GraceWatcher's Posts (25)

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The River of Life

Welcome to the river of life! You have an inner tube to float along in. It is yours and will never be taken away from you. Float with me down this river of life. We can’t see where the river is going, we can’t see around the next bend, but look there over you head, grab that fruit off the overhanging branch and taste the gifts of the river. There are many more branches with all kinds of delicacies here in the river.Look at all those who float along with us! Honest people, healers, good people who want to float here and experience life and live their lives to the fullest.Here comes a boulder in the water. You will just float around it, don’t worry about the obstacles, they come and they go but you are in your inner tube and always safe.The river is quickening now. People are saying there are rapids up ahead. Some people are trying to climb out of the river. Look at them holding on to the boulders. Clinging to them, fighting against the water. Some are scrambling up the river banks standing still watching the river of life go by them. They look sad don’t they, and scared to ride this river.But we are not scared! We go through the rapids like a great Disneyland adventure! We come out the other side just fine even if we got a little wet and we see more gifts hanging on branches over the water we can easily reach. The people on the river banks can’t reach these gifts from there. They must get back into the river if they want these gifts. Let’s holler to them! "Come on! The water is fine! You are safe here! You belong here! We will be with you! Come on in!" Maybe one will come out of his or her rut, back to living life and we will be happy about that.I hear the rushing of a water fall, do you? Oh boy, hang on! This will be a big adventure! Swoosh! Over we go tumbling around and bobbing back up, laughing and quite wet indeed! What an adventure that was! We are safe throughout this ride and we know it, no matter what happens.We know there are more bends in the river but we don’t know what they will bring. We know there are more boulders in the river but we know not to cling to them. We don’t need to. We know other people are standing on the river banks too scared to travel this river of life freely the way we do. We feel sad that they can’t do it. It is their choice. We know that will be other branches along the river offering us precious gifts and we need to stay in the river to reach them.Where does this river go? Eventually when our time has passed, it takes us to a golden sea where all the other souls can be found in peace and joy and harmony. I can’t wait to get there myself! But we have to ride the river until we get there. So in the meantime I am loving this inner tube, this river, this ride and experiencing it for all I am worth.===================From the Desk of GraceWatcher MinistriesMinister Paul E JonesTwitter- GraceWatcherFacebook- GraceWatcherMySpace- GraceWatcherSharing the Oneness of God, Religion and HumanityTeaching Ancient Wisdom for a Modern WorldBringing Revival, Renewal and Restoration to all God's
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Meditation Increases Immunity‏

How did you start your day? Did you get up brush your teeth and follow it up with a 20-minute session of deep breathing meditation. Well you may need to rethink how to start your day. Scientists say they have found evidence that meditation has a biological effect on the body. A small-scale study suggests that it could boost part of the brain and improve the immune system.In an eight-week study on the effects of meditation including a seven-hour seminar and daily practice of meditation, revealed that the 25 adults who were in the study group exhibited greater electrical activities in the frontal part of the brain. In addition the meditative group were less anxious and felt more positive physically and emotionally.Participants were also given a flu jab at the beginning of the study and those who meditated had higher levels of antibody than the control group.A relaxation technique known as Transcendental meditation may decrease blood pressure and reduce insulin resistance among patients with coronary heart disease. Let us consider the ramifications of running of to work with a cup of java in your belly.Chanting Om as a meditation technique may do more than just give you a feeling of inner peace. In another study it claims that chanting Om can improve our cardiovascular health by decreasing the risk of metabolic syndrome.Lately the news is all about the health benefits of meditation. So how does one get into this new groove of meditation? Well really meditation is not really a new groove. It has been the backbone of most religions for centuries. Spiritual development has always includes hours of silent and contemplative meditation.To begin you will need a clean and quite place to sit and relax.Start off by taking a few deep breaths to clear out the lungs. Followed by closing your eyes and quieting your mind. In the beginning you will experience the constant dialogue that goes on in the brain. Just sit and follow your breath. You may use a sound to focus the mind. After a few days of practice you may experience a sense of relaxation or you may fall asleep that‘s OK.With daily practice you will soon get the hang of it. It is one of the few things in life that you really do not need a teacher, but if you feel that you have a need for a teacher just look in the yellow pages under meditation. For the past 30 years thousands of Americans have been studying and practicing meditation. Get in line and join the club. You’ll be glad you did.OMMMMM.===============================================From the Desk of GraceWatcher MinistriesMinister Paul E JonesTwitter- GraceWatcherFacebook- GraceWatcherMySpace- GraceWatcherSharing the Oneness of God, Religion and HumanityTeaching Ancient Wisdom for a Modern WorldBringing Revival, Renewal and Restoration to all God's
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Getting Over the Past

