Jose Ignacio Contreras's Posts (317)

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We are in such amazing times RIGHT NOW!!!  All of life is transforming into something so magnificent, so peaceful and so profound it is beyond our imagination!  We are so deeply blessed to be alive and Awakening at this exact time! 

Be sure to notice and cherish every moment and every change!  Reach out to the opportunities that are present to assist you and the world to Awaken from our slumber!!  

Remember to sign up for THE ACTIVATIONS OF AWAKENING being offered on March 23rd.  They are given as a gift to anyone who would like support and acceleration through their Awakening process and in their life.

Please help to serve the world in their Awakening and share the opportunity to receive The Activations of Awakening  with everyone you know!

This is the time we have all awaited!!!

My love to you,

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Guest speaker, Peter spoke on something new he learned about Atlantis…..and more. Allen: Born in Hawaii, now lives in Alb NM, spoke beautifully, and lovingly of the value of being still. (please excuse the mic issues) Then Casper, the reincarnation of our dog, spoke of how some circumstances delayed his reappearance. He will be back. Hatonn told of how the lower energies have interfered with clearing out of some of the old energies. He also spoke of the Galactic Centers and the protection energy that has been in place around the planet at the various sites for the destined centers. …..and more. Horus spoke of the increase of the inner glow of the central sun in Hollow Earth, through Inner earth and on beyond the surface. He spoke of Zorra, Zaraya, and Quasar and their forthcoming entrance into Hollow earth. Then there were questions and sharing, as well as some Mushaba Force info from Anakhanda.
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Thursday, 21 March 2013 15:55

Written by Kerry Cassidy

Hey all, this is not memorex it is Live... disclosure as far as telling people the general outlines of what's going on.  Gordon Duff, a senior editor of Veteran's Today, with a working relationship with the group that used to be known as MJ12... is telling it like it is...

See my previous post for the background on all of this.  If the mainstream isn't paying attention someone needs to get at least one mainstream journalist to listen up.  That's really all we need.  The rest as they say, will be history.

Fun hearing him give the 411 to NASA.. ala Kennedy.  

"This will help NASA mission directors in their defensive responsibilities."

We are talking prep for Blue Beam or so-called alien invasion.  There is a war going on above your heads.  No matter how they characterize it.  They are already here.  But new visitors are coming.  NASA is an agency for defense of the Planet.  That is their charter and always has been.  However, their main public face has been concentrated on becoming a dog and pony show for Rule By Secrecy.

Note:  see my previous article for more info on what is going on and being talked about behind the scenes regarding ET disclosure..

Corbett Report - Pope Francis Poor Human Rights Record


Tune in at Friday nights for Whistleblower Radio with Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot at7pm PDT on Sceptre Radio Network.. LIVE... 

http:// studio-a.html  


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Dear Ones,
We hear your pleas for help in your work raising the consciousness levels around you.
It has been brought to our attention how many of you see the conditions on Gaia as stacked against you, and stacked against change.

We see the problem, as it has existed for centuries.  The Dark Ones have all the money, all the military might, and their influence has filtered down to lower and lower levels of influence, where they have most of the guns, and they use their power against the Lightworkers who are not interested in guns or power, but simply want to live in Love.

As a number of you, including our dear channel, have pointed out, it is a losing battle, inevitably destined to end in complete Darkness if the ones in power are allowed to keep their weapons, for this is the crux of the problem.  As long as they can assassinate anyone who tries to expose them, targeted Lightworkers become the example for what not to do, and the proof that Evil is indeed Power.  This proof that the Dark Ones always win - as they do to some degree when they destroy their opposition - has held sway over the planet for centuries, to our consternation.

It has been argued very forcefully that this system cannot permit Light to overcome the Darkness, as long as the example that children see convinces them that joining up with the Dark Ones is the smartest thing they can do.  Generation after generation has been influenced by this, creating the problem we have now.  The U.S. was established on land stolen from indigenous people by out-gunning them.  The same has been true in Central and South America, and in every other country in the world where there are tyrants and despots who gun down their citizens who protest, and turn over their resources to the U.S cabal for their own profit.

As government services have been privatized, a growing cancer has spread throughout the land.  Prisons-for-profit pay their stockholders handsomely on the profits they accrue by starving their prisoners, using the prisoners to sell slave labor goods, forcing them to buy their own blankets, the only nutritious food available without maggots, and basic toiletries at exorbitant prices from “the company store.”    At that, limits are put on the amount of purchases allowed, regardless of the needs of the prisoners.  And lest you think these are criminals who are getting what they deserve, we can assure you that growing numbers are innocent victims who were set up by the courts to keep the prison beds full and the profits flowing.

Throughout the world, people are learning to emulate these Dark schemes, and the cancer has spread to nearly every country on the planet.  There are those among you who have courageously tried to fight against this monstrous aggrandizement of brutal control in the name of “law and order.” The result has all too frequently ended with the whistleblowers and activists being assassinated, poisoned or killed in a plane crash, usually making it look like “suicide.”  Most of you know that the profile of an activist and freedom-fighter is inconsistent with suicide.  It is just not their way to take themselves out of the fight while they still have the breath to go on.

We know that some of you have felt despair because of the losses you have suffered, and the overwhelming feelings of hopelessness you have begun to feel when your loved ones are taken captive, or perhaps worse yet, brainwashed into joining the Dark forces.  The most outspoken activists among you are used to ridicule and rejection from the families who raised you, but it is never easy to go on without them, without family support or friendship.  We understand that hardship, and your Guides and Masters are making every effort to help place people in your path who will vibrate at the same frequency you do, so you will find solace and comfort in new and productive friendships.

We are taking these considerations into account as we make the plans for Disclosure.  As you know, the plans for Disclosure include intervening to transfer Nesara funds, which we do not consider as interference with your free will, as long as it can be done in such a way that it does not disrupt life severely or cause chaos in your systems such as food distribution.  

Another necessary intervention will be to dismantle the weaponry.  In doing this, we have come to understand that it is not a matter of interfering in anyone’s free will, since anyone who wishes to pick a fight will still be able to do so, and is more likely to learn the lesson of restraint by experiencing real opposition from those who maintain genuine law and order by imposing penalties on those who take advantage of others.  This may take the form of a forceful restraint or a time out, but the aggressor will not be rewarded with greater power over others, and it will provide an even playing field, where Lightworkers are not at a disadvantage simply because they abhor violence. 

And so, our Councils who have waited for the request to come from you, our human children, have heard your pleas.  You have asked for our help, and we will move in your behalf.  The efforts we have been making behind the scenes will be felt directly by those of you who have placed yourselves in positions to make a real difference in this process, and who are ready and able to take action for the greater good.  As you have requested, the pace is quickening, and you will enter a new period of focused activity and cooperative effort.  Our blessings and our gratitude go out to you, Dear Ones.

We are also suggesting to you now that you meditate with an open mind to discover who your twin flame is.  This will give you a lovely feeling of companionship and expectation, for it will not be very long before you will encounter your Twin Flames, most of whom are waiting on the ships for your return.  In the rare cases of more advance old souls who may both be on Earth now helping out, they too will meet on the ships, and what a wonderful Homecoming Day it will be for all of you!  Let me warn you, though.  You may be very surprised at how beautiful and advanced your lightbody Twin Flame seems to you.  I assure you that when you shed this heavy and cumbersome body and the cares and worries that have weighed you down, you will be a sparkling lightbody too.

Perhaps we should explain for those who may not have read our earlier posts.  A Twin Flame is the other half of your soul.  When Mother God births a new soul, we send out a spark of our Selves, and the soul is created.  The new soul then divides into male and female, and their journey of soul development begins.  Because the two Flames are so similar in temperament and energy, it would not be comfortable for them to be closely involved in Earthly relationships.  For this reason, most pairs usually choose to take turns on their forays into incarnation on Gaia or other planets, while the Twin “holds down the fort” by remaining in higher dimensions with Us.  It is a good system, which allows both partners to evolve as individuals while keeping their deep connection with each other in spirit.

For clarification, we should mention that many of you have soulmates who travel with you during your incarnations to help you during your lifetimes here on Gaia.  They are members of your soul family who may incarnate as lovers and friends, cousins and sometimes parents or children, but they are not your Twin Flame.

About a third of the people on Earth at this time are advanced souls who have experienced Ascension in the past and who have worked out many of their karmic challenges.  It may not feel that way to you now, those of you who are reading these messages, but you are accomplished souls, working to elevate the level of vibration you share with your Twin Flame.  So you see, your efforts now benefit both you and your Twin Flame, who will elevate with you, as well as helping the people around you by your example.  We are One, in every way.  

As you and your Twin have progressed in your soul lessons, you incarnated from time to time as the opposite sex, or as a gay person, or as any of the myriad sexual identifications such as a woman who identifies as a man, and so forth.  In this way, you come to understand each other and yourselves in deeper ways.  Eventually, your soul work allows you to come full circle back together to join as One with each other and with Us.  There is no more joyous experience in life than the absolute Love of Twin Flames who find ultimate joy in their complete Union.

This is a Love beyond any love you have experienced in this incarnate form, a feeling beyond words.  It is the complete Unconditional Love which We, Mother/Father God feel for you and for each other.  Open your hearts, our Beloved Ones, prepare yourselves for the exhilarating experience of completion you will feel when you come home to Us, this time in the bodies you possess now, to be renewed and healed, uplifted and rejoicing.  It is a wonderful thing you have to look forward to, Dear Children.  You will gain the experience of all the lifetimes you have lived, and you will never again need to return to the density of 3 dimensions unless you choose to return to help your Brothers and Sisters who have not yet reached the level of Ascension.

It is an exciting time, and you will find each day growing brighter as your powerful Light energy is joined by your Star Brothers and Sisters in the growing wish to complete this Ascension process so you can be together at last.

We look forward with joy,

Your Mother/Father God and all the Legions of Light

Via Kathryn May, March 22, 2013, 8 PM


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(NaturalNews) Last summer, a rural area of southeastern Louisiana known as Assumption Parish was changed forever following the unexpected formation of a giant sinkhole that suddenly appeared one day out of nowhere. This mysterious sinkhole, which was later dubbed the "Great Louisiana Sinkhole," has been gradually gaining in size now for about seven months, and it appears to be picking up speed, having reportedly swallowed up an entire acre of land in just one day, and three acres of land in under a week.

If this is the first time you are hearing about the Great Louisiana Sinkhole, you can thank the mainstream media for keeping the general public in the dark about its existence, and the very serious threat it poses not only to Louisianans but to all of humanity. An apparent product of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster of 2010, this anomalous sinkhole appears to be connected to underground salt domes that are collapsing, releasing toxic gases, oil, and possibly other materials.

In this particular case, degradation of salt domes near Napoleonville in Assumption Parish appear to be responsible for triggering the formation of the Great Louisiana Sinkhole, which has gained considerable size since it first appeared last August. According to the latest estimates, which are constantly changing as the sinkhole expands, more than 12 acres have already been swallowed up, and 20 more are in the process of sinking, with no end in sight.

According to reports, flammable gases like methane are apparently leaking into the sinkhole and bubbling up to the top. A nearby well filled with butane is also threatened by the sinkhole, which is killing trees, plants, and other foliage in the area surrounding the sinkhole. You can see in the following video clips the size of the sinkhole when it first formed, and how much larger it has become since that time:

1) Here is the sinkhole as it looked during a helicopter flyover that took place on August 12, 2012:

2) Here is the sinkhole a little more than six months later on March 1, 2013:

3) And here is the sinkhole on March 8, 2013, just a few days after an additional three acres of land collapsed into it in less than a week:

Will the sinkhole and collapsing salt domes trigger an explosion, or possibly destabilize the New Madrid earthquake fault?

Despite the mainstream media's blackout of this very serious situation, truth-seekers from around the world have been closely watching this situation to see what develops. And so far, nothing positive is happening. For months, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal ignored the sinkhole, even after it became clear that locals needed to evacuate the area for their own safety. Only recently did Gov. Jindal acknowledge the sinkhole's existence, and even then had nothing reassuring to say about how it might be mitigated.

And this is exactly why the situation is so disturbing -- at this point, due to the current size of the sinkhole and its increasingly exponential rate of growth, it appears as though nothing can truly be done to stop it. And based on a sharp uptick in seismic activity throughout the area in recent days, some experts believe an explosion is imminent, or perhaps the complete destabilization of the New Madrid Fault Line, which could result in a major earthquake stemming from the area where Arkansas, Missouri, and Tennessee all meet one another.

