be aware that this transformation process is a long and complex cycle; however, it can be a grand journey if you will take advantage of the wisdom teachings and the tools we are offering to you. The Law of the Circle states that every new creative endeavor must begin from within the Still Point of Will-Power, the Core Essence of the Creator/co-creator. Remember, one person who is centered within his/her Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind can convey cosmic truths and inspired thoughts to millions of people while the loving vibrations of his/her auric field blesses everyone with whom he/she comes in contact.


The World Pyramid is a Mid-way Station for your multiple Soul-Selves. Your good deeds are stored within the Treasury of Light Storehouse within the World Pyramid. There is a harvesting of good deeds every year, and your loving thoughts and deeds are magnified and stored there. The greater portion is melded with Creator Light to be used to create the greatest good for all humanity. You will receive your special gifts and Divine dispensations in accordance with what you have contributed to the Storehouse of Light.

It is time for each of you to step to the fore, take a stand and be heard. Begin where you are, at your highest level of understanding, seeing through eyes filtered by love, feeling with a heart filled with compassion, and functioning with a mind that is not clouded by guilt, fear or judgment. That is the way you will validate your truth and gain your wisdom, beloved ones. That is the way that your world and reality will be filled to overflowing with love, joy and abundance. That is the way of the master, the way of Living Truth, the way back home.

Never forget that you are always your own judge, and you decide, with the assistance of your guardian council, what the major details of your next life’s experience will be. When in the environment of the higher dimensions, a Soul is always eager to rectify past mistakes so the auric field may be cleared of any inharmonious vibrational patterns, and the journey toward en-Lighten-ment may continue. It matters not if people deny the truth in what we are conveying to you; it is the Living Truth and universal law never-the-less; and every Soul is affected and ruled by the tenets of the Divine Plan, whether they believe or not. Here again, the inner veil applies, and you must break through the limitations of the negative third/fourth-dimensional environment in order to gain access to an expanded, wondrous connection to the Creator. You always have been and always will be connected to the ALL THAT IS. The sense of disconnection is all within your mind, and the way to “unlock the door” to the River of Life is within the SACRED HEART.

As you refine your resonance, you are gradually becoming multi-dimensional, which means that you are tapping into the frequency patterns of several dimensions at once. In order to make room for the refined frequencies of the multiple levels of the fourth, fifth and higher dimensions, there must be a clearing/cleansing process. Via the lessons and instructions we have given you over the years, we are endeavoring to give you the knowledge needed to traverse the path of ascension with ease and grace; however, you must assume the responsibility for your return to personal Self-mastery. We are standing by to assist you as you reclaim your rightful status as a spiritual Being on a Divine mission for our Mother /Father God. We salute your bravery. You are dearly loved.



Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-04-2013


***Note from Ronna: Dearest friends, because I have been incapacitated for almost three weeks, as he has done on several past occasions, Beloved Michael guided me to different paragraphs within many messages of the past so that it would not be so stressful for me to bring forth this month’s message. It is quite an interesting process to observe, for he knows exactly where the segments are that he wishes to convey–all I have to do is just follow his guidance. It is “automatic writing” in the highest form. I have only missed sending out a message one time since I became Archangel Michael’s messenger in 1992, and that was in December, 1996 when we moved back to Reno, Nevada from San Diego, California because I did not have my computer hooked up. This month’s message seemed to speak directly to me, as I am sure it will to many of you.

I have been quite ill since Saturday, March 2, with a very potent strain of the flu: violent coughing and a fever, but not much congestion. However, I did develop bronchitis and my doctor prescribed a round of antibiotics and Prednisone. I am gradually improving and slowly getting my strength back. Beloved Michael has told us in the past that sometimes a virus accompanied by a fever acts as a catalyst for clearing/cleansing old impacted frequency patterns that are being expunged because we have integrated an infusion of higher frequency Light. I have found that several times, when I have experienced a “major leap in consciousness,” this occurs. My husband Kent also “caught the bug” and ended up in the hospital as a result. He is presently in a rehabilitation center, for I am not able to care for him. I am not going to go into any details; however, there is a strong possibility that we will have to have him placed in a group home so he will get the care he needs. He is 85 and his health is deteriorating quite rapidly. It has been a very stressful time for our family, as I know it has been for many of you. Do not forget, dear hearts, that we are receiving some extremely potent Adamantine Particles of Creator Light. We are being prepared to live in a more-refined environment as we take a giant leap in God-consciousness. Isn’t it worth the effort and the challenges we must experience to attain this new reality of loving interaction, peace, prosperity and joy? I, for one, am willing to do whatever it takes to manifest the vision of the NEW EARTH that I have been allowed to see. Eternal love and angel blessings, Ronna


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We draw your attention to the astrological alignments that are coming into place...The time of RESURRECTION is upon the human race, those who sought to contain and suppress now realizing that there RAIN is now over. Those who walk as our children in human form are now taking their places for all is now in position...This will allow huge changes to unfold upon and within planet earth and allow the disclosure of ALL to begin in TRUTH...The LIGHT will now shine out and across planet earth as it has always shone but now it will be seen by those who were struck blind by the teachings of distortion

We are the Nephilim and we are here to further guide and support as mother earth now aligns fully with ALL THAT IS and ALL BECOME ONE. We draw your attention to the astrological alignments that are coming into place and also the 3D overlay of the EASTER celebrations which are predominant across much of planet earth in your linear waking time frame.

The time of RESURRECTION is upon the human race, those who sought to contain and suppress now realizing that there RAIN is now over. Those who walk as our children in human form are now taking their places for all is now in position, for ALL ARE and ALL JUST IS. The time of galactic harmonization between the human race and ALL is NOW. We ask for you to understand the cosmic alignment and the outpouring of energies that will now flood across and within planet earth, helping ALL at this time to release all that no longer serves and to come back into balance and alignment with ALL THAT IS.


All who have traversed the dimensional timelines and have now come back into balance will work to release the last of the tendrils of the old earth energetic frequencies in order that they are able to come into full position and enter the new earth in TRUTH.

The re-alignment of ALL energetic fields upon and within planet earth will now commence. This will allow huge changes to unfold upon and within planet earth and allow the disclosure of ALL to begin in TRUTH. Teachings of distortion without a suitable energetic holding pattern are unable to continue in their anchoring and so it begins. The LIGHT will now shine out and across planet earth as it has always shone but now it will be seen by those who were struck blind by the teachings of distortion, for the vision of the human race will now be restored in TRUTH.

We are the Nephilim





Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved. www.whisperinguniverse.net www.thegalacticportal.com Article may be reproduced in its entirety if author and authors websites are clearly stated and the article remains intact and in its original format which is written. No permission is given to alter this format unless written permission is given from the author.


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...there has always been a sense of comparison between incarnates, that can often become distracting in the pursuit of purpose...focus clearly upon your own energy. Calm the chitter chatter of the day and listen to the lullaby of your soul...Many chase pursuits that leave them wondering why they feel so empty...The magic is not external...Turn your thoughts around and embrace your purpose




"In the linear there has always been a sense of comparison between incarnates, that can often become distracting in the pursuit of purpose.

Know that each of you brings forth a magical element. To do so, it is important to focus upon what those gifts are.

Coveting another's energy or belittling the self for lack of personal purpose is wasting valuable inner abilities.


Instead, focus clearly upon your own energy. Calm the chitter chatter of the day and listen to the lullaby of your soul.

This internal magic is unique within each one of you. No one arrives in physical without their purpose tucked deep inside.

Many chase pursuits that leave them wondering why they feel so empty. It is important when searching for that "Magic Moment", to seek it within yourself.

The magic is not external. Your talents and strengths are within the heart. Seek them there instead of connecting with the magic in the distance.

Often that external magic is elusive, for it may be simply a reflection of yourself. You can almost grab it, but some how it escapes.


The internal magic is ever present. One can simply extend themselves and blend with it.

The unique qualities of your soul are yours. They reside within, hoping you will recognize them and release them into your life's journey.

Always remember that each soul is unique, so any attempt at comparison will be disappointing.

Stop the motion of negative thoughts and BECOME A BELIEVER IN YOUR OWN MAGIC.

You were meant to succeed in this. Turn your thoughts around and embrace your purpose.



It is magical."


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Many of you are finding that what was interesting is no longer. Those people you found intriguing are now boring. That what you once enjoyed feels lifeless...You feel as if...your dream of a loving new age is a myth like King Arthur and the round table. Such is not true...The New Age/new earth has arrived...You are no longer alone....Those of you reading this blog and others like it, are most likely advance Lightworkerers...You are explorers of the inner-world and creators of the new earth/New Age...You are merely the first, but most certainly not the last. Others will follow more quickly than you now imagine.



Dear Ones,

Many of you are finding that what was interesting is no longer. Those people you found intriguing are now boring. That what you once enjoyed feels lifeless. We predicted such. But it is one thing to read about changes and quite another to experience them. Indeed, many of you find yourself reverting to the fears or patterns of old.

You feel as if you alone have not grasped the Lightworker brass ring. Or that your dream of a loving new age is a myth like King Arthur and the round table. Such is not true – but you do not necessarily believe that yet.

You and all Lightworkers of whatever degree of activity are creating New Age myths. Even though not all King Arthur stories are based in reality – those myths, stories and dreams have a basis in the reality of the time.


Tales were once relayed by story tellers. Each story-teller – as is true for the party game “Pass the Message” – changed the tale a bit so it was more colorful or appropriate for the listening audience – until the truth was more fiction than reality.

Your tribulations transitioning into the New Age will make a wonderful story for your children and grandchildren as they piece together the courage of those who went before. But as was true in the past, they will color you with more wisdom and courage than what you now feel is reality.

You know you need to wake up when the alarm sounds to prepare for a job you may or may not like so that in your free time – what little there is – you can access the New Age materials that make your heart sing.

Yet, your initial transition history will probably read like: “You knew from the beginning you needed to change the world, so you put aside all that did not help you move in that direction.”


Within a few generations your history will change again to: “You knew the company you worked for required a complete restructuring so, as a clerk in the mail room, you managed to change your corporation and all similar corporations.”

Perhaps you find our thoughts amusing or even frightening, but certainly not reality. So it is for the tales of courage you share. No one who is in the midst of a shift – certainly not of this magnitude – truly understands how complicated the shift is or will be in their personal life.

Many of you marvel at the courage required to hide Anne Frank and her family during the Holocaust of World War II. You are in the midst of something similar. That is not to frighten you or to compare those who hid Anne Frank and her family with you, but for you to understand the courage you find within yourselves despite so many indicators that your role will not be a success.

There were many signs that Adolf Hitler’s vision would overtake Europe, and all those who helped ( defeat ),  Hitler found subhuman,  would be destroyed. Yet, those who accepted the role of savior in cases similar to those who protected the Anne Frank family had the courage to continue whatever the consequences.



So it is for you now.

You really do yet understand how courageous you are. Or that there will be days, perhaps weeks, when you wish this transition would go away. Not because it is not a wonderful dream. But because you do not know if you have the strength to continue; or if continuing will produce anything other than more pain.


The New Age/new earth has arrived.

The outcome of this shift is now predictable. Even though there will be a few skirmishes, perhaps even battles of will, the New Age is not going away.

You are no longer alone as was true for those few voices decades ago predicting the New Age was possible. Perhaps your family or friends have not yet jumped on the New Age/new earth band wagon, but they will eventually. For if you feel a loving need to interact with them, they too are part of the Lightworker movement – just perhaps not at the same pace as you.

Those of you reading this blog and others like it, are most likely advance Lightworkerers. But thousands of other waves will follow. You are the first wave. The feelings of the first wave of any concept – loneliness and questioning the validity of beliefs – seldom deviate. As is true of the fears that you have moved too far beyond society’s expectations to return to “normal” if this new earth/New Age is not reality.

Do you suppose the first explorers of earth were so certain of their goal that they had no fears as their food and water dwindled and the expected land mass was not in sight?


The difference is you are exploring inner-worlds, instead of your physical world.

To complete your new earth mission, the outer-world must match your new feelings. You feel more joyful, more love. But is the same true for your brother, mother, friends, neighbors or employer? Where is the love? You may feel it – but few others seem to feel the same. Was your arduous inner journey worth the effort? Will others join you? Or are you now so different you cannot return to Old Age society if others decide not to transition into the New Age?

You are explorers of the inner-world and creators of the new earth/New Age. What if no one follows? What if you are stuck in an environment that feels right only to you?

Rest assured, you are not alone. It is time. You are merely the first, but most certainly not the last. Others will follow more quickly than you now imagine.

Your pining for others to be part of your loving new earth will last for just a bit. Others will sense your light and wish to know more. They will suddenly find new earth materials fascinating and wars unproductive. In truth, they are loading their wagons impatiently waiting for you to give the sign that the new earth is safe.


This you will do with the joy you display when you remember to live through your heart, instead of your mind. When you allow yourself to know you are courageous beyond words. And allow yourself to be in all your glory.

Others will follow. Maybe not today, but certainly tomorrow. For they too are programmed to awaken to the new earth/New Age. Programs just not activated as soon as was true for you.

You are not alone – merely the first wave of courageous and loving human spirits exploring your inner-worlds to create new life and joy throughout the Universes.



So be it.


Welcome to Brenda's Blog


You’re the First Wave – What if No One Follows? Posted: 25 Mar 2013 09:06 AM PDT

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Summary of Brenda’s March 17, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: Last week’s equinox opened your color frequencies. You’re no longer coloring your life with a box of eight crayons – now you’re coloring with seventy-two color crayons.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “This Equinox is Your First Gossamer Layer”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.

http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. www.LifeTapestryCreations.com. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: www.LifeTapestryCreations.com


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Your Sun sign represents the sign of the zodiac that the Sun was in at the time of your birth. The Sun rules willpower and ego...If you are born on a cusp, you will incorporate the energies of both signs...The main direction and focus you want your life to take... is inspired by your Sun sign. It represents your personal honesty and integrity, your ability to command respect and authority and your capacity to impress and influence others.

Were You Born On A Cusp?


Your Sun sign represents the sign of the zodiac that the Sun was in at the time of your birth. The Sun rules willpower and ego. It is the core of your potential and uniqueness as an individual - who you are and what you are about.

The main direction and focus you want your life to take and your determination to accomplish what you set out to do is inspired by your Sun sign. It represents your personal honesty and integrity, your ability to command respect and authority and your capacity to impress and influence others.

If you are born on a cusp, you will incorporate the energies of both signs. Read on to find out if you were born on a cusp, and if so, what that means for you.

Aries/Taurus               April 19 to April 23


Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. It represents birth and the first realization of self. Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac, moves beyond what is represented by Aries. Taurus begins to physically explore the world. Aries tend to display strong leadership, and their extroverted and assertive nature lets them eagerly lead the new cycle of the zodiac.

