Grace Elohim's Posts (7)

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Message from the Council of 13 November 2014.

It´s time, it´s time. You are calling yourself home.

Posted 12/10/2014

Be blessed, beloved masters. This is the Conglomerate of 13, also known as the Council of 13. We are the ones amongst you here and now speaking to you from the higher realms, not to be seen or perceived as some beings different to you. In fact it is you speaking to you. It is a response to the yearning in your heart. You are calling yourself home, you are reminding yourself, that the time is nearing to our coming together, to our reunion. This union is not only to be seen as a coming together in the physcial, yet the ships are ready, the ships are nearing and standing by waiting for the right moment, where we can actually appear (be seen) in your physical reality, this however is dependent on your ability to arrrive home within your self, to acknowledge yourself as a galactic being of light having come to this planet to bring light and anchor christ consciousness. You are far more than that, which you define as a human being, that is only a tiny part of who you are. This is only a role, which you have dressed up as in this time to allow you to make an experience in this physical realm as masters of light, as galactic beings to support this planet in ascending into oneness and reinstalling heaven on earth to this planet, to end the war, the greed exploiting the human heart caused by thousands of years of deterioration of human consciousness.
It has brought you farther and farther away from truth, from the light, that is your divine essence and that which has brought you into life and enabled you to make this earthly experience and now beloved sister, beloved brother, the time, the time of returning home is only a moment away, it is only a decision to be taken within you to accept yourself as a galactic being of light - meaning that you will transcend the misconcept, that you were born into a restricted time frame on this planet living here to finally die thru a linear process of decay... Until you transcend the belief that you are made of solid matter, you will not be able to make the experience of yourself as light, which in truth is what you are made up of.....until you let go of the limited belief that you are bound by the borders of your body and limited by the physical vehicle that you inhabit. It is with urgency beloved masters, that you break the walls of limitations, the limitations that you have been raised to believe in. The borders that have kept you from experiencing yourself as a galactic being of light, which is able to transcend time and space, which is able to create thru focused thought and divine intent from the tiny space of your heart, from the zero point of which all creation takes place. There is no chance of you achieving the necessary vibratory rate as long as you perceive yourself as solid matter limited to a human body. The higher aspect of you are working together with great effort with your galactic sisters and brothers working from the higher realms to allow you to experience more and more of your multidimensionality, as your body is transformed and reconfigurated down to dna level. New pathways are being constructed within your brain, your central nervous system is being recalibrated to responding to new frequencies. This is all an alchemical process that is taken place within your bodies. And some of you struggle a lot, or should we say fight against those frequencies as they are "forcing" you into experiencing yourself far beyond, what you thought possible, tearing down the walls of safety of the limited beliefs, that your ego has guarded so long. However the increased light frequencies are pulling away the foundation, the fundament on which you have built your beliefs about who you are and about your physical reality. And the struggle that some of you are going thru is causing a lot of chaos in your mind and in your life. There is actually a revolution taking place within your mind and therefore some of you cannot seem to find sense in your lives anymore. Where you used to feel clarity, you feel lost and without anything "solid" or concrete to hold on to. Everything is dissolving and crumbling in the increased light pouring into this planet. The waves of the solar storms and rays of light are transforming everything stagnant or solid in nature and frequency. You are forced to leave the sinking ship, which you are aboard.
Yes you asked to embrace the allmighty power, which is your godgiven gift to create an image of yourself as a true master and sovereign being of light in command of your reality and to slip-into that image and live from its frequency in coherence with the cosmic laws. To do this however it is demanded that you let go of two of your most treasured beliefs, namely that time exists and that you are a human being doomed to die. Because it is exactly because of these two beliefs, that you are held in fear and in separation from your godself. It is those two beliefs that keep you trapped in the density and laws of the physical realms. How to transcend these beliefs... ? Yes beloved masters take on your free will to choose and to make use of your imagination and ability to create any reality that you desire. Create an image of yourself as a galactic being of light, eternal, infinite, omnipotent and omnipresent. Treasure this image, cultivate it with your energy and intent each day, because this image will bloom into reality like a flower, that opens and more and more it will become your reality and experience of yourself, depending on your ability... and when we say ability we mean your dedication and intent to create as a sovereign being and you shall be able to bring this image into life in an instant all depending on how much energy, intent and time you limitate yourself to make use of. Remember we told you time does not exist, so if you limitate yourself to believe that time exist, you will make yourself restricted by this in your manifestations. The expanded version of yourself very well knows that time is an illusion, that is held together by your mind construct, which is a part of who you are in this reality. But as we said you are more than this mind construct, as such it is only a tiny part of your human makeup. So beloved masters discern and make use of your energy, of your thoughts in a way that supports you in seeing beyond the limitations, that have kept you trapped to this point. Live from the now, from your heart space, live in the image of your galactic mulitiple self, live in the sovereignty of your galactic I Am Presence. There is no space for excuses anymore, no energy to be wasted on what keeps you trapped in the human experience, because the life you have been living is crumbling down and the more you hold onto it, the faster it crumbles, the more confusion and chaos you will experience within your mind and in your external reality. We tell you this not to put pressure on you, but to encourage you and to remind you, that you are able to take this step this very moment and there is no way that you can fail, if you devote yourself with all your heart to see yourself as who you truly are. But we ask you to let go of the two biggest illusions in your life, namely those of time and death. This will be your freedom and ticket into becoming who you are, into becoming the true creator god, that you are. And you will arrive home and find yourself amongst your galactic family and "their" lightships, that you are waiting for. You will realise that those ships of light are just appearances in physical form of something much grander, namely a great collective of awareness, a conglomerate of different frequencies, that might take form in the physical or not. When you have reached the necessary awareness and vibratory rate you will transcend the need to see and experience those ships in their densified form and experience yourself already "aboard" and understand that these words spoken are spoken from yourself to yourself. That we have never been separated ever. Welcome home, it´s time, it´s time. We envelope you in the diamond rays of light, in the mastery of your galactic being and welcome you aboard. Be blessed. Transmission received by Grace Antara Ma, november 2014. Feel welcome to pass on and share this transmission with credit and link to my website