For up-to-the-minute information about the status of the sinkhole from people on the ground in the area, you can check out the "Bayou Corne Sinkhole" Facebook pa:

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Staff Reporter India Daily
New Delhi is in the middle of a big secret internal debate. On one side the largest democracy of the world is eager to explain to its citizens and to the world about the ongoing contacts with the UFOs and extra-terrestrials. On the other hand there are invisible untold international protocols that prohibit doing anything that may cause worldwide fear and panic.
It is well accepted between the UFO and extra-terrestrial experts that all the five nuclear powers are in contact with the beings from other stars for quite some time. Recently India has seen enormous news on UFO contacts and secret UFO bases in Himalayas near the Chinese bases. In Ladak, for example the locals clearly point out the everyday phenomenon of large triangular spacecrafts coming out below the ground and Indian security forces protecting them.
Military officials and politicians have confessed the fact that India has been contacted. India has been told the rules of the Universe.
The current debate is on whether to keep it secret like other countries are doing or in tradition of a total transparent society come out and tell the truth. India is so open and democratic; it is very difficult to keep a secret for long. The biggest concern of the Government today is that unlike in other countries, it will be very difficult to keep it secret for long. If the information comes out through unofficial channels first and then the authorities are pressed against the wall to confess, two bad things can happen. First, it can really cause a panic in the country as well as the world. Second, the way the Indian politics is run, the ruling party will be thrown out of power in no time i it is ever found that the Government withheld such information from the public.
The recent rush of world leaders to India is remarkable. Starting from Russian President Putin to major Senators from America have visited or are planning to visit India. European Union is in deep discussion with India on cooperation. All sanctions against India's nuclear programs and Indian Space Research Organization are in the process of being lifted. India is cooperating with Europeans and the Americans in space explorations and technology research program. India is also part of World Trade Organization. India is receiving major outsourcing contracts in IT and call-center service work from America and Europe. India's Forex reserve is at a level never imagined before because of international direct investments from Western nations, Japan, Korea and others. Interestingly, China the arc rival of India changed its posture in the last few years to make India's friendship and trade a priority. India is slowly getting to the point when it is accepted as a permanent member of the Security Council. All the five Security Council members China, America, Russia, France and UK support India's inclusion.
When all these factors are added together and analyzed, it seems like India is being told by the world to abide by the hidden protocols and in exchange be recognized as a major emerging superpower.
The debate the country is facing internally is whether to abide by the laws of the world and the Universe to be recognized as a superpower or be truthful to its citizens and the world.
According to sources close to the Government, the UFO contacts is known by quite a few politicians in the opposition and of course by those who are in power.
The military has legitimate concern of not letting the secrets out either.
Recently, India's foreign affairs minister Mr. Natwar Singh came out and said that for India it was not necessary to become a nuclear power. He is a strong supporter of Mrs. Indira Gandhi, India's former Prime Minister who initiated the nuclear program in the mid sixties. India first exploded a nuclear device in Pokhran in early seventies. The whole country including people from his own party questioned Mr. Singh for such an irresponsible statement. But on analyzing his statements, it is evident, that based on what he knows now, being a nuclear power really does not matter much because the technologies controlled by the extra-terrestrials are so advanced that all our technologies mean really nothing. But importantly he may be irritated with this controversial ongoing secret debate and what he really meant was that if India was not a nuclear power, the debate on UFO and extra-terrestrials will never be there in India.
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The federal government has once again been exposed for lying about the safety of the infamous swine flu vaccine, also known as H1N1. According to a new study published in the journal The Lancet, people who received the swine flu vaccine during the 2009-2010 pandemic hoax were at an elevated risk of developing a potentially-deadly paralysis disorder known as Guillain-Barre syndrome, or GBS. 

Based on data collected from six different adverse event reporting systems, including the core vaccine safety datalink and several new surveillance systems created by Medicare and the U.S. Department of Defense and Veterans Affairs, researchers found that among the 23 million people who were vaccinated during the scare, an additional 1.6 cases of GBS were observed per one million people vaccinated. 

According to statistics presented by, one in 100,000 people is said to develop GBS, which is a relatively small amount overall. But the widespread issuance of the H1N1 vaccine was responsible for triggering an additional 77 reported cases of the autoimmune disorder, some of which manifested up to 91 days after individuals received the vaccine. 

The findings contrast sharply with false reassurances made back in 2009 by many so-called medical experts. Dr. Paul A. Offit, the infamous "vaccine expert" who outspokenly believes children can safely receive 10,000 vaccinations at once without issue, is quoted in a 2009 article in The New York Times (NYT) as doubting any link between the swine flu vaccine and GBS.

But the numbers speak for themselves, and they more than likely represent just a small fraction of the total number of vaccine injuries caused by the swine flu vaccine. After all, adverse event reporting systems are believed to represent as few as one percent of the total number of vaccine injuries that actually occur, the vast majority of which never get reported. 

Nearly every single flu shot study used to justify phony approval of H1N1 vaccine flawed, says doctor 

As many readers will recall, the H1N1 vaccine was never properly safety tested in the first place. Health authorities claimed that existing studies on flu shots were enough to validate the safety and effectiveness of the swine flu shot, even though it contains a unique blend of viral components and adjuvants that differs from the annual flu shot. 

But as explained by Dr. Thomas Jefferson, coordinator for the Cochrane Vaccine Field in Rome, Italy, most of the existing flu studies are flawed. According to information presented by truth-seeker Gary Null, a mere five percent of vaccine studies are reliable, and the other 95 percent do not hold water. 

"This should not come as a great surprise; even CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) officials were forced to confess that 'influenza vaccines are still among the least effective immunizing agents available, and this seems to be particularly true for elderly recipients,'" explains Null in an article on the subject published earlier this year. (

That was confirmed recently by the CDC itself, which admitted that annual flu shots provide little or no protection for people over 65 years of age, which is the primary target group for the vaccine. And a CDC study released several years ago made plain the fact that fewer than two percent of people in general derive any real protection from flu shots, while many more suffer serious and potentially life-threatening side effects. (

Sources for this article include: 


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(Before It's News)


Just received a call from a highly agitated bank manager who stated that within 60 days, banks will be greatly reducing their hours, days of operation, amount of withdrawals and a requirement to fill out "paperwork" if the amount is questioned by bank officials. Unless the form is completed, money will not be disbursed. What really irritated this manager is that after hearing our statements on the air, and receiving years of assurance that our positions and contacts were so much bravo sierra, now he hears from corporate people that it is apparently true after all. He said, "screw them, grab the money while you can." The parameters given were banks open two days a week for four to five hours with below minimum staffs, increased security and greatly reduced amounts of actual cash in the vault. Amount of withdrawal will be held to $500-2000 per day per customer account--not customer. So my account could only have either my wife or I withdraw, not both. That level could change at ANY time. There is no plan (at least known) for automatic confiscation from accounts--yet, and he said that the banks hold the "ownership" authority and final disposition of any items found in safety deposit boxes. (surprise, surprise!) Withholding mortgage payments could result in expedited (30) day foreclosures and 15 day Sheriff's locks on your front door. 
The Federal Reserve could and will initiate other more draconian restrictions on all aspects of "private" banking and access to any property held by banks. It could include forfeiture of your primary (paid for) residence if your summer cottage has a mortgage and you fail to pony up to keeping it current or any forthcoming restrictions on your accounts.
Clearly, the only option is to close accounts or only keep funds that can be paid instantly to keep electric, water, or other critical accounts paid. Cash will be drying up---so, unless people hold precious metals, bullets (the new currency) or medicines, etc., you are screwed. Barter will be king. As the Colonel said yesterday, "the universe is contracting into the black hole. There is no way to escape its pull." (Political/economic/social order black hole) Received at 1545 hours
20 March 2013
The Lawman

Mar 20, 2013

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Dying veteran to Bush, Cheney: Day of Reckoning is coming

Tomas Young, an Army veteran took a bullet in Iraq that confined him to a wheelchair and inspired his vocal opposition to the war.

Tomas Young, an Army veteran took a bullet in Iraq that confined him to a wheelchair and inspired his vocal opposition to the war.
Wed Mar 20, 2013 7:32PM
From Tomas Young, a Known Veteran

My day of reckoning is upon me. Yours will come. I hope you will be put on trial. But mostly I hope, for your sakes, that you find the moral courage to face what you have done to me and to many, many others who deserved to live.

Related Interviews:
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I write this letter on the 10th anniversary of the Iraq War on behalf of my fellow Iraq War veterans. I write this letter on behalf of the 4,488 soldiers and Marines who died in Iraq.

I write this letter on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of veterans who have been wounded and on behalf of those whose wounds, physical and psychological, have destroyed their lives.

I am one of those gravely wounded. I was paralyzed in an insurgent ambush in 2004 in Sadr City. My life is coming to an end. I am living under hospice care.

I write this letter on behalf of husbands and wives who have lost spouses, on behalf of children who have lost a parent, on behalf of the fathers and mothers who have lost sons and daughters and on behalf of those who care for the many thousands of my fellow veterans who have brain injuries.

I write this letter on behalf of those veterans whose trauma and self-revulsion for what they have witnessed, endured and done in Iraq have led to suicide and on behalf of the active-duty soldiers and Marines who commit, on average, a suicide a day.

I write this letter on behalf of the some 1 million Iraqi dead and on behalf of the countless Iraqi wounded. I write this letter on behalf of us all-the human detritus your war has left behind, those who will spend their lives in unending pain and grief.

You may evade justice but in our eyes you are each guilty of egregious war crimes, of plunder and, finally, of murder, including the murder of thousands of young Americans-my fellow veterans-whose future you stole.

I write this letter, my last letter, to you, Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney. I write not because I think you grasp the terrible human and moral consequences of your lies, manipulation and thirst for wealth and power.

I write this letter because, before my own death, I want to make it clear that I, and hundreds of thousands of my fellow veterans, along with millions of my fellow citizens, along with hundreds of millions more in Iraq and the Middle East, know fully who you are and what you have done.

Your positions of authority, your millions of dollars of personal wealth, your public relations consultants, your privilege and your power cannot mask the hollowness of your character.

You sent us to fight and die in Iraq after you, Mr. Cheney, dodged the draft in Vietnam, and you, Mr. Bush, went AWOL from your National Guard unit.

Your cowardice and selfishness were established decades ago. You were not willing to risk yourselves for our nation but you sent hundreds of thousands of young men and women to be sacrificed in a senseless war with no more thought than it takes to put out the garbage.

I joined the Army two days after the 9/11 attacks. I joined the Army because our country had been attacked. I wanted to strike back at those who had killed some 3,000 of my fellow citizens.

I did not join the Army to go to Iraq, a country that had no part in the September 2001 attacks and did not pose a threat to its neighbors, much less to the United States.

I did not join the Army to “liberate” Iraqis or to shut down mythical weapons-of-mass-destruction facilities or to implant what you cynically called “democracy” in Baghdad and the Middle East.

I did not join the Army to rebuild Iraq, which at the time you told us could be paid for by Iraq’s oil revenues. Instead, this war has cost the United States over $3 trillion.

I especially did not join the Army to carry out pre-emptive war. Pre-emptive war is illegal under international law. And as a soldier in Iraq I was, I now know, abetting your idiocy and your crimes.

The Iraq War is the largest strategic blunder in U.S. history. It obliterated the balance of power in the Middle East.

On every level-moral, strategic, military and economic-Iraq was a failure. And it was you, Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney, who started this war. It is you who should pay the consequences.

I would not be writing this letter if I had been wounded fighting in Afghanistan against those forces that carried out the attacks of 9/11. Had I been wounded there I would still be miserable because of my physical deterioration and imminent death, but I would at least have the comfort of knowing that my injuries were a consequence of my own decision to defend the country I love.

I would not have to lie in my bed, my body filled with painkillers, my life ebbing away, and deal with the fact that hundreds of thousands of human beings, including children, including myself, were sacrificed by you for little more than the greed of oil companies, for your alliance with the oil sheiks in Saudi Arabia, and your insane visions of empire.

I have, like many other disabled veterans, suffered from the inadequate and often inept care provided by the Veterans Administration.

I have, like many other disabled veterans, come to realize that our mental and physical wounds are of no interest to you, perhaps of no interest to any politician. We were used. We were betrayed. And we have been abandoned.

You, Mr. Bush, make much pretense of being a Christian. But isn’t lying a sin? Isn’t murder a sin? Aren’t theft and selfish ambition sins?

I am not a Christian. But I believe in the Christian ideal. I believe that what you do to the least of your brothers you finally do to yourself, to your own soul.

My day of reckoning is upon me. Yours will come. I hope you will be put on trial. But mostly I hope, for your sakes, that you find the moral courage to face what you have done to me and to many, many others who deserved to live.

I hope that before your time on earth ends, as mine is now ending, you will find the strength of character to stand before the American public and the world, and in particular the Iraqi people, and beg for forgiveness.

Originally posted at Veterans Today

via PressTV – Dying veteran to Bush, Cheney: Day of Reckoning is coming.

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(NaturalNews) A new study has shown that the juice of bitter melon, a commonly eaten vegetable in Asia and Africa, markedly suppresses the growth of pancreatic tumors in mice by disrupting the cancer cells' metabolism of glucose, and literally starving them of the sugar they need to survive.

Bitter melon - Numerous health effects already known

Bitter melon (Momordica charantia) is widely cultivated and eaten across Southeast Asia, Africa, China, Japan, Oceania and even in the Caribbean. It is especially popular among Japanese living in Okinawa, which may help to explain their exceptionally long lifespans. Although eaten for centuries, bitter melon's many health benefits (anti-viral, antioxidant, anti-diabetes) have only recently come to light in Western medicine, with research on its anti-cancer potential sharply accelerating in just the last four years. Bitter melon has now shown activity against cancers of the breast, prostate, colon, liver, stomach and naso-pharynx, as well as leukemia and neuroblastoma. But not until this latest study has it been shown that bitter melon is also cytotoxic to pancreatic cancer - and potently so.

Potent cytotoxicity against all four pancreatic cancer cell lines tested

Researchers at University of Colorado Cancer Center prepared bitter melon juice by simply purchasing the melons (Chinese variety) from a local grocery store, removing pulp and seeds, then using a household juicer. Solids were removed, and the remaining juice was either tested directly on cell cultures, or freeze dried and ground into a fine powder to be used later for feeding to mice.

When tested against cancer cell cultures, bitter melon juice (diluted to just five percent in water) showed remarkable potency in reducing the viability of all four pancreatic cancer cell lines tested. The viability of AsPC-1and Capan-2 cancer cell lines was reduced by 90 percent, while BxPC-3 and MiaPaCa-2 viability was reduced by 98 percent, after 72 hours treatment. The juice was seen to induce programmed cell death (apoptosis) along several different pathways. More importantly, it also activated AMPK, which indicates that it disrupts the cancer cells' metabolism of glucose, literally starving them of the sugar they need to survive.