Taurus tends to be richly sensual, enjoying the good things in life and the physical pleasures that come with them. Together, these two astrological signs denote an active and dynamic pioneer who responds to the world by examining the worth of each possible response. The ability to follow through and complete projects that others may have abandoned through boredom or because it was too difficult is blended with the sign of new beginnings. This promises a tremendous amount of fulfilling adventure and achievement for those born on the Aries/Taurus cusp.

The astrological symbol of Aries is the Ram. Like the popular conception of the Ram, Aries people are able to accomplish a lot by sheer energy and force of will, ramming their way to their goals. In this way, Aries exemplifies the cardinal quality assigned to it. The astrological symbol of Taurus is the Bull. The term “bullheaded” applies to Taurus in both its positive and negative connotations, and Taurus exemplifies the fixed quality assigned to it.

cuspThe Aries/Taurus can be blunt, and they are bold and strong. They are among the strongest combination of signs when it comes to meeting goals because of their reliable persistence. Those born under the influence of both astrological signs are able to initiate and successfully complete projects and activities.

Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. In ancient Roman mythology, Mars (and his Greek equivalent, Aries) was the god of war. He was bold, aggressive, energetic and courageous. On the negative side, he was impulsive, compulsive and quick-tempered, and he could give in to anger and a will for destruction. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus. In Roman mythology, Venus (and her Greek equivalent, Aphrodite) was the goddess of love, beauty and pleasure. She represented joy, happiness and appreciation of beautiful things.

On the negative side, Venus’s appreciation for sweets and luxury could result in overindulgence. Mars was active and high-spirited, full of physical energy and vitality; the Aries/Taurus-born reflect his leadership and initiative. They are strongly independent and determined and have the physical stamina to stay their course. They have a great love for culture. It's important for them to feel good.

They often maintain extensive art collections and tend to be artistic themselves, sometimes through singing. They enjoy partnership and marriage, and use their charm -- as well as their focused perseverance -- to work toward harmony and personal security. An individual born on the Aries/Taurus cusp has the potential for great satisfaction in life, thanks to the balance of great action and great will.

The element associated with Aries is Fire, and the element associated with Taurus is Earth. Fire signs are physical beings who tend to respond to the world through action. Earth signs tend to respond to the world by examining the worth of each possible response. The combination of these two elements provides a solid foundation to pioneer uncharted territories.

The Aries/Taurus tends to want what they want, when they want it. The Aries side of their character needs to accept that this isn't always possible and stop butting their heads, ram-like, into the nearest wall. Aries/Taurus people can also be extremely patient and dependable. Their ambition ensures that they are hardworking and helpful to others. The blending of their elements, earth and fire, gives them a general focus on building things and seeing their ideas through to completion. However, the fixed opinions of the Aries/Taurus can be surprisingly unchangeable, even when they have discovered a flaw in their logic.

In their leisure time, Aries/Taurus tend to play as hard as they work at the office. They greatly enjoy athletics, as sports give them a positive and healthy outlet for some of their natural aggression. They appreciate both individual challenge, especially aerobics, as well as the group challenge of football and soccer. Aries/Taurus tend to enjoy outdoor activities, such as hiking, that allow them to get close to the earth.

Conversely, their appreciation of art and culture sends them to the opera and exclusive galleries. The Aries/Taurus cusp individual could possibly be an expert rock climber, kayaker or skier. Intense activity and drive channeled through a great love and respect for the natural beauty of the outdoors is often seen with this astrological aspect.

The great strength of the Aries/Taurus-born is in their energy, initiative and courage. Their ability to take a project and go with it is unparalleled. Their more earthy side brings out their stability and perseverance. Methodical determination enables them to be productive when others have long since given up. With the combination of fire and earth, they are one of the most dynamic, stable and passionate characters of the zodiac.

Taurus/Gemini               May 19 to May 23


Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac. It begins to physically explore the world. Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac. Moving beyond the physical exploration of Taurus, Gemini examines the world through intellect. Taurus/Geminis tend to be richly sensual, enjoy the good things in life and are fascinated with gathering as much information as possible. Their facility as communicators is unmatched. Taurus/Geminis display great imagination and tend to be very expressive, both physically and verbally.

The astrological symbol of Taurus is the Bull; Gemini is the Twins. The term bull-headed applies to Taurus in both its positive and negative connotations, and Taurus exemplifies the fixed quality assigned to it. Like twins, Geminis often have a dual nature and are skilled at seeing both sides of a problem, but they may also be fickle and restless. They are changeable and sometimes noncommittal. In this way, Gemini exemplifies the mutable quality assigned to it. The Taurus/Gemini is a pair of bullheaded twins. They are adaptable and able to tackle multiple tasks simultaneously, and they know how to reason with people. They are also among the strongest signs when it comes to meeting goals because of their reliable persistence.

Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus. In ancient Roman mythology, Venus (and her Greek equivalent, Aphrodite) was the goddess of love, beauty and pleasure. She represented joy, happiness and appreciation of beautiful things.

On the negative side, her appreciation for sweets and luxury could result in overindulgence. Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury. In Roman mythology, Mercury (and his Greek equivalent, Hermes) was the messenger god. He was associated with travel and transportation. He was a communicator, quick-witted and inventive, but he could also be a smooth-talker and get bored easily. A Taurus/Gemini individual is most likely a brilliant conversationalist. Mediating or speech writing would be excellent outlets for these people, as they posses the gift of beautiful, soothing speech that can produce harmony and good feelings.

Taurus/Geminis are charming and congenial and they often have many friends and acquaintances in all areas of their lives. These people have learned to focus and use their intellect; they tend to be very successful.


The element associated with Taurus is earth. Earth signs are practical. The element associated with Gemini is air. Air signs are intellectual: Taurus/Geminis respond to the world through intellect and by examining the worth of each possible response. When presented with a new project, their mental abilities kick in and they join the group enthusiastically. They tend to be leaders, and their facility for abstract reasoning and broad-minded outlook enables Taurus/Geminis to make strong contributions to projects. Their ambition ensures that they are both hardworking and helpful to others.

Taurus/Geminis often remain youthful and lighthearted their entire lives, but their need for physical pleasure can lead to an overemphasis on money and accumulation of possessions. They may often invest in fast cars and other material means of stimulation. They are tolerant, gentle and dependable, but they may appear to be scattered and high-strung. Their many interests make them entertaining and loyal friends with a carefree and unpredictable twist.

In their leisure time, Taurus/Geminis tend to enjoy pairing up with a partner for recreation. Outdoor activities that allow them to get close to the earth are favorites. Their love for conversation and good food ensures that leisurely dinners with friends are highly enjoyable for them, and their inquisitive and literary orientation means they enjoy mentally challenging pursuits as well.

The great strengths of the Taurus/Gemini-born are their stability, perseverance, and their intellectual and conversational skills. They can analyze difficult ideas and communicate them clearly to others. Their methodical determination enables them to be productive when others have long since given up.

Gemini/Cancer               June 19 to June 23


Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac. Geminis examine the world through intellect. Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac. Cancers are emotional and traditional. Those born on the Gemini/Cancer cusp display great imagination and tend to be very expressive. They are interested in heredity and ancestors, and this is reflected in their desire to care for relatives and propagate the family line. They love to learn, and their lives are generally centered around the home.

The astrological symbol of Gemini is the Twins. Like twins, Geminis often have a dual nature and are skilled at seeing both sides of a problem. The astrological symbol of Cancer is the Crab. Like the Crab, Cancers go through life with a strong shell around them that is not easily broken. Gemini/Cancers are the first to express emotion in any given situation -- the first to laugh and the first to tears. Gemini/Cancers tend to have many different interests that they study in great detail. Gemini exemplifies the mutable quality assigned to it by being adaptable and able to tackle multiple tasks simultaneously. Cancer exemplifies the cardinal quality assigned to it by being strong-willed, persistent and initiating.

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury. In ancient Roman mythology, Mercury (and his Greek equivalent, Hermes) was the messenger god. He was associated with travel and transportation. He was a communicator, quick-witted and inventive. Cancer is ruled by the Moon. In ancient times, the Moon, which represents fertility and instinct, was perceived as the Great Mother, responsible for nurturing all life.

The Moon controls the tides and all water on Earth, and it has a strong effect on human emotions. Gemini/Cancers tend to be more sensitive to the movement of the Moon, their moods changing with the Moon's passage. Their facility in adapting to new challenges may seem like opportunism, but it is really just a highly intuitive curiosity that leads them to the right people at the right time. Generally domestic and peaceful, Gemini/Cancers often have many friends and acquaintances, and they won't sit still when loved ones are threatened.

The element associated with Gemini is Air. The element associated with Cancer is Water. Gemini/Cancers are very intuitive, and their broad-minded outlook and capacity for abstract reasoning enables them to make strong contributions to projects. Emotion is a key part of their lives and is checked and balanced with logic and objectivity. Their awareness and intellectual approach to life is refreshing, and their emotional honesty is something to be admired.

Gemini/Cancers have close family ties with their brothers and sisters. They often remain youthful and lighthearted their whole lives. These people have a strong association with food and a willingness to always try something new; they often make excellent cooks. Their many interests make them entertaining and stimulating conversationalists who really love people.

In their leisure time, Gemini/Cancers enjoy pairing up with a partner for recreation. They often enjoy team sports because of the family feeling a team often provides. Gemini/Cancers are more likely to be ambidextrous than other signs. Physical exercise and artistic endeavors, written or on canvas, allow them to channel their swirling emotions into productive output. Their love for conversation and food ensures that leisurely dinners with friends are highly enjoyable for them, and their inquisitive and literary orientation means they enjoy mentally challenging pursuits as well.

In love relationships, Gemini/Cancers are caring, flirtatious, playful and romantic. The great strength of the Gemini/Cancer-born is in their blending of intellectual and conversational skills. They have the ability to understand the difficulties their loved ones must work through. Their affectionate nature makes them among the most caring characters of the zodiac.

Cancer/Leo               July 19 to July 23


Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac; Leo is the fifth. Those born on the Cancer/Leo cusp have the vitality and ambition to be successful in their creative endeavors. Creativity is one of their keywords, and their caring nature ensures that the benefits of their imaginative powers help others. Cancer/Leos turn to nurturing the family group and take pride in their warm hospitality. They are emotional and traditional, interested in heredity and ancestors. Cancer/Leos can be prominent on stage and in film, as their natural ability to act and their flamboyance and love of attention make them naturals at fame.

The astrological symbol of Cancer is the Crab; for Leo, the Lion. Cancer/Leos go through life with a strong shell around them that is not easily broken. However, Cancer/Leos are the first to express emotion in any given situation -- the first to laugh and the first to tears. In this way, the Cancer influence exemplifies the cardinal quality assigned to it. They also have a strong ability to see their projects through to the end. In this way, Leo exemplifies the fixed quality assigned to it. Cancer/Leos are good organizers and tend to be popular, even inspiring.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and Leo is ruled by the Sun. In ancient times, the Moon, which represents fertility and instinct, was perceived as the Great Mother, responsible for nurturing all life. The Moon controls the tides and all water on Earth, and it has a strong effect on human emotions. Cancer and Cancer/Leos tend to be more sensitive to the movement of the Moon through the zodiac than are other signs, their moods changing with the Moon's passage. In ancient times, the Sun was believed to be the center of the universe, the core of existence, the Father.

The Sun generates warmth and keeps life on Earth moving. Leos and Cancer/Leos sometimes feel they are the center of the universe, and sometimes they are! They are gregarious and social, fun-loving and live life with enthusiasm. Generally domestic and peaceful, they have strong emotional drives and won't sit still when loved ones are threatened. The Sun and Moon, mother and father, day and night; Cancer/Leos are all of these things, and finding a way to express the entire continuum is both a challenge and a much-needed emotional release.

The element associated with Cancer is Water. Water Signs are emotional: they tend to respond to the world through emotion. The element associated with Leo is Fire. Fire Signs are physical and tend to respond to the world through action. Cancer/Leos are very intuitive and jump headfirst into life, without worrying whether their latest goal is realistic or practical. For them, everything about life is Big with a capital B, and if drama and courage is required to meet their goals, they have both in abundance. Their warm and caring nature is very sensitive to other people's harshness. Cancer/Leos are cheerful and self-assured, sometimes to the point of living in a fantasy world. They are always happy as long as someone is paying attention to them!

Cancer/Leos have a strong association with food. They are very imaginative and sensitive, making them excellent amateur chefs. Some go on to make a career out of cooking. Pleasure is important to those born on the Cancer/Leo cusp, and they like to spend money to feel good. Cancer/Leos tend to enjoy physical exercise, finding that sweat helps them counter the stress inherent in their emotional nature. They prefer to play in groups, rather than solo. They are too sociable to enjoy solitary running or weight lifting, and they much prefer team sports or group exercise.

In love relationships, Cancer/Leos top the charts in almost every area, from devotion to romance. The great strength of the Cancer/Leo is in their creativity and generosity with others. Sometimes these qualities combine, resulting in thoughtful gifts or unique solutions to problems. Cancer/Leos emotional orientation to life help them understand the difficulties their loved ones must work through.

Leo/Virgo               August 19 to August 23


Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac. Moving past the exploration of the world and the need to nurture of the first four signs, Leo's great need is to create. Virgos, represented by the sixth sign of the zodiac, bring their skills and talents together for the good of others. Those born on the Leo/Virgo cusp have the vitality and ambition to be successful in their creative endeavors and are industrious and efficient when working for a good cause. The astrological symbol of Leo is the Lion. The astrological symbol of Virgo is the Virgin. The Virgin reflects the qualities of a virgin, rather than the definition: Virgos and Virgo cusps tend to be shy and somewhat nervous, and they may be undemonstrative.

The Leo/Virgo is a curious mixture of introverted and extroverted tendencies, modesty and flamboyance, and a capacity to see both the largest and the smallest picture in every situation. They are practical and logical, and extremely creative. Virgo and Virgo cusps are skilled at seeing all sides of a situation. In this way, Virgo exemplifies the mutable quality assigned to it. Leo and Leo cusps hold strong, steady opinions and have a strong ability to see their projects through to the end. In this way, Leo exemplifies the fixed quality assigned to it. Leo/Virgos are good businesspeople because of their methodical attention to detail and their ability to stick with a practical and organized routine. They are good organizers, and they tend to be popular, even inspiring.

Leo is ruled by the Sun. Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury. In ancient Roman mythology, Mercury (and his Greek equivalent, Hermes) was the messenger god. He was a quick, nervous type, and he was known for his strong reasoning and capacity for analyzing. Communication is his province. As a planet, Mercury is androgynous. In ancient times, the Sun was believed to be the center of the Universe, the core of existence, the Father.

