In Betwena's Posts (28)

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The inner fight is the first fight to master.  For a warrior to become a master of the art it is needed for them to be the master of the Self.  The world is a reflection of our Will molding the fluid cosmic matter.  As it is said that life is but a dream, we are the dreamers of our own dream but in amnesia of such condition.  In this situation our dream becomes the subject of our inner nature that remains hidden from our conscious mind.  When we dream without awareness of the dream all the energies are guided by raw instincts based on what we are reflecting from our own maze of emotions and traumas.  We are moved primarily by basic instincts as it is the force guiding our energies into manifestation.  This is the first aspect to be mastered:  the subconscious motives behind our emotions.   The way to master the subconscious is by accessing that part of your mind by introspection which is best done with meditation.  To enter the space with no time, the space with no thoughts, the true all acknowledging silence.  Once in it we are able to realize what drives our Will to shape our thoughts.  Thus realizing the guide of our force we are able to cleanse our subconscious of unnecessary motives and put our nature in order.

The second aspect to be mastered is our reflective response to external stimuli.  We are constantly receiving and absorbing information from the external world mostly without the proper inspection of such.  They enter us like a river flow its course.  That causes our subconscious to become overcrowded and disorganized with countless hidden triggers and programs.  By not being aware of these we are subject to their commands.  The way to avoid such chaotic domination is by filtering the information that are being sent to us by being conscious that they are not coming from us but entering us through our perception.  We have to develop a critic mindset and not be gullible to all that is shown.  Simply realize that anything that is being presented is but an offer to you of an idea that can or cannot have your approval to become part of your subconscious paradigm.  You are like the bouncer of your own mind so choose well or your party becomes your own personal disaster.

The third aspect is being the maestro of your emotional responses and feeling symphony.  These feelings and emotions are pure energy in action.  They are responsible for giving substance to what your mind shapes with your thoughts.  Your thoughts are the mold and your feeling’s energy the substance to give form to it.  Your feelings must be synchronous to your truest Will and not a mere subject of external stimuli programming.  You must direct and orchestrate what you are feeling by doing it consciously until you are doing it naturally.  If you are able to orchestrate your feelings you will have walked half way closer to master your thoughts.   Even though one is the motivator of the other the feelings are something that only originates from you whence thoughts can and are imposed to you by external sources.  Some things or people can induce a thought into your mind being by verbal means or subtle means.  However for a feeling to be induced into you it’s not that easy or common.  The feelings are in its majority produced by you and this is something you can take responsibility for in order to take back the reins of your life.

The fourth aspect is to understand the qualities of thought.  For thoughts can be the generated ideas of your own mind, be it conscious or unconscious, or the replicated behavior of the external stimuli rambling through your mind.  That can happen when we are devoid of quiet and silence and receive too much external content be it from other people or technology like TV, Radio and Programs.  You must understand what thoughts are your own and what thoughts are the repetitions of what you have been inundated with by the outside world.  The way to achieve this is by quieting your mind and perceiving the things that keeps coming to your mind as if you have no control of whatsoever.  These rambling images and words are the things that have been bombarding you day in day out.  Your thoughts are only the ones you have complete control of when they surface and when they rest.  By the time you realize the external imposed thoughts and quiet them down you may enter the silence and notice that your mind is blank.  Because till this point you have not created anything of your own but only replicated what was being subtly imposed in your mind.

The fifth aspect is to master the immediate shutting down of external stimuli to enter the silence of the presence.  This can be quite a challenge as the amount of noise running through your mind equates to a field being taken by all species of animals running amok with no specific pattern.  You might want to sort the animals by size or specie and find that it doesn’t work.  You might try to stop them from making noise and running but that also won’t work.  It will only work when you stop acknowledging their presence in you and this will feel as if from the front center of your brain a blanket is being put over all the thoughts and suddenly they disappear.  Meditation is a great means to achieve that.

The sixth aspect is to manifest ideas of your own.   As you have been living as a manufacturer of preexistent patterns you are not aware of how to create something that you have never seen.  As until this point all you know is what you have been shown and your mind operates through comparing previous ideas to make sense of the new ones you are being shown.  But never in this have you made your own molds to shape your own ideas.  Your mind is not accustomed to visualizing something that never was part of your reality.  You might even ask yourself; how could you think of something that simply “is not”.  And this is the first step for you to reclaim your divinity.

