Jose Ignacio Contreras's Posts (317)

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Celebrate Citrus with the Grapefruit

Grapefruit Health Benefits

February is Grapefruit Month, and what better time to pay a little tribute to the virtues of this much maligned fruit.  Its tangy, citrusy flavor can serve as a reminder of the warm weather climates in which it grows, helping us get through the sluggish end of winter.  Grapefruit health benefits offer plenty in the way of nutrition that help with weight maintenance and will also help the body fight off the colds and assorted maladies that are so common this time of year.

Pink grapefruit provides 80 percent of your daily vitamin C needs in a typical serving of half the fruit,1 is proven to bolster the immune system, can detoxify the body, and even slow the growth rate of tumors.2  It is also chock full of lycopene, which is an antioxidant that has been found to lower the risk of both bladder and prostate cancer.  And pink grapefruit provides you with 6 percent of the RDA of vitamin A, another valuable nutrient that helps maintain the health of the retina, particularly important for our vision in lower light.3 

Yellow grapefruit is no slouch, either, in the vitamin and nutrient department.  Just under its more colorful cousin, the yellow grapefruit health benefits include 73.3 percent of your vitamin C quota for the day, as well as an impressive 23.7 percent of vitamin A.4

In addition, grapefruit is a great choice for weight maintenance.  And keep in mind that while 100 percent grapefruit juice will deliver nutrients to your body, it will not give you fiber.  But as long as you eat the fruit rather than drinking the juice, you will get 0.8 gram of fiber, which fulfills nearly 6 percent of your recommended daily allowance.  It is also high in pectin, which helps move things along in your digestive tract to both keep your bowel movements regular and lessen the amount of time potentially damaging fecal matter hangs around in the colon.  In addition, that fiber will keep you feel satiated longer, while only serving up a mere 30 calories.5 And studies have shown that the pectin may be strongly anti-carcinogenic--particularly in regard to colon cancer.6

Grapefruit has been found in numerous studies to confer disease protection as well. In a 2006 study, a team of researchers from universities in Israel, Singapore, and Poland split participants into three groups.7  All of them ate healthy, low fat diets, but one group had a red grapefruit each day, another had a yellow grapefruit each day, and the third ate no grapefruit.  Both groups of grapefruit eaters experienced reduced levels of total cholesterol as well as LDL, the "bad," cholesterol.  The red grapefruit eaters enjoyed the additional benefit of lowering their triglyceride levels too.

So, with all these health benefits, why has the media labeled grapefruit a danger?  Simply put, grapefruit can enhance the risks already inherent in pharmaceutical drugs.  Upwards of 85 medications have been found to interact with grapefruit.  Those research and development departments at pharmaceutical conglomerates keep busy by constantly rolling out new drugs, so needless to say, the incidence of problems experienced by grapefruit eaters has risen in recent years.  And, despite the known interactions, many doctors don't think to ask patients if they eat grapefruit or mention that it is a contraindication.

Grapefruit itself is not harmful. Certain pharmaceuticals for pain, heart disease, schizophrenia, and cancer, on the other hand, have been found to be problematic when combined with grapefruit.  The danger comes from the fact that grapefruit inhibits the CYP3A4 enzyme in the liver that helps the body metabolize the pharmaceutical.  Therefore, the medication is much stronger as it enters the system, and its effects are magnified, sometimes to the point of causing an overdose.

But the key issue to remember is that the toxicity is inherent in the pharmaceutical drug, not the grapefruit. The problem, once again, is that grapefruit can enhance that toxicity--particularly that  of statin drugs.  If you are prescribed pharmaceuticals, it is essential to discuss with your doctor whether grapefruit is safe to consume for the duration of the medication.  And if you are not taking any kind of prescription medicine, dig right in to this citrus delight because, for most of us, grapefruit is nothing but healthy.

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This is the time of prophecy in which Heaven reigns supreme! The Light comes, and a new way is born. Divine grace has formed us and bestowed the divine path to our Souls. Be in wonder at what the edicts of AEON bring!


Ummac Dan

10 Ix, 2 Ceh, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We come again to speak with you! A great celestial event is shortly to occur in your heavens. This event is the last one in a series of phenomena which signals the end of a sacred agreement made between the Light and the Anunnaki long ago. It is part of a divine plan to prepare your ancestors as well as you for a return to full consciousness. Pursuant to this, we are providing the dark ones on your world with documents which state that the time has come when we can officially intervene in your reality on your behalf. This intercession is simply to assist your sacred secret societies and their allies to complete a legal takeover of a number of your major governments. This procedure will lead to the disbursement of a universal abundance that is presently being held in numerous secret locations around your globe. Over the past few months we have relocated these resources to places where they are both safe and available to be used for securing the new financial and monetary system. We are also providing a more general logistical security to enable the new governance to broadcast the facts concerning what is taking place in the countries around your world.

The first series of announcements will cover the diverse new programs which are associated with what has generally been called NESARA. Each of the provisions being implemented will be the subject of much national discussion. They will be aired on radio, television, and the Internet, and it is here that our security expertise will be necessary. It is our responsibility to safeguard the integrity of these channels of communication against all electronic interference or disabling so that the populace can be properly informed about these groundbreaking issues. Our concern is keyed to the fact that many on your world possess a preventative, and even a malicious, attitude toward anything that threatens their narrow control agenda. In the long run these individuals will have the opportunity to change their attitude once they begin to work with their personal mentors. We can see clearly how these attitudes could develop and are therefore ready to take the required technical countermeasures. Our roles in the time immediately ahead are first, to provide clear government communications and then, to explain to you what to expect in the first days after we land.

The mass-landing scenario is really no more than the final stage of your return to full consciousness. You will meet your own personal mentor, who knows you fully as well as a long lost friend. Your innate telepathic abilities will be quickly restored by interacting with us, enabling an effortless and effective dialog between us, unhampered by the misunderstandings and ambiguities of speech. Telepathy enables a depth of openness and understanding which may seem a bit strange at first as it will allow no secrets between us. This means that you will get used to us very quickly and we will tell you all about who we are, what we do, and about our personal clan histories. We will answer any questions you may have and you will quickly see that you can trust us with your deepest concerns. These couple of days may be the most frank and honest experience of your life. Your hostile cultural environment has taught you to protect yourselves with many layers of secrecy, and telepathy returns you to a degree of Oneness in which distrust largely becomes a thing of the past. We will be like open books to you, allowing your fearful, defensive programming to fall away.

We have studied your widely varying cultures for many years, and at first found such variety daunting. But after sharing our many findings amongst ourselves, we came up with the best way to surmount the myriad cultural barriers that lie at the heart of your societies. You have all developed survival systems which allow you to tolerate your various cultures and religions, and our goal is first to help you to set these aside as they become unnecessary. We know this is not easy for you. Since childhood you have honed these survival skills until they are all but habitual. However, these habits are based on separation and our coming is to introduce you again to opening to Oneness.

heart love

In addition, your western cultures in particular are very mentally oriented and many of you have learned the hard way to close down your hearts. We, on the other hand, are used to dealing on a heart-to-heart basis with each other and communicating deeply on most matters. We know this may be difficult for you at first, but we are confident that as you feel the Real You beginning to emerge from your cultural 'armor-plating,' you will take to this freedom 'like a duck to water'!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Those who understand the ways of Heaven know that the time has come for a grand exit of the dark and its multitudes of minions. They have run this limited-consciousness realm for nearly 13,000 years, and during this time many Golden Ages and many strange edicts by the dark have marked this span of years. The upcoming moments signal the end of this period. You are rising in frequency, which means that the agency for controlling you is ending. The resulting freedom enables you to receive your spiritual and space families with a feeling of joy, knowing that the long night of sorrows is at an end. Everywhere, small glimpses of this freedom are becoming evident. Your minds now accept the essentiality of freedom, thus enabling a new reality to be born. It is in the midst of this new reality that amazing changes are forming. Governments are to fall and a new prosperity is to come into being.

This is the time of prophecy in which Heaven reigns supreme! The Light comes, and a new way is born. Divine grace has formed us and bestowed the divine path to our Souls. Be in wonder at what the edicts of AEON bring! You are no longer to be denied true knowledge and will learn of the lies and manipulations long used by the dark. These discoveries will bring you the Truths you have long sought. You are to be graciously freed from the clutches of those whose hubris and stupidity will be fully revealed to you. In this light you will merge with new allies who come from within this sacred orb and whom Heaven has sent to you. We are those who have learned through many lifetimes to ascend, and whose knowledge is to guide you along the final stretch of the journey whose sacred goal is to resurrect your full consciousness.

This process of physical and spiritual resurrection has been contemplated with awe for generations. It is indeed a most complex and arduous operation that each of us is capable of. At this point in your history, what is to happen instead is a unique, very special, massive collective ascension that has been mandated by Heaven. To this end, your space and Inner Earth families will use a wondrous, advanced technology in the form of a living bio-machine, designed to transform each of you back into full consciousness. This will take three days. Heaven will attune and monitor these special miracle-devices and carry out the various calibrations that are specific to each individual. In this way, an entire human population can be raised into an Angel-like state that normally would take many lifetimes to attain. Consider well the divine grace that is to enable us all to return to the miraculous state of Oneness with our Mighty Creator! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Today we reviewed some details concerning your return to a liberated and prosperous state. We also briefly explored the sacred path which Heaven has sent you on, in which you return gracefully to full consciousness. Much is to happen. Wondrous events await in the wings and miracles set up by the divine grace of Heaven and the highest joys of AEON are coming your way! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

AEON: It is the highest realm of Heaven and the area around the Throne of the Creator.

For more from PAO

Webinar Preview on YouTube: Converging Time

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Breaking News: Tuesday, March 5, 2013 (2 pm EST, 7 pm GMT)

Citizen Arrest Warrants Issued today to Detain former Pope, Queen of England and other church-state officers – Property and Assets to be Seized

(Citizen Arrest Warrant attached) Go to links at the bottom of article for Arrest Warrants:


Thirty officials of church and state who were convicted last week of committing and concealing Crimes against Humanity in Canada have defied a lawful Court Order, and now face immediate arrest.

Today, The International Common Law Court of Justice has issued an International Citizens Arrest Warrant, of one year duration, authorizing the detaining and imprisonment of these thirty fugitives from justice under the terms of the Court Verdict of February 25, 2013.

A copy of the stamped and sealed Citizens Arrest Warrant is attached.

The public seizure of the property and assets of the guilty parties and their organizations will also commence today, in Canada, the United States, England and Italy, in accordance with the Court Order.

The fugitive criminals include Catholic, Anglican and United Church officers in Canada, corporate and RCMP officials, and the Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper. But they also include former Pope Joseph Ratzinger, three top Cardinals in Vatican City, the head of the Jesuit Order, and the Queen of England and the Archbishop of Canterbury.

“These convicted felons can hide all they want, but their church property can’t” said Calvin Hodges, a Common Law Court Peace Officer in Canada who will lead church occupations there.

“We’ve declared them Public Enemies for killing thousands of Indian children, protecting child rapists, and covering up their filth. If we can’t arrest them right away, then we’ll ban them and these churches from our communities.”

The Court and its sponsoring body, the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS), are issuing Public Notices today in fifteen countries declaring the Thirty to be wanted criminals who pose aClear and Present Danger to children and citizens, and asking for the help of other governments and citizens to detain them.

The Citizen Arrest Warrant is being issued to local Citizen Action groups, authorizing them to arrest the Thirty and seize their property.

Local regular police authorities in Canada, England, the United States and Italy have been formally asked by the Court to cooperate in enforcing its Order.

Ongoing church occupations will continue indefinitely and will involve an International Week of Reclamation leading up to Easter Sunday, between March 24 and 31, 2013.