Leo/Virgo cusps are gregarious and social, fun-loving and live life with enthusiasm. The natural leadership of these people and their administrative prowess help ensure that their projects are successful. Leo/Virgos enjoy exploring subjects or interests deeply. They are very good at understanding the deeper meaning of what others say. They rely on logic rather than emotion to make their decisions. They are reliable, practical and diligent, but they can sometimes seem picky or overcritical to those who aren't as discriminating as they are.

Leo/Virgos are decisive and direct, optimistic that they will succeed. Sometimes they exaggerate problems and overreact to stumbling blocks, but generally they are positive and their natural pride and stubborn streak keeps them from giving up. The element associated with Leo is Fire. Fire Signs are physical: they tend to respond to the world through action, rather than intellect or emotion. The element associated with Virgo is Earth.

They tend to respond to the world by examining the worth of each possible response. Leo/Virgos, or Fire/Earth signs, are able to analyze and then take appropriate action. They are selective and discriminating, but are always moving and quick. Their warmhearted and outgoing personalities are fiery and abundant. They are cheerful and self-assured, and they are studious and sensible in business dealings. They are skeptical of extravagant claims and promises.

Many Leo/Virgos, however, love to gamble, and may be brash and extravagant at the gaming table. They also tend to be very health-conscious. They are concerned with diet and hygiene. This interest in health ensures they take good care of their mental and physical selves.

In their leisure time, Leo/Virgos prefer to play in groups rather than solo. It is less important to them that exercise be interesting, so long as it is effective and social. Their perfectionism and physical strength make them strive to excel in whatever sport they choose.

In love relationships, Leo/Virgo is devoted and sometimes jealous, but not especially flirtatious. The great strength of Leo/Virgos is in their creativity and attention to detail, and their desire to be of service. They pick up on the little things that most miss. Thoughtful gifts or unique solutions to problems are second nature to those with this astrological placement. Their commitment to helping others makes them one of the most giving characters of the zodiac.

Virgo/Libra               September 19 to September 23


Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac; Libra is the seventh. Virgo/Libras strive to create balance and harmony between themselves and others. They bring their skills and talents together for the good of others. Despite their inherent modesty, those born on the Virgo/Libra cusp are industrious and efficient when working for a good cause. Objective and just, Virgo/Libras are excellent arbitrators and enjoy lots of friends.

The astrological symbol of Virgo is the Virgin; Libra is represented by the Scales. Virgo/Libras abhor unfairness and conflict, striving above all for peace, but at times they are easily deterred from their beliefs. They are able to see all sides of an argument, but as their mental scales sway back and forth, they may never find balance and can become fickle and indecisive. They are skilled at seeing all sides of a situation, which is an expression of Virgo's mutable quality. Virgo/Libras are skilled at initiating group projects. In this way, the cardinal quality of Libra is exemplified.

When Virgo/Libras set goals for themselves, they are determined to succeed. This astrological combination tends to be about other people rather than personal development. They are socially inclined and charming, but their focus is about smaller-scale projects and individuals. Because of Virgo's association with individuals and health, and Libra's innate interest in others, many Virgo/Libras are drawn toward careers in medicine.

Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury. In Roman mythology, Mercury (and his Greek equivalent, Hermes) was the messenger god. He was a quick, nervous type, and he was known for his strong reasoning and ability to analyze. Communication is his province. As a planet, Mercury is androgynous. Libra is ruled by the planet Venus. In mythology, Venus (and her Greek equivalent, Aphrodite) was the goddess of love, beauty and pleasure. She represented joy, happiness and appreciation of beautiful things and people. Libra is the masculine, or day, aspect of Venus; Taurus is the feminine, or night aspect.

Virgo/Librans are happiest when they're in a relationship. They are seductive and attractive, and their cultural awareness and talkative nature help them shine in the social situations they so enjoy. They tend to explore subjects deeply and are very good at understanding the deeper meaning of what others say. Many Virgo/Libras have an excellent head for business, relying on logic rather than ego or emotion to make their deals. They are reliable, practical, diligent, controlled and rational.

The element associated with Virgo is Earth. The element associated with Libra is Air. Virgo/Libras tend to respond to the world with intellect and by examining the worth of each possible response. Their intellectual orientation to the world around them makes them skilled at communication and abstract reasoning, and their intelligence combines with their interest in others to become an intellectual exploration of the people around them.

Because of their responsibility and attention to detail, those born on the Virgo/Libra cusp tend to be perfectionists. They may worry about small details, but this is often necessary when attempting to be as fair and diplomatic as possible. They are team workers, skilled at cooperative action, but they can also be self-doubting.

Open-minded and always polite, they have a strong sense of loyalty because of their ability to put themselves into the shoes of others. Virgo/Libras love to debate but not to quarrel; a fine distinction that is nonetheless very important. They are kind and considerate, and they rarely display anger. Instead, they may employ subtle means of getting even when their strong sense of fairness and legality, or their refined sensitivities, are violated.

They tend to be somewhat health-conscious, which ensures they take good care of themselves and their loved ones. In their leisure time, Virgo/Libras often turn their interest in health into an exercise or fitness program. However, they have a definite lazy streak, preferring to read and go out with friends. Exercise generally appeals to them only if it is effective and allows socializing at the same time. Some have a particular affinity for activities that let them get out in nature, such as hiking and horseback riding.

In love relationships, Virgo/Libras are playful, romantic and devoted. The great strength of the Virgo/Libra-born is in their attention to detail and their desire to be of service. They pick up on the little things that most others miss. Their drive for peace and harmony and their ability to obtain balance and cooperation from a disparate group is unparalleled. Their skill at seeing all sides of a situation makes them one of the most just characters of the zodiac.

Libra/Scorpio               October 19 to October 23


Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac; Scorpio is the eighth. After Libra's intellectual exploration of other people, Scorpio's interest is in discovering other people's emotions and how they respond to the world around them. Scorpio is the sign of sex and death, the beginning and ending, and they explore these ideas from an emotional standpoint. Libra/Scorpios strive to create balance and harmony between self and other through investigation and probing. They are often strongly intuitive and penetrating. They have a need to be liked.

The astrological symbol of Libra is the Scales. Like the scales of justice, Librans are objective and just. They abhor unfairness and conflict, striving above all for peace; but at times they are easily deterred from their beliefs. Librans are able to see all sides of an argument, but as their mental scales sway back and forth, they may never find balance. The astrological symbol of Scorpio is the Scorpion. Like the mythical scorpion, those born under this sign tend to be strong-willed and wary of being controlled by others. In keeping with Libra's cardinal quality, Libra/Scorpios are diplomatic and cooperative; they are skilled at initiating group projects.

They can be stubborn, refusing to give up when others have long since become bored and abandoned a project. Libra/Scorpios get things done when no one else thought it possible. In this way, the fixed quality of Scorpio is expressed. When Libra/Scorpios set goals for themselves, they are determined to succeed. They have their own agenda and work to achieve their desires.

Libra is ruled by the planet Venus. In mythology, Venus (and her Greek equivalent, Aphrodite) was the goddess of love, beauty and pleasure. She represented joy, happiness and appreciation of beautiful things. Scorpio is ruled by the planets Mars and Pluto. Mars (and his Greek equivalent, Ares) was the god of war, and ancient astrologers assigned both Aries and Scorpio to this planet. Pluto (and his Greek equivalent, Hades) was the god of the underworld, and when the planet Pluto was discovered early in the 20th century, astrologers assigned Scorpio to it.

Libra/Scorpios are seductive and attractive, commanding and intense. Cultural awareness and a talkative nature help them shine in the social situations they so enjoy. The element associated with Libra is Air. The element associated with Scorpio is Water.

Libra/Scorpios are skilled at communication and abstract reasoning, and their intelligence combines with their interest in others to become an intellectual exploration of those around them. They may repress their emotions, but underneath they are lusty and perceptive. Libra/Scorpios are motivated and loyal, but they are often misunderstood and may be seen as dictatorial or sarcastic. If they have an ulterior motive, they can be overbearing, but in a subtle, sly or manipulative way.

Libra/Scorpios are both mystical and scientific, a combination that makes them very aware of what is happening around them; they are a sign of great depth. If they aren't careful, though, their passionate nature may lead them into self-indulgence or compulsion. In their leisure time, Libra/Scorpios tend to have a definite lazy streak. However, this is barely perceptible because they also enjoy difficult pursuits that challenge them to excel, and they refuse to settle for being anything less than the best. They may have a particular affinity for activities that let them get out in nature.

In love relationships, Libra is playful, romantic and devoted. The great strength of the Libra/Scorpio-born is in their drive for peace and harmony and their determination to see things through to the end. Their skill at seeing all sides of a situation with great passion and strength makes them one of the most powerful characters of the zodiac.

Scorpio/Sagittarius               November 19 to November 23


Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac; Sagittarius is the ninth. Scorpio is the sign of sex and death, the beginning and ending, and they explore these ideas from an emotional standpoint. Sagittarius uses knowledge to understand the world. Sagittarius is the sign of philosophy and religion, and people born under this sign are the scholars and learners of the zodiac. Those born on the Scorpio/Sagittarius cusp seek the truth and the meaning of life, and they love to explore through knowledge. They are investigative and probing, often strongly intuitive and penetrating.

The astrological symbol of Scorpio is the Scorpion. The astrological symbol of Sagittarius is the Archer. Scorpio/Sagittarius are very determined, and once they've made up their minds, they are unlikely to change them. Expressing the fixed quality of Scorpio, they tend to be stubborn, refusing to give up when others have long since become bored and abandoned a project, and they get things done when no one else thought it possible. Even though Scorpio/Sagittarius are likely to remain true to their opinions and judgments once they have settled on them, they are not necessarily fixed or opinionated. They have no set plan or bias but seek to learn new ideas as they come. In this way, the mutable quality of Sagittarius is exemplified. They desire the freedom to do what they want when they want, and they tend to be impulsive and independent.

Scorpio/Sagittarius people tend to be concerned with deeper and focused learning. They are versatile and progressive, but at times they can be impatient and pushy if something isn't getting done the way they want. Those who wish to change a Scorpio/Sagittarius mind often have trouble because they can never be sure what their motivation is; they are too complex and sometimes too secretive to be understood easily.

Scorpio is ruled by the planets Mars and Pluto. In mythology, Mars (and his Greek equivalent, Ares) was the god of war, and ancient astrologers assigned both Aries and Scorpio to this Planet. Pluto (and his Greek equivalent, Hades) was the god of the underworld, and when the planet Pluto was discovered early in the 20th century, astrologers assigned Scorpio to it. Scorpio's modern ruler, Pluto, represents death and endings; it's the sign of rebirth and regeneration.

Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter, and, according to mythology, Jupiter (and his Greek equivalent, Zeus) was the king of the gods. Jupiter represents expansion in all its forms, including the mental outreach so prominent in Sagittarians, but it also may invite excess. It is the planet of luck, and many people born under Sagittarius do experience good luck. Scorpio/Sagittarians are interested in thought and outreach. They are intensely powerful, good-humored and generous.

The element associated with Scorpio is Water. The element associated with Sagittarius is Fire. Scorpio/Sagittarians tend to respond to the world through emotion and action, rather than practicality. They are eager and inspirational; they are about action and getting things started, but they can also seem irresponsible or tactless if they jump in too quickly. They want to experience life, rather than read about it, and they are outgoing and friendly. Scorpio/Sagittarians are motivated and loyal, but they are often misunderstood, and others may see them as dictatorial or sarcastic.

They are broad-minded and enthusiastic, but they may sometimes seem to have foot-in-mouth disease, as they may talk too much or speak before thinking. Scorpio/Sagittarians are both mystical and scientific, a combination that makes them very aware of what is happening around them; they are a sign of great depth. Many enjoy travel and spiritual study and have daring and adventurous spirits.

Scorpio/Sagittarians aspire to be the phoenix or eagle, rising above the ordinary world and into something extraordinary. Their suspicion and jealousy can pull them down, but their passion and awareness can help them rise above this. They also love to have a good time and are outgoing and friendly. Many are natural comedians, sometimes exaggerating their adventures to entertain others. Their innate self-confidence may make them argumentative or blunt, but their intention is to learn, not to offend. They are high-spirited and enthusiastic, often flirtatious, and they tend to enjoy social life immensely.

In their leisure time, Scorpio/Sagittarians enjoy competition and challenge. They aren't satisfied with moving along at half speed or lowering their abilities to let those with lesser skills beat them. Personal challenge is always appreciated, and they tend to prefer solitary or one-on-one sports that stretch them to the limit, such as skydiving and big game fishing. They tend to be lucky and may enjoy gambling. Their philosophical side makes them enjoy drama and debate, as well as most other mentally challenging pursuits.

In love relationships, Scorpio/Sagittarians are flirtatious, playful, caring and possessive. The great strength of the Scorpio/Sagittarius-born is in their determination to see things through to the end. They refuse to allow boredom to turn them away from projects, and they are committed to accomplishing what they set out to do. Their philosophical and exploratory nature makes it important to live life to the fullest, experiencing everything they can. Their great love of knowledge and exploration makes them one of the most learned characters of the zodiac.

Sagittarius/Capricorn               December 19 to December 23


Sagittarius is the 9th sign of the zodiac; Capricorn is the 10th. Sagittarius/Capricorns use knowledge to understand the world and hard work to master it. Those born on this cusp are both ambitious and disciplined, determined and dedicated to achieving their goals. They are also practical and realistic, cautious not to get in over their head. Sagittarius/Capricorns are the scholars and learners of the zodiac. They seek the truth and the meaning of life, and they love to explore. The astrological symbol of Sagittarius is the Archer. The Archer is a Centaur, half man and half horse, and it is the only sign of the zodiac that is half man and half beast. Centaurs were the great scholars and intellectuals of Greek and Roman myth, but they could also be hotheaded and aggressive.

The astrological symbol of Capricorn is the Sea Goat. They start from the sea and ascend to the highest mountaintops, working their way upward with every step. While the path is not always smooth, their determination to succeed ensures they will persevere. They can also be rigid and unforgiving when others stand in their way.

Sagittarius/Capricorns are not fixed or opinionated, and they have no set plan or bias, but seek to learn new ideas as they come. This aspect is indicative of the mutable nature of the Sun sign Sagittarius. These people often excel in the workplace and are business leaders, often starting businesses or coming up with new ideas.

In this way, Capricorn exemplifies the cardinal quality assigned to it. Capricorns' organizational ability combines with their diligence to help them achieve their goals. Sagittarius/Capricorns desire the freedom to do what they want when they want, and they tend to be impulsive and independent.

Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter. In ancient Roman mythology, Jupiter (and his Greek equivalent, Zeus) was the king of the gods. Jupiter represents expansion in all its forms, including the mental outreach so prominent in Sagittarians, but it also may invite excess. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn.

