Inhan's Posts (2)

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As the night comes

As the night slowly approaches and the light follows the Sun behind the horizon leaving me where I am, I hear within me the voice that calls on me. It brings me closer to a familiar feeling that has always been there which cannot be described with words. But I rather just close my eyes and feel it. I rather just close my eyes in darkness and let this inner silence fill my heart and sink deeper into a sea of emptiness. That's when I meet my self and the voice calling me was the light reaching my senses.
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First Yoga Lesson

I had the opportunity to practice 90 mins of yoga today. Something I have never thought about doing before. Only recently I have gained insight in how important it is for the well-being and the state of the temple which follows me (almost) everywhere I go. All the times I did meditation I did not know how yoga helps the quality of ones meditation. Today I know I should worship in this temple. I only should only if I want of course and now I do. What is it I worship I ask myself. I feel I worship freedom. The vehicle that carries me around on this physical plane brings me after all freedom. I am free to exist and free to experience what I came here to experience. And today I found out I am very limited in this body. I thought the exercises I always have been doing were all what I needed but as many times before I was living an illusion. Closer to the absolute truth I will from now on take better care of this temple.
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