German Lavin lightshade's Posts (1)

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Dear Comrades:, I want to share with us some information about this book because the book said incredible information about humankind and universe, and good tips to get the dreamed HUMANKIND UNITY :D!! I'ts not a secret organization or a dark mystic order... Is just a guide to the humankind to be Genuine Humans and get saved in the Final period.

Something about the Divine Plan

The First Order

The First Order of the Divine Plan covered the 2000 years before MOSES. It was the Order of the Ancient Periods and entailed the Sacred Suggestions. With this program, Planet Earth met the GODLY Energy directly for the first time.

The Second Order

MOSES, according to his duty, gave the direct Reality Knowledge as the Kabbalah Knowledge in the Old Testament. This second 2000 year long program lasted until the period of JESUS CHRIST.

The Third Order

The next 2000 year period was the Unified Order of JESUS CHRIST and MOHAMMED.

For Consciousnesses to evolve, the first step to transcend is Love and then Knowledge. JESUS undertook the program of Love, and for this reason the New Testament carries the Love frequency. Later, MOHAMMED formed the World living system by giving Knowledge through the Koran.

Humanity was then left alone with their Sacred Books for 1500 years to grasp the Truth. .

The 6000 year period (encompassing the First, Second and Third Orders) was the Age of Religion, Prophethood and the Sacred Books. It came to an end at the end of the 20th century. and as such MOHAMMED was the last Prophet.

The Fourth Order

The Fourth Order is the Order of Mevlana and The KNOWLEDGE BOOK, and  commenced at the beginning of the 21st Century (i.e. in the year 2000).

 The KNOWLEDGE BOOK started to be dictated on 1.11.1981 and was completed in 12 years. The dictations were compiled as a Book, translated into English and published as a complete Book in 1996.

 In The KNOWLEDGE BOOK, the total Frequencies of the Old Testament, the Psalms of David, the New Testament, the Koran and the philosophies of Far East have been Unified, together with the Words of the LORD. Even though this Book carries the contents of all the previous Sacred Books, its attribute of Sacredness has been removed. As result, it is not a Sacred Book, nor is it a Book of Religion. It is a Book of Knowledge. It is never ever a Book to be worshipped. It is a Book of Truth. It is a Guide to lead Humanity.

This Fourth Order issues in the Age of Knowledge, Science and Technology.

The Fourth Order will establish the GOLDEN AGE, and through The KNOWLEDGE BOOK the Foundation of the World State will be laid. The GOLDEN AGE will start from the 23rd Century and will include a Period of 7 Centuries until the end of the 29th Century.

 The 20th, 21st and 22nd Centuries are Preparatory Ages for the Golden Age, and as the 20th Century was the last century of the Age of Religion, Sacred Books and Prophethood it was the Century of TRANSITION – transition from the Age of Religion, Sacred Books and Prophethood to the Age of Knowledge, Science and Technology.

 The Age of Light

The Age of Light will become effective in the 30th Century, after the end of the Golden Age.

 The REALITY OF UNIFIED HUMANITY will leave the platform by completing its Mission and will transfer The KNOWLEDGE BOOK to its Genuine Source (that is, to the LORDLY Order).

The Lordly Order will use The KNOWLEDGE BOOK for 9 more Centuries for the reason of attracting the Time Energy.

 The KNOWLEDGE BOOK will then have been valid for 19 Centuries (from the three Preparatory Ages of The Golden Age beginning in the 20th Century; through the 7 Centuries of the Golden Age; to the first 9 Centuries of the Age of Light). It is introduced to Us as the Single Book of the Morrows.

 The period of Books will then come to an end and The KNOWLEDGE BOOK will be taken into the archive.

 Other different Technologies will then come into effect.

Introduction of the Book

Since our inception and throughout our billion century evolutionary history, Humanity has been guided towards Consciousness, Awareness, Consciousness of a Single God, and now, Universal Consciousness, Unity, and Knowledge of the Truth.  At each stage of our development, we have been gifted with information and guidance in line with our level of evolution, comprehension and understanding.

At first, we were given the Teachings of the Far East: although it was too difficult for most of Humanity, a few were able to accomplish this Program and, for the first time, Humanity was able to reach the level of God Consciousness.  The Program of Moses reached more people, but it too was not completely successful.  It was through the Program of Love introduced by Jesus Christ that Humanity was able to soften and to become open to Cosmic Influences and thereby was able to evolve more quickly.  With the Koran, Mohammed introduced Social Knowledge: Humanity was then left to ripen with the Frequencies of the Sacred Books for 1500 years. 

The end of the 20th Century marked the end of the Age of Sacred Books and of Religion – Prophets - Intercession.  Humanity is now in the middle of a three-Century Cosmic Age:  the Period of Preparation for and Transition to the Golden Age.  Whereas previously we could pray and beseech and receive Celestial Intercession, that time is over.  This Period is the time of Harvest - Judgment - Resurrection:  We are going through our Final Exams.

We are showered with Energies we have never received previously and, again, we are gifted with a Book that enables us to evolve and allows us to successfully pass through this Last Period and to enter the Golden Age:  The Knowledge Book.  The Knowledge Book is the Key - the Book of Truth - the Book of Guidance - the Book of Salvation - the Book of Selection.   It contains all the Frequencies and Energies of the Sacred Books (The Old Testament, the Psalms of David, the New Testament, the Koran and the Philosophies of the Far East), plus Celestial Energies never given and Knowledge that had never been revealed. 

The Knowledge Book is written in a special technique (the Light – Photon – Cyclone) where the Time Consciousness is loaded onto the letter Frequencies.  When a person reads the Knowledge Book, whatever Time Consciousness is loaded onto the letter Frequencies at the time of reading and that corresponds to that person’s Evolutionary Consciousness remains in their memory; everything else that was read is erased and energies and frequencies beyond the reader’s level are blocked.  In this way, each person retains only the information and the energy they can absorb safely, without any shocks.  Currently, the Knowledge Book enables Humanity to evolve as much as 1000 years in as little as one hour.  In the future, this will be accomplished in minutes and then in every breath.

The Destiny of Humanity – the Planet - the Universe has been entrusted to Humanity.  Although we live in the Dimension of Veiled Consciousness where the Covenant we had made with the Divine is either forgotten or deeply buried in our subconscious, our mission is to Awake, to fulfill our Covenant, and to realize our True Selves:  and this is exactly why The Knowledge Book has been bestowed to Humanity.   Through It, we will be able to Unify and fly hand-in-hand as Genuine Humane Beings, as Brothers and Sisters that embrace ALL in Love, Peace and Harmony, thereby to easily enter the Golden Age and to continue onto the Path of Light.

Wanna read more??? visit the official site were is the book.

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