In mythology, Saturn (and his Greek equivalent, Cronus) was the father of many of the gods, including Zeus. Saturn is about discipline, hard work and responsibility. Sagittarius/Capricorns are interested in mental exploration as teachers and philosophers, and are loyal and charitable, self-controlled and self-reliant. They are also trustworthy and charming, adaptable to all situations.

The element associated with Sagittarius is Fire. The element associated with Capricorn is Earth. Fire/Earth signs are physical and practical. While they are about action and leadership, they are not in a hurry. Their innate optimism and belief in straightforward dealings with others can sometimes make them careless or impulsive, but underneath they are economical, shrewd and rather conservative.

Sagittarius/Capricorns love to have a good time, and they are outgoing and friendly. They are, however, also among the most responsible and traditional signs of the zodiac. They are generally polite and warm, because they understand that making enemies will not help them achieve in life.

Many Sagittarius/Capricorns are natural comedians, sometimes exaggerating their adventures to entertain others. Their innate self-confidence may make them argumentative or blunt, but their intention is to learn, not to offend. They are high-spirited and enthusiastic, often flirtatious, and they tend to enjoy social life immensely. In their leisure time,Sagittarius/Capricorns athleticism comes to the forefront. Personal challenge is always appreciated, and they tend to prefer competition with others. One-on-one competition also appeals to them, and they especially enjoy golf and martial arts. They tend to be lucky, and may enjoy gambling. Thanks to their philosophical side, they also enjoy drama, debate and most other mentally challenging pursuits.


In love relationships, Sagittarius/Capricorns are flirtatious, devoted and playful. The great strength of the Sagittarius/Capricorn-born is in their philosophical and exploratory nature. It is important to them that they live life to the fullest, experiencing everything they can. Their ambition is inexhaustible, and they are not easily deterred when their goals are in sight. Their hard work makes them one of the most successful characters of the zodiac.

Capricorn/Aquarius               January 19 to January 23


Capricorn is the 10th sign of the zodiac; Aquarius is the 11th sign. Those born on the Capricorn/Aquarius cusp are involved with and interested in social institutions. They want to make them work as they were meant to work. They are humanitarians and philanthropists, the visionaries of the zodiac. Friendship is important to them, and they have many acquaintances, in addition to their close friends. These people are also ambitious and disciplined, determined and dedicated to achieving their goals. They are practical, realistic and cautious not to get in over their heads.

The astrological symbol of Capricorn is the Sea Goat. They start from the sea and ascend to the highest mountaintops, working their way upward with every step. While the path is not always smooth, their determination to succeed ensures they will persevere. The astrological symbol of Aquarius is the Water Bearer. Like the Bearer bringing water to his people, this sign brings new ideas to the world. It represents consciousness and the flowing of ideas.

Capricorn/Aquarians work hard to bring their ideas to fruition, stubbornly refusing to give up their causes. This may appear as a Capricorn trait, but it is actually representative of the fixed quality of Aquarius. The cardinal quality of Capricorn is seen in their ambition and their willingness to embark on new projects. These people are independent and individualistic, within the world but detached from it. While they are peace-loving and friendly, they can be narrow-minded and overcritical of those not as ambitious as they are.

Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn. In mythology, Saturn (and his Greek equivalent, Cronus) was the father of many of the gods, including Zeus. Saturn is about discipline, hard work and responsibility. It rules both Capricorn and Aquarius; Capricorn is the feminine, or night aspect, and Aquarius is the masculine, or day aspect. Both signs are concerned with achieving goals through hard work, but Aquarians work hard to achieve their visions, while Capricorns use hard work to gain authority and social status.

When the planet Uranus was discovered, astrologers assigned it as the modern ruler of Aquarius. It is from this planet that Aquarians receive their visionary nature. Uranus is associated with progress and technology -- anything that is radical -- and it rules electricity and astrology. Some Aquarians have genius that borders on insanity, and their progressive ideas and association with anything that is different makes them dissimilar from Capricorn. Although Capricorn/Aquarians are powerfully influenced by both Uranus and Saturn. Those born on this cusp are both unpredictable and unconventional, while being interested in upholding tradition and conservative belief systems.

The element associated with Capricorn is Earth. Earth signs are practical: they tend to respond to the world through practicality. The element associated with Aquarius is Air. Air signs are intellectual: they tend to respond to the world through intellect.

Capricorn/Aquarius has fixed opinions and is eager to share and discuss them. While those born on this cusp are tolerant and broad-minded, they tend to stick to their beliefs. Their intellect makes them logical and self-confident, but it may also make them aloof from the people around them. They are original, offbeat and even eccentric, but they are also rather bored by detail. They are often business-oriented and can be extremely scrupulous. Reformist and experimental, they may also seem cold toward anyone who doesn't share their intellectual orientation to life.

Capricorn/Aquarians are among the responsible and traditional sign combinations. They are generally reserved, careful and stable. Sometimes they may be overly critical, even bossy, but this is because they have a strong desire to achieve their goals, not because they are rude. In fact, they are generally polite because they understand that making enemies will not help them achieve anything in life. They tend to be multitalented, both in scientific and creative endeavors. They are unique and rebellious, driven to change the world. Their freedom is important to them, and they are often driven to help others become free as well.

In their leisure time, Capricorn/Aquarians enjoy competition with others. They enjoy both team sports and one-on-one competition. They are quite the social animals and often have a fondness for conversation, as long as it has intellectual depth and meaning. The great strength of the Capricorn/Aquarius is in their ability to set goals and keep working until they achieve them.

Their ambition is inexhaustible, and they are not easily deterred when their goals are in sight. Their visionary nature makes them people who take the world to the next level; they make others see things in a new light. Their ability to break the rules and move beyond what others think is possible makes them one of the most innovative and hard working characters of the zodiac.

Aquarius/Pisces               February 19 to February 23


Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac. Aquarians are humanitarians and philanthropists, the visionaries of the zodiac. Aquarians value friendship and often have many acquaintances in addition to their close friends. Pisces is the 12th and final sign of the zodiac. All that is learned by the first 11 signs comes together to help Pisces reach the pinnacle of their potential. Aquarius/Pisces are selfless and spiritual, often strongly intuitive and receptive to the collective unconscious.

The astrological symbol of Aquarius is the Water Bearer. The astrological symbol of Pisces is the Pair of Fish. Those born on the Aquarius/Pisces cusp reflect the dual nature of life, reality and nonreality, consciousness and the unconscious. They represent consciousness through the flowing of ideas. They work hard to bring their ideas to fruition, stubbornly refusing to give up their causes. In this way, the Fixed quality of Aquarius is the Fixed exemplified.

However, the Mutable quality of Pisces shows itself equally by deeming these individuals as people without a strong agenda; they tend to go with the flow and move where life takes them. They are peace-loving and friendly, and are the chameleons of the zodiac, receptive to the needs of others but sometimes getting lost themselves.

Aquarius is ruled by the planets Uranus and Saturn. In ancient Roman mythology, Saturn (and his Greek equivalent, Cronus) was the father of many gods, including Zeus. Uranus, the oldest god, was associated with Earth. When the planet Uranus was discovered, astrologers assigned it as the modern ruler of Aquarius. It is from this planet that Aquarians receive their visionary nature. Uranus is associated with progress and technology -- anything that is radical -- and it rules electricity and astrology.

Pisces is ruled by the planets Jupiter and Neptune. In Roman mythology, Jupiter (and his Greek equivalent, Zeus) was the king of the gods. Neptune (and his Greek equivalent, Poseidon) was the god of the sea. When the planet Neptune was discovered, modern astrologers assigned it to be the ruler of Pisces. Neptune is about everything that isn't quite real: illusion and disillusionment, fantasy, drama and art, and spirituality. All of these are important to those born under Pisces. Aquarius/Pisces tend to be strongly spiritual (not necessarily religious) and artistic. They are idealistic, but sometimes their dreams are vague and impractical. When reality intrudes, they can become pessimistic or lethargic, but they are very adaptive and broad-minded, so they can rework their ideals when necessary.

The element associated with Aquarius is Air. Air signs are intellectual, and they tend to respond to the world through intellect, rather than physical action or practicality. The element associated with Pisces is Water. Because Water signs are emotional, they tend to respond to the world through emotion. Aquarius/Pisces are tolerant and open-minded, but tend to stick to their beliefs. They are compassionate, sensitive, imaginative and sympathetic to the feelings of others. They tend to be romantic and sentimental, but they may give in to escapism.

They are devoted to their goals, but they can be disorganized or procrastinate when faced with difficulties. Their intellect makes them logical and self-confident, but it may also makes them aloof from people around them. They are original, offbeat and even eccentric, but they are also rather bored by detail. Reformist and experimental, Aquarius/Pisces may seem cold toward people who don't share their intellectual orientation to life. Those born on the Aquarius/Pisces cusp may become timid if their emotions are abused too often.

Aquarius/Pisces are often multitalented, both in scientific and creative endeavors. They are unique and rebellious people who are driven to change the world. However, they can be shy, quiet and sometimes elusive, refusing to show their true selves. They are modest and thoughtful, sometimes displaying remarkable musical talent. Their freedom is important to them, and they are often driven to help others become free, as well.

In their leisure time, Aquarius/Pisces are social animals. They may work to alleviate their emotional stress through contact with others and exercise. They greatly prefer team sports to solitary athletics, and they often have a fondness for swimming or water polo. In love relationships, Aquarius/Pisces is flirtatious, caring and romantic. Aquarius rules the ankles. People born under Aquarius may be more susceptible to sprains than those of other signs. Aquarius's colors are the colors of the water they carry: turquoise, aqua and silver.

The great strength of the Aquarius/Pisces is in their visionary nature and their compassion. They are the people who take the world to the next level; they make others see things in a new light. Their ability to break the rules and help others reach their fullest potential makes them one of the most understanding characters of the zodiac.

Pisces/Aries               March 19 to March 23


Pisces is the 12th and final sign of the zodiac; Aries is the first. Pisces/Aries are spiritual, often strongly intuitive, and they are receptive to the collective unconscious. They like to get things started and tend to display strong leadership. Their dedicated and assertive nature lets them eagerly lead the new cycle. Pisces is the sign of dreams and secrets, and it represents much that is hidden, both strengths and enemies. Aries is the sign of new beginnings.

The astrological symbol of Pisces is the Pair of Fish. They reflect the dual nature of life; each Fish swims in different directions, representing reality and nonreality, consciousness and the unconscious. The astrological symbol of Aries is the Ram. Like the popular conception of the Ram, Aries are able to accomplish a lot by sheer energy and force of will, 'ramming' their way to their goals. In this way, Aries exemplifies the cardinal quality assigned to it. Pisces, on the other hand, can be indirect and unfocused. Pisceans don't have a strong agenda; they tend to go with the flow and move where life takes them.

In this way, Pisces exemplifies the mutable quality assigned to it. Pisces/Aries are unique in the sense that they are the chameleons of the zodiac, receptive to the needs of others, but also tending to be about self and ego rather than the balance between people. However, they are not loners.

Pisces is ruled by the planets Jupiter and Neptune. In ancient Roman mythology, Jupiter (and his Greek equivalent, Zeus) was the king of the gods. Neptune (and his Greek equivalent, Poseidon) was the god of the sea. When the planet Neptune was discovered, modern astrologers assigned it to be the ruler of Pisces. Neptune is about everything that isn't quite real: illusion and disillusionment, fantasy, drama and art, and spirituality. All of these are important to those born under Pisces or on a Pisces cusp.

Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. In ancient Roman mythology, Mars (and his Greek equivalent, Ares) was the god of war. He was bold, aggressive, energetic and courageous. Mars was active and high-spirited, full of physical energy and vitality. Aries or Aries cusp-born reflect Mars' leadership and initiative. Pisces/Aries cusp individuals are adept at taking the ball and running with it, and projects tend to progress quickly under their guidance.

A well-run project may become boring for these chameleon-like folks, and they can lack follow- through and lose interest before the project is completed. They are idealistic, but sometimes their dreams are vague and impractical. When reality intrudes, they can become pessimistic or lethargic, but they are very adaptive and broad-minded so they can rework their ideals, when necessary.

The element associated with Pisces is Water. Water signs are emotional: they tend to respond to the world through emotion. The element associated with Aries is Fire. Fire signs are physical: they tend to respond to the world through action. Pisces/Aries are compassionate, sensitive and imaginative; they are sympathetic to the feelings of others. When presented with a new project or idea, their innate enthusiasm and need for challenge cause them to jump in immediately, leading the way. One of their great skills is reaching beyond normal limitations. They tend to be romantic and sentimental, but they may give in to escapism. They are devoted to their goals and are constantly initiating new projects.

Pisces/Aries are sometimes elusive, refusing to show their real selves. They are thoughtful, sometimes displaying remarkable musical talent. Yet, they also tend to want what they want, when they want it. The ego that can manifest itself in Aries causes some Rams and Ram cusps to feel that they are the center of the universe. Those born under this sign may be fascinated with dreams and dream interpretation.

In their leisure time, Pisces/Aries play as hard as they work at the office. They greatly enjoy athletics, as sports give them a positive and healthy outlet for some of their natural aggression and emotional stress. They appreciate both individual challenge, especially aerobics, as well as the group challenge of football and soccer. They especially enjoy sports that bring them into contact with the element of water, such as swimming and sailing. They are very artistic and may excel at music and drama. In love relationships, Pisces is playful, devoted, and romantic.

The great strength of the Pisces/Aries-born is in their compassion, energy, initiative and courage. They reach out to others more skillfully than most other signs, and they especially enjoy helping others reach their fullest potential. Their natural sensitivity makes them one of the most understanding characters of the zodiac.



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...you find yourselves really in a time of transition...the transition is a non-time, a time between what you have left (the old world), a time that separates you from your new world, from this world that is promised you and towards which you go more each day...during this transition between two times, between two worlds, if you have not sufficiently let go of what still ties you to the old world, you will suffer...no longer cling to the past! The old world belongs to you no longer!”...let go of what no longer belongs to you, what has been experienced!



A Time of Adaptation

“After the passage of December 21 st, you find yourselves really in a time of transition, this word transition that you have used so often – as we have as well – but that you have so poorly understood.

For us, the transition is a non-time, a time between what you have left (the old world), a time that separates you from your new world, from this world that is promised you and towards which you go more each day. It is a time of preparation, of adaptation to what you are becoming, because it is very important that you be able to adapt to your future, to all of the new energies of Love and of Light that are offered you.

You, on Earth, have an adaptation to make, but in all of the solar system and well beyond the same adaptation,  must take place at levels that obviously are totally different from yours.


Everything must change and everything is going to change within you!


Each of you, depending on the work that has been accomplished, will be able to feel and experience the new energies and some profound transformations. Take advantage of this moment between two times, of the moment of profound transformation, in order to have access to your real future!

However, during this transition between two times, between two worlds, if you have not sufficiently let go of what still ties you to the old world, you will suffer because you will be as if torn between what you were and what you are becoming. In one way or another, you must let go!

