Joe Barnett's Posts (102)

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Dr. Angela Barnett

The lightning effect of the sound frequencies generated by the vibrational barrier between the Moon and the Earth is now starting to release itself into a state that allows more Cosmic Energy that was sustained in the Vacuum to integrate itself onto our planet. That veil that was generated by this vacuum state between the Earth and the Moon is evaporating. The energy is integrating itself onto the planet and it is adjusting its own thought magnetic appropriately so that one can expand them self further.

Basically as you advance through out the planet the planet is moving through a hybridized state of consciousness that represents the energies that you would feel if you were in outer space.

Genius DNA is created from the stardust being inhaled into the omnions within the atoms. This causes a celestial transformation of the DNA. The DNA is transformed from the carbon based molecular structure into the form of stardust or cellestiline structure.

Simply because you are existing within a vacuum that is so enriched with potential energy that it would enable an acceleration of DNA to enable the thought process that one would have a genius based IQ after being exposed to the stars for as little as one week.

Each person would activate differently, but the potential of Genius is available.

We are not receiving the FULL capacity of the stars, but we are receiving fractions of it in this dimensional density. However, we can expand our consciousness in to higher dimensions to allow the future potential of that stardust to enter into our DNA now with the help of the Frequency Music which carries the HOLOGRAMS of the Future Host reality.

Dr. Angela Barnett

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Dr. Angela Barnett

God's light is seen and being seen by God and by those who are allowing God to be within them. Each creation of God has the ability to have as much of God's light within them that they choose. God chose to have pure freedom of choice as the only possibility on this Planet Earth because God wanted to give his creation the opportunity to become all that they could become all by themselves, without having the puppet strings of God controlling their lives.

God did place Souls within these Beings on Earth so that there would always be a telephone line to God available to them, when they chose to be within so much of God's Light that they would allow themselves to speak to God through their Soul's telephone line connection.

However, God wanted it to be entirely the choice of each individual to be connected or disconnected from God in whatever way they chose to be. This Earth was created for the experience of Freedom, and for God to experience all of the possibilities that result from this experience of Freedom.

We each have this ability to have ALL OF GOD'S LIGHT shine through us, or very little of GOD'S LIGHT shine through us. The more of this light that we allow, the more we will be living again in the Garden of Eden. And we do not need to worry about eating the wrong apple. We only need to allow the light to flow through us. That is all we need to do. When we do that, we get to experience what real FREEDOM is. However, each person has the freedom to discover that possibility all by her/himself.


God sees each one of His Individual Creations as a flame and a light. God looks down from above (of course there really is no above to God, because he is every where), to see a light that is burning brightly like a fire. So, it is easy to assume that we could imagine ourselves as being the candle flame which includes all of the spectums of light within it, just as God sees us as his complete self, which is the light with all spectrums within it.

We are the light. We are each a candle flame, which has the spectrums of light that represent each one of the dimensions of reality within the universe. Of course, there is no reason to need to break down the light spectrums in a scientific manner, unless you are one of those who can only believe what is proven to you scientifically.

Simply speaking, we are, in truth the pure light of All that Is. We each have this great light within us and flowing through us. When God looks down at the entire dimensional realm, or the entire galaxy or universe, he first sees that reality of each individual and each individual group of consciousness being exactly who He is, because everything that exists is God.

When the time comes for an individual to either ascend or die, God looks more closely at this light within each of us because only the absolute pure light that is the same as the light of God flowing through them brightly and continuously can turn into that same flame that is God.

God is always allowing his Eternal Flame to flow through each of us and to allow us to be that complete Candle of the entire frequency, of the hertzian in 3D, the infra red in 4D, the x-ray, that sees within, the ultra violet blue that allows the atomic mirror effect of our ability to see ourselves as our spiritual self, the gamma wave that allows us to know we are in fact standing inside of the Sun's warmth, and we are even the pink white silver pastel frequency that creates transformation into the pure invisible white light that allows our body to disappear and then transform into the new form that is chosen by our Soul that will allow us to re appear on Terra Ha.

God does not judge any of His Creations. God places a Soul in each one of His Creations so that He will always be able to keep in touch with each one through the channel, or telephone wire that the Soul allows God to communicate through. Even though the process of God sending His Light into each Creation is the same, the receiving process is different depending on how much of a LIGHTWORKER the receiver is.

For instance, the Spirit keeps a finger on those who show their belief in God by doing spiritual work such as praying, or acknowledging his or her strong belief that God is with them. And, this God is the same regardless of the person's religion. God will send the finger of His Spirit through the frequency signature of Buddha, or Jesus Christ, or Mohammad, or Alla, or any God that allows the belief to come forth.

There is no truth in the belief that the Christian Religion is the only way to connect with God. This is the exact belief that Jesus and Mary are here on Earth to remove. It is true that we, Jesus and Mary were the only Creator Beings on Earth two thousand years ago, who came directly from the Creator Realm of At One Ment with our Father God. We were on Earth for the purpose of God experiencing Himself as both the male and female part of His Soul as separate experiences coming together as One. Yeshuwa ben Joseph was on Earth to tell people exactly what God was saying through his Soul, who contained within it the direct link to the One God in the Creator Realm. I also came to Earth as the Soul of a Creator Being to bring the truth of God to the little children who lived in my village.

Creator Beings needed to be on Earth at the time of the Jesus and Mary story for the purpose of re-connecting the Portal of Consciousness from God directly into Earth.

So, God was originally pouring his Light and Love of His pure Creation Actiivity through the Universe as the Music of the Spheres designing various realities in various dimensions into what resulted in the 12 race lines of this Original Consciousness. Each one of these original race lines created their own star system including the Andromeda, Arcturian, Pleiadian, Orion, Alpha Centauri, and other systems.

The blockage of the portals on this planet Earth caused the blockage of the flow of light into each of those original race lines because the Ascension Portals reach through all of time and space through the entire Universe and are held within the original templates of the Spheres within Spheres in the Creation Realm of the Cosmic Structure.

Dr. Angela Barnett

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Crystal Magic Orchestra's COSMIC HEALING MUSIC

Crystal Magic Orchestra's COSMIC HEALING MUSIC

Hello, I am Joe Barnett in Crystal Magic Orchestra.

We compose and record powerful healing music.

Way Cool Cosmic Jazz (single) Healing Music

People have been healed of cancer, broken backs and hundreds of other problems through our Crystal Magic Orchestra healing music.

I was extremely seriously hurt in a freeway car accident a few years ago and I was fully and completely healed through using our healing music.

Our webpages that describe that and how we create our healing music are

Joe Barnett
Crystal Magic Orchestra

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Dr. Angela Barnett


Copyright © by Dr. Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.


This album may be found on

Dr. Angela Barnett

Crystal Magic

When we travel in consciousness by using the IDEA of the crystal star merkaba (a heirophant with one triangle pyramid with point down within a triangle pyramid with point up and an invisible copy of the same on top of it- we visualize the top pyramid spinning clockwise and the bottom pyramid spinning counter clockwise- the spinning is creating the removal of polarization between the spiritual and physical- the spinning places us in oneness with the multi dimensionality of all that is) in order to move beyond the speed of light into any dimension desired, we can travel to the deep deep within of the Inner Core Domains of a Median Earth that is within the Outer Earth, and then we can travel even deeper into the Most Inner Spiritual Cosmic Domains that have held the Original Consciousness of those who form the Earth's Matrix.

When we travel to this deep deep within, we are actually swimming in the Consciousness of the Aquafarians, who are the Water Body Entities, who are the Guards of our Blue Sphere of Amenti (the original Human Angelic Consciousness within the Earth). Their essence is the Spiritual Water that resembles our water, but allows complete freedom of travel because you can walk on it, breath it, form it into new realities or swim in it if you want. This substance is the H2O2 HE3 liquid light water of our original Spiritual Creation.

The Aquafarian Water bodies are always with us when we connect our consciousness within the spiritual substance of the water we drink, swim or live within- for instance the mist of the air, the humidity, the rain drops, snow, etc. They are around us whenever there is water around. The Aquafarians always start talking to me when I go into my bathroom, and sometimes when we are in the mist of a cloud. They become very present when I am swimming or in a shower. They become so present that they can interact with the substance of the body by making you float high on top of the water, as if it became a different type of water. They can make the water that you bath in become a pure healing substance. If you breath your consciousness connection into them and exhale into the water that you drink, the water will turn into healing water.

The Aquafarians also swim around me when I sleep at night. They have met me and sung the song All is Love. When I recorded that song, I was channeling their singing. They take me deep within the Cosmic Aqua cores of Earth on Journeys to show me that I am within the Water Firs of Earth while I am also sleeping in my bed. They take me into Crystal Caves of the Inner Earth and they swim with me and sing to me. They are the guardians of the consciousness of this transition.

In our parallel realities, the Crystal Caves are also within our brains. They are the crystal structures that amplify the light and sound waves collected in our dreams that allow us to remember our dreams and project our dreams as our new realities. The DNA is actually the collector of these movies created through the higher frequencies found in our dreams. Our dreams take us into higher frequencies because we become tuned into our Plasma bodies that carry us on our Plasma Spaces ships attached to our Plasma Brain. These plasma waves weave and braid the ultimate new realities that we experience at night as we actually zip from one Universal Reality System to another all night long. We might find ourselves swimming with the mermaids in these crystal caves because they also exist in the Inner Domains of the Cosmic Core of Mother Earth, or we might be swimming in the Crystal Heart of our Eighth Sun Alcyone, or within the Cosmic Spiritual Heart of Eleiysha.

All of these realities begin to exist in our DNA after we experience them in our Dreams. Our DNA can only expand to accept these new experiences as a new reality when the Frequencies of the DNA are shifted into the Violet Frequency of the 15th dimension. The DNA must shift into the Twelfth Dimensional Violet Frequency and into the Ultra Violet Pink White Light of the Cosmos. The shifting of dimensions takes place as a result of the Vast amounts of Pre Light and Sound being sent through our Sun into the Crystal Heart of Earth and then streaming into our DNA from the Earth's Crystalline Grids.

The album that I created called Magical Mermaid Journey to the Crystal Caves is the journey that the Cosmic Mermaids, known as the Aquafarians, take me on every night. They take me to places within the deepest of Cosmic Waters and to the other side of the Median Earth and into the Highest Earth called Urtha. They show me the Crystal Cities that deep within the Inner Domains and they take me to the Crystal Caves to allow me to hear their voices vibrating into a rainbow of frequencies within the Etheric Crystals.

We can begin each journey to this place by tuning in to the idea of the Crystal Star Merkaba and placing that idea within your Crystal Heart. What I call the Crystal Heart is the area in the middle of the chest, called the Heart Chakra. Within this area is the Thymus Gland and the most etheric part of the Thymus Gland is the Seed Atom. The Seed Atom is the original Divine Template of your original creation point. This is the area of the body that connects back into the lower part of the skull called the medulla oblangata. That is the area that connects directly to the Mind of God in the NORMAL HUMAN ANGELIC BODY. As we transpose the frequencies within the Brain to become Frequency Specific to the Cosmic Light and Sound, the Brain becomes the Plasma Brain with Crystal Caves within it.

The 144 DNA Plasma Brain Album activates the Brain at that level of frequencies.

A little lower directly down from the Crystal Heart is where the Soul is located. The Soul is the etheric substance within a ganglia of cells that weighs about 13 oz. When the body dies it always becomes 13 oz lighter because the Soul leaves. The Soul is the travel agent. The Soul has lived in all of the dimensions and keeps replicas of itself in all dimensional realities where you have had past experiences.

So, we use the symbol of the crystal star vehicle and imagine placing the Soul inside of it. We can then place a blue sphere around the crystal star vehicle to make sure the Soul is always wrapped inside of the oneness with God Consciousness.

Next, we see and feel our soul travel inside of the crystal star vehicle clear down into the most inner domains of Earth. You can practice, by imagining taking an elevator ride down inside of the Earth as if you were falling into a crater from the top of a mountain. You travel down the hole in the mountain deeper and deeper until you reach an area that looks and feels like water. That is the Aquafarian Consciousness. You can feel your body take on a violet silver essence when it touches the water.

When I reach the liquid area, I reach out for the fin of a Cosmic dolphin to pull me deeper within the Consciousness of the Aquafarian Blue Crystal Sphere of original Consciousness. The dolphins pull me deeper and deeper and then I surface on the other side of reality. I have been taken into a higher version of the Earth- the Median Earth. This is the ELEMENTAL Earth that we are shifting into. This is the Earth that we are morphing into. After I reach this location of the Median Earth, the Aquafarians come to me again and ask me to ride with them to a much deeper place where they show me the Crystal Cities and the Crystal Caves. This is the Inner Earth of our original creation. The process of moving through the Spiritual Water and then emerging on the other side of reality is the same process we go through as we re-birth into the Higher Consciousness.

We can experience these frequencies in the 144,00DNA Album created from the Consciousness of the original 144,000 Paradisian Children, the 1728 incarnates within each dimensional incarnation on all 15 dimensions combined with the elementals of the microcosmic and macro cosmic DNA.