For more information and to participate, contact the ITCCS through this email or at , and see the International ITCCS website featuring multiple language translations at

Issued by ITCCS Central – Brussels
5 March, 2013
Follow it as it goes here in all languages :

Breaking News Ground : Kevin Annett : Citizens Arrest Warrants Issu....

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CBS Los Angeles, March 3, 2013 (Emphasis Added): Authorities say a foul odor that spurred calls to fire departments throughout the city on Sunday is possibly the result of the large release of methane in the Santa Monica Bay. Santa Monica Fire said in a department statement that they believe the strong odor was caused by a naturally occurring methane leak below the ocean floor. “This morning there was a large release of natural ocean floor methane released in the Santa Monica Bay,” the statement said. [...] Brian Humphrey, a spokesman for the Los Angeles City Fire Department, said the odor was noted inland from the Santa Monica Bay.

KPCC (h/t Anonymous tip), March 3, 2013: Santa Monica fire haz-mat crews detected unusual concentrations of odorless methane gas in the air that they believed to be coming from either a patch of pungent algae or a sulfurous gas-laced methane bubble, said a dispatcher. That may night be the case, however. Sam Atwood, a spokesman for the Air Quality Management District (AQMD), said his agency has not confirmed the Santa Monica Fire Department’s theory.

KTLA, March 4, 2013: Officials say a foul stench in Santa Monica over was probably caused by a large release of methane in the ocean. [...] A Santa Monica fire hazmat team took readings off the coast near San Vicente Blvd., and found methane in the water. [...] Authorities said that recent changes in water temperature may have caused plankton and algae beds to bloom, releasing methane just below the surface. The gas also might have been produced by a geologic event, such as a shift in tectonic plates.

KABC, March 3, 2013: Santa Monica hazmat crews found unusual concentrations of odorless methane gas in the air. Officials believe either a pocket of stinky algae, or a bubble of methane laced with sulfurous gas, surfaced in the ocean.

Watch the KTLA broadcast here

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144,000 DRUMS OF PEACE ON MARCH 20-21, 2013 During this special equinox of high significance, we will drum for peace, we will drum for ourselves and each other, we will drum together as one… united in our desire to create an alternative to a world gone mad… on these special days we are each asked to do a personal energy clearing, and to contribute our consciousness to cleanse our earth energy grid, of all energies that harm another being and our mother planet. We will synchronize our heartbeats with mother earth, we will feel the pulse of the universe, we will cleanse, and we will celebrate, we will make music that will be felt in all universes… please invoke the violet flame of transmutation for at least 67 seconds, and hold a space in our hearts for miracles and a reunion with our ET family who are now in our atmosphere and making themselves known… aho!… Feel free to add anyone you feel would resonate and to shine the Light of this group on your fb pages… In the meantime, let’s gather the tribe and drum up some more love… have fun! Join this circle now..this group is beyond fb, but that’s where it started…

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Cancer is a life threatening disease that kills hundreds of thousands of people every year. The conventional health industry claims that cancer is incurable. However, many health practitioners have cured cancer to a great degree using alternative cancer treatments. Some effective alternative cancer treatments use the healing power ofvitamins and herbs, while others use electromagnetic energy and heat. All diseases and health conditions of the body are energy-based; therefore, it makes perfect sense to heal them with electromagnetic energy. 

Most of us and doctors do not understand that pre-cancer cells develop in our bodies on a regular basis. The reason why we do not show physical symptoms of cancer is because our immune system, along with natural killer (NK) cells, find the pre-cancer cells and destroy them before they grow out of control. As we age beyond our prime, the strength of our immune systems decline, increasing our risks of cancer.

 hen we start showing physical symptoms of cancer, it means that there is something wrong with the energy structures that make up our immune systems and cells. To cure ourselves of cancer, we will need to strengthen our immune systems, not weaken them by using chemotherapy and other destructive conventional cancer treatments. 

( A magnetic method of killing cancer cells has been developed by scientists in South Korea. 

The technique uses a magnetic field to flip a “self-destruct” switch in tumours. 

Researchers have demonstrated that the process works in bowel cancer cells and living laboratory fish. Programmed cell death, or apoptosis, is one of the body’s ways of getting rid of old, faulty or infected cells. 

In response to certain signals, the doomed cell shrinks and breaks into fragments. These are then engulfed and consumed by amoeba-like immune cells. 

Often in cancer, apoptosis fails and cells are allowed to keep dividing uncontrollably. 

The magnetic therapy involves creating tiny iron nanoparticles attached to antibodies which bind to “receptor” molecules on tumour cells. When the magnetic field is applied, the molecules cluster together, automatically triggering the “death signal” that sets off apoptosis.
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From the Keshe Foundation

We have delivered the peace treaty for signing by His Excellence president Obama directly through the same channels as the transfer of technology was requested for by the government of USA.

We have confirmation through the same channels that: The peace treaty has been on the table of the most powerful man on Earth for the past three weeks.

Your Excellency President Obama;

The world is waiting for your call.

Man of peace or war; please declare your position not to the Foundation but to the world.

Mass consciousness will take over the actions of weak presidents and Kings as we have seen in so called the spring uprisings in the past years.

Those whom make decisions are the ones whom make the difference.

We are waiting for your declaration your Excellency.

Your Excellency you can sign it in the White house, UN offices in New York, the office of The Keshe Foundation in Brussels, in Haifa in the house of worship or in Tehran amongst your friends.

Please choose the time and the place; to be in the next two weeks and we will respond, on behalf of the US nation, the world, the world faith, the Foundation, or the Iranian nation respectively.

Your Excellency, your nation through your office asked for the USB Key for the spaceship program; with respect and honor we responded to your call and gave you and your nation the technology as a gift as we gave it to Iran, china and Russia.

Now with the receiving this technology come the responsibility and that is the responsibility of implantation of peace.

Your Excellency president Obama; the channels of reply can be through the mass-media or through the same channels as we delivered the technology to your nation on your personal request.

With deepest love and care and respect for you and your nation.

M T Keshe
The Founder of the Keshe Foundation and world citizen
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(Before It's News)



Dr. Richard Boylan says.  "a psychic trusted close associate June has remote-viewed the near future and seen a mothership hovering over Cleveland, Ohio in 2013." 


This year, a Star Nations mothership will come over Cleveland and park low overhead the downtown area for a little short of a week. 


That mothership will be quite large: about 8/10 mile wide (1.3 km). The mothership will arrive Oct. 24 and remain in low hover through Oct. 27, 2013. 



CGI of large UFO 


Boyland says his associate, in her remote viewing, saw one Star Visitor standing in the ship's viewing port (window) smiling. 


The Star Visitor had a human-like appearance and silvery white hair and was looking out of the window of the mothership. He was an Altairian. 


What an Altairian looks like  




My remote-viewer friend then later saw another Star Visitor exit from the mothership, and go walking along a street in downtown Cleveland. 


This Star Visitor will not look at all like a Human. She will be of the Estican star race.

To see what an Estican looks like, go to: 




The mothership will have aboard members of several star races: Tall Zetas, Esticans, an Altairian, an Onoogie, Reptoids, a KaTaYan, and possibly additional Star Visitor species, according to Boylan.  


What will make this event outstanding in modern history will be the open public appearance of a Star Visitor on a metropolitan city street. 


And that the American public by that time will have gotten sufficiently used to the notion of Star Persons in contact with Earth that they will generally be able to adopt a welcoming attitude toward the Estican woman walking towards them in broad daylight. 


Will it not be a grand day when a Star Visitor can walk the streets of Cleveland (or any other city for that matter) and go up to people and meet them without fear of a hostile reception? 


What will make that 2013 event extra-special is that it will signify that the American public had grown up, cast aside the false fear of "alien invaders" which the Cabal had been pounding into their heads, and accepted a cosmic view of reality: that there are many intelligent races out there, they are highly civilized, and some even come to visit. 


And to think that such a public visit is less than a year away! (if needed). 


Such an appearance is CONDITIONAL, and will not be necessary as a Wake-Up Exercise if the Obama Administration will already have begun earlier the process of officially acknowledging UFO reality and contact by Star Visitors. 


My star friend Star Nations Councillor For the Watchers corroborated this information. The Councillor had this to say: "She [my psychic friend June] has done well in her work. Now it is up to the people who receive this information as to what they decide to do with it, or not." 


Speaking personally, if our government temporizes and avoids Official Public Acknowledgment of UFO Reality and Star Visitors Contact, then I plan to go to Cleveland and witness for myself that mothership hovering overhead for several days, and, who knows, maybe greeting that Estican woman on the ground in person. And say, "Welcome to Earth!."


A Postscript:

Hopefully the situation by Fall, 2013 will be radically different than today's situation. 


Hopefully by latter 2013, Americans (and other peoples of the world) will have been told authoritatively by their government, as well as by the United Nations leaders, that:

1) Star Visitors are real;

2) Star Visitors have made contact with various governments' leaders and communicated with them;

3) that all the star races who visit Earth are of advanced civilizations who prize peace and friendly relations,

4) that Earth is protected by Star Nations from any possible harassment by any random rogue person from a uncivilized star society who should attempt to infiltrate Earth, and

5) that a most if not all of the member countries of the United Nations will have by then signed a UN Treaty of Peace and Friendship with Star Nations.

Hopefully by Fall of 2013, it will therefore be quite clear to the people of Earth that all the Cabal propaganda about "evil mean space invaders" is utter rubbish, and thus there would be NONE, zero public support for any Cabal attempt to mount an armed assault on any Star Nations craft. 


If the Cabal should attempt a rogue assault against a Star Nations craft with its vastly superior technology including defensive technology, the prospect of such a failed attack would only make more clear in the public mind that the Cabal are criminal warmongers and trying to mess up peaceful interstellar relations. 


In such Cabal-attack circumstances, the United Nations-U.S. Naval Space Command's Solar Warden Space Fleet would have standing authorization to engage and disable any rogue Cabal antigravity fighter craft. The Solar Warden Space Fleet would make short work of any Cabal flotilla.


Contacts and sources: 

Richard Boylan, Ph.D., Councillor of Earth 

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Hi, Folks -

Received via e-mail:

Elvis Presley Lyrics
” Fountain Of Love “

One thought of you,
my heart begins churning
I feel return
to a fountain of love
My lips and eyes,
they ache to be near you
To hold you here
in my fountain of love

Never be blue
should your world start sinking
Just come and drink
from my fountain of love
We’ll build a new world off
on a high mountain
We’ll live
on our fountain of love

Greetings and Salutations;

As quiet as it’s gotten, the excitement in the air is quite palpable. Rv is in the high octave range now…something is afoot. Funny how the new treasury guy went thru the senate so fast, he does know what he’s doing and has experience. He knows all about the rvs going on in the world, as well as, prosperity programs, global settlements, and the necessary deep changes to happen in the us. He’s all for it. In the years to come, many grand children will hear about this unbelievable shift planet wide. We’re all going at once. Some kicking and screaming. Sometimes man’s free will is confronted with an issue, it can do nothing but flow with it. For some this is like a dose of castor oil…unpleasant but, good for you. lololol

In the weeks ahead, one event after another, will have folks wondering what’s going on in this world. I’m told the work on the projects to rehabilitate this world will begin this month. Despite the media, war is not on the table, people will need to find another way to solve their differences, behave like adults. “Can’t we all just get along?” It’ll be a little difficult to grasp at first for folks that have the ‘grab cannon’ first mentality. Peace is a practiced skill. Learn to take a breath before acting.

The lid(secrets) will be lifted off a whole lot of things, some you won’t like much. The facts must be known, it is the only way to go into the future and not repeat the past. That was one of the reasons the dragons insisted on these famous announcements being made. I’m putting an interview in here, listen to it or don’t…it could shake you up and produce more questions. We must leave our fantasies behind, the truth is much greater once appreciated. Here goes;

Consultations until the door bell.