Understand that it is not possible to let go of what you are going towards because at that moment, it would be your entire evolution that would be in question! You simply need to let go of what no longer belongs to you, what has been experienced!

It is for this reason that you must understand well and analyze well; understand well if you have sufficiently liberated yourself and analyze well what you still need to liberate within you.

It is absolutely necessary that you be able to forgive yourself, no matter what you have done, because any action that you may have committed in what was your old world was obligatory in order that you be able to accede to what you are becoming.


Human beings have a principle of guilt that they really must eradicate from their lives now.

You must also forgive others, no matter what they have done! In a certain way, the other is your master, so how can you hold anything against someone who allows you to evolve, to surpass yourself, and to understand?

As we have already told you, no longer cling to the past! The old world belongs to you no longer!”

Out with "The Old".....in with "The New"......."WE" see you.........Everywhere......



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Much of the information that was once widely accepted and used in the ancient civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis about the power of sound has been “lost” or rather we would say forgotten...Sound has the ability to heal the body, clear blocked chakras, move energy and shift physical matter...The vibration is what directly affects the molecular structure of cells. The volume of the sound is not what determines the rate of vibration; rather it is the pitch... there is a unique frequency or pitch which serves to instantly bring each individual being back into perfect alignment....Physical ears are not required to be “moved” by music. The phrase “let the rhythm move you” is incredibly accurate...



Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of sound. Much of the information that was once widely accepted and used in the ancient civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis about the power of sound has been “lost” or rather we would say forgotten. It is our intention to share with you our perspective on just how useful sound is in your reality, what it is capable of and how it works.

How does the sound of gentle meditation music have the ability to soothe even the most stressful situations? How is it that the beat of a drum can evoke a response within the body which can be chemically detected by measuring the increase of adrenaline being released? How is it that plants with seemingly no physical ears to “hear” have been known to bloom more regularly and grow faster when in the presence of classical music? Why does water begin to ripple or pebbles begin to tremble when near loud sounds? Is music actually heard or felt? These are some thought-provoking questions which we wanted to stir within you to help you to open up to the wide potential that the power of sound actually has within your world.

Let us begin with a simple explanation of what sound is. Sound can be defined as the vibration of energy moving back and forth which is then interpreted by your brain as a sound. As the air vibrates in a wave-like pattern, this creates “sound”. The rate at which the energy vibrates creates the pitch of the sound; the faster the vibration, the higher the pitch. Decibels are what determine the “volume” of the sound, the higher the decibel the louder the sound.

Sound has the ability to heal the body, clear blocked chakras, move energy and shift physical matter. You may wonder how this could be possible. This is what we would like to begin to share with you. There are a number of benefits that can be accessed by using sound and many are already enjoying some of the benefits of sound without truly understanding “how” or “why”. Of course the “how” or “why” is not necessary for you to enjoy something, however we would like to share this with you so that you may further discover the tremendous power that sound has in your reality.

Remember that everything is energy and therefore all can be affected by energy. Very simply put, sound transmits frequency, which affects the vibration of the molecular composition of any and all matter. However, not all matter will respond in a similar fashion to being exposed to even the very same sound. For instance, not everyone is comforted and soothed by the same “type” of music, different beings respond to what resonates most with their current vibration.

For those who are able to perceive another’s aura, they would surely see the immediate effect that sound has on the body’s vibration and therefore overall mood. Just as words are simply the vessel which is used to transmit or carry the information which you wish to share with another, so too is music just a vessel for which energy is shared and experienced.

Sound and vibration are one. Even those who are deaf will still “feel” the energy that sound carries. You do not actually hear the sound, it is your brain that detects and then translates this energy into an audible sound for you to experience. The range which is detected by the human brain is very small in comparison to the wide array of sounds which are actually available in your universe. Although you cannot perceive the sound of many of the frequency waves that flow through you at any given moment, you certainly can feel them; whether you are conscious of them or not, that is another matter.


The vibration is what directly affects the molecular structure of cells. The volume of the sound is not what determines the rate of vibration; rather it is the pitch that determines the speed at which the energy vibrates. Although the volume does play a significant role in how strongly matter is affected. The pitch of the energy is what shifts physical matter, however the volume of sound determines the intensity of change made to physical matter. A simple example of this would be an opera singer who whispers next to a wine glass, and an opera singer who sings at the top of her lungs next to a wine glass. Both sounds did have an effect on the wine glass; however the volume of the sound directly impacted the intensity of the effect. The whisper caused the wine glass to vibrate mildly while the singing caused the wine glass to shatter.


A lower pitch has a slower rate of vibration, the higher the pitch the faster the energy vibrates. It is this vibration that creates the “sound”. Both high and low-pitched sounds can make changes to matter. We do not intend to expand too extensively on the physics of how sound is created, we simply wanted to share a basic explanation of what sound really is, which would allow us to further explain some of the capabilities of sound, and how it has been used in the “past” as well as what your civilization will once again regain.

Those in Lemuria and then later in the civilization of Atlantis, used sound for many purposes. They were very much aware that the molecular composition of matter can be changed by emitting the “right” pitch which far exceeds what humans can perceive with their physical ears. Using the right pitch, sound vibrations have the ability to carve stone, elevate matter, part water and shift energy. This technique was responsible for some of the largest monuments on your world, some of which can still be viewed today.


These civilizations used devices which were similar to crystal “amplifiers” for lack of a better word which were responsible for emitting very high and very low frequencies. This device could easily be manipulated, much like the use of a radio dial can be used to tune into your preferred channel. The device allowed the operator to determine both the volume and pitch to easily achieve the desired effect. This allowed for incredibly accurate cuts to be made that are still more precise than even your most advanced modern tools of today. This device allowed for incredible engineering with little to no physical labor required. Tunnels were easily carved through granite rock in a matter of minutes, boulders were easily lifted and gently set aside, and even large bodies of water were easily manipulated to benefit these civilizations. This technology eventually lead to the demise of the continent of Atlantis by creating huge “shock waves” which were released deep into the Earth’s crust. As we have said many times before, anything in your reality can be used for “good” or “bad”; the one who wields this power determines how it will be used. This knowledge is available for all who seek to regain the information of the “past”. Know that although information can be forgotten, it can never be “lost”.

So how then is it possible that sound can bring your being back into alignment? When you are feeling any negative emotions such as worry, fear, anger, or sadness then your being is “out of alignment” with your true self. When you are in alignment you are able to receive the abundance of the divine flow, it is the feeling of absolute peace which resonates throughout your entire body. You are fully present in the moment; you do not regret the “past” nor do you worry about the “future” when you are in perfect harmony.

Something that you may find interesting is that there is a unique frequency or pitch which serves to instantly bring each individual being back into perfect alignment. What we mean by this is that when you are introduced to the unique frequency which your soul is attuned to, it will instantly bring your being back into perfect alignment. Not all individuals are attuned to the same pitch; it is something that is unique to you. Know that we are not referring only to humans; every being has its own unique pitch that will bring their being back into total alignment. This is why we say, sound has the power to heal the body. If your body is in perfect alignment, disease cannot remain. Sound was often used in healing temples in Lemuria and Atlantis to help align and restore the spiritual, emotional and physical body. Glass bowls, crystals and stringed instruments were often used in this practice. Because these civilizations could perceive auras, they could instantly “see” which sounds resonated most with each being. There are several communities of scientist who are beginning to make the connection between sound and the healing of the body.


Although you certainly can become consciously aware of the exact “pitch” that aligns your being, know that you do not have to become conscious of the exact pitch that resonates with your being to benefit from coming in contact with it. The exact pitch is always held within the subconscious mind. This is why not all beings prefer to “listen” to the same music, or are soothed by the same “sounds”. You will simply be drawn to that which resonates best with your being. Also know that the unique “pitch” that will serve to instantly align your being will remain constant, however the sounds that you are drawn to will not always be the same. What you prefer to hear one day may not be what you want to listen to another day. Many say that it depends on your mood; however a more accurate statement would be it depends on the vibration you are resonating with at that moment.

Many find it to be a coincidence that the radio will continue to play music that reflects your mood. For instance if you are incredibly sad about the “loss” of a loved one, you find that you continually hear similar songs that reflect your feelings. Know that the songs which play are directly connected to your vibration. It is you who continues to attract songs that resonate with the frequency you are emitting. You may wonder how you could have such an effect on a “public” radio station. How could your mood determine what songs play when there are millions of others who are listening to the same station? This is a wonderful question and to this we reply you will always attract the reality which you resonate most with. The radio does not coincidently play the songs that represent your mood by chance; rather your vibration attracts the songs which resonate with your being at the moment. Remember that there are an infinite number of parallel realities. Although you only see yourselves as being in just one reality; we however watch as you “jump” back and forth to many realities throughout your day depending on the vibration you choose to experience. You cannot experience what you do not resonate with.

You can experiment with this by putting your music playlist on a random order or listen to the radio; you will get a very accurate depiction of what you are currently pulsing out at that very moment. You will attract the songs which resonate most. This is yet again another experience that you are often met with that you are fully creating and yet, most are unaware of the true power they possess that serves to create every experience in your reality. Everything in your reality, is your creation; everything.

So, do you effect sound, or does sound effect you? In short, you will not attract a sound that you do not resonate with. In the most basic answer, you attract the sound to which you resonate with, and in turn the sound that you resonate with will have a direct effect on your being. Many can attest to the direct affect music can have on their mood. Many look to music to get them in the mood to exercise, dance, relax, or release negative emotions. Know that you have first changed your vibration and in turn you will attract songs that further help to solidify that resonance.

Physical ears are not required to be “moved” by music. The phrase “let the rhythm move you” is incredibly accurate because in reality that is exactly what sound does. Sound moves matter. This is why even plants, and trees will inevitably respond to music. The energy and frequency of the vibration is what is “felt” by all beings.

The power of sound is largely untapped in your current reality, however this will change and you will once again reclaim the knowledge that has been forgotten. As you become more conscious of the tremendous power that surrounds you, you will inevitably learn that it is always a reflection of the power you hold within.


We hope that this message has in some way served you.

In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides


Copyright © 2012-2013 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.





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The expectations of the human race have been raised in order to suppress and contain for expectation takes the human logical brain out of the moment and places it in the linear constraints of the human implant of linear time...The coding of 333 has gone out across the higher dimensional timelines and this is now being ankhored by ALL who are now moving into position in order to fulfil SOUL purpose here on planet earth...begin to comprehend the human race and the planet earth from a vibrational point of view.



We are the Nephilim and we come through our channel to guide and to support at a time upon planet earth where all who have incarnated to aid the human race in their evolution as a race now take their positions. Much will now shift and change upon and within planet earth and ALL races join now as ONE VOICE for ONE FAMILY across planet earth. Our channel has been asked to place our words on this platform in order that we are able to speak freely to those incarnate into human form but who are aligned with our energies. For the Nephilim have incarnated into the human race in order to re-align the human race with TRUTH.

We fully understand and acknowledge that many within the human race are within a process that sees their inner vision still contained and suppressed and we ask for you to ankhor and process our words through the heart space, for the heart knows TRUTH. The expectations of the human race have been raised in order to suppress and contain for expectation takes the human logical brain out of the moment and places it in the linear constraints of the human implant of linear time. KNOW that time exists NOW, that ALL exist NOW and that past, future and present are tools of the old earth energies.


Much information will now be disseminated through various channels across the planet and across various sections of human society, all working in ONE VOICE to prepare the human race for that which was always to BE for the vibration of the human race has now elevated sharply. We send out the coding of the ankh to those who are here in human form and are bridges between the human race and ALL who live in the universe in TRUTH. The coding of 333 has gone out across the higher dimensional timelines and this is now being ankhored by ALL who are now moving into position in order to fulfil SOUL purpose here on planet earth.

Those who cling on to the old earth energies do so out of the need for security and comfort at a time when energetically they can FEEL the shifts and changes, know that not all are at a vibrational level in order to ankhor TRUTH at this time. ALL ARE ONE, all play their roles here on planet earth and we guide you strongly to accept this TRUTH by processing through your heart for the heart KNOWS TRUTH. Those who are termed "asleep" within the human race playing their roles to help the expansion of their race in TRUTH for ALL ARE ONE and we ask for you to have LOVE and compassion for ALL as the harmonisation of the human race with ALL now progresses.


The ascension of your human vehicle is a process that many are now entering and we ask that you begin to comprehend the human race and the planet earth from a vibrational point of view. As you ankhor vibration and reveal TRUTH then this will allow for processing of the knowledge that sits at SOUL level to be moved through more easily. Holding on tightly to all that you have been taught will begin to fragment this process and this serves no one least of all SELF at this time.

We have always walked among you for we ARE YOU and this TRUTH will be ankhored to new levels in the coming ascension of the human race into the NEW EARTH in TRUTH. Be at peace, BE in flow and allow SELF to ankhor TRUTH as you now move through the process of becoming YOU in TRUTH. ALL ARE ONE...



and we join our voice with ALL to become ONE FAMILY on planet earth in TRUTH.

Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved




Article may be reproduced in its entirety if author and authors websites are clearly stated and article remains in its original format which is written. NO permission is granted to change this from its written form unless written permission is given by author.


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No longer will you sit in the shadow of what could have been. An uplifting will occur....The point above your human heart...is the place that initiates a molecular 'Second Coming'...Time is a 360 degree equation of change. It can be approached from above, from below, from in between or from the past and the future. Your capabilities are far surpassing what your Earthen imagination has taken to be expanded thinking....There is not an end to you. There is not a beginning to you. Existence just is!


Stretched Like Cosmic Handi-Wrap

As received By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan




I am He who advances on the waves and the workings of wisdom that is shadowed and hidden from the self that sees all. I represent all that is hidden within your thoughts I am Thoth. I come as I see each of you reaching outward to become more, reaching up to longitudes of knowledge. The time that comes between now and the end of this sacred month is a narrowing. You will draw in the moisture of your wisdom like spring as she reaches out for her seed.

Your body and its intricate energy systems embody a microcosm of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Think of that divine structure and all of its heavenly alignments – how many points of power are still missing in action? Move deeply into the caverns of your own thoughts. For as the ancient scrolls that hold your Akashic history, you re-write the story of your existence. You compound what has been stretched and sought by the ‘great I AM within’. You enter into a rendezvous of holy proportion.

There is the Pit, which dwells below Earth. The Queen’s Chamber, which represents the human heart. The King’s Chamber which represents the third eye, Eye of Ra. The Capstone, the summit, which represents the crown chakra. What about all the other points of power that live invisibly in between these known documented chambers?

At the time of the Holy revivification days, there will be an initiatory step forward an opening of your High Heart, your Christ Heart. It sits waiting at the gland known as the Thymus in your body. It will awaken as directed by an encoded cellular clock. As it awakens, the Chamber of the Sun (Christ chamber in-between Kings and Queens chamber) within the Great Pyramid of Giza will also experience a molecular reorganization . You as children of Light will never miss out on an activation of any sacred sites that are adjoined in preparation awakening.

