Jeevan Kalyan's Posts (2)

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Ashtavakra Geetha

1) Ashtavakra says King Janaka: If Body drops u it is called death. If you are dropping the body it is called Meditation (Samadhi).

"Before body drops you, you skillfully drop your body" (This is a very highest degree of knowledge. Dropping body does not mean TO SUICIDE, its crime :). Dropping body means to become free from unhappiness, become happy right now going deeper into meditation :)

2) We never drop the body, its body that drops us. Even a cockroach does not want to drop its body, it struggles into sink in slippery condition it tries again and again to rise up.

3) Just go deep into meditation and realize the divinity which is right now here prevailing everywhere. If you get an opportunity to meditate you are very fortunate says Ashtavakra

4) Ashtavakra says: We have forgotten our past births. We have taken thousands of births in past, so many children in every birth and so many relationships in all births. We don't remember anything. And we conclude that "This is the only birth which I am aware of" it’s not true. We were here since births and will be coming again and again.

5) Thus listening this Janaka realizes himself as not a body, but a source of light. He realizes hollow and emptiness.

6) It is like a sun is shining outside the window, but because of dust on the window, we are not able to see sunshine properly, we need to remove this dust with meditation and realize all these things

7) God, Self and Guru are synonyms to each other. The one which is unseen is GOD, then one which is partially seen is SELF and the one which is in front of you visible properly is GURU.

8) Janaka's surrender to Ashtavakra was so total that he couldn't see any difference between Him, Ashtavakra and God.

9) When you bow down to yourself (bow down to stiffness, resistance, dividing factor in you) ------------ you bow down to everything :) The dividing factor in you between "I", "Me", "He", "They" vanishes. You see all as one :)

10) What is root conflict in you??? It’s all "I"- "I"- "I". "I like this", "I don't like that", "I am sinner", "I am bad". It’s all "I" in you that makes u away from people around u

11) Rishi Shandilya explains the meaning of Bhakti : (Rejoicing in joy without conflicts is called Bhakti)

12) As u sees somebody - your mind races to judge them. "He is this, He is that". Everybody wants to be guru, nobody wants to be disciple. But this was not the case with Janaka. The king filled with personification of humility hearing the ultimate knowledge he at a moment surrendering to Ashtavakra considered him as his Master.

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Real Deepavali

Looking Lighting in your House is Deepavali....

And Looking Lighting inside of you is

Enlightenment ...

We will be ever Celebrate Deepavali by

Looking Inner Light ...

with Divine Love and Light ....

Jeevan Kalyan

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