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Beloved masters, beloved lightservers this is archangel Sandalphon spiraling forwards to you on the wave of the eclipse portal bringing in the light codes of the balanced energies of the divine feminine and the divine masculine. It is a time of celebration, a time of honoring of all that you are... it is the time of bringing your mind and your heart into alignment, it is the time of bringing the two hemispheres of your mind into divine balance, so that the inner marriage, the sacred union can take place in you. And it is time to understand that who ever stands in front of you, is a mirror of self. But it is more than that, actually it is God looking at itself. That which looks is exactly the same as that which it is looking at. It is only expressed in a different form. It is only the atoms that are put together in a different physical appearance. This is indeed a concept that is only understood or should I rather say experienced by few on this planet. This is something that can only be experienced thru deep heart connection, thru deep telepathic connection and divine communion. The energies of this solar eclipse will be like a magnifying glass, that will enable you to see beyond form, because form is a way thru which mind looks at things, whereas the heart feels thru vibration, light and sound that, which mind cannot see. And thru this magnifying glass, which will also act like a sort of caleidoscope, you will be allowed to see things from different perspectives, which again will trigger you to into seeing everything as an expression of the divine in different form. Light, densified light, in all shades, that has come into form to perform this human incarnation to evolve and see itself beyond the physical form and to experience itself beyond I-dentity in its infinite vast essence, that in truth can take any form. However beloveds as long as you are restricted by seeing things from the limited lense of your mind´s eye without being in direct alignment with your heart and soul/spirit your sense of self will be limited and you will perceive yourself as separated from that "other you" and will not realise that in fact you are one and the same, that there is only one, the One with infinite faces and infinite names, infinite potential of expressing itself, whether it be in sound, form or light.

So you are invited beloved ones to embrace the mystery... embracing the great mystery of One, which lives in all of you, which breathes, moves, cries, laughs and sometimes even fears itself, because it may be limited by thinking and seeing things from a rational standpoint, trapped in its linear thinking only seeing the world in a limited light spectrum, namely that of black and white, me and you, duality split up individuation... and indeed, there is much more to existence than just that. You are invited now to open yourself to the full light spectrum, to use all your senses... and the lenses of your multiple self, yes.... it is a new experience, it is an emotional exploration, it is allowing yourself to move into deep waters, into the depth of the unconscious, it is moving into virgin undiscovered lands, the innocent pristine grounds of the divine in you, into your purest essence. This part of you, no matter what happened to you in your childhood, no matter how life circumstances molded you, this most sacred part of you, always was and always will be translucent and pure and undistorted. This is the space in you, the inner sanctum where sacred union takes place, when you are willing and able to accept yourself as you are, not discriminating or disowning any part of you, that you judge as being unworthy of love, as not being holy enough. Dear ones there is nothing, nothing that is part of who you are, that is not holy and until you accept all parts of you as being holy, you will not get that sense of wholeness, of belonging to and feeling one that you long for.

