I of Isis's Posts (1)

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Do You See Your Miracles?

Definitions of A Miracle



1. An extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs. 2. an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing or accomplishment. 3. a natural occurrence that must be learned humanly ( Christian Science)….


A miracle is an unexpected event attributed to divine intervention. Sometimes an event is also attributed (in part) to a miracle worker, saint, or religious leader. A miracle is sometimes thought of as a perceptible interruption of the laws of nature. Others suggest that God may work with the laws of nature to perform what people perceive as miracles.[1]Theologians say that, with divine providence, God regularly works through created nature yet is free to work without, above, or against it as well.

[2] A miracle is often considered a fortuitous event: compare with an Act of God.


Inspired Definition….

A Miracle is…our lives…our breath…our body…our births…our deaths… our spirits…our talents….everything about us and our world is a miracle…science can try to explain it but they are finding that there is more to us and our world and the known universe…let alone the discovery of all the other universes… than they can ever explain….lately many people I know…work with in my practice and family have been experiencing more than the  usual upset and turmoil…this chaos is typical in anytime great change is a foot…and believe me great change is happening…..I have been meditating about this for days… what Spirit showed me was that miracles are all around us…we have many experiences of  miracles…. but somehow we only see the disappointments….we hold on tightly to these so called disappointments …. we think our prayers were not answered… we missed out on an opportunity…or person…but how many times have we had miracles happen to us…for us… unexpected blessings, healings…prosperity from unseen places…but in the heat of a problem do we remember these miracles or do we immediately default to the disappointments instead… what we may not know is that the disappointment was also a blessing…miracles in disguise… it actually is in the greater plan for our lives….that…that is not revealed to us as of yet…we are sometimes leery of the unseen the unknown …but if we keep our attention on the NOW…we are able to see the miracles in the present moment…the sky above us…. the beautiful trees and flowers…the beauty in the face of a child…the NOW is our miracle…because only by seeing the miracle of  NOW can we create more miracles…and when you train yourself to see miracles…the miracle of a disappointment lets you know greater gifts are right before you….NOW! ….as one my favorite  Mentors  Dr. Wayne Dyer  says “When you change the way you look at things …the things you look at change!”  … LIFE… is the miracle…the ACT of the DIVINE….Look for your MIRACLES….



As always…….Walk in Beauty…Peace….


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