EstaLior's Posts (25)

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Dear Friends,

Happy New Year! May this be the best year for all of you in greater attainment of spiritual growth and worldly success and happiness.
 For the first Newsletter of the year, we have chosen a beautiful meditation which Divine Mother has gifted to us. She is calling all of us to her Throne to receive a Teal Blue Green Healing Balm from Christ Maitreya at an Initiation Ceremony.

The month of January is Special as there are 11 days from the 9th to the 19th of January where the Portals of energy are open to us from the constellation Sirius. We will celebrate this 11 day portal through a six part series of Live Group Channeling sessions where Goddess Isis will take us on a journey to ancient Egypt. Picking from the best of what we had during those times and reactivating our DNA structure to the memories of this civilization will help allow us to alchemically improve the state of our lives and our world. The wisdom and knowledge we receive will become the tools to enhance our lives and to benefit all souls.

New Moon: Jan. 4 is the New Moon, a time to open up new projects, plans and programs. During the time of the New Moon, ask the Great Cosmic Being, Goddess Venus, the bringer of good fortune, to assist you with these intentions and help you fulfill your Divine Mission.
Full Moon: Jan. 19 is the Full Moon with very prominent and impactful energies. Goddess Venus, Goddess Hecate and Goddess Selene (Selena) are all involved with this phase of the moon. Call upon all three Goddesses to help you manifest both your personal and global intentions.

In Love and Peace,

Meditation with Divine Mother to Receive Healing Balm from Christ Maitreya

My children of Light, I am your very own Mother.

Come with me to stand before the Altar of the Sacred Fire at my Throne, the Throne of Absolute. See yourself standing by my side looking at the Flames. Pick up some of the sacred objects for offering to the fire as you form your intentions for this year and all that you wish to manifest for yourself and your loved ones. Make the offerings of flower petals, oils, spices, fruits, herbs, gems from around the altar into the fire and imbue everything with your love as you state your intentions.

I hear you. I love you. I cherish you. I hold you in my own heart. And I have a gift for you. I have invited Lord Maitreya to bathe you in his Light. I therefore offer to you his presence and I walk with you to stand before him.

He has come in his position as The World Teacher. See him in his ceremonial robes of Teal Blue-Green. His cape is that Blue-Green Light embroidered with a honeycomb shape inside of which is the symbol of the Fleur-de-lis with five petals. The two lower petals point to east and west, the two higher petals to north and south. And the fifth one is pointing upward. Inside each of the honeycomb shapes embroidered in gold thread is this symbol. It is the symbol of the New Age. It is also the symbol of freedom from bondage, freedom from 3rd Dimensional dross. It is the symbol of entry into the 5th Dimensional Octave.

Upon his head he wears a crown with five points. It is made of gold and there are five triangular shapes that point to the heavens above. There are five gems: a ruby, a blue sapphire, an orange sapphire, an emerald and a diamond in the center of each of the triangles that sit on top of a band of gold. In his right hand he holds his Scepter of Power, the Scepter of the Power of The World Teacher.

This is an initiation. This initiation will allow you to be filled with the presence of the World Teacher and to receive guidance directly from him. It is an initiation for you to reach to a Quotient of Light that enables you to live life 5th Dimensionally and receive guidance directly from Christ Maitreya. This initiation will be a ceremonial initiation where he will imbue your entire body and your 5-Body System with his Light and his Spirit.

Stand before him as he points his Scepter in the direction of your Third Eye and Crown. You may experience a tingling sensation. Pause and breathe. Open yourself to receive from him.
Now he will set the Scepter aside and extend his left hand. From his own Cosmic Heart Chakra he will produce a Spark of illumined Light, the Eternal Flame. He will offer that Flame to the Flame upon the altar at my Throne. The Flame that he offers also carries his signature Light. This Flame is a Blue-Green Light whereas your Divine Mother’s altar is illumined with Copper-Gold Light.
When he offers this spark from his own heart to the Flame, the flames upon my altar jump high and turn into a Blue-Green Light. Then they turn into a Peach-Golden Light. Blue-Green represents the Masculine Principle as the World Teacher. The Peach represents the Feminine Principle as Divine Mother. The Gold unites the two together.

With his right hand he will take a fistful of this Flame, bring it to his face and begin an incantation. The Flame will not burn his hand. Then he sings the sacred syllables of a mantra, in the language of Light, which is only known to the World Teacher. The Flame in his hand will jump up as it is receiving life force and sustenance. He will charge that Flame with the specific energies that will suit and match your signature energy and is relevant to your personal Soul Lineage and your Divine Mission.

After his incantation is complete, he will place this fistful of fire into a small bowl made of the five sacred metals and engraved with the same incantations, the same mantras he has been reciting, in a hieroglyphic writing which is unknown to you. Inside of this small bowl there are the oils of many sacred aromatic and fragrant flowers, spices, leaves, bark and roots from many sacred trees and other potent items. When he places the fistful of fire into the oil, the oil becomes thicker and the ashes from the fire dissolve. He will repeat this process three times.