On ward and upward,

Love and Kisses;




POOF for MAR 3: Electricity in the Air.

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Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 3-Mar-2013 12:27:22

Category: Introduction

Signing of the world peace treaty and World peace conference

The Keshe Foundation made a promise that it would release a request and information on its forum today about the next step in the release of its technologies for bringing peace and equality for Mankind.

The following four PDF documents below in this link are important and need to be understood individually and then collectively as one unified paper.

We have not suggested a place and/or venue in our invitation letter for the peace conference, as we thought that mankind’s choice would be the most appropriate.

This peace conference can be held in Tehran, UN offices in New York, Beijing, Moscow or any another place on earth in a location that is acceptable to all.

The point is not the venue, but to achieve world peace for Mankind.

The date of 21.1.2013 for release of these documents is chosen for its importance and now mankind has 60 days until 21 March 2013 ( see the PDF letters) to set the scene to achieve what his forefathers could not do for thousands of years, by signing himself into accepting peace in its true sense individually and collectively.

As a race man now has the technology in hand to enforce world peace and man collectively has the determination to achieve it.

To be able to achieve world peace and see the process through, the Keshe Foundation is moving its headquarters to a new location and out of its present prison of Belgium, which has been enforced on it by international political pressure for the past nine years.

The Foundation will soon announce where it will make its new home so that we can see this treaty through safely.

In this way all political restrictions and press restriction on the Keshe Foundation will be removed and we will collaborate with all citizens of the world to make sure that the world peace treaty day can be realised.

Please collaborate with the Foundation and let today be the day when man starts a new chapter for humanity. Our goal is for every man on this planet to accept and sign themselves into the world peace treaty with their deeds, their hearts, their soul and in their words.

The Foundation calls upon world citizens to do what they have done in the last twelve months and as individuals to become a MESSENGER OF PEACE for your home, city, nation and mankind, and take the messages in these four letters to all world leaders, world ambassadors, mayors, religious leaders, your neighbour, brothers and sisters.

This can be achieved by putting these four letters out everywhere, be it on the net, media, social media, home, work place, palaces and parliaments, and by encouraging your governments, leaders of communities and individuals to sign the treaty and to organise and attend peace conferences organised by you and your nation.

Please do with this message as you did with encouraging your governments to accept the spaceship technology USB key.

I thank you for your support and hope we can achieve together in the near future what has eluded mankind from the beginning of time.

It is time to start a new chapter in the life of man on earth, where peace and serving humanity becomes the centre and focal point of every man and not the false materialistic life of today which has brought about so much misery for man from his inception on this planet.

I cannot imagine that any true man of peace or world leader will refuse to sign and to act upon what he has committed his nation, his faith and himself to by signing this treaty.


An Insight into the Future of Man on Earth




The Status of Scientists


Signing of the World Peace Treaty and World Peace Conference

M T Keshe

The Founder of the Keshe Foundation


- See more at:


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While we may be under the impression that our system of government is here to protect us, corporations—and the politicians getting paychecks from them—do a fair job of making that difficult. This manner of “legislative capture” is manifesting itself in a host of appalling ways far beyond those listed here. Here are 8 ways corporations are poisoning our food supply, humans, and mother earth. 

1. Sugary Drinks, Diet Drinks are Addictive and Fattening 

Sugary drinks, especially soda, run rampant in the U.S., with corporations shelling out millions to advertise to both children and adults. Kids are taking in 7 trillion calories of sugar each year from soda alone, with sodas making up 15-25% of the daily recommended caloric intake for kids aged 2 to 19. Sugar-sweetened sodas can contain upwards of 200 calories per can, but even artificially sweetened drinks should not be considered safe. Several studies show that artificial sweeteners—like cancer-linked aspartame—can contribute to tooth decay, obesity, kidney damage, and depression. 

2. Bisphenol A and Other Chemicals in Canned Goods 

DANGER.gifBPA is a hormone disrupting chemical used in canned goods and plastic bottles. The chemical, which is labeled as “toxic” in other nations, had a chance to be banned of March 2012. In a move that angered activists within the US and even internationally, the FDA ruled against the ban. This ubiquitous chemical has been linked to: 

  • ObesityHypera
  • Hyperactivity in girls
  • Infertility
  • Sterility
  • Reproductive issues
  • Hastened puberty
  • Feminization in boys

3. Buying Out and Creating Organic Companies 

You may not know this, but many organic companies are actually owned and operated by major corporations like Coca-Cola or Kellogg. Companies like Honest Tea and Odwalla may appeal to health conscious shoppers, but they are actually owned by Coca-Cola. Another popular ‘health’ brand is Kashi, owned by the Kellogg corporation. Some products from these companies may be ’100% organic’, but do you really trust their labeling practices? Or perhaps more important, do you really want to give support to the corporate producer? 

Further, these large corporations are buying out some of the companies many natural-health advocates have grown to love. One example is when New Chapter, a vitamin and supplement company offering worthy products since 1892, was bought out by mega-corporation Proctor & Gamble. 

4. Antibiotics are Making People Fat 

These days, physicians are a little stab-happy with their antibiotics, often to just please the patient with a medical solution (a placebo effect, if you will). But it could be setting us up for lifelong obesity – at least that’s what some research has to say. In addition to killing “bad” bacteria, antibiotics kill “good” bacteria in the gut, thereby disrupting digestion even in the long run. There’s also mounting evidence that antibiotics may be promoting diabetes and metabolic syndrome—but not killing the cold and flu viruses that parents think they are (antibiotics cannot kill viruses, only bacteria). 

5. Antibiotics in Livestock are Promoting Bacterial Resistance 

Last year, The Guardian wrote about 150 scientists and 50 farmers—including a former FDA commissioner—demanding that Congress regulate antibiotic use in livestock. The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has even blamed overuse of antibiotics for the global resistance to antibiotics, which could make antibiotics futile against disease-causing bacteria. And this is not even considering the other ill effects antibiotics have on the animals we eat. 

6. Supporting Genetically Modified Foods and Herbicides 

If you are into organic foods and have been following GM news, you know that the latest and greatest chance for GM labeling was with California’s proposition 37. Needless to say, the bill was not passed, but Prop 37 did teach us a lot about the interest of various companies and mega corporations. It was no surprise to see biotech giant Monsanto dish out over $4 million to fight the bill, but some people were surprised to see Naked Juice, Kashi, Cascadian Farm Organic, Honest Tea, and some others on the side of anti-GM labeling. As mentioned above, many of these companies are owned by corporations like Coca-Cola or General Mills. 

They all support GM food, are anti-GM labeling, and subsequently support the use of herbicides and pesticides. Pesticides that are being used in greater amounts each day thanks to mutated insects that become resistant to Monsanto’s Roundup-ready GM crops. 

According to numerous pieces of research, GM foods like Monsanto’s corn have been implicated of contributing to weight gain, organ disruption, tumor development and infertility in rats. Roundup—a glyphosate-based herbicide— is to thank for contributing to water pollution, resistant rootworms and superweeds, and environmental devastation. 

7. Herbicides and Insecticides Contributing to Bee Colony Collapse 

Although technological products like cell phone towers and cell phones are hurting the bee population, herbicides, insecticides and pesticides brought to us by Bayer, Monsanto, and Dow AgroSciences appear to be the main culprits. It has been shown time and time again that these chemicals are ravaging these tiny insects that are essential for agriculture purposes and pollinating food crops. 

“…a document was leaked revealing that a bee-killing pesticide put in use by the EPA may be to blame [for the bee decline]. Adding to the controversy, more records have emerged showing that the USDA was fully aware of the pesticide’s threat to not only bees, but humans…Neonicotinoids, the particular type of pesticides used, are absorbed systemically into plants, including the pollen and nectar. Once the bees begin to pollinate, they also absorb the insecticide, and die.”

Neonicotinoids have been banned in France and Germany, but not the United States. 

8. Factory Farms Devastate Land and Sea 

If you purchase your meat from a grocery store instead of a farmer’s market or co-op, it was probably raised in a factory farm. Not only are these farms known for extreme animal cruelty (which many undercover videos have gruesomely pointed out), but they are also responsible for polluting groundwater, drinking water, and contributing to massive deforestation. Actually, they produce 100 times more waste than the entire U.S. population

Run-off from these establishments as well as non-organic crops are contributing to blooms and dead zones in coastal waters. Earlier this year, a scientific paper argued against the case of factory farms feeding the world, but with the USDA and FDA deep in industrial farming’s pockets, it will take considerable time and effort before we see any changes. 

Additional Sources: 

UT Health Science Center 

Source: Natural Society - See more at:

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(Before It's News)

According to S.O.T.T., this MASSIVE sinkhole along a highway in Page, Arizona is actually an entire mountain falling apart. The giant fissure in the ground swallowed two cars and caused 120 feet of highway to sink over 8 feet. But geologists are now also worried that the road may be irreparable for a long time because it appears that the whole side of the mountain is sinking! What in the world would cause an entire mountain to fall apart?

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Without donating a penny, you can help end poverty in a very real way. Investing in microcredit or microfinance is not a donation or charity. Like other investments, the money is always yours. You even earn a small amount of interest. Yet for every $1,000 you invest, you can end poverty for several entire families in the developing world every year. That is why the United Nations declared 2005 to be the International Year of Microcredit and why the founders of the microcredit movement were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006. Major media articles have sung the praises of microcredit, also known as microfinance and microlending:

New York Times: Tiny Loans Make a Big Difference in Lives of Poor

USA Today/Associated Press: Microcredit pioneers win Nobel Peace Prize 

Wall Street Journal: A new way to do well by doing good 

BusinessWeek: Microfinance funds lift poor entrepreneurs—and benefit investors 

The Economist: Microcredit in India, High finance benefits the poor 

For a powerfully inspiring talk by the Nobel-prize-winning founder of the first microcredit institution:

Microcredit Guide: How Your Money Works to End Poverty

Example 1. Mariate Banda runs a small beauty shop in Zambia near the South Luangwa National Park. Visitors to the park flock through her town, but few tourists venture into her shop, as it lacks the modern hair dryers travelers expect. Her small income makes saving difficult. "My life's ambition is to have my own equipment" she says—even one modern hairdryer for tourists (see photo & description of Mariate in the Sept 2005 issue of National Geographic, p. 120).

Using your investment through the growing international microcredit movement, Mariate takes out a microloan of $100—small by western standards, but more than enough to pay for a modern hairdryer in Zambia. With the increased tourist traffic to her shop, Mariate pays back her loan within a year. Once the loan is repaid, she has now greatly increased her income and can afford to keep her children in school, give them good medical care, and build her business further. You pulled this family out of poverty!

Example 2. Working 10 to 12 hours six days a week, 36-year-old Supratno drives a pedicab (bicycle taxi with three wheels) in the suburbs of Jakarta, Indonesia. As over 50% of his daily income goes to pay rental fees to the large syndicate which monopolizes pedicab rentals in Jakarta, he barely ekes out a living for his family of four. His daily income averages about US $4 per day, which is only enough to put rice and vegetables on the table for his family twice a day. He cannot afford to pay the small fees for administration and mandatory school uniforms to send his children to public school.

Taking out a microcredit loan of $200 from money you invested, Supratno buys his own pedicab for the first time in his life. As all income now goes directly to him, his daily income is more than doubled. Within a year, he pays back the $200 loan and can now afford to send his children to school and give them three good meals every day. You pulled this family out of poverty!