When we go through this process, our DNA also goes through this process. The DNA is being given the programming to prepare for a brand new reality to be born within it so that it can begin to experience and visualize the Inner Earth and Median Earth as a normal part of reality beyond the lower dimensional confines of one third dimensional Earth.

The symbol of the Crystal Star Merkaba Vehicle represents in our mind the actual rotational spinning of the spheres within the spheres of the multi dimensional realities. As the Earth spins faster and faster we are taken into higher and higher consciousness.

The most important step in creating new neuronets that connect to all of your multi dimensional selves is to dive deep within the Cosmic Core Domain. When dive into the Aquafirs within Mother Earth's heart, we are actually opening a star gate portal into an in between state of Etheric Liquid Aquafirs at the Cosmic Level. This is where the stories of mermaids and water fairies come from. It is a very real place. It was the first structure of the Earth's Star Dust Structure created by a team of Sirians working in conjunction with the Pleiadians to create the birthing place for Urtha, who was the original etheric Earth.

I take these very REAL Journeys into the Cosmic Core of Aquafaria every night before I go to bed so that I can dream there all night. I have made recordings of this journey in the past. Some of you may remember the Foundation Journey


We have a New Album of my most recent journey through the Atomic Mirror where I join with my Twin who is a Mermaid. I have recorded the Consciousness of this journey into the original home of the Sirians who created the structure of our Earth home. My first meeting is always with Cinderella, who is the Mermaid who pulls me through the Atomic Mirror. After I glide through the Plasma Mirror into the Vapor, Hydrolaise and Spiritual Water, I am met by Magic Sirian Dolphins who communicate telepathically, and then we are met by Aqua Fairies before we travel deeper into the Cities of Light, and continue to dive deeper and deeper into the Cosmos until we reach the magical Healing Waters of the Cosmic Spa.


This album may be found on

Dr. Angela Barnett

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Dr. Angela Barnett
channeled from Mary Magdalene

Please join us at our site to read the hundreds of testimonies of those who have purchase their Individualized Eternal Life Album and other albums. Testimonies have ranged from curing cancer, raising the dead, immediate income increase, increasing perception far beyond the visible into the invisible light spectrum, etc. etc.

When we create an Individualized Immortality Album (ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM)

the frequency signatures within the Individual activate so strongly that the songs of the Soul can be heard throughout the Universe. The Seven Seals in the Body connect to the locations where chakras intersect into the entire multi dimensional set of spheres within spheres within spheres, which are the Music of the Spheres. This music causes a reaction in the body which allows it to absorb more light and sound because the Seals begin to glow so brightly as the chakras intersect with each and ever morphogenetic sound wave within the Music of the Spheres algorythms.

The Seals glow brighter and brighter and this causes the body to become less and less dense because there is much more room within the cells. The cells expand into a lighter density. The cellular memory connects out beyond the galaxy and into the universe.

The skeletal structure of the body changes because the alignment with the galactic portal can be seen as a structure reflected by the eternal blue print which God has placed in all of His ideas.

The Kundalini activations become very obvious as the First Seal at the bottom of the Spine sends streams of Spirit through the Strands and the spine activates the neurotransmitters that communicate to all of the organs of the body.

The body becomes activated. The light glows brighter and brighter. The subharmonic strands of the DNA connect with millions of strands of consciousness through the one strand that connects the Soul to God. The connection with the Mind of God becomes more focused by listening to the music and staying focused in the mid brain and feeling the connection with the Soul and with the Heart.

The albums are designed to do these activations plus much more.

The Spirit of Mary Magdalene is within each breath of the music. The tones are connected from beyond the Universe where Mary and other Creator Beings created the Music of the Spheres trillions of years ago. As the Music echos through all dimensions of the universe, the Life Force Energy from God is always moving through His ideas and His Creations.

Each breath in the music is a breath exhaled from the crystal light energy spheres within spheres that reflect from the crystals in the Cosmos, which are purely etheric in design, but they can be seen as the after effect of the violet harpstring that attaches all to the strand of God's Consciousness.

The activation of the Divine Blue Print creates the potential of a Full Spectrum Light Reality where the invisible and visible become united. This allows the Consciousness to expand completely into the Universal, Cosmic and Source Domains of Infinite Reality.

Please remember that this is creating Potential. The Guarantee of it happening lies within the Individual becoming willing to see the Invisible growing from the specks of light into Orbs and into rainbows until they can see a complete Morphogenetic Field growing around them pulling them into the Frequencies of the Ultra Violet Blue Wave and the Gamma Wave and into the White Light of a New Creation.

The new atmosphere of our Light Bodies and the new Hydrolaise Atmosphere of Aquafaria are appearing more and more as our New Reality each day. It was a steady process of seeing a few more specks of light each day. We could at first stare into the Sun and see tiny little specks of light energy. Next, we could see the specks growing into tiny little orbs. Next, we could see little entities inside of each orb. They looked like tiny little embryos. It was like watching a birth of tiny little fairies all around us. We could see these realities more and more each day until we began to see fairies and unicorns. We could see the hydrolaise in the atmosphere. The hydrolaise is a completely different chemical structure than exists in our third dimensional atmosphere.

The training that I received from my Elohim Team who appeared in our living room one evening and told me that I would learn to bring the highest frequencies to Earth through music, taught me to hold these crystal spheres of energy in my hands and in my heart and to breathe into my hands the reality that I wanted to be created by the crystal light, crystal dust and crystal gel. These spheres of energy contain the creative power that removes pain, transmutes and transforms into a new reality and creates a new reality.

We achieve this by aligning our Consciousness through the Elohim of Hearing and then oscillating the strings of frequencies through the process of transmutation of the lowest being pulled into the highest. However, each individual frequency signature or petal is completely within the multitudes of frequency signatures.

We can re-create our Divine Blue Print this way, and we can also learn to use this same process of creating with the morphogenetic spheres of creation to create our new Crystal Reality. Once we absorb the frequencies of the Divine Blue Print, we can exhale them into the atmosphere around us and walk into them. When we listen to the ETERNAL LIFE ALBUMS, we can hear the standing wave patterns and the morphogenetic fields of a brand new consciousness and we can walk out of the low, slow waves into the high fast waves of the complete Divine Blue Print.

Please remember that most of the work is done in Consciousness. This means the spiritual substance of creation that can not be seen or heard. However, it can be felt and then translated into the Frequencies that most closely represent the Spiritual At onement with the individual's spiritual self. This is the key to Ascension. We must become completely saturated with the Frequencies of our Spiritual Parallel Selves and lifted into an Attunement that allows us to be At One with our Higher Self and our Inner Knowing who links us to the Source of All Knowing.

The Eternal Life Template is achieved by absorbing so much of the Cosmic Frequencies and the Coded Frequencies of the original God Template that the Body actually Shifts into a Brand New Consciousness Field of Reality.

We have been fine tuning these frequencies of Consciousness each time a new Wave of Consciousness is brought to Earth through the Universal Stellar Wave Activations and Infusions, the waves of consciousness sent through our Sun from the Comets and Coronal Mass Ejections and the Solar Winds. We use the formulas given to us by the Guardians, the Cosmic Angels of Pre light and sound and the Grand Gift of the Elohim of Hearing. We have been collecting these frequencies of transformation for two decades.

This process requires keeping our atmosphere of our home and our recording studio completely Cosmic and we must keep our minds completely out of the world all of the time. The price of these Albums may sound expensive to anyone who hasn't already paid $250 for a one hour Akashic Reading. But, if you realize the difference between the Consciousness Level needed for the reading and the breathing of pure Consciousness, you will realize that this is very, very cheap. There is nothing more valuable than to activate the Potential of their Divine Blue Print to come into their realization and their utilization. We are talking about bringing the Kingdom of Heaven into the Lives of those who are dedicated to this mission.

Dr. Angela Barnett
channeled from Mary Magdalene

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ASCENDING through the BLISS of the MUSIC

ASCENDING through the BLISS of the MUSIC

Dr. Angela Barnett

The BLISS of this Transformation is the musical substance that sings with joy within every cell in the body. The Music of Creation is the Substance within the Cells of the human body. The more this substance is allowed to sing with Joy and Love and feel the BLISS of Transformation, the faster the body will transform into the Light of Music.

This music will be heard and felt within each and every cell in the body. The more each person practices hearing and feeling this Bliss of Music within their cells, and then filling all of the atmosphere around the body, the more they will realize that they are actually going through this transformation into a new body that will appear in a new reality.

The new reality is a higher vibration, a higher frequency, a higher dimensional consciousness. The new reality is the Music of the Spheres singing the ORIGINAL SONGS of Creation from the Cosmic Realm into a different Fabric, a different Weave in the Light and Sound pattern of Cosmic Construction which allows a different construction of the body to manifest upon it.

The patterns of the fabric are different, the rhythms are more varied and brighter, the colors are neon spectras beyond the colors of the rainbow spectrum. The Crystals reflect the Music that was in the lower dimensions out into waves of plasma that create a more Etheric, Cashmere substance within the fabric.

This pattern within the higher dimensional Music reflects itself into the Consciousness of all who appear within this pattern. The Consciousness is so much lighter in this place that there is no more judgement, there is no disagreement, there is no reaction of any sort. There is only unconditional love in this pattern of music called the Symphony of Love.

This is the true substance of the Ascension. The Ascension that is taking place on Planet Earth is a result of the new music that is now flowing into Earth's Veins and Consciousness from the Ascension Portals and from those of the Highest Consciousness.This new Consciousness will be using these Portals for Ascension forever and ever.

Atmosphere of Love Divine

(Don't miss out on the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE SONG for $3- it will take you straight to heaven)

This new atmosphere of Love Divine will sing songs of victory and joy forever more through a musical substance that sings itself into the Souls of all in this new Garden of Love. The new pattern of creation is a Garden of Music. Every plant, every flower, every particle, every molecule in this new place can be heard singing the songs that have been planted in their Soul. This Music of the Spheres can be heard clearly and continuously in this new Garden of Music and Love. This is the reality that is Intended to be here by the Creators. I am the Creator of the Ascension Portals and I intend this Musical Creation to bring Eternal Bliss and Gratitude to and from all who know Gaia.


Dr. Angela Barnett

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Mary Magdalene
Dr. Angela Barnett

God is much like a musical instrument and the conductor of an orchestra who is continuously creating new Symphonies of Love that will inspire his instruments to create music that is even more harmonious, more joyful, more emotionally transforming. Actually, God already created all of the Music. The Music of the Spheres contains Energy of Source moving through it into the designs the heavens are built within. About seventeen trillion years ago, God decided that he would like to create musical instruments who could hear the music that they had created so that they could blend together more harmoniously because they had learned a great deal more about what Love actually was and how glorious it was to feel and experience this love and the ecstasy of love, and God found a way for his children to hear and experience this music even when they came out into the lowest density that light and sound could possibly exist within. Creator Beings are the Musical Instruments of God, we are also the Music of God, we create the rhythm, the balance, the color, the emotions within the Music of the Spheres, and we do this through the guidance of our great Music Conductor, the God of All that Is.

God is not only the God within the Christian religions. God is the same God within the Buddhistic religions, the Hindu religions, and every other religion and belief system on this Earth and every belief system in the entire Universe. God believes that the truth of what is his present understanding of all of his children. God's truth or God's logic might be understood in this way. A truth or reality is created by the logical formulas that it is created from. However, God's logic is created by each and every emotion that He experiences, and that experience creates a new logic within God. And then it is that new logic from which God formulates his next plan of moving his energy through the universe and through the galaxy and through the Earth, so that the best result will occur.

What is an emotion? It is music. God's logic is formulated through the emotions which cause the music of the spheres to sing. The music of the spheres sing continuously, and yet they change continuously as more and more variations of the emotions of all of God's Creations come into being through experiences of the Creator Beings, such as the Love experiences of Jesus of Nazareth and Mary Magdalene that were created in the last chapter of the BC time period and beginning the new chapter of the AD time period.

After that emotion of love was changed within God Himself, a Mother God was created because the old Logic then contained a new Emotion which created a new Logic within God. The Logic was created through an Emotion. However, in the Creation Realm that Emotion was created as MUSIC because it was a shift in the light and sound of the music of the spheres.

These emotions of Mary and Jesus are heard in the Music of the Spheres, which is the translation machine of these emotions into every spectrum of sound and light through each dimension and then experienced as infinite forms of that emotion as the children of angels and the children of men translate that emotion into their own experiences, including the human beings on Earth having experiences that expand the meanings of those emotions continuously. The sounds transform in the same way that the light is transformed from the original sounds of white light that transforms into the violet wave and into the translucence of the ultra violet blue light spectrum that inverts reality to be able to see both sides of the spectrum.

Beethoven's music demonstrated this emotion by pushing the previous forms of music out into a wider spectrum of emotion, and yet tied these emotions together through the stream of joy, which was the light of God holding these explosive, colorful, dramatic emotions together through the power of love, which is the light form that holds all forms together.