Once again, he will take a fistful of fire from my altar, hold it in his right palm in front of his face and begin incantation of the sacred syllables as the fire jumps high. He blows the breath of his own life into the fire in his hand. When he is complete with the recitation of the mantras, he will place a second fistful of the fiery substance into a small bowl of five metals. It will make a fizzling sound and it will dissolve into the oil giving its substance to the oil and making the liquid thicker, denser.

Finally, for the third time, he will take a fistful of the fire from my altar which is imbued with his own Flame of Eternal Life from his own Cosmic Heart. He will imbue it, hold it in front of his face and begin the incantation of the sacred syllables in the language of Light. The fire jumps high when he blows the breath of his life force into the fire and the fire becomes even livelier. Finally, he will place this fistful of fire into the bowl where the liquid oils are becoming denser, thickening.
Now he brings this bowl imbued with his own life force, imbued with the signature energy of the World Teacher and the sacred syllables of the language of Light and he will begin to bathe you. Rubbing the oil from the top of your head down to your face, neck, throat, shoulders and arms, your torso front and back, your hips, your hands, limbs and feet, lovingly, slowly, he will rub it all over your entire body. Your body knows the significance of this substance. The skin absorbs the entire substance into cells, molecules, atoms and every iota of your beingness from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. Every organ is now resonating with this substance, with Christ Maitreya’s vibrational force field, with his signature energy, with the substance of Light from the World Teacher.

Your entire body is now vibrating to this higher Light. When you look down at yourself there’s a Teal Blue-Green halo of Light around you. The halo begins to expand from your Physical Body to your Etheric Body, to your Emotional Body, to your Mental Body, to your Spiritual Body. He will place his right hand over your Cosmic Heart-Personal Heart and he will send you Light to settle you and to stabilize the energies moving from him into you and from your Physical Body into your entire 5-Body System.

Look into his eyes. Ask him for what you wish. The final decision for everything that happens on Earth, to the Collective Consciousness of humankind and the individual destiny of each Soul is sanctioned and sealed by him.

I bring the Divine from the Heavenly Realms. He takes that Divine substance and turns it into matter on Earth. He has come to Earth to turn the substance of Earth’s matter into Higher Light. He has come to Earth to Spiritize the Matter of Earth. I can bring the Spirit to Earth. It is he who imbues the Earth with that Spirit. This is why he has taken physical form. This is why he has blown the breath of his own life force into a physical body manifest on Earth at this present moment so that he can tangibly change the structure of life and bring every life form to perfection.

You are the spearheads. Through you he will begin this task. Through you he will spread his Light. Through you he will accomplish this feat. On your behalf I ask of him to take care of your bodies, to take care of your lives, to take care of your future, to take care of the future of your loved ones, to remove the obstacles from your path, to imbue your path with his own Light, to walk ahead of your and clear the path, to watch over you in every action, to stand by your side at every step. I ask him to bring each of you the best that this world has to offer. I ask him to give you the highest potential manifest in form, the potential for every task, for every plan to become manifest through you. I ask him to give you the merits because you have offered yourselves as spearheads. You deserve to have the best. I want him to give you the best that this world has to offer as well as your life in the sublime.

As spirit you are one with him as you are one with me. As physically embodied souls, I want him to make a special dispensation for each of you. You are the generations of souls who are the bridge between the mundane and the sublime. You feel the pain of the mundane and feel the bliss of the sublime. The two sides of this coin are so far removed from one another but for you they are so deeply immersed into each other they truly are the two sides of the same coin.
It is not easy to live in the world of the mundane knowing what you know of the sublime. It is not easy to have the experience of the sublime and feel the bliss that can be had and then have to go back to the mundane, put your feet flat on the ground and struggle as if walking in tar and molasses. I ask him to make your mundane world an easier place to live in and to make the sublime easier to absorb and digest, easier to incorporate into the mundane. He too is a great alchemist, a great magician. After all, he wove a body of Light that has the density of matter. With that body he came to Earth. It is the substance of that sacred magic, that alchemy that he has imbued into every one of your 5-Body Systems, organs, tissues, muscles, and cells.

Once again, bring your attention to your body and look at this Blue-Green halo that is emanating from your body into the layers of your 5-Body System. I will place a shield of Copper-Gold around each of the layers of your 5-Body System to seal this Blue-Green Light of the World Teacher into each energy body; a shield around your Physical Body, your Etheric Body, Emotional Body, Mental Body, Spiritual Body to seal Maitreya’s Blue-Green Light inside of it. Over all those five layers I place a cocoon of Copper-Gold Light, a 6th layer 2 inches thick, that will fully seal all the other layers creating a cocoon of Light that encompasses all of your 5-Body System. Seal and contain to seal each of your Bodies inside this cocoon and contain the vibrational force field of the World Teacher.

