





February 4

About Yourself

This life has been one big mystery tour. I am the soul exchange for a female host, whose maternal parent was a blueray adult, and she was indigo. At 4 years old she met her biological father at his place of residence a smart and tidy terrace home with tall black iron gating dividing their property front from neighbors and a public walkway. He and his partner/wife named Barbara were Australian friends living with two children (male and female) not much younger than her at the time. Her birth resulted from a secret love affair between both parents. The father had little to do with the pregnancy and the upbringing but he was happy in knowing of her nonetheless. At 6 years old she encountered an alien telepathic connection that scared other kids playing with her, and in the same year fell victim to physical abuse leaving her crippled for over three years. The SE occurred during a (heavy vehicle-on-vehicle) road accident around 2001 while undertaking work-related duties. The 'host' was fated for the exchange, as her destiny was secretly altered due to a decision made by management to replace her with an elderly worker who would NOT have survived the injuries I sustained at the outset of the exchange. My rehab and recovery lasted 5 years. However, the problem moving forward was trying to elaborate on supernatural events that involved me directly. In one incident, I lost counterbalance after the entire railing I was leaning on dislodged and tumbled off from an overpass bridge. Horrified workers stepped away from me as I began to lose balance. Thinking the worst, I stood with eyes closed and arms stretched in a crucifix position as my heels lifted from the road. At this point, I seemingly felt I was stopped by a wall or cushion of air which nudged me backward till I could step away from the edge. Without a word, I walked off-site leaving workers muttering profanities of WTF!!! Long story short, I completed all her unfinished business including a pet project that involved tracing and recording her Maori lineage (Whakapapa) connecting bloodline descent from the research of the first landfall of tribal settlers back to her family. In her memory, and to the pride of passed-over loved ones have acknowledged (through mediumship) the return of their ancestral lands barring two historic land sites superseded by authorities - claiming her grandfather's shareholder interest as a beneficiary - are yet to be contested on presentation of the last will (held in my possession), belonging to her great-great grandparents that according to NZ history where known for their chiefly status, tribal leadership and cultural mediation relations with the Crown. Awaiting an outcome on pursuing these claims will follow the conclusion of creating a family land trust and transferring the entire shareholding interest of 13/15 properties from myself to the family for future generational use and ownership. If I were to reveal the rest of my journey here it would lead me to write a book which I don't have the time and space to do so therefore I'll end it for now.

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

I only associated with one spiritual teacher known by the title of 'Exceptional Ron' he was a fine psychic-medium. At the time he reached out to me, I was less of a believer in spirituality and religion. I had experienced the brief company of a (female) clairvoyant who approached me in person and not by appointment inviting me into her home in NZ. She told me I was right about the accident and that I will return to Australia for what reason she did not know. My argument was I return home permanently but she was adamant and did apologize for the disappointing message reiterating I'd return overseas. Surprisingly, she was correct and I did return to Boulder in WA to be with my younger brother until moving on to Brisbane where I first became acquainted with my spiritual teacher in 2011. As I gained his trust over time opening up for the first time to a male individual after enduring years of physical abuse and neglect by the paternal figure that raised me from childhood and the fear he protruded against the mother. Looking back I now understand his motives for being personally cruel and his bad attitude against the mother for being so overprotective of me. The support and spiritual healing from my teacher successfully helped remove and release layers of toxic patterns I had digested energetically for as long as I could remember. This negativity fuelled my rebellious nature to intentionally inflict physical retaliation against the male population in my community earning the reputation to be feared by most who knew me. Forgetting the feminine within, my masculine side at most took presidence over my better judgement for years all for the sake of self convenience while becoming totally unaware I was attracting the same sex, and relationships in-kind. Under my teacher's continued care and compassion his sessions began to trigger hidden emotions some I had not felt a sense of love since mother had passed over. These also led me to revisit my childhood past which was so painful I cried uncontrollably (for the first time since that age) and could not stop which seemed like hours thankfully I was alone as that moment helped me to drain my system from all the stored sorrow and resentment. My heart was entirely closed off until he came and reopened it again. I awoke one morning to the realization my feminine side had returned with happiness, the negativity against the male gender was gone and the shock I had to face up to left me shaking my head for days in disbelief about the same sex lifestyle that I will never ever dare to look at another woman in that way again as long as I live. I was such an open book that Ron and I was able to connect spiritually and telepathically and able to see and feel each other while astral projecting simultaneously. I let him know he had a golden yellow aura and he let me know I have a multi-faceted spirit. There is more to this story and it was around this point and time on our journey that I decided to explore this mysterious planet taking a few words of wisdom he shared with me privately, and boi did they prove excitingly powerful.

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  • I am delighted to welcome you to Ashtar Command. Infinite Blessings of The Creator's Love & Crystalline Rainbow Light with Ever-Unfolding & Expanding Enlightenment, Wisdom, Healing, Peace, Joy, & Abundance that are Divinely Perfect for You in Every Moment !
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