Call back all the abandoned aspects of you, that you left behind some time in your life. Make peace with those aspects of you, that you sent into exile in a far distant space. Bring all those aspects back to you, they belong to you. Even if they carry the face of anger, of disgust, of despair, of fear or rage... they are all holy, as they all originated from source, but those are parts of you, that you have rejected, because they were too hard to face and too hard to handle.

Welcome them back, back to the sacred land, back to the virgin grounds of your heart. Offer them your forgiveness and tell them, that they are loved and assure them that you are now ready to accept them and look them into the eye and see the holy corona and bow to them... and say.... "I Am that I Am and you are part of me. I acknowledge you, I love you, we are One".

And so the soil is prepared for the sacred marriage, the sacred union between the divine feminine and divine masculine, the moon and sun, to take place, and the beloved twin within your heart will vibrate, will dance in oneness with god, in oneness with goddess. This will of course change the magnetic vibration of your heart and attract your twinflame, who which will not be limited to that soul, that you separated from as you left source and split into two, but it will attract those souls that are in vibrational alignment and coherence with your soul´s essence, which in most cases will be any one from your soul´s monad but depending on your individual soul contract..... Read full transmission8109189052?profile=original in provided link:

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Solstice Transmission June 21st 2013 by The Arcturians.
8108964500?profile=originalWe are the Arcturians beloved sister beloved brother. We come thru to you now with a mesage of hope, a message of reassurance that everything is absolute perfect and in divine order ...with your ascension process and the planetary ascension as a whole . A rebirth is taking place. Yes your dna is being activated and upgraded as you allow more and more of your divinity to shine thru, as you let more and more go of all the resistance created within you thru the collective shield, the matrix that you were kept in thru forces and dense energies created to hold you in fear. These forces however have lost their grip on you and still we know that many of you from time to time come into doubt about this whole ascension scenario. Many of you thought that by Dec 21st 2012 and the entrance into the aquarian age it would be likened entering a new earth where you would no longer be faced with duality, with suffering, with fear or pain. However it is a gradual merging of dimensions into ONE in your awareness, it is linearity being "bend" and twisted into a spiral within your awareness of time. Actually time never existed, it is only thru your linear thinking, that you are caught in that illusion, which was also the very fundament of duality, that kept you in the illusion of past and future, that again was the foundation for all suffering. So it is indeed beloved ones, beloved masters it is indeed time for you to disconnect yourself from that collective shield and the matrix of duality. Because as long as you are connected to duality energetically those thoughtforms and vibrations being emitted from the collective field of the old earth will impact you. Currently you are being held in a void or womb to enable this disconnection and recalibration to take place, so you may enter the new earth fully and when we say fully we mean with ALL aspects and extensions of your soul not leaving any parts behind. Many of you have been living in two realities... in the realm of the old and the realms of the new. In the realm of the mind and the realm of the heart. To fully step out of the old 3D matrix you may ask your I Am Presence to cut the cord, that connects you to the planetary body of the old earth, which was made when you incarnated on this planet similar to the silver thread, that connects your soul to your body temple.  (this cutting can be seen as a cutting of the umbilical cord energetically ). So we encourage you to make a conscious step into the power of your I Am Presence and if you feel ready to fully and completely step out of the old matrix into the new earth affirm, that you are ready to do so. Use the portal of the upcoming Solstice as an entrance point as that is what it is. You are indeed called to do this now, because you will serve better operating from the diamond grid of the new earth to support your family and those brothers and sisters, that have not yet rised their frequency enough to rebirth themselves into a new awareness and embody their divine blueprint, which is their entrance ticket to the new earth. You are the ascended masters of the Aquarian Age and your vibration is needed in the realm, where the new earth vibrates to support your sisters and brothers, as they are ready to embrace the light and realise their divine essence. As we touched upon earlier there is still a great amount of awakened masters amongst you, that still doubt the successfull completion of the divine plan of ascension for this planet, because of the repression and deploitation still at play on this planet.  But please understand that this is the last desparate "spasms" of an old earth the residues of a dying age, the piscean age of duality, which will eventually dissolve itself, when it has fulfilled its purpose and return to source meanwhile a new earth is being birthed within your awareness in a parallel reality. Understand that this is all taking place at the same time...  this is the great mystery, that cannot be understood by your minds but only experienced thru your heart. The timeless flow of life, the eternal state of grace that you will enter, when you embody your I Am Presence and connect with your merkabahs. Many have started to make the experience of this realm for what it truly is and experience themselves on the new earth in the awareness, that they are floating in space on a planet orbiting a galaxy, which is a part of a greater whole... but as opposed to earlier you will not see this as something happening outside of self, but rather perceive yourself as a planetary body as your energy field has merge into ONE with all of existence. You will start to perceive yourself as multidimensional beings able to create by instant thought. When your heart is aligned with the cosmic