Every day as you arise remind yourself of this energy system around you. Remind yourself that Christ Maitreya’s Light is moving in your 5-Body System. His vibrational force field is resonating within every cell, molecule and iota of your being.

Every night before you fall asleep see yourself standing before Christ Maitreya receiving his Light; imbuing, embodying, resonating and transmitting this Blue-Green Light and ultimately see yourself sealed in the Copper-Gold shield and cocoon of Divine Mother.

Do this for at least 33 days and 33 nights. If you miss a day or a night don’t worry, just do it when you remember. In the course of your day, in the course of your night, if you’re awakened, remind yourself. Do it as many times as you can.  Recall these energies to yourself. Keep calling upon Christ Maitreya and your very own Divine Mother especially as we move into the heightened energies that are ahead of us. If you do this exercise daily for the rest of this year you will accelerate yourself and you will help the removal of obstacles. You will help to lighten your own load. You will become an immensely powerful emissary of Christ Maitreya’s Light and Divine Mother’s Purity and Innocence. Stay and bathe in these energies.

My throne is your home. You can come and go as you please. My children do not need permission to come to their mother’s house. My house is your home. My heart beats in Oneness with yours. I give thanks for the Light that you are, the Light that you shine upon this entire universe and I thank you again, and again, and again for all that you are and all that you do on my behalf and on behalf of Light and your own Soul Lineage.

I hold you with great joy and celebration in my own heart and I thank you for this togetherness. I am your very own Divine Mother.

Blessings to all of you. So it is.


New 2-part Course: 
Isis Reveals the Mysteries of Egypt
We will celebrate this 11 day portal through a six part series of Live Group Channeling sessions where Goddess Isis will take us on a journey to ancient Egypt. Picking from the best of what we had during those times and reactivating our DNA structure to the memories of this civilization will help allow us to alchemically improve the state of our lives and our world. The wisdom and knowledge we receive will become the tools to enhance our lives and to benefit all souls. The course will be taught on 2 sets of three consecutive days, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Jan 8, 9 & 10th to enter into the portal and in the following week on Saturday, Sunday & Monday, 15,16 & 17 to complete the portal. The Special offer Tuition for the entire six sessions is $255.00 until Monday Jan 3rd after which it will be $288.00. 
To read more and to register, click here.

Portal days in the month of January are, 01/01/11, a very important and potent day to begin the year, January 9th thru 19th as mentioned above, 01/11/11 another potent portal day,01/20/11 and 01/22/11, as well and the 27th and 29th.

PTE MS Orientation:
In order to provide background information to those who have had no exposure to the work of the Masters, we have developed a series of courses, primarily made up of written material, geared to prepare a student to take PTE MS Level I and II courses. These are Core Curriculum courses and are recommended for newcomers and old members alike.
Certificates: For those of you who have fulfilled the requirements to become members of the Society or Scholars, we have extended the deadline to the end of December. To register for your certificate, follow these steps.

Click here to log in to your Member's account.
    2.    Click on either Mystery School Society Membership or Mystery School Scholar Membership.
    3.    Under Course Lesson, click on Certificate of Achievement.
Special 2 for 1 Book offer: we will continue offering a 2 for 1 special on all books. Use this opportunity to place your holiday gift orders.

Read more…


Hi Friends

I have posted 3 meditations titled:

1. Divine Love of Mother's Heart

2. Divine Love of Nature and Mother Earth

3. Divine Love of Living

I hope you enjoy them!!

Love-love & Live-Light


Peace & Blessings


Phase II Session 1 PDF:

Phase II Session 2 PDF:

Phase II Session 3 PDF:

Waves of Bliss and PTE Mystery School


Phase II: Loving Heart Meditation Series

Phase II Session 1: Divine Love of Mother’s Heart

Hello everyone, this is Jim and welcome to Phase II, Loving Heart Meditation Series. This is Session 1, Divine Love OF Mother’s Heart.

Take a deep breath. Sit on the floor with legs crossed if possible. You may also sit on a chair with feet flat on the floor and shoes off. Sit comfortably with your back straight. You may also lie down if you prefer.

Breathing and Releasing Stress

Focus on taking long, gentle deep breaths through your nose. Bring the air deep down, as if it reaches to the base of your spine, oxygenating your body and all the tissues and regenerating them with fresh oxygen. Now exhale through your nose and release, along with the breath, all the pollution and dross from your body.

Now, while you gently breathe in and out, begin to relax your body. Starting with the top of your head, relax all the tension in your head. Relax your temples, your jaw, your neck, your shoulders, your arms, your hands and let the tension run out the tips of your fingers.