The microcredit process is actually a little more involved than described above. Business plans are required to be submitted to a volunteer cooperative and loans are made in increments, but you get the picture. Your loan of $1,000 for one year can literally pull several entire families out of poverty for good in the developing world. The interest you receive on your microcredit investment is low—generally up to four percent—but you have the satisfaction of knowing that for every $1,000 invested, you have helped several families every year to pull out of poverty and live a much better life! I'd say that's a pretty good return on your investment.

When I first heard about microcredit back in 1999, I was very excited. As a part-time interpreter for the US Department of State and a part-time nurse, my work provided no retirement benefits, so I had diligently been investing a percentage of my income in order to be able to retire at a reasonable age. I had saved over $100,000 towards my retirement at the time and was interested in finding better ways to invest this money.

Socially Responsible Investing and Microcredit

For many years prior I had practiced socially responsible investing (SRI), where both the investor's financial needs and an investment's impact on society are considered. With SRI, I had the high returns of Wall Street on my investments while knowing that my money was not being used to promote socially damaging concerns such as alcohol, tobacco, gambling, weapons, and sweat shops. For more on SRI, click here.

With microcredit, I realized I would be giving up the high returns I had been getting with SRI. Yet knowing that every $1,000 dollars I invested would help to pull several families out of poverty every year, I was more than happy to settle for a 2% return. Within a few years, I had every penny possible invested in microcredit. So though I'm only getting a modest (but very secure) financial return on my retirement investments, I'm now helping hundreds of families every year to pull out of poverty!

Addressing the International Year of Microcredit, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan stated, "Microfinance has proved its value as a weapon against poverty and hunger. It really can change peoples' lives for the better—especially the lives of those who need it most. With access to microfinance, [the poor] can move beyond day-to-day survival towards planning for the future. They can break the vicious circle of poverty. Microfinance is not charity. It is a way to extend the same rights and services to low-income households that are available to everyone else. It grows productive enterprises and allows communities to prosper. Let us use this International Year of Microcredit to put millions of families on the path to prosperity."

For the official website of the International Year of Microcredit, click here. Also referred to as "community investing," you can learn more about transferring your savings and investments to microfinance by clicking here. For detailed information on specific microcredit organizations and more, see the microfinance database at this linkDownload a free 24-page guide to microcredit and community investing by clicking here. And note that these investments are not influenced by market fluctuations.

Many organizations specialize in microcredit investments. Most require a minimum investment of $1,000 or more. For a table of respected microcredit organizations: click here. Calvert Foundation has worked best for me, as they have a great track record and channel their investments into numerous respected microcredit organizations worldwide. Calvert also allows you to choose in which region you want to invest. I have all of my money invested internationally because $1,000 goes a lot further in the developing world than it does in industrialized countries. If you are interested, see the Calvert Foundation website or call 800-248-0337. For those outside of North America, see

Even if you don't have much money, consider investing just $1,000 as a way of knowing you are helping other families to pull out of debt. If you have an investment portfolio, consider putting 10% or more into microcredit as a way of playing your part in creating a more fair and just world for all. If your investments are tied up in 401(k)s or other tax-deductible instruments, call 800-248-0337 to learn about ways you can transfer these funds to microcredit. To make a smaller microloan, see ($25 minimum). By investing whatever amount feels right to each of us, we can and will build a brighter future for ourselves and all who share our world. Thanks for caring, and you have a great day!

With very best wishes for a transformed world,
Fred Burks for this website and the PEERS Team 
Former language interpreter for Presidents Bush and Clinton

P.S. For an excellent financial planning handbook focused on socially responsible investing and microcredit, click here. And to move your checking and savings accounts from profit oriented banks to membership run credit unions, click here and here. As I am very passionate about ending poverty through microcredit, feel free to contact me with any questions by clicking here.

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original.jpg?width=150There was a time when science could be broken down into neat-and-tidy disciplines — straightforward things like biology, chemistry, physics, and astronomy. But as science advances, these fields are becoming increasingly specialized and interdisciplinary, leading to entirely new avenues of inquiry. Here are 11 emerging scientific fields you should know about. 

1. Neuroparasitology 

If you know about Toxoplasma gondii — the cat-spawned parasite that alters both rodent and human behavior — then you know about the work of neuroparasitologists. The fact that these eerie parasites now have their very own scientific discipline devoted to them shows just how prevalent they are in nature. 

These parasites typically alter host behavior as a part of their reproductive strategy (often by being consumed and excreted by a third party). A good example is Euhaplorchis californiensis, which causes fish to shimmy and jump so wading birds will grab and eat them. Hairworms, which live inside grasshoppers, eventually need to leave their hosts to continue their life cycle. Rather than leave peacefully, however, they release a cocktail of chemicals that makes the grasshoppers commit suicide by leaping into water. The hairworms then swim away from their drowning hosts. 

2. Quantum Biology 

medium.jpgPerhaps the best example is photosynthesis — a remarkably efficient system in which plants (and some bacteria) build the molecules they need by using energy from sunlight. It turns out that photosynthesis may in fact rely on the “superposition” phenomenon, where little packets of energy explore all possible paths, and then settle on the most efficient one. It’s also possible that avian navigation, DNA mutations (via quantum tunnelling), and even our sense of smell, relies on quantum effects. Though it’s a highly speculative and controversial field, its practitioners look to the day when insights gleaned may result in new drugs and biomimetic systems (with biomemetics being another emergent scientific field, where biological systems and structures are used to create new materials and machines). 

3. Exo-meteorology 

Like exo-oceanographers and exo-geologists, exo-meteorologists are interested in studying natural processes which occur on planets other than Earth. Now that astronomers are able to peer more closely into the inner-workings of nearby planets and moons, they’re increasingly able to track atmospheric conditions and weather patterns. Jupiter and Saturn, with their impossibly large weather systems, are prime candidates for study. So is Mars, with it’s regularly occurring dust storms. Even planets outside our solar system are being studied by exo-meteorologists. And interestingly, exo-meteorologists may eventually find signs of extraterrestrial life on an exoplanet by detecting organic signatures in atmospheres, or elevated carbon dioxide levels — a possible sign of an industrial-age civilization. 

4. Nutrigenomix 

Also known as nutritional genomics, this is the study of the complex interplay between food and genetic expression. Scientists working in this field seek to understand the role of genetic variation, dietary response, and the ways in which nutrients affect our genes. And indeed, food has a profound effect on our health — and it starts quite literally at the molecular level. Nutrigenomics works both ways; our genes influence our dietary preferences, and vice-versa. A key goal of nutrigeneticists is to establish personalized nutrition — matching what we eat with our own unique genetic constitutions. More here

5. Cliodynamics 

Coined by the University of Connecticut’s Peter Turchin, cliodynamics is an interdisciplinary area of research that combines historical macrosociology, economic history (cliometrics), the mathematical modeling of long-term social processes, and the building and analysis of historical databases. It’s basically Asimov’s psychohistory come to life. 

The name is a portmanteau of Clio, the muse of history, and dynamics, the study of changes over time. Simply put, it’s an effort to quantify and describe the broad social forces of history, both to study the past, and as a potential way to predict the future. An example of cliodynamics was Turchin’s recent paper forecasting social unrest


6. Synthetic Biology 

synthetic+biology.jpgThis is the big one, and it’s the emerging world-changing scientific discipline that many of us are already familiar with. 

Synthetic biology is the design and construction of new biological parts, devices and systems. It also involves the redesign of existing biological systems for any number of useful purposes. Craig Venter, a leader in this field, shook the biology community in 2008 by announcing that he had manufactured the entire genome of a bacterium by piecing together its chemical components. Two years later his team created “synthetic life” — DNA created digitally, and then printed and inserted into a living bacterium. And last year, synbio scientists created the first complete computational model of an actual organism

Looking ahead, synthetic biologists will sequence and analyze genomes to create custom-designed bootable organisms and biological robots that can produce chemicals from scratch, like biofuels. There’s also the potential for pollution devouring cyborg bacteria, and the downloading and printing of recently updated vaccines during a pand.... The possibilities are almost endless. 

7. Recombinant Memetics 

This one’s quite speculative, and it’s technically speaking still in the proto-science phase. But it’ll only be a matter of time before scientists get a better handle on the human noosphere (the collective body of all human information) and how the proliferation of information within it impacts upon virtually all aspects of human life. 

Similar to recombinant DNA (in which different genetic sequences are brought together to create something new), recombinant memetics is the study of how memes (ideas that spread from person to person) can be adjusted and merged with other memes and memeplexes (a cohesive collection of memes, like a religion) for beneficial or ‘socially therapeutic’ purposes (such as combating the spread of radical and violent ideologies). This is similar to the idea of ‘memetic engineering’ — which philosopher Daniel Dennett suggested could be used to maintain cultural health. Or what DARPA is currently doing via their ‘narrative control’ program

8. Computational Social Science 

medium.jpgSimilar to cliodynamics, computational social science is the rigorous investigation of social phenomenon and trends over time. The use of computers and related information processing technologies is central to this discipline. Quite obviously, this field has only really been possible since the advent of computing, and most especially since the rise of the internet. 

Computational social scientists study the copious amounts of information left behind from emails, mobile phone calls, tweets, credit card purchases, Google searches, and on and on. It’s a field of study that’s attracting not just social scientists, but mathematicians and computer scientists as well. Examples of their work include studies into the structure of social networks and how information spreads across them, or how intimate relationships form on the Web. 

9. Cognitive Economics 

Economics isn’t typically associated with science, but that could change as the field integrates with traditional scientific disciplines. Not to be confused with behavioral economics (the study of our behaviors — what we do — in the context of economic decision making), cognitive economics is about how we think. Leigh Caldwell, who runs a blog dedicated to the field, puts it this way: 

Cognitive economics (or finance)…looks at what is actually going on within the individual’s mind when they make that choice. What is the internal structure of their decision-making, what are the influences on it, how does information enter the mind and how is it processed, what form do preferences take internally, and then ultimately how are all those processes expressed in our behaviour?

Looking at it another way, cognitive economics is to physics what behavioral economics is to engineering. To that end, cognitive economists begin their analysis at a lower, more reductionist level, and form microfounded models of how people make decisions to devise a model of large-scale economic behaviors. To help them with this, cognitive economists consider the related fields of cognitive science and computational economics, along with theories about rationality and decision making. 

10. organic Electronics 

chem.jpgNormally, electronics are associated with inert and inorganic conductors and semiconductors, like copper and silicon. But a new branch of electronics is emerging that uses conductive polymers and conductive small molecules — both of which are carbon-based. It’s a highly interdisciplinary field that involves the design, synthesis, and processing of functional organic and inorganic materials, along with the development of advanced micro- and nanofabrication techniques and circuit design. To be fair, it’s not an entirely new field, as preliminary concepts and devices were first developed in the early 1970s. 

But it has only been recently that things have picked up, particularly on account of the nanotechnology revolution. Organic electronics introduces the potential for organic solar cells, self-assembling monolayers in functional electronic devices, and chemical circuits that could replace computer chips for human impla... (the cyborg of the future may very well be more organic than synthetic!). 

11. Quantitative Biology 

biological.pngIf you like both math and biology, this one’s for you. Quantitative biology, as its name implies, is an effort to understand biological processes through the language of mathematics. But it also applies other quantitative methods, like physics and computer science. The University of Ottawa explains how it came about: 

With the advances in biological instrumentation and techniques, and easy access to computing power, biology is generating large amounts of data at an increasing speed. Acquiring the data and making sense of it increasingly requires quantitative approaches. At the same time, coming from a physicist’s or mathematician’s point of view, biology has reached a state of maturity where theoretical models of biological mechanisms can be tested experimentally. This has led to the development of the broad field of quantitative biology. 