For long we have felt this urge to see something that is out there but we can’t grasp.  We feel it and we yearn for it but we don’t have any clue of its nature.  This is simply because it really has never been out there but has always been in here.  It is even a common understanding between the greatest minds that to understand the macrocosm we have to first step into the realm of our microcosm.  For all are just reflective patterns of each other.  Everything is made in the same pattern on different scales.  And the world we can thread the waters is our own.  As our own world reflects, in quality, the outer worlds, we have within ourselves the model of all the mysteries of existence.  If you can’t reach the stars you can reach your atoms.  With the developments of science and technology we are able to dive within ourselves in more ways than one.

The struggles in human societies are mainly a reflection of the personal struggles of a people that is not living up to its self mastery and trying to resolve their inner battle by reflecting and recreating it on the outside world as this is the only world we are taught to perceive.  We as a people are not consciously aware that we are a multitude of creators.  We each are responsible for our own reality and collectively responsible with the bigger picture.  It is not about what we think the other should believe or trying to impose our accepted reality into the world of others because by doing that we are externalizing our own microcosmic reality to have it play out outside of us.  This doesn’t work and only leads to more conflict.  It seems that it is not enough having to battle inwardly but taking it out on others can have worse repercussions, as we clearly see, with wars and violence.  It is the culmination of Self ignorance.   There has no best way to put in practice the saying “It’s not you, it’s me” than now for it is truly the “I” who have to resolve the struggle.  Are you living your life externally by imposing your inner reality on the reality of others?  Are you constantly trying to shape the world in your own view of how the world should be?  Your world is only yours it can never be everyone’s.  We each have our own perception of reality and our collective has a whole other shared world perception of reality, and this is where all our worlds meet.  There is the only “place” where we are able to share with each other but not by imposing in the other’s self world but by putting our world in ways where others can experiment it.  Be it by talking about it or presenting in any way.  It is for the other to take it as they will.   Only in that common ground should we share our worlds so we don’t create conflicts of perceptions.  And that ground should be sacred and mutually understood as a temple of collective awareness, a true school of thought.

Written by Radharani/Ankhara


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Twin Flames embody the energies of Creation, Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine.
A Twin Flame couple is a cell in God's heart.

The shared Twin Flame or SoulMate heart is an opening to deliver God's Love to all of Creation.

God's Love comes to us every Now Moment in pulsations which sustain all of life.

Reunited Twin Flame couples feel those pulsations as ecstasy together.

Twin Flame couples not only deliver God's Love but generate new Love to add to God's Love.
The fiery molten Love shared by Twin Flames can actually melt the frozen hearts of humanity and help God return them to Love.


When you come together with your Twin Flame, even in consciousness before meeting in the physical, you begin creating a shared SoulMate heart.

This Twin Flame heart is a powerful tool for bringing the world back to Love. Anything or anyone placed in the Twin Flame heart is brought right to God, and thus returned to Love.

God asks you to commit to coming together in consciousness to build this Twin Flame heart together, before coming together in the physical.

This creates a firm foundation of Love for the relationship on the spiritual level.


Why is it so important to build the Twin Flame relationship in consciousness?

Most relationships on Earth are ego relationships based on old relating patterns, fears and superficial judgments.

The ego always creates separation and represents what we are healing here on Earth.

The ego keeps us turned away from Love or being truly in our heart.

The SoulMate heart is so powerful that a couple must be committed to living in the heart and not the ego if they want a true SoulMate relationship.

Coming together in consciousness builds a foundation in Love and a real heart relationship, before coming together physically can bring up any possibilities of superficial judgments.



Everyone has had the experience we call intuition. It is a knowingness of the heart that bypasses the mind. Meeting in consciousness is the awareness of your Twin in spirit, in your heart, in knowingness.

The Twin Flame energy is so powerful that by focusing on your Twin, calling him or her to you, and sending Love from deep in your heart, you can quickly move into a glorious relationship in consciousness.

Soon you will feel the SoulMate heart you are building together.