Now relax your chest. Focus on your breathing and bring your attention to your heart. Focus on your heart beat. Listen to your heart beat. Listen to the rhythm and the pulse of your heart.

It resonates with the sound of I Am, I Am, I Am.

Take slow, gentle, deep breaths, as you repeat, I Am, I Am, I Am.

As you continue to be aware of your heart beating to the rhythm of I Am, feel the tension leave, as you relax your hips, thighs, knees, calves, and out the bottoms of your feet.

Now bring your focus back to your heart and to the sound of I Am, I Am, I Am. Become aware of the Witness standing behind you, repeating the mantra I Am, I Am, I Am.

Sitting with Divine Mother

Visualize that Divine Mother has come to sit directly in front of you, facing you. Divine Mother is the Feminine Principle of existence, manifested into form. The Divine Feminine or the Feminine Principle is also known as the Holy Ghost in the Christian Trinity. This Creative Force is also known as Shakti, Chi, Prana or Life Force.

See Divine Mother in whatever form she wishes to present to you. She may appear as a Goddess with flowing robes, a female Deity that you are familiar with or as a ball of bright Light. Whatever form suits you and Divine Mother best will manifest in front of you. See that she is emanating bright Copper Gold Light. 2

Feel the love that Divine Mother has for you

The Divine Feminine is the Mother energy of the Universe. Divine Mother does not judge you. She does not scold you, she only loves you completely, unconditionally and unwaveringly, enveloping you in bliss as only Divine Mother’s Love can. You are her child. You are a part of her. You are the drop from the ocean that is Divine Mother. Feel the love and see that you are entirely enveloped in the Copper Gold Light streaming from Divine Mother.

Illuminating the Chakras with Mother’s Divine Love

Now bring your attention to your Crown Chakra. See that the Copper Gold Light fully illuminates your Crown Chakra. Breathe into the Crown, as the Light intensifies.

Now bring your attention to your 3rd Eye Chakra. See that the Copper Gold Light fully illuminates this Chakra. Breathe into the 3rd Eye, as the Light intensifies.

Now bring your attention to your Throat Chakra. See that the Copper Gold Light fully illuminates this Chakra. Breathe into the Throat, as the Light intensifies.

Now bring your attention to your Cosmic Heart Chakra. See that the Copper Gold Light fully illuminates this Chakra. Breathe into the Cosmic Heart, as the Light intensifies.

Now bring your attention to your Personal Heart Chakra. See that the Copper Gold Light fully illuminates this Chakra. Breathe into the Personal Heart, as the Light intensifies.

Now bring your attention to your Solar Plexus Chakra. See that the Copper Gold Light fully illuminates this Chakra. Breathe into the Solar Plexus, as the Light intensifies.

Now bring your attention to your Sacral Plexus Chakra. See that the Copper Gold Light fully illuminates this Chakra. Breathe into the Sacral Plexus, as the Light intensifies.

Now bring your attention to your Root Chakra. See that the Copper Gold Light fully illuminates this Chakra. Breathe into the Root, as the Light intensifies.

Visualize that you are completely saturated in Divine Mother’s Copper Gold Light and each one of your Chakras is a bright beacon of this Light.

Divine Mother and Oneness

We live in a world of duality but we can become conscious of our true nature. The statement, “The lover, the beloved and the act of loving are One” expresses the True Nature of the Oneness that exists between you, Divine Mother and all that is. You, the Lover, Divine Mother, the beloved, and the love that you share with Divine Mother and all that is are one continuous flow of consciousness. In our True Essence, there is nothing that distinguishes one from the other; you from Mother, Mother from you or you and Mother from the love that you share.

As you sit with Mother, feeling her love and sending her your love. Encapsulated in her Copper Gold Light, your Chakras shining, look in Divine Mother’s eyes and say, I can only exist because you exist. I am because you are.

As you sit with Divine Mother continue to send her all of your love and repeat, 3

“I am because you are.”

“I am because you are.”

“I am because you are.”

Repeat this mantra over and over again and ask Mother to give you its true meaning. Ask Mother to hold you in this knowing, while you do what you do in your daily lives, in this reality, in this duality, that the Lover, the Beloved and the act of Loving are One.

See that you are no longer sitting in front of Divine Mother but you and she are One inside the Copper Gold Light. You are the Lover, the beloved and the love as she is the Lover the beloved and the Love.

“I am because you are.”

“I am because you are.”

“I am because you are.”

I will leave you here in Oneness with our Divine Mother.

Thank you for your service.

“I am because you are.”

Good night.

Phase II Session 2: Divine Love of Nature and Mother Earth

Hello everyone, this is Jim and welcome to Phase II, Loving Heart Meditation Series. This is Session 2, Divine Love of Nature and Mother Earth.

