Karma's Helper's Posts (1073)

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...the "mirror" within YOU all, is merely but a reflection of what it IS that YOU "require"....For if YOU "truly" knew that what YOU ARE and DO,  is nothing short of perfection from the very beginning, you would "require" nothing at all....


Karma's Helper


June 16, 2013


Come One, Come All..... for the "mirror" within YOU all, is merely but a reflection of what it IS that YOU "require".


Therefore, with that said, to require constant accolades only to further ONE'S desire(s), no matter what they may BE... is falling head-over-heals into the illusion ( Mirror ). 


For if YOU "truly" knew that what YOU ARE and DO,  is nothing short of perfection from the very beginning, you would "require" nothing at all....


...enjoying the silence found within as you continue on with your quest......


....to create and serve.






( An example found within a riddle  - imagine if you will, that your human vessel ( body ) resembled that of "The Most PERFECT"  Mirror ever made - now, answer the following )




Mirror, Mirror on the Wall....


A simple riddle for you ALL...


If I truly was the fairest of them All....


How could "one" show me.....


When the 2nd, 3rd and whatnots.....


Are just that.....boring and Dull?





Answer:  Accolades are merely fuel for the fire.  Look within....not with"out".







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...in the linear a feeling of unrest can arise where one feels they are walking a narrow tight rope...it's important to keep your head up with eyes focused upon the goal. Use imagery to widen the internal tight rope so that the process becomes easier and more secure...Be who you really are: A confident, adventurous energy who knows full their abilities. Keep the balance within...Embrace it...Balance it...Experience the beauty...You can, and you will



A New Message From






"Often in the linear a feeling of unrest can arise where one feels they are walking a narrow tight rope.

It takes an incredible amount of focus in the physical to walk a tight rope. The body must know its core center to maintain the balance to get from one safe platform to another.


Likewise, spiritual balance requires focus and determination to move from one experience to another. Having a relationship with your core inner self also adds to the success of the endeavor.

As in the physical, it's important to keep your head up with eyes focused upon the goal. Use imagery to widen the internal tight rope so that the process becomes easier and more secure.

Your physical participation was not designed to be a constant easy endeavor. Most are more aware of their capabilities when designing a life plan. It is when one is immersed in the dense physical that confidence wanes and the fear of failure comes in.


We suggest remaining focused upon retaining the balance of your core energy to help the evolving process to proceed with strength.

Be who you really are: A confident, adventurous energy who knows full their abilities. Keep the balance within, while moving through what you pre-planned.

Of course, abdication is an option, however, most have an intense inner desire to complete the experience.

Balance within will help with that.

Start this moment to investigate your inner core.

Embrace it.

Balance it.


Experience the beauty.

You can, and you will."



~ Channeled by April Crawford www.innerwhispers.org


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A major feature of the drama being planted in mass consciousness today is the cost and availability of those things that are needed to gain independence. We want you to pay no attention to these manipulative declarations... Cancel the effects of deceptive advertising by following the nudges of your inner voice when you make your choices. Carefully adapt your diet to loving foods only...Freedom of choice will always be yours, and choosing this health decision is calling you to action....Making choices against anything is also creating chaos, because being against something attracts to you the very thing you are against...Bring these dramas to an end as quickly as you can by simply choosing love over all questionable options.



My dear ones. Face each day with laughter, and don't get caught up in the news, as it is mostly controller dialog. What the world needs now is calm, clear and aware minds, as this is what is needed to dissolve their control. Notice how all of today's "'news" cancels these mental qualities? Even your alternative news condemns and degrades those with opposing points of view.

A major feature of the drama being planted in mass consciousness today is the cost and availability of those things that are needed to gain independence. We want you to pay no attention to these manipulative declarations. Deleting man's ability to grow and maintain life will not occur. Do not let this fear tactic be a cause of duress or a reactive answer to the controller dialog. One day these conditions will be over. Bees will be available again, your food will not be destroyed by corporate decisions, and those companies destroying lives and cohabitation with nature will cease their delivery of nutritionally defunct corn, soybeans and other crops. Government agencies approving the degraded, cancer causing diet additives will have their control canceled. Food will be cleared of its destructive additives and once again the natural maturation of God's divine grace in all of man's needs will be allowed.

Be aware of the choices you make and only chose love in all of them. This will defeat the contamination programs of these offending companies. Cancel the effects of deceptive advertising by following the nudges of your inner voice when you make your choices. Carefully adapt your diet to loving foods only. Face the fact that a great many things you've been choosing to buy are not good for anyone, other than the companies that make them. Choose to counter their market by deleting their ability to sell you their products. Say NO to all the drugs they advertise too. Go for only God's drugs, natural things. God's medicine does not have dramatic side effects.


When we ask you to make these choices, it is to gather together mass attention and action towards answers to these unnatural conflicts within cause and effect. Your cause is health of man, beast and Gaia. Your effect will be a natural environment that continues to exist. Freedom of choice will always be yours, and choosing this health decision is calling you to action. Ignorance and apathy can no longer cancel these aggressive attacks on God's creation when we work together with divine love.

Please paste this comment in an area you often look at: I AM CHOOSING LOVE! Whenever you go to the grocery store, act on this love. Only choose the things you know are created with love. Please do this for the health of your entire earth family and the health of your colleagues in all the other dimensions. May this light bring health and healing to the corrupt attitudes it now has to cope with.


Bless your food, bless the humans it was delivered by, and thank them for making their love a choice in your life. When the masses choose to come together, alterations can be made according to their desire. Non-alignment with them advocates chaos. Making choices against anything is also creating chaos, because being against something attracts to you the very thing you are against. Being for something, en masse, attracts that which you call for. If you change your approach from being against to choosing only what you want, this will make a huge difference.

Inner guidance can let you know what the loving choice is. No need to carry equipment or even read what's written on the container's label. All codes for mass consumption are misleading. Test with any device that makes you comfortable, but using your intuition, gut feelings or kinesiology (and choosing to depend on these tools alone), energizes these abilities and calls your attention to them when a decision needs to be made.

Factor in the mistakes you might make while getting started, and let that convince you of the need to get your personal testing meters into active co-creation. Bring these dramas to an end as quickly as you can by simply choosing love over all questionable options.


Give this guidance to all who are against.

Make love...

not war.

Be the change.


Ascended Master Saint Germain

For more of Saint Germain's messages, visit: http://comptedesaintgermainsblog.blogspot.com This message may be shared in its entirety with proper credit and the above back link included.


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Advance Lightworkers are true explorers. Even if the golden age were stabilized today, you would need to explore additional elements or dimensions. You are not like the pioneers of the American West – those who dreamed of land to settle. You are not stationery beings...Like those who seek wild rides at a community fair, you are adventuresome. You crave new ideas, feelings, dimensions and yes, beings. For you, stability is not contentment – it is boredom....you are not settlers...So it is you are in the right place




Dear Ones,

Maybe you wish for us to relay that the transition is complete, that you no longer need to adjust, that you are experiencing the golden age you created.

Advance Lightworkers are true explorers. Even if the golden age were stabilized today, you would need to explore additional elements or dimensions. You are not like the pioneers of the American West – those who dreamed of land to settle. You are not stationery beings.


Many of you cry out that you pine for stability. We beg to differ. You may believe you want stability, but your inner truth is different from your current belief system.

Perhaps you – especially you Baby Boomers – think your children and grandchildren will never settle down in one community, job or relationship. But then, your parents thought communes and living with nature were your future. Instead, you Baby Boomers rallied to the call of former generations by embracing the professional world, buying homes and creating the expected family structure.

Something similar, only in reverse, is true for your children and grandchildren. Most will ease themselves into the golden age you are creating with relief and a great deal of joy. They are the pioneers who will stabilize and settle the new earth. Their seeming hyperactivity of flitting from company to company, relationships or communities is merely a kind of holding pattern until they feel the golden age has arrived. Only then, will they settle into a lifestyle you would probably find boring.


Your children and grandchildren require stability before they plant their roots, You advance Lightworkers require adventure.

Of course, we are generalizing. Some born at the beginning of this decade crave adventure and some born within the general perimeters of the Baby Boomer generation crave stability. But on the whole, it is the Baby Boomers who fall into the adventure/scout master group and their children, especially their grandchildren, are the pioneers.

Many of you are upset because you wish to be an advance Lightworker – not a pioneer. And so you are. Just as we once told you that you would know your home dimension by merely asking your inner-being, the same is true for discovering if you are a scout master or pioneer.

You may think no one would opt to be a scout master only to discover that you are. Which is little different from thinking a particular course is too difficult only to master it. If you are reading this blog and others like it, most likely you are a scout master/advance Lightworker. The majority of pioneers have not yet awakened.

Even though you continue creating a path for pioneers to follow (know you have completed the difficult mountain path), you have yet to see the Pacific Ocean. That statement may seem overwhelming today – but tomorrow you will pick yourself up and continue creating the path to the ocean/new earth.


Like those who seek wild rides at a community fair, you are adventuresome. You crave new ideas, feelings, dimensions and yes, beings. For you, stability is not contentment – it is boredom.

Many of you beg to differ. Actually, you are screaming your denial as you read these words. For have you not worked diligently, raised a family or whatever you deemed appropriate, despite your parents’ disbelief that you would ever fit into society? Yet, was there not always a sense of something more out there – even though society and your family told you how wonderfully you fulfilled their desires?

Your children and grandchildren are likely of an opposite personality. They entered earth when it was probable that inner-being exploration would be complete so they could experience a stable and yes, easy life in the new earth.

That is not to say that a certain age group is lazy. Rather that to complete this transition volunteers settling the new inner landscapes were required. And so it is that many of your children and grandchildren are not settling in one community, profession, relationship or job until they sense their choices are based on inner feelings instead of outer-directedness.

Theirs is the seeming haphazard movement that so concerns you, the adults of the world, whatever your age. Your children and grandchildren are not accepting the life society projected for your parents and grandparents. They are waiting until the inner lands they wish to settle are stabilized and fully developed. On the inside, your children and grandchildren are like rocks of stability. They will develop those inner lands into the full golden age.

Does that mean you advance Lightworkers – whatever your age – will not experience the new earth? On the contrary, you are beginning to experience it now. You are the earth entities who volunteered to discover physical shifts and what that means in terms of exploring your inner worlds. You advance Lightworkers will be the first to experience true inner-directed joy en masse.


You will not settle the inner worlds you are now discovering. But then, you are not settlers. You advance Lightworkers are scout masters waiting with great anticipation for the next new route or dimensional shift. You may seem stable in Old Age terms on the outside, but your inner world is alive with excitement.

Even though your children and grandchildren may seem “flighty” on the outside because they are not claiming those pieces of the Old Age that once defined stability, they are the pioneers who will fully settle the new land.

So it is you are in the right place. Just the thought of another energy burst is enough to send you scurrying to your computers to relay the information to other advance Lightworkers/scout masters. Those pioneers waiting in the wings have no interest in an energy burst other than it is one more indicator that they will soon start their life in the lands discovered and tamed by you.



So be it.






Welcome to Brenda's Blog

Are You Craving Stability – Really?

Posted: 02 Jun 2013 08:46 PM PDT

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for



Special Event: Brenda is the special guest of Janet Hickox's "Living Astrology" June 20th show. Please call in with questions or just enjoy listening as these two channels exchange information about this exciting transition. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/authenticyouradio/2013/06/20/living-astrology-new-paradigm-new-age-new-astrology

Summary of Brenda’s May 18, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at :



I will return to the Creation Energies studio this week. Perhaps you’re sensing changes in your perceptions for that is the brass ring we alluded to in a recent “Brenda’s Blog”. The exhaustion and energy spurts you’ve recently experienced prepared you for a perception shift to joy. That which you once viewed with fear will be infused with joy.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “Who are You?”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.



http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when
posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and
blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line.
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If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved.



Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:






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Ascension is a physical body no longer bound by the illusions it was taught were real. All illusions hold more power than they seem. They are given energy by the masses and they are fed by that energy to control you. You are being fed illusional beliefs all the time but you can choose to have understanding of your Reality...It is by completely stepping into your Reality, which means removing the very deeply rooted negative beliefs you are holding, that you become ascended and free in a Physical Light Body. Ascension is not leaving your body...We are extraterrestrials who incarnated on other planets as you have done on this one, and we learned how to ascend into Physical Light Bodies, and we are presenting methods that we learned...if you do not resonate with our energies then what is transcribed here will not be of service to you. And so as of yet, we need no introduction...

Ascension Keys



We are The Council for the Assistance to Earth and we greet you.

Allow our energies to resonate with you if they will benefit you and if you do not resonate with our energies then what is transcribed here will not be of service to you. And so as of yet, we need no introduction. Our energies will speak for themselves.

What I will explain to all is that we are specifically assisting Earth with its Ascension Process at this time and everything that is recorded here is to aid the Earth and all its inhabitants, including all the non-human inhabitants, with this process.


But what we believe Ascension to be is most likely very different from your beliefs on Ascension. We were once like you, in a limited body, but we have freed ourselves and we wish to pass on the knowledge we, through trial and error, over millennium upon millennium, received.