Scientists working in this field analyze and measure everything from the molecular scale right through to the organismal and ecosystem level. 

via Hang The Bankers  - See more at:

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curcumin.jpg?width=200There is definitely no shortage of scientific evidence these days to show that curcumin, the believed-to-be primary active ingredient in the spice turmeric, holds incredible therapeutic value, and just might be the most advisable medicinal spice of our day. And a prominent medical oncologist from Johns Hopkins University seems to agree, having recently held a large seminar highlighting the incredible ability of curcumin to fight diabetes, inflammation, and even cancer without causing any harmful side effects. 

Dr. Saraswati Sukumar's passion for turmeric is partially rooted in the fact that the spice has long been a staple in traditional Indian cuisine, which is a significant part of her own rich heritage. But Dr. Sukumar has also been studying the unique compositional profile of turmeric, and specifically curcumin, for many years now, which has led her to some fascinating discoveries about its vast potential for use in medicine. Besides quelling inflammatory pain and promoting wound healing, turmeric is a seemingly miraculous anti-cancer nutrient of the highest order. 

"We have close to 300 publications (that cite turmeric) for its anti-cancer effects," Dr. Sukumar is quoted as saying to the Palm Beach Post recently. "Many diseases, such as colon cancer and other types of cancer, are being traced to inflammation." 

Curcumin, arguably the most potent anti-cancer nutrient in existence 

The inflammation link to cancer is backed by numerous scientific studies, including a 2011 review published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences which found that up to 25 percent of all cancers are caused by chronic inflammation. According to scientists from Ohio State University's (OSU) Comprehensive Cancer Center, inflammation triggers an increase in a molecule known as microRNA-155 (miR-155) that causes a reduction in levels of the protein responsible for repairing damaged DNA. 

And what about the other 75 percent of cancers? Curcumin appears to have those covered as well. Research released that same year by scientists from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center revealed that curcumin actually seeks out malignant cancer cells and alters the regulation of DNA in order to kill them. And unlike synthetic anti-cancer drugs, curcumin leaves healthy cells and DNA alone so as not to cause harmful side effects. 

"Curcumin (diferuloylmethane) ... is one of the most powerful and promising chemopreventive and anticancer agents, and epidemiological evidence demonstrates that people who incorporate high doses of this spice in their diets have a lower incidence of cancer," explains board-certified clinical nutritionist Byron J. Richards about the power of curcumin to fight cancer. 

Curcumin is an all-around healing agent that promotes vibrant health 

Curcumin's health benefits do not stop here, though. The same study that identified curcumin's gene-regulating abilities in fighting cancer also highlights the nutrient's ability to regulate a whole host of bodily systems. Based on the available evidence, in others words, there are few conditions that curcumin is unable to effectively mitigate when taken in therapeutic doses, which means adding it to your diet is one of the easiest and most effective ways to promote vibrant health. 

"Extensive research over the past five decades has indicated that curcumin reduces blood cholesterol levels, prevents low-density lipoprotein oxidation, inhibits platelet aggregation, suppresses thrombosis and myocardial infarction, suppresses symptoms associated with Type II diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer's disease; inhibits HIV replication, suppresses tumor formation, enhances wound healing, protects against liver injury, increases bile secretion, protects against cataract formation, and protects against pulmonary toxicity and fibrosis," explain the researchers about their incredible findings. 

Sources for this article include: 

Source: - See more at:

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usaf-saucer-01-0213-mdn.jpgIn the 1950s, a small team of engineers set to work on a secret program called Project 1794—a supersonic craft designed to shoot down Soviet bombers. Now a trove of declassified documents reveals the audacious mission to build a flying saucer. 

In September 2012, Michael Rhodes, a technician at the National Declassification Center (NDC) in College Park, Md., donned white cotton gloves, entered a climate-controlled room, and opened a cardboard file box. It was time for the report inside—"Project 1794 Final Development Summary Report 2 April—30 May 1956"—to become public. 

Rhodes's job is to read such documents, catalog them, and make them available to historians, journalists, and the curious. The paper was crisp, like new. Rhodes began to read. 

He soon realized that the file box contained highly unusual material. "As I was processing the collection, I glimpsed this weird red flying-disc icon in the corners," Rhodes says. Inside the box was a trove of oddities: cutaway schematics of disc-shaped aircraft, graphs showing drag and thrust performance at more than Mach 3, black-and-white photos of Frisbee shapes in supersonic wind tunnels. The icon was a flying saucer on a red arrow—the insignia of a little-known and strange sideshow in aeronautical design. Rhodes was leafing through the lost records of a U.S. military flying saucer program. 

A Canadian aviation firm began developing a disc-shaped aircraft for the U.S. military in the mid-1950s, and, though the details were secret, the project itself was not unknown. POPULAR MECHANICS mentioned the Air Force's "vertical-rising, high-speed" craft in 1956 and published a photo in 1960. In the decades since the program was canceled in 1961, aviation buffs and UFO researchers have unearthed technical papers written near the end of America's flying saucer experiment, but the document that originally convinced the government to invest in a military flying disc has languished in the NDC under the SECRET designation. This recently discovered report describes in previously unknown detail how aviation engineers tried to harness what were then cutting-edge aerodynamic concepts to make their improbable creation fly. Although Avro's saucer never completed a successful flight, some of the most sophisticated aircraft flying today adopted many of the same technologies. 

In 2001, U.S. Air Force personnel cleared the document cache for public release, according to Neil Carmichael, director of the declassification review division at the NDC, which is run by the National Archives and Records Administration. But it took 11 years to crack open the boxes in College Park and glimpse the saucer secrets within—the staff is buried in a backlog of nearly 2 billion pages of declassified material, some of it dating to World War II. "These records probably have been classified since their creation," Carmichael says. "It's like somebody emptied out a filing cabinet, stuck it in a box, sealed it, and sent it off to the federal records center." 

In pop culture, flying saucers are the ride of choice for extraterrestrials. What the newly released documents show is that they actually came from Ontario, Canada. That's where a visionary aeronautical engineer at the now-defunct Avro Canada convinced his bosses to support the unlikely project. "During the Cold War the Army, Air Force, and Navy were experimenting with all sorts of things," Carmichael says. As the NDC releases its declassified documents, "the records are going to tell the rest of those stories." The most sensational of the disclosures so far—Project 1794. 

Saucer Full of Secrets: Pics From Declassified Military Docs 


See more at: 

Frost's Flying Discus 

Avro Canada hired John "Jack" Frost in 1947, tapping the 32-year-old for a program to develop a supersonic aircraft called the Avro Arrow. While working on the Arrow program, Frost conducted experiments in the Avro labs on the way airflow tends to stick to gently curved surfaces, a phenomenon called the Coanda effect. The results showed that engine exhaust could be routed across the fuselage to the area just beneath a saucer, where it would form a cushion of air on which the craft could hover. Palmiro Campagna, an author and engineer with the Canadian Department of National Defence, wrote a book about Avro, Requiem for a Giant. "Frost believed that the Germans had developed some form of flying saucer—like aircraft," he says. "Part of that belief stemmed from stories and newspaper articles that appeared back in the 1950s." 

The stories turned out to be bogus, but to Frost they seemed reasonable. During World War II, Hitler's engineers had outpaced the Allies in developing ballistic rockets and jet airplanes, and those advances had become spoils of war exploited by both the Soviet Union and the United States. Frost worried that equally important flying-disc technology could have been secreted away by Moscow. "He didn't want North Americans to lag behind," Campagna says. 

After Frost talked up the results of his lab research to Omond Solandt, the head of the Canadian Defence Research Board, the government official introduced him to decision-makers in the Pentagon. Then, as now, the big money in military contracting was in the United States. 

The American military was seeking a supersonic aircraft that could take off from primitive airfields to intercept Soviet long-range bombers. By 1955, the United States was ready to fund a million-dollar feasibility study. Aviation historians say they aren't surprised that the concept, which seems outlandish today, had proponents at the time. "The flying saucer configuration offers benefits," says Russell E. Lee, a curator at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. "It's totally symmetrical, so in theory it should be omnidirectional—if you can figure out how to redirect thrust in an instantaneous and efficient manner. Putting myself in the shoes of the designers in the early '50s, I would think it would be a viable candidate for further investigation." 

Frost's design was detailed in a 117-page report—the same document that ultimately was unearthed by the NDC. The proposed craft featured a central turbine, called a turborotor, powered by six turbojet engines. The turborotor sucked in air that was directed through the body of the aircraft. The exhaust exited from vents placed along the circumference of the aluminum saucer; vanes and shutters directed the exhaust toward the ground to hover. 

The engineers predicted that the 20,000 pounds of thrust produced by the jets' exhaust could be directed downward all around the disc's perimeter. "This jet-around-wing configuration produces a powerful take-off ground cushion so that the lift on the aircraft is increased to possibly 30,000 lb.," the report says, "and the aircraft rises to about 20 feet." Once in the air, the saucer's pilot would reroute the exhaust to one side of the craft to move laterally. The documents reveal the extravagantly rose-colored aspirations of the researchers. Frost predicted the saucer would travel at Mach 4 with "a ceiling of over 100,000 feet and a maximum range ... of about 1000 nautical miles." 

The Air Force and Army agreed to fund prototypes, and Avro had Frost set up a secret facility for construction and testing. The special projects group (SPG) was located at the Avro plant in Malton, Ontario, northwest of Toronto. Avro Canada, which employed 14,000 people at its height, spread its operations over several large buildings, empty lots, and aircraft hangars. (Today the location is adjacent to Toronto's Pearson International Airport.) Frank Harvey, current president of the Aerospace Heritage Foundation of Canada, worked on an Avro aircraft assembly line from 1956 to 1959. He was not part of SPG and recalls wondering what was going on within its walls. "Very few people got in there," he says. "If you walked anywhere near, there were security guards." 

The precautions were well-founded. Soviet-era notes from a KGB major named Vasili Mitrokhin confirm that a spy did in fact operate at the Avro facility, seeking information on the Arrow program. Campagna says the Royal Canadian Mounted Police discovered the spy's identity but never disclosed the name. 

Source: Popular Mechanics - See more at:

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For decades, the industry kept scientists from asking: Does sugar kill? 

ON A BRISK SPRING Tuesday in 1976, a pair of executives from the Sugar Association stepped up to the podium of a Chicago ballroom to accept the Oscar of the public relations world, the Silver Anvil award for excellence in "the forging of public opinion." The trade group had recently pulled off one of the greatest turnarounds in PR history. For nearly a decade, the sugar industry had been buffeted by crisis after crisis as the media and the public soured on sugar and scientists began to view it as a likely cause of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Industry ads claiming that eating sugar helped you lose weight had been called out by the Federal Trade Commission, and the Food and Drug Administration had launched a review of whether sugar was even safe to eat. Consumption had declined 12 percent in just two years, and producers could see where that trend might lead. As John "JW" Tatem Jr. and Jack O'Connell Jr., the Sugar Association's president and director of public relations, posed that day with their trophies, their smiles only hinted at the coup they'd just pulled off. 

Their winning campaign, crafted with the help of the prestigious public relations firm Carl Byoir & Associates, had been prompted by a poll showing that consumers had come to see sugar as fattening, and that most doctors suspected it might exacerbate, if not cause, heart disease and diabetes. With an initial annual budget of nearly $800,000 ($3.4 million today) collected from the makers of Dixie Crystals, Domino, C&H, Great Western, and other sugar brands, the association recruited a stable of medical and nutritional professionals to allay the public's fears, brought snack and beverage companies into the fold, and bankrolled scientific papers that contributed to a "highly supportive" FDA ruling, which, the Silver Anvil application boasted, made it "unlikely that sugar will be subject to legislative restriction in coming years." 

sugar_toxic.jpgThe story of sugar, as Tatem told it, was one of a harmless product under attack by "opportunists dedicated to exploiting the consuming public." Over the subsequent decades, it would be transformed from what the New York Times in 1977 had deemed "a villain in disguise" into a nutrient so seemingly innocuous that even the American Heart Association and the American Diabetes Association approved it as part of a healthy diet. Research on the suspected links between sugar and chronic disease largely ground to a halt by the late 1980s, and scientists came to view such pursuits as a career dead end. So effective were the Sugar Association's efforts that, to this day, no consensus exists about sugar's potential dangers. The industry's PR campaign corresponded roughly with a significant rise in 
Americans' consumption of "caloric sweeteners," including table sugar (sucrose) and high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS). This increase was accompanied, in turn, by a surge in the chronic diseases increasingly linked to sugar. Since 1970, obesity rates in the United States have more than doubled, while the incidence of diabetes has more than tripled. (The chart below uses sugar "availability" numbers rather than the USDA's speculative new consumption figures.) 