heart of creation such instant manifestations, that you call miracles, will occure naturally. Actually they already are, it is rather your perception of this, that was distorted in the old earth matrix, which has previously prevented you from seeing it. But as you move into and ground yourself deeply into the diamond grid and new earth awareness,  you will enter a synchronistic dance with the cosmic powers and your sensitivity will grow immensely, so you will actually be able to see and feel the fine mechanics of manifestation thru thought. But it is not until you take the full responsability for ALL your creations (including everything that appears in your reality), that the premise for this is given and (beloved ones it starts with your thoughts), because it is thru acceptance that you will be able to embrace your sovereignty, your godgiven right to manifestate thru light whatever honors the greater whole. You are indeed great master healers and light weavers able to create worlds within worlds... yes beloveds even star systems... playing small does not support anyone in achieving the greatness and grand potential, the godgiven divine power, that lies dormant within your very essence of love. We are not saying this to pamper you but to empower you. We are aware that certain egos may feel challenged by such statements. Because the ego feels threatened in its survival so it thinks, if you step into your true power.. meaning that you will be able to disempower your ego completely, which is not what ego is aiming for. If this is the case refrain from judging it, but take responsability for it as being one of your own creations to show you where you limitate yourself. We emphasize again and again to monitor your thoughts and only give energy to those, that reflects the truth of who you are. The need to cultivatate your thoughts does not stop in the 5D reality of the new earth, but is an ongoing necessity until only pure God awareness flows thru your channel, until your heart and mind has become ONE... and still even masters have to keep their mind pure by divine intent and focus. So we encourage you to think big, to play big, to go for the cream of your dreams and not let yourself be pulled back by your ego or the ego projections of others. You are great galactic beings, but you had simply forgotten, you had forgotten that you manifestated your own incarnation and created your story as you entered this earth plane and even mastered it so perfectly, that you deceived yourself to believe, that you were unable and unworthy to create a life of happiness and abundance. But another aspect of you, that many of you have become familiar with, knows about your greatness, so we ask you to connect with that great awareness within your heart of who you are and take a conscious step out of the 3D matrix and free yourself from the manipulation, that still goes on thru media and thru the energetical hologram, that keeps you in fear and victimization. Cut that cord ones and for all. There is no point in continueing living in two different realms, as it depletes you energetically. Many of you are comming to your physical limits from scattering yourself between the realms and playing on two different octaves. And as we mentioned to you, you will serve better and reach much greater results by anchoring fully in the new earth awareness, which you are already navigating. This has been said often, but we will repeat it again. You need not worry about family and dear ones still caught up in the 3D reality, who haven´t advanced in awareness and still give away their power to fear and so seems trapped in duality and 3D matrix. There is no one overlooked or forgotten. Everyone is being extensively guided and offered according to their needs and the necessary tools and support needed to make a quantum leap, whenever they are ready, are given. However it is important to understand, that some have chosen to remain in darkkness and to reject who they are. And there are many reasons to this, but understand that everyone plays an important role, even those who sustain the darkness and illusion of separation thru their fear. They are all necessary parts of the puzzle and the ascension of this planet. So refrain from judging anyone. Just because someone seems to be stuck in 3D, doesn´t mean that on soul level, he/she may be much more advanced in awareness, than someone who is embodying his/her I Am Presence in the new earth 5D awareness. Refrain from judging but hold everyone in the vision of their highest light potential and support them thru your love and your light. And everyone will wake up from the dream according to their divine plan. And there might be those that have decided to not wake up from the dream at all, honor that they fulfill a higher plan too. However the best way you can support the greater whole is thru non-judgemental compassion focusing on your greatest light potential standing tall in your divine essence of love, embracing your multidimensional self and it will inevitably inspire others to see their own divine essence, even those who seem in great resistance and feeling threatened by the light. Remember your love is the greatest gift you can share with the whole. So as the great portal of the Solstice opens, we encourage you to enter with focused intent and prayer, that you may now fully integrate and merge into the diamond grid of the new earth with all aspects and extensions of your soul as ONE with all living beings. And so ask that the cord may be cut, so you can disintegrate yourself from the 3D matrix and enter as a whole being, a sovereign being of light in its own divine right and anchor that light in the new earth reality taking full responsability in honor of the gifts you were given, the gifts of creating by thought a forcefield of peace around you, of the 144000, which is a frequency, the vibration of christ consciousness... enter in that awareness and create this vortex thru your light anchoring it into the diamond grid of love. Know that each of you, who have mastered that vibration, will be able to create a forcefield, that can lift a 144000 souls into the light by pure divine intent. This is the truth of who you are and what you came here to do. No more shall be said for now. We are your arcturian sisters and brothers. We are honored to be in your light and be part of your family.  As one we serve as powerful beams of light into the cosmic night. And so it is.