Bitter melon inhibits pancreatic tumor growth by 64 percent in mice - at doses achievable in humans

To test the effectiveness of the juice in vivo, researchers implanted mice with MiaPaCa-2 human pancreatic cancer cells, and then fed half of them five milligrams daily of the freeze dried juice powder for six weeks. Remarkably, mice fed on the juice powder showed pancreatic tumors 64 percent smaller than the untreated mice, and showed no visible side effects. This level of efficacy is similar to that of the chemo drug most often used for pancreatic cancer, which reduced tumor growth by 52 percent in a different study using the same type of mice and cancer cell line (but after 18 days).

It's worth noting that the five milligram dose of powder given to the mice (which weigh about 13 grams each) translates to about six grams of powder for a 75 kg adult. This is quite close to the 4.8 grams of freeze dried bitter melon powder given to adults daily for three months in a recent study on ameliorating metabolic syndrome (it worked), and this dose was "generally well tolerated" according to the study's researchers.

The discovery that bitter melon starves cancer cells of glucose comes at an interesting time. The disruption of cancer cells' glucose metabolism happens to be Big Pharma's hot new target for chemo drug development. This new study has shown us that nature has already supplied us with a safe and cheap natural medicine that does exactly that.

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Ethan Evers is author of the award-winning medical thriller "The Eden Prescription," in which cutting-edge researchers perfect an effective, all-natural treatment for cancer, only to be hunted down by pharmaceutical interests which will stop at nothing to protect their $80 billion cancer drug cash machine. The Eden Prescription is based on the latest science and draws on real historical events stretching back to the beginning of the "War on Cancer." Ethan has a PhD in Applied Science.

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Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

The first thing on my mind....Steve Beckow: Ellen has been blazing hot in getting the transcript of today’s An Hour with an Angel out, which saves me needing to put out an article by way of preview. What I feel is so newsworthy that would have me “rush to print” is Sanat Kumara’s discussion of what’s so and what’s not so about Pope Francis. 

Sanat tells us that Pope Francis is overlit by his namesake St. Francis and that he’s here to clean up the Vatican. So the clean-up crew has arrived. Yes, Francis is a Jesuit but there too, can we not expect that reformers would go into organizations that need reforming?

So he asks us not to deny Francis the opportunity to do his work but to send him love and get behind him. (Do we not hear echoes of President Obama here?)

He goes on to discuss how we continue to be in the stage of clearing. As lightworkers we’re also clearing for the collective. He says that we’ve increased the number of those who would ascend (if Ascension happened today) from the 30 percent it was in December 2012 to 55 percent now.

As lightworkers we ourselves are “90 percent there” he tells us. Here he switches from talking about numbers to talking about percentage of the process of Ascension completed.

He tells us that Ascension is both gradual and sudden and very individual. There is a gradual build-up and then a “snap” or “jump” and when and how is different for individuals.

He answers the question why so many planets and galaxies are focussed on what happens on Earth. Why? Because we are the first planet that will ascend under the new arrangement in which we preserve the physical body. So we are setting the mold. That also explains why they are taking such care with us. We are the ones who will determine what works in this process and what does not. Altogether a very revealing session from the great being known as “Raj.”

An Hour with an Angel, March 18, 2013, with Sanat Kumara

Graham Dewyea:  Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, and Steve Beckow of the Golden Age of Gaia. It’s a pleasure to be with you.

I’m Graham Dewyea. Our guest today is Sanat Kumara. So, with that, I’ll pass it on to you, Steve.

Steve Beckow:  Thank you, Graham, and Sanat prefers us to call him Raj. For the benefit of our new listeners, Raj is the Planetary Logos, and is known, to all of cultures. To readers of the Old Testament he’s known as the Ancient of Days; to Hindus as Skandha and Subramanya, to Parsees, as Ahura Mazda; to Buddhists, as Dīpankara Buddha; and to Aztecs as Quetzalcoatl.

So welcome, Raj. It’s been a while since we’ve heard from you.

Raj:  And welcome to you! And yes, I do prefer Raj, although many still choose to call me Sanat Kumara. And to tell you the truth, I will answer wherever you call me, and by whatever name.

I bring you golden greetings of joy, of abundant radiance, as your Planetary Logos, as your brother, as your friend. This beautiful planet, Gaia, that I have guided and had the honor of serving, and in many ways of overseeing for so long, goes forward on her journey.

But I do not simply come this day to speak of that, because as the human beings, and as part of this Ascension process, I want you to know that you also go forward. And you go forward along the golden pathway, the pathway of righteousness, the pathway of truth, the pathway of alignment with your divine self.

And it is that divinity that you have carried within you since the very beginning, and that you will carry within you until the very end.

You are doing well, my friends. And you say to me, “Raj, what does that mean?” Well, I do not tend to simply speak euphemistically. If you were doing poorly, if you were off track, if you were taking a detour, guided or not, then I would speak to this.

But individually, particularly to those of you that I address this night, and every night, those who are eager to hear these words, you are progressing towards your journey’s end, or shall I say this phase of your journey, (1) the end of which is the new beginning of being fully and completely anchored in the truth of your multidimensional self.

Now, you know that I will not say “On March 19th, 2013, you will ascend.” But I will say to you, and what I will gladly say to you, if each and every hour, each and every moment of each and every what you think of as your days, you are ascending.

Do you wobble? Do you step back at moments? Do you divert your attention from the truth of who you are and the truth of your journey and pathway? Do you sometimes still doubt or fall into disappointment or anger? Yes.

My goodness! You have not perfected and entered fully into your divine self. That is the process that you are in the middle of. And in fact not even in the middle of, but at the tail end of.

Does this mean, this meaning of Ascension, that you are perfect gods? No. But what it does mean, if you are within the perfection of your sweet self, of your mission and purpose, the totality of your being, the totality of your heart consciousness, the anchoring of your abilities, your qualities, your talents, the fulfillment of your desire to be on Earth, in form, at this time, it was never your plan to be absolutely perfect.

And at the same time what I say to thee, my beautiful friends, if you have never been more perfect.

Now, how is that to start? Welcome.

SB:   Thank you, Raj. And you know how eager I am to hear you speak about Ascension. But I do have to ask you a rather serious and difficult question at the beginning because it’s a matter of much discussion among readers of the blog. And that’s about the new Pope.

One reader writes in that Jorge Mario Bergoglio is accused of a numerous…. — well, this is a paraphrase of what she wrote — numerous human rights abuses and acts of corruption, of representing an order, the Jesuits, that has historically oppressed people and committed crimes against humanity, which this reader says makes the new Pope liable for immediate arrest and sentencing under international law.

Now, of course, everyone is innocent until proven guilty of anything, so I’m certainly not trying to invest the reader’s words with some sort of finality, but would you address the reader’s concerns? And after that we’ll have other questions for you about the Pope.

R:  What I am asking of you, of your hearts and of your beings, is first and foremost to look at the purity of this individual. And it is seldom that we would use these words. Now, has this one been positioned in a country and in a nation, and yes, even in an order where there have been numerous human rights offenses?  Yes.

But when you are also looking and wanting to seek out and try and discern and discredit an individual who has been chosen — is chosen — and I’m not talking about chosen by a college of cardinals, I’m talking about chosen in a much larger sense — and your beginning point is to discredit and pull down this individual, then what you are also doing is, first, you are staying stuck in the old reality of the Third Dimension and you are looking for reasons to anchor there and to anchor him there when that is not where any of you belong.

There is a point to what I say. And perhaps it has been said more eloquently before. There are very few human beings upon the planet who have never done anything that is harmful, cruel, unjust, unkind, unloving and out of alignment with the truth of who they are.

And you say to me, “Oh, Raj, this is ridiculous, what you are saying. This is a matter of degree. We are not talking about someone speaking an unkind word, we are talking about human atrocities.”

And I am telling you that this individual has not been responsible for human atrocities. Has he been affiliated, and in a position where he has been holding the light and shifting the energies? Yes. Has he been in a position where he has been humiliated, where he has humbled himself to serve? Yes.

I am telling you — and this is one of the primary lessons; it is a good place for you to start, Steve; it is one of the primary lessons that Earth and human beings are learning at this juncture. And it is the lessons and the quality, not just the lip service, but the quality of forgiveness.

Not of being blind, not of overlooking what needs to be corrected. I would be the last one to suggest that. But where is the clemency in your heart? Where is your desire to start afresh in a very different reality, where in fact those qualities of atrocity, of abuse, do not exist?

So, what you are saying, inherent in the question, is the same division that has hampered the forward movement of the collective. It is the choice that some can come and some can’t. And that is neither loving or kind, but it is also the antithesis of what the human collective on a soul level has decided.

So your real question is, does this individual, Francis, have the bona fides to assume this position of trust of the papacy, to be the leader of many? And whether you agree with this institution of the Catholic Church and the history of the Catholic Church, and many of the wrongdoings that have been committed in the name of Christ and God and the Holy Mother, or whether you do not, it is a new day.

And so what I say to you is that this individual, this man, is very humble, but meaningful individual, has chosen and been chosen to step forward in this role during a time of very important transition. It is always interesting that so many are eager to point out to the shortcomings of a figure, whether it is a family member or someone in a position of public notoriety.

But if they are going to do that, then it is also necessary to point to the fullness of the picture of the individual, what they have done right. And your question does not speak to that.

So I say to you, I say to you as one not interfering with human will but certainly guiding it, if I am permitted to do that, that this man — because that is what he is; throw away the concept of saint or sinner, please; it serves none — this man steps forward with a true desire to serve and to transform an institution that is in dire need of transformation.

SB:    All right. Thank you. That’s probably going to be very helpful to a lot of people. There’s a second rumor going around that he’s a walk-in. Is that rumor true?

R:  There is a difference  between what you think of as a walk-in and someone who has been overlighted. And I know your readers are well aware of these differences, but just in case, I will just briefly review.

A walk-in is when the soul has reached exit points, or through prayer and pleading, a direct plea for divine intervention, completely vacates the body and thereby leaves and allows another to take up residency, usually for purposes of that soul to complete their journeys and the mission and purpose that they wish to complete upon the planet.

There is no desire on the part of Francis to do that. This is a position that he has not wanted, and wanted, and been guided to, oh, for decades. And as you well know, there are many political divisions within the Catholic Church that did not want either a Jesuit or someone that was not of their own ilk, particularly someone who is not European [to be in the papacy].

This one has known for a long time of the pathway that he was guided to. And he has committed his entire life to the devotion and service to the Divine Mother. He is much like you, my dear friend. (2) And he is much like Yeshua, knowing of his path, knowing of the journey that lay ahead, and in some ways just wishing that it was more pedestrian and that he was left alone to live his life quietly with his family.

But that is not the path of this one. So, let me be clear: Is he a walk-in? No. But having said that, he has been overlighted directly, not only by the Divine Mother, because that has been in place for a long time, but also by what you think of as St. Francis. Hence his name.

Now,  what does overlighting mean? The overlighting means that our beloved brother Francis adds his energy, his focus and his concentration, his delight, to the energy of this Pope called Francis. So you may think of it in some ways as cohabitation. It is not that Francis, St. Francis, has assumed form, but energetically he has overlit the new Pope. Hence the query and the wondering, because the light is so strong with the combination of these two souls.

The agreement between these two is what is has always been, because they both knew this day would come. Or it was projected, shall we say, it would come. And that is to transform this outmoded institution and to bring it back to the Jesuit, to the Franciscan qualities. And if you go back to original purpose of humility, of poverty, of sharing, of service, of meekness, these are the things that you will see.

The primary focus of this Pope, yes, of course will be to clean up the atrocities, particularly the sexual abuses  that have been and continue to occur, and the hiding of those abuses, but it will also be to build and to rebuild the sense of community, and not in ways that build the coffers of Rome, but to share the wealth of Rome.

It is a time of magnificent change. So often you have said to me and to the Company of Heaven and to the Divine Mother herself, to our beloved friend Michael, “Show me a sign.” Well, dear heart, this is one of the biggest signs of institutional change that you can witness. So pay attention. Pay attention in the coming months. We are not saying that this is going to be a process that he is going to stretch out.

Oh, will there be a lot of kicking and screaming by the power mongers? Yes. What you see in Francis is a humble, tolerant man with a will of steel who will simply dismiss what is not of love. He will not tolerate dragging of feet or subterfuge.

So what can you do other than simply observe this one? Send him your love and support, because as you know, as change occurs in one area, the ripples go out all over the pond, all over the planet. This is a catalyst for massive change. It is good news!

SB:   Well, I’m certainly glad to hear that, Raj. And I’m certain the listeners and readers will be happy as well. Now I’m very eager to turn to the topic of Ascension which is what you spoke of at the beginning.

I think a lot of readers and listeners are trying to get a sense of what the stages of Ascension will be in the coming months, what stages we’re passing through. What’s needed to occur before the task that’s represented by Ascension is accomplished?

R:  Now, I will speak of the stages, and I will speak of it again as we and Michasl always have, in terms of a process as well. And I would not suggest to you that all my beloved friends are in the same phase of the process.

So, for example, many of the lightworkers, lightholders, love-bearers that are listening this night, or later, are at a different point in their Ascension stages and process than say one who is completely unaware. Well, being unaware does not really count, but being unaware and fighting change does.

So there are still stages of clearing the collective, of bringing them gently through — that is the role of the wayshowers, the healers — into the energy of the Fifth Dimension. And you will see this more and more and more. But part of that clearing of what you call, and I call, vasanas (3) is the letting go.

Now, I hear you all gritting your teeth and screaming, “Don’t tell me there is more clearing to be done!” Well, if I do not tell you, if I do not share this with you, and then you say to me, “Raj, why didn’t you tell us?” — so it really is a no-win, is it not? (4)

So I am telling you, I am sharing with you, my beloved ones, my angels of light, you have done tremendous work letting go, clearing up, cleaning up, raising your frequency, attuning your vibration. And if you were alone in this journey, or if you were with just your immediate soul circle, then you would say, “We’re there. We’re 90 percent home.” And I would say, yes, you are.