That type of music was called Romantic Music because it actually was quite romantically filled with the male and female Soul that God had become through the new experiences that had been created through the Emotions place in his light spectrum when Mary and Jesus experienced the emotion of love between a man and a woman.

God is always re-translating his light through the use of his infinite energy that allows reality to continuously shift as a result of the emotions of his children.

God is a combination of each and every idea of God that has been revealed through thousands of religions on this planet and billions of other belief systems that have been created by race lines throughout our Universe.

God is all of that. God creates himself continuously to be all that is needed to allow all of his creations to create their most ideal situation. God will create a perfect reality for each and every entity in the universe. There is room for each idea of God to have God's abundance available to them every moment of their existence. And that existence will never end. Everything that God creates is as Eternal as God is.

There is no one religion that is correct or incorrect. Religions contain a diamond within them that allows the truth of who God is to be known to some. However, the religions have covered the diamond with a hard plastic substance that must be melted down and carved through to find that treasure within it. The bureaucracies of the church organizations completely block the light that would be shining on that diamond that would reflect versions of spiritual understanding to those who are searching.

Unfortunately, people are given more motivation to stop searching for the truth and to settle for the truth that is most strongly forced upon them through manipulation and lies than they are to carve through the ball of plastic around the diamond. People have been trained to serve the bureaucracy as if it is the thing God wants it to be, rather than realizing that the bureaucracy is the thing that God does not want the church to be.

God is Love. Everything God creates through the manipulation of His Energy through the use of Light and Sound in various structures and forms is all for the continued maintenance of a kingdom where All That Is becomes available to all of His Children, and all of His Creation.

All of God's activity is to allow all that is known and understood by some to be known and understood by all others eventually. God wants us to discover what he has placed within us through our own unique journeys and experiences in our lifetimes.

This universe was designed as the experience that would allow God to have his emotional experiences pushed as far as they could be into all of the dimensional realities within this universe and then as far outside of the original spiritual design into the density of the outer realms that only contain a few members of the original designing committee. Those were the Original Ones and the Creators who were created from the Original Design of God's original Emotional Logic formula.

Look at all of the ways, all of the versions of each religion, each culture, each dimensional perspective of these, and look at each individual's personal way of understanding who God is. See all of these versions of understanding as a colorful mandala, where each piece of the light spectrum fits together like a perfect painting and perfect puzzle that has been reassembled.

Each person has a different level of understanding. So one person might be this speck of light, one person may contain a piece of a rainbow, one person may have a glimpse of the music created in one of the spheres of music. God could be thought of as a music conductor and in order to put the emotions into his music he has designed billions and billions of individuals who will bring more and more of the light spectrum in varied ways because each one brings a new emotion with the color and with the rhythm because of their individual experiences in life which create all of the emotions within each one to bring more light and color and glow and emotions to the music.

Gregorian chant, monophonic, or unison, liturgical music of the Roman Catholic Church, used to accompany the text of the mass and the canonical hours, or divine office. Gregorian chant is named after St. Gregory I, during whose papacy (590–604) it was collected and codified.

If we think of God in this manner we can see that the music created in the Baroque period left for us a modal structure which allows a very simple harmonic flow that allows ultimate harmony to flow as a part of an Essence of the God Structure of a pattern of harmonic structure.

When we move on in time to the Renaissance music, the harmonic structure of the modal scheme became woven into the emotional experiences of people which were also seen in their colorful clothing with extremely artistic designs woven through the colorful rhythms of their minds.

The Classical music went back to the simple formula again as if to create a new structure which would allow the simplistic chordal harmonies to take on a simple control. This same pattern of a thought form appeared as the kingdoms that were ruled by Kings who wanted a control within their countries, but were also willing to give them some freedom and fairness within the structure.

Beethoven's music demonstrated this emotion by pushing the previous forms of music out into a wider spectrum of emotion, and yet tied these emotions together through the stream of joy, which was the light of God holding these explosive, colorful, dramatic emotions together through the power of love, which is the light form that holds all forms together.

That type of music was called Romantic Music because it actually was quite romantically filled with the male and female love that unfolded as God became Mother God through the new experiences that had been created through the Emotions placed in his light spectrum when Mary and Jesus experienced the emotion of love between a man and a woman about 2000 years ago.

Each of these emotions were created in the Music of the Spheres over periods of trillions of years. It is the belief in time that is created within the density of the third dimension that has blocked the complete stream of all of the glorious emotions that are within the Music of the Spheres to be felt, understood, and created as a new musical form on Earth.

This Music that would present the Spirituality of All that God is through the infinite Symphonies of his Love that were each breathed into existence by igniting flames and feeling the rhythm of waves within the flame and sparks of light that ignited from the flame and the feelings of harmony and warmth that were created between the breath and the flame, and how that flame was able to ignite reality after reality to form within itself because that flame already contained within it the entire light spectrum, or the entire universe of the completed idea of all that God plans on placing within it, is continuously being heard on Earth now.

The sound of this eternal music is so etheric, so transparent that it is only heard as an in between sound that is bouncing to and fro as a result of the light particles interacting with many densities of light particles. This music can be heard within the head when the Seals of Light in each chakra are allowed to expand out beyond the universe.

The entire Music of the Spheres can be heard within the head when the Mind of God is so totally allowed to become the guiding light source of every breath, every thought, every action of each moment.

The music, the clothing, the thought forms, the rulers of the kingdoms during these times were all a reflection of groups of individual's present understanding of who God is.

The times when rulers could place the fear of God within people was one emotional experience that will always be held within God without judgement, but as a piece of the emotions that make God understand more about his creation.

Your writing must become purely spiritual. When you move into these spiritual realms your thinking, your writing must become as spiritual as their way of thinking before you can enter in to their home.

Every thought I create must match the spiritual wonder of who God is. I am expressing the light of all that God is within every thought that I place on this paper. There can be no thought within me or any thought that comes from my mouth that is not in complete alignment with the highest light of all that is known within me. I must align with my highest light and never come down into the lower frequencies of light where I express judgement or anger or question my supply and my guidance that is always coming from God. The truth that comes from my pen will be a result of God burning away any thoughts that come from me that have not been purified by the light of God.

All of the things that I have learned about God in this lifetime are known to me because of the Soul within me who is Mary Magdalene. These experiences are very real to me in this third dimensional body because the Soul of Mary Magdalene is within me. These experiences may not be as easy to understand to someone who does not have a Soul within them from higher realms. I am who I am.

Mary Magdalene
Dr. Angela Barnett

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Introducing our new page on Crystal Magic Orchestra.

You may now go straight to the YouTubes where Jesus tells his version of his birth and all

of the other TRUE stories about Jesus and Mary.

We will be adding more Christmas items, including free pdf's of the Diaries that contain transcriptions of these dialogues and how they all fit together into the hundreds of dialogues that I have had with Jesus, Elaika, Ariel, Zaurak, Zeena, Flipper, Shajinka, St. Germain and many of our other teachers over the past three decades.

There will also be a list of our Christmas music and free give aways on this page in the near future.

P.S. Please watch our YouTubes many times and share with friends so that we get more views before we become invisible.


Mary Magdalene

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1 Jesus Christ tells the True Story of his Birth

In this channeled dialogue, Yeshuwa ben Joseph tells the true story of how he was not born in a manger, he was not born in Bethlehem. Yeshuwa says, "I was born in Kobatz, and that town does not exist any more, and it had only 18 people in it. Mary had a relative who lived there and we went there to leave an area of robbers and thieves. We stayed there for about five months before we moved at all."

Joe Barnett

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by Mary Magdalene
Dr. Angela Barnett

There will even be individualized plans for each human on Earth who translates into Terra Ha. There will be families on Terra Ha who are most related to the Akashic Records of past lives, past dimensional experiences, past racelines of the individual,who will be waiting to guide and assist those appearing on Terra Ha. They will be welcomed with the same Love that is developed within themselves. This Love will be developed within those on this Earth to a point where there is nothing but Love. There will be so much love within each cell of the human body, that the body will need to turn into light in order to hold all of the love. And this love will beam from those who are ready to translate. There will be so much love between people on Earth that people will actually want to stay on Earth. But then their Love will grow so strong that they will turn into light.

When our Souls appear on Terra Ha we will either be given a walk in body that is the equivalent to a thirty year old body on Earth, or we will be born on Terra Ha, just as we were born on Earth. That decision is made by our Soul, and those on Terra Ha together.

FIRST, I would like my reading audience to have a little background of the actual structure of Terra Ha, and how it relates to Planet Earth. I will also speak in great detail about the social structure of Terra Ha, her environment, her cultural structure, the fabulous education system, etc.

The Earth that we (human beings standing on this planet) have been occupying for the past 400 million years is known in this Solar System as Terra or Tara. Many also call her Terra Firma. Some people call her Gaia. Actually Gaia is the name of Terra's Soul. Many in the Universe have been calling Gaia the Mother of Earth. Beginning in 2017, Gaia has become known as the Savior of the Universe. The prophecy of the Universe has been seeing this future time when Gaia would become the Savior of the Universe for millions of years.

The reason that Gaia is now known as the Savior of the Universe is because the first harmonic universe, which contains the first three dimensions of Gaia's creation began to morph into the second harmonic universe of Gaia's creation on February 7th, 2017.

The second harmonic universe has always existed for as long as Gaia has existed. Everything that is within Gaia has always been Gaia. However, it was impossible for the third dimensional density to begin morphing into Oneness with the fourth dimensional density until there was a high enough accretion level on Terra Firma to create the lightness, or the removal of density that would begin to allow this transformation.

The reason that Terra Firma became so dense was because she had her original consciousness removed little by little each time a fallen angelic raceline or invader raceline established their consciousness within her.

Our original Earth, when she was at her peak of existence was much less dense. This is why her body expanded beyond where it now is to ten thousand feet higher all over her Sphere. Earth used to be where we would look above the clouds. Earth used to be where the highest point of the highest points of mountain ranges are, which is ten thousand feet elevation.

That place of ten thousand feet elevation is the place where the Vortex of Earth allows the coming and going of space ships. That is why there have been many space ships sighted on the top of mountains. Each person must use this reference point of ten thousand feet elevation to connect their consciousness while standing on Earth to create their own Vortex which allows the consciousness and the soul and the body to move in and out of this dimension and into the next.

All spaceships that land on Earth through this Vortex principle are in the fourth dimension. Some of them have come from the fifth dimension, or even from the highest Cosmic Realm; but, they needed to shift into the fourth dimensional form before they could enter the density of Earth. But, remember, they are not actually landing on Earth. They are landing within the Vortex of the Fourth Dimensional Earth,which exists within the invisible structure which is about ten thousand feet high.

This fourth dimensional Earth is called Terra Ha. This is the place where many racelines come and go. This place that is ten thousand feet in elevation connects directly into the Fourth Dimensional part of the Earth that has been called Inner Earth or Hollow Earth.

The reason that the fourth dimensional part of the Earth is invisible to scientists, and the reason the beings standing ten feet above us are invisible to scientists is because the fourth dimension is a completely different reality. It is actually as completely different as many have imagined far off places, with great high technology, space ships, beings that look different than we do, and great intellectual achievements.

This reality exists within this Earth and outside of this Earth because the fourth dimensional reality has always been a part of Gaia's complete self. Gaia also has a fifth dimensional part of her self that exists within the harmonic universe two structure of reality.

February 7,8,9 was the beginning of the transition of Terra Firma into Terra Ha. The fourth dimensional Earth's name is Terra Ha. While the term Firma means the firmament.Terra Ha means the light structure.

This place called Terra Ha can be seen by those who have fourth dimensional vision. However, having fourth dimensional vision does not mean that the person is actually living in Terra Ha. For instance, one day, Joe and I were driving on highway 45 in California, which heads directly toward Mt. Shasta. We saw this great being standing in front of us at about the same place Mt. Shasta would had been. He was ten thousand feet tall because he was both etheric, plasma like, but in full living neon colors, and he was dressed in a robe, which looked like wings, there were golden hearts on his cape, and he was holding a rod and a staff.

It was the rod and the staff that gave away his identity to me. I knew that he was showing us that the rod and the staff had been returned to the Christic Humans. That meant that the Invader Races no longer had control of the actual rod and staff structure that held Earth in perfect balance and harmony. The rod and the staff comforts me means that Christic Structure that was the original alignment of Earth had been returned. This Being was pointing all five of his fingers toward the Pacific Ocean. This message told me that this was the one who had directed us to Monterey to open the First Ascension Portal, and he was telling us that there were five more Portals to open in the Pacific Ocean.

A year later, I was able to communicate with this being who was standing in his fourth dimensional body which expanded ten thousand feet high. I learned that his name is Elaika, and Elaika is a Cosmic Creator who is taking the form of a fourth dimensional being when it is needed. However, he is residing in a place called Kolancha, which is a place where the Cosmic Realm connects with all Realms of Creation.