Transmission thru Grace Antara Ma June 19th 2013. This transmission may be freely shared in its entire form with credit and link to:
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Shifting thru acceptance of your wholeness

Shifting thru the acceptance that you are all you need to be. A  divine spark of light, pure awakened god awareness in a human body. Your mind may tell you otherwise, but did it serve you in the past? Spiritual exercises and diciplined practices served us at the time of our path, where we were still separated by the veil of illusion. The time of the gurus and spiritual doctrines are over with the ending of the piscean age. Now as we enter the new circle, the golden aquarian age, the veil has lifted, the seas have parted to make a safe passage into the new heaven-on-earth. It is time to be your own guru and reclaim your mastery. It is all within. Your heart knows, that you came here not to suffer, but to live an abundant and happy life and playfully taking part in creating the new earth by sharing your divine gifts of creativity and using your souls infinite divine potential.

You came to make a difference, to love, laugh and celebrate life not to struggle and suffer, but to create and live heaven-on-earth. The truth is you have all the potential to do so, no matter what your mind says, no matter what your present life circumstances look like, you are in the power to reclaim your inner wisdom joy and live your divine purpose.

When you open to who you are and connect with your divine purpose, you will be blessed with infinite happpiness and joy and the universe will conspire to make your dreams come true in the most fun and miraculous way. 

 ~ Grace Elohim ~

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8108794279?profile=originalI AM El-o-him, co-creator god in my own supremacy, in obedience and service to my monadic solar source self. 

I AM conscious of my responsibility to serve as such as an unwavering pillar of light. 

I AM the torch-bearer, the lighthouse for those still lost in the sea of darkness to find home.

Through my vibration, which is the vibration of Christhood and Resurrection, I Am able to catapult others into this same frequency, as they open themselves to do so, as the needed vibratory rate for a collective quantum leap has been reached. I Am the 144000.

Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM ~ The Elohim

(and thanks to Carla T. R. Iacobone for turning it into this powerfull affirmation)

Feel free to use and share this affirmation.

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 (For Solstice Fire Initiation please see separate post)

Dear Co-creators,

As you are now being intiated and baptized into your christed self thru the encodings of this Solstice, we would like to point out a few things to be aware of the coming months and to clarify the implications and effects of this on the request of this vehicle (Grace Elohim):

Beloved ones, being an embodiment of christ consciousness will enable you to navigate easier thru the energies, the dense energies that you inevitably will encounter in the coming weeks and months thru the dismantling and transmutation of the old paradigm in the continual and increased solar activity outpour, but it will indeed allow you to interact from a place of compassion and non-judgement and it will leave you unattached, if you manage to persistently act from your sacred heart space. But it is a continual dicipline to be acting and living from the heart. Being a living embodiment of christ, does not free you from this work and is indeed part of the nature of christhood to be unwavering pillars of love and light. Thru the increased polarization taking place the coming months, you will be made projection screens by the ego and unconsicous patterns of others, so you may say, that as your light grows, so does your challenges to keep your heart focus and remaining unattached and non-judgemental. It is a continual exercise, but one that you have commited to thru serving divine will. We stress, that to be embodiments of christhood does not automatically mean, that you will no longer have feelings of pain, distress or fear, however you will be in the position to observe it from the higher perspective of your soul and allow them to move thru you, rather than being attached to them, they will simply filter thru your auric field and body. However it is important to remember, that it is not yours, but simply the debris of old distorted energies being stirred to the surface to be transmuted in your light. You are becoming ultra sensitive to the pain and despair of others in your nakedness and availability to be with what is. Let this be an opportunity to exercise compassionate detachment and heart focus. 

