Frieda's Posts (2)

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Hi everyone,

Did you know about this evolution in the cold fusion energy plants of Andrea Rossi ? I just found out about it yesterday, almost could'nt believe what I was reading....

They are ready for mass production ! The only thing that holds them back to do so is that they don't got an international patent yet .....they are afraid (and they better be) of loosing all rights if they give the technical information free...

We can help this people with  subscribing  the list and show we are interested in this product ! 

The more people subscribe, the sooner the production will start ! (athough there is no buying -obligation at all)

It feels good to me that this people don't want the 'big brothers' rule there business,they know the system very well and know how to play the game....and it seems they really want to make this available for every man in the street!

Bless them !

The place to be...

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The inner child, a passage to oneness

This last days, I was triggered a lot on the triangel mother - father - child.

During energetic course I recognized and explored some of my previous lives... and memories on one of them came back and back.

This morning I felt energetic contact with my mother and father from that life again, it are people I met and worked with in this life also, and wondering what it was all about, the answer fell in : it were my first parents in this chain of earthly lifes in duality. It was a life of joy and laughter, very pure, with a lot of love ...

Feeling so grateful about this knowing, I saw/felt how the triangel with the dual of man and women, creating a oneness, the child, it gives us the key to integrate bove worlds : the world of duality and the world of 'the One'. 

It is so simple, isn't it ? And such a direct way....

And yes : if you can be as a child, pure, innocent, full of love, you can enter the kingdom of heaven !

Just need to feel the triangel inside of you, the inner father, the inner mother, and the creation from being one, ...the child, so pure , so beloved, so open and fearless, so filled with love and joy, so completely One with all that is...

I have the luck to work with little children and see the divine light is still strong in there eyes, as it is very, very strong in the eyes of a newborn ! The first eyecontact is a magic thing, I believe most parents will is the touch with oneness...

I must say that the eyecontact is always very important to me meeting people, it's the mirors of the soul...

My heart goes to all the children inside of you

to be strong and shine the light of divine pureness and love.

To shine upon this world with brightness,  

filled with joy and laughter,

giving transparance and peace of the One.

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