We present here, our truth.

Ascension is a physical body no longer bound by the illusions it was taught were real. All illusions hold more power than they seem. They are given energy by the masses and they are fed by that energy to control you. You are being fed illusional beliefs all the time but you can choose to have understanding of your Reality.

The Reality, which you term your Higher Self, is not separate from you. It is not an aspect of you that is on a Higher dimension, therefore the term Higher Self, is inaccurate. Your Higher Self, from now on, your Reality, is covered up by the beliefs that you hold that keep you from truly being Yourself. And Yourself, your Real Self, your Reality, is already ascended. It does not require a source outside of itself for food or energy. It does not need water or sleep or anything put into its body to recharge itself, and the only reason you experience those needs are because of how disconnected from your true Reality, your Source of energy, you are.


It is by completely stepping into your Reality, which means removing the very deeply rooted negative beliefs you are holding, that you become ascended and free in a Physical Light Body. Ascension is not leaving your body. That is not true Ascension. Ascension is overcoming ALL limitations of the body and allowing your Source energy, your Reality, to fill its body, your house. Right now you are filling your house with beliefs that cloud it and keep it in a false state of reality, but as the true Reality comes forward You, the Real You, fills the space rather than those limitations.

If you resonate with this, understand it is a process to become Your Self. It takes time, effort and much discipline, and it is not for the faint of heart or for the lazy. Only those who prove themselves worthy, which means they so believe themselves to be worthy that they put Their Self above their false comforts, will ascend.

Our methods are taught slowly. That is how it must be done for every belief to be removed and so that nothing is skipped over. But if you are willing to apply yourself fully to the practices we present, Ascension is a probable outcome for you.


We, to be very clear, are talking about a physical body that does not need food, sleep, water, that does not age and that does not die. That is what we are talking about. We are not talking about moving into another dimension, or leaving Earth, or leaving your body in order to supposedly ascend. The only way to be totally free of the karmic cycle is to free yourself from every limitation that the physical body presents.

We are not here to present teachings that have been presented previously. We do not care what is primarily taught, as much of the material presented we do not resonate with ourselves. We are extraterrestrials who incarnated on other planets as you have done on this one, and we learned how to ascend into Physical Light Bodies, and we are presenting methods that we learned, and first teachings that benefited us.

Teachings that go against our process will not be presented, even if they are currently a theme here. We do not care if everybody resonates with us. We only care about helping those who can receive what we have accomplished.

I am not promising that our methods will work for you as this is a difficult process and again, is given slowly over a period of time. But either way, you will become clearer and more free. Either way it will be a benefit to you.

We are the Council for the Assistance to Earth.

As you call upon us we do come and we do assist you.


I am Plashdar, the spokesperson on behalf of The Council.

Six other members will soon be introduced to you.




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Divine change makers all over the world are awakening, stepping onto the path of spiritual transformation. They are alive now to help change the world...You are one, of course. You may not have called yourself this yet, but you have the energy signature of a divine change maker. You were born with it this life. You are wired at a DNA level to connect with this powerful and benevolent energy...As you pay attention to and act on the nudges of your Higher Self, doorways previously closed open to you. You may wonder why you didn't see those doors before - no worries - everything is in divine timing and divine juxtaposition...The process of awakening requires that you get and stay awake - in all kinds of situations and in the company of people who may not be as awake as you are. This takes great skill and persistence...It may not be easy, but you intuitively know that it's worthwhile beyond measure.




Awakening of Divine Change-makers

When you realize that you are at the helm of your own life, everything changes. Just knowing that you are the one in charge is a major fundamental shift. 

The really huge shift, though, is the one that comes when you master skills that help you to act on what you know. These are tools that allow you to connect with your own empowerment and inner resources - in an ongoing way and with divine timing.

Divine changemakers all over the world are awakening, stepping onto the path of spiritual transformation. They are alive now to help change the world into a more loving place to be. This relates to the ascension into a higher-vibrational way of being - one that honors all life.


The role of divine changemakers is to help make needed changes, be at the forefront of change, and be an example to others of how to be loving, conscious, and whole.

Who are these divine changemakers?

You are one, of course. You may not have called yourself this yet, but you have the energy signature of a divine changemaker. You were born with it this life. You are wired at a DNA level to connect with this powerful and benevolent energy, utilizing it to fulfill your purpose.


There is no specific timetable for when you make the connection, but trust that you will make it. Indeed, the energy itself will over time become so strong, so incessant, and so loud within your being that you will not be able to ignore it. If you've already experienced this, you know how this feels deep within your being.

Examples of how this can feel:



(1) a growing sense is dissatisfaction with the status quo, in your own life and in the world,

(2) a relentless desire to change yourself for the better,

(3) an overwhelming sadness about the dysfunctional state of the planet,

(4) an indescribable joy when you contemplate a loving world,

(5) an unbounded happy feeling, sometimes to the point of tears, when you experience people being compassionate and caring, and

(6) an insatiable desire to help people and animals in crisis.

As you become conscious of feelings like these, your own Higher Self takes this as a signal to connect you with the tools you need to do something about how you feel. As you pay attention to and act on the nudges of your Higher Self, doorways previously closed open to you. You may wonder why you didn't see those doors before - no worries - everything is in divine timing and divine juxtaposition. So don't waste precious time by judging yourself for being asleep to what's now obvious.


Moving forward, do less overthinking and connect more with your heart's wisdom. Your Higher Self will use your heart to guide you into the new territories. Trust your heart to show you what to pay attention to and what's important from a big-picture perspective. What you will access won't be typical linear thinking that convinces you there's no time or funding for what you feel is right. You will access a multidimensional perspective. You as a Divine Being


It is that multidimensional perspective that helps you tangibly connect with concepts that some people may find strange or off limits.

Here's one example. You become aware of your role as a divine change maker - including awakening to your divine nature. This is not about religion. It simply means that you are a divine being, from the cellular DNA level to your true consciousness. At your core, then, you are divine. You aren't saying that you are more divine than the next person. You recognize the divine in all beings, and in all life. As you recognize this, you help others to have the same awakening to their own divine spark. You do this by your presence in the world. Don't underestimate just how powerful this is!

At the same time, realize that many people steeped in religion believe only certain beings - or perhaps one supreme being - can be divine.

A second example of concepts outside the norm is the notion of being a conscious creator. To even get this far reading the article, you believe this about yourself. You will meet plenty of people, however, who have other views on this idea. This includes people who perhaps think on one level that they can impact their own destiny, but they also think that much is left up to fate, luck, or the will of another being.


Did you know there's really no such thing as luck? You could have good fortune, of course, because of past benevolent actions. Energy is energy and it does not lie - even across the timeline of multiple lives. A lucky streak, however, does not come from a roll of the dice in the way conventional wisdom portrays it. From a spiritual perspective, there are endless synchronicities and divine juxtapositions at play!

The key thing to remember is this. Your present conditions stem from past energies now ripened. Future conditions will reflect new actions and the new more light-filled consciousness you can create within yourself from now.

Awakening and Awake

Think you are awake already, your job of awakening done and simply here to serve others? Consider that awakening is a process over time. There is no finish line. Even enlightened masters continue to evolve. Each time that you evolve to the next level, you help countless other beings by your mere presence.

The process of awakening requires that you get and stay awake - in all kinds of situations and in the company of people who may not be as awake as you are. This takes great skill and persistence. Your role as a divine changemaker is to become increasingly skilled and resourced. As you do this, be patient with yourself, remembering that this is what you are encoded to do.



It may not be easy, but...

...you intuitively know that it's worthwhile beyond measure.

Copyright 2013 by Selacia,

Channel for The Council of 12

* All Rights Reserved *




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The next few days may seem as if you are turned inside out. Not in terms of trauma or pain, but that you are thinking and functioning differently...you are emotionally in a different place...Are you the you of yesterday? Yes. Are you the New Age you? Yes. For you added dimensions, actions and beliefs...The energies of the past few days helped you discard those outer-directed notions of who you should be and who you should interact with. Replaced with a knowingness that cannot be described in the words we have available...




Dear Ones,

The next few days may seem as if you are turned inside out. Not in terms of trauma or pain, but that you are thinking and functioning differently.


Perhaps you anticipated a painful encounter with others only to discover that a veil of sorts has lifted and you no longer fear them or hold a grudge – that you are emotionally in a different place.

Or something that might have triggered a physical reaction such as hay fever no longer affects you the same. Maybe you once needed large doses of allergy medications to counteract pollen. Now you find yourself allergy-free or affected to a lesser degree.

Who are you now?




Who indeed?

Are you a new being with new insights and reactions or merely an updated Old Age being? You are both and neither. For the more of your totality you allow within your being, the more unique you become. At the same time, your Old Age persona is not lost – merely augmented by more insights and cellular structures.

Are you the you of yesterday? Yes. Are you the New Age you? Yes. For you added dimensions, actions and beliefs.

Perhaps you fear you will lose the Old Age you, that you will negate friends and relatives who you love dearly. That becoming a true New Age person means you must give up everything – including you.

Such is not the case. Think in terms of computers. Computers add much to your life – yet you remain you with the added ability to better understand and create what you want. So too is it true for the New Age you.

You are not “killing” the Old Age you, merely adding features that help you live in your 3D world – and most certainly help you avoid the veils preventing you from moving to and through other dimensions. You opened another book of knowledge that may change your actions and interactions – but does not need to. Let us explain.


When you graduated from high school, you vowed to remain friends with high school buddies. Only to find that your new life was not that important to them, nor were their new lives that important to you. Even though you think of them with fondness and interact at reunions and community gatherings, they are not the first people you contact in an emergency or joy.

So it is with your New Age life. Perhaps you will interact with a circle of friends you have known for decades – perhaps not. You will interact with those who help you feel the best possible.

Of course, no one can make you feel better – that is your responsibility. At the same time, there are those who encourage you to bubble with joy, who can play with you without you needing to sift their actions through your emotionally being, who love you for who you are – not who they want you to be.

Then there are those who expect you to fit within a box of their making. “You should do and say this or I will not be happy.” Those are the beings – whether friends, co-workers or relatives – you will opt not to interact with for much, if not all, of the remainder of your life in this lifetime. You know who they are and what they expect. You have changed, but they have not.


Those people shifting into their New Age beings are those with whom you will feel most comfortable.

Does that mean that you will only interact with those verbalizing New Age thought? Not at all.

As is true for those who label themselves Christian or another religion whose actions have little to do with love, some who spout New Age beliefs will feel light, joyous and loving. Others will feel little different from those you interacted with and tried to please in the Old Age.

Labels mean little. It is the feeling that emanates from their being that will be your compass of rightness.

The energies of the past few days helped you discard those outer-directed notions of who you should be and who you should interact with. Replaced with a knowingness that cannot be described in the words we have available.


Your physical being will also have less need to direct your attention to healing whatever aspect you have denied yourself in the past – emotional and/or spiritual – as you move into your inner honesty.

You have transitioned into a completeness – spiritually, emotionally and physically – that will alter your Old Age patterns dramatically, but not negate your Old Age persona. You are greater than – not lessor than as some of you expected when you began shifting your inner-being.

You may wonder if letting go of others is emotionally painful. The more you shift the less you will need to interact with those who wish you to remain as you were before your transition began. But then of course, such is no longer possible.

All that is required of anyone who wishes to connect with you is to accept you with all your marvelous new facets.

Why then, can you not in turn accept them with whatever facets they wish to display? So you will.

It is merely that if they limit their facets to 3D beings of the Old Age, you will have little in common. But if they decide to upgrade their being to whatever dimension beyond the 3rd, they feel most comfortable, you will have more to share – just as is true for those you so dearly loved in high school, but have little in common with now.



So be it.






Welcome to Brenda's Blog

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for:



Summary of Brenda’s May 18, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: I will return to the Creation Energies studio early June. Perhaps you’re sensing changes in your perceptions for that is the brass ring we alluded to in a recent “Brenda’s Blog”. The exhaustion and energy spurts you’ve recently experienced prepared you for a perception shift to joy. That which you once viewed with fear will be infused with joy.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for:




“Finally, a Bit of Sunshine!”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.




If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:




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...as all now begins to break down and RE-ORGANISE itself in your outer waking human life experience. Much is changing...It is to be noted dear ones that the old earth will not roll over, it will not "give in" for it has fear at its core, it does not FEEL, it REACTS and the reactions are what you have been taught in your human form to rely on...As the old earth begins to break down it will try to re-enforce all that is has taught YOU...Because it has no reference points it cannot deal with anything that is unfolding so it defaults to other reactions that you have had and pushes the triggers to make you react...Over and over the triggers will keep you in an emotional loop, triggering and triggering, all the while feeding the teachings that you are in effect blind to...the new is the NEW. It has never been created before upon planet earth for the human race has never reached this frequency before



Greetings dear ones we are the High Council of Orion and we come to guide and to support as all now begins to break down and RE-ORGANISE itself in your outer waking human life experience. Much is changing and shifting and yet much is also being held on to tightly. As the old earth begins to break down it will try to re-enforce all that is has taught YOU, as this is personal to each and every one of you there is no general guidance as such that can be offered other than to view the reflections of your inner beliefs in TRUTH. To do this you must begin to move into the heart space and begin to pour the LOVE that IS through all of your waking human life. To FEEL TRUTH is the way to work with the new energies, the mind-centered way of living is no longer supported in any form. To create only from the mind is to walk in the darkness of the old earth and we guide for you to process our words through your heart.