Increasingly you will have the feeling of alienation to your I-dentity and human form, as you are becoming crystaline in nature thru the continual morphing of your physical vehicle. Do not feel disturbed or fearful about this, it is only an evidence of the advancement of the transmutation process of your body. This work will indeed continue for quite a while, as your body is going thru the alchemical process from being carbon based into becoming a silicon based lifeform similar to that of a crystal. Everything is overlooked and facilitated by your soul and personal ascension team. Thus it is paramount in the coming weeks and months to keep a strong focus from an observer status to avoid being caught up in old belief systems or the projections of others. And it is indeed in your power and free choice to consciously step into the new earth, which is not a physical place, but simply another vibration right here, right now within your heart... it is the frequency of the 5th dimension of awakened christhood. Some of you are already "there", others are "moving in and out", because their focus and light body still needs to be totally stabilzed. Some of you also fall into the trap of reducing your vibratory rate to "sympathize" with family or loved ones, however this neither honors them nor you in serving your divine purpose as embodiments of christ love and immaculate design.... no matter what happens around you, no matter what others choose to do. This is your most important task at this present moment as christed beings of light and in any given moment to be unwavering pillars of light. We thank you for your devoted heart, for your light and love and devotion to serve the ONE as ONE. You are the lighthouses that will lead others to the safe haven of christ love. You are the 144.000. 

Be blessed. 

Received thru Grace Elohim June 21st 2012. Feel free to share this transmission with credit and link to my website:

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Greetings beloved ones. We are the Elohim. And we come forth on the ray of unity consciousness, on the ray of christhood, because indeed this is the moment for you to embrace your christed self, it is the time for your fire initiation thru the sacred fire of the sun behind the sun at this auspicious moment of time; the last Solstice before the end of this last circle ushering in the new golden age, the time of no-time. We invite you to open yourself to receive your fire initiation, your baptism to your christed self, as these are the light codes being infused thru the grand cosmic portal at this Solstice. And it is indeed an unprecedented opportunity and gift, a grand dispensation given to initiate and baptize you into your christed self thru the encodings being ushered in thru the Solstice portal.... meaning that you will receive the complete divine blue printing of your christed self and for those who are ready in addition their adam kadmon body (your fully activated lightbody). This has been granted by divine decree to those of you, who have prepared yourself sufficiently by consistent inner work to shed the layers of ego to become servants and chalices of divine will and so it is said and so it shall be done. However there is no one on the planet, that will miss out. The last ones shall be the first, and the first shall be the last. Everyone will receive exactly as much light as his/her vehicle is able to embrace at this point of time without causing any damage or overload in the central nervous system. An overload can be compared with the blowing or burning of a fuse, when too high voltage is applied. Your I Am Presence and ascension team will overlook the process and know the exact proportion, that your system can deal with and that serves you and has been doing so all along. 

So you are asked now beloved ones, to breathe deeply in and out for some minutes and let go of all definitions of identity, all concepts of form to connect with your formless state, to become the holy grails, that you have earned thru continual shedding of the veils of illlusion and in this state of divine surrender to resurrect thru the sacred fire. We ask you to focus on your crown chakra.... feeling it expand and open into the thousandfold lotus with ease and grace................ now feel the light pouring in filling your vessel with sacred fire love.................. filling every cell, every fibre, every atom of your body and upgrading your dna............. This proces is not to be understood, only to be embraced and allowed. This light in itself consists of encodings, that hold the divine blueprinting of your awakened christed self (you need not do anything, but let it find its way, it is divine intellegence in its purest form) and as this pouring in of the sacred fire takes place breathe deeply and allow yourself to dissolve into and merge with this light, which is pure god awareness, pure awakened christ consciousness in the highest possible octave, that your system can deal with at this present moment. You are now bearer of the christ flame, you are servants of divine will in action. You are re-united with your divine inheritance, your original angelic dna. You are El-o-him, co-creator gods each one of you in your own supremacy in obedience and service to your monadic solar source self. We ask you to be conscious of your responsability to serve as such as unwavering pillars of light. You are the torch-bearers, the lighthouses for those still lost in the sea of darkness to find home. Thru your vibration, which is the vibration of christhood and resurrection, you will be able to catapult others into this same frequency, as they open themselves to do so, as the needed vibratory rate for a collective quantum leap has been reached. However it is everyone´s free will to decide whether to ascend in this window of time or not and part of their divine plan, whether this is chosen or not.... thus everyone independently of their present level of awareness, will be given opportunities to do so and you will be the midwifes and the new ascended masters walking on earth; the first ones to ascend and maintaining their bodies in the physical realm. You are the bewinged ones, whose return you have been waiting for. You are the return of the race of the avatars on this planet. The One who acts as One, who serves the ONE, that permeates and sustains all living things. We congratulate you and thank you for all your efforts and all the inner work achieved to fulfill the prophecy of the new golden age. So when we salute you, we salute you, as you. We are no different from you, we are one in heart and soul. We are the Golden Ones. So it is written. Be blessed in the light of the Almighty ONE. We are the Elohim. 