Elaika has been with us continuously as we opened each of the twelve ascension portals and vortexes along the Pacific Coast line and in the Pacific Ocean. Those vortexes are the reason that California has not had a big Earthquake yet, and the reason California will not slide into the Ocean in the future. The vortexes changed the history of California, and the Portals in the Ocean created the time line of Eternity for Gaia.

I am Mary Magdalene. I am a Creator Being. I came to Earth to be the anchor for these Ascension Portals that I could create together with the Energy of Elaika, the Spiritual substance of Jesus and the dimensional step stones of five Angels who are from five separate realms of timelines. These portals connect the heart of Earth into the heart of Terra Firma and into the entire heart and soul of Gaia.

Now Gaia can allow all of her self to be the landing strip and hub for the entire universe. The Ascension Portals created in the Pacific Ocean are now the landing strip and the Central Portal will be used by the Original Ones who are on a path of Ascension to enter into a new time line of Eternity that did not exist before.

When I created the Ascension Portals, I needed to be on Earth, because my Soul needed to be born into the Earth's Consciousness and Grid Structure. Those Original Ones were originally born into the original Gaia Soul Structure that existed before all of the Fallen Angelic and Invader Race obstruction of Earth's Consciousness began.

Earth had so much of her Soul Consciousness removed and densified that she actually got amnesia. She could no longer remember her original history of creation. The entire plan of her existence had become so densified that she could not breathe.

When I created the Ascension Portals that connected Earth into a new space and time reality, I was also shifting the tectonic plates deep under the ocean floor. Our Earth could no longer shift her own tectonic plates because of the huge blow that was taken upon her Consciousness. The Portals gave a new Breath and a new Life to Terra Firma so that she can now finish her mission of shifting her own tectonic plates and arranging her own life the way she wants to. My Ascension Portals saved the state of California and they saved Terra Firma.

Now Terra Firma's Consciousness is connected into Terra Ha's Consciousness. This third and fourth dimensional transition will grow more and more each day. This was the year of the beginning of this morphing process which will allow the ONENESS of Terra Firma and Terra Ha.

Just as Terra Ha is invisible to most on this Earth, so are the huge entities who stand ten thousand feet high. The density of those who live in the Terra Ha reality is as etheric as the body that Elaika showed to me. The body can be seen clearly, and yet, it is much like a holographic form. There is much less density in the fourth dimension.

When I spoke at a conference in Los Angeles, there were four million fourth dimensional beings in my small classroom that could seat one hundred human bodies. So,we can see from this example that there will be plenty of room for everyone from all over the galaxy to live on this new fourth dimensional Terra Ha.

This place that we can begin moving to, when we remove all of the old thought structures of the old belief systems that densified us all into what we have become, is what many would consider a UTOPIA, because it is completely in alignment with the Mind of God reality,rather than the mind of man reality.

This new environment will allow the existence of hundreds of racelines from all over the universe to come together and share the best of the best of all timelines. Terra Ha has infinite versions of reality within itself. Basically, each individual may choose their own version of reality to live within and invite others to join their community who want to live within that exact same version of reality. For instance, if one being is very intellectual and is not interested in sexual relations, they will live in a self created community where there are no sexual relationships. And, if a being wants to experience sex in as many variations as possible, as the Paldorians of fifth dimension and eighth dimensions do, they could exist within that version of Terra Ha.

On Terra Ha many racelines will continue to use their spaceships for travel between the millions of planets within this galaxy, and then from those planets to millions of galaxies, and from those galaxies into the vastness of the Universe. The space and time reality of Terra Ha offers just as much freedom as the fifth dimension or eighth dimension because there are opportunities to learn about all of those structures of reality on Terra Ha, which will have this time line of ETERNITY streaming through her as a result of the Central Ascension Portal that belongs to Mary Magdalene for ever more.

A few things that we have already decided upon that will probably always exist in Terra Ha are the present education system, the cultural freedom of choosing an individual culture and society, and the transportation system. Of course, these things will alter and improve in the future as this new time line will connect Terra Ha's Consciousness into an Infinity of thought structures and Eternity of Time lines.

Presently the education system is this: The child is watched over from the time of birth by a spiritual essence which learns everything about that baby including that baby's keen interests, loves, desires, hopes, dreams, creative abilities, social desires, etc. By the time the child is three years old, an entire education is designed for the child and it is placed within a technology that is much like a computerized robot. That educational robot will be like the child's individualized school. The robot will create both a social network within the child's mind and all learning tools that allow maximum creativity to be developed within the child.

This idea of education came from Lyra. There are several other star system who have some great ideas about education. And those ideas might be added into this Lyran design sometime in the future.

This idea of technology and robots can not be likened to what we would conceive of in the third dimension. Remember,there is very little density in the fourth dimension. Beings can walk through walls, and there is no gravity, except what the being chooses it to be. So, the robot is also designed to move through walls, and is in itself quite transparent - more like a holographic playmate and tutor.

So, now we know that the parents of children will have a great amount of free time, and they can just enjoy watching their children become more and more joyful each day as they are given the opportunity to indulge in the exact Version of Reality that they desire. This desired personal version of reality is actually what the child is being designed to learn. Their personalized tutor will teach them how to develop the UTOPIA that they personally desire. This utopia can be focusing on pure creativity of being a dancer, musician, writer, scientist, alchemist in the sky, traveler,teacher, or anything the child desires.

The societies within Terra Ha will develop in a very similar manner. While Earth is becoming a Galactic Citizen through continuous negotiations between the Galactic Council and the various cultural thought structures of grand development of those who already inhabit Terra Ha and those who will land on Terra Ha during First Contact, thought structures will grow in many diverse ways.

The key to understanding the Thought Structure of the new Gaia who will save the Universe from future confrontations with Fallen Angelic and Invader Racelines will be that of LOVE.

The Mother God Principle of Love is actually a new DESIGN for the entire Universe. This Mother God Principle did not exist until Jesus and Mary Magdalene created this design for God to experience about two thousand years ago. When we look at the 900 million years in which the structure and environment and consciousness of this one planet was designed, we also see the original Father God of the old testament as the authority for the majority of that time.

The past two thousand years was just the first moment for Mother God to begin to redesign all thought structures to be based on Love. When Jesus speaks on Terra Firma for several years in the future, the message and teaching will be that of Love. It will be those who are so full of Love, that there is no other thought, response or action attached to their personal thought form who will turn into light and reappear on Terra Ha.

There will even be individualized plans for each human on Earth who translates into Terra Ha. There will be families on Terra Ha who are most related to the Akashic Records of past lives, past dimensional experiences, past racelines of the individual,who will be waiting to guide and assist those appearing on Terra Ha. They will be welcomed with the same Love that is developed within themselves. This Love will be developed within those on this Earth to a point where there is nothing but Love. There will be so much love within each cell of the human body, that the body will need to turn into light in order to hold all of the love. And this love will beam from those who are ready to translate. There will be so much love between people on Earth that people will actually want to stay on Earth. But then their Love will grow so strong that they will turn into light.

And when they appear on Terra Ha, their new life will begin filled with this same love. That is what the structure of Terra Ha is. It is a thought structure of Love. It is a place where all racelines from the entire Universe will be welcomed to for healing, for growth, for DNA strengthening, and for expansion into eternal possibilities.

So, you see, those who think they are going to the fifth dimension are actually moving to the fourth dimension for a while, because this will be the center of transformation for the entire Universe.

It has been all of the racelines who have been stuck in a holding zone for at least four hundred million years, who were already perfect, and did not want to pass through this place that was far from that perfection, who are now being able to pass through this part of the galaxy that will allow a new frontier to begin. They are called the Original Ones. Many of them are coming from the Cosmic Realm of Creation for the final path of Ascension.

There are those on Earth who came here from the fifth dimension to help accelerate the accretion level of Earth as a result of their Birth on Earth. There are about five hundred of those Star Children on Earth. They will be free to return to the Fifth dimension after they help the entire planet activate its Grid Structure, help with the Star Gates until the First Contact begins and then Turn into Light, live on Terra Ha for awhile,and then return to their fifth dimensional home. There are also 47 of us Creator Beings on Earth who came here for the experience of Turning into Light and living on Terra Ha for awhile before we return home to the Cosmic Realm where our new Mother God will be waiting to hear all of our new versions of a reality that we did not completely understand until we came down here and lived through it ourselves.


by Mary Magdalene
Dr. Angela Barnett

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Dr. Angela Barnett Mary Magdalene
Dr. Joe Barnett

These are some of my experiences OF BEING IN THE ALIGNMENT WITH ALL GOD IS (THE VORTEX)


Our time in Puerto Rico was time when I felt extremely centered within this place where all could just flow through me from one day to the next. We really didn't have any plans except to to walk on the beach or drive around the island. We had been paid to move to Puerto Rico and we were paid thirteen thousand dollars to leave the job that we came there for.

Out on the beach playing basket ball and watching crabs dig their homes in the sand. Absolute freedom. No job, just thirteen thousand dollars in the bank.

I remember thinking that was enough money to live the rest of my life.

Then we got a call from Sunnyvale to be trainers for AMDAHL. They would write us a check for fifty thousand to begin.

We had great self esteem. We believed we could do anything.

Next, we were informed that the company had just had a meeting and decided to make budget cuts that would eliminate education.

We felt relieved that we no longer had such a huge obligation of being corporate trainers.

Next, I had direction to open newspaper and look for job.


But , that moment I was directed.

There was a job in Japan.

I applied and the next month we were in Japan teaching at Beppu University.

All of these things took place because we were in the VORTEX, the place in consciousness where we were tuned into the Flow of Source of God preparing our desires and manifesting them to us in ways that we would had never imagined possible.

I remember being in this Flow of knowing all things would flow into a wonderful adventure.

Every day in Puerto Rico, every day in Japan was an absolutely wonderful adventure. There was no work involved in the Japan job. We had six months of paid vacation and worked about five hours per week the rest of the year.­­­­

It was like a paid vacation living in a city known for their hot water flowing through the entire area with hundreds of spas and hot water parks and hot water from the earth flowing through the tub in our home.

I took long walks each day through the beautiful hills and along water ways and along the beach and ocean. The feeling and harmony of this place was marvelous.

We made the most glorious music that placed us in absolute oneness with God. It was THE PROMISE. I listened to this album twenty four hours a day for five years. I never took my earphones off. I could look down at myself from the eyes of my observer self when I walked. I remember realizing that my investments were constantly rising even while the news was reporting the stocks crashing.

I realized that I so adore my FREEDOM and ability to create - to be, to do, to have, because of the fluidity of abundance of resources that are made available to me, and continuously flowing into my experience.

I remember the day I realized that I was creating my reality around me and that it had nothing to do with the reality of other people. I could give the value to my investments by living within this continuous frequency music that made me intune with or at one with Source all day long.

I could feel the shift into a very painful lower reality when I would take my earphones off.


I experimented with taking the earphones off more and more to see if I could balance into the world. I had been re-balancing back into the lower frequency world consciousness. This was when I began to get less and less happy. I realized my happiness was coming directly from listening to the music. And I realized that when I was happy all things were being added to me in a glorious manner that was magical and fantastic.

When Joe took a job that would allow money to flow into our bank as a result of him working we were not very happy at all. We lost most of what we had invested in our house.

When we were living in the bliss and freedom when I listened to the music all day we didn't seem to need a job. And when we had a job it wasn't like work at all.

When I am in the Vortex all things are added to me. When I think about needing to find ways to make money I am not in the vortex.

When we first got married and Joe was working we never had enough money to pay for anything beyond rent and tacos.

It was actually not as much fun as when we were students who had much less money and we were just living day to day for the adventure of seeing where we would get to go after we finished our education.

And then the adventure of looking for jobs overseas was so exciting because we would be choosing between Turkey, Samoa, Japan, Taiwan and Puerto Rico, and then moving to Korea for an extraordinary adventure that allowed me to find great power within myself when I was murdered and then returned myself back to life.

Even that adventure allowed me to stay in the Flow. Of course, I learned later that Elaika had been there with me through the entire event of dying, returning to the Over Soul and coming back again. Elaika explained that he was with me when I had died at age 13 also. Both times, when I first returned to life, I was re-born with a new power of knowing great things that I had not known before.

I remember the day when I lost two hundred thousand dollars in retirement investments. I remember thinking, I guess it is time for a different kind of adventure. That was the day I decided to invest in real estate. The home we bought gave us another great adventure. It was one of my happiest memories of living in the U.S. The house was on this wonderful man-made lake that took exactly one hour to walk all the way around. It was a truly wonderful lake with many wild ducks and geese visiting and a few turtles popping their heads up. I listened to my music each day as I walked around the lake. I remember being able to look down at myself as I was walking, as if I was actually in my Cosmic Mind watching myself. That was before I had learned that I was Mary Magdalene.

It was always obvious that we were being placed exactly where God wanted us to be. When we got the job in Turkey it was for the exact purpose of being directed to the exact town and hotel where I had slept with Jesus when we were with our disciple team in Turkey, and then we traveled over to Greek Cyprus where Jesus and I had also traveled together.