Take a deep breath. Sit on the floor with legs crossed if possible. You may also sit on a chair with feet flat on the floor and shoes off. Sit comfortably with your back straight. You may also lie down if you prefer.

Breathing and Releasing Stress

Focus on taking long, gentle deep breaths through your nose. Bring the air deep down, as if it reaches to the base of your spine, oxygenating your body and all the tissues and regenerating them with fresh oxygen. Now exhale through your nose and release, along with the breath, all the pollution and dross from your body.

Now, while you gently breathe in and out, begin to relax your body. Starting with the top of your head, relax all the tension in your head. Relax your temples, your jaw, your neck, your shoulders, your arms, your hands and let the tension run out the tips of your fingers.

Now relax your chest. Focus on your breathing and bring your attention to your heart. Focus on your heart beat. Listen to your heart beat. Listen to the rhythm and the pulse of your heart.

It resonates with the sound of I Am, I Am, I Am.

Take slow, gentle, deep breaths, as you repeat, I Am, I Am, I Am.

As you continue to be aware of your heart beating to the rhythm of I Am, feel the tension leave, as you relax your hips, thighs, knees, calves, and out the bottoms of your feet.

Now bring your focus back to your heart and to the sound of I Am, I Am, I Am. Become aware of the Witness standing behind you, repeating the mantra I Am, I Am, I Am.

Sitting with Divine Mother

Visualize that Divine Mother is sitting in front of you, knees touching and beaming you Copper Gold Light. See that Divine Mother is sending from each of her chakras an intense beam of Copper Gold Light to each of your chakras. See that the intense Copper Gold Light fully illuminates all your Chakras. You and Divine Mother are both immersed in Divine Mother’s Copper Gold Light. You cannot distinguish where you end and Divine Mother begins. You and Divine Mother are One. You are the Lover, the beloved and the love as she is the Lover the beloved and the Love. Say to Mother,

“I am because you are.”

“I am because you are.” 2

“I am because you are.”

Expanding the Copper Gold to Encompass Nature and Mother Earth

Now, visualize that the Copper Gold Light that has formed around you and Mother begins to expand. Let Divine Mother’s Light move through you, expanding in every direction. In your minds eye, see the Copper Gold Light of Divine Mother expand to outside of your house.

This is Divine Mother’s love and Light connecting, through you, to the trees, to the leaves, to the grass, to the air, the gentle breeze. Feel the connection. The Universe and Cosmos are held together by the Divine Love of Mother. Let it permeate through you to all of nature, connecting you in Oneness with the trees, the leaves, the grass, the flowers, the rolling hills, the fields, the mountains, the fire of the volcanoes, the streams and lakes, the rivers, the water falls, the oceans, the clouds, the storms, the lightning. Let Divine Mother’s Copper Golden Light move through you to all of nature.

Now let the Copper Gold Light expand until it encompasses all of planet Earth. See the planet held within a sphere of Copper Golden Light that emanates, from Divine Mother, through you. It holds all of Earth, all of the oceans, all of the rivers, all of the land, all of the atmosphere of Earth within one large sphere of Copper Gold Light.

Awakening Nature

Let your consciousness, which is One with Divine Mother, connect to all of nature through the Copper Gold Light. If nature has fallen asleep, it will now awaken because of Divine Mother’s Love and Copper Gold Light which is moving through you. You will be the catalyst that will awaken Nature to Divine Mother’s love. You will be the catalyst which awakens your own appreciation and love of Nature. Feel the love you have for Mother Earth. Feel the love that all of nature has for you. The love each tree has for you; the love each field, pond, river, mountain has for you.

Let the Light of Divine Mother constantly and continually pour through you to all of nature. When you look out your window see the grass and the trees and make that conscious connection through Divine Mother. When you drive to work, let everything you see be a renewal of the Oneness you have with Divine Mother; connecting you with the consciousness of the leaves, grass, flowers, oceans, the clouds.

Nature is truly in love with you and wishing for your conscious recognition of the Oneness you share with it through the love and Light of Divine Mother.

Connect with your Favorite Place

Take a deep breath. Think of your favorite place in nature; a favorite view, a favorite lake, a place outside to sit that you really enjoy. Visualize this favorite place.

Now, engulfed with Mother in Divine Mother’s Copper Gold Light, see this spot with new eyes. See this spot alive with consciousness. You may wish to talk to the trees. Tell the flowers how beautiful they are. Place your attention on a rock that catches your eye and fill it with love and appreciation for being there 3

for you to enjoy; to enjoy its shape and color, its life force; the life force that you are now able to discern through Divine Mother’s grace.

At the beginning of every day, spend just a moment to sit with Divine Mother and be engulfed in her Copper Gold Light. Expand this Light through you to all of nature and give yourself the gift of connecting through Divine Mother to all of nature. Love nature and let it love you. It only exists because you experience it. Show Mother Earth your appreciation and your love. Say to Divine Mother on behalf of yourself and all of Nature,

“I Am because you are”

“I Am because you are”

“I Am because you are”

So it is.