The point above your human heart awakens from a well-timed sleep and begins to know itself. This is the place that holds the molecular 'Quantum Christ'. It is the place that initiates a molecular 'Second Coming'. Within this element is a 'nano-particle of peace'. You of earth are guardians and keepers of encoded numbers within your human structure. a sacred point, an opening, a chamber that houses wisdom. Wisdom travels beyond local truth. These chambers open as a flower that has been too long in bud, it blooms into fullness of beauty and knowledge.

Your dreams of old have fallen off of you like fish scales off the Piscean age. These beliefs no longer serve who you are becoming. This molecular teaching will awaken and revitalize your light structure. This sequence of movement is creation aligned with vibrations that beckon you into more of your divine nature and ability to fulfill the Quantum Christ within.


Your heart has gathered much debris of your own making and of the global distress that gathers in your thoughts each day. As the Quantum Christ Is Awakened within your high heart and the Chamber of the Son is awakened within the Great Pyramid, you will be lifted above the assembly of earthly confusion. It is from this point that you will be able to dissolve the tears and the fears that have followed you as a shadow. No longer will you sit in the shadow of what could have been. An uplifting will occur. In that lifting you will celebrate the birth of the Quantum Christ within yourself and see from the apex of your light what is possible. I am Thoth keeper of what is to come.


As we are forced into new workings of time via the whims and wishes of others, a shift comes to our earthly light structure. We have known for some time that Time itself has been unraveling and is choosing to wrap itself in another direction. Oft times the selfish agenda of humans allows them entrance into something that is truly for their betterment. Like blind mice they search for explanations that can only be felt and never written.

As earth is issued more time to do what it could not get to in regular day, humanity is feeling stretched like handi-wrap. More and more demands are placed on an already unraveled world. Life demands your attention. The time equations and the linear-ness of your time expressions is about to shift in dimensional context. What this is means to you is such. You open up time equations that have been dormant up until now. These are light filled numeric formulas of expansion. Time is a 360 degree equation of change. It can be approached from above, from below, from in between or from the past and the future. Your capabilities are far surpassing what your Earthen imagination has taken to be expanded thinking. You are opening up portals of self, portals of knowing, and portals of expression that you have never dreamt or that has ever been dreamt by anyone on your Earth could be experienced.


Coming in to your factual self is a dimensional shift as well. The true spirit of you is multitudes of experience. You are a multi-universal expression of unending light. You look at your 3rd dimensional world and see such limited possibilities. In the next few years you will be experiencing paramount knowledge. this knowledge in all of its exquisiteness and expansiveness is but a minuscule particle of what is available.

You are now ready to receive as you have never received before. The receiving will come in dreams and instantaneous knowings. The receiving will come in encodings that have been long hidden in your DNA. Every aspect of you, every cell, every hair, every iota is becoming a celestial event. Every aspect of you walks into fullness. And in that fullness, you will recognize that it is not enough and reach for even more. You stretch yourself like cosmic handi-wrap trying to embrace what you know as God. the God that you search for is within you and has been from the beginning. The more God knows itself; the more God realizes that he/she does not know itself at all. The Universe expands through you, for you, and to you; it is continually birthing itself into more just for you. And yet that more is smart enough to realizes it is less, Which draws it into birthing more. There is not an end to you. There is not a beginning to you.



Existence just is!

Each one of you is more than you can ever comprehend. To find that remembrance within your system would be to explode your system from humanness and to re-emerge as what you were in the beginning. The space in between the stars, the planets, is God calling himself back into a new beginning.

Everyday you are challenged by your beliefs. Everyday you hold tightly to what seems to be reality. Each time, each minute, each level of information that comes to you, challenges your sanity, challenges your very existence.




You each are continually downloaded and upgraded. Many Truths are for your ears only your mind only, your heart only. They may not fit your metaphysical belief system. We are the Pleiades and we will go at this time. Honor what comes your way.



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The shifts and changes to the human vehicle in which you reside will now speed up and those shifts and changes are your key to the new earth...you have walked blind through the landscape of your BEing for aeons...Those who walk the earth in human form will now reveal TRUTH to those who walk in the human form and have forgotten who they are and where they have come from....Those who dismiss the sparkle of the new are blinded by the sparkle of the old earth and the teachings of lack and containment...The time of darkness has ended




I come to further communicate at this time of vast change and inner reflection amongst the peoples of planet earth. I am Commander Ashtar and I am hear to communicate to all who have eyes to see and ears to here below the dissolving of the old 3D earth in TRUTH. Those who are now able to discern my energies will now understand the reason for my energies communicating at this moment in their human life experience for ALL ARE ONE and ALL ARE.

The shifts and changes to the human vehicle in which you reside will now speed up and those shifts and changes are your key to the new earth, those who choose to hold on to the old earth energies fighting with SELF and no other, for ALL ARE ONE and ALL ARE. The creation of all that is within the outer waking reflection of the human life experience created from the SOUL in order to show TRUTH. I ask that you now honour the SOUL and anchor TRUTH within the human vehicle. There is nothing that resides outwith your human vehicle that has not been created out of necessity, for the SOUL has spent aeons on this planet, incarnating over and over in an attempt to release the bonds of the lower earth energies. Now is the time for the release and the new earth energies are now flowing across and within planet earth in order to facilitate your release from bondage.


I am not here to explain that bondage for the bondage is SELF created, it was created by your SOUL in order that you remember who you are in TRUTH and in order that you can remember the POWER that YOU ARE in TRUTH. None walk the earth alone yet many will choose to create this in order to maintain a lesson that is now over. So deep is the energetic charge of the old earth energies that you have walked blind through the landscape of your BEing for aeons. Now a LIGHT shines brightly, that LIGHT IS SELF.

Many may feel the challenge of my words, for many are caught in the lessons of victim and yet the lessons of victim are now over, the new foundation for the human life experience created from within, I ask why you perpetuate the victim when you are in TRUTH FREE. Those who have incarnated amongst the human race in order to help facilitate the growth of the human race are now asked to reveal themselves to SELF in TRUTH for the containment of the old earth is now dissolved. ALL FREE to create that which they desire from the heart space in TRUTH. That which will prevent is the lesson that blinds the creator and that creator is YOU, for all create in order to experience. I ask why you would create an experience that you could not heal? For such is the strength of your power that the ALL that is created is manifest within SELF and is reflected within the human life experience that YOU CREATE for SELF.

The peoples of planet earth are now moving into a new earth, a new way of BEing and many are able to anchor this TRUTH. Those who hold on to the creations of old are now asked to let go in TRUTH and to remember who they are in TRUTH. Seeking to change the outer reflection whilst being blind to the inner landscape will work to create a holding pattern that your SOUL now asks you to dissolve. It serves no one to fall to the teachings of the old earth for they have no place within the new golden age of humankind yet many are attempting to re-anchor the teachings of old in order to create the new. The new is the new and the old is dissolved and I ask why you would want to create from containment when you have allowed your inner vision to show you the sparkle of the new?

Those who dismiss the sparkle of the new are blinded by the sparkle of the old earth and the teachings of lack and containment, you have created lack in order to experience lack, it is FAITH and TRUST of SELF that will show TRUTH and will show that the lack is the illusion created in order to be experienced for in TRUTH your SOUL is abundant on all levels and I sendout the coding to those who are here to pave the way for the new ways of living. I ask that you accept TRUTH and ANKHOR within the heart space all that YOU ARE in TRUTH. A magnificient being of LIGHT that is now learning to see and hear in TRUTH. I ask why you would read my words if you were not aware of TRUTH for the human vehicle is now asking to be seeded with TRUTH, the human vehicle asks the energies that YOU ARE in TRUTH to seed the human vehicle. This is done by fully ankhoring the energy signature that YOU ARE in TRUTH into the very cells of your human vehicle. This is done from within and the work is now asking to be born through YOU and into the human race in TRUTH.


I ask why you fall to the teachings of the old world of the outside being real when in TRUTH the only person here is SELF and YOU are within. ALL will be created from the inside out and I call to those who are here in order to show TRUTH and ask that they now shine in TRUTH. For all that is TRUTH will remain and all that is not will now fully dissolve within the heightening new earth energies.

I am Commander Ashtar and I ask that you remember my energy in TRUTH for those who try to define me are suffering from the amnesia of planet earth. ALL ARE ONE and ALL ARE, therefore there is no outside there is only inside. I ask that you look within in order to SEE in TRUTH for the new earth is born anew each moment. This will now unfold across and within planet earth and the LIGHT that is ankhoring within and around planet earth will now reveal TRUTH to new levels. ALL that IS was always to BE for ALL ARE. This is the moment that ALL have KNOWN would manifest for ALL have manifested it in TRUTH.

Those who walk the earth in human form will now reveal TRUTH to those who walk in the human form and have forgotten who they are and where they have come from. The time of darkness has ended for there can be no darkness when the LIGHT shines so brightly from within. Those who have blended into the human race can now stand in the LIGHT that they are in TRUTH for ALL ARE ONE and will now be shown in TRUTH.

I ask that you look to the skies and allow the illusion to dissolve for ALL ARE ONE. The planetary grids now releasing the hologram that has kept your vision cloaked. That which is shown is TRUTH, that which is FELT is TRUTH and that which YOU are is TRUTH. Let go of what you have been taught and move into the heart space for all that you KNOW is accessed through the heart space. YOUr SOUL now calls to SELF in human form and many are now heeding that call. The need to look outwith for confirmation of who you are as a race has now ended for when YOU begin to remember you will KNOW.

I will guide more in due course. That which unfolds around and within the human race was always to BE for YOU ARE. The calling is sent out and the unfolding will manifest in due course in your waking human life experience. YOU are the creators for you were always the creators and they walk amongst you now in TRUTH. As the last illusions of the old earth fall away stand in the LIGHT that YOU are in TRUTH and remember that ALL ARE ONE for ALL ARE.


Out with "the old".....In with " The New ".......



Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved






Article may be reproduced if author and authors websites are clearly stated and the article remains in its original format which is written and is not changed in any way. Permission is NOT granted to change its original format unless written permission is granted by the author.



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With all the changes that are seen and unseen felt and vaguely felt for some as a sense of disquietude or uneasiness, almost as if one is looking over their shoulder for some impending concern...Now is the time to stand in the place where you are and embrace your gifts and talents for who you are now...Can you stand with your feet on the ground, chest and chin held high and say  “This is me, this is who I am, this is what I embody..."  Just like that smile that you share with somebody and they smile back, everyone feels better. You standing in the truth of who you are allows you to feel better ..( as well as ) everyone else around you.





“Greetings Dear Ones, We are the High Council of Orion.


It is good to speak with each and every one of you once again through this channel, and we will hit the ground running with a topic that we feel is close to the top of everyone's mind these days.


With all the changes that are seen and unseen felt and vaguely felt for some as a sense of disquietude or uneasiness, almost as if one is looking over their shoulder for some impending concern or disaster, because they seem to be so prevalent around.  Now is the time to stand in the place where you are and embrace your gifts and talents for who you are now, this is a time when many are feeling unsettled and insecure and in the midst of great changes.




And what we ask is that each one of you see and feel and know who you are in the moment, outside of the external reality that is perhaps real or perhaps your perceived reality.  What we mean by this is: · 

Who are you in the here and now? · 

What are the gifts that you can offer in any given day and any given moment?


For each of you are very abundant in the gifts you have to give, and while things could be different in your life, a better job a better relationship, more money different relationships with friends and family members, easier manifestation of what you believe to be your hearts desires. However in the here and now what are the gifts that you have? In the here and now, for without sounding like a cliché, that truly is all you have, in the here and now and now is your only reality.


What are the gifts that you can stand in now that you have?


Do you have a quick mind and compassionate heart?  


Are you easy with a smile and easy to laugh to allow those around you feel better?


Do you have a positive outlook? 


Are you a considerate spouse, a loving parent, a loving and caring adult child for ailing aging parents?


What is it that your gifts right now, how can you fully stand in who you are now and fully embraced that?  Can you stand with your feet on the ground, chest and chin held high and say “This is me, this is who I am, this is what I embody and this is here and I am here to offer this to the world now, these are the gifts I bring, this is who I stand in now.”


Each one of you can make a list of those things, of who you are and what you have to offer.  For some it's hard to do because it seems like an exercise of ego. Yet if you don't know who you are and what you're here to offer, then certainly nobody else will.  Be in your truth of who you are and the gifts you have, for each of you have many.




Make a list, it can be a private list, doesn't have to be a list that you share with each other, but make a list of who you know yourself to be, and remind yourself of the things that you would've even taken for granted.  If you have a job where you clock in every day and need to be there at a particular time, and you are very punctual, add that to your list.  Add to the list that you are a fabulous cook, that you are a wonderful parent because you see and experience your children, as the beautiful beings they are on a moment-to-moment basis. Don't underestimate the gifts that you have for the space you hold for those around you, and make that list and every morning and every evening allow yourself time to sit and feel your list.


Allow the truth in what you're writing down to permeate the cells of your being, feel yourself standing on the Earth, tall and strong and proud, reiterating to yourself who you are, and as you do you more fully embody that and the world can respond accordingly.  It allows you to be connected to the truth of who you are, allows you to more easily give the gifts you are here to share, and allows you to honor who you are in the here and now, regardless of the circumstances that you are hoping will change, as the future time comes closer to your now.  Self-contentment, self-appreciation, self-love allows you to share your love more with others, and as you share that love it allows people to connect with their love more.


Just like that smile that you share with somebody and they smile back, everyone feels better. You standing in the truth of who you are allows you to feel better and allows everyone else around you, to feel better in their lives as well.  Stand in the love of who you are beautiful beings of light.



Be Blessed,

We are the high Council of Orion





Channeled Ascension Message from the High Council of Orion March 13th 2013. Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood Transcribed by Paul Marwood

Audio file is available at http://www.akashahealingstudio.com/channeled-message-high-council-of-orion-13th-mar-2013/





Sign up to be a part of our Live channeled teleseminars with the High Council of Orion.  This is an opportunity to personally connect with and ask the High Council of Orion your questions.


This events will be held on: Saturday 16th March 2013 at 6pm to 7pm PST (L.A. California Time) More Details at http://www.akashahealingstudio.com/activities/ The High Council of Orion taught us the 111™ Activation which allows individuals to embody greater clarity, personal alignment and authenticity in their lives. 


This 30 minute energetic session can be experienced in person or at a distance with equal effectiveness. Please contact us to book a session. 


For more information about the 111 Activation, please click here. © 2012 Copyright Holly Hawkins Family Trust        www.AkashaHealingStudio.com This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in it’s original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the Author and website clearly included.