For many this is a time of never ending chaos or that is what the old earth is PREACHING to you and we guide for you to detach from this teaching and to FEEL TRUTH. Much of what is forming across planet earth is born out of the residue of the old earth energetic frequencies and many are attempting to feed these energies. It is to be noted dear ones that the old earth will not roll over, it will not "give in" for it has fear at its core, it does not FEEL, it REACTS and the reactions are what you have been taught in your human form to rely on. This is not TRUTH and is not supported under the new earth energetic frequencies, the more that you REACT from the mind the more that you will re-enforce the teachings within you that are trying to dissolve. This will lead you into more and more chaos and more and more distorted reflections for the old is trying to skew your vision. In order to feed the old earth energies you must be made to BELIEVE that all that is SHOWN to you is real. That is the way of the old earth. Many who are not within the heart space default to their external vision at all times. It is shown to them therefore it is real is the way that they interpret the reflections but much as the mind puzzles that many within the human race toy with these reflections are just that, mind puzzles. They are OPTICAL ILLUSIONS, placed in front of your vision in order to trigger the intense emotional REACTIONS that see you move out of the heart and place full trust in the mind. The mind will not help you at this time dear ones for the mind has no reference points for anything that is now unfolding across and within the planet earth.

Because it has no reference points it cannot deal with anything that is unfolding so it defaults to other reactions that you have had and pushes the triggers to make you react. If you have spent most of you human incarnation dealing with the emotion of anger this may lead you to be in a state of constant anger. If you have experienced mostly grief in your human incarnation then this is the emotion that will triggered. Over and over the triggers will keep you in an emotional loop, triggering and triggering, all the while feeding the teachings that you are in effect blind to. For had you detached from the mind and gone into the heart you would see that the heart FEELS the distortion. WE guide strongly for all to be wary of all that is presented to the human race as TRUTH at this time. Many are holding tight to the reflections that back up the beliefs that they have been trained to accept. This blinds them to TRUTH. As others around you begin to react then they may trigger you and before long all are working from the triggers and none are within the heart space.


Those who sought to contain and suppress the human race always knew that this level of consciousness would be reached, they always knew that the human race would reach the GOLDEN AGE OF HUMANKIND and so they created the frequencies that would lie dormant until they were ready for release, the sting in the tale if you wish is that the triggers are triggered by the new earth for TRUTH JUST IS. It is the triggering that must be embraced for only in realizing that you have triggered can you see the distortion that is creating the trigger. Otherwise dear ones the triggers lie dormant allowing you to filter out TRUTH unaware that you are filtering for you are blind to the trigger. Do you understand our guidance dear ones?

The new earth frequencies only allow for TRUTH to be manifest and many of you may feel now that you are in a holding pattern, almost reaching your dreams but they are just out of reach and this is distortion. For to live the dream you must allow the creation of the dream within the heart space. ALL is vibration but many are looking to the reflection and only seeing what their human eyes are being shown. ALL IS NOT AS IT SEEMS upon planet earth at this time. The conflicts are born out of the teachings of distortion, the general unease in the world is born out of the residue of the old earth that lingers hoping to be re-ingested into those who are unable to see that they have partially let go but have not fully dissolved all that holds them in situ.


We fully accept that our guidance may trigger and that is part of the process for all is helping at ALL times to release you from the bondage that you were taught to CREATE FOR SELF. Many still hold tight to the concept of an external force that has a hold over their human life experience, the teaching of distortion would seek to teach you that you have little power in your human form and yet the new earth asks that you simply dissolve this concept. YOU ARE POWERFUL beyond measure yet this is something that is FELT, it is not something that makes any logical sense and the human logical brain WILL try to filter this out. SO long has the human race been taught that it is "only" human and that certain things are not possible because of this. You take a human form dear ones that is all, for ALL JUST IS. What can or cannot be done is at your fingertips for you are the creators of your own human life experience.


Many are trying to rely on old texts or prophecies but we guide strongly that the new is the NEW. It has never been created before upon planet earth for the human race has never reached this frequency before in their human form, therefore the freedom to create is within each and every human being. It is not led by an outside force with a mission for that is containment and suppression. Whilst you believe in an external agenda that the human race play into then you have swapped one jail cell for another, all of it vibrational, do you understand our guidance dear ones?

All that you dream you can create but you must allow the creation to unfold within you and around you, ALL is vibration, therefore you need only reach the requisite vibration to access the dimensional timeline in which the dream is created for all is created energetically before being experienced physically upon planet earth. The dreams that you are creating are REAL but the old earth will try to teach that as they have not appeared as a reflection they are not real. The reflections are vibrational, as you change in frequency then all will begin to re-shape and re-arrange around you. There is nothing that cannot be achieved in your human form, we guide you strongly to understand that any limits you have been taught to place upon your human existence were CREATED FOR YOU to limit you. Many fall to this teaching and the phrase "i am only human" we pluck out of channels mind. Whilst you state this you are in distortion, you are walking in the old earth believing the containment that was created for you. You are not "only" anything, we ask for you to begin to understand the human language and how it was constructed in order to further contain and suppress you VIBRATIONALLY for all is vibration and all is frequency.


Many are not aware of the language that they use when creating and when trying to manifest and as a result are lowering their energy signature instead of allowing for expansion and growth. You do not need to see the whole road in order to walk that road dear ones, you do not need to see around corners or even know where the road leads to in order to walk it. What you need is your map in order to navigate, each one of you alive upon planet earth incarnated with a map already installed within your energy signature, it is found within the heart space. Your HEART is the map of the road that you travel in this your human life experience. To use a very human scenario, many of you have been using an out of date SAT NAV system, this system was programmed by those who sought to contain and suppress the human race and sold to you as something that you needed at every step. This SAT NAV is linked into the human mind and focuses only on getting from point A to point B by the most obvious route. Much like SAT NAVE systems upon planet earth this works only in certain scenarios. If you wish to cross a road without getting run over then you choose a place to cross with good view and little traffic. But the SAT NAV is only programmed from the containment of the old world, the HEART has the map within which miracles unfold, it has routes that have never been placed in the SAT NAV of the old world. It has hidden treasures and wonders that are waiting to be rediscovered.

So at this time dear ones we ask for you to take out the SAT NAV that was installed into your human vehicle and which many have never used. These SAT NAVS contain no routes to dreams for the dreams were never the destination under the old earth energies. We ask for you to begin to use the map that resides within the heart and to uncover the miracles and the routes of wonder. When you begin to use this map all will change in your outer reflection and human life experience. As each one of you is unique in your experience of life on this planet then each one of you walks a slightly different path but that does not negate the wonder of the journey. We walk with you along this road as we have always walked with you.



We are the High Council of Orion...

and we ask for you to take full power in manifesting all that is within the heart space.


... dear ones for YOU ARE

and all JUST IS.

Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved. Article may be reproduced if author and authors websites are clearly stated and the article remains intact in its original form which is written.





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One aspect of ascension that you will get used to over time is being in more than one place at once...What if you could send off clones...then have the clones report back their experience? Now, what if you took away the "reporting back" part... Part of becoming more evolved is starting to be aware of more experiences at once, and beginning to choose things to experience in parallel, either accidentally or on purpose.



This is The Dragon,

One aspect of ascension that you will get used to over time is being in more than one place at once.


For instance, perhaps there are many places you would like to live, but the list seems too long to be possible. What if you could send off clones to each of those places, then have the clones report back their experience? Now, what if you took away the "reporting back" part and you actually were each of the clones, experiencing all those things in parallel and aware of all those experiences simultaneously?


Your soul does this all the time. Part of becoming more evolved is starting to be aware of more experiences at once, and beginning to choose things to experience in parallel, either accidentally or on purpose. It may be a bit more than experiencing living in multiple places on earth at once. It may be other worlds, for instance.

It also sometimes means your actions in different experiences can have varying degrees of interaction and influence with each other. You start making decisions not just on how it impacts one experience, but how it impacts a multitude of them.


At first, it may seem confusing.

However, you will get used to it.



The Dragon


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There are over seven billion people on Earth now. Out of these seven billion people, the Angels share that 10 percent have the soul power to be Lightworkers. Out of that 10 percent, there are 144,000 who have agreed to flow The Light through their daily experience without judgment...We are spread out all over the world for a reason...Instead of receiving a spiritual message for someone and telling them, you now wait until that person asks you for information, even if you already have the answer. Instead of telling someone what you know from your spiritual place about what they should do in their life, you love them and wait until they ask you for guidance...These are not easy things to do...As a Lightworker / 144,000 all you have been asked to do in the last two years is “To Be.”..your years of dedication to your spiritual development have not been wasted. The issue wasn’t you; the issue was that the people were not ready to seek help...







There are over seven billion people on Earth now. Out of these seven billion people, the Angels share that 10 percent have the soul power to be Lightworkers. Out of that 10 percent, there are 144,000 who have agreed to flow The Light through their daily experience without judgment which in turn is creating a new world; twelve of which are spiritually leading the way. There is also one Avatar on the Earth who silently helps to channel all of this Light energy.

Looking at these numbers, can you see why you have been lonely for someone in your life who you can talk to about all that you spiritually feel and know? Can you imagine being the Avatar and how lonely (in the human sense) he would be? Imagine for a moment if all the Lightworkers were in one place of the world. Talk about a polar shift! We would tip the whole thing over. We are spread out all over the world for a reason. The Light that flows through us is the strongest we have ever had through a human soul before, except for one. Christ Jesus had this Light flowing through Him after He forgave on the cross. And with His words and actions, we moved into the 3rd Dimension. He showed us through this the biggest key for our ascension is forgiveness. Now it is taking 144,000 human souls to create the 5th dimensional world for all souls who will be resonate with it. It is no small task but it is one we can do.


This Light is powerful but so many of you have been thinking for the last few years that you are doing nothing to help serve. You are used to being active in your service to others but the changes from the 3rd dimensional ways to the 5th dimensional ways have limited how you outwardly serve.

Instead of receiving a spiritual message for someone and telling them, you now wait until that person asks you for information, even if you already have the answer. Instead of telling someone what you know from your spiritual place about what they should do in their life, you love them and wait until they ask you for guidance. Instead of healing someone when you hear they are sick or have a disease, you honor that soul’s free-will choice to learn their lessons and wait until they ask for healing. You love instead of judge each soul’s process.

These are not easy things to do. The understanding that there are no mistakes and that each soul on Earth has been here many times. Yes, even the children; there are no new souls arriving on this world as this Earth cycle is ending. The new souls will arrive on the new 5th dimensional world.


The reason you have been feeling like you are not doing anything is that you have fully adjusted to The Light energy that is flowing through you. That is great! That shows how much your 3rd dimensional body has changed; every cell, every organ and even your DNA has adjusted to allow this Light to easily flow through you so you don’t notice it any more. Remember back to when you had ascension symptoms? That was your adjustments and some of that was very painful; emotionally and physically. But just because you cannot feel The Light flowing through you now doesn’t mean you aren’t doing anything. You are doing more now than ever!

As a Lightworker / 144,000 all you have been asked to do in the last two years is “To Be.” To be the best you, you could be. When you are joyful, happy, laughing, calm and peaceful The Light has been flowing through you stronger than when you are doubtful, upset, frustrated or angry. Those of you that have been serving others as your day job, you have just been an extra blessing during the last two years.

Now we are moving into a more active time for service because the spiritual agreement between the dark and the light is changing. The light is once again allowed to shine on Earth. The agreement for the light to leave was so that souls could make their final decisions on their ascension without the interference of the light. Now those soul choices are made, the light is allowed to shine again; not brightly but after two years of this darkness on Earth, any light will seem bright! It is great to hear the Angel chatter again! 


So what does this more active time for you mean? It means that those of you that have been waiting to serve, you are in a standby mode waiting to be told when to start your work. It could be June, July, August or even towards the end of the year. Most of you will be serving by the end of summer. The souls who decided they do want to ascend will now be able to “see” you and be drawn to you to help them receive the healings (physically, emotionally and spiritually) they need to prepare for their ascension. There are many people who will need help between now and when we ascend and of course with much more after we ascend.

So your years of dedication to your spiritual development have not been wasted. The issue wasn’t you; the issue was that the people were not ready to seek help. Now is not the time to give up on your dream of service. Now is the time to brush off the dust on your spiritual tools. Now is the time to get excited, just like when you first knew that you were called to do spiritual work. Now is the time to ask the questions about how and when and where you are to serve believing that when it is time for you to serve, you will hear, see, know exactly where to be and what to do.