But what you are also doing is you are assisting with the whole collective of humanity. Now, if you recall, back in those fateful December/January conversations, we had suggested to you, shared with you, that if the Ascension had gone according to the plan One, shall we say, Plan A, then about 30 percent of you would have made it.

But there was this remarkable, unprecedented — I don’t think even now if you fully realize the magnanimous gesture you have made. So you have said, we will all go. So what you are doing is you are working with those, and with the flecks of dust and debris on yourself, and bringing people forward gently, clearly, lovingly, because that is the way of the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh dimensions.

It is not rough. It is not harsh. It is gentle and loving and flexible and adaptable.  You are at about, hmm, 55 percent, but that doesn’t mean that the remaining 45 percent has not been brought along; let us be very clear about that. Because everything that you are doing now is having that effect, and you are doing it for the collective.

So let me be very clear. Even this conversation, because yes, we are talking and having this high-level conversation about Popes and Ascension and qualities, but what we are really doing is amplifying the energy of the collective of humanity over the airwaves, far further than any radio waves. We are lifting up and infusing — how I have started – with the radiance of golden joy into the entire populace of the planet.

So do not think, oh, we are only at 55 percent. We have so far to go! That is not so. I don’t think you really want to hear much more about the clearing process.  If you have, or even have had — and this is something that has not  been talked about — an issue, a vasana, a grid, a paradigm, a belief system; it matters not how you label it; if you have had an addiction to pain, then you have still the imprint of that within you, the understanding, not the active personality or spiritual trait, but you have the history of understanding, the ability to teach, the ability to heal.

And so you are helping those who have also shared that issue.

The issues right now particularly are control and greed and punishment. (5) Now, we have not really talked a lot about punishment, and yet it has been one of the foundations of the old Third reality, this belief in punishment. And even this day we have started in discussing Francis, Francis the Pope, whether he deserves to be punished. So this is a quality that is being worked on right now.

Now, on the other side of the scale — because you know everything I do with universal law is about balance — you are also working on the unity, the joy, the trust and the love.

Now, how do you know — or does it even matter that you know — what is on this shall we say the positive side of the scale? Well, it matters because all of those qualities are washing over into what you are eliminating and washing them away. Washing them away I might say off the face of Gaia and out of the collective being of humanity. It’s not as if they’re sinking into the Earth or into the air, they are literally being destroyed.

At one point we will talk about the various universal laws. But what you are doing is anchoring the above and below, and you are anchoring the within and without, and you are shifting the very grid not only of who you are but then replicating it throughout the collective, not destroying the uniqueness of each being, but replicating in a very positive way.

Now, how do we know — let’s talk about the next stage — that we are at a next stage? And I would love to have a program to hear from the many, many, many followers and listeners, of this platform of Michael’s and yours and the followers of InLight Radio, I would like to hear from those who are in the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh what their experiences are.

I suggest to you a call-in show where people are able to share not what is going wrong, but what is going right with them. You need to hear more of that because it will encourage you and it will catalyze all of you to move forward more clearly, more gleefully, more joyfully.

But individually, how do you know? The next stage is this feeling of what you and the channel have been discussing beforehand of bliss. Now, what does bliss mean? I happen to be a specialist on this. I tease you.

SB:   Oh, I’m happy to hear from a specialist.

R:  Truly?

SB:   On bliss, Raj. I’m happy to hear what you have to say about bliss. Please.

R:  It is when you know, regardless of what is going on — in your apartment, your home, your world — that there is this sense of joy, of rightness, of absolute divine connection that makes your heart sing and hum, your body vibrate. It isn’t that you don’t care about others, but it is that the externals are no longer affecting you in a way that it brings you out of your center, or in your colloquial way, that it “brings you down.” It does not do so.

So there is a sense, in bliss, of detachment, and of being the observer. Now, I am not suggesting to you that the observer does not observe and then also take appropriate action. And when you are in bliss, one of the biggest elements, shall I say, of this is clarity. When you are in that place of joy, and not denial, we are not talking about living in what you would say is a fool’s paradise.

But it is a clarity of knowing that everything is in motion. And, my beloved friends, it is impossible in this infinite, eternal creation of the Mother’s, that things are not always in movement. They are continually. Things do not stop. Even when you say to me, “Raj, it’s moving too slow. Things need to speed up.” Well, there are many times when I agree with you heartily.

And then there are times when I would say to you, wait, stay in the place of being the observer and smell the sweetness of the nectar that comes into your mouth from the roof  of your mouth, (6) the nectar of One. If you are too busy rushing and looking for what is around the corner, you are not in the divine centeredness of that potential.

So bliss also contains not only clarity, but the ability to be still and to move at a million miles an hour. And you, Steve, have been experiencing this. (7)

SB:   Yes, I have.

R:  It is joyful. It is so productive. And it is productive in a different way.

Now, perhaps, my beloved friends, on a day-to-day basis you don’t notice it. So you say, well, I don’t think I’m in bliss, or, sometimes I’m in bliss. Sometimes I feel I am in the state of grace and joy, but then I fall back. I invite you to call on me, to invoke the law of above and below, within and without.  When you feel slightly off kilter, simply ask to be brought back into that alignment.

Now, having said that, there are times when you are reaching and bending over into the Third to help your brother to come forward and you will feel slightly off kilter. And in fact you may even feel sick, because your vibration has changed to the point where that energy is so distasteful that it is abrasive to you. It is abrasive to your mind, to your heart and to your body.

So, when that occurs, and you know that you are doing your sacred work, then simply call. Call on all of us to help bring you back to that center of bliss.

Now, as you anchor more firmly in this, then the next stage that you are already — again, these are not clear cut; these are not classrooms with doors and walls; this is the ocean that you are traveling upon. It is fluid. And you are in the raft, and you are moving in these various stages and processes.

The next stage is creation. From that place of clarity, of centeredness, of alignment, there is no other choice. You can’t stay still, although you are at still-point, but you are moving into creation.

Now, you say, “This is all very interesting, Raj. But where do I ascend?”  And what I am saying to you is that each of these movements is Ascension. It is the redesign of Ascension for the human collective.

When you are getting to the point of creation, then what you are fully doing is anchoring upright, in your heart-conscious, Fifth-Dimensional self. Because then you are acknowledging, embracing, and [you are] in the energy, because it is a collective energy. Then there is no separation, from you and me and Michael, and the ascended ones, and each other. It is a co-creation.

So you may say, “I am working on this particular creation project,” but it is collecting the energy from everybody. Then you are in the fullness of your heart consciousness. Reference to the body, to the mind, even to that wisp of ego, which is so delightful. It is part of your uniqueness. But you are at home with one.

So then part of your question becomes to me, “Are you saying, Raj, that the Ascension is individual as well as collective?” Yes, I am. Now, even prior to November of 2012, September of 2011 we were telling you, there were many already ascending and anchoring in the fullness of their being.

Now, has that been readily apparent? Well, it is to some. To the general collective? No. But you are noticing it. And when I say “you,” I mean, dear listeners, you. You are noticing the shift within yourself.

You say, “Well, I’m not sure how to see it.” And I say to you, “Are you in greater joy? Are you in greater peace? Does your blue flame of truth, of Michael, burn brightly? Are you able to discern very rapidly and easily what is truth, what is not? What is for you, what is not? What is the best pathway, what is not? What do I want to do, what do I not want to do? Who do I wish to be with? What do I wish to do? All of these are indicators to you of your clarity, of your bliss.

And that is the pinpoint that we want you to focus on. But yes, in terms of the collective, there will also come a point of what you will think of as snap. Where the tidal wave — no, the Earth will not shift because everybody moves to one side of it – but it will be as if the energy has shifted so significantly with the totality, or enough of the totality, that the change is unmistakable, so that you will look at each other and say, “We have done it.”

We are not talking about some distant future. And I will tell you why. First of all, the plan of the Mother for the anchoring of this energy, the return of love to Earth, the Ascension of Gaia has been planned for a long time. Now, does she work on longer timeframes? Yes, as you well know.

But nevertheless, humans, and the human collective, and the human soul decision did not work on an indefinite timeline. Your nature, whether you live in Africa, Istanbul, Paris, Texas, New York City or Vancouver, is, “We want it now.” So you, in this redesign, also placed what we would say, and which I am pleased with, a rather limited timeframe for this to occur. That is why you all feel so excited! You are working flat out! To accommodate these shortened timeframes for the collective to be as one, as a whole, with all of the kingdoms and Gaia in the Fifth.

So, this was not only our plan, it is your plan. You have an expression, you often say to each other, “I’m running late. Can you give me 10 minutes?” And usually it is granted. Or the person will say, “Well, I’m running late too. I’ll give you five.” Well, that is what you did to the Mother, and to me.

So you said, “We’re running a little behind. We can’t all make it today. Can you give us 10 minutes?” We said yes. But you didn’t say, “Can you give us 10 years, or 100 years?” Do you understand what I am saying?

SB:   Yes, I understand. But there is one point that I think some listeners may be a little confused about. Maybe I could ask you about that. You said we’re at the 55 percent mark. Now, we were said to be at the midpoint of Ascension on 21/12/12, so are we now 5 percent further along, or are we at 55 percent of the remaining 50 percent?

R:  Good question.  Do not forget what we had said about the 30 percent.

SB:   Yes.

R:  So you are at the 50 percent in terms of the process, getting ready for the jump, shall we say.

SB:   Okay.

R:  When push came to shove, there were still beautiful souls who were still a little reticent out of concern about leaving those they loved behind, even though they had received great reassurance. But if you want to work it this way, you are at 55 percent of those who are behind the fence, the reticent bunch. So you are doing very well. You are at 55 percent go, so if the line was drawn today, more than half of the population of your planet Gaia would be ready to ascend, joyfully, gleefully, ready to go.

SB:   Okay, well, that’s great. It’s interesting, because I have two questions I’d like to ask you about in the remaining time, and we may not have time for both. One question is, if you could, help listeners understand this notion of balance, because so many listeners will think it means 50 percent good, 50 percent bad, 50 pounds of this and 50 pounds of that. They’ll think of it in terms of weight and not in terms of returning to the center point, where things are in balance. Right? That’s the first question.

The second question is, if you could comment a wee bit on why so many other planets and galaxies are said to be watching the Earth in this Ascension.

R:  The point of balance is one that is very important. And it is especially important as you are transversing out of the Third, even the cleaned-up Third, to the Fifth. You as a population — and I am talking the history of Earth — have tended to think in extremes, either or, duality/polarity. It’s either good or it’s bad. And what you tend to do is run back and forth.

We do not want you to do that. We want you to stay in the center-point of your balance, which is the center-point, the still point of your heart, and to operate from there. Understand, in this new way there is no judgment, but there are things that you are letting go of. And that is why we talked about the movement of what you have called the divine qualities to the other end of the balance, so the things remain, the fulcrum remains balanced.

So, for example, many of  you would say, “Well, on the one hand of the scales of justice we have control, greed, punishment. On the other hand, we have love, joy, bliss, generosity, tenderness, kindness.” But what you do, you are standing holding both of these in your hands, but you are anchoring in your heart. You are allowing the energy from the love side to flow to what you would think of as the vasana side. And it is pushing out, washing away the vasanas. Letting them go.

Now, it doesn’t put you out of balance, because now, on your other hand, you may have a little control but a lot of love. You may have a little punishment but a lot of gratitude. Do you understand what I am saying?

SB:   Yes, I do.

R:  But the key is to stay in the center, not to be at one extreme or the other. It will never serve you. (8)

SB:   So imbalance is to be at one of the extremes, and balance is to be in the center, where one is equanimous, detached, centered?  Is that correct?

R:  Yes. Aligned.

SB:   Aligned, yes. Okay. What about the question of why so many planets and galaxies are watching the Earth?

R:  Well, they have always been watching Earth, and they have always been interested in the Ascension process, because it is unique, it is phenomenal, it is the fulfillment of the plan of the Mother. This is far greater than any movie that you could ever create in your reality.

So it is having a ripple effect throughout the entire universe. And the fact that the human race matured enough to say, no, we will care for everybody, has caused ripples and amazement throughout the galaxies!  So they are watching very closely how you are doing it.

And how it is going, because it will set the paradigm for other planetary Ascensions, other realms that want to work in this way.

SB:   But isn’t the whole universe ascending, Raj?  We’re not the only planet, are we?

R:  You’re first in line.

SB:   Ah! So we’re the first planet to ascend. Is that what you mean?

R:  Yes.

SB:   Okay. Well, we must talk about this more. We’ve run out of time so quickly! Thank you, Raj.

R:  I would be happy to do so. Go with blessings, my friend.

SB:   Thank you very much.

R:  Go with my golden radiance of joy.

SB:   Blessings on you.

R:  Farewell.

SB:   Farewell.



(1) The entire journey is from God to God, to mergence in God and loss of the individuated self. This part of the journey is from dualistic consciousness to unitive consciousness, or from the Third Dimension to the Fifth.

(2) I am also a devotee of the Divine Mother.

(3) A vasana is an archaic, usually troublesome behavior pattern formed in reaction to earlier traumatic events.

(4) And, in fact, we have done this with Raj and the Company of Heaven, many times – told them we didn’t want to know about one thing and then later asking him why he did not warn us of the pitfalls. Theirs is a huge task and very often thankless at worst or taken for granted at best.

(5) How similar are greed, control and punishment to money, sex and power, the triad of traps that people are so often said to fall into.

