November 30
About Yourself
Spiritual development, reading, meditating, sending energies to those who need it
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I do not know how Zoe found me but I am grateful.
I feel as I am something special too. Sorry If I am not clear. I do not get to leave my house often because my husband and I are unemployed and only one car works. So he gets the car to look for work. I may be a little out of practice.
I feel I am a walk in as well. I wanted to know how she new she was a walk in and how did she figure out from where she came from.
I do not fit in with my family. They are all blood type a+ and I am a o-. I never felt like I fit in. I love them very much and I feel like they are my caretakers but not my true family. I have been seeking assistance from the light for years now. I teach a form of qi kong during my yoga and I feel at peace when I feel my energy. My family does not even feel this energy.
My husband and I have crossed paths our entire lives before finally meeting. He has the knowledge naturally and I had to learn it. We are two peas in a pod.
When my dog died I made a pack with her. She contacts me through the star sirius and I wiggle her collar.
Times are really hard here in California USA. I could use some help. Anykind. I offer two free lessons to my yoga and having trouble filling that. If I have a star friend who was ment to help I could sure use it now.
Twin flames