Precisely how did the sugar industry engineer its turnaround? The answer is found in more than 1,500 pages of internal memos, letters, and company board reports we discovered buried in the archives of now-defunct sugar companies as well as in the recently released papers of deceased researchers and consultants who played key roles in the industry's strategy. They show how Big Sugar used Big Tobacco-style tactics to ensure that government agencies would dismiss troubling health claims against their products. Compared to the tobacco companies, which knew for a fact that their wares were deadly and spent billions of dollars trying to cover up that reality, the sugar industry had a relatively easy task. With the jury still out on sugar's health effects, producers simply needed to make sure that the uncertainty lingered. But the goal was the same: to safeguard sales by creating a body of evidence companies could deploy to counter any unfavorable research. 

This decades-long effort to stack the scientific deck is why, today, the USDA's dietary guidelines only speak of sugar in vague generalities. ("Reduce the intake of calories from solid fats and added sugars.") It's why the FDA insists that sugar is "generally recognized as safe" despite considerable evidence suggesting otherwise. It's why some scientists' urgent calls for regulation of sugary products have been dead on arrival, and it's why—absent any federal leadership—New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg felt compelled to propose a ban on oversized sugary drinks that passed in September. 

In fact, a growing body of research suggests that sugar and its nearly chemically identical cousin, HFCS, may very well cause diseases that kill hundreds of thousands of Americans every year, and that these chronic conditions would be far less prevalent if we significantly dialed back our consumption of added sugars. Robert Lustig, a leading authority on pediatric obesity at the University of California-San Francisco (whose arguments Gary explored in a 2011 New York Times Magazine cover story), made this case last February in the prestigious journal Nature. In an article titled "The Toxic Truth About Sugar," Lustig and two colleagues observed that sucrose and HFCS are addictive in much the same way as cigarettes and alcohol, and that overconsumption of them is driving worldwide epidemics of obesity and type 2 diabetes (the type associated with obesity). Sugar-related diseases are costing America around $150 billion a year, the authors estimated, so federal health officials need to step up and consider regulating the stuff. 

The Sugar Association dusted off what has become its stock response: The Lustig paper, it said, "lacks the scientific evidence or consensus" to support its claims, and its authors were irresponsible not to point out that the full body of science "is inconclusive at best." This inconclusiveness, of course, is precisely what the Sugar Association has worked so assiduously to maintain. "In confronting our critics,"Tatem explained to his board of directors back in 1976, "we try never to lose sight of the fact that no confirmed scientific evidence links sugar to the death-dealing diseases. This crucial point is the lifeblood of the association." 

THE SUGAR ASSOCIATION'S earliest incarnation dates back to 1943, when growers and refiners created the Sugar Research Foundation to counter World War II sugar-rationing propaganda—"How Much Sugar Do You Need? None!" declared one government pamphlet. In 1947, producers rechristened their group the Sugar Association and launched a new PR division, Sugar Information Inc., which before long was touting sugar as a "sensible new approach to weight control." In 1968, in the hope of enlisting foreign sugar companies to help defray costs, the Sugar Association spun off its research division as the International Sugar Research Foundation. "Misconceptions concerning the causes of tooth decay, diabetes, and heart problems exist on a worldwide basis," explained a 1969 ISRF recruiting brochure

As early as 1962, internal Sugar Association memos had acknowledged the potential links between sugar and chronic diseases, but at the time sugar executives had a more pressing problem: Weight-conscious Americans were switching in droves to diet sodas—particularly Diet Rite and Tab—sweetened with cyclamate and saccharin. From 1963 through 1968, diet soda's share of the soft-drink market shot from 4 percent to 15 percent. "A dollar's worth of sugar," ISRF vice president and research director John Hickson warned in an internal review, "could be replaced with a dime's worth" of sugar alternatives. "If anyone can undersell you nine cents out of 10," Hickson told the New York Times in 1969, "you'd better find some brickbat you can throw at him." 

By then, the sugar industry had doled out more than $600,000 (about $4 million today) to study every conceivable harmful effect of cyclamate sweeteners, which are still sold around the world under names like Sugar Twin and Sucaryl. In 1969, the FDA banned cyclamates in the United States based on a study suggesting they could cause bladder cancer in rats. Not long after, Hickson left the ISRF to work for the Cigar Research Council. He was described in a confidential tobacco industry memo as a "supreme scientific politician who had been successful in condemning cyclamates, on behalf of the [sugar industry], on somewhat shaky evidence." It later emerged that the evidence suggesting that cyclamates caused cancer in rodents was not relevant to humans, but by then the case was officially closed. In 1977, saccharin, too, was nearly banned on the basis of animal results that would turn out to be meaningless in people. 

Meanwhile, researchers had been reporting that blood lipids—cholesterol and triglycerides in particular—were a risk factor in heart disease. Some people had high cholesterol but normal triglycerides, prompting health experts to recommend that they avoid animal fats. Other people were deemed "carbohydrate sensitive," with normal cholesterol but markedly increased triglyceride levels. In these individuals, even moderate sugar consumption could cause a spike in triglycerides. John Yudkin, the United Kingdom's leading nutritionist, was making headlines with claims that sugar, not fat, was the primary cause of heart disease. 

In 1967, the Sugar Association's research division began considering "the rising tide of implications of sucrose in atherosclerosis." Before long, according to a confidential 1970 review of industry-funded studies, the newly formed ISRF was spending 10 percent of its research budget on the link between diet and heart disease. Hickson, the ISRF's vice president, urged his member corporations to keep the results of the review under wraps. Of particular concern was the work of a University of Pennsylvania researcher on "sucrose sensitivity," which sugar executives feared was "likely to reveal evidence of harmful effects." One ISRF consultant recommended that sugar companies get to the truth of the matter by sponsoring a full-on study. In what would become a pattern, the ISRF opted not to follow his advice. Another ISRF-sponsored study, by biochemist Walter Pover of the University of Birmingham, in England, had uncovered a possible mechanism to explain how sugar raises triglyceride levels. Pover believed he was on the verge of demonstrating this mechanism "conclusively" and that 18 more weeks of work would nail it down. But instead of providing the funds, the ISRF nixed the project, assessing its value as "nil." 

The industry followed a similar strategy when it came to diabetes. By 1973, links between sugar, diabetes, and heart disease were sufficiently troubling that Sen. George McGovern of South Dakota convened a hearing of his Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs to address the issue. An international panel of experts—including Yudkin and Walter Mertz, head of the Human Nutrition Institute at the Department of Agriculture—testified that variations in sugar consumption were the best explanation for the differences in diabetes rates between populations, and that research by the USDA and others supported the notion that eating too much sugar promotes dramatic population-wide increases in the disease. One panelist, South African diabetes specialist George Campbell, suggested that anything more than 70 pounds per person per year—about half of what is sold in America today—would spark epidemics. 

In the face of such hostile news from independent scientists, the ISRF hosted its own conference the following March, focusing exclusively on the work of researchers who were skeptical of a sugar/diabetes connection. "All those present agreed that a large amount of research is still necessary before a firm conclusion can be arrived at," according to a conference review published in a prominent diabetes journal. In 1975, the foundation reconvened in Montreal to discuss research priorities with its consulting scientists. Sales were sinking, Tatem reminded the gathered sugar execs, and a major factor was "the impact of consumer advocates who link sugar consumption with certain diseases." 

Following the Montreal conference, the ISRF disseminated a memo quoting Errol Marliss, a University of Toronto diabetes specialist, recommending that the industry pursue "well-designed research programs" to establish sugar's role in the course of diabetes and other diseases. "Such research programs might produce an answer that sucrose is bad in certain individuals," he warned. But the studies "should be undertaken in a sufficiently comprehensive way as to produce results. A gesture rather than full support is unlikely to produce the sought-after answers." 

A gesture, however, is what the industry would offer. Rather than approve a serious investigation of the purported links between sucrose and disease, American sugar companies quit supporting the ISRF's research projects. Instead, via the Sugar Association proper, they would spend roughly $655,000 between 1975 and 1980 on 17 studies designed, as internal documents put it, "to maintain research as a main prop of the industry's defense." Each proposal was vetted by a panel of industry-friendly scientists and a second committee staffed by representatives from sugar companies and "contributing research members" such as Coca-Cola, Hershey's, General Mills, and Nabisco. Most of the cash was awarded to researchers whose studies seemed explicitly designed to exonerate sugar. One even proposed to explore whether sugar could be shown to boost serotonin levels in rats' brains, and thus "prove of therapeutic value, as in the relief of depression," an internal document noted

At best, the studies seemed a token effort. Harvard Medical School professor Ron Arky, for example, received money from the Sugar Association to determine whether sucrose has a different effect on blood sugar and other diabetes indicators if eaten alongside complex carbohydrates like pectin and psyllium. The project went nowhere, Arky told us recently. But the Sugar Association "didn't care." 

In short, rather than do definitive research to learn the truth about its product, good or bad, the association stuck to a PR scheme designed to "establish with the broadest possible audience—virtually everyone is a consumer—the safety of sugar as a food." One of its first acts was to establish a Food & Nutrition Advisory Council consisting of a half-dozen physicians and two dentists willing to defend sugar's place in a healthy diet, and set aside roughly $60,000 per year (more than $220,000 today) to cover its cost

Working to the industry's recruiting advantage was the rising notion that cholesterol and dietary fat—especially saturated fat—were the likely causes of heart disease. (Tatem even suggested, in a letter to the Times Magazine, that some "sugar critics" were motivated merely by wanting "to keep the heat off saturated fats.") This was the brainchild of nutritionist Ancel Keys, whose University of Minnesota laboratory had received financial support from the sugar industry as early as 1944. From the 1950s through the 1980s, Keys remained the most outspoken proponent of the fat hypothesis, often clashing publicly with Yudkin, the most vocal supporter of the sugar hypothesis—the two men "shared a good deal of loathing," recalled one of Yudkin's colleagues. 

So when the Sugar Association needed a heart disease expert for its Food & Nutrition Advisory Council, it approached Francisco Grande, one of Keys' closest colleagues. Another panelist was University of Oregon nutritionist William Connor, the leading purveyor of the notion that it is dietary cholesterol that causes heart disease. As its top diabetes expert, the industry recruited Edwin Bierman of the University of Washington, who believed that diabetics need not pay strict attention to their sugar intake so long as they maintained a healthy weight by burning off the calories they consumed. Bierman also professed an apparently unconditional faith that it was dietary fat (and being fat) that caused heart disease, with sugar having no meaningful effect. 

It is hard to overestimate Bierman's role in shifting the diabetes conversation away from sugar. It was primarily Bierman who convinced the American Diabetes Association to liberalize the amount of carbohydrates (including sugar) it recommended in the diets of diabetics, and focus more on urging diabetics to lower their fat intake, since diabetics are particularly likely to die from heart disease. Bierman also presented industry-funded studies when he coauthored a section on potential causes for a National Commission on Diabetes report in 1976; the document influences the federal diabetes research agenda to this day. Some researchers, he acknowledged, had "argued eloquently" that consumption of refined carbohydrates (such as sugar) is a precipitating factor in diabetes. But then Bierman cited five studies—two of them bankrolled by the ISRF—that were "inconsistent" with that hypothesis. "A review of all available laboratory and epidemiologic evidence," he concluded, "suggests that the most important dietary factor in increasing the risk of diabetes is total calorie intake, irrespective of source." 