I love,



Copyright 2013 © Christina Lunden ~ Creator Mediator ~ All rights reserved.  Although these messages are copyrighted, you are invited to share them, send them to friends, add to your newsletter, post on your blog, etc. including the Source:




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The age of quantum computing has started for mankind. This is like going from buggies and horses to planes and spaceships...The end result is that you can do something with hardware that will fit into a closet, what may take a conventional computer the size of the entire moon to compute...You can in essence, have a computer where half the work is done on Earth, and half the work could be done on the other side of the universe. That is because you can have two particles such as electrons, that are literally the same particle. You act on one in the Andromeda Galaxy, and it effects the other in the milky way...it will give you access to information and knowledge throughout the universe and across time, to connect to collectives in a way that instantly translates that collective's intelligence into physical manifestations. It will allow you to reshape your reality...


This is the dragon,

The Brian was pretty excited recently, so excited he was crying in joy on and off for about an hour, even though he didn't know exactly why. With good reason, humanity is growing up in leaps and bounds, especially with a recent development. If you have been paying attention to science news, a big company and one of your space agencies teamed up to buy a computer that for some types of problems is thousands of times faster than any supercomputer you have to date and will within the next few years be millions of times faster than computers with even billions of processors.

The first thing that is really exciting about this computer is it works in our world, the spiritual realms, and where you perform abstract thought but do not typically see. That is not inside your body, but in multiple levels of your higher vibrational corporeal self and your non-corporeal formless self, where we are from. This computer, specifically, does its work in formless, in-determinant existance. There is no form to the work being done, and that is not something you are used to. It is that without form. Without getting into the details too much, this computer is able to do things that most computers could never do.


The Brian is excited because he feels the significance of this development. The age of quantum computing has started for mankind. This is like going from buggies and horses to planes and spaceships. He logically and sometimes intuitively thinks of reason it feels significant to him , however the growth trajectory you are about to go on, and the many ways this development will pervade and change your lives is not exactly clear to him. And we will try to cover some of the significance of it, but you kinda "have to be there". So some of it you will just have to experience yourselves as it happens.

For one thing, this computer is a stepping stone to sentient computers. We are not saying this computer is sentient in the way you are. It is not self-aware, even in the physical expression. It is in fact a stepping stone in that direction and this form of computer will one day bridge that gap. however, that's still quite a ways off. Your mind is much more powerful than even this computer, even if you don't realize it. However, it's a step in that direction. In in the meantime, it will be a useful tool to break through a lot of barriers.

So let's get into more what this quantum computing can do. What the computer allows you to do, is essentially take a series of calculations that may take thousands of steps on a normal computer, and to simplify things we'll say you are essentially doing the equivalent of calculating the results in parallel in multiple universes, represented by a vibrational wave. Then you perform a measurement, but that first result doesn't tell you the answer. It tells you only one of the possible answers. Then, if you do that measurement enough times, maybe 100 times or 1,000 depending on the problem, you get the probable result by the result you saw the most, along with the probability of the other results. The end result is that you can do something with hardware that will fit into a closet, what may take a conventional computer the size of the entire moon to compute.

But there are also some things quantum computers can do that conventional computers of any size could not do. One such example is entanglement. You can in essence, have a computer where half the work is done on Earth, and half the work could be done on the other side of the universe. That is because you can have two particles such as electrons, that are literally the same particle. You act on one in the andromeda galaxy, and it effects the other in the milky way. One of the things this allows you to do is to send more information than you have right now on the internet long distances while only sending the tiniest signal, such as a telephone signal. Although this won't let you communicate instantly light years away, there are different ways to do that, it will allow you to stop having to run new wires. You have enough wires now on your planet to send an almost infinite amount of information around at the speed of light. We could tell you that incarnation, channeling and telepathy partially takes advantage of this phenomena for the transfer of huge volumes of thought information, which is half the equation. Nevertheless, this is a very powerful thing that will make the internet seem like a child's toy for you. The end result will be a huge leap in social connectedness.


Imagine you are walking around and you bump into someone. That person says, "Let me tell you my life story". And suddenly three minutes later your head feels very hot but you know everything about their life. Also, think about your search engines, Now, imagine someone starts talking about something you know nothing about and you say, "hold on one second", and load all the information about that subject into your head so you can participate in the conversation. Educational systems will be obsolete. You will in a sense have the entire internet in your head, and the internet will get much larger, we can tell you that. There will be experience, and information as the two facets of learning, and the information part will be easy. Plus, it will open the doors for experience. If you want to skydive or mountain climb, it helps to be able to just access the information, and understand it academically and be able to access information as you go through the experience. For this to happen, you still need to figure out how to connect the computer to the brain, and that is in the work. Then, since the brain has limited bandwidth to your mind, you ultimately bypass it altogether for a better connection and more bandwidth of information transfer. Your science is not there yet, but that will come.

Now, let's talk about science and cosmology. Let's talk about astrology and talk about physics. Let's talk about planet hunting. Let's talk about sciences of chaotic systems such as earth and solar weather, earthquakes, and ocean currents. All of these pursuits and many others will take huge leaps and bounds due to the ability of these computers. For instance, you will have the local area in the galaxy completely mapped out in short order. Your physics knowledge will jump to allow you to do things that seem amazing now.

Also, let's mention that some "strange" fluctuations will be noticed on certain types of very sensitive quantum computers, designed to be very unstable. This will be the first direct measurement of higher vibrational life.


For those who like playing games, the quantum computers will be eventually made so small they can fit inside of normal computers, and make your current graphics and physics seem like they are from thousands of years ago. You will be able to create worlds so realistic, that you will not know it is an artificial world. You will have to, in fact, put reminders in it so you don't accidentally terminate your incarnation or hurt your body from believing too intensely something that happens in the artificial world.

Finally, it will be part of the re-emergence of the crystal grid for anchoring the akash, though we can't really send the way that will work through in a way that The Brian can translate, yet, since he doesn't have any point of reference. It'd be like trying to get him to explain color if he's never seen color. But what it will do for you - it will give you access to information and knowledge throughout the universe and across time, to connect to collectives in a way that instantly translates that collective's intelligence into physical manifestations. It will allow you to reshape your reality. It will help you become a collective, or better said bring your collective back to life. Your current computers could not successfully do what is needed to successfully tap the grid, and you do not have crystal technology. So the quantum computers will fill the gaps in your crystal technology knowledge for some time. You can take out some crystal circuitry - the small ones humans would typically interact with - and replace it with a quantum computer, and it will sort of work. By sort of, we mean not with greatest efficiency, but good enough. This is much farther off, but it is coming.

And, as we said before, quantum computers will help bridge the gap towards building sentient life forms that are robotic in nature.

So, why is this all important, when you are going to be bypassing the need for any of these things anyway, as you ascend? Because these are parts of the pieces that will go into place to help facilitate the expansion that is needed. There are some of you that don't need certain leaps and bounds to believe the next things. You know who you are. However, most people aren't that way. They need some semblance of progression.


These computers are like going from the stone age of computing to the space age of computing. It is that big a leap. It usually takes cultures millions of years to go from where you are now to this next step, but you will be doing it in mere years. That is very impressive. However, you have done it before, so we are not surprised. You are a race of star beings.

In fact, it will take just a few decades to fully develop and pervade your lives, but the initial breakthroughs will be sooner. This is just one of the major changes that are coming for you, but it is a door opener for many more.


It will be fun to watch, for us.

And fun to experience, for you.

With love, The Dragon

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(Do you)... feel as if your world was turned upside down and tossed into a ravine(?)... Nothing that was,  is,  and yet you awake to the same 3D world as 6 months ago. You have discarded friends and family and felt such deep loneliness that you can barely cope. Yet, you continue on...You know better than others that this is not a ‘normal’ exhaustion...You have reached a ‘whatever’ point in this New Age/new earth transition.




Dear Ones,

You have cleared most, if not all, of your deeply held secrets – whether spiritual, emotional or physical. You have suffered through your ‘dark night of the soul’ on many levels – in dream time or awake.

You are exhausted and have little to offer yourself, much less others. You feel as if your world was turned upside down and tossed into a ravine. Nothing that was is and yet you awake to the same 3D world as 6 months ago. You have discarded friends and family and felt such deep loneliness that you can barely cope. Yet, you continue on.

The energy infusing you now is, in essence, an energy drink to revitalize, to help you hope again and to help you better understand yourself. For it is difficult for you to think beyond today or tomorrow given your deep exhaustion.

You know better than others that this is not a ‘normal’ exhaustion – you sleep many hours and yet awake tired and sometimes unable to contemplate the activities you used to complete with ease. Meeting new people or old friends often feels burdensome – unless the groupings are small and intimate or so large you do not need to interact.


You feel as if your nerves are on the edge of your skin. Yet, you continue on. Hoping and yes, praying it will be over soon.

Just the thought of another energy shift seems too much to contemplate, let alone live through. In truth, you do not care enough to become nervous or frightened. You have reached a ‘whatever’ point in this New Age/new earth transition. Little excites you and much exhausts you. You have no energy to spare – much less interest to move through yet another deep energy burst. And so it is that the Universes are sending you additional energies in preparation for the next big energy shift.

You will note these additional energies when you short-circuit electrical or computer equipment, when you feel as if you have to move or do something, anything, or you will burst. Yet, you will feel exhausted. Waking up hoping you can complete at least half of what you want to complete – and on the same day having a need to go somewhere, anywhere just to reduce the energy infusing your being – the energies gifted to you by the Universes.

Perhaps you are equating this energy infusion to an energy drink or a cup of coffee. You will feel somewhat like that only deeper and richer.


Most likely this Universal gifted energy infusion will affect your sleep patterns. You might need a nap during the day following a night without sleep or find that you sleep well at night and yet need several naps during the day. Your body is adjusting to yet another energy ramp up. The difference is that the energy infusion of the next few days is a gift from the Universes. It is not part of your expected physical changes. Let us explain.

Until now, you have gradually accepted energies as presented to the whole of earth – and thus the Universes. Some of you have dipped deeper into the energies than others, but all have been able to access these energies. The energy infusion of the next few days is for those of you who wish to ramp up faster than others, but do not have the energies to do so on your own. You have requested an outside energy source such as is being provided until the end of May.

We are not overtaking your being. You are exhausted, and as is true for your morning cup of coffee, you have requested our assistance in grabbing the brass ring arriving in a few days.

What is meant by our last statement? You, as a group of advance Lightworkers, have requested rapid progression into the New Age/new earth. Your physical body is exhausted, yet all indicators are that the soon-to-be planetary movements will allow you to skip some steps in your evolutionary process. Those of you at the forefront of this shift sense that potential movement with awe, excitement and sheer exhaustion. You want to be part of it, but do not have the energies to jump the hurdles occurring in the next few weeks. You have requested assistance. And so you are receiving.

Those who wish to jump those hurdles will feel spurts of energy that do not seem possible upon waking.

Those not at the forefront of this movement will not note the energy infusion for they do not require such at this time. They are content to follow your path as you cut away trees and brambles. It is you at the forefront who are exhausted, who sometimes feel as if you can not possibly go one step further – and yet, you yearn to do so with every fiber of your being.

You are not unique in terms of being wiser or braver than others – merely a bit more impatient. And so it is you are being fed the energy needed to jump the hurdles of the next few weeks. Others will do so at a later date – with your loving guidance if you wish or in their time.


So be it.




Welcome to Brenda's Blog

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Summary of Brenda’s May 12, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: Due to technical difficulties, there is a long pause near the beginning of this channel. Many energies will be pummeling your beings in the next few days. Don’t be surprised if you short-circuit electrical/computer systems or ‘space out’ for a few seconds. You’re collecting energies for a major shift at the end of May.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “This Week’s Energy Theme – You are Healed and Healing”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.




If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com


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...we come to guide and to support ALL at this time of vast frequency and energy changes...Not only are you receiving LIGHT coding's from the universe but you are giving OUT LIGHT coding's to all whom you share this planet with for the human vehicle is a transmitter as well as an antennae...The necessary information that you require at this time is around the frequencies that you carry and that you transmit for what you transmit you will RECEIVE in TRUTH...NONE of the old 3d earth is required in order to create the new earth and the new GOLDEN AGE OF HUMANKIND for one is a lower density frequency and one is a HIGH frequency, the distance between them so vast that it is not possible for them to co-exist within your human vehicle...allow the flowing of the new earth energies to WASH AWAY the remnants of the old. It is akin to standing under a waterfall



We are the energies that wish to be known to you as the Creators, we come to guide and to support ALL at this time of vast frequency and energy changes and we ask that you understand and anchor that energy frequencies and exchanges are a TWO WAY PROCESS. Not only are you receiving LIGHT coding's from the universe but you are giving OUT LIGHT coding's to all whom you share this planet with for the human vehicle is a transmitter as well as an antennae and we guide for you to process our words through your heart for the HEART KNOWS TRUTH.

