GrahamAndrassy's Discussions (10)

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This is a free-verse poem, so as you will see, it has no rhyme scheme or structure. It may make it a little strange to read at first! Here I've written on my own interpretation on self-inflicted injury and harm. This is something that I, personally,

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Lady Disdain

Lady Disdain


I've met the Lady of Disdain,

Dark as night and cruel as flame.

For when I tipped her my felt hat,

Pon' my head her cane did crack.


I've met his Lordship of Ill Health,

Short and thin, and sick himself!

For when I offered my fair aid,

Pon' the

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Her Children

Her Children


She awakens,

untouched and wild,

strangely serene,

having been born from fire.


Her green body sways,

as her blue blood flows,

as her white breath whispers quietly,

quietly on the wind.


She loved all her children,

supplying them with food,


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Look Within Me.

If you were to look into my eyes,

you would see joy.

It's really quite expected,

I do seem rather joyful,

do I not?


What you don't know,

is that I hold a secret.

You scare me.


I may never tell you I'm gay.

I may never tell you I'm a lesbian.

I may never tell

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The Soldier

The Soldier


After work one day -

one rather dreary day,

I sat in my usual chair -

in the usual place,

to watch the TV.


Stopping at the news,

I see the face of a criminal.

"Man convicted of murder,

loses court case,"

was written in big letters as the headline

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Dedicated to my sister. Times were once tough, but we taught each other how to move on and love each other once more. Your sickness isn't cured, but our wounds have been healed. You are, and were, always my sister.




Like the sun,

hiding from me be

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