The point man on the industry's food and nutrition panel was Frederick Stare, founder and chairman of the department of nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health. Stare and his department had a long history of ties to Big Sugar. An ISRF internal research review credited the sugar industry with funding some 30 papers in his department from 1952 through 1956 alone. In 1960, the department broke ground on a new $5 million building funded largely by private donations, including a $1 million gift from General Foods, the maker of Kool-Aid and Tang. 

By the early 1970s, Stare ranked among the industry's most reliable advocates, testifying in Congress about the wholesomeness of sugar even as his department kept raking in funding from sugar producers and food and beverage giants such as Carnation, Coca-Cola, Gerber, Kellogg, and Oscar Mayer. His name also appears in tobacco documents, which show that he procured industry funding for a study aimed at exonerating cigarettes as a cause of heart disease. 

The first act of the Food & Nutrition Advisory Council was to compile "Sugar in the Diet of Man," an 88-page white paper edited by Stare and published in 1975 to "organize existing scientific facts concerning sugar." It was a compilation of historical evidence and arguments that sugar companies could use to counter the claims of Yudkin, Stare's Harvard colleague Jean Mayer, and other researchers whom Tatem called "enemies of sugar." The document was sent to reporters—the Sugar Association circulated 25,000 copies—along with a press release headlined "Scientists dispel sugar fears." The report neglected to mention that it was funded by the sugar industry, but internal documents confirm that it was

The Sugar Association also relied on Stare to take its message to the people: "Place Dr. Stare on the AM America Show" and "Do a 3 ½ minute interview with Dr. Stare for 200 radio stations," note the association's meeting minutes. Using Stare as a proxy, internal documents explained, would help the association "make friends with the networks" and "keep the sugar industry in the background." By the time Stare's copious conflicts of interest were finally revealed—in "Professors on the Take," a 1976 exposé by the Center for Science in the Public Interest—Big Sugar no longer needed his assistance. The industry could turn to an FDA document to continue where he'd left off. 

While Stare and his colleagues had been drafting "Sugar in the Diet of Man," the FDA was launching its first review of whether sugar was, in the official jargon, generally recognized as safe (GRAS), part of a series of food-additive reviews the Nixon administration had requested of the agency. The FDA subcontracted the task to the Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology, which created an 11-member committee to vet hundreds of food additives from acacia to zinc sulfate. While the mission of the GRAS committee was to conduct unbiased reviews of the existing science for each additive, it was led by biochemist George W. Irving Jr., who had previously served two years as chairman of the scientific advisory board of the International Sugar Research Foundation. Industry documents show that another committee member, Samuel Fomon, had received sugar-industry funding for three of the five years prior to the sugar review. 

The FDA's instructions were clear: To label a substance as a potential health hazard, there had to be "credible evidence of, or reasonable grounds to suspect, adverse biological effects"—which certainly existed for sugar at the time. But the GRAS committee's review would depend heavily on "Sugar in the Diet of Man" and other work by its authors. In the section on heart disease, committee members cited 14 studies whose results were "conflicting," but 6 of those bore industry fingerprints, including Francisco Grande's chapter from "Sugar in the Diet of Man" and 5 others that came from Grande's lab or were otherwise funded by the sugar industry. 

The diabetes chapter of the review acknowledged studies suggesting that "long term consumption of sucrose can result in a functional change in the capacity to metabolize carbohydrates and thus lead to diabetes mellitus," but it went on to cite five reports contradicting that notion. All had industry ties, and three were authored by Ed Bierman, including his chapter in "Sugar in the Diet of Man." 

In January 1976, the GRAS committee published its preliminary conclusions, noting that while sugar probably contributed to tooth decay, it was not a "hazard to the public." The draft review dismissed the diabetes link as "circumstantial" and called the connection to cardiovascular disease "less than clear," with fat playing a greater role. The only cautionary note, besides cavities, was that all bets were off if sugar consumption were to increase significantly. The committee then thanked the Sugar Association for contributing "information and data." (Tatem would later remark that while he was "proud of the credit line...we would probably be better off without it.") 

The committee's perspective was shared by many researchers, but certainly not all. For a public hearing on the draft review, scientists from the USDA's Carbohydrate Nutrition Laboratory submitted what they considered "abundant evidence that sucrose is one of the dietary factors responsible for obesity, diabetes, and heart disease." As they later explained in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, some portion of the public—perhaps 15 million Americans at that time—clearly could not tolerate a diet rich in sugar and other carbohydrates. Sugar consumption, they said, should come down by "a minimum of 60 percent," and the government should launch a national campaign "to inform the populace of the hazards of excessive sugar consumption." But the committee stood by its conclusions in the final version of its report presented to the FDA in October 1976. 

For the sugar industry, the report was gospel. The findings "should be memorized" by the staff of every company associated with the sugar industry, Tatem told his membership. "In the long run," he said, the document "cannot be sidetracked, and you may be sure we will push its exposure to all corners of the country." 

The association promptly produced an ad for newspapers and magazines exclaiming "Sugar is Safe!" It "does not cause death-dealing diseases," the ad declared, and "there is no substantiated scientific evidence indicating that sugar causes diabetes, heart disease or any other malady...The next time you hear a promoter attacking sugar, beware the ripoff. Remember he can't substantiate his charges. Ask yourself what he's promoting or what he is seeking to cover up. If you get a chance, ask him about the GRAS Review Report. Odds are you won't get an answer. Nothing stings a nutritional liar like scientific facts." 

THE SUGAR ASSOCIATION WOULD SOON get its chance to put the committee's sugar review to the test. In 1977, McGovern's select committee—the one that had held the 1973 hearings on sugar and diabetes—blindsided the industry with a report titled "Dietary Goals for the United States," recommending that Americans lower their sugar intake by 40 percent(PDF). The association "hammered away" at the McGovern report using the GRAS review "as our scientific Bible," Tatem told sugar executives

McGovern held fast, but Big Sugar would prevail in the end. In 1980, when the USDA first published its own set of dietary guidelines, it relied heavily on a review written for the American Society of Clinical Nutrition by none other than Bierman, who used the GRAS committee's findings to bolster his own. "Contrary to widespread opinion, too much sugar does not seem to cause diabetes," the USDA guidelines concluded. They went on to counsel that people should "avoid too much sugar," without bothering to explain what that meant. 

In 1982, the FDA once again took up the GRAS committee's conclusion that sugar was safe, proposing to make it official. The announcement resulted in a swarm of public criticism, prompting the agency to reopen its case. Four years later, an agency task force concluded, again leaning on industry-sponsored studies, that "there is no conclusive evidence...that demonstrates a hazard to the general public when sugars are consumed at the levels that are now current." (Walter Glinsmann, the task force's lead administrator, would later become a consultant to the Corn Refiners Association, which represents producers of high-fructose corn syrup.) 

The USDA, meanwhile, had updated its own dietary guidelines. With Fred Stare now on the advisory committee, the 1985 guidelines retained the previous edition's vague recommendation to "avoid too much" sugar but stated unambiguously that "too much sugar in your diet does not cause diabetes." At the time, the USDA's own Carbohydrate Nutrition Laboratory was still generating evidence to the contrary and supporting the notion that "even low sucrose intake" might be contributing to heart disease in 10 percent of Americans. 

By the early 1990s, the USDA's research into sugar's health effects had ceased, and the FDA's take on sugar had become conventional wisdom, influencing a generation's worth of key publications on diet and health. Reports from the surgeon general and the National Academy of Sciences repeated the mantra that the evidence linking sugar to chronic disease was inconclusive, and then went on to equate "inconclusive" with "nonexistent." They also ignored a crucial caveat: The FDA reviewers had deemed added sugars—those in excess of what occurs naturally in our diets—safe at "current" 1986 consumption levels. But the FDA's consumption estimate was 43 percent lower than that of its sister agency, the USDA. By 1999, the average American would be eating more than double the amount the FDA had deemed safe­—although we have cut back by 13 percent since then. 

ASKED TO COMMENT ON SOME of the documents described in this article, a Sugar Association spokeswoman responded that they are "at this point historical in nature and do not necessarily reflect the current mission or function" of the association. But it is clear enough that the industry still operates behind the scenes to make sure regulators never officially set a limit on the amount of sugar Americans can safely consume. The authors of the 2010 USDA dietary guidelines, for instance, cited two scientific reviews as evidence that sugary drinks don't make adults fat. The first was written by Sigrid Gibson, a nutrition consultant whose clients included the Sugar Bureau (England's version of the Sugar Association) and the World Sugar Research Organization (formerly the ISRF). The second review was authored by Carrie Ruxton, who served as research manager of the Sugar Bureau from 1995 to 2000. 

The Sugar Association has also worked its connections to assure that the government panels making dietary recommendations—the USDA's Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, for instance—include researchers sympathetic to its position. One internal newsletter boasted in 2003 that for the USDA panel, the association had "worked diligently to achieve the nomination of another expert wholly through third-party endorsements." 

In the few instances when governmental authorities have sought to reduce people's sugar consumption, the industry has attacked openly. In 2003, after an expert panel convened by the World Health Organization recommended that no more than 10 percent of all calories in people's diets should come from added sugars—nearly 40 percent less than the USDA's estimate for the average American—current Sugar Association president Andrew Briscoe wrote the WHO's director general warning that the association would "exercise every avenue available to expose the dubious nature" of the report and urge "congressional appropriators to challenge future funding" for the WHO. Larry Craig (R-Idaho, sugar beets) and John Breaux (D-La., sugarcane), then co-chairs of the Senate Sweetener Caucus, wrote a letter to Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson, urging his "prompt and favorable attention" to prevent the report from becoming official WHO policy. (Craig had received more than $36,000 in sugar industry contributions in the previous election cycle.) Thompson's people responded with a 28-page letter detailing "where the US Government's policy recommendations and interpretation of the science differ" with the WHO report. Not surprisingly, the organization left its experts' recommendation on sugar intake out of its official dietary strategy

In recent years the scientific tide has begun to turn against sugar. Despite the industry's best efforts, researchers and public health authorities have come to accept that the primary risk factor for both heart disease and type 2 diabetes is a condition called metabolic syndrome, which now affects more than 75 million Americans, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Metabolic syndrome is characterized by a cluster of abnormalities—some of which Yudkin and others associated with sugar almost 50 years ago—including weight gain, increased insulin levels, and elevated triglycerides. It also has been linked to cancer and Alzheimer's disease. "Scientists have now established causation," Lustig said recently. "Sugar causes metabolic syndrome." 

Newer studies from the University of California-Davis have even reported that LDL cholesterol, the classic risk factor for heart disease, can be raised significantly in just two weeksby drinking sugary beverages at a rate well within the upper range of what Americans consume—four 12-ounce glasses a day of beverages like soda, Snapple, or Red Bull. The result is a new wave of researchers coming out publicly against Big Sugar. 

During the battle over the 2005 USDA guidelines, an internal Sugar Association newsletter described its strategy toward anyone who had the temerity to link sugar consumption with chronic disease and premature death: "Any disparagement of sugar," it read, "will be met with forceful, strategic public comments and the supporting science." But since the latest science is anything but supportive of the industry, what happens next? 

"At present," Lustig ventures, "they have absolutely no reason to alter any of their practices. The science is in—the medical and economic problems with excessive sugar consumption are clear. But the industry is going to fight tooth and nail to prevent that science from translating into public policy." 