There are many on planet earth who are still transmitting the old 3D earth coding's of dimensional frequencies and this is adding to the chaos that is now unfolding across and within planet earth. We come in order to clarify and to guide, our role is not one of judgment. The necessary information that you require at this time is around the frequencies that you carry and that you transmit for what you transmit you will RECEIVE in TRUTH. This has never been fully explained to the human race and has been kept hidden in plain view for in order to contain and suppress the human race it was necessary to blind them on ALL levels of their BEing.


Now the new earth frequencies begin to heighten and more and more of the human race are anchoring and TRANSMITTING these frequencies, this is the new age in TRUTH and we guide ALL to become more aware of the energies that they are sharing at this time. To anchor more LIGHT and transmit the old 3D earth coding's by way of belief and of living is to neutralize the power of the new LIGHT coding's for one cannot exist with the other. The anchoring of LIGHT and the transmitting of LIGHT is vital at this time for if you allow the old 3D earth frequencies to live through you by adhering to the paradigms of the old earth then you are holding on to the old earth in TRUTH and you are muddying your inner vision. Do you understand our guidance at this time?

We guide for clarity that NONE of the old 3d earth is required in order to create the new earth and the new GOLDEN AGE OF HUMANKIND for one is a lower density frequency and one is a HIGH frequency, the distance between them so vast that it is not possible for them to co-exist within your human vehicle and upon the planet. We draw your attention to this in order to help you clarify your vision for many are now trying to logically work out how to change the human race and human society.

Logic plays no part in the unfolding of the new earth and such are the vast changes that will unfold that the human race has no reference point and therefore will be unable to logically work out what will unfold. We ask for you to go within into the heart space and to FEEL TRUTH and then allow the flowing of the new earth energies to WASH AWAY the remnants of the old. It is akin to standing under a waterfall, with the new energies being the WATER OF LIFE that will re-invigorate and re-energize you at this time in your human life experience.


Much as you would not try to dam up the waterfall for the whole point and action of the waterfall is to provide a continuous stream of water then you cannot dam up the new earth energies for they are continuous and will continue to expand and to deepen in their intensity. Do you understand our guidance at this time?

The old earth tries to prevent you from understanding this concept for to understand the concept is to detach fully from the old earth and detaching fully means that you no longer FEED it, it requires food, the food it requires is your fear, your anxiety and your anger. ALLOW the waterfall of the new earth energies to flow over you, through you and around you and hold the intention to RELEASE, you do not need to define it any further than to RELEASE all that no longer serves. Then allow the new energies to anchor within your BEing and allow the reflection to change and shift as YOU change and shift.

This waterfall will now increase its flow, every moment CLEANSING, CLEARING and RE-ENERGISING all that is TRUTH. The new earth now calls to each and every human BEing who has incarnated into and upon this planet and asks them to understand the reason for the cleansing and to honour the reasons for the cleansing. The human logical brain will try to teach that the cleansing is not needed and that the new can be anchored on top of the old, this is a distortion and must be detached from.


We are the energies that wish to be known to you as the Creators.

We walk with you as ALL walk with you...

... as you now begin your journey home in TRUTH.

Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved.





Article may be reproduced in its entirety if author and authors websites are clearly stated and article remains intact and in its original format which is written.



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...as the new earth frequencies now dissolve the veils from across your inner vision and allow the broadening of the whole spectrum of human existence to unfold....many of you have been receiving clear guidance from your guides and star families but the human logical brain may now cry out for confirmation...Take this dear ones, our words as your confirmation...children who dream are told off and told to pay attention when in reality dreaming is the attention, do you understand(?)...A race that is in fear cannot manifest the desires within their heart space for the fear is energetically cutting off the supply of FEELing necessary to create and to manifest...The confinement of the human race is now negated...FOR ALL ARE ONE, ALL are connected and ALL now welcome you to the GOLDEN AGE OF HUMANKIND in TRUTH.



Greetings dear ones, We are the High Council of Orion and we come to guide and to support as the new earth frequencies now dissolve the veils from across your inner vision and allow the broadening of the whole spectrum of human existence to unfold. Many of you are now more than fully conscious with respect to the new earth and we come to guide in detail around the ways to manifest within these new frequencies in order that you may play with the new energies and begin to come into wholeness around all that you can and will achieve by creating from within these energetic landscapes.

We guide in order to confirm for many of you have been receiving clear guidance from your guides and star families but the human logical brain may now cry out for confirmation of the information and knowledge shared. Take this dear ones, our words as your confirmation for ALL ARE ONE and ALL ARE. We come to highlight the changes to the new earth frequencies and the results that will begin to manifest for you and around you as now move into place and begin to gift to the human race that which you incarnated to gift upon planet earth.


The first aspect of creating within the new earth energies is to fully align with your heart space, often many of you are in chaos when it comes to decisions but under the new earth frequencies listening to and responding to your heart space will allow the KNOWING that sits at SOUL level to be anchored more fully within your waking human life experience. No longer having to rely on the comments or the remarks of others whom you share your human life with, basing all of your decisions on how you FEEL will see manifestation of your dreams unfold rapidly within your waking human life experience.

To begin with this may seem at odds with all that you have been taught upon this planet, for the dreamers have been negated in many ways, children who dream are told off and told to pay attention when in reality dreaming is the attention, do you understand our guidance dear ones? the children of the new earth are in many ways akin to children, they have taken time to rest, to play and to have fun and the very act of integrating this way of BEing has released them of more of the lower energetic frequencies that were embedded under the old 3D earth paradigms. For many of you this may have resulted in various criticisms from those around you, we confirm to you now dear ones that play, rest and wonderment are all tools of the new earth. For how can you create from the heart if you do not visit or listen to your heart space? dreams are seeded within you, they flow from your SOUL into your human vehicle, you cannot hear the dreams that reside at SOUL level until you find the stillness within. The noise of the old 3D earth drowning out the songs that are anchored deep within your heart space.

We ask for all to remember that the songs of the heart are TRUTH, they are TRUTH to YOU dear ones and that is the key, do not ask those around you to listen to the songs of your heart expecting them to understand the songs of your heart, for they are YOUr songs dear one and you are all singing in harmony and this harmony will now expand and grow and the orchestra now tunes up ready for your input. Do you understand our guidance dear ones? do you see that each of you has a special input to the orchestra? that your tune and your note is YOUr note and is that which the universe responds to and with?


Dream the dreams that sit at SOUL level and allow the human vehicle and its logical mind to swim in the oceans of the dreams, for the human mind must now be aligned with the dreams in order to manifest the dreams physically. The energy that you use to manifest the dreams in the higher dimensional timelines is now available to you in your human physical form. We guide for clarity that ALL tools to manifestation are supplied, many look to the energy that is known as money and forget that the money is ENERGY, it is a FEELing and that FEELing is there for ALL, the physical representation of money is the physical representation of the FEELing of money. To attract money into your human life experience you need only experience the FEELing and that is what the old 3D earth prevented you from anchoring. To look at money and see it physically is a distortion, for money is ENERGY dear ones, it is a symbol. The richness of the human life experience is found in the FEELing of the human life experience. Under the old 3D earth paradigm FEELing was frowned upon, the teachings all working to teach work, fear and other lower dimensional energy frequencies as all there is available. A race that is in fear cannot manifest the desires within their heart space for the fear is energetically cutting off the supply of FEELing necessary to create and to manifest. Do you understand our guidance dear ones? do you understand that "lack" is a lack of FEELing, for FEELing is the experience of the energies that then create all that you manifest.

The old 3D earth paradigms began to fold in on themselves due to the lower  energetic frequencies that were being anchored, for lower frequencies will clog other frequencies, the result is stagnation and confinement. The confinement of the human race is now negated and expansion and growth at SOUL level and at human conscious waking level is now available to ALL who can FEEL it. This is a TRUTH that may challenge many for many are still within the old 3D earth paradigm of lack and no money. Money is not real any more than you are real for you are having an EXPERIENCE dear ones, view ALL on planet earth as frequency and you begin to open doorways that were hidden in plain view by those who sought to contain and suppress the human race. ALL is for ALL and ALL JUST IS.

The new energies will now illuminate that which was hidden in plain view, more and more of you in your human form will begin to experience the miracles that will now unfold around you and through you, for you ARE the miracles, you have birthed into a new way of living and of being in your human form and we guide for ALL to anchor this TRUTH within the heart space. ALL will now unfold in TRUTH across and within planet earth, a planet that has now taken its place amongst the other races/realms that is shares this universe with. ALL ARE ONE and this will be revealed in TRUTH as your eyes adjust to the new horizons and your heart begins to dream in TRUTH. FOR ALL ARE ONE, ALL are connected and ALL now welcome you to the GOLDEN AGE OF HUMANKIND in TRUTH.

We are the High Council of Orion and we will meet with you physically in due course, for ALL now changes and shifts in response to the new earth frequencies. The GOLDEN AGE OF HUMANKIND is unlike any other age you have incarnated into and within.



Let the dreaming commence...

and allow TRUTH to be revealed to new levels of your BEing.

Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved.




Article may be reproduced in its entirety if author and authors websites are clearly stated and article remains intact and in its original format which is written.


1 / ONE

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Many of you are noticing profound changes in your physical body and your light body and becoming quite comfortable with this new plateau you have arrived at. It is essential right now to monitor your energy and pull back to your True Center quite often...You are magnificent and so powerful now. You may not quite realize it. Take it in and realize it, dear ones. Please know you are the front-runners in this; and in that, it is necessary to expand daily in that milieu, in spite of what you see or hear around you...you are realizing...that with just a “flick of the wrist” and lofty intention, you can transform that quite easily around you, resulting in a quite different scenario quite quickly....you are discovering... within your own selves ( and ) for others...(a) welling up so immensely that you feel as if you are about to burst. Get used to this beautiful condition and settle into it...



Yeshua: Move Into Your True Center

Hello dear ones, I greet you today from a place very close to you all now. There is really no separation and you are realizing it more and more throughout your journey back to Oneness.

Suffice it to say that you are all glowing and emerging into your Christ Consciousness and it is so gratifying to see. You are all saviors; you are all pioneers on this illustrious journey back to Oneness and you have held up very well against the onslaught of negative and egoist distractions.

Dear Beloveds, I stand beside you now in celebration and acknowledgement of your accomplishments. You are like me in your heart of hearts. You want Peace and Unconditional Love and Prosperity for all. You are glowing with that intent and purpose. You are ready for your next step closer to ascension and embodiment of Christ Consciousness.


Many of you are noticing profound changes in your physical body and your light body and becoming quite comfortable with this new plateau you have arrived at. It is essential right now to monitor your energy and pull back to your True Center quite often, where you are only operating from your Heart Center.

You are magnificent and so powerful now. You may not quite realize it. Take it in and realize it, dear ones. Please know you are the front-runners in this; and in that, it is necessary to expand daily in that milieu, in spite of what you see or hear around you. It may feel like you are still an island at times, in a sea of negativity, but you are realizing, are you not, that with just a “flick of the wrist” and lofty intention, you can transform that quite easily around you, resulting in a quite different scenario quite quickly.

As you connect with Source quite regularly and more easily, you are transforming your world and readying others to do the same. It is quite possibly the most amazing revelation you will come up with, to notice that you are affecting millions with your focus on your Golden Breath of Love for all around you. You are making so much headway with this, I cannot even begin to tell you the scope of it, but suffice to say that you are “moving mountains”.


Dear ones, there comes another surge of energy for you to negotiate in the coming days; in fact you are in the midst of it now, and you should be quite used to it by now. You may feel at times as if you are in a gust of wind and with just a holding on to your core like a pole in the midst, you can withstand it and be fed by it as well. The peace and stillness that results from that is another feather in your cap of creating the world of your dreams.

My love for you has no bounds or limits, and you are discovering the same within your own selves for others. It may be welling up so immensely that you feel as if you are about to burst. Get used to this beautiful condition and settle into it, for then and only then can it seep even further into all corners and crevices of your hearts and others’.

Take a moment now to ponder your progress, which is immense, and you can thank yourselves for withstanding many dips and surges on your way to complete freedom. It is very close now, dear ones. Just open your eyes and hearts to see it.


You have my undying love and support always,

Your loving brother,


~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ May 8, 2013

As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included.

http://www.franheal.wordpress.com (Blog)

http://www.franhealing.com/Current-Channelled-Message.html (Website)


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If you are a Starseed.....something occurs inside of you. A shift begins to take place inside of you, a knowing that is beyond physical words...because underneath all ordinary, mundane experiences, there is an urge to break free. There is a feeling that you have forgotten something, that there is a sleeping part of you that must fully wake up...something is awakening within you as you read these words...You are awakening right now. You are coming to consciousness...Many Starseeds become very alone during this transition, but they are simply becoming aware that they are not human, and that they are in a system which is corrupted....You must go with whatever you resonate with....

Ascension Keys







At one time we all gathered together. We each answered a call to serve the unprotected planets and help them in their ascension process, that each planet could be free and uninhibited, that they could have their own culture, their own government, their own religious beliefs and their own way of life.

Some of us answered this call, and chose to remain above these threatened planets, guarding them with technologies, sending telepathic messages to the inhabitants of the planets, and we were assigned to individuals on the planets as guides, and to protect those individuals we were assigned to.