(6) “With time, as the three chakras connect the hypothalamus is ‘enlightened.’ This along with the new awakening of the temporal lobes and the mystery of the third ventricle we’ve discussed causes the secretion of a new hormone (not related to melatonin or serotonin) that you’ll be able to taste coming down from the roof of your mouth. The taste will change as the secretions go through a specific cycle, all the while instructing the endocrine system to further initiate the biological reality of your ascension process, and rejuvenation. We are  not referring to the natural sweet taste many experience in the back of the throat when taking m-state. Nor the Amritha of the yogic tradtion. The Amrit  nectar production is associated with an increase in the pineal gland secretion 6-methoxy-tetrahydro-beta carboline  and is also sweet, and can tend to make one spacey. This new hormone is not limited to ‘sweet’ or associated with spaciness.  It is deeply transformative; relating to the lifting of the veils between the worlds, the dimensions. One walks ‘solidly’ and focused in all the worlds with dominion; and this consciousness is associated with pioneering changes in the endocrine system.” (

(7) I experienced it at  a meditation retreat perhaps two years ago, when, though in a higher-dimension and still, I was aware that I was accomplishing many actions without moving a limb.  How Raj knew that, I leave up to you.

(8) So balance does not mean a proportion but remaining in the center of equanimity rather than swinging out to the peripheries of high emotion.  I’m not sure that people really understand this and I could be wrong.


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(Before It's News)

Stephen Sindoni shares his research on a thought provoking topic in a compilation of nine (9) videos regarding the possibility on an underground civilization in "Hollow Earth Revealed." Additional Translations to follow:
Inner Earth Schematic
Heaven is an inner, central, and solar location, whereas Paradise and Hell are outer, earthly, or planetary locatioins. A good example of this is the common wheel; the hub or center represents Heaven whereas the rim represents Earth, of which Paradise and Hell are part. The spokes of the wheel represent the interconnecting roads or gateways between the two.
The horoscope chart is another example with its center, spokes and rim, as is Plato's landscape description of the legendary city of Atlantis. The Atlantis construct, however, which is a series of rings one inside the other, goes farther by including an even more interior or central component called the New Jerusalem(see diagram below).
Atlantean Model of the Hollow Earth atlantis.jpg
This scheme is universal and holds true for all heavenly abodes, whether they be lunar, planetary, solar, galactic, or universal. The exceptions are those abodes have been corrupted by evil forces, but even then, the basic structure holds.
Earth's outer surface where we now live was originally a Paradise, in the manner of its interior surface. This was made possible by a canopy or watery firmament which covered and insulated the entire planet(except near the poles). There may even have been a series of these canopies, which have been destroyed and rebuilt throughout long periods of history. Noah's flood is the latest of these destructions the date of which varies anywhere from 10,000 to 2000 BC.
After falling, the flood waters receded to the polar areas where they are to this day and will someday evaporate to once again form a canopy around our planet. This may happen when our orbit changes and we are once again exposed to our binary sun system. All of the other planets appear to have canopies or thick cloud covers except for our earth and moon, which appear to have been purposely positioned in a way not to receive the strong radiations from another sun or star behind our visible sun. Or it may be that Earth's inner central sun is being somehow hindered from emanating its full power, which would melt the ice caps and produce a cloud cover over the planet.

Earth's Gravity Center
Gravity continually lessens as we go deeper into the Earth untill we reach a point some 700 miles down from the outer surface to an area of zero gravity. This is the Earth's central gravity sphere, which is less than a mile thick and around which the planet's shell has accumulated. This is the soul or spirit of the Earth where there is perfect peace and harmony. You are weightless and breathless here and your mind dictates your body and there is no physical decomposition meaning you can practically live forever. There is a more detailed description of this zone in the book Etidorphamentioned earlier. The other amazing thing about this zone is that as you head towards the remaining 100 miles leading to the Earth's interior surface, gravity reverses! This means that everyone or everything on the interior side of the gravity line are walking or standing upside down from us! Earth's central gravity sphere is the actual dividing line between outer and inner Earth!

Inner Earth
Inner Earth is the true home of man. It is where he began and where he will return. Planets are like houses; they were meant to be lived primarily on the inside -yet here we are living on the roof or balcony! Adam or the white race was created in Paradise Eden inside the planet, but rebelled or disobeyed like all of the older and darker races before him and was expelled to the surface. Outer surface Earth is reserved for rebel man to do as he wills. If he wishes to remain or re-enter Paradise he must remain pure or obey certain rules.
Paradise or Eden is the interior surface of the planet, which is 6/7ths land and 1/7th water, and which is illuminated and warmed by an interior sun. Because of the central sun's location, it is never dark here, and the temperature is always in the mid-seventies farenheight throughout(slightly cooler near the poles). There are no storms and very little wind. Because of the ideal climate, everything grows to giant size compared to what is on our outer surface. There are grapes the size of melons and trees the size of mountains. Even the animals and humans are huge. The average human here is 9 to 14 feet tall and the lifespan is 600 to 900 years and often longer. The people are mostly vegetarians or fruitarians, and some don't even eat at all! Because of the natural abundance here there is little if any crime, nor is there any pollution, or need of government and an economy. Everyone is basically self-sufficient and spends their time developing their natural talents for the good of their community. Telepathy, clairvoyance, and all of the higher senses are natural here. People marry late, if at all, and sex is magnetic rather than coital. When someone dies it is by will more than by age or circumstance. They revere the deity who resides on/in the inner central sun which they call heaven, and which is where their spirit goes to at death. For more details on the inner earth read The Smoky God by Willis George Emerson, or The Hollow Earth by Dr.Raymond Bernard.
The inner Earth is also the home of flying saucers both of earthly and otherworldly origins. Middle and Inner Earth kingdoms such as Shamballa and Agartha keep in touch with groups from other parts of our universe. Our governments know about the inner or hollow earth and have even sent expeditions there, not all of which were successful. The reptoids and negative leaders of outer and middle earth wish to invade and conquer the inner earth, but they have not been allowed to do so, for this would mean the end of humanity and this planet. There will eventually be an all-out war(armageddon) between the inner and outer earth leaders. One of these inner earth leaders are the biblical ten tribes of Israel who symbolize our lost ten DNA strands. Great Britain(Sun) and the United States(Moon) symbolize our basic two strands.

Hell or Tartarus
The Book of Enoch describes a number of cavities, valleys, or hollows, in the Earth's shell wherein are imprisoned fallen spirits or angels and other sick or monstrous entitities that are reserved for judgement once the divine plan for humanity is accomplished on this planet. Adjacent or nearby are other valleys or chasms containing the spirits of all those who have been victimized by these fallen entities, continually crying out for revenge. There are also areas reserved for those who have yet to die and be judged. Apparently, provisions have been made within the shell and astral regions of the planet for the temporal or permanent housing of all manner of souls or spirits.
In the book Etidorpha, I Am The Man and his guide traverse some of these hell regions which are variously located in the many caverns and rivers which pocket the earth's shell. Distorted human shapes, animal men, apparitions, eerie and invisible presences, unearthly sounds and voices, reptillians, demons, shapeshifters, gargoyles, deros and teros, fairies, devas, elementals, giants, prehistoric reptiles, serpent people, and anything else that is generally considered "forbidden". The Sinbad movies do a good job of portraying many of the elements of these hell regions.
While most of the hell regions are hundreds of miles deep within the earth, some are very near the outer or inner surfaces, and one or more may even span the entire diameter of the shell.

Heaven or Earth's Inner Sun
When the bible speaks of "heaven and earth" no one is quite sure where heaven is. Most think it is some otherworldly realm accessible only to the righteous, or that it is a pure state of mind and spirit, but not many think of it as an actual physical location. The truth is heaven can be just as physical as it is spiritual. In fact, heaven is always an inner central and solar location, and there are many heavens. The nucleus of an atom is a heaven as is the center of our galaxy. In fact, there are twelve major levels of heaven from the sub-atomic to the center of our Creation. Each level is smaller or larger by a factor of 1000. In Earth's case, the factor increases to 1200, as the Sun's diameter(800,000 miles) divided by 1200 equals 666(oh!oh!)miles, or the approximate diameter of our planet's inner sun.
Earth's inner sun or heaven is where we came from at birth and where we go to at death. It is the Grand Central Station of incoming and outgoing souls and that "light" at the end of the tunnel. Here we decide whether to reincarnate or to go to other worlds. All of the planetary suns of our solar system are directly linked to one another and to the main sun, which is in turn linked to other solar system suns and so on down to the center of creation. In this way everything is linked and accessible.
Earth's inner sun is also hollow and contains an island city called The New Jerusalem. This is a type of the greater New Jerusalem found inside the center of our solar system sun. Read Phoebe Marie Holme's"My Visit To The Sun. In this city is the home of our planetary God who oversees all of humanity from his central location.
Earth's inner sun occasionally exits one of the Earth's polar openings to execute judgement upon surface humanity, and this is known biblically as the "Day of the Lord".

The New Germany and the Hollow Earth
There is another Germany inside the hollow surface of our planet. This inner or New Germany grew from the first or outer surface Gemany, and both have full(but secret ) relations with each other.
According to the book "Genesis for the New Age" by John B. Leith, the story begins in 1572 when 500 Germans from Sax-Coburg, including some Prussians and Bavarians were hired as soldier-mercenaries by the King of Portugal(Sebastian I) to build a fort and man a garrison up the Amazon River in a fight against the Spaniards. As they sailed the river they were fiercely attacked by the native Indians, and both the Germans and Portuguese and their families were forced to flee to the jungles where they came across a cave entrance which the Indians feared and fled from.
The new colonists made their home in and by the cave and eventually traveled further inward and downward into the caves's passages ultimately leading to the Earth's inner concave surface -which they reached in 1647. Along the way they settled into various caverns establishing six cities over a 3000 mile route and fought off mysterious cavern creatures who were as fierce as the Amazon Indians. The caverns or cities were connected by a crude wooden track system. By 1977 over 350,000 Germans occupied the inner Earth tunnel settlements which spanned from Brazil to the Australia-New Zealand midpoint.

In 1647, under Australasia, upon entering the inner concave surface, the New Germans met with the Atlantean/Atturians and the 30,000 year-old Bodlanders who were the ancient ancestors of the modern Germans. The Bods were extremely advanced both spiritually and technologically and decided to take their outer earth cousins under their wing and they became known as the Six Kingdoms of Saxony.
In the early 1700's communication began between the inner and outer Germanys via a secret student exchange program which oriented each to their doings, but it wasn't untill 1853 that concrete steps were taken towards deeper ties between the two Germanys. Engineers from both sides were engaged to shorten and improve the transportation tunnel systems with electric cars. The technological improvements helped to boost the underground German population to about ten million by 1900. During World War I, Americans became aware of a route from outer Germany to the Antarctic, but were not sure where it ultimately led to.
By 1930 some actual trade began with the two Germanys, and by 1936 Hitler had gathered enough evidence about the inner world to send an aviation team to explore it. The Bodlanders expected and received them and their King later returned the visit. The King of Bodland warned Hitler and their Generals of their misguided war plans but the Third Reich went ahead anyways.

In 1938, German specialists, ordered by Hitler, penetrated the South Pole opening by air, and landed in the interior making contact with their inner Earth bretren who received them joyfully. Land was granted them for future settlement on the condition that they would relinquish their war-like ways and live under the peaceful tutelage of the inner Earthers. Hitler didn't like this but accepted in 1943 after his war efforts started floundering. A thirty-year treaty was signed between Hitler's Germany and the powerful Bodlanders who would oversee the influx and reorientation of the outer Germans coming into the New Inner Earth Germany.
By 1944, heavy construction was underway near Bodland to receive many war-torn Germans, most of whom used the Brazil train corridor to reach their new home. Scientists and other specialists in need used the quicker round wing plane through Antarctica to reach their new home. Hitler ecaped to Argentina by submarine and then onto the King of Bodland's personal spaceship to the inner Earth capital. Hitler was accepted because he showed promise(albeit slow and painful) of rehabilitation, but some of his other cronies, as well as all evil or unrepentant Germans seeking asylum, would be of course be refused entry into the New Germany. A fake double replaced Hitler from October 1944 onwards. By the end of World War II, some 2.5 million Outer World Germans settled into the New Inner Earth Germany, and the influx continued thereafter.
The Americans caught on to the German's activities and sent their own expeditions to the Inner Earth in the person of Admiral E. Byrd 1946-47, who led the way in a Falcon round wing aircraft. Byrd's small 60-man army foolishly attacked the inner Earthers who promptly overwhelmed them and sent them back to their homelands. Russia, upon hearing of the American expedition, sent its own armada of 100 planes in 1947 but met a similar fate.

In 1948, a much better prepared single-craft expedition by the US followed which successfully mapped and photographed the Earth's interior and had unique contacts with various races and crafts. Even pictures of dinosaurs and close-ups of the Earth's "man-made" inner sun were obtained, but if course, the results were kept classified.
Because of the superiority of the New Germany and the Inner Earth denizens in general, the post-World War II allied nations built bases on and around the polar areas as a means of study and as an early defense warning shoud these inner Earth nations decide to overtake the outer Earth.
In 1965, NASA did a complete detailed mapping of the interior of our planet, and in 1979 they confirmed that five continents, three large and two small, existed in the inner Earth. There are also seven oceans. Agartha, the largest continent is three times the size of North America and populated mostly by Atturians(Atlanteans) who came from Venus 33,000 years ago. Bodland, another continent, is populated(as of 1980) by 36 million Bodlanders.
By 1984 over half a billion people inhabited the Inner Earth surface, 60 million of which were Germans. 18 million lived in the New Germany and 1.5 million in the New Berlin. The New Berlin has all the conveniences of a modern city except they are non-polluting. A reformed Hitler remained president of the New Germany untill his death on November 12 of 1974, with his adopted, Dr. Hans Tirstherson(Adolph II), continuing in his footsteps.