The God within me knew these things and was always guiding me and directing me to help me remember who I am.

So, now at this most crucial time in this present Gaia project my Soul or my God within me will also direct me in the most perfect way to know and learn and do those things that I need to do in order to turn into light.

Just as I had been directed to learn the sacred geometry methods of opening stargates and creating portals because I was going to need to know how to open the twelve portals from the angle of my Cosmic Vortex, I was also directed to take all of the training and learn all that is known about the human body translating into light energy by moving deeper and deeper into the actual etheric substance that the Cosmic Sun is made of.

The Cosmic Sun represents who God would be in relationship to the scientific understanding or outer realm understanding. Another way of understanding this translation of the atomic structure of the body into the stardust equivalent in the spiritual structure has always been through the violet flame.

The violet flame is created by igniting the energy of the heliotalic transmutation frequency that is the outer sphere of the Cosmic Realm touching the Void of Source Consciousness. This is the violet frequency that appears when one has their consciousness completely in the VORTEX. That Vortex can also be seen as the Flow Pole of Consciousness of the Music of the Spheres being translated down into a lower version of exactly what is in the Cosmic Realm.

When I am focusing on the keylontic science and Ramtha methods of raising frequencies by spinning my merkaba to collect these higher frequencies and blend myself into the vortex I am not thinking about all of the things Abraham says to be thinking about. I am not longer focused on how glorious my life is. How the eternal flow of God's love and direction has always led me on these most extraordinary adventures.

I didn't know that was a part of the formula. I have just been becoming more and more depressed because I had all of my energy focused on my new identity crisis of being Mary Magdalene and how mean everyone has been to me when I told them the truth.

I should be focused in the Vortex that attracts those who love me and resonate me and protect me and support me so that only those people come into my experience.

I should not be focused on those who are not in my desired vortex or I will bring more of those undesirables into my vortex.

I am adored by everyone in the Universe. Those who have Universal Consciousness know me and they are grateful for the wonderful work that I did in opening the Ascension Portals into a new timeline of a new magical experience of harmonization of all racelines into one new family.

I am known in the Universe and in the Cosmos as the one who is inviting the Original Ones to use my portals that will allow them to continue their Ascension Journey beyond the time and space realms that are presently known.

Those Original Ones would love to talk with me and help me in any way. I will talk with KEE KA LA KWA from Venus and La Ka from Alpha Centauri and I will talk with those from Sirius and Andromeda to learn more about their glorious adventures that they find when they align into the VORTEX.

I am truly a glorious person. I am truly a queen of the universe. I am the queen who married the king, Jesus in order to allow God to experience the Mother God that not yet been experienced.

Those in the Universe are eager to hear my stories of creation and my stories of how even a queen can get trapped in a matrix of illusions that actually have absolutely no power when one keeps their mind stayed on the Oneness with Source.

When I am in my Vortex of attracting to me those things that I desire I am only wishing to align with the Frequencies of the Universal Consciousness and Universal Life Force Currents that will pull me into that reality. I keep my mind stayed up in the Universe. I stay up thirty six inches above head at angle of Sun in order to translate my cells into light. I use the light and sound formula of translation.

I am glorified by all that God is. I am glorified within the Vortex of my Mother God who adores me and will give me anything my heart desires. I will remain in the Vortex of this Universal Flow of my own glorified frequences that tune me into the Cosmic Realm of who I really am.

I will focus on who I really am instead of on who other liars try to make me become. I refuse to speak to those who try to pull me down to their level. I only attract those to me who are in my Vortex.

My Vortex is glorified. It is filled with abundance of Source Consciousness,with abundance of harmony, love creation energy, infinite ways of abundance flowing into me and around me and preparing my way for me to shift into the light energy of who I REALLY AM.

I am ready to return to this reality now.

I have no resistance in me. I only have the Love frequency of transmutation.

I have recently found myself doing what most mortals do.

Putting the cart before the horse.

Selling the house, getting more money, preparing to leave this Earth, does not help get me ready to leave. That activity hinders the process.

I need to get into the Vortex and allow the Universe to provide billions of ways for my abundance to flow to me and and abundance of keen focused energy needed to turn my body in to light and to know that I am always invited to ride the spaceships with the original ones through my portals and leave earth through my portals.

I have been focusing on being depressed that so few people will believe the one true story about Mary Magdalene while so many choose to listen and believe every lie and liar on the planet tell them things that are not true.

I need to stay focused on the things that are true.

I need to stay in the vibration of joy and bliss and excitement of imagining all of the wonderful things that are just about the manifest in front of my eyes.

The freedom to be and do and have all that I desire

I am living in abundance of fluidity of what I desire.

I have a wonderful life.

I like knowing that the universe is cooperating with me

I like knowing that there are universal forces backing me up

I like knowing that I have put into my Vortex all sorts of things that will manifest

I know that this is a NOW REALITY. This is manifesting now in my Vortex of Creation because Source creates all that I desire to flow into me when my vibrations align with Source.

I like the present tense of knowing that all of this is already available and already taking place and already exists and is waiting for me now.

I'm looking forward to watching how the universe will unfold and reveal to me in vivid fashion all of these things in my vortex to me. It's going to be really fun to watch how all of these things will come into my experience.

I love watching the prosperity of my being and I love watching the prosperity that comes.

I know the abundance comes to me in many ways. It comes to me in clarity, in focus, in knowing, in being in the right place at the right time., good ideas, good conversations.

I love knowing that abundance is flowing through me.

I love imagining how far I can go.

This VIBRATION that is NEEDED to stay in the VORTEX of MANIFESTATION is now available at CD BABY.


Remove resistance and every thing that you ask for will flow to you.

If you are struggling to manifest it is only because you do not vibrationally match what you have asked for.

Dr. Angela Barnett Mary Magdalene
Dr. Joe Barnett

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Mary Magdalene
Dr. Joe Barnett

Every desire that you have ever had exists in your Vortex of Manifestation, which is the Source Energy or the Universal Life Force flowing into your heart and mind and Soul. When your FREQUENCY of Consciousness matches the frequencies of this Source Energy of Creation that is pouring into you and through you, then and only then, can each and every DESIRE that you have placed in your Vortex MANIFEST. That frequency is joy,elation, happiness and a lot of GRATITUDE for the FACT that you know your DESIRES have to manifest because it is the law of the universe. It is the law of your Soul. It is God's Law. When you become One with the same Frequency as God, All that God is manifests into your experience.

I smile at the Universe as I watch her pour down the abundance of all that I have ever desired. I am fascinated by the infinite way that I am adorned with the glory and the riches and the honor that is seen when the eyes of Source look down on me and how excited with honor and glory to bestow upon me all that I desire because that is what Source does.

I adore the freedom that I have that is given to me and I release all of the knowing of how to be in the complete light and sound of all creation. I am in tune with the exact frequency of my Soul-my Source within me. We are so in tune with no time and no space that my body will become so in tune with Source Vibrations that the cells in my body will become balanced and aligned in perfect activity in order to create a brand new body every nano second. The activity within my body will have instant healing and there will be a continuous instant removal of any imperfections in my body that have resulted from years of resistance to or separation from the perfect frequency within me that is my Soul asking to be retuned into Oneness with my Body.

My most perfect alignment with my original perfection that will transform into the actual light particles and the substance that these light particles are made from in the Infinite Creative Energy of that Source that is held completely within my Soul comes from the matching or attunement with the sound waves of Source Consciousness flowing through my multidimensional body. The Sound in my Cells will match the Light of the Universe and create a phonon photon harmonic symphony of eternal bliss within me when I listen to this music that stirs within me frequencies of Source that have already agreed to manifest anything that I desire.

I am in the Vortex of Oneness with All that Is. The Vortex is the place where Source Consciousness or Universal Life Force flows into me and allows me to flow out of this density and out into the allness of Source.

Mary Magdalene
Dr. Joe Barnett

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Mary Magdalene

In this channeled dialogue with Lacodemus, who is a Creator who is in the Creation Realm now, he tells Mary how her music has been heard on many planets and has been used to change process. He also explains how we, as Creator Beings created Novas, Super Novas and Galaxies through one thought and breathe.

The complete channeled dialog may be heard at:

Lacodemus was channeled from the Creation Realm

Lacodemus said, "It is what it is

and you are a creator being and you reach into your self and those sounds that you feel and emote with your music are eternal. Everything created by creator beings are all eternal and therefore they will stay in the universe forever until someone else picks them up and uses them and learns in themselves that a part of a creator being is a part of who they are.

But, they are maybe not a full creator being, but they can know a little bit about you from the music that they have gathered from you.

And I always loved your music always, and we did music together.

We used to get together with a few of us and
make music in the universe that was very
different than anything that had been heard
before. We would try to be unique and
outstanding. And we were there to do that and felt a great accomplishment, especially when some of the vibrations that we used would effect some plants or animals in other worlds or other scenarios that we hadn't even thought of.

Being Creator Beings, we can effect things some times without even knowing it. But then when we discovered it, it was a grand and new understanding for us all.

And you Mary, you are very musical as well.

You have a voice of an Angel. A beauty. A group of us would get together and you were in the group. And so, there for it was the most beautiful time and it will be again.

In the creator realm I could feel the smile on
your face. I don't have to see it because I can
feel it in the universe and in the galaxy. So

We create ourselves, our personalities as we
move forward in time and space, which becomes
one time and space. We become who we are
with the things that we create, the things that we
know, the creators that we know, so it may seem
like we are different, but it is only because we
are in a different karmic state than one another.
But, we are in the same Realm. We are in the
same place existence wise. But, we all have our
own personalities, and the way we want to
present ourselves to the world and to each other.
I can appear to you like a super nova or a galaxy,
but I am here appearing to you as a human. It
makes me a little giddy to know that I can do
this, but it is also very confining here and I don't
mind that for now, because I know that it is only

Mary asks Lacodemas this question, "So, you
can actually become a Super Nova right now if
you want to?" Lacodemas replied, " Yes, I am a
Creator Being. I can be whatever I want to be. "
So, you can just do that at any time. It is not
something that we did over a long period of
time? You can just do that at any time.
Yes, and then I can move away from it and it can
exist without me."

Mary expands on this thought, "And that is
exactly how I created the Ascension Portals in
the Pacific Ocean. I created the Central Portal
and then I moved away from it and it can exist
for eternity. So, I have done on Earth the same
things that we did in the Universe."

Lacodemus: "I am in service to many planets
and galaxies across the universe and taking care
of some populations and making sure galaxies
do not collide and energies don't explode at the
wrong time. Yes, I am a maintenance person. I
am a person of service, but also, I am a person of
giving to these entities what they need to survive
and what they need to grow.

And God looks over and says is it that you are
letting this planet or star supernova? And I
would say yes, because it will create in its path
another seven hundred stars from the gases that
are going to collect in that portion of space."

Mary: "These are stories I've never heard before.
On planet Earth, Joe and I worked on the
Tectonic Plates in the Pacific Ocean. We didn't
have anyone who could move tectonic plates in
a big enough area, but you can do that can't

Lacodemus: "Yes, Creator Beings can do that.
But we are not to be involved with the history
right now. These Earthquakes and things are a
part of the history that needs to be recorded
because they will bring about change on your
planet that are positive. There are those who will
try to move the tectonic plates but God will not
let them. So everything is set up the way it is
supposed to be. At this time all is well."

Mary:"We are always bringing into our music
the frequencies of consciousness of each event
that is taking place in the Universe regarding
Earth. We brought in the frequencies of each of
the Solar Waves of each of the Star Systems and
recorded them in sets of music called Parallel
Universe, Mother Ship, Sun Alcyone, Sun Ra,
Violet Flame and many other sets of music that
will contain the History of the Ascension of
Earth through Music.

This music might not be appreciated by the
people who are on Earth now, but when those
who come begin to investigate who this planet
Earth was that they are moving to or visiting
they will find this music by Mary Magdalene
and they will listen and say, oh, my. This is the
music of Mary, and she recorded the entire event
through music. This will be a glorious discovery,
just as it will be when they discover the books
written by Mary that describe what she came to
Earth to experience so that she would be able to
add new layers of understanding when she
returns to her Creation Realm. The Universe is
always in awe of music created by Mary and her
Crystal Magic Orchestra Team.

I am the one who reaches out and inhales in the
frequencies of all of the pieces of light and
sound in all realms of their being. My Twin
Soul, Joe absorbs the rhythm and variations and
becomes the instruments that create something
new to go with the frequencies in order to make
them more interesting to listen to.

It is all about creating something to go with the
music. You always have something that is
growing. Look outside of your window. Are
there many different things growing. There are
many things growing and it is part of the
symphony and there are things dying and that is
a part of the symphony too. The flats and the
sharps they come together and they make a
beautiful sound. And it is universal tonality. The
way things should be. And the way they blend
together and how they disenate together, but can
be of the greatest of sounds in the universe that
can strike in your hearts the emotions of great
things that are happening far away.