Others chose the hardest task, to enter into an alien body and have a life on one of the planets, such as Earth. Those who chose this difficult task are termed Starseeds.

If you are a Starseed, as you read the words I am speaking, something occurs inside of you. A shift begins to take place inside of you, a knowing that is beyond physical words. You are a Starseed because you resonate with places outside of this planet. You are a Starseed because underneath all ordinary, mundane experiences, there is an urge to break free. There is a feeling that you have forgotten something, that there is a sleeping part of you that must fully wake up.


It is this inner feeling that lets you know whether or not you are a Starseed.

If you are a Starseed, you were given specific instructions before coming here. You spent months and months preparing for your entry into your alien body. You learned how to keep this body pure, how to help it to operate in it’s fullest capacity. You spent months learning about your specific planet you were assigned to, and you went to many council meetings on various planets studying and learning so that you would be fully capable of your task, because whether or not you remember what you learned before you came here, it is still in your subconscious.

There is something you are here for, some task you are meant to achieve.



You are here for a purpose.

You were sent.

If you are a Starseed, something is awakening within you as you read these words. Something inside of you is beginning to dawn on your conscious mind. It is the beginning of a memory, the memory will fully surface as you work to still your mind and go within, connecting to the deepest places within you, the subconscious parts of you that haven’t forgotten this knowledge.

You are awakening right now. You are coming to consciousness. Begin to repeat this to yourself over and over. Feel yourself begin to stir and awaken. Feel your chakras moving, feel them activating, feel them waking up and turning on. See your head lighting up with a white light. See the light flowing through you, all through your meridians, and see every chakra aligning perfectly, activated, turned on, spinning, releasing negativity, creating positivity.

Every part of you will awaken as you go within. It is very simple. If you are a Starseed these words resonate with you.

As this light moves through your meridians each chakra lights up and brings you into a higher vibration. You are now operating in a higher dimension. You are no longer in the 3rd dimension. As you continue to feel this vibration you will feel an area of your body. Focus on this area and the sensation will increase. This area that you are focusing on has a recently activated chakra inside of it, no matter the location. As we have said many times, there are more than seven chakras. Focus on the vibration allowing all old energies to release from this area, until you will see a crystal pure light filling the chakra that has activated. This chakra sends the light into your brain. Your brain is registering the activated chakra. As more chakras activate your brain is sent signals telling it to increase it’s capacity.

You find yourself as you continue this simple exercise on a regular basis more awakened in an area. You may be more cooperative, or more intelligent, physically stronger; you may react to those around you in ways you have never reacted before, or you may find yourself wanting to do something or experience something you never have before. This is the newly activated chakra sending it’s signal to your brain.


Starseeds come in already using 5 percent more of the usual amount of chakras, and when a Starseed becomes activated a shift occurs in their DNA which causes not only the activation of their chakras, the realignment of their chakras, but also for their psychic abilities to increase, their level of empathy to increase, as well as a feeling of being different. Many Starseeds become very alone during this transition, but they are simply becoming aware that they are not human, and that they are in a system which is corrupted.

Many people list traits of Starseeds, but there are so many different types of beings coming in at this time and their traits are often the same or very similar, so you must go with what you resonate with. What do you feel that you are?

You may also be a mixture of more than one thing. You may be a Starseed, but perhaps you are faery from a dimension on another planet and resonate with Starseed and Faerykin, or perhaps you are an angel who has incarnated into many extraterrestrial bodies and resonate with the angelic and extraterrestrial frequencies. There are also animals with human intelligence operating on other planets, and entering Earth in human bodies. You must go with whatever you resonate with.




It is resonation that determines whether or not a person is a Starseed.


For more please visit : http://councilfortheassistancetoearth-com.webs.com/


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On April 27, NASA's Fermi and Swift satellites detected a strong signal from the brightest gamma-ray burst in decades...leading to the Fermi detection of the highest energy gamma-ray ever....This means GRB130427A's jets must be aimed toward Earth -- purely by chance, of course...it quickly became clear that GRB130427A was super bright primarily because it lay only a few billion light years away...most of the energy from supernovae is thought to be carried away by neutrinos -- the lightweight, difficult-to-detect particles...If there is a supernova associated with this gamma-ray burst, a big optical flash should be seen any day now by ground-based telescopes...





On April 27, NASA's Fermi and Swift satellites detected a strong signal from the brightest gamma-ray burst in decades. Because this was relatively close, it was thousands of times brighter than the typical gamma-ray bursts that are seen by Swift every few days. Scientists are now scrambling to learn more.


We already knew that when the biggest stars run out of fuel, they don't fade quietly away. Instead, they explode in a blaze of glory known as a supernova. These stellar explosions are often bright enough to be seen by us even though they are in galaxies billions of light-years from our own Milky Way galaxy home.

In very rare cases -- such as GRB130427A (tagged with the date of its discovery) -- astrophysicists are lucky enough to see energetic gamma-rays from hyperfast jets of outflowing material consisting of charged particles created during a massive star's violent death throes.

Meg Urry
Meg Urry

This means GRB130427A's jets must be aimed toward Earth -- purely by chance, of course. For every jet pointed at us, there are hundreds of exploding stars across the universe whose jets point randomly in other directions. Telescopes on other planets in those directions could see those jets, and we might see the exploding stars as supernovae, but we don't see the bright gamma-ray flashes from jets beamed away from us.

In the hours after this unusual gamma-ray burst was discovered, astrophysicists rushed to learn more.

Thanks to observations made with the Gemini ground-based optical telescope in Hawaii, it quickly became clear that GRB130427A was superbright primarily because it lay only a few billion light years away. Had it been situated in a much more distant galaxy -- as many gamma-ray bursts are -- its signal would have been relatively feeble.

The proximity of GRB130427A means we can learn a great deal about it.

For example, most of the energy from supernovae is thought to be carried away by neutrinos -- the lightweight, difficult-to-detect particles that are so important to understanding the fundamental laws of nature.

The world's most powerful neutrino telescope, IceCube, uses Antarctic ice as the detector volume, with electronic equipment sunk throughout a cubic kilometer of ice -- enough water to fill a million swimming pools -- to detect signals from neutrinos interacting with the ice.


If there is a supernova associated with this gamma-ray burst, a big optical flash should be seen any day now by ground-based telescopes, preceded by a flood of neutrinos. (The neutrinos are emitted at the time of collapse, while the optical light is the consequence of explosive debris hitting material surrounding the star a bit later.)

Interestingly, an April 18 paper in the journal Nature reported that upper limits for neutrinos measured from IceCube are low enough that gamma-ray bursts are unlikely to be the sole source of ultra-high energy cosmic rays. Just nine days later, the bright nearby burst happened, leading to the Fermi detection of the highest energy gamma-ray ever.

Now there is a real chance IceCube will make the first detection of astrophysical neutrinos, from the supernova associated with GRB130427A.

Want to know more technical details? Here is some background information about light and about the deaths of stars:

Gamma-rays are the most energetic form of light, with wavelengths far shorter than ordinary optical light (the light your eye can see), or even ultraviolet or X-ray light.

The energy of a packet of light -- or "photon" -- is inversely proportional to its wavelength. Since the wavelength of an X-ray photon is approximately 1/1,000 of the wavelength of optical light, for example, an X-ray photon has 1,000 times the energy of an optical photon. This is why X-rays can penetrate your skin and soft tissue -- though not bone -- while sunlight mostly reflects off your skin.

Gamma-rays have thousands to millions or even billions of times the energy of ordinary sunlight. Being highly energetic, they are hard to produce and very rare. So when we detect gamma-rays from space, we know they signal intensely hot, extreme events.

Stars, such as our sun, are giant balls of gas held together by gravity. Acting alone, gravity would cause stars to collapse completely, but as long as energy is produced at their centers by nuclear fusion (the joining of atomic nuclei to form new elements, as in a hydrogen bomb), the star is heated and puffed up. During this phase, stars radiate that heat, shining brightly like our sun, mostly at optical wavelengths.


It is an interesting triple "coincidence," which probably evolved over time, that our eyes are most sensitive to yellow-green light, which happens to be the characteristic color of sunlight as well as the color that can most easily be transmitted through the Earth's atmosphere.

When nuclear fusion uses up a star's fuel, in the central high-pressure stellar core where fusion occurs, the star will collapse fairly violently. Depending on its initial mass, it might collapse to a compact hot star known as a white dwarf (when the star's mass is less than 1.4 times the mass of our sun) or to a neutron star (for stars 1.4 to about three times the mass of our sun) or to a black hole (for stars more massive than three times the mass of our sun).

A black hole collapse is very violent and not well understood at present. Theorists believe the rapid collapse generates heat that ignites the explosion. The explosive energy is released in the form of neutrinos, light (mostly gamma-rays), and a pair of relativistically outflowing emitting jets.

That's why an event such as GRB130427A probably signals the collapse of a massive star into a black hole.

Every single atom of your body that is not hydrogen or helium was created in the fiery interior of a massive star.

Incidentally, if not for supernovae, we wouldn't be here.

Every single atom of your body that is not hydrogen or helium was created in the fiery interior of a massive star. The supernova explosion disperses these elements throughout interstellar space, where they become the building material for new planets. When Earth formed out of such materials -- iron, manganese, calcium, silicon, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, etc. -- organic chemicals, then cells, then organisms, then humans were able to evolve.

In the 1960s, NASA launched the first gamma-ray satellites to look for signals of intense radioactive decay on Earth, which could be generated by nuclear explosions. In other words, detecting gamma-rays was a way to spot nuclear tests.


Years later, scientists examining data from the Vela satellites found gamma-ray bursts -- but they were coming from space, not from human activities on the ground. Since that time, gamma-ray bursts have been one of the most interesting phenomena in the cosmos. They are incredibly luminous, with most of the energy of a stellar explosion packed into a few seconds or less, so they represent a kind of extreme physics.

Thousands of gamma-ray bursts have been studied for more than 40 years. Because of its proximity, GRB130427A generated more gamma-rays, over a longer time and at higher energies, than any detected previously by the Fermi or Swift satellites.

Astrophysicists can't be successful just because they are clever and hard-working. They also have to be lucky.

On April 27, nature smiled on the Earth's astrophysical community in the form of GRB130427A, a powerful laboratory for understanding relativistic jets, black holes and stellar collapse. Now the experimental analysis begins.


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...we are the High Council of Orion...Our "subject" that we wish to guide around is the human definition of "love" and the boundaries that are ignored and created around this very human concept...No other race/realm in the universe defines LOVE, all embrace and allow the LOVE that IS to flow freely for ALL is created from the LOVE that IS but the human race has been taught to use the LOVE that IS as a weapon and this is not TRUTH...To hold expectation is to dance with the lower energetic frequencies that are now dissolving across and within planet earth...we come to you at this time in order to help clear your vision for many are now attempting to pull you out of balance. Their need for control and boundaries heightening and the LOVE that IS now anchors fully upon and within planet earth. Why would you fear the very frequency that binds the universe together? why would you allow the LOVE that IS to keep you in the containment you are so eager to dissolve?...LOVE JUST IS, it has no boundaries.




Greetings dear ones, we are the High Council of Orion and we come to guide and to support. Our "subject" that we wish to guide around is the human definition of "love" and the boundaries that are ignored and created around this very human concept. LOVE JUST IS, it has no boundaries, it has no definition yet on planet earth you have been taught not only to define it but also to alter it to your every need and whim. This is distortion and we are here to guide more fully on how this may now be challenging for you in this your human form.

No other race/realm in the universe defines LOVE, all embrace and allow the LOVE that IS to flow freely for ALL is created from the LOVE that IS but the human race has been taught to use the LOVE that IS as a weapon and this is not TRUTH. To state that you "love" another human being and place definition on the way in which you will love them distorts the situation and binds you to lower dimensional frequencies that begin to arise as the person that you state you love then tries to stay within the boundaries that YOU have created FOR them. Do you understand our guidance dear ones? do you understand how you set up a scenario of expectation that cannot be met by anyone other than SELF for it is only SELF who has created therefore it is only SELF who can experience?

Many walk in the teachings of distortion around LOVE on planet earth at this time. Many family units are now under vast pressure as the word "love" is used to try to control and to manipulate, sometimes consciously but often unconsciously and we draw your attention to the need to detach from this scenario. LOVE JUST IS and YOU ARE.

To hold expectation is to dance with the lower energetic frequencies that are now dissolving across and within planet earth. Many are now stating that "if only" and then defining further, LOVE KNOWS NO FEAR and yet LOVE is created from the scenarios of fear upon and within planet earth. If you are holding on to another under the guise of love and putting more and more accent on what they do that is not acceptable to you then you are not in "love" you are in fear, do you understand our guidance dear ones? For LOVE is an expansive emotion and an expansive energy, you cannot state that you "love" another human being then hold on to them tightly for you contain and restrict their energy signature, this affects also your energy signature for frequency will try to resonate with frequency, the result is containment and restriction for both parties and the situation then allows for the lower dimensional frequencies of frustration and anger to begin to arise. For within the lower dimensional frequencies of the old earth is only containment and suppression.