The round wing plane, powered by the Earth's electromagnetic field, was(and is) the key to military and technological superiority. It's anti-magnetic motor propelled it at speeds of 30,000 miles an hour in any direction, and its weight lifting capacities were unlimited. It also had a laser offence and defense system. The round wing plane, with its saucer-like appendage is the prototype of the flying saucer. In 1975 its hull or metal construction was perfected so that it could travel unharmed into space. The USS Enterprise ship on Star Trek uses the round wing concept. By the year 2000 or beyond, the round wing plane is expected to to replace most conventional means of air and space travel.
In 1977, US General Edward D. Wright visits New Germany in a roung wing aircraft, and a US delegation exists in New Berlin since.
Since the 1960's, the allied outer and inner Earth forces have been monitoring and patroling Earth's skies and lands for disturbances from the erring blue planet Nagirth(2.5 times the size of the Earth) which is responsible for the massive climate changes our planet has been undergoing since.
The US has legal diplomatic relations with other planets in our solar system, particularly Venus, Mars, and Pluto,
The book stops in 1980, the year of its publication. Since then much has happened, such as the (apparent)fall of Communism and the reunification of the two Germanys(East and West). It would be nice to get the author's latest input if possible -yet he has already explained much.
For more details read the full text below....
Here is the full text....

Hollow Earth


When I first heard about the hollow earth back in 1987 my life took on a new meaning and perspective; a new world opened up beneath my feet and the ramifications were far-reaching. Up untill then I had only a vague and superficial conception of my place in the universe based mostly on religious and scientific teachings, but now, thanks to esoteric teachings, I have much more depth. Another large piece of the puzzle has been added and the concepts of heaven, paradise, and hell now have much more substance and reality for me, as does my understanding of astrology and many other religious, mystical, or philosophical teachings. We must look into ALL sources of knowledge, exoteric or esoteric, to arrive at the complete picture for no one source has all the answers. Untill then, we will continue to suffer in darkness and disunity.


Ever since the first nuclear detonations in 1945 over Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Inner Earth leaders, both good and bad, have stepped up the monitoring of our Outer Earth surface, regularly sending reconnaisance UFO ships as well as using satelite surveillance and other means. The bridge between our technologies is closing and the time for a reunification of both worlds(inner and outer) is at hand. The problem is that there are two opposing forces with contradictory agendas for this unity. The negative inner earth denizens located mostly in Middle Earth(Earth's cavernous shell) want our enslavement, whereas the positive inner earth people located mostly on the planet's inner concave surface want our liberation and regeneration. Fortunately the negatives are dwindling in number as more and more of us here on outer earth are waking up and choosing the path to peace and harmony. Even the prophecies indicate that the vast majority of humankind will choose life over death and truth over lies. Eradicating what's left of the negative forces, however, will be no easy matter, but it will and must be done if the prophesied Millennium or new Golden Age is to become a reality.


There is a massive conspiracy to hide the true nature of our planet -that it is hollow, oblate, and inhabited within. Access to the hollow interior is principally through the north polar opening which is some 1200 to 1400 miles wide. There is also a south polar opening, but it is mostly covered with snow and ice. At about 77 degrees north lattitude the the planet starts flattening out and around 82 degrees north lattitude it starts curving inwards and one can catch glimpses of the earth's inner central sun which lights and warms the interior and which is behind the aurora borealis. There is a noticeable rise in temperature in these lattitudes and salt water turns into fresh and wildlife is more abundant and the compass needle goes wild and then points south instead of north. Admiral E. Byrd flew over and into the north polar opening in a secret American expedition in 1947 and confirmed all of these facts but was sworn to silence over the matter. All of the major powers have bases stationed in the Arctic in a united but hushed attempt to probe the secrets of the hole at the pole and the interior world, but they are restricted entry by the more powerful inner earth governments or societies which they fear. Before every golden age the ice and snow around the polar openings melt and evaporate forming water or ice canopies around the planet and liberating access to the inner earth.


Most of us grew up learning in science class that our planet is a round solid ball of earth with a molten fiery core at its center from whence comes our volcanic activity. While this sounds reasonable at first, the flaws soon start to come out. First of all, a solid Earth, down to its core, has way too much weight and mass to spin so quietly and perfectly on its axis. Secondly, whoever designs, builds, or creates planets would see the wisdom of both minimizing weight and maximizing space; a solid planet can only be mostly inhabited on its outer surface, whereas a hollow one would have two livable surfaces. Also, a hollow planet would be easy to relocate should the need arise whereas a solid one would tax everyone's energy(planets can be moved by the levitating beams of huge space ships). The interior of a hollow planet would in fact be much more liveable or comfortable than its outer area, being protected indefinitely from dangerous rays, winds, collisions, or even invasions -it would be akin to the interior of a house or car. And just like a house or car, it would have regulated heating and a light source(an inner central sun). A hollow oblate earth with polar openings also maximizes energy flow(electrical or magnetic), provides greater room for multi-plane or multi-level existence, and simplifies or eases travel.


Planets are like house -hollow and inhabited within. They are intelligently designed using the sturdiest materials and providing the greatest amount of living space. The round design of a planet or world is superior to the squarish or rectangulal design of our modern dwellings. While easier to build, anyone with occult knowledge will tell you that the sharp angles and edges of our modern dwellings(incuding pyramids) foster or promote negative or discordant energies, whereas the round or curved dwellings(such as the igloo) foster harmony and well being. Houses are built primarily to be lived on the inside and so it is with planets. We of outer earth are living on the roof or balcony, exposed to the often brutal climate. The inner central sun of a planet can be compared to the light fixture in a simple room or dwelling. The polar openings or entrances are the main doors and the shell is one circular wall. Portals and gateways can be represented by windows and garages. Finally, a neighbourhood can represent a solar system, a city a galaxy, and a planet the universe -it's all relative.


Admiral Byrd made two historic but unnanounced trips to the hollow earth, via airplane, both funded by the U.S.government. The first was 1700 mile trip, via Alaska, to the north polar opening, in February of 1947, where Byrd described seeing vast forests and what looked like running herds of animals. The second was a 2300 mile trip to the south polar opening, via McMurdo Sound in the Antarctic in 1956, where he also saw vegetation and bodies of water before returning for lack of fuel. While the purpose of these trips was to gather sensitive data concerning the Earth's interior, leakage of the events served to strengthen the notion and reality that our planet is indeed hollow. Further news of this, was however, repressed, and Byrd was sworn to silence as well. Byrd, however, did leave some writings, some of which were leaked and described the Admiral's ecstatic descriptions of "The Unknown Country".


Steve Currey's Expedition Company of Provo Utah, has agreed to charter a Russian Nuclear Icebreaker from Adventure Associates and is standing by to take the first 100 people to sign up for this historic voyage, slated for June-July of 2005. This red icebreaker will leave from Murmansk, Russia and head for the geographic North Pole north of Franz Josef Island. From there it will go to the Siberian Islands and then head inward into the open ocean of Inner Earth. If all is successful it will continue to travel inward untill it reaches the Inner Continent. This is basically the same route Olaf Janssen and his father took in the book The Smoky God. Along the inner continent is the great river Hiddekel which brings you to the city of Jehu in the land of Eden, the home of the lost Ten Tribes of Israel, and the cradle of the human race. There is no guarantee that the goal will be reached, but it is an incredible opportunity for a number of brave and adventurous souls to settle once and for all the mystery of the hollow earth. For details concerning the trip go here


There are a total of twelve continents or land masses on or in the Earth -one for every planet in our solar system; six are outer, and six are inner(inside our hollow Earth). The outer continents, all of which begin with the letter A are; Asia(including Europe), Africa, Australia, America North, America South, and snow-covered Antarctica. The Arctic is mostly ice and snow and sea leading directly to the hollow interior of the planet via a huge polar opening. Here gravity reverses and one reaches the shores of the seventh inner polar continent which Admiral E. Byrd had the fortune of witnessing in his aerial trip in 1947. There he saw vast forests and lakes and even animal life. The other five continents are further inward and not much is revealed concerning them. It may very well be that what is land here is ocean or water in the inner earth, and what is ocean here is land there. If this is so, then the inner earth surface is three fourths land and one-fourth water! Every planetary encounter a-la-Velikovsky was instrumental in the forming or shaping of one of the continents leaving its astrological imprint on it, and the Earth reciprocating its own inprint on the visiting planet. North America, for example, is Uranus-ruled, and may have been formed in some long-forgotten encounter with the planet Uranus.



There are hundreds of large cities miles beneath the earth, many of which are interconnected by tunnels through which high speed shuttles navigate, using magnetics for propulsion. Some of these are government or scientific installations while others are more alien or otherworldly bases. Some of these cities or communities are located in or under mountains while others are in large underground caverns. Nearly everyone knows about Telos a mile or so beneath Mt. Shasta in California. Not everyone knows that nearly every major city on the planet has its roots in an inner city beneath it. Secret elevators or shafts in some buildings lead to these duplicate cities, to which only certain individuals are allowed or have access to. Most underground cities are built for protection in times of war or natural catastrophes, as well as for secret and often forbidden projects or activities.


In "The Smoky God" Olaf Jansen and his father are invited to visit the fabled city of Eden inside the hollow earth. They board an electric rail car which whisks them away across mountains and valleys at incredible speeds. They finally arrive in Eden which is located in a valley on top of the highest point of the "Inner Continent", some several thousand feet high. Eden is a beautiful garden with all manner of fruits, vines, shrubs, trees and flowers. It is the navel of the Earth and cradle of the human race with four rivers running through it -the Euphrates, Pison, Gihon, and Hiddekel. These rivers, sourcing from a mighty artesian fountain, divide the entire inner earth surface into four sections or quadrants. Olaf and his father were brought to a palatial hall before the Great High Priest or ruler of the continent, who was fourteen feet tall and richly robed. They discussed, in a type of Sanskrit, all manner of subjects for a few hours before leaving to visit the rest of the country. The giant people of Eden and elsewhere marry between the ages of seventy-five and one hundred and live to be 600 to 800 years old. They are very musical and educated in the arts, maths and sciences. They build, farm, raise cattle, and communicate and travel with electrical gadgets. Everything is huge, from the people to the houses to the trees to the animals.


About a mile or so beneath Mount Shasta in northern California, in a large cavern, is the domed city of Telos, where over 1.5 million descendants of Atlantis and Lemuria live. The city was built over 14,000 years ago as a haven from the war and destruction going on between Atlantis and Lemuria. Telos is connected by transport tunnels to hundreds of other similar cities and to the main Agarthean hub beneath the Gobi desert. The citizens of Telos are scientifically advanced using teleportation and levitation devices. They grow their food hydroponically, and have holodeck rooms(just like on Star Trek) for purposes of learning and entertainment. They use space ships(noiseless and invisible) for interplanetary travel, and the city's main power source is a huge central crystal the size of a skyscraper. Sharula/Bonnie, a 275+ year old emissary for Telos(she looks 30) who sometimes comes to the surface, relates that her people and many others are waiting for the day when surface and subsurface populations unite and freely intermingle.


According to the late theologian Theodore Fitch, there are actually ten times more people living inside the Earth than there are on its outer surface. This means that the planet's total population is in excess of 60 billion! The planet's 800 mile thick shell is multi-layered, like an apartment complex, and houses many strange races and civilizations. In his book, Inner Earth Peoples, available at Health Research Books, Fitch also states that the Earth was once much larger than it is today, its boudaries stretching twice as far out as the Moon. There is a dark, negative, and almost impenetrable astral layer surrounding the planet some 30 to 100 miles up where negative entities abide. In and beyond this are various belts of rock and ice invisible to the naked eye separating the first(atmosphere), second(sub-lunar), and third(post-lunar) heavens which are also populated. In the third heaven is a planetary object which he calls the New Jerusalem. Outward or inward, this planet is a lot more populated than we care to imagine.


All the people of inner earth(those on the other side of the gravity line) walk upside down from us with their heads pointing to the inner central sun. This stimulates their upper or higher chakras more than it does their lower ones, resulting in higher brain and psychic functions. Here, on outer earth, our heads are pointing away from the inner central sun, with our lower chakras receiving most of the stimulation, resulting in lower carnal pursuits. Its no wonder were so f--ked up! Lying down or standing on your head improves the situation somewhat, but the real solution is to live on the inner earth concave surface, where your higher centers are constantly being stimulated by that life-giving orb overhead, and where the lower centers are kept at bay.


Gravity decreases dramatically just 10 to 25 miles beneath outer Earth's ocean level greatly improving your physical health. Here aging slows down and hunger and thirst begin to dissapear. The air, especially in caverns, is richly revitalizing due to the solar light which is filtered and dispersed as it penetrates the earth and surrounds you as a halo. Below 25 miles you lose two thirds of your weight and can hop around like the astronauts did on the Moon. You also become younger, smarter, stronger, and need very little rest or sleep. Light emanates from everywhere so that there are no shadows. All of these conditions intensify as you approach the planet's gravity center 700 miles down from the outer surface, where breath and heartbeat cease, where there is no weight, where telepathy becomes natural, and where thoughts move and shape matter. This is all described in the book Etidorpha by John Uri Loyd.


Contrary to scientific teaching and popular belief, the Earth's true gravity center is not at its core but within its 800 mile thick shell. The Earth is hollow with polar openings and an interior sun. This sun is some 600 to 700 miles in diameter. The Earth'd shell varies in thickness from 400 to 800 miles in diameter(thicker near the equator) and the polar openings are anywhere from 800 to 1400 miles wide. Earth has two magnetic fields; one which originates from the inner central sun and travels very slowly around the poles and is the source of our aurora borealis and Van Allen belt or magnetosphere, and the other coming from inside the Earth's shell which gives us our gravity and which is variously placed at 300 to 700 miles beneath the planet's outer surface(deeper at the equator). This gravity center within the Earth's shell is the spirit of the Earth itself and is the official dividing line between inner and outer Earth. Gravity is some six times greater on the outer surface of the planet than on its inner surface so that much greater effort is needed to sustain life here. At the Equator, 700 miles down, we reach zero gravity(weightlessness) where the body is at perfect rest and becomes immortal or non-decaying. As we continue towards the inner surface for another hundred miles, gravity REVERSES, so that people and animals and all things here stand upside down from us! Their heads all point towards the inner central sun which lights and warms the interior of the planet. With unly one-sixth of the gravity of outer Earth, everything grows much faster and larger here and the length and quality of life is also proportionately greater. Astrologically, the ascendant or rising sign influence comes from this spiritual gravity center located deep within our planet's shell.