Phase II Session 3: Divine Love of Living

Hello everyone, this is Jim and welcome to Phase II, Loving Heart Meditation Series. This is Session 3, Divine Love of Living.

Take a deep breath. Sit on the floor with legs crossed if possible. You may also sit on a chair with feet flat on the floor and shoes off. Sit comfortably with your back straight. You may also lie down if you prefer.

Breathing and Releasing Stress

Focus on taking long, gentle deep breaths through your nose. Now, while you gently breathe in and out, begin to relax your body. Starting with the top of your head, relax all the tension in your head. Relax your temples, your jaw, your neck, your shoulders, your arms, your hands and let the tension run out the tips of your fingers.

Now relax your chest. Focus on your breathing and bring your attention to your heart. Focus on your heart beat. Listen to your heart beat. Listen to the rhythm and the pulse of your heart.

It resonates with the sound of I Am, I Am, I Am.

As you continue to be aware of your heart beating to the rhythm of I Am, feel the tension leave, as you relax your hips, thighs, knees, calves, and out the bottoms of your feet.

Now bring your focus back to your heart and to the sound of I Am, I Am, I Am. Become aware of the Witness standing behind you, repeating the mantra I Am, I Am, I Am.

Sitting with Divine Mother

Visualize that Divine Mother is sitting in front of you, knees touching and beaming you Copper Gold Light. See that Divine Mother is sending from each of her chakras an intense beam of Copper Gold Light to each of your chakras. See that the intense Copper Gold Light fully illuminates all your Chakras. You and Divine Mother are both immersed in Divine Mother’s Copper Gold Light. You cannot distinguish where you end and Divine Mother begins. You and Divine Mother are One. You are the Lover, the beloved and the love as she is the Lover the beloved and the Love. Say to Mother,

“I am because you are.”

“I am because you are.”

“I am because you are.”

Expanding the Copper Gold to Encompass Nature and Mother Earth 2

Now, visualize that the Copper Gold Light expanding. Divine Mother’s love and Light are connecting, through you, to the trees, to the leaves, to the grass, to the air, the gentle breeze. Feel the connection. Let Divine Mother’s Copper Golden Light move through you to all of nature.

Now let the Copper Gold Light expand until it encompasses all of planet Earth. See the planet held within a sphere of Copper Golden Light that emanates, from Divine Mother, through you. It holds all of Earth, all of the oceans, all of the rivers, all of the land, all of the atmosphere of Earth within one large sphere of Copper Gold Light. See Mother Earth and all of nature begin to pulse the Copper Gold Light and sing to Mother, “I am because you are. I am because you are.”

Focus on Yourself

Focus your attention on yourself. You are a individualized drop from the ocean of Divine Mother, the Creative Force of the Cosmos, the Cosmic Consciousness. Your are pulsing in rhythm with your own heart beat, in rhythm with the heart beat of nature, in rhythm with the heart beat of Divine Mother, all singing in unison, “I am because you are. I am because you are.”

Within the Copper Gold Light and love of Divine Mother, you are living your individual life with the knowledge that you are a drop from the ocean of Cosmic Consciousness, of Divine Mother. You are connected through her Divine Love to all that is. You are doing what you do, thinking what you think; in the Reality you have co-created with Divine Mother, the Creative Force, and with all those who share your Reality.

Divine Mother in all people, Places and Things

Now take a moment and visualize the people you see every day. See the faces of your family, your loved ones, your co-workers, strangers that you pass by only once in your life. See the Copper Gold Light enveloping everyone. See each one as an individualized drop from the ocean of Divine Mother, connected through Divine Love, to the entire Cosmic Consciousness - of which you and all things are connected. See each one pulse with Copper Gold Light. Hear each one sing to Mother, “I Am because you are. “I am because you are. I am because you are.”

Every person you see, every person you will ever see is a drop from the ocean that is Divine Mother. Even though, in this density in which we live, there seems to be great diversity between individuals on this planet, from the broader Cosmic perspective, our range of diversity is miniscule. We are all drops from the same ocean, doing what we do, thinking what we think, as Divine Mother, the Creative Force, and individualized into these bodies and set into this Divine play.

Everyone you will ever meet, while they may not be conscious of it are connected to all things and are singing to Divine Mother with every beat of their heart, “I am because you are. I am because you are.”

“I am because you are. I am because you are.”