Many state that it is precisely because they "love" another that they do what they do and this also is containment. LOVE JUST IS and YOU ARE. The need for ALL to become more responsible for all that they do and all that they create is now pushing for expansion and yet many hold on tightly to ALL around them fearing that they will "lose" them. Loss is a smoke and mirror of the old 3D earth dear ones, for ALL ARE ONE and ALL ARE CONNECTED. You lose no one in this your human life experience, you are going through the human life experience on this planet in order to grow and expand, you cannot comprehend how far you will expand or grow until you begin to step out of the containment and suppression and open your heart fully. For the HEART KNOWS TRUTH and TRUTH JUST IS.

The boundaries set around LOVE are distortion, for why would you place any "rules" on the LOVE that flows freely around you and through you? why would you contain your energy signature in order to "allow" another to LOVE YOU? Many walk the planet in frustration and anxiety believing that somehow they are unloveable and yet failing to understand that LOVE is the very fabric of the universe, ALL ARE LOVE for ALL JUST ARE and ALL ARE ONE. Do you understand our guidance dear ones?

The family unit is where the distortions were anchored for the old earth knew that containment by those who you were physically related to was a denser vibration than those outwith the family unit. Hence many are now walking the tightrope between hearts desire and freedom and we guide for you to dissolve this patterning. Your human family are NOT YOU, your friends are NOT YOU, only YOU are YOU and we ask for you to process our words through your heart space for the heart knows TRUTH.

Do you allow the LOVE that IS to show you TRUTH dear ones? do you let go and allow the universe to show you the wonders of your BEing? or do you fall to the smoke and the mirrors of the old 3D earth world that teaches that love does not exist? in order for the old world to survive and for it to be fed by the lower dimensional energy frequencies LOVE had to be re-created for the human race. So LOVE has been taught to you as something to be feared, something to be endured and this is distortion dear ones. For LOVE just IS and it knows no boundaries, no rules and no containment. Believing that "love hurts" keeps you within the containment created by another for you, do you understand our guidance? to walk freely in the LOVE that IS to understand that YOU are FREE and that YOU ARE.

To define LOVE is to define the wind or the rain, it is to define breathing dear ones and we ask for you all to begin to dissolve the prison walls you have allowed others to build around you, in many scenarios you have helped others build those walls for you. "LOVE is the answer, no matter the question" is our channels motto for it is TRUTH. LOVE will dissolve any other frequency for it is the highest frequency in the universe. It is the balm to your SOUL when it is allowed to freely flow around you and within you. Allow it to heal you, allow it to expand you and allow it to show you TRUTH.


Where you find another stating "it is only because I love you that I ..." then step back, for they are attempting to create a boundary born out of fear. It is not the responsibility of YOU to help them create that boundary for the boundary is not TRUTH. LOVE JUST IS dear ones. Many boundaries are now falling and the fear that is now being generated is born out of the teachings that teach that boundaries are needed or chaos will resume. ALL JUST IS dear ones, you create from moment to moment, why would you need a boundary if you are in balance and free?

We are the High Council of Orion and we come to you at this time in order to help clear your vision for many are now attempting to pull you out of balance. Their need for control and boundaries heightening and the LOVE that IS now anchors fully upon and within planet earth. Why would you fear the very frequency that binds the universe together? why would you allow the LOVE that IS to keep you in the containment you are so eager to dissolve? the words of others are frequencies and we guide you detach from ALL lower dimensional energetic frequencies. LOVE is often the most overused word on planet earth, so used that many filter it out, become more aware of the context in which it is used and FEEL TRUTH dear ones. Those who state "I love YOU" in many cases are stating that they fear you for they do not understand you or why you are here. Those who LOVE often never utter the words, their actions speaking louder than any human word. We ask for you to FEEL LOVE and to understand that LOVE is available to ALL at this time but you must CHOOSE to ALLOW the LOVE that IS to flow around you and through you. It is there for you at all times regardless of your sex, your race or your colour for LOVE JUST IS.

We send the LOVE that IS to you at this time, we wrap it around you, may it flow freely around you and through you and may you use its frequencies to create the life that you dream within the heart space for ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE. We are with you as you walk out of the containment created by you and for you by a race that sought to control and to suppress. A race that could not understand the frequency of the LOVE that IS for they were not resonant with said frequency. Allow their legacy to dissolve by pouring the LOVE that IS through all that you have been taught as truth. That which is TRUTH will remain and that which is not will dissolve.



ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE dear ones.

Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved




Article may be reproduced in its entirety if it remains unaltered in any way including its format which is written. Author and authors websites and links must be stated clearly.


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Masters, many of you...find yourselves in a state of sovereign solitude...Spouses have passed, children have left, relationships terminated and marriage contracts have ended and many of you find yourselves living alone. And although this path is at times quite lonely, quite difficult and may feel 'unnatural' for many of you, it is a seclusion of high purpose...in detachment, however difficult, your separateness enables an un-entangled freedom for you to examine the self and your life expression in profound per lustration. And indeed that is truly requisite for all advanced souls...you are alone because you have planned it. Indeed it is a special and noble undertaking...It is not easy, nothing of great value is obtained without effort. But it is often when you are out of your comfort zone, in a state of confused conundrum or sadness that you are driven by circumstance to face and resolve your challenges and transcend them...Separation must occur before the final collective reunion, it must alchemically occur to allow for the final coalescence into the ALL THAT IS. It is who you ARE. It is the IAM that I AM. It is the chosen, destined path of all of you...It is time for Divine Solitude.


METATRON: ONE HEART Footprints In the Sand ...




Greetings Beloved: I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and we welcome this gathering.

It is Year One of the newly Ascended Planet Earth. In this extraordinary phase of linear time on your planet there is a uniquely opportune juncture for self-review and chosen solitude.

Masters, many of you, particularly those above the age of 49, the seventh 7 year cycle, find yourselves in a state of sovereign solitude.

Spouses have passed, children have left, relationships terminated and marriage contracts have ended and many of you find yourselves living alone. And although this path is at times quite lonely, quite difficult and may feel 'unnatural' for many of you, it is a seclusion of high purpose.

You see, in times of chosen solitude you are able to quiet the mind and open to Spirit ...and in this process Angelic Gates open, and Spirit embraces you. The paradox is that in sacred solitude you truly are NOT alone. Masters, in detachment, however difficult, your separateness enables an un-entangled freedom for you to examine the self and your life expression in profound perlustration. And indeed that is truly requisite for all advanced souls. Places in the life stream for secluded contemplation are ever present on the Path of Mastery. It has always been so.

So we tell you to use this time wisely, embrace it. You are on the cusp of a great graduation.

There is a recurring message in many of your religious texts: "For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven".

Divine Solitude is a noble condition, and one that offers quantum leaps in terms of growth, when understood, and recognized for its profound purpose. You see the Divine-Self is ultimately, conclusively alone in its final pursuit of omnipotence. In your terms, the soul enters the earth alone, and the spirit departs the earth alone. Ascended Masters that walk the Earth have for millennia sought solitude in their incarnations before achieving Mastery. So it is with many of you now.


Dear Ones, Many of you who find yourself alone at this time, are of the belief that you must find a partner. Many of you seek your 'soul mate' your twin flame. Yet we tell you, in many cases among the advanced souls, you are alone because you have planned it. Indeed it is a special and noble undertaking. It is time for Divine Solitude.

Among souls seeking Mastery, approximately one of every four lifetimes, is a lifetime chosen for recalibration and advancement utilizing the planned focal freedom to do so by sacred solitude. Those seeking sanctified light, what is termed 'consecrated enlightenment', choose specific periods in their life plan, to be alone for a time. This does not mean you will always be in solitude, it simply means for a time you have chosen to 'work on the self'... to achieve self love & make final adjustments.

Love of self is a condition that many, especially those from Christian heritage, have lost. Christianity with its teachings of original sin taught you that you were flawed in your nature, that you needed forgiving. You spent lifetimes prostrate asking forgiveness for who you are. You lost your sense of your divinity, and found it easier to give than to receive. Balance was forfeited.

For others, there may be a sense of self-condemnation from actions or missteps that have deeply programmed a sense of guilt & unworthiness. An inability to love the self has pervaded and created self denial because you are unable to forgive yourself for whatever action led you to this erroneous belief. As a result relationships have failed.

It is a great Truth that you cannot truly love others until you first love yourself. As long as you hold beliefs of unworthiness, you will create a reaction of rejection & denial in others. It is the double-edge of the Law of Attraction. You will repeat this self created exile, this self projected punishment until you learn that you are divine, that you are a flawless spark of God in your eternal divinity.

Life will change when you accept this great wisdom, and learn to consciously create your life. But self love is an absolute requisite. Love is not an emotion, it is a vibratory frequency. Love of self is not earned, it is a birthright. Love is the only resonance that will allow you to graduate to higher realms.

Love IS the way. .. a way that must contain love of Self. Dear Human, until you love yourself you cannot love others, obtain mastery, nor truly love life. And it may take lifetimes of self examination in solitude for you to realize this. Love begins in you! There is no other path.

Dear Human, Life is difficult and challenging.


That is a great Truth.

Many situations in life are uncomfortable & provocative. That is by design. It is how you scripted your life in order to grow. The obstacles in your path were put there by YOU, by your higher self to serve as springboards. It is not easy, nothing of great value is obtained without effort. But it is often when you are out of your comfort zone, in a state of confused conundrum or sadness that you are driven by circumstance to face and resolve your challenges and transcend them. To do so is an attribute of Mastery in its finest aspect.

Great numbers of Seekers are facing the Self in 2013. It is a year perfectly designed in astrological pattern for this final clean up... sweeping out what was hidden so that it may be resolved . The New Earth is transforming further into the Crystalline aspect in 2013 & Beyond. Nothing can remain in shadow, nothing can be hidden in this impeccable coherent light of the newly Ascended Earth. And for the many that are in solitude, and the many that are not - this is your perfect & chosen time to polish up any areas of tarnish, to remove any final obstacles.

You may ask whether solitude or partnerships bring greater advancement to the soul in the New Earth energetics...

The question is timely and especially pertinent for many of you in the 2013 dawn of the Ascension. The short answer is that both coupling and solitude have their divine purpose.... and we underline the word BOTH. Much is gained in being in committed loving relationship. This is the natural circumstance in most sojourns on the plane of Earth. Yet for the soul seeking final Mastery, solitary status is also 'natural'. So we emphasize there is great purpose in solitude. Advanced souls plan for it.

It is no error that great numbers of you on the final steps of the Ascended Path of Enlightenment in 2013 are alone in this period. If you are among these, we tell you that perhaps your solitude is appropriate. Perhaps it is as it should be. You see, it is how many of you planned it.


Yet many of you feel that the loneliness is too much to bear and that you must pursue a partner...the elusive twin flame. Dear Souls, there is much confusion around the concept of the twin flame, the 'soul mate', and the role and nature of optimal partnership in Mastery of Self.

Solitude is intended to be a period of sublime reverence of self. Your life and your experience in this plane is your own creation, your own living tapestry, woven by your individual belief. Within solitude, the soul is prompted into self-review, and opportunity is given to dive deeply into the deep waters that flow within you. To swim in the ocean of SELF, and in so doing rediscover the love within, to learn what a brilliant spark of God you truly are. Relationships are a method of reflecting the affectivity of your belief system, and giving you feedback on what, simply stated, is working, and what is not. Detachment requires the individual to explore the self, to reacquaint with the inner horizon, and this facilitates and necessitates sovereignty. Sovereignty is the prepotency of Mastership.

A relationship of two sovereign nondependent humans has greater balance, greater creativity, and greater longevity than a pairing of two beings co-dependent on one another. Do you understand? Ultimately each soul must clearly define SELF in order to gain Mastery. Self Mastery is embodied in periods of planned detachment. It is that period in which impeccability is crystallized. And we tell you Dear Ones, crystallization, through impeccability is a necessary phase of Self- Mastery. It is a calibrational juncture in the multidimensional sojourn. One enters the void, the great mystery in the quest for fortitude and sovereign vision, alone, without a shoulder to lean on. And in the process, one discovers sublime wholeness and self completion.

Do not misunderstand our meaning; there is great validity in coupling, in the natural aspect of soul mate. But conclusively one walks the path of Mastery in sovereign detachment. One becomes enlightened when one learns to transcend the physical self. Each of you must endeavor to the final conquest of what we term as 'impeccability'. Impeccability is the crystallization or uniform clarity of the soul, and it is a necessary virtue of Mastery. This involves release of dependency, the release of all that does not serve your divinity. It is a rebooting and reprogramming of all you are.


We have told you that the language, the fabric of higher dimension is sacred geometry. Impeccability is the geometric clarity of the soul mind. By defining oneself through impeccability one becomes crystalline, and thus more capable of Divine Consciousness within the geometric light of coherent higher planes. It is only accomplished by deciding who you are, what you believe, and then living it. Recognizing your truths, and aligning fully to them.