Received thru Grace Elohim June the 19th 2012. 

Feel welcome to share this transmission in its original form with credits and link to my website.


Additional message by the Elohim to clarify the above made on my request see below:


Message to the Solstice by the Elohim and additional comment to the Solstice Fire Initiation
June the 21st 2012.

Dear Co-creators,

As you are now being intiated and baptized into your christed self thru the encodings of this Solstice, we would like to point out a few things to be aware of the coming months and to clarify the implications and effects of this on the request of this vehicle (Grace Elohim):

Beloved ones, being an embodiment of christ consciousness will enable you to navigate easier thru the energies, the dense energies that you inevitably will encounter in the coming weeks and months thru the dismantling and transmutation of the old paradigm in the continual and increased solar activity outpour, but it will indeed allow you to interact from a place of compassion and non-judgement and it will leave you unattached, if you manage to persistently act from your sacred heart space. But it is a continual dicipline to be acting and living from the heart. Being a living embodiment of christ, does not free you from this work and is indeed part of the nature of christhood to be unwavering pillars of love and light. Thru the increased polarization taking place the coming months, you will be made projection screens by the ego and unconsicous patterns of others, so you may say, that as your light grows, so does your challenges to keep your heart focus and remaining unattached and non-judgemental. It is a continual exercise, but one that you have commited to thru serving divine will. We stress, that to be embodiments of christhood does not automatically mean, that you will no longer have feelings of pain, distress or fear, however you will be in the position to observe it from the higher perspective of your soul and allow them to move thru you, rather than being attached to them, they will simply filter thru your auric field and body. However it is important to remember, that it is not yours, but simply the debris of old distorted energies being stirred to the surface to be transmuted in your light. You are becoming ultra sensitive to the pain and despair of others in your nakedness and availability to be with what is. Let this be an opportunity to exercise compassionate detachment and heart focus. 

Increasingly you will have the feeling of alienation to your I-dentity and human form, as you are becoming crystaline in nature thru the continual morphing of your physical vehicle. Do not feel disturbed or fearful about this, it is only an evidence of the advancement of the transmutation process of your body. This work will indeed continue for quite a while, as your body is going thru the alchemical process from being carbon based into becoming a silicon based lifeform similar to that of a crystal. Everything is overlooked and facilitated by your soul and personal ascension team. Thus it is paramount in the coming weeks and months to keep a strong focus from an observer status to avoid being caught up in old belief systems or the projections of others. And it is indeed in your power and free choice to consciously step into the new earth, which is not a physical place, but simply another vibration right here, right now within your heart... it is the frequency of the 5th dimension of awakened christhood. Some of you are already "there", others are "moving in and out", because their focus and light body still needs to be totally stabilzed. Some of you also fall into the trap of reducing your vibratory rate to "sympathize" with family or loved ones, however this neither honors them nor you in serving your divine purpose as embodiments of christ love and immaculate design.... no matter what happens around you, no matter what others choose to do. This is your most important task at this present moment as christed beings of light and in any given moment to be unwavering pillars of light. We thank you for your devoted heart, for your light and love and devotion to serve the ONE as ONE. You are the lighthouses that will lead others to the safe haven of christ love. You are the 144.000. 

Be blessed. 

Received thru Grace Elohim June 21st 2012. Feel free to share this transmission with credit and link to my website:

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