Living with Divine Mother as Divine Mother 3

Every night before you go to bed, think about what you need to do the next day. Think about your family and friends, think about the meetings, phone calls, tasks you need to perform the next day and sit with Divine Mother and spread her Light, wrapping all the people, places and things in her Copper Gold Light. See all people and all events pulsing with the Copper Gold. Hear all people, hear the places, the rooms you will occupy, the car you will drive in all pulsing and singing to Divine Mother. Let every action be saturated with Divine Mother’s love and Light. Every time you consciously invoke Divine Mother, the Copper Gold Light increases its intensity. The more you bring that Light and the conscious awareness of your connection to Divine Mother, you intensify that Light and she magnifies that Light even more. “Take one step towards me and I will take a thousand steps toward you,” she has promised.

Let the Copper Gold Light pulse constantly through you and everything you see. Make everything you think, say and do a celebration of Divine Mother; a celebration of yourself as Divine Mother, a celebration of every human being as Divine Mother, a celebration of all of Nature as Divine Mother and a celebration of all that is as your very own Divine Mother. All singing in unison, “I am because you are, I am because you are, I am because you are, I am because you are.”

I thank you all for your great service to Divine Mother.

So it is.

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11:11:10 Gateway Portal Channelling x2


Here are 2 Gateway Portal Channellings for 11:11:10

1. Waves of Bliss - Nasrin Safai

2. The Lightweaver - Michelle Eloff

Mary Magdalene will be delivering this channelling and speaking about the Projects of Lightcoming up in the near future, and how we can pool our energies together at this critical time to ensure the collective grids of light are secured within Light Consciousness. A mass healing will also take place for humanity and all other kingdoms of light and life, activating the potential energies which are meant to serve as the catalyst for further awakening.

Love & Light
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Dear Friends,

Happy Thanksgiving!

November begins a new Spiritual Year. In Celebration of the month of November, we bring you Divine Mother’s discourse on the significance of Demanding and Commanding our Divine Right. She offers us a fabulous meditation, before the presence of Christ Maitreya and Quan Yin at the throne of YHWH, to receive healing of our Physical, Emotional and Mental Bodies.

During this Spiritual year, which extends to November 2011, we will be blessed with the energies of many Female Great Cosmic Beings, as aspects of Divine Mother. Goddesses Liberty, Victory, Glory, Venus and Veyga, who were called by Divine Mother in our October Newsletter to accompany us as our Guardians, as well as Thoth and Goddess Isis, will continue their work with us throughout this year. The Sirian energies will continue to pour down upon us and bless us with further acceleration on the path to Light. Remember, therefore, to call upon Isis, Osiris and Thoth at all times. They are ever more powerful and present to guide, direct and assist us in all ways.

Full Moon: Sunday, November 21st is the Full Moon with very prominent and impactful energies. Goddess Venus, Goddess Hecate and Goddess Selene (Selena) are all involved with this phase of the moon. Call upon all three Goddesses to help you manifest both your personal and global intentions

On behalf of Divine Mother, the Masters and all of us at Waves of Bliss I give thanks for all of you, for your Light and your presence in our lives, for your service to the Light and for raising the Quotient of Light and awakening the Masses. I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving week and a fruitful spiritual year.

In peace, joy and gratitude,


Ceremony at the Throne of YHWH

My Children of Light, I Am your Divine Mother,
I will take you on a meditational journey to the Throne of YHWH. You will witness Christ Maitreya and Quan Yin installed as the Residing Deities at the Throne. Before we do, you need to understand the significance of returning to your Divine Right. This can only be done when you demand it.

Demanding and Commanding

Demanding that your Divine Right be given to you is not out of arrogance. In the Origin of Time, when Humankind; God-Man-Kind, chose to roam the Earth and enter into lower levels of Light, it was they who decided - who demanded - to be left alone to roam the 3rd Dimensional frequency of Earth. It is therefore up to you now, to demand to return to your Divine Right. Please understand this. It is sometimes overbearing for those who read in the books that the Masters say, “Demand and Command the Masters and ask your Divine Right,” without knowing the significance of the concept of “demanding and commanding your Divine Right.”
People say, “I will never demand, I will never command.” First of all, demanding and commanding shows that you have the power to Will yourself to return to your Divinity. For as long as you have not empowered yourself, to Will yourself, to your Divinity, no Master, no Great Being, no Angel, no Divine Mother, no nothing can do anything for you. This power is a power of Free Will.
I can ask and intercede on your behalf but if you don’t accept it, if you don’t command it, if you don’t demand it, it will be wafting in the air waiting for you to reach that point of empowerment to know the significance. I can intercede for you; I am interceding for you, because you have earned it, because you have requested your Divine Right. Demanding and commanding your Divine Right does not come from arrogance – it is actually of utmost humility.
Demanding and commanding your Divine Right comes from a place of humility because, originally, when the separation happened, those who commanded and demanded to be left alone to roam the 3rd Dimensional Realms removed themselves from their own Divinity as Light Beings. In order for all to return to Oneness, every Soul has to reach that point of humility where they come back and say, “Now the lessons are learned and I demand and command to return to my Divinity, which is my Divine Right. I want to experience that Divine Spark again. I don’t want to be separate.” That to me, in my book, in Divine Mother’s book, is humility, nor arrogance.
You came to rescue those who came to roam the Earth. You are all Melchizedeks, you are all Kumaras. I would even say you are all Great Beings of Light. That is why in order to protect you, we need to demand and command Great Cosmic Beings of Light, such as Thoth and Veyga, such as Melchizedek and Malak, such as Goddesses Victory and Liberty, Glory, Venus and Veyga to bring their protection. To be re-connected from soul to soul; from their Soul to your Soul, from their Spirit to your Spirit, from their Body to your Bodies, from their energy bodies to your energy Bodies.