The heaving of our chest(breathing) and the beating of our heart(blood flow)are abnormal conditions brought on by an abnormal environment. In John Uri Loyd's "Etidorpha", I Am The Man's guide explains that because of outer earth's intense gravity, our bodies must work extra hard to distribute oxygen evenly throughout -hence the heaving and beating. In zero gravity, however, no such pressure exists, therefore no breathing or bloodflow is required. This perfect state of equilibrium is experienced in the Earth's central gravity sphere some 700 miles below the outer surface. Here mind becomes ruler over matter and there is no ageing or degeneration. The inner earth surface is also quite good with only one-sixth the gravity of outer earth. This minimal gravity and its cocooned state are what make inner earth paradise-like. Outer earth can also become paradise-like once the planet's water canopy is restored and climate, light, and gravity are stabilized and/or equalized as a result.


Dinosaurs and giant reptiles still roam some parts of the inner earth, especially in some of the vast caverns tens and hundreds of miles beneath our feet. Most were imported or dumped here from other worlds and terrorized both human and mammal alike. They were still around untill the great floods and other natural and technologically induced catastrophes wiped them out. In fact, there was a campaign from other-worlders, such as the Martians, to exterminate the beasts using any means possible. Some of the beasts, however, found their way into the caves and tunnels going deep into the earth and there continued to propagate, although in much smaller numbers. In the book "The Coming Race" by Edward Bulwer Lytton, the main character of the story descends into a mine and meets with a race called the Gy whose children use the power of the Vril stick to destroy giant human-devouring reptiles -and this is somewhere beneath the eastern United States in the late 1800's! Ocassionally, some of the beasts find their way back up onto our outer surface, but they are quickly "taken care of"(executed), and it is not generally reported.


Many of the numerous earthquakes around the globe are being caused by titanic inner earth struggles between the forces wishing to liberate this planet and those who wish to continue keeping it enslaved. A particular target is the Agarthian citadel of the King of the World beneath Tibet, and his evil serpentine magicians, who were reputedly ousted from their stronghold in 1948 by a group of 500 empowered Lamas. The bulk of the most devastating earthquakes in recorded history tend to occur in and around China, the most recent of which occurred in July of 1976 in Tangshan which killed a quarter of a million people. Nuclear and ray weapons are used in an outer/inner earth joint effort to destroy the reptillian lairs which pocket the planet. Some of these lairs are imbedded in the north and south polar ice caps waiting to be reactivated(when the ice melts). Could the great Alaska earthquake of 1964 have anything to do with the attempted removal of such infestations?


Hell or tartarus is also located in the inner earth. It's a huge cavity in the earth's shell reserved as a prison or abode for powerful but evil entities who supposedly await judgement. Among them are the Nephilim or Titans who who interbred with human females and corrupted the Pre-Flood World. Tartarus is described in the Book of Enoch as a world of wonder and horror. In August of 1989, Russian geologists and oil diggers, drilling 12 miles beneath the Siberian planes hit upon a hollow into which they lowered a microphone hearing what sounded like the screams of humans in pain. They then lowered a small camera and began videotaping what looked like bodies laying motionless on incandescent rocks and a light moving among them. Three minutes later everything malfunctioned and heat and sulphur spewed through the dig hole and the site had to be abandoned. Could they have hit upon a region of Hell?!


The time is soon coming once again when the polar ice and snow evaporate to form a cloud, water, or ice canopy around the planet, equalizing the climate and liberating access to the inner earth. Ancient caves, tunnels, and portals will also be reopened re-establishing middle earth as the bridge or gateway between the planet's inner and outer surfaces. Magnetic grids, ley lines, and other power vortices will be reactivated to further restore and reunite the planet to its original and intended state as well as reconnect us to the rest of the solar system and beyond. Imagine all the progress when over 60 billion people from all parts of the planet(there are 10 times more people inside the Earth than there are on its surface) pool their knowledge and resources as well as that from other worlds! This will all happen once we are finally liberated from the alien and hostile rulers of our world.


The accelerating meltdown of the polar regions over the last forty years, particularly in the North, is leading inexorably to a merger with the hollow inner earth world. In the last golden age of Atlantis some eleven to thirteen thousand years ago, a set of water or ice canopies covered the planet creating a paradise-like environment throughout, and connecting both inner and outer earth via the polar openings, which were then ice-free. Beginning around eleven thousand years ago, destructive wars caused the eventual collapse of these canopies, bringing down massive worldwide flooding and drastic climate changes, which in turn decimated the quality and length of our lives. The floodwaters gradually receded or gravitated towards the polar regions and turned to ice and snow, forming a protective barrier to the still pristine inner earth. Over the last three hundred years or so, inner earth has been grooming or preparing outer earth with its concepts and technologies for an eventual merging of the two societies. The melting of the polar regions and the re-establishment of the earth's water or ice canopies is the next logical step to this merger. Whether this merger will lead to a truly global and utopian society or government has yet to be determined.


Since Uranus' entry into Scorpio in late 1975, many outer earthers have been selected or invited to visit the inner earth for study and training to become leaders for the coming merger between inner and outer earth. This merger has been going on for hundreds of years, but has only really intensified during the last fifty with the burgeoning of technology and the internet. Most of our technology comes from the inner earth but we only get the tail end of it. Inner earth computers are organic and holographic in nature, able to function on the astral as well as material plane. There is a secret internet that connects inner and outer earth leaders. These leaders know that the Earth will undergo a pole shift within the next five to ten years and are preparing themselves for it. News of this is being leaked to various individuals whose responsibility it is to warn the public. These individuals can be inner earth trainees or outer earthers who have been given such imformation through direct or indirect means. Many of us are being trained or readied on a subconcious or dream level to face the coming changes. If the Mayan calendar is correct, the shift should occur in late 2007 or just over five years before the Mayan end date of December 2012. This is, however, by no means a certainty. What is certain is that the planet's magnetic field will totally collapse just before the pole shift occurs.The negatves will use the chaos of the shift for their own selfish and destructive purposes, whereas the positives will use it as a stepping stone for personal and planetary improvement.


The Moon is even more hollow than the Earth, due to its very thin shell(some 90 miles thick). Scientists noted that when a sizeable meteorite hit the moon, its shell would vibrate and ring like a bell. Similar effects could be produced by aiming a powerful sonic beam at the Moon from Earth. This could only mean that the Moon is hollow, as are all heavenly bodies. This would also mean that it would not take much force to destroy or relocate it. Like the Earth, our Moon is dominated by malevolent forces which reside in its interior or hide on the dark side(which is one reason we always see one side only). Our Moon is artifically kept from rotating for reasons which can only benefit the dark forces and undermine humanity. I once asked a psychic friend to scan the Moon's interior for life and he described ghastly, vampirical, flying creatures, of an etheric(non-physical) nature.


The planet Mars, like all other planets, has a hollow interior. What look like or are described as ice or snow caps are actually clouds lit by the planet's inner sun which shines through the polar openings. The north polar opening looks like a huge crater with clouds in and around it as can be seen in this NASA Hubble Space Telescopephotograph at Rodney McCluff's "World Top Secret: Our Earth is Hollow" website. While the surface of Mars appears barren and scarred(the result of numerous interplanetary wars) it is altogether diffent underneath. Numerous colonies from Earth and elsewhere are thriving in underground bases, and the inner interior surface of the planet is as populated and advanced as any other planet in our system. Martians look much like humans except for their hair which is mostly reddish in coloring. They are good at science and mechanics and building space ships and have an active interest and participation in Earth affairs. This interaction is at its peak during Mars' close approaches to Earth.


Edmund Halley of comet fame was one of the earliest proponents of the hollow earth. Edmund concluded that there were other bodies within the Earth to account for the varying directions of the Earth's magnetic field. He proposed four concentric spheres, all inhabited and nestled inside each other like a Chinese box puzzle, and all with their own magnetic fields. The outermost is of course the Earth while the second and third innermost are of the size of Mars and Venus. The fourth or inner core he compares to Mercury. All of these inner shells are bathed in perpetual luminous light. He also postulated that the aurora borealis was the result of escaped gases coming from the Earth's interior. Leonard Euler, a swiss mathematician, was the first to modify Edmund's theory into a single hollow sphere with a central sun some 600 miles in diameter. Sir John Leslie proposed that there were two central suns which he named Pluto and Prosperine. Symmes, Gardner, and Bernard followed with our present modern concept of a single shell, two large polar openings, and a central luminary.


By far the strangest concept of the hollow earth belongs to the late Koreshian leader Cyrus Teed. He envisioned all of our universe contained in a hollow ball 8000 miles in diameter which we call Earth. We are living on the inside concave surface of the Earth with the Sun Moon and stars circling around its infinite inner center. We are held down not by gravity but by centrifugal force.The Moon is half a mile across and some 3933 miles over our heads. The Sun is only 8 feet across, and the stars are microscopic spots clustered around the center(everything shrinks as you go deeper towards this infinite inner center). Rock and soil stretch infinitely outside of the Earth. He says the scientists have it all backwards -you figure.


The Hollow Earthhollowbook.jpg

Angeli Laudantes, by Sir Edward Burne-Jones (public domain image)

The Book of Enoch, written during the second century B.C.E., is one of the most important non-canonical apocryphal works, and probably had a huge influence on early Christian, particularly Gnostic, beliefs. Filled with hallucinatory visions of heaven and hell, angels and devils, Enoch introduced concepts such as fallen angels, the appearance of a Messiah, Resurrection, a Final Judgement, and a Heavenly Kingdom on Earth. Interspersed with this material are quasi-scientific digressions on calendrical systems, geography, cosmology, astronomy, and meteorology.

The book free reading and download here:

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Premature Baby’s Grip on Parent’s Finger, by J.D. Thyme (cropped)

by Heidi Stevenson 

In this first report from the Keele Conference on the biological effects of aluminum, we learn that the weakest among us, premature newborns and sickly elderly, are being poisoned with aluminum through their nutrition. The FDA’s aluminum limits are routinely ignored, while this problem, known for 30 years, continues unabated. 

The weakest newborns are fed parenterally. That is, they receive nutrition intravenously because they’re unable to eat. In spite of FDA guidelines, these most helpless of infants are receiving massive doses of aluminum, a toxic metal with no place in human metabolism. Research demonstrates that these guidelines are universally flouted to a shocking degree, leaving the weakest among us to live with a highly toxic burden of aluminum. 

Denise Bohrer is a leading researcher on this topic, who presented at the 2013 Annual Keele Meeting on Aluminium, the world’s most significant source of information on aluminum’s biological effects. Her research focuses on the severity of this problem in parenterally-fed infants and adults, usually elderly, along with the sources of contamination. This article focuses on the work that she and her team are doing. 

Aluminum is a toxin, and parenteral exposure is particularly dangerous. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) notes: 

The classical type [of neurotoxicity] results from chronic parenteral or oral aluminum exposures and is characterized by a gradual onset of neurobehavioral disorders and, eventually, death. These neurological effects have been observed in adults and children. (Alfrey 1993; Griswold et al. 1983). Plasma levels are estimated to be 100–200 µg/L. Limiting aluminum exposure in uremic persons (for example, the use of aluminum-free dialysates and aluminumfree phosphate binding agents) essentially eliminates these neurotoxic effects.1

These adverse effects are most notable in people with defective kidney function. Two groups noted for it are premature newborns and many elderly people, which explains Dr. Bohrer’s focus. 

Aluminum Toxicity in Parenterally-Fed Neonates 

In “Aluminum loading in preterm neonates revisited”2, Bohrer et al demonstrate that more than half the aluminum fed to infants parenterally ends up sequestered in the body. They also found that the aluminum does disappear from the blood stream. Therefore, if it is not excreted in urine and doesn’t continue circulating in the blood, it is left to act toxically on the child’s body. 

Ten premature infants fed parenterally were the subjects. The infusion bags and other apparatus that were used to feed and administer drugs were collected. To calculate urine volumes, diapers were collected and weighed before and after use. Urine samples were collected once a day. 

Blood was collected at birth, upon admission to the neonate intensive care unit (NICU), and again on their last day in the NICU. The amount of aluminum administered to each bay was calculated based on known levels in each of the products. 


The study found that the average (mean) daily intake of aluminum was 28.5 µg, with an average daily intake of 15.2 µg/kg/day. The average (mean) daily intake of aluminum was calculated to be 15.2 µg/kg of body weight. Note that the maximum intake level that the FDA considers acceptable is 5 µg/kg/day, which means that these babies were receiving over 3 times more than the FDA considers acceptable. 

The average daily amount excreted was only 9.3 µg. That left an average of 19.2 µg in the babies’ systems. 

The range of intake from baby to baby was quite large, but the smallest average calculated was 7.2 µg/kg of body weight and the largest was 23.2 µg/kg of body weight. It is, of course, to be expected that this difference would occur, since kidney function would have varied from child-to-child. Note, however, that even the lowest intake was nearly 50% higher than the FDA’s maximum. 

The reason this study was titled with the term “revisited” is that it’s been more than 30 years since the issue of aluminum toxicity from parenteral feeding was noted. Therefore, this study made a comparison between studies done 20-30 years ago and their own today. 

They found that there has been no improvement in all that time. In spite of the FDA’s ruling that aluminum be kept below 5 µg/kg/day, nothing has been done to resolve the problem. 