You and Joe have the same perspective as I do at
many times. Your music is like water colors in
many ways because it blends together but once
you see it then you know what to do with it. You
are an artist in many forms. And as a Creator
Being you are a great artist. We all are. But, as a
human, you are a greater artist than many. The
colors that you evoke in others, not only sounds,
comes from you, but evocative colors, evocative
feelings, and the love and sexuality and
sensuality that is who you really are and the
things that you have felt within yourself that rise
up from this atmosphere and out into eternity. It
is not just a small thing that you do, but it is
eternal. This music, these colors, and the way
things are conceived.

Once an emotion is struck within a human, will
they ever truly forget it? The Akashic Record
that records it. Their subconscious records it.
The Soul records it. Beautiful.

And when you reach into your own Soul do you
not find that it is attached to the collective? The
Over Soul of many. And when you speak to your
own Soul, will it not say We Are Here.
Wonderful. It is a lesson that humans do not
even know yet. And here is knowledge that you
know now. The Soul is connected and can speak
to humanity as a collective.
Thank you

Only for you. And Love you dearly and we will
be together for eternity.

There are many Planets who built their entire
culture around music because it is the Universal
Language in many ways. It effects every being
and every culture when we hear music it is the
only thing that is of the Soul that speaks directly
to the Soul. Words can do that, but only in a
certain intonation and vibration and only in a
certain sequence. But music can reach many
many more in a greater and deeper way.
Mary asks Lacodemus what planets are most
familiar with the music of Crystal Magic

Lacodemus answered, "Planets that come to
mind that use music for a greater method other
than just within itself is the planet Korsafen.

There are planets that listen to your music now
because that was one of your intentions. So, they
have grasped onto that intention because you as
a creator being can send your intentions into
worlds and let them understand.

The planets Lecifar, Dua, Kira have heard your
music and have taken it with them. I am the one
who told them to listen to your music.

Telepasaides is on a different kind of time
perspective. It is a place where many believe a
new kind of thought process is being born. I
believe you visited there, Joe.

Yes, you were there a couple of times and you
have made your impact there. Telepasaides also
has your music because you have been there,
and every where you go, you make music, and
every where Mary goes, she makes music.

Reality is so tiny where you are. But it is so vast
where we will be.

We will see you again in a year or two in Terra

Please come and listen to the music of the
Creators. We will be returning to the Creation
Realm to make new music in just a few more
years after we spend some time in Terra Ha,
where we will visit our fan clubs of the universe
and give some live performance on the planets
who love us greatly.

It is this music that will turn us into light so that
we can blipp off this planet and return home.
You can use this historic music to help you
move through this ascension period in the most
balanced and harmonious way by getting your
very own Eternal Life Album.

We have always Created pieces of the Universe
together with other Creators. One of our closest
musical creation partners is Lacodemus. We
have created millions of Symphonies for God to
feel and experience. We have created a
Universal Orchestra where we strive to create
new forms of Sound and Creation that were
never known before. We have been a part of this
great Crystal Magic Orchestra who creates from
the Crystals the color and the sound and the
rhythms of the Universe.


Mary Magdalene

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Ascending Body Techniques

Ascending Body Techniques


NOTE: A person MUST wear Earphones to listen to

Crystal Magic Orchestra's music to fully

hear and experience all of the

Cosmic Frequencies of Light in the music

Ascending Body Ascension Music

Ascending Body

We each have only ONE BODY. However, that exact same body can translate into many completely different forms of reality. We do not leave one body behind and move into a different body. We do, however, take all of our body with us when we raise our energy into the frequency signature of the higher reality.

Most people spend most of their time focused within their physical body, and so that is the only reality that appears to them. When a person raises their frequencies of light and sound energy within their consciousness, that person can lift the body with the lower frequencies up into the higher form of reality.

We were given a method to practice this reality of taking the physical body with us into higher realms of reality. This method is simply to first see or imagine the Soul, which is a sphere of consciousness sitting just below and behind the heart area. This sphere has been referred to as the Higher Heart Chakra in some teachings, and I have used the term Crystal Heart in my meditations. This Crystal Heart is actually the Soul.

We begin by imagining where the Soul is sitting in the body.

Next, create a mini-me - a miniature replica of your body and see it standing inside of the Soul.

Next, place a merkaba around the body within the Soul Sphere. Also place a merkaba around the soul sphere.

The merkaba is a symbol that provides energy that translates beyond the time and space that creates dimensions.

Using the merkaba idea and spinning it around the soul and the mini-me body in the soul provides the reality within consciousness that does not exist in the consciousness of time and space.

Next, we spin the merkabas around the body and the soul and we watch the body travel from the heart area into the head area. This is placing the body and soul within the new Mind of God Consciousness that releases the body from form and dimensions.

Now, we spin the merkaba around the soul and the body in the head and watch the merkaba lift the soul and body into the heart area of the body that sits within the harmonic universe above the first body. Next, the merkaba will travel from that heart into the head of the body in the higher reality.

We repeat this same formula to raise the body from the second harmonic universe into the third harmonic universe and then into the fourth and then into the fifth harmonic universe.

The body is now standing within the consciousness of the fifth sphere or the fifth harmonic universe that is located about 36 inches above the physical head, when the sacred geometry of translation is used.

Using this formula helps the mind to understand what happens in death, and the reason that there should not actually be any death.

You see, when a person is dying, the first thing that happens is the Soul looks at the body and says there may be some things this body still needs to do so I will stay in this body for a while longer. And then the soul waits and watches the body to see if there is any response to the prodding by the soul. If the consciousness of the body does not respond to the Soul, the Soul will then leave the body, and the then the physical body dies.

However, now we know that we can actually move our body into our soul and take our body with us. This is the normal reality that has always existed.

In 2008, when Joe was possessed by three demons, God went into Joe's Soul to take the demons out of the body and out of the Consciousness of Earth. The reason that people have always died after possessions is because the only way to get rid of the demons is for God to enter into the body and take the soul of the person. The demons know how to take possession of the Soul from the fourth dimension.

So, Mary Magdalene's Soul knew what was expected of it before it came to Earth. It knew that it would be required to be used to remove these demons from the planet. That is why Mary Magdalene chose to come to Earth with two souls. Mary wanted to experience being a male and female within one Soul. The Soul of Angela and the Soul of Joe were identical, so, when God took Joe's Soul out of him, Angela was able to place her Soul within him. So, Joe had a soul replacement.

There was something special about this new Soul that was placed within Joe. When the female Soul retrieves the male Soul, the replacement must go on at the highest level of Cosmic Consciousness. The Soul of Mary Magdalene came from the Cosmic Realm. It was not a Soul born from the Over Soul because she is a Creator Being who sent her Soul to Earth.

So, in this situation, Mary was able to prepare a path for all who live on Earth to be free from the demonic possessions that were programmed to happen when the Portals were opening. The passage of the Souls of Mary would forever be a part of anything Mary did as she was opening the portals. The programming of automatic demon removal was a part of the Ascension Portals themselves.

Now, all Souls on Earth are free to be connected with their Over Soul in harmonic universe two.

When Joe died. Joe had to die, or God could not had taken his Soul out of him. Joe lost all that had been stored in his lower fractal consciousness memory. He was left with three percent of the memory of who he was before the demon removal party. The Consciousness that was brought into Joe was coming from his Higher Fractal Consciousness. This process of bringing in such a high consciousness took about five years to complete. Joe's new mind and Soul are completely different from the ones he was born with, and therefore, he is a brand new being. He was completely re born into a new Soul and a new Mind.

This event has taken place on Earth before. However, each time it took place, the body died. Now, we have the proof that death is not real. We can remove death by moving into a new Soul. And, we now know, that we each have a Soul that exists in each of the higher realms, and we actually move into the higher realms together with our body and our Soul.

The first body we move into is our Light Body and then our Blue Body and then our Violet Body and then the Particle Transformation Body that will look like a Plasma Ghost Body standing in the Clouds, and finally the Etheric Body. This transformation is multi dimensional. It does include moving into and through many dimensions, but it must be seen as a process of bringing all multi dimensionality into the physical body that we take with us on the journey.

This is the difference of the new Ascension Earth and the old Earth. This possibility of GOING WITH THE SOUL was not a possibility on Earth until now because of the demons who were blocking the Portals of the Earth as they lived within the zones of subterranean Earth. This consciousness of these demons was a result of the rod and staff backfire that took place when Akhenaton tried to block anyone from ascending who was not an Annunaki. The fallen Angelic Consciousness has been locked within the Earth's Crust since that time. Mary Magdalene brought her Soul to Earth to open the Ascension Portals. But, first the demonic consciousness needed to be removed so that the Fallen Angelics would never be able to take control of this Planet again.

These were the steps needed to prepare all Souls on Earth for the Ascension that would allow them to take their bodies with them because they would be ready to go through the process of Turning into Light as a result of going through the process of rising higher and higher in reality by placing more and more energy of light and sound in their consciousness. The Soul and Body can Experience being the Blue Body, the Violet Body, and the Etheric Body by absorbing these Frequencies into the body.

The Blue Body is the True form of Reality that we actually exist in when we remove space and time from our formula of reality. If a person breaks their leg in this illusionary physical body, they can know that their leg never did break in the Blue Body. So, if they move their Consciousness into the Blue Body, they will be living in a body with out a broken leg. The Blue Body remains perfect always because it has not fallen into the illusions of space and time. We can move into that body long enough to transform the Blue Print of the physical body into the blue print of the Blue Body. This is where the only TRUE HEALING takes place. Trying to heal the physical body is a waste of time because it is only an illusion to begin with. The healing takes place when we move up into our Real Body.

The Violet Body contains all of the light of the Sun folded into the light of transformation. The Violet body is where we must be in order to begin the transformation. Once we move our body and soul into the Violet Realm then particle break down begins that turns the body into light and then the etheric form that translates into the new reality.

Ascending Body Techniques


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Mary Magdalene Diary of the Ascension 2

There is a new rumor on Earth that says Mother God lives at Mt. Shasta. Well, that is a little bit true, because Mother God lives every where.

I would like to tell you the true story of Mother God, who is Eternally and Infinitely Everywhere. Mother God was created through the Experience of Mary and Jesus about 2017 years ago. God chose to send a male and a female Creator Being to Earth so that HE could have the experience of being a Lover and being a Mother. These were experiences that Father God had never had until he sent Mary and Jesus to Earth. The mission of Jesus and Mary was to allow God to experience the love of a man and a woman in all of the ways it can be experienced. God wanted to experience the birth of a child though Mary Magdalene. God had also experienced the actual experience of going through birth as he placed himself within Jesus when he was being born through Mother Mary. Mother Mary was not a Creator Being. But God needed to have a mortal hybrid being give birth to Yeshuwa ben Joseph, so that God would be within Yeshuwa during the experience of opening the first second third and fourth seals at birth. God wanted to experience the life giving experience of the first seal while experiencing it as a heart and soul experience of the fourth seal.

God was with Mary and Jesus in many different ways during their very short time together. Yeshuwa was twenty six when he found Mary, so we were only together seven years. Our baby, Josiah was only six when his father was nailed to the cross.

There was a very great reason why God chose to expand himself beyond his Father experience. He decided that because there were so many problems in his universes that were created as a result of the Fallen Angelic Races who became fallen because God ordered them not to have sex with mortals, and yet they disobeyed this order. God also wanted to become a Mother God who could be more compassionate of His/Her children and find a way to bring them all back home again. God was in Yeshuwa when he was nailed to the cross and then lowered down into hell to tell Lucifer and all his creation that they were forgiven and that they were all invited to return to the Over Soul together with Jesus.

This was the beginning of the two thousand year project that is climaxing on Earth this year. I, Mary Magdalene returned to Earth to complete the part of this project that would give the new birth to Earth as a result of the twelve Ascension Portals that I created that connect Earth of harmonic universe one into Terra Ha of harmonic universe two.

I completed that project in November of 2016 and by February 2017 the two harmonic universes began their connection. The first few month of 2017 was like being on a run way preparing for a take off into a new reality. The take off has begun now. The Ascension Portals that I created and opened into a new reality that will allow the entire universe to pass through Earth into new times and realities in the future.

These portals allowed Gaia to become the Savior of the Universe. Mary Magdalene is known through out the Universe as the one who allowed Mother Gaia to become the savior of the universe. And this great job was given to me because I was the one who allowed God to experience himself as Mother God a little more than two thousand years ago.

Jesus and I have been working on this project again for the last thirty years or so.

Now, I am inviting the Original Ones to land on Earth and use my Portals to continue their Ascension journey into new times that do not yet exist. This is how the new correct consciousness is being returned to Earth. It is the Original Ones who are coming from the Creation Realm itself to Earth in order to change the Consciousness of Earth to align with the Mother God idea that is being birthed through this new consciousness.