Like the tobacco industry before it, the sugar industry may be facing the inexorable exposure of its product as a killer—science will ultimately settle the matter one way or the other—but as Big Tobacco learned a long time ago, even the inexorable can be held up for a very long time. 

Gary Taubes, author of the 2011 best-seller Why We Get Fat, has written for Discover, Science, and the New York Times Magazine. He is currently writing a book about sugar. 

Cristin Kearns Couzens took a two-year break from her career in dental health administration to pursue independent research on the sugar industry. 

Source: AlterNet - See more at:

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7 Health Benefits Of Hemp.

hemp-seeds.jpg?width=150Hemp is a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant. It is not the same as marijuana, as it does not contain the high levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the active ingredient that produces a high. Hemp has many industrial uses, but you can also obtain many health benefits from it by adding the seeds to your diet. 

Hemp can provide you with a complete protein, and a balanced ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids. It also contains many B vitamins, vitamins A, D and E, calcium, sodium, iron and dietary fiber. Hence, hemp seeds can supply you with all your dietary needs for optimum health. 

1. A Healthy Heart 

The essential fatty acids contained in hemp can reduce blood cholesterol to prevent plaque buildup in the arteries. Plaque buildup can contribute to atherosclerosis, which is the hardening of the arteries and eventually can cause heart attacks and stroke. The fatty acids help to reduce inflammation that can cause poor blood circulation and high blood pressure. Therefore hemp can reduce the workload of the heart, and as a result helps to prevent heart disease and stroke. 

2. A Healthy Mind 

Your brain contains lot of the same essential fatty acids which are found in hemp. Therefore, hemp can help to improve your memory, and prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Hemp seeds can also help to improve your moods, alleviate symptoms of depression and reduce anxiety and stress levels. 

3. Healthy Skin 

Hemp oil is often used for cosmetic purposes in products such as soaps, skin lotions and lip balms. This is because the oil helps to penetrate into the layers of the skin to promote new cell growth for a softer and smoother skin. Hemp can also help to clear up skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and dry skin. 

4. Weight Loss 

Hemp is a natural appetite suppressant, and helps you to feel full longer. Adding 4 tablespoons of hemp seeds to your breakfast can help to reduce your food cravings for the rest of the day. On top of that you will have lots of energy for exercise and other activities to help you lose weight. 

5. Digestive Disorders 

The high amount of fiber that is contained in hemp seeds can help to keep your digestive tract clean and healthy. As a result you can eliminate digestive disorders such as bloating and constipation. 

6. Prevent Cancer 

A healthy digestive system along with the antioxidants and plant sterols contained in hemp can help to reduce your risk of breast, colon and prostate cancers. 

7. Diabetes 

Hemp seeds are also essential if you are diabetic, or are at risk for diabetes, as they can help to control your blood sugar levels. This is due to the healthy fats which help the body to absorb the glucose from the bloodstream and turn it into energy. As a result, energy levels will increase and sweet cravings will decrease. 

Hemp seeds can be added to your smoothies, sprinkled in cereals, salads and dips, or you can substitute them for nuts in your baking. They are also great for making hemp seed milk, for sprouting or to be ground into a meal. 

Source: - See more at:

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(Before It's News) 

Please read, this could save your life..................

"Treasure today--Tomorrow might be too late"
Please send this information to ALL your family & friends, especially those who have kids in the car with them while pumping gas. If this were to happen, they may not be able to get the children out in time.


Shell Oil Comments - A MUST READ!

Safety Alert!
Here are some reasons why we don't allow cell phones in operating areas, propylene oxide handling and storage area, propane, gas and diesel refueling areas.

The Shell Oil Company recently issued a warning after three incidents in which mobile phones (cell phones) ignited fumes during fueling operations

In the first case, the phone was placed on the car's trunk lid during fueling; it rang and the ensuing fire destroyed the car and the gasoline pump.

In the second, an individual suffered severe burns to their face when fumes ignited as they answered a call while refueling their car!

And in the third, an individual suffered burns to the thigh and groin as fumes ignited when the phone, which was in their pocket, rang while they were fueling their car.

You should know that: Mobile Phones can ignite fuel or fumes

Mobile phones that light up when switched on or when they ring release enough energy to provide a spark for ignition

Mobile phones should not be used in filling stations, or when fueling lawn mowers, boat, etc.

Mobile phones should not be used, or should be turned off, around other materials that generate flammable or explosive fumes or dust, (I.e., solvents, chemicals, gases, grain dust, etc...)

TO sum it up, here are the Four Rules for Safe Refueling:

1) Turn off engine
2) Don't smoke

3) Don't use your cell phone - leave it inside the vehicle or turn it off
4) Don't re-enter your vehicle during fueling

Bob Renkes of Petroleum Equipment Institute is working on a campaign to try and make people aware of fires as a result of 'static electricity' at gas pumps. His company has researched 150 cases of these fires.

His results were very surprising:

1) Out of 150 cases, almost all of them were women.

2) Almost all cases involved the person getting back in their vehicle while the nozzle was still pumping gas. When finished, they went back to pull the nozzle out and the fire started, as a result of static.

3) Most had on rubber-soled shoes.

4) Most men never get back in their vehicle until completely finished. This is why they are seldom involved in these types of fires.

5) Don't ever use cell phones when pumping gas

6) It is the vapors that come out of the gas that cause the fire, when connected with static charges.

7) There were 29 fires where the vehicle was re-entered and the nozzle was touched during refueling from a variety of makes and models. Some resulted in extensive damage to the vehicle, to the station, and to the customer.

8) Seventeen fires occurred before, during or immediately after the gas cap was removed and before fueling began.

Mr. Renkes stresses to NEVER get back into your vehicle while filling it with gas.
If you absolutely HAVE to get in your vehicle while the gas is pumping, make sure you get out, close the door TOUCHING THE METAL, before you ever pull the nozzle out. This way the static from your body will be discharged before you ever remove the nozzle.

As I mentioned earlier, The Petroleum Equipment Institute, along with several other companies now, are really trying to make the public aware of this danger.

I ask you to please send this information to ALL your family and friends, especially those who have kids in the car with them while pumping gas. If this were to happen to them, they may not be able to get the children out in time.
Thanks for passing this along.

2kovZn8SUxw NESARA- Restore America - Galactic News

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Big Food Is Making Us Sick 

The Independent reports that small farmers are being challenged by food companies are becoming insanely concentrated: 

Increasingly, a handful of multinationals are tightening their grip on the commodity markets, with potentially dramatic effects for consumers and food producers alike. 


Three companies now account for more than 40 per cent of global coffee sales, eight companies control the supply of cocoa and chocolate, seven control 85 per cent of tea production, five account for 75 per cent of the world banana trade, and the largest six sugar traders account for about two-thirds of world trade, according to the new publication from the Fairtrade Foundation. 

food.jpg*** This is the year “to put the politics of food on the public agenda and find better solutions to the insanity of our broken food system”

More people may be shopping ethically – sales of Fairtrade cocoa grew by more than 20 per cent last year to £153m – but, according to the report, the world’s food system is “dangerously out of control”. 

How is that effecting the safety of our food supply? Reuters notes

Multinational food, drink and alcohol companies are using strategies similar to those employed by the tobacco industry to undermine public health policies, health experts said on Tuesday. 

In an international analysis of involvement by so-called “unhealthy commodity” companies in health policy-making, researchers from Australia, Britain, Brazil and elsewhere said … that through the aggressive marketing of ultra-processed food and drink, multinational companies were now major drivers of the world’s growing epidemic of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes. 

Writing in The Lancet medical journal, the researchers cited industry documents they said revealed how companies seek to shape health legislation and avoid regulation. 

This is done by “building financial and institutional relations” with health professionals, non-governmental organizations and health agencies, distorting research findings, and lobbying politicians to oppose health reforms, they said. 

They cited analysis of published research which found systematic bias from industry funding: articles sponsored exclusively by food and drinks companies were between four and eight times more likely to have conclusions that favored the companies than those not sponsored by them. 

How are giant food manufacturers trying to influence legislation? 

As Waking Times reports, they’re trying to gag all reporting: 

States are adopting laws meant to keep consumers in the dark about where their food comes from. 

Do you have a right to know where that steak on your plate came from? 

Should it be legal to photograph chicken farms and dairy cows

Big Agriculture says you don’t and it shouldn’t. Armies of Big Ag lobbyists are pushing for new state-level laws across the country to keep us all in the dark. Less restrictive versions have been law in some states since the 1980s, but the meat industry has ratcheted up a radical new campaign. 

This wave of “ag-gag” bills would criminalize whistleblowers, investigators, and journalists who expose animal welfare abuses at factory farms and slaughterhouses. Ten states considered “ag-gag” bills last year, and Iowa, Missouri, and Utah approved them. Even more are soon to follow. 

Had these laws been in force, the Humane Society might have been prosecuted for documenting repeated animal welfare and food safety violations at Hallmark/Westland, formerly the second-largest supplier of beef to the National School Lunch Program. Cows too sick to walk were being slaughtered and that meat was shipped to our schools, endangering our kids. The investigation led to the largest meat recall in U.S. history. 


Big Ag wants to silence whistleblowers rather than clean up its act. Ag-gag bills are now pending in PennsylvaniaArkansasIndianaNebraska, and New Hampshire. Similar legislation may crop up in North Carolina and Minnesota. 

The bills aren’t identical, but they share common language — sometimes even word-for-word. Some criminalize anyone who even “records an image or sound” from a factory farm. Others mandate that witnesses report abuses within a few hours, which would make it impossible for whistleblowers to secure advice and protection, or for them to document a pattern of abuses. 

Indiana’s version of this cookie-cutter legislation ominously begins with the statement that farmers have the right to “engage in agricultural operations free from the threat of terrorism and interference from unauthorized third persons.” [The Feds are treating people who expose abuse in factory farms as potential terrorists … and the states want the same power.] 

Yet these bills aren’t about violence or terrorism. They’re about truth-telling that’s bad for branding. For these corporations, a “terrorist” is anyone who threatens their profits by exposing inhumane practices that jeopardize consumer health


Ag-gag bills aren’t about silencing journalists and whistleblowers. They’re about curbing consumer access to information at a time when more and more Americans want to know where our food comes from and how it’s produced. 

The problem for corporations is that when people have information, they act on it. During a recent ag-gag hearing in Indiana, one of the nation’s largest egg producers told lawmakers about a recent investigation. After an undercover video was posted online, 50 customers quickly called and stopped buying their eggs. An informed public is the biggest threat to business as usual. 

An informed public is also the biggest threat to these ag-gag bills. In Wyoming, one of the bills has already failed. According to sponsors, it was abandoned in part because of negative publicity. By shining a light on these attempts, we can make sure that the rest fail as well, while protecting the right of consumers to know what they’re buying. 

So what – exactly – are the giant food corporations trying to hide? 

They are fraudulently substituting cheaper – less healthy – food for high-qu.... food. And see this

Indeed, the dairy industry wants to add sweeteners – such as aspartame – to milk without any l...

Food fraud is rampant .. including huge proportions of fish

The bottom line is that collusion between government and big business is dishing up cheap, unhealthy food … just like collusion between D.C. and giant corporations caused the financial crisis, the Fukushima nuclear meltdown, the Gulf oil spill and other major disasters (and see this; and take a peek at number 9). 

For example, the FDA: 

  • Declared fish from Fukushima a-okay after radiation spewed into the ocean

The Department of Agriculture: 

An official U.S. government report finds that Americans ‘are sicker and die younger’ than people in other wealthy nations. There are a number of factors for this sickness … but unhealthy, cheap food is part of it. 

Source: Global Research - See more at:

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