Then, by agreement, you will begin working together with your SoulMate heart to give Love, not only to each other, but to all of life.

This returns you as a Twin Flame couple to the flow of Creation which is based on giving. What you give comes back to you, and your Twin Flame relationship will grow in amazing ways.



Twin Flames were created by God as a package of Creation, each being the embodiment of Love for the other. Thus, your Twin Flame is the perfect mirror of the Love you are as God created you, but carrying the opposite charge (Divine Masculine or Divine Feminine). Being two halves of the same heart, when you look at your Twin Flame you see yourself. So Twin Flames always mirror for each other the "state of your heart."

According to the law of vibration, Twin Flames would not come together until they could meet each other in perfect Love. This would be difficult for most people on Earth. However, with the SoulMate Dispensation from God, Twin Flames or SoulMates are now able to come together here before each is living perfect Love. This is exciting for us and holds great promise for the world.

It is important to understand that because your Twin Flame is your mirror, if, at the time you meet, you have "heart's beliefs" that are ego or fear-based, they too will show up before you in your SoulMate. As Twin Flames say "Yes" to Love and draw together, there are three things that are critically important.

First, each person must be deeply and completely committed to acknowledging his or her ego/old beliefs and making the shift to the heart again and again, bringing each old belief to God to transform.

Second, each couple must be committed to seeing themselves together as a unit, choosing Love over ego. For example, if one person falls into fear based on an old relationship issue, this is a situation for both people to address together. As a couple they must view the ego reaction as something that is not who they truly are, not real, and as something that they can transform. If the person in fear cannot see this clearly, the other person must always stay in the heart, giving purest Love to their partner.

Third, Twin Flame couples must daily, even hourly, give their will to God, keeping their focus on Love and trusting God to carry them "across the veil" into perfect Love. From the Messages from God: "If a couple together keeps their focus on Me, they can shift easily to Love" "A Twin Flame couple is focused together on Me, for where your focus is, so you create; so you shall be. So ‘in this world' as the Twin Flames or SoulMates come together, the initial focus is on each other. But then, the opening of the heart this creates must be used to turn both people to Me, together. A couple giving together, focused on Me is available for Real Love, and the proof will be the feelings of ecstasy and the expression all around them of the one truth of Love."

Remember, if you choose each morning together to see only Love and to be only Love and strongly attune your hearts, you will experience only ecstasy and joy together and all else will transform in the fires of your Love. Affirm together that it is easy. Love is what you choose. Remember that we've already "walked it back" for you and go for pure Love, giving together to humanity and being a very important part of lifting the world back to Love.


You may have had many experiences in your life that at the time seemed negative, difficult or even traumatic. Now as you come together with your Twin Flame you will understand these things in a whole new way.

Part of God's plan was for us to experience every aspect of human life, and when we come together with our SoulMate, we then use our SoulMate heart to bring every experience of anti-Love back to God, and thus to Love.

So now you can see that everything you've been through, no matter how difficult, has been for a reason. You will "walk it back" to God with your Twin Flame , and with you will be "walked back" all similar experiences on the planet by the law of resonance


“Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels, but have no love, I am sounding brass of a tinkling cymbal...Though I tell what is to come, and know all secrets, and all wisdom; and though I have faith strong as the storm which lifts mountains from their seat, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and give all my fire that I have received from my Father, but have no love, I am in no wise profited... Love is patient, love is kind...Love is not envious, works no evil, knows not pride; is not rude, neither selfish; is slow to anger, imagines no mischief; rejoices not in injustice, but delights in justice...Love defends all, love believes all, love hopes all, love bears all; never exhausts itself; but as for tongues they shall cease, and, as for knowledge, it shall vanish away......
I honour the love you anchor on the earth plane......IN LAK'ECH

Brenda Tenerelli

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Have I Met My Twin? by Liora