Until Bohrer and her team decided to take another look at this issue, the science community had largely been silent. There has been little in the science journals in the past 20 years. This has allowed the FDA’s regulation to be ignored, and our weakest people, premature infants and the elderly, to be routinely poisoned with a substance known to cause neurological and bone damage. 

Sources of Parenteral Aluminum Contamination 

The next question must be what’s the source of all this toxic aluminum? Can’t it be avoided? Dr. Bohrer and team worked on this question, with a most telling result reported in “Aluminum content in intravenous solutions for administration to neonates: role of product preparation and administration methods”3. 

The FDA has issued two definitive rules on the topic. One, discussed in the previous section, says that no more than 5 µg/kg of aluminum should be given per day. They also ruled that parenteral nutrition must not contain more than 25µg/liter of aluminum. Keep that figure in mind: 25 µg/L. 

Here’s a study diagram of the parts of a parenteral feeding system: 

Parenteral Feeding Diagram

For two weeks, Bohrer and team collected samples from the hospital at the Federal University of Santa Maria in Brazil. They collected the bag and burette sets that hold and deliver nutrition and drugs. Medicines, samples of the commercial parenteral nutrition, and infusion examples were collected. All materials collected before use were again collected after use. Note that, although medicines were found to contain significant amounts of aluminum, their volume was low so they did not account for the most significant amount of toxicity. 

The most telling finding was how much aluminum is contained in commercial preparations, as shown in this table: 

It’s readily apparent that a very high percentage of these products is well over the FDA’s limit of 25 µg/L. Note in particular the calcium gluconate 10% figures, which are simply astronomical. 

Of the high volume products, Water for injection, glucose 50%, amino acids, and lipids, three samples were over the FDA’s limit of 25 µg/L. These were both amino acids by Fresenius-Kabi and Baxter, and one lipid by Fresenius-Kabi. Note also the dramatic difference between the two batches of Fresenius-Kabi lipids. 

The researchers calculated an estimated amount of aluminum based on the quantity of aluminum found in ingredients shown in the previous table. They took followup samples at two points during the parenteral feeding process, one from the bag and one from the burette, and checked those aluminum levels. The following table provides those results: 

Obviously, a significant amount of aluminum is added to the already toxic levels of the components provided by manufacturers. The smallest final measurement, that found in the burette right before release to the neonate, was 61 µg/L, more than double the FDA’s maximum allowable level of 25 µg/L! 

The often startlingly large increase in aluminum that shows up after the ingredients have been mixed, as shown by comparison with the 3rd and 4th column figures in this table, demonstrate that there must be a significant amount of aluminum leaching from the containers and tubing themselves. The authors state: 

Containers may increase the contamination, because practically all materials used to manufacture containers for pharmaceuticals contain Al, either as a constituent or as an impurity. Aluminum oxide is a glass component; in addition, the more resistant the glass the higher the oxide content, so that in glasses for parenteral formulation Al can reach 6% of the total glass mass. Plastic containers may also contain Al, in this case as an impurity, because Al compounds are used as catalysts in plastic polymerization. Pharmacopoeias limit the extractable Al from polyethylene, polypropylene, and PVC to 1 ppm,18 which is much higher than 25 mcg/L, the amount proposed by the FDA as a limit for large-volume parenterals.

Therefore, Bohrer and team also examined the containers for aluminum contamination. They investigated the calcium gluconate 10%, which you can see in the first table had exceptionally high quantities of aluminum, 9,205 and 19,400 µg/L. Calcium gluconate forms a large percentage of the neonates’ parenteral formulas. They estimated that it’s responsible for 80-98% of the aluminum found in parenteral formulations. 


New unused infusion sets of bags, tubing, burettes, and syringes used for medications were filled with sterile water and left to soak for 24 hours. Samples were taken and examined for aluminum content. The results are shown to the left. You can see that the burette line rapidly contributes the lion’s share of aluminum to solutions, and the burette contributes a significant share after about 18 hours of use. Syringes and bags also contribute to aluminum toxicity, though not as significantly. 

Poisoning Our Most Helpless 

As is clearly documented by Dr. Bohrer and team of scientists, the recommendations of the FDA are nearly universally flouted in feeding of our weakest citizens, the youngest and oldest. Aluminum is a noted toxin causing permanent and devastating damage to the neurological system and bones, resulting in chronic pain and disability. 

Most people can detox fairly significant amounts of aluminum, but those with impaired kidney function are the exception.4 As Jay M. Mirtallo states: 

Normally, aluminum is easily eliminated in the urine. Adult patients with renal compromise and neonates are the patient populations at greatest risk of developing toxicity from the aluminum present in parenteral fluids.

In spite of the FDA’s call for no more than 25 µg/L aluminum in parenteral fluids and administration of no more than 5 µg/kg/day of aluminum, Mirtallo says: 

However, the amount of aluminum in all of the neonatal and pediatric solutions tested exceeded the FDA limits.

Canada’s parenteral products have 7-10 times less aluminum than those of the United States. Mirtallo reports that it’s because Canada’s products use organic phosphorus instead of inorganic salts. 

According to Mirtallo, Germany successfully reduced aluminum concentration by 96% simply by requiring that calcium gluconate be packed in polyethylene vials instead of glass containers. If it’s that easy to reduce aluminum to only 4% of current amounts in food fed to premature and undersized infants, why are the manufacturers and hospital workers who prepare parenteral feeding not doing the right thing? 

Clearly, there are solutions to the wholesale poisoning of the oldest and youngest patients. They are neither complex nor difficult. The most innocent and weak among us surely deserve better than such cavalier treatment by the corporations that profit off them and the hospitals responsible for their care. 

This is the first of a series of articles based on the 2013 Annual Keele Meeting on Aluminium, a conference on the biological effects of aluminum. I was thrilled to be invited to this year’s conference in Winchester, England to act as a reporter. 

Aluminum is the most abundant metal in or on the earth, and the second most abundant element in the earth’s crust. Thoughout most of the earth’s history, it’s been tightly bound and tucked away, having little effect on biology. However, it’s a most amazing element, which readily binds with others to form highly useful products. Since we’ve discovered that, it’s been a gung ho process to strip it from the earth, find more and more new uses, and apply them. 

Sadly, though, that ability to combine with nearly anything makes aluminum highly disuptive in biology, where it has no metabolic value. It is, by definition, a poison. A dedicated group of scientists are interested in and concerned with these effects, and do serious and valuable research in spite of industry’s lack of interest. The harmful effects of aluminum are not generally profitable, so research on them is limited. Nonetheless, these scientists have dedicated themselves to the benefit of protecting humans and the earth, rather than simply bending to profits. 

I was humbled by the presentations. My hope is to present some of the information in a form that is readily accessible to the nonscientist and does fair credit to the work of these scientists. We need to be aware of all the effects of aluminum, this most amazing, but also toxic, substance.

Article sources: 

1. Aluminum Health Effects, (Pages 77-78) CDC’s document to “… provide public health officials, physicians, toxicologists, and other interested individuals and groups with an overall perspective on the toxicology of aluminum.” 
2. Aluminum loading in preterm neonates revisited. Bohrer D, Oliveira SM, Garcia SC, Nascimento PC, Carvalho LM.; doi: 10.1097/MPG.0b013e3181cea511. 
3. Aluminum content in intravenous solutions for administration to neo....Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition; de Oliveira SR, Bohrer D, Garcia SC, do Nascimento PC, Noremberg S.; doi: 10.1177/0148607110362531. 
4. Age dependence in the accumulation and elimination of aluminum in rats; Page 57, Marlei Veiga, Sandra Ribeiro, Patrícia Mattiazzi, Cristina Bandero, Queli Lenz, Mauro Silveira, Carlos Mello, Denise Bohrer. 
5. Aluminum Contamination of Parenteral Fluids; Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition; Jay M. Mirtallo, MS, RPh, BCNSP, FASHP; doi: 10.1177/0148607110361906. 
6. Aluminum in large and small volume parenterals used in total parent.... FDA’s guideline on labeling aluminum products for use in parenteral nutrition. 

Source: Gaia Health

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On February 21, 2013, a one month-old baby girl died after receiving her first vaccinations. Baby Ayushi Gupta died at the Maltibai Hospital, Thane, West Mumbai in India just hours after receiving her vaccinations for Hepatitis B, DPT (diptheria, pertussis and tetanus) and oral pulse polio drops. 

Her parents blame her death on the vaccinations and have filed a complaint with the Thane Nagar police station against the hospital for negligence. 

Just before her vaccinations, Ayushi’s parents, Amit and Lata Gupta, informed the hospital that their baby was unwell and had a cough. After examining the baby, doctors told her parents that the cough was caused by a change in the weather and continued with the vaccinations. 

ccording to reports, Ayushi began to cry immediately after receiving the vaccinations. However, doctors informed her anxious parents that it was possible that she would cry the entire day, as this was a common side effect of the vaccinations! They advised her parents to take her home and feed her two hours later. 

The Mumbai Mirror, reporting on the story, issued a statement from her parents, who said: 

“We brought her home and fed her milk around two hours later. Around 7 pm, her eyes were shut and we assumed that she had fallen asleep,” Amit said. “When my wife tried to wake her up, she did not move.” [1]

On finding their baby ill, they immediately rushed the sick infant to the Maltbai Hospital. Sadly, it was too late and Ayushi was pronounced dead on arrival. 

According to The Mumbai Mirror, Senior Inspector P. Thorat from Thane Nagar Police Station told reporters that they had recorded statements from the all the staff responsible for administering vaccinations and they had checked the vaccine batches. 

Experts reported that adverse reactions after vaccinations were rare and that 22 other children received the vaccines and were said to be fine. 


I would like to ask those experts two important questions: 

1. As Ayushi was sick on the day of her vaccinations, was it appropriate for her to receive her vaccinations in the first place? 

2. Seeing that Ayushi was so distressed upon receiving her vaccinations, why wasn’t she monitored by the hospital for 24 hours, just in case? 

In the Western World, it is unusual for a child this young to receive so many vaccinations at one time, but according to the Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) vaccination schedule, this procedure is normal. [2] In fact, as soon as a child is born in India, they are given the BCG, OPV O (oral polio) and the Hep B vaccination. This vaccination schedule is especially frightening when you consider that, according to the mainstream media, polio has been almost been completely eradicated in India. [3)] 


If polio has been almost completely eradicated, then why is it necessary to vaccinate newborn babies with the polio vaccination at birth and continually for the first five years of their life? According to the Indian vaccination schedules, children in India receive the polio vaccine at the following ages: 

  • Birth
  • 6 weeks
  • 10 weeks
  • 14 weeks
  • 6 months
  • 9 months
  • 16 –18 months
  • 4-5 years

In fact, children in India receive four shots of the IPV (inactivated polio vaccine) and four doses of the OPV (oral polio vaccine) before they are five years old. Eight polio vaccinations seems like an awful lot of vaccines for an illness that has almost been eradicated, doesn’t it? Is it any wonder that babies are dying? 

The Indian vaccination schedule recommended by the Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP).

I felt physically sick when I read just how many vaccines these small, fragile babies and children are receiving. Alarmingly, they can receive fifty or more vaccinations by the time that they are five years old! Admittedly, some of these vaccinations are triple vaccines such as the MMR and DTP. 

Even when you take this fact into account, this is an incredibly high number of vaccinations to give a young child, especially when you consider that many of the children receiving these vaccines are sick, malnourished and may live in appalling conditions with no access to clean drinking water. 

Children who are considered “high risk” are administered an additional seven vaccinations. Their immune systems are already under stress as they battle conditions such as HIV infection, chronic cardiac and pulmonary disorders, asthma, liver disease, renal issues, diabetes, hematologic concerns. Children who are receiving long-term steroid therapy, salicylates, immunosuppressive treatment, or radiation therapy are also administered the additional vaccines. How can their already compromised immune systems handle over fifty vaccines containing multiple toxic ingredients? 

One important point that the mainstream media conveniently forgets to mention is this: a recently published paper suggested that increased administration of OPV doses among children in India has been associated with increases in acute flaccid paralysis (AFP), which is as crippling and deadly as wild type polio paralysis! This is what you could call pulling the wool over the public’s eyes. 

Dr. Mercola reported in August 2012: 

“A paper published earlier this year in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics should have made headlines around the globe, as it estimated there were 47,500 cases of a polio-like condition linked to children in India receiving repeated doses of oral polio vaccine in 2011 alone. The incidence of non-polio Accute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) in India is now 12 times higher than expected and coincides with huge increases in OPV doses being given to children in the quest to “eradicate” wild type polio infection and paralysis.” [4]

So, in a bid to stop the spread of polio, a disease which according to Bill Gates has already been almost completely eradicated, he, along with many of the organizations he works with, have legitimized paralyzing children with the polio vaccinations supposedly administered to protect them. I say this because if Bill Gates and “humanitarian” organizations were truly concerned about the welfare of these children, they would have stopped using the OPV vaccinations completely after the above report was published. 

Instead, this type of legitimate genocide is what Bill gates and his army of helpers call God’s work, while the government, big pharma and the medical profession call it health care! 


Interestingly, the OPV vaccinations were discontinued in the USA in 2000 because they were causing vaccine-associated paralytic polio. Rather than destroy these life-threatening vaccinations, these vaccines, along with many other discontinued and dangerous vaccines, were shipped over to the developing world to be used there. [5] 

Sickening, isn’t it? Not according to Bill Gates, who says that in six years polio will be wiped off the planet. He said: 

“We are on the verge of doing something we’ve never been able to do before—reaching the vast majority of children in the remotest places in the world.” [6]

What he did not mention, of course, was the fact that these vaccinations are causing many of the children to become paralyzed with AFP instead or even dying, as in baby Ayushi’s case. How many other children have died after receiving these vaccines without their death being reported? I would like to ask Mr. Gates why he feels it necessary to give children in India four doses of a vaccine that was banned from his own country, and whether he would be prepared to vaccinate his own children with the same vaccine? 









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