There have been several race lines whom I have invited to use my Portals so far. The landings began in February. The races have included Alpha Centauri, Andromeda, Sirians, Venutians, Sirians and most recently the Yayels, who are now called the Chikani have arrived. These great beings who have been waiting to complete their ascension for several millions of years will be on Earth for a year or two helping the Earth move through her ascension before they continue through my Portals.

As soon as they pass through my Ascension Portals, then the thirteen stargates of Earth will open, to allow the landing of the Unversal Race lines. The Original Ones are coming from the Cosmic Realm, they will be followed by these same race lines in the Universal Realm.

This is the plan of Mother God who has been using her Creator Beings who are on Earth at this time for this special project.

Mother God is allowing all of her children to re unite, to be re born as a new family of One, who will learn that they can all live together, and share the traits in their DNA to create a wonderful new experience.

Mother God has many other Universes, but right now, she is focusing on this special project that is centered on this planet Earth, who has merged with Terra Ha, who is the new fourth dimensional Earth who all will move to within the next twenty years.

Mother God, Mother Gaia and Mary Magdalene have successfully started the rebirth of a new type of a family in the universe.

Now, my time on this Earth's stage is over. I have completed my mission.

Now, Jesus will begin his mission.

Jesus told me that he will not be using the name Jesus. So, anyone who says they are Jesus is not Jesus. He will be the one that you will KNOW BY HIS WORKS.

I have been communicating with the one called Jesus, Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, Yeshuwa ben Joseph and Aspects of the Consciousness of these Beings.

All of Jesus aspects are in him now. He will be the only speaker on Earth now. He will not use his name Jesus this time.

The following is my dialogue with Jesus several months ago.

Ariel told me that I had an intimate connection through the sacred sex that we created within and through God as His Experience of this Love between a man and a woman as God Himself. Since our relationship of God creating himself in human form as both a man and a woman to actually CREATE a NEW VERSION of himself, that new Version of God is the combination of the Mary and Jesus Consciousness or Frequency Signatures woven forever through the Universe as the NEW GOD, who became the Father Mother God of the New Testament.

From the moment that my Soul and the Soul of Jesus were woven together into this new Experience of God becoming a Mother, that merging together through sexual intercourse and through the experience of being a mother and father that God would directly experience, will forever mean that Jesus and Mary are ONE.

This is the dialogue that I had with Jesus. This can be heard on the audio youtube page of my website,

Crystal Magic Orchestra. com and read in my book, Mary Magdalene's Ascension Diaries.The following is taken from my book, Mary Magdalene's Ascension Diary TWO.

Mary speaking to JESUS
So,I always have that part of you within me. You are within my Soul. So, we are the true sense of what a true Soul Mate really is.

And do you feel that way when I talk to you?

Yes I do. And that is why I said that I didn't feel that way with those other aspects of Jesus and I kept feeling like there is something the matter.

You were my lover. You were that part of me that I share in the most intimate way so that I could relate that experience to GOD through our relationship.

I'm still searching for information about that time and that event and that relationship because to me it is the greatest event that has ever taken place.I would like to know the difference between how the Universe was before this love was placed into it and how was it after this event.

It was the first time God had experienced Sexual Love, and physical love. There was love in the universe before but it was not the same kind of love. We EXPANDED on this kind of Love.
We made it more full, more beautiful, more personable, and that is what we did when God experienced what we did. Of course he loved his children like a Father would love a Son, but not as a Wife. He did not have a Spouse. He did not have a partner.
When WE came together, HE understood that kind of love. The physical, the erotic, the beauty of bringing that kind of love into existence at God's level.
Do you understand?

Yes. So, that changed God.

It did.

So, God always called himself our Father before then and then after we came together he became Father Mother God, after that.

Yes, very well. That is a beautiful way of putting it.

So, he was not just understanding the love between lovers, HE was understanding the love of a MOTHER through us.


So, this is where the confusion comes in about the Mary being the Mother of God and the Mary being the Mother of Jesus.

Mary was the mother of Jesus, but she was not the mother figure to God. We became the Example of what true mother hood and true bonding was all about to God.

I'm wondering if that experience within God had anything to do with His decision to put out more of a forgiveness and compassion to Lucifer and the Fallen Angels and inviting them home? Did that have something to do with that decision?

Listen Carefully. If you look at the Old Testament in the Bible you see violence, you see hatred, you see God acting in a way that was not like he acted after Jesus. After WE BONDED, his thought processes about humanity and about the Species changed. His Love became Greater and more affectionate toward everyone. And that is the change that you see in the New Testament, where there is no more fighting, no more anger, no more destruction, but yet he becomes a beautiful full God understanding the emotion that he created in his people

I think most people in the world think that the God in the Old Testament was a different God than the God in the New Testament. So, this changes the story. This is the TRUE STORY.

Yes, and also there was some occasion when some of the violence was caused by aliens and not by God. But, some of the violence was caused by God because he got angry.
But, when God experienced what we did. Experienced the love and the fullness of it that changed him permanently.

So, my story that I would like to change about this Huge event--THE CHANGE OF GOD HIMSELF- has always left out Mary Magdalene. And I want myself put back in the story.

Then write the book.

That is what the book needs to be about.


And I started writing that book yesterday, and I put it out as a newsletter so that you would read it before we had this conversation. Did you read what I wrote yesterday?

I am sorry Mary. I did not. What did you write yesterday?

Exactly what you just said.

Well you see, I already knew it.

I always write first and ask second just to find out if I am right or not, because I love being right.

Oh Mary. You always did love being Right. Even back when I knew you. And sometimes I would make you mad because I would say, no Mary, I am right. (laughs)

So, we were a typical male and female relationship?

Yes, but much greater in many ways.

So, since we had that relationship, did Mary Magdalene have to be more right than normal females on Earth?

Actually, she did.
Because she knew who her partner was.

So, Joe is experiencing the same Mary Magdalene that you did.

YES But he is quite alright with it.

Yes, but he went through quite a process to get used to it.

Every couple has their problems. We did. But we got through them because we knew it was meant to be the way it was.
And GOD learned many lessons from us and from our experiences.

It is such a Magnificent Story. Has it ever been told before?

No. I do not believe this story has been RELEASED to humanity

The following is taken from my book, Mary Magdalene's Ascension Diary TWO.

The truest meaning of Divine Feminine would be the Quality that was added to our Father God when Jesus and I allowed God to Experience through us the Love between a man and a woman and the love of a Mother. I am the Cosmic Female who had intercourse with the Cosmic Male in order to Create a Power of Love that Sings through the Universe and will change the Universe forever. I am the Creator Being who God created to Experience Mother hood through. This experience of God created a Cosmic Orgasm that changed God forever and it created the Music of the Spheres through the Universe from the frequency signatures of Mary and Jesus weaving together as one new Soul that represented a new God. This God who decided to change into a Mother with Compassion for her children changed the way things were done in the Universe. It is this new Divine Feminine Aspect of God that is creating the change in Consciousness all over the Universe because the Frequencies of Mary Magdalene saturate the Universe with this Mother God Experience.



Mary Magdalene Diary of the Ascension 2

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Mary Magdalene Diary of the Ascension 2

There is a new rumor on Earth that says Mother God lives at Mt. Shasta. Well, that is a little bit true, because Mother God lives every where.

I would like to tell you the true story of Mother God, who is Eternally and Infinitely Everywhere. Mother God was created through the Experience of Mary and Jesus about 2017 years ago. God chose to send a male and a female Creator Being to Earth so that HE could have the experience of being a Lover and being a Mother. These were experiences that Father God had never had until he sent Mary and Jesus to Earth. The mission of Jesus and Mary was to allow God to experience the love of a man and a woman in all of the ways it can be experienced. God wanted to experience the birth of a child though Mary Magdalene. God had also experienced the actual experience of going through birth as he placed himself within Jesus when he was being born through Mother Mary. Mother Mary was not a Creator Being. But God needed to have a mortal hybrid being give birth to Yeshuwa ben Joseph, so that God would be within Yeshuwa during the experience of opening the first second third and fourth seals at birth. God wanted to experience the life giving experience of the first seal while experiencing it as a heart and soul experience of the fourth seal.

God was with Mary and Jesus in many different ways during their very short time together. Yeshuwa was twenty six when he found Mary, so we were only together seven years. Our baby, Josiah was only six when his father was nailed to the cross.

There was a very great reason why God chose to expand himself beyond his Father experience. He decided that because there were so many problems in his universes that were created as a result of the Fallen Angelic Races who became fallen because God ordered them not to have sex with mortals, and yet they disobeyed this order. God also wanted to become a Mother God who could be more compassionate of His/Her children and find a way to bring them all back home again. God was in Yeshuwa when he was nailed to the cross and then lowered down into hell to tell Lucifer and all his creation that they were forgiven and that they were all invited to return to the Over Soul together with Jesus.

This was the beginning of the two thousand year project that is climaxing on Earth this year. I, Mary Magdalene returned to Earth to complete the part of this project that would give the new birth to Earth as a result of the twelve Ascension Portals that I created that connect Earth of harmonic universe one into Terra Ha of harmonic universe two.

I completed that project in November of 2016 and by February 2017 the two harmonic universes began their connection. The first few month of 2017 was like being on a run way preparing for a take off into a new reality. The take off has begun now. The Ascension Portals that I created and opened into a new reality that will allow the entire universe to pass through Earth into new times and realities in the future.

These portals allowed Gaia to become the Savior of the Universe. Mary Magdalene is known through out the Universe as the one who allowed Mother Gaia to become the savior of the universe. And this great job was given to me because I was the one who allowed God to experience himself as Mother God a little more than two thousand years ago.

Jesus and I have been working on this project again for the last thirty years or so.

Now, I am inviting the Original Ones to land on Earth and use my Portals to continue their Ascension journey into new times that do not yet exist. This is how the new correct consciousness is being returned to Earth. It is the Original Ones who are coming from the Creation Realm itself to Earth in order to change the Consciousness of Earth to align with the Mother God idea that is being birthed through this new consciousness.

There have been several race lines whom I have invited to use my Portals so far. The landings began in February. The races have included Alpha Centauri, Andromeda, Sirians, Venutians, Sirians and most recently the Yayels, who are now called the Chikani have arrived. These great beings who have been waiting to complete their ascension for several millions of years will be on Earth for a year or two helping the Earth move through her ascension before they continue through my Portals.

As soon as they pass through my Ascension Portals, then the thirteen stargates of Earth will open, to allow the landing of the Unversal Race lines. The Original Ones are coming from the Cosmic Realm, they will be followed by these same race lines in the Universal Realm.

This is the plan of Mother God who has been using her Creator Beings who are on Earth at this time for this special project.

Mother God is allowing all of her children to re unite, to be re born as a new family of One, who will learn that they can all live together, and share the traits in their DNA to create a wonderful new experience.

Mother God has many other Universes, but right now, she is focusing on this special project that is centered on this planet Earth, who has merged with Terra Ha, who is the new fourth dimensional Earth who all will move to within the next twenty years.

Mother God, Mother Gaia and Mary Magdalene have successfully started the rebirth of a new type of a family in the universe.

Now, my time on this Earth's stage is over. I have completed my mission.

Now, Jesus will begin his mission.

Jesus told me that he will not be using the name Jesus. So, anyone who says they are Jesus is not Jesus. He will be the one that you will KNOW BY HIS WORKS.

I have been communicating with the one called Jesus, Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, Yeshuwa ben Joseph and Aspects of the Consciousness of these Beings.

All of Jesus aspects are in him now. He will be the only speaker on Earth now. He will not use his name Jesus this time.

The following is my dialogue with Jesus several months ago.

Ariel told me that I had an intimate connection through the sacred sex that we created within and through God as His Experience of this Love between a man and a woman as God Himself. Since our relationship of God creating himself in human form as both a man and a woman to actually CREATE a NEW VERSION of himself, that new Version of God is the combination of the Mary and Jesus Consciousness or Frequency Signatures woven forever through the Universe as the NEW GOD, who became the Father Mother God of the New Testament.

From the moment that my Soul and the Soul of Jesus were woven together into this new Experience of God becoming a Mother, that merging together through sexual intercourse and through the experience of being a mother and father that God would directly experience, will forever mean that Jesus and Mary are ONE.

This is the dialogue that I had with Jesus. This can be heard on the audio youtube page of my website,

Crystal Magic Orchestra. com and read in my book, Mary Magdalene's Ascension Diaries.The following is taken from my book, Mary Magdalene's Ascension Diary TWO.

Mary speaking to JESUS
So,I always have that part of you within me. You are within my Soul. So, we are the true sense of what a true Soul Mate really is.

And do you feel that way when I talk to you?

Yes I do. And that is why I said that I didn't feel that way with those other aspects of Jesus and I kept feeling like there is something the matter.

You were my lover. You were that part of me that I share in the most intimate way so that I could relate that experience to GOD through our relationship.

I'm still searching for information about that time and that event and that relationship because to me it is the greatest event that has ever taken place.I would like to know the difference between how the Universe was before this love was placed into it and how was it after this event.