Have I Met My Twin?
Twin Flame reunions are the most fulfilling relationships we can enter into as humans, on all levels. However, twin flame couples have been extremely rare on the planet.
Despite this, we are finding that more and more twins are finding each other now, because of the acceleration of spiritual transformation and opportunities for soul evolution we are all experiencing.
People are evolving and learning and healing at such a fast rate that they are getting ready for their twins faster. What used to take lifetimes to learn and heal, people are now going through in years or even months.
 This is the astounding level of acceleration we and the planet are going through. When twins get together, it is for some kind of spiritual service work.
This is their primary reason for finding each other, because through their union a huge birthing of creative energy is released, to be used for their mission together.
More and more twins are attempting to get together now to help the planet and humanity make a big shift forward in consciousness.
However, many of these attempts at reunion are unsuccessful because the individual people are not quite ready for the intensity of a twin flame union. It is more intense than any other union, and this intensity is at a soul level, not as much in the physical or even emotional bodies.
This doesn't mean that there isn't a good attraction at those levels as well, but the strongest attraction is of spirit. This is one of the distinguishing characteristics of a twin soul.
Many people think they have met their twin because the attraction is so intense, but it is a karmic attraction, one of need or bodily desire rather than the Divine Love of twins. Your chance of meeting and staying with your twin depends on how evolved your soul is, and how much of your baggage from this and past lives you have cleared.
The biggest reason twins have to separate after coming together is their individual emotional baggage. Because in the presence of your twin, there can be nothing between you, nothing blocking your closeness. This means that everything comes up for healing that you haven't previously healed.
When twins reunite, both of them experience an acceleration of their spiritual growth and awakening.
They get on the fast track of learning about esoteric wisdom and experiencing other states of consciousness. They usually haven't been together all that often during their series of lives on the planet, and so their backgrounds may be different.
Yet, there is a closeness and similarities of spirit that are almost uncanny, noticed in many ways, such as looking back at yourself when you look at your mate, and a remembering of the distant past when you first split up. Guidance is strong with these relationships, and usually one or both have a good channel for communication with Spirit. Their connection is telepathic, and hugging each other is like coming home for nourishment.
by Liora
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Visions for 2012

Today Jan 23, 2012 marks 333 days until the completion of this World Age Cycle on Solstice 2012! Today is Blue Overtone Eagle - the power of VISION. Visionaries see Beyond what currently exists - they courageously, creatively perceive with mystical, expanded inner senses - and call us all to enter into realms of new, elevated possibilities. Vision gives WINGS to our spiritual hearts that can guide us to fly together into NEW positive, healthy worlds. We ALL have the Power of Vision inside of us - and in these Times of Great Transition, the larger forces of evolution are beckoning us to access it, that we may assist in the healthy transformation of Human Culture and Planetary Existence... Please check out Peace 2012's invitation to investigate and share YOUR VISION for 2012! Let us link forces and share this call!

Seems nicexxx

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Create 'Timeholes"...


 Recent research has uncovered a remarkable ability to manipulate and control electromagnetic fields to produce effects such as perfect imaging and spatial cloaking1, 2. To achieve spatial cloaking, the index of refraction is manipulated to flow light from a probe around an object in such a way that a ‘hole’ in space is created, and the object remains hidden3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Alternatively, it may be desirable to cloak the occurrence of an event over a finite time period, and the idea of temporal cloaking has been proposed in which the dispersion of the material is manipulated in time, producing a ‘time hole’ in the probe beam to hide the occurrence of the event from the observer15. This approach is based on accelerating the front part of a probe light beam and slowing down its rear part to create a well controlled temporal gap—inside which an event occurs—such that the probe beam is not modified in any way by the event. The probe beam is then restored to its original form by the reverse manipulation of the dispersion. Here we present an experimental demonstration of temporal cloaking in an optical fibre-based system by applying concepts from the space–time duality between diffraction and dispersive broadening16. We characterize the performance of our temporal cloak by detecting the spectral modification of a probe beam due to an optical interaction and show that the amplitude of the event (at the picosecond timescale) is reduced by more than an order of magnitude when the cloak is turned on. These results are a significant step towards the development of full spatio-temporal cloaking




I don't realy undersstand this as Iam not a scientist but...


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Hi All,

Everything is New again

so I have started a new page

Have also tried to be without this site but I wanna stay., :)

Here my live has completly changed in 2 years...

Found my deepest wish what I had to forget in the past.

Its So  Beautifull!

Hope you All Be Happy and Beautifull Shinning

Love from me




and now Portals,

tru my Heart

Iam everwhere

I Love You


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