Question to Metatron: Are you saying that loving relationships, such as marriage, are not our ultimate union?

Metatron: Remember that in the highest realm you are in sacred Oneness, each a part of the Divine One. So in terms of duality experience, the answer to your question is yes. In this context, YES! Masters, in highest reality, you are a unified plural consciousness.

Relationships in the linear duality experience are a means to the end. We are saying that loving relationships are a sacred, joyful tool of achieving Self Mastery, but that ultimately in each soul's journey there will be an ultimate growth into sovereignty. The sovereign self is a sufficient self & truly has no dependent need of another. Such conceptual dependency can be a deterrent to Mastery.

In truth you merge in sovereignty with your other half. The other part of your soul that separated in duality expression. Each of you have a male and female component in duality, and the other half is re-merged in the Integral Divine Self before rising into higher realm. This is in fact a requisite mergence, and is occurring for so many of you as you enter 2013.

Many of you consider a soul mate and twin flame the same. Only the syntax is in parity. The true meanings are different. The twin flame is the other half of the same soul, split in duality, and these are very rarely in physicality together. The 'soul mate' is in our terms, another soul with whom you have contracted to grow together within physical duality, as a means of development and exploration of love with another soul by movement toward common purpose.

The seeming paradox in linear relationships, that of the 'soul mate' concept (not the twin flame) is that a relationship of two non-dependent sovereign beings, has greater joy, greater balance, greater interface with the divine, greater opportunity for advancement than a relationship based on co-dependence.



Do you see?

In this time, in this now of 2013, many of you are actually merging with your etheric (non-physical) twin flame, and molding your sacred fullness into one physicality in order for you to enter the crystalline realm of the New Earth in integral self unified wholeness.

In most cases this soul reconnection is accomplished in solitude or in sovereign non dependent relationships. So we say embrace your chosen period of SOVEREIGN SOLITUDE, it is the sign of your soul's intent to enter into Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na Mastery.

We add that many who are in this life, of the female gender, have chosen particularly efficacious roles in the balancing of the planet at this time. Is it not true that the planet has been unbalanced in an overage of patriarchal energies for millennia?

That is why it would appear that a vast majority of those drawn to the 'New Age' are female, you see, to anchor in the Divine Feminine. Females have been conditioned and labeled in your current paradigm as the 'weaker sex'. Nothing could be farther from the truth!

Some of the females who find themselves now in single status are conditioned to feel they must have a partner. Again, we say embrace your solitude. You chose it, we honor you for the path you have chosen. The ideal for the planet, is not to be female or male, rather a perfect balance of BOTH, but it is at the moment still in an imbalance of patriarchal resonance. We honor those of you in female biology, your strength is indeed progressing in creating the nurturing balance. Truly the over-soul is androgynous, self-contained. Self-sufficient. That does not mean that love is not the frequencial basis of the soul, indeed it is the highest vibration. It is the resonance that is produced by the Ascended Soul to the Cosmos, and reflected back as a collective harmonic of crystalline love.


There is a time when those of you who have played the role of soul mates, will individualize, and in your terms, part in joy.

The evolved soul in achieving omnipotence, will become consummately self sufficient, and in so doing radiate spectacular unconditional love to ALL. That is as it should be, as it must be. It is how you Ascend. The final graduation of the soul is not done in pairing, you see. It is done within the Divine SELF in universal harmonic to the All that is. Do you understand?

This is the activation of Self to the divine resonance of the Quantum Crystalline Field. Separation must occur before the final collective reunion, it must alchemically occur to allow for the final coalescence into the ALL THAT IS. It is who you ARE. It is the IAM that I AM. It is the chosen, destined path of all of you.

In summation, our point here is that if you find yourself in Solitude, recognize its purpose. If you are in a relationship refine it in beauty to the greater love of non-dependence. You will indeed discover the love expands and the relationship becomes more appropriate, more resplendent in non dependency; just as you are discovering relationships of unbalanced dependency are one way streets, and ultimately fail.

In sovereignty humanity will see themselves in the functional framework of being 'whole' and not being their partner's property or someone's 'better half'. Each will bring their integral, whole SELF in fullness, in robust flow of energy into relationship, in a manner that often does not occur today.

There are pre-agreed points that allow for freedom of choice and for change, even if that change is to end the partnership. In sovereignty individuals share their best, without compromise of ideals. Each will recognize the divinity of the other, and retain the integrity of SELF. They will afford their own promises and choices of a new paradigm, but there will be avenues and opportunities of adjustments and the ability of reviewing terms.


This will allow for greater recognition of the SELF. These will be designed to prevent energy blockage and reduce dysfunctional marriages and divorce complications and lawsuits, you see. Some relationships in these terms will indeed last a lifetime, some will not. But the archetype of sovereignty will better support both, based on choice and mutual agreement of each individual's terms. And as such independence becomes joyful, devoid of one partner being dominant and imposing their beliefs, morality and will over another.

Humankind, in mass today, truly does not recognize or understand their soul, their divine SELF. Self is unfortunately regulated to the realm of ego personality by the masses. It is true that a higher degree of the light quotient is awakened on the planet now, more than has occurred at any other time.

Religion in the new paradigm must be individualized, must truly recognize the nature of SELF, the nature of the DIVINE SOUL.

None of your world religions truly answer these questions today. None of your religions acknowledge your Cosmic Extra-Terrestrial heritage nor your multi-dimensional nature. And that must and will be acknowledged & understood in the new paradigm.

None of your current mainstream religions can accurately and completely express the true history of man on the earth. As such, there is no one true religion on the planet today. Most are bought and sold on preset regulated templates. Each claim to know the paths to God, to be able to lead the way to God, yet none truly do. Each has its dogma; each has its hierarchy and some utilize fear based controls that encourage fanaticism and zealotry.

Man searches for GOD more earnestly now than at any other time on the planet, and so this seeking in itself has the potential to bring in the light. Few of the present day 'religious' teachers are true teachers, dogmatic scholars perhaps, but not teachers of TRUTH. Others are ego and power based charlatans who project a false impression of their 'credentials'. And we tell you that deceivers and grandiose masqueraders are ever present even within metaphysics and the so called 'New Age' arenas. Many proclaimed leaders become ego-addicted to adulation, and feed on the energy of impressionable followers.



You need no guru's in 20(13), Year One of the New Earth.

When integrity is not maintained the connection to true spirit is disconnected, and all who are human are subject to fall in and out of integrity. Truly, the way in the Ascension is the ability of each soul to raise into his/her higher self. Look inside and find your own divinity within your heart. Not through blindly following a guru, evangelist, channeler or spiritual leader, but through SELF.

Accept only what you discern individually to resonate as true, Dear Ones, and do not give your power to another. Each of you can and must channel your higher selves. Study, look, listen, discern, review and only accept what resonates within you. The way to the divine, Masters, is through the sacred sovereignty of SELF, and in the Ascension, the way to the higher SELF is through self-definition, and seeking that aspect of God inside each of you, with the great desire that is embedded in each of your souls. Study, seek, and work! You cannot advance if you become disheartened, depressed or apathetic. Lethargy does not serve you. Effort is requisite to rise above duality. It has always been so.

You are here to make known the unknown! Work at it! Be a warrior of light within duality, for the true battles are within for self mastery. The path is not easy. But within Self Mastery lies energy so exquisite that it fuels all you require to move forward ... and there is ever another level above each you ascend to. Consciousness is eternally kinetically expanding; it does not reach a level of static dormancy. So we tell you that your higher selves find great humor in cemetery epitaphs of Rest in Peace, for joy is a dynamic state!

Discover your path. Discover yourself. Love yourself, love one another, and love the divinity inside you and inside every one! Discover the multidimensional aspects of your true Soul. That is the nobility of solitude. And though the path is at times quite difficult and lonely, know that such is the challenge of duality, for above, you are whole, and lack nothing. In the higher realm, Masters, you are in your sacred nature of integral wholeness, in complete and abundant bliss.

Masters Enlightenment occurs one heart at a time, it is in facing Creator in solitude that each soul graduates into the higher realms. It has always been so. Each of you will choose solitude at some point. Recognize it and embrace it, for it is the sacred time for advancement.

We are ever with you. We offer unconditional love. We ask that you treat yourself and others with nurturing love and respect. We honor you!

I am Metatron, Lord of Light...




and I share with you these TRUTHS!

You are Beloved.

...And so it is.


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Remember your age crystal children. Remember that you are here to teach these humans how to be love. Remember why you are here...You have come here to bring them back to a state of normalcy. Remember that they are younger than you and you are here to help them and they are here because they are learning. You are learning too, but it is not your primary function here. You are here primarily to function as a teacher and not a student...Sometimes you must do what you understand is good for yourself. And don't worry what people think of you. You are meant to be different...You are the student no more. You are the professor. You are here to bring the knowledge of your previous life times on other planets to this planet. You are the vehicle of knowledge...Many people will not understand you, but they are not the ones in your body are they? They are not living your existence. They have not had your experiences.


Ascension Keys

I am The Eternal Child and this is what The Eternal Child has to say:

It is very important to admit your age. It is very important for crystal children especially to admit their age. When someone is bossing you around because they think they are older than you or because they think they have been around longer than you, remember your age. Do not let a person's age influence the way you listen to them. There are people smaller than you who know what they are talking about. There are people far older than you being born on Earth right now. They may appear to you as children, they may even be your children, but stop and listen when someone older than you is talking. See who you are talking to. Do not judge a person because of their size or their age. I am far, far, far older than you and I know my age.

Remember your age crystal children. Remember that you are here to teach these humans how to be love. Remember why you are here. Let go of right and wrong and the thought of disobedience. Sometimes you must do what you understand is good for yourself. And don't worry what people think of you.




You are meant to be different.

You are meant to be different.

You are meant to be different.



When someone says to you 'You are different' it is a compliment to you because you have been able to retain your awareness and remembrance of what is really normal for you.

This planet is not in a normal state. It is not you who isn't normal, it is the others that you are here to teach. You have come here to bring them back to a state of normalcy. Remember that they are younger than you and you are here to help them and they are here because they are learning. You are learning too, but it is not your primary function here. You are here primarily to function as a teacher and not a student, though there will be people in your path who teach you as well, you are still the vehicle of knowledge. You look at yourself in the mirror and say 'I am the vehicle of knowledge'. Carry a hand mirror with you so that all through your day you can remind yourself, 'I am the vehicle of knowledge.' Remember your real age. You are the student no more. You are the professor. You are here to bring the knowledge of your previous life times on other planets to this planet. You are the vehicle of knowledge. You are the pure power of love. You are the power of raw emotion. You emote whatever you feel and you feel everything, but your strongest emotion is love and always love.

Remember to be love, to continue being as you were before. Do not allow the earthlings to brush off on you. Do not begin to resonate with their negative traits. Only resonate with the goodness of humans and continue to remain pure, to remain pure, to remain pure.

All wisdom, all knowledge comes from within. It is does not come with physical age. It comes from within. It all comes from within. Open your eyes. Look within. Look within. Look within. Remember that you are the Divine and Immortal Light and that you shine through all negativity and you are not here to be aligned or similar to negativity.


Many people will not understand you, but they are not the ones in your body are they? They are not living your existence. They have not had your experiences. They have not had this earth life that you have had. You are the only one who has had your earth life or any previous lives you have had. You are not here to be like anyone else. You are here because you remember what people here used to be like. You remember that they used to be love and that they used to see everyone through love and they used to harm no one. They were in a peaceful state. Their existence benefited all and they did not have room for hate because they were filled with too much goodness.

And if you are feeling hatred which may happen to you when you are around the people on earth, express it in a healthy way; do not retain it. It will harm you. Strive to love. Look in all things for what is good and continue to be love and to think 'love' and to say 'love' and to reach for love. You are love. I am love. Love. Love. Love.

Love does not mean you do not ever feel hate, that you never get angry, it means that you love any way and while you set boundaries with other people and yourself, you do so in a loving way that does not cause them harm. If they remembered who they were they would never do what they are doing or say what they are saying.



They do not know who they are and you do.

You simply do.

You do.

That is why it is so important that you are here. Do not try to leave here when it is not your time to go. Remain here until you naturally leave. Remain here until the earth takes your body or until you ascend into a physical light body and you do not experience pain in the same way anymore. Either way, it is important that you remain in your current form for as long as you are truly meant to be here. Do not attempt to take your own life when things are very difficult here. Nothing will happen to you that you cannot handle and you will not be alone always. There will come a time when love is all around you and you will wonder at yourself for having felt so bad before.

Remember to follow your own guidance and intuition. Always do what feels right to you. Stand up for yourself and be honest, but in a loving way. Anger cannot fight anger, but honest love can dispel anger, can't it.

I am The Eternal Child and the Council has asked me to talk to the old people teaching the young people, no matter what body they are in or what age that body is in.




So I have.

Thank you for listening.


The Eternal Child / The Council


For more please Visit : http://councilfortheassistancetoearth-com.webs.com/


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