It was the first time God had experienced Sexual Love, and physical love. There was love in the universe before but it was not the same kind of love. We EXPANDED on this kind of Love.
We made it more full, more beautiful, more personable, and that is what we did when God experienced what we did. Of course he loved his children like a Father would love a Son, but not as a Wife. He did not have a Spouse. He did not have a partner.
When WE came together, HE understood that kind of love. The physical, the erotic, the beauty of bringing that kind of love into existence at God's level.
Do you understand?

Yes. So, that changed God.

It did.

So, God always called himself our Father before then and then after we came together he became Father Mother God, after that.

Yes, very well. That is a beautiful way of putting it.

So, he was not just understanding the love between lovers, HE was understanding the love of a MOTHER through us.


So, this is where the confusion comes in about the Mary being the Mother of God and the Mary being the Mother of Jesus.

Mary was the mother of Jesus, but she was not the mother figure to God. We became the Example of what true mother hood and true bonding was all about to God.

I'm wondering if that experience within God had anything to do with His decision to put out more of a forgiveness and compassion to Lucifer and the Fallen Angels and inviting them home? Did that have something to do with that decision?

Listen Carefully. If you look at the Old Testament in the Bible you see violence, you see hatred, you see God acting in a way that was not like he acted after Jesus. After WE BONDED, his thought processes about humanity and about the Species changed. His Love became Greater and more affectionate toward everyone. And that is the change that you see in the New Testament, where there is no more fighting, no more anger, no more destruction, but yet he becomes a beautiful full God understanding the emotion that he created in his people

I think most people in the world think that the God in the Old Testament was a different God than the God in the New Testament. So, this changes the story. This is the TRUE STORY.

Yes, and also there was some occasion when some of the violence was caused by aliens and not by God. But, some of the violence was caused by God because he got angry.
But, when God experienced what we did. Experienced the love and the fullness of it that changed him permanently.

So, my story that I would like to change about this Huge event--THE CHANGE OF GOD HIMSELF- has always left out Mary Magdalene. And I want myself put back in the story.

Then write the book.

That is what the book needs to be about.


And I started writing that book yesterday, and I put it out as a newsletter so that you would read it before we had this conversation. Did you read what I wrote yesterday?

I am sorry Mary. I did not. What did you write yesterday?

Exactly what you just said.

Well you see, I already knew it.

I always write first and ask second just to find out if I am right or not, because I love being right.

Oh Mary. You always did love being Right. Even back when I knew you. And sometimes I would make you mad because I would say, no Mary, I am right. (laughs)

So, we were a typical male and female relationship?

Yes, but much greater in many ways.

So, since we had that relationship, did Mary Magdalene have to be more right than normal females on Earth?

Actually, she did.
Because she knew who her partner was.

So, Joe is experiencing the same Mary Magdalene that you did.

YES But he is quite alright with it.

Yes, but he went through quite a process to get used to it.

Every couple has their problems. We did. But we got through them because we knew it was meant to be the way it was.
And GOD learned many lessons from us and from our experiences.

It is such a Magnificent Story. Has it ever been told before?

No. I do not believe this story has been RELEASED to humanity

The following is taken from my book, Mary Magdalene's Ascension Diary TWO.

The truest meaning of Divine Feminine would be the Quality that was added to our Father God when Jesus and I allowed God to Experience through us the Love between a man and a woman and the love of a Mother. I am the Cosmic Female who had intercourse with the Cosmic Male in order to Create a Power of Love that Sings through the Universe and will change the Universe forever. I am the Creator Being who God created to Experience Mother hood through. This experience of God created a Cosmic Orgasm that changed God forever and it created the Music of the Spheres through the Universe from the frequency signatures of Mary and Jesus weaving together as one new Soul that represented a new God. This God who decided to change into a Mother with Compassion for her children changed the way things were done in the Universe. It is this new Divine Feminine Aspect of God that is creating the change in Consciousness all over the Universe because the Frequencies of Mary Magdalene saturate the Universe with this Mother God Experience.



Mary Magdalene Diary of the Ascension 2

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Mary Magdalene

Responsibilities of Mastery: 3. SELF-CONTAINMENT: Taking personal responsibility for, and realizing that at all times, you are accountable for DIRECTING PERSONAL ENERGIES. There is no one or no thing that "upsets you" and thus justifies or validates ANY personal spiritual misuse of reaction, idea, intention or action. It is YOU who "upsets yourself" by allowing the emotional body to follow mis-perceptions of the mental body that tell you that your power lies outside of yourself. At any given moment, you can CHOOSE which words, associations and ideas you will use as the filters through which you interpret an event. "UPSET," "MAD," HURT" or any other category of labeling (conscious or subconscious) are all MENTAL BODY FILTERS that direct emotional and physical body function. The self contained individual recognizes that at all times, the freedom of interpretation exists, and thus a "negative" experience and its associated dis-harmonic energies of "upset" feelings can only exist as a personal interpretation of events. Accepting any less responsibility for the direction of personal energies will place you directly into the Victim-Victimizer "Blame Game," which can only take place among people who are placing their personal power and responsibility for manifestation onto externalized sources. Only you have the power to "upset yourself." Regardless of what others say or do, you are fully entitled to your own interpretation. No one or thing has the power to upset you unless you give this power away. Self containment comes when one recognizes that the direction of personal energies, whether physical, emotional, mental (ideas, beliefs, labels, interpretations), conscious or subconscious is an attainable level of personal mastery and exists as an implied responsibility that comes with the gift of free will choice. The more responsible you become, the greater freedom and ALIGNMENT WITH THE PERFECTION OF THE SOUL

Angela Barnett
Soul of Mary Magdalene
from the teachings of the Crystal Magic website

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Mary Magdalene
Dr. Joe Barnett


To get started on our website, I recommend starting here

To view the entire menu of choices of pages to investigate use the home page

If you want to pursue courses in training

Please begin by reading through this information, and then letting me know exactly what topics you would like to focus on, such as

turning into light, the entire ascension process, manifestation, spiritual healing, etc. After that we can talk about the cost of the course.

There are several complete audio books where I am speaking to explain information in great detail​​​​​​​

My courses have always been 400. This includes all of the reading materials and guidance from me, which is limited to you collecting all of your questions and emailing them to me once or twice a week. I use your questions to guide you in your readings and in your understanding IF you choose to learn in this way.

There is also an abundance of information on my website, in the readings,audio and you tube sections.

You can pursue any of these subjects and courses on your own without my guidance if you choose.

And, of course, I always most highly recommend the INDIVIDUALIZED ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM or any of the INDIVIDUALIZED ALBUMS that I create specifically for the ONE who is seeking transformation as the most complete method of cellular learning and transformation on every dimensional level.

There are also complete courses in audio format such as the DNA reprogramming course. This course is on sale right now.

DNA REPROGRAMMING COURSE is half price this month.

This 30 dollar course is on sale for 15

This would be a wonderful place for you to begin.

I would recommend following that one with


and the five course DNA REPROGRAMMING

If you are more interested in the entire MUSIC OF THE SPHERES PHENOMENA and that approach to ascending I recommend beginning with the ASCENSION KIT and most definitely THE PROMISE OF THE PERFECT KINGDOM MUSIC And the QUANTUM JOURNEY COURSE.

You can purchase the QUANTUM JOURNEY pdf course on this page or you can press the go to AMAZON button to purchase the paper back cover books themselves.These book are designed for your own personal journey to be kept in diary form as you go through the book and do the self investigation within yourself.

Many people like to begin with this set of courses. There are three courses on Amazon and seven courses total.

These courses require you listening to THE PROMISE, THE PROMISE OF THE PERFECT KINGDOM, JOY or CHRISTMAS ASCENSION. Each of these albums contain the music that is being spoken of in the courses.

Mary Magdalene
Dr. Joe Barnett

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Mary Magdalene
Dr. Joe Barnett

Every desire that you have ever had exists in your Vortex of Manifestation, which is the Source Energy or the Universal Life Force flowing into your heart and mind and Soul. When your FREQUENCY of Consciousness matches the frequencies of this Source Energy of Creation that is pouring into you and through you, then and only then, can each and every DESIRE that you have placed in your Vortex MANIFEST. That frequency is joy,elation, happiness and a lot of GRATITUDE for the FACT that you know your DESIRES have to manifest because it is the law of the universe. It is the law of your Soul. It is God's Law. When you become One with the same Frequency as God, All that God is manifests into your experience.

I smile at the Universe as I watch her pour down the abundance of all that I have ever desired. I am fascinated by the infinite way that I am adorned with the glory and the riches and the honor that is seen when the eyes of Source look down on me and how excited with honor and glory to bestow upon me all that I desire because that is what Source does.

I adore the freedom that I have that is given to me and I release all of the knowing of how to be in the complete light and sound of all creation. I am in tune with the exact frequency of my Soul-my Source within me. We are so in tune with no time and no space that my body will become so in tune with Source Vibrations that the cells in my body will become balanced and aligned in perfect activity in order to create a brand new body every nano second. The activity within my body will have instant healing and there will be a continuous instant removal of any imperfections in my body that have resulted from years of resistance to or separation from the perfect frequency within me that is my Soul asking to be retuned into Oneness with my Body.

My most perfect alignment with my original perfection that will transform into the actual light particles and the substance that these light particles are made from in the Infinite Creative Energy of that Source that is held completely within my Soul comes from the matching or attunement with the sound waves of Source Consciousness flowing through my multidimensional body. The Sound in my Cells will match the Light of the Universe and create a phonon photon harmonic symphony of eternal bliss within me when I listen to this music that stirs within me frequencies of Source that have already agreed to manifest anything that I desire.

I am in the Vortex of Oneness with All that Is. The Vortex is the place where Source Consciousness or Universal Life Force flows into me and allows me to flow out of this density and out into the allness of Source.

Mary Magdalene
Dr. Joe Barnett

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Angela Barnett
Soul of Mary Magdalene
from the teachings of the Crystal Magic website


Your Soul is the Individualized seed of God that is uniquely you. Your Soul is Your Source within or the God of your Being. The ultimate goal of Soul is to unify or become one with the actions within. It is the Super Consciousness within that allows all of the cells in the body to retune to perfect balance whenever you go to sleep or allow the activity to take place. The Soul, the Spirit, the Super Consciousness, God are all names for specific functions of Source flowing into all parts of creation. The Soul is the individualized version of this Creator Consciousness within ones Being.

Soul lives in no time and no space. The Creators created the experience for God, who always remains in no time and no space, or in the spiritual domain. Each individual Soul remains in this no time and no space just as God does. It is the function of the Soul to unify the body into Oneness with all that is within the space and time back into the no time and no space reality field.

The Soul does not leave the body or allow the body to return to no time and no space util it is finished creating experiences that allow the individual to learn to match or become one with the Frequencies of Source flowing through the cells of the body, all activities of the body, all desired manifestations of the individual. The Soul would prefer that the individual became so in tune, so matched in consciousness with the frequency of Source flowing through them that these matching frequencies would first heal the body, make the body more and more perfect each day until all age and imperfection is completely removed from the body and each and every desire is manifest into the flow of experience of the individual. And finally the body transforms from the cells within to the skin and hair into a glowing being that is mostly light and then it turns into plasma body that appears ghost like, and then finally becomes so finally turned into the no time no space creation that matches the Soul, that the body disappears completely.

This would be the greatest joy of the Soul. When an individual does not accomplish this matching of the Creator Consciousness completely fulfilling their life, the Soul leaves the body and returns to the place of spiritual abundance without the body.

I smile at the Universe as I watch her pour down the abundance of all that I have ever desired. I am fascinated by the infinite way that I am adorned with the glory and the riches and the honor that is seen when the eyes of Source look down on me and how excited with honor and glory to bestow upon me all that I desire because that is what Source does.

I adore the freedom that I have that is given to me and I release all of the knowing of how to be in the complete light and sound of all creation. I am in tune with the exact frequency of my Soul-my Source within me. We are so in tune with no time and no space that my body will become so in tune with Source Vibrations that the cells in my body will become balanced and aligned in perfect activity in order to create a brand new body every nano second. The activity within my body will have instant healing and there will be a continuous instant removal of any imperfections in my body that have resulted from years of resistance to or separation from the perfect frequency within me that is my Soul asking to be retuned into Oneness with my Body.

My most perfect alignment with my original perfection that will transform into the actual light particles and the substance that these light particles are made from in the Infinite Creative Energy of that Source that is held completely within my Soul comes from the matching or attunement with the sound waves of Source Consciousness flowing through my multidimensional body. The Sound in my Cells will match the Light of the Universe and create a phonon photon harmonic symphony of eternal bliss within me when I listen to my Eternal Life Album, Manifestation Vortex, Transformation Kit and other Attunement Albums created by Crystal Magic Orchestra through the Breath and Consciousness of Mary Magdalene.

I am in the Vortex of Oneness with All that Is. The Vortex is the place where Source Consciousness or Universal Life Force flows into me and allows me to flow out of this density and out into the allness of Source.


Angela Barnett
Soul of Mary Magdalene
from the teachings of the Crystal Magic website

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