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Many are now awakening to the new energies pummeling earth...Those who continue to preach the evils of organizations, persons or activities have not yet fully released themselves from 3D...You are extremely comfortable in duality, fear and pain. There is nothing new for you to learn in those areas...The New Age is not like the Old Age in any respect...Listen to your inner-being and you will know



Dear Ones,

Many of you are somewhat comfortable with moving to a different community, loss of a loved one or financial issues. You have dealt with those issues – and probably much more – in the past with the help of your family and friends support system. But what if that support system disappears? What if your entire being shifts – and it is – and there is no one with whom to discuss or share your amazing new being?

Such are the fears of many.

For even your New Age/new earth friends may be interested in different areas than you. Or they may be labeling themselves new earth when in truth they are merely regurgitating Old Age rules and regulations. Whenever you read, hear or sense that there are ‘shoulds’ involved with their brand of New Age/new earth thought, you might feel uncomfortable enough to remove them from your support list.

They are not bad or terrible, merely more stuck in 3D muck than you wish to be.


Many are now awakening to the new energies pummeling earth. Even though they feel a need to move beyond traditional thought, their first movement into new earth/New Age concepts might be with those who produced information before most energy shifts began – the accepted New Age teachers of the Old Age. Of course, there are materials that feel light and bright even though they were created before the full force of this massive transition. But many do not. You will know which are correct for you by the lightness and joy the teachings provide.

Those who continue to preach the evils of organizations, persons or activities have not yet fully released themselves from 3D.

That is not to say you ‘should’ not associate with those teachers or friends, but to remind you to maintain your course no matter what anyone tells you. If they are indicating you are wrong or should follow their regimen to be saved or ascend, they have not yet moved beyond 3D duality.

No one can create your path. They can give you pointers and ideas, perhaps even complete concepts. But all must be processed within you to determine if the information is correct for them or for you.

Those who promote duality – you are good and others are bad – are not the teachers you are looking for at this time.


Perhaps that last sentence appears as if we are forcing you onto a particular path. The opposite is true. You must create your own path. A path that is rapidly becoming less about duality and more about the joys of the new earth. We are merely stating that some of your greatest new earth teachers of the Old Age are no longer valid for they refuse to move on for a variety of reasons including financial gain or fame.

Perhaps remembering those you so admired in high school – the perky cheerleader or star athlete – who continue to relive those glory days in their thoughts and actions instead of creating a new life beyond high school will better help you understand.


We do not wish to create more duality by labeling those New Age teachers/role models stuck in 3D muck as bad, but to forewarn you that labels do not make anyone who they wish to be. United thought and action creates the new being that you are becoming. If you do not feel as if you are learning, loving or in joy when you are with a teacher/role model, it is time for you to move on.

You are extremely comfortable in duality, fear and pain. There is nothing new for you to learn in those areas. Your new learning base is joy and love. Those who help you find or create both are your new role models.


Some of you do not need role models for your messages and actions are complete within you.

The New Age is not like the Old Age in any respect.

In the Old Age, you attached yourself to someone wiser than you – a college professor, professional mentor, parent or guru – to find your path and move along it correctly. Such is no longer the case. You are now a self-contained entity who does not need anyone to help you find your path. But that does not mean it is not more joyous to travel that path with others of similar mind.

Your life has shifted from finding someone to lead the way and tell you how you should meditate or what crystals were necessary, to finding playmates on your path to joy. Playmates who may decide to take another path just for fun or others who join you at various points. Will you have a best friend? Perhaps. Maybe for years. Maybe for days. It does not matter for those you surround yourself with to discover joy and love will always be on your path for the correct amount of time.

That thought returns us to romantic relationships which we discussed briefly during this week’s Creation Energies show on BlogTalkRadio.com. If you feel a need to end or shift your current romantic relationship, it is because he or she no longer wishes to be on your path. Which is neither good nor bad – merely an indicator that many are shifting.


In turn, even though someone you love does not seem to be on the same path, you have no need to leave – a seeming dichotomy, but it is not. Many are shifting more rapidly than you realize so even though they may seem stuck in 3D or not moving as rapidly as you, you have no need to end the relationship. They are shifting internally and your inner-being is merely encouraging you to allow them to catch up to you.

As we stated on so many occasions, the only truth you need to explore is that which is within you.

Perhaps your beloved new earth teacher is making you feel uncomfortable. You avoid interactions with them for you feel less worthy as they tell you how terrible the world is or how you must do this to even begin to understand how powerful they are. Your inner-being tells you it is time to move on.

Perhaps your mate seems confused or too slow to grasp new concepts. You are impatient and frustrated. But your inner-being gives no sign to move on. So it is not and may never be.

Listen to your inner-being and you will know. Observe and act from your outer-being and you remain stuck in 3D muck.



So be it.


Welcome to Brenda's Blog

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Summary of Brenda’s March 10, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: This equinox is your lift-off. You’ve boarded the plane and are storing your bags in overhead compartments. Those of you concerned about relationships know who will remain in your lives – despite other indicators – by feelings of inner-being rightness.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “The Universes are Gifting a ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ Card”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.”

http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. www.LifeTapestryCreations.com. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: www.LifeTapestryCreations.com


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This PUBLIC NOTICE is issued to the Members of the Parliament of Canada, the Canadian judiciary, the governmental civil service, and the active serving members of all Canadian police and military forces, as well as to all citizens of Canada...This Document can be used as a Legal Instrument by the signed Bearer to uphold his or her status as a freeborn man or woman in the territory of Canada who is not subject to any authority save as a Citizen of a democratically constituted Republic of Canada  ( Happy National Women's Day - "Lady Justice" )





A Legal Notice to all Agents of the so-called Crown of England and Elizabeth Windsor, and to all Canadians

Issued by the Governing Council of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State

This PUBLIC NOTICE is issued to the Members of the Parliament of Canada, the Canadian judiciary, the governmental civil service, and the active serving members of all Canadian police and military forces, as well as to all citizens of Canada:

1. On February 25, 2013, a lawfully constituted Common Law Court of Justice found Elizabeth Windsor, Queen of England and Head of State of Canada and its churches, guilty as charged of Crimes against Humanity in Canada and of engaging in a Criminal Conspiracy to conceal Genocide. The same verdict found Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper guilty of the same offenses.

2. This verdict was based on irrefutable evidence, including eyewitness accounts of Elizabeth Windsor's personal involvement in the forcible abduction and disappearance of ten children from the Kamloops Indian Residential School on October 10, 1964, while on a state visit to Canada. Ms. Windsor has never denied or refuted this charge or evidence, nor did she respond to a Public Summons issued by the Court.

3. The Court's verdict rests upon the Nuremberg Legal Statutes of 1950 which allow any head of state to be tried for Crimes against Humanity, as well as the right under Canadian law to hold the Crown liable for tort offenses committed in Canada.

4. Elizabeth Windsor therefore stands condemned as a convicted felon. As a fugitive from justice, she is now liable for arrest and imprisonment under the terms of the Court verdict. A Citizens Arrest Warrant for the detention of Elizabeth Windsor was in fact issued by the Court on March 5, 2013, and Ms. Windsor has evaded this Warrant.

5. a) Each of you has taken a public oath of allegiance to Elizabeth Windsor as the Queen of England. Your oath now constitutes a criminal act under international law, including Section 25 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which obligates all citizens to refrain from colluding with authorities engaged in or convicted of criminal acts.

   b) Each of you is obligated therefore to refrain from aiding or abetting Elizabeth Windsor in evading justice or arrest, including by continuing to obey her orders or operating under her authority, since to do so will constitute an obstruction of justice and will make you subject to arrest.

6. Since no convicted felon can legitimately or legally serve as a head of state or a constituted authority, all existing legal and political authority in Canada is dissolved as of Monday, February 25, 2013. Your Oath of Allegiance to Queen Elizabeth and the Crown of England is consequently nullified and abolished, along with your authority.

7. a) Canada has been rendered as a state without legitimate legal or political authority. It will remain so until a new and lawful Head of State can be established along with a Constitution democratically established by the people of Canada.

   b) Until such constitutional authority is established, no existing Canadian law or statute is enforceable, and any attempt by you or others to do so will constitute an act of illegal assault and fraud on the people of Canada.

8. Until a legitimate government is established in Canada, all of its citizens are urged to conduct themselves under the common law requirement of peaceable co-existence and equity in their communities, maintaining law and order. All citizens are required to police and govern themselves without reference to any existing authorities or laws, which are nullified, illegitimate and inoperative.

9. Canadian citizens as wholly self-governing men and women are advised to establish local committees of correspondence to arrange a National Congress that will draft a new Constitution. This legal charter, ratified by a popular vote, will establish and maintain a new, Democratic Republic of Canada.

10. This Constitution must include a new legal framework by which the church organizations also convicted by the Court – the Vatican and Catholic, Anglican and United Church -  can legitimately and lawfully operate in Canada, if such further operation is the will of the People. In accordance with the Verdict of the Court and lawful legitimacy, this new framework would require a Civil Constitution for the Clergy that nationalizes the property and wealth of the convicted church corporations, and regulates their church officials and employees as licensed public servants.

We are informing the world of these facts and of the new regime now operating in Canada. This same Notice and condition applies to the government and people of England, to whom a separate Notice is being issued.

Copies of the Common Law Court's Verdict and Citizens Arrest Warrant can be found here – This Notice is issued globally in consultation with the Legal Commission of the ITCCS (Brussels-London-New York)

7 March, 2013



This Document can be used as a Legal Instrument by the signed Bearer to uphold his or her status as a freeborn man or woman in the territory of Canada who is not subject to any authority save as a Citizen of a democratically constituted Republic of Canada

_________________________ Signature of Citizen

___________________ Date









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We have long told your cabal heads and the leaders of various developed countries who know of our presence and what we have been doing..There is so much evidence that has been hidden, which will be fully disclosed and as we have spoken of before, the Akashic Records will be utilized and relied upon in part for the delivering of disclosure...The cabal heads know deep within that they are on their last legs...Corporations as you know them now will not run in the manner that they have...Religion has been on one of the largest points of collective misunderstanding and instated division, separation and resulting warfare.. the old paradigm you have kept established and fed in yourselves is no longer in resonation with the reality descending down upon you now


SanJAsKa: The New Paradigm Will Brim With Unity and Understanding

The truth concerning our existence and the assistance we have been giving on your world can no longer be hidden, and revelations concerning that very assistance will begin to surface in your mainstream media as the collective vibrations continue along their lightening process, which is seeing your collective able to open up to ideas previously outside of the sphere of your conscious perception.

We have long told your cabal heads and the leaders of various developed countries who know of our presence and what we have been doing, that we would begin to step up personal sightings and landings and begin to make ourselves known if they continue to refuse or push back the disclosure of our existence. We have been very serious about this, and we plan to continue to take increasingly bold measures to make ourselves known in the face of a still-rebellious yet increasingly-weakening force of individuals.

These individuals wish to threaten the livelihood of every person, though they will not be allowed to do so. The help that has been given to various societies in your Earthly history is ready to be known for what and who we are – benevolent Galactic visitors who wish to help you see your ascension out and help mitigate any potential negative happening that would impact Life on a widespread level.

This has been our creed for so very long, and we have looked toward the Earth with the pure Love that is garnering the wish and drive to assist you all and see to it that you are able to find the vibrations we delightfully exist in.

We have, of course, stopped things from entering the atmosphere of the Earth before, and we have prohibited the exploding of any weapons in space as well; which the cabal heads and the souls who used to employ them have attempted to use in a warlike manner.

While the collective’s general complacency to underground nuclear testing has temporarily rendered us unable to completely stop such things from happening, we can still mitigate the scope of what has been manifested as a result and we are working actively from the positions we are in to help your planet find healthy and vibrant states of being, while the dear unaware humans upon Her surface continue to hurt Her.


Collective awareness will be garnered in the time ahead, and we ask you all to continue pushing forward to bring forth the future and the Light you are beginning to find, which will be anchored and radiated by a plethora of fellow awakening souls. You will do well at this time to find the lightening vibrations that will permeate your minds and hearts if you allow them to, and those of you who are beginning to grow more fully into your roles are advised to embrace such roles and see what such an embrace will garner for you in the avenue of assisting the Earth.

You will find yourselves able to do so very much from the positions you are in to anchor and spread truth and Light, and many of you will be able to understand yourselves as natural conduits for the energies and concepts expressed routinely from higher dimensional sources as you grow into the understanding that you are and have always been a being of naturally higher dimensional consciousness.

You have forgotten your multidimensional nature and the fact that you are indeed able to traverse various realms, dimensions and planes of existence upon garnering a true higher dimensional perspective, and while the evolution of each of us is “fixed” in a sense according to the specific dimensional growth path we have all laid out for ourselves to undergo, we (and you) are able to take new paths and directions if we wish and upon reaching certain strides in our higher dimensional growth, we will unlock and be able to traverse various realms and planes of existence that we had previously not realized existed or were lurking below our perception and understanding.

It can be akin to the video games that are played on your dear Earth. Upon reaching the end of the game, you are able to unlock new things and interact with the game and its characters in different ways. For some, this makes the end of the game more fun and worth exploring and playing far after the game has been completed. In a similar vein, your dimensional growth and understanding never stops and you are increasingly introduced to new things; new elements; new ways of Living and being and new landscapes that you find yourselves increasingly resonating with.

For example; you dear souls who have resonated specifically with the realms and limitations of the third dimension for so long are now finding an awakening and unlocking new realities that are attainable within yourselves, and as you increasingly adjust yourselves to purer states of consciousness and the resulting awareness and understanding garnered from them, you are introduced to new higher dimensional concepts and ideas that many of you integrate happily and begin to fashion aspects of your Lives around.

Certainly, a soul who is caught up in the unawareness of third density will not know fully of the concepts of a merkaba or a portal (among other things). The concepts of the third eye or the heart chakra do not yet seem within the grasp of some souls who are still existing within the veils and barriers of the lower dimensions, but every soul will find their personal awareness growing in ways that act in accordance with their Life paths and the methods of growth they have set out for themselves to experience Life based upon.


Each of you are discovering your natural ability to be and express the beautiful Creator Light that we all truly are and can feel within, and the increase in our ship sightings and the phenomena we are able to perform before you, such as mitigating the potential devastating effects of a meteor, will lead your collective increasingly to question the very idea of our existence and if it is not something to be laughed about after all.

So many souls who have seen the very subject of our existence as silly or laughable will begin to understand that there is a very real benevolent Galactic force on humanity’s side, and we are openly interested in connecting with you and helping you along a planned evolution that we will tell you every bit about.

We are here with you all and this will become apparent as the ongoing collective drive for truth and answers leads to a full breakthrough of disclosures and revelations concerning our existence, the personal contacts we have made and the miracles we (and you) are able to perform on your world which will be inpouring.