We all have (or have had) things from our past that haunt us. No matter what we do they seem to be there with us especially when we aren't being distracted by other people and events. Sometimes we deliberately keep ourselves busy to avoid thinking about our "ghosts" and "skeletons in the closet." But that is not the solution; it is just postponing the time when you are forced to deal with it.Why do we continue to focus on things from the past? The answer is because we haven't learned the lessons that we were supposed to learn. All the drama in our lives occurs for one reason only - spiritual growth. There is always something to learn from each and every experience in our lives. When we fail to learn the lesson we end up stuck in the same little loop, experiencing the same problems or making the same wrong choices over and over. But the loop gets faster and more chaotic as it repeats itself.Creating diversions for ourselves will not accomplish anything except to delay the inevitable. And if you get to the end of this lifetime without learning what you came here to learn, then you will keep reincarnating and having the same problems all over again. Even if you don't reach complete enlightenment in this lifetime, every lesson learned is one less thing to learn the next time around.How do we avoid being stuck in a loop which is detrimental to our wellbeing, our health and possibly even our sanity? We have to learn the lesson. Once we realise what the lesson is and accept it, that's all we have to do. There is no big complicated procedure. Once we recognize it, it will fade away of its own accord.Why suffer years and years of misery, grief and self admonishment! Do you like feeling sorry for yourself? I did a long time ago and I can tell you it doesn't accomplish a thing. You probably think you want others to feel sorry for you but believe me, they won't. They may feel pity for you but that is not the same thing at all. And some people might avoid you entirely because they don't want to be weighed down with your problems! You may believe you have control over your self inflicted misery but one day it might take control of you. Dealing with the source of your misery will not make your misery worse; it will cure it! But most people fail to realize that.When we are spiritually awake, it becomes increasingly easier to see the lessons. Which is just as well because once we are serious about our spiritual life the lessons come more often. But they are minor challenges because we can recognize them easily and deal with them quickly. And each new lesson learned brings us closer to enlightenment.The past is the past! It can't be changed; it can't be undone! Don't stay stuck there! Get over it and move on!"Today is the first day of the rest of your life!"This is a favorite quote of mine. Make this your motto and let the past stay where it belongs and begin your new life starting from today.=========================From the Desk of the GraceWatcher MinistriesBishop Paul E JonesGraceWatcher of SakinelTwitter- GraceWatcherFacebook- GraceWatcherMySpace- GraceWatcherSharing the Oneness of God, Religion and HumanityTeaching Ancient Wisdom for a Modern WorldBringing Revival, Renewal and Restoration to all God's
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The Kingdom of God lies within you

There is an awakening of consciousness occurring within humanity. We are part of a small but rapidly growing segment of the population that is awakening. We are amongst the first to develop that inner knowing and who recognize the shift in consciousness that is occurring in the world. Yahweh is guiding you to read this. You have been called: to awaken from the dream and remember who you are and why you were born in order to fulfill the purpose of your existence. Those that are drawn to read this message are the ones ready to enlighten.Go within and become fully conscious of what this means. How does it feel? Does it resonate as being true for you? Go into that feeling, go to its source; follow it to the very core of your being. Read again the first paragraph slowly and if any of it does not feel right or you are not sure, go within and feel that out too. There is a purpose to your existence that is bigger than all the things your mind thinks you need or want. There is a bigger play that you are a part of that your own mind may not even be aware of. This is your moment of realization. This message also serves as an acknowledgment and confirmation of that which you are. That which was, is and will be regardless of your form, name, time or place.One of the last tests those who have already awakened come to is the illusion of already being enlightened. A sense of “I” that identifies with having attained something, knows something or be something. If there is anything to prove, that’s a red flag. If there is superiority, exclusivity or making other groups or i
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