There is so much evidence that has been hidden, which will be fully disclosed and as we have spoken of before, the Akashic Records will be utilized and relied upon in part for the delivering of disclosure; because in the Akashic Records all is known and recorded unto an energetic template of Universal memory and knowledge.

Nothing done in your reality can be hidden away, and this will be proven when we utilize the Akashic Records to show you much of what the very small nano-like technology we’ve also employed to keep an eye on your cabals during their most secretive of meetings and get-togethers have shown us. You will see that the actions of tyranny and control have always been known and recorded and will certainly not go unanswered to.

Everything will come to light, and the actions of the cabals will be displayed to you dear souls in a manner that will makes allowance for your hopeful forgiveness of these souls and their actions. The forgiveness of the cabal heads on the part of humanity has been discussed before, and we like many others encourage you dear souls to find the higher dimensional forgiveness in yourselves that will see you excelling along your growth and ability to find unity with your common man.

The cabal heads have perceived themselves as better and more intelligent than you dear souls, and they will find in time that those beliefs have been hollow and based purely in an egotistical and service-to-self based mindset that will only stall them in their growth and keep them in a place of misery and contempt for the flourishing Life around them.


While they and the lower astral beings who have employed them have fought quite hard to maintain the lower energies and the negativity they themselves experience in every moment, the lightening vibrations and the many, many efforts of channeling these vibrations through to the surface and unto the core of your dear Earth, are seeing that the timeline wherein all of humanity move into the Light and find a collective ascension is adhered to.

The cabal heads know deep within that they are on their last legs, and many of their perspectives are being worked on continually so that the darkness and negativity driving their misaligned ambitions is turned into a neutrality, which we hope to lead to an understanding of the need to transform themselves and their perspectives over to the side of the Light fully so that their families can find a great ease in expressing their own Creator Light, rather than remaining slaves to a system many of them find themselves decreasingly agreeing with.

Indeed, the lightening vibrations are and will be affecting the vibrations of the Illuminati families, and what they have previously been able to get away with will not only be exposed but will never be allowed to happen again. Chemtrails will no longer pollute the skies of too many areas of your world where the collective density and complacency to understanding or taking an interest in what is being sprayed in your skies is still allowing their spraying.

Awareness is meant to be raised in the areas experiencing the worst of chemtrail-related pollution, and as well in every area experiencing pollution as a result of the cabal’s actions in the various different forms they have taken to contain citizens who are awakening and beginning to expose what they have been doing.

While you and your planet are indeed moving into the new paradigm, some of the actions of the cabals that have been mitigated or neutralized altogether by we Galactic souls or another facet of the Light Forces simply need to be exposed, and we are relying on your dear souls in the areas you are still experiencing chemtrails and other forms of cabal-instated pollution, to actively expose what is going on and attempt to gear the collective interest toward these subjects as much as possible.


This will not be for the purposes of instilling fear into the minds or hearts of any soul but will rather, be about raising awareness and facilitating an understanding that you the sovereign humanity must be aware of what your governing bodies and the people claiming to be acting in your interests are doing in every single moment. It is important for you to know exactly what is going on, and the transparency in government that is essential to be shown will be established as the old ways of doing business and governing and running your world make way for the implementation of (temporary) governments, who will truly work in the best interests of humanity.

Souls from all different backgrounds will step up in the time ahead and offer themselves to the ascension and just governing of the Earth, and these souls will show the complete transparency that will help you dear souls to know they are genuinely working for you and not in the interests of any private or corporate entity.

Corporations as you know them now will not run in the manner that they have, and a needed abundance and higher standard of Living for every soul upon your world will be established. Well after the disclosure of our existence and the many disclosures that will follow, we will be able to be with you dear souls and bask in the joyful and blissful vibrations you will have collectively Created by that point; as you will have even further geared yourselves toward the rebuilding of your world in every facet you will find is necessary for you to do so.


Curmudgeon souls who will initially rebel against the establishing of a new paradigm and a new way of Living for every soul on your world to enjoy and benefit from will find themselves and their perspectives accepted and Loved in the time ahead, as the entire collective learns to accept each other despite the difference in beliefs or ideologies.

Religion has been on one of the largest points of collective misunderstanding and instated division, separation and resulting warfare which in many cases, is started over a simple difference in interpretation from one culture to another.

You dear souls have so very much to unite over and yet, you have been taught to rebel and fight against each other for Living in different places, being of different races or simply possessing differences in beliefs or opinion. Your potential to grow into a wonderful and harmonious future is so great, which is why we are here to offer each of you the individual assistance you feel you may require to undergo the individual awakenings that will see you able to assist the collective in finding the perspectives needed for you all to move fully into the Light.

We have so very much to tell you indeed about the unfolding ascension of your Earth and about the increasingly-active role we are taking in making ourselves known and helping you along your Life paths.


We do not ask for you to gear-up your expectations in a manner that could garner disappointment if such expectations are not Lived up to, but with your continual realizing of positivity and your continual commitment to the work so many of you find yourselves performing at this time, you the Lightworker and human collective are making it much easier for us to find an entrance into the collective vibrations and we hope for this to very shortly be reflected in your mainstream media.

While so many within the media are still resistant to the idea of discussing our presence and are claiming to their colleagues that the collective of humanity “just won’t be prepared to hear it”, we are becoming increasingly convinced with the welcomes we’re already receiving that we will be able to go ahead with the disclosures and revelations if they are given in a gentle enough manner, yet in a manner that takes the timeframe you are (adhering to) into account.

There is so very much that needs to be said and done alike, and your momentum has taken you so very far as you continue to far surpass the boundaries and limitations that former aspects of yourselves had set for you before you found the awakenings facilitating the work you are now doing, and we do indeed plan to step up to the plate in response to the continual and driven actions of each one of you to get together and work from your respective positions.

The new paradigm will brim with unity and understanding between each of you, and the fifth dimensional surface of your Earth is continuing its descent unto your third and fourth dimensional realities. As the energies bordering this reality continue to reach you, the dense energies that have driven and enforced the lower dimensional experience and the veils and barriers of humanity are finding themselves transmuted and as a result, everything is being shaken up or, as you may term it, “flipped upside down” as these transmutations begin seeping into and affecting the Lives of each one of you.


What this means for many of you personally is that the old paradigm you have kept established and fed in yourselves is no longer in resonation with the reality descending down upon you now.

You are integrating massive and purely-awesome amounts of your higher selves unto your bodies and spirits at this time and truly, your ascended selves are preparing to exist on this Earth again with the full consciousness that you have always possessed and that you will be able to access and feel as it continues making itself known within you.

Indeed, ascended perspectives are already being garnered in a plethora of Earth souls who have found the natural understanding of their multidimensional abilities, and the telepathic abilities and heart-access so many of you find growing within yourselves will burst into a full-on experience and Creation of higher and purer planes of reality.

The resulting perspective you will find in yourselves will be unparalleled, and an aspect of your infinite abilities we expect many of you will enjoy will be your ability to traverse any time period in your Earthly history and study and explore such a time.

We feel the eagerness in many of you to see and feel what certain areas of your Earth were like in certain time periods, and we have noted as well the interest in many of you who would like to get back to certain ancient civilizations and witness the contacts we made and attempted to make. You will be able to do all of this and so very much more, and you will find yourselves able to travel to distant and far away Galaxies using advanced, conscious craft that will respond to every thought and impression you give out.


Our craft are indeed conscious facets of our collective, and this is so for every other race of our Federation as well. Specific Sirian souls inhabit (incarnate unto) specific scout ships or Motherships, for example, and we work with the consciousness aboard our ships to fly around or float and specifically, to mitigate pollution manifested and fed on your Earth.

Of course, as has been said we can only do so much to mitigate pollution, which is why we will again encourage you dear souls to get active in exposing everything that continues to be done.

So very much is happening that you will begin to find out about and we are indeed excited about the ongoing developments on Earth at present, which is why we are offering our communications and energies in hopes that the latent excitement we have imparted unto them will be felt and expressed within you, in manner that makes allowance for the understanding that even when we are on your Earth, we will be there to assist and not to lead.

Trust us, dear souls; you will have no problems taking the lead and receiving assistance while working yourselves on every facet of rebuilding your world. Yes, rebuilding your world has been spoken of so very much and will continue to be, and the importance of doing so will be stressed in your mainstream media as abundance is given to all and higher dimensional technology that has been previously shelved is released; some of which will see you able to completely cleanse aspects of your societies that have hurt the Earth and you for far too long.

For example; you will utilize technology from us that funnels your collective cleansing vibrations through to a polluting area, and these vibrations will themselves begin much of the cleansing of such area. You will add to these vibrations continually with your collective energies, and you will meditate and funnel the specific healing and cleansing energies through yourselves that will mitigate much of the pollution that will have stopped being fed by this time.


We know that this explanation does not cover every facet of the cleansing of every area being polluted on the Earth and there will indeed be much work to do, but you will find with you technology that you could have received and benefited from long ago, that this work will be much easier because of and will not require the physical labor that would perhaps be expected of a job as monumental as the complete restoration of every facet of Gaia.

There are so many unspoiled areas of dearest Gaia’s surface, and we ask for you all to learn from these places and see and feel the beauty prevalent within them, and recognize that all of Earth can and will reflect the harmonious vibrations of Source. You too will reflect and feed these vibrations in a continual manner, and you will possess the truly uninhibited and free perspectives that the higher realms will have to offer you.


You will access and feel this and at the same time, everybody around you will have tapped into it.

We ask you dear souls to imagine the harmony of Living on a world where all enjoy each other’s presence; each other’s company. We ask you to visualize a world where every man has put in their own time and effort to establish society in accordance with their and the collective’s views. Imagine and feel a world where the ideals and influence the few behind the curtain do not decide the doctrines established for all to Live by.

You are moving into this future gracefully at this time, and the more that you can know and feel this in yourselves the closer you will draw yourselves toward this very future. It is waiting to be felt and accessed again by you all; hence the call for you to visualize and radiate the vibrations driving this future so that you can bring it forth via your natural Creation abilities.

Pay attention to the encoded impressions so many of you have long begun to receive upon laying your beautiful heads down for sleep at night, and as well upon waking up in the morning and finding your dreams and the metaphysical realities and impressions you can receive quite strengthened.

You are making quite a’ many astral and Galactic travels as pure spirit energy whilst your bodies lay sleeping, and you maintain an active link and connection to your bodies when performing these travels.


Upon readying yourselves to enter your bodies to awake for the next day of Earthly responsibilities and experiences, you allow yourselves to dip down into your personal astral realms, wherein you and the aspects of your higher selves assisting in your ascension Create specific dreamtime scenarios for you to experience, which contain encrypted lessons meant to assist you along your physical (and spiritual) growth from one frame of consciousness to another.

You are given specific lessons in your dreamtime that are related to ongoing happenings in your third dimensional Lives, and you will find as you evolve to a state of merged experience of your outer and inner realms, that this assistance continues to be given.

Even we at times look to the Ascended Master collective and a few other collectives and individuals who have traversed similar lesson as us when they experienced our dimensional growth, for assistance related to the ongoing ascension of the Earth and of other planets and these souls, who are also bent on serving others, have delightfully given such help and have also given much of themselves to assisting Earth and helping you all personally.

We are all here for you and as so many souls will begin to report experiencing our sips and in the future, having the personal contacts that will become both prevalent and understood; the future humanity is to move into is indeed much different than what could be expected or even predicted at this point. Even we, while possessing a perspective of knowing some of the key and crucial things that are set to manifest which will set the chain of dominos toppling, cannot give concrete predictions as to exactly what is about to happen; as we are looking upon potentials that are being decided by the collective and individual humanity.

You are looking upon potentials within subconscious echelons of your existence, and either with your heart or your mind, deciding which potential you are going to enter. We ask you to realize and openly interact with this connection, and we request as well for you to get together as a collective and request an access to these very potentials we speak of.

If you find yourselves opened up to the point of being able to feel, assimilate and interact with higher dimensional energy, we will come to you and help you to discern the potential futures you could collectively help the Earth move into and we will help you choose what you feel is best for your collective.

We speak to you in such a manner of giving you the full responsibility to Create and manifest, because your freewill has allotted it to be so and the collective society you are to establish will know the few yet collectively-understood laws and ways to Live by, which are largely based in the Golden Rule.

As we make our final impressions for this communication, we express gratitude to our scribe and to each one of you who “hang in there” and absorb communications from us that tend to be long-winded. We have noted this in the minds and hearts of many of you dear souls who absorb our communications, and we give you as much as we can in any given moment so that we can help further accelerate the already-flourishing collective awakening taking place.

As your collective comes to find that unity, Love and positivity are building blocks for a Galactic society, you will develop rapidly and find your future with grace and ease.


Thank you to SanJAsKa.

(Note: SanJAsKa is a Representative of the Pleiadian High Council and the Pleiadian Council of Nine.)





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....the cabalists are facing the very real threat of revolution in Europe. The Italian election has resulted in a hung parliament with the 20-40 age group internet generation voting en masse for the anti-establishment 5 Star movement. This party is calling for a debt renegotiation and a return to the Lire. If there is a re-election, they are expected to win and the result would be the end of the Euro and a subsequent collapse of the German financial system... ( Ben Fulford )

March 5, 2013

The Five Star Movement (Movimento 5 Stelle, M5S) is an Italian political party launched by Beppe Grillo, a popular activist, comedian and blogger, and Gianroberto Casaleggio on 4 October 2009. The party is populist,  ecologist, and partially Eurosceptic.  It also advocates direct democracy  and free access to the Internet] and condemns corruption.

The "five stars" in the name is a reference to five issues championed by the movement: public water, sustainable mobility, development, connectivity, and environmentalism.


5 Star Movement Manifesto:


  • Abolition of the provinces
  • Abolition of electoral refunds
  • Amalgamation of municipalities under 5,000 residents
  • Compulsory teaching of and examinations on the Constitution for all public representatives
  • Two term limit for each public representatives
  • Abolition of privileges for public representatives (for example: pension after only two years)
  • Prohibit parliamentarians from working in other professions during their terms
  • Salary of parliamentarians aligned to the average salary
  • Prevention of overlapping of offices for MPs (for example, one could not be both a mayor and an MP)
  • Ineligibility of convicted criminals for public office
  • Direct participation in any public meeting by citizens via the web
  • Introduction of a true class action
  • Abrogative and propositive Referendum without quorum
  • Information on first level prevention (healthy eating, physical activity, quitting smoking) and limits of second level of prevention (screening, early diagnosis, predictive medicine), reevaluating its reach, because it often is only functional to business logic.
  • Removal of chinese box shell companies from the Italian stock market
  • Improving citizens mobility by broadband development







It is time.




For Sticks and stones may break "our" bones, but WE THE 99% simply out number you, the Globalist Elite SCUM BAGS.



....at your service 5 Star!!!





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