The Destiny of these Cosmic Beings is Tied to Yours

These Great Cosmic Beings have made a sacrifice of their own vastness to encapsulate some of that vastness to envelope you. The destiny of these Cosmic Beings is tied to yours. They couldn’t come for unawakened Souls because the Universal Law says they can’t come for someone who knows nothing of their existence. There is no way for them to ever connect to the unawakened Souls or newly awakened Souls. I want you to understand the value of who you are and what you do.
They have done it out of Selfless Service. Better that they tie their destiny to yours than they tie their destiny to the unawakened Souls. It is not for the unawakened Souls that they have come – it is for you that they have come. Do you know why they have come for you? Because you are making the ultimate sacrifice. A Great Cosmic Being, sending a fragment, an iota, of his or her energy to envelope you, still has the totality of the vastness to bathe in the Cosmic Realms. What do you have? You have the limitations of the aches and pains of this body. You have the limitations of disconnectedness from your Mental Body, to your true Mental Body which is also vast and you have all the agony of emotionally dealing with people who do not understand the value of what you offer them.
This includes, I am saddened to say, some of your loving partners, your children, siblings, and parents. In many cases, those children, parents, siblings, and partners actually feel that you are the ones to blame. Because you are the one who has left them, you are the one who was doing ceremony when they needed you, you are the one who was meditating when they needed you, you are the one who couldn’t go to the movies with them because the energy gets to you, you are the one who is abnormal and weird.
No one says, “Look at how much Light you earned this year, here’s a bonus for you,” because – How many of you have given up your cooperate jobs to turn into healers and have worked for years and years for next to nothing. Where’s the criteria, the yardstick that measures the Quotient of Light that you have and says, “Ounce per ounce, pound for pound, this amount of Light is worth its weight in gold.”
What Being has ever done that for you, or anyone else for that matter? With all due respect, what Master has done it for you? That’s why I say to you,
“I demand and command of these Masters, I demand and command of these Cosmic Beings, to empower you, to bring money, comfort, luxury, health, wholeness, prosperity, love, joy, partnership, respect, reverence.”
I want to see the world revere you. I want to see that and I will. I will stand by your side and watch it while I hold your hands.

Let go of Limitation

I ask you, let go of limitation, of limiting yourself. There is no place in my Reality for you to suffer and fear where the next mortgage payment, rent payment, food bill, utility bill, car payment is going to come from. It helps no one; it serves nothing. Those days are gone.
Light is going to be around you, enveloping you, and the Great Cosmic Beings are going to illuminate your path. Let go of your fears, let go of your limitations. Ask for comfort and luxury, ask for power and position. Alongside of Power and Position, comfort and luxury, remember to ask that you constantly walk the Path of Light and not veer from it; constantly walk the path of Selfless Service. Even that has already been provided to you. All these Great Beings who are here to assist you to gain momentum, to raise the Light, to touch the multitudes and masses, will watch over you to see that you walk the path of straight and narrow. I have no concern about any one of you using your powers for personal gain or for harming others. You need to trust yourself and if you can’t do that right now, trust me. Know that I will not allow it.
Let go of your fears. Demand and command that the Highest and Brightest Light shine upon you. If you become the leaders of this world, terror will end, pain will end, hunger will end, violence will end. Because in your heart, God-Unity is illuminated, the Flame of Ascension, the Flame of God-Unity, the Eternal Flame, is forever illumined in your heart and you are constantly working with those Flames. You are consciously working with those Flames; you are consciously breathing the Life Force into that Flame and through the Flame, into the world.
This is why people are attracted to you. This is why peace comes wherever you go. Or if chaos is bubbling to the surface, it is going to unfold wherever you go. Don’t blame yourself if you walk into a situation and everything goes haywire. That’s like a boil that needs to come to a puss to heal. If your presence will accelerate the process, that’s not bad, it is good.

Journey to the Throne of YHWH

Visualize yourself standing in a Grid of Light with Divine Mother. Visualize a Pillar of White Light descending around you and me. We ask the Archangels of the Four Directions to take their positions around us. Archangel Uriel and his Legions stand in the north, Archangel Raphael and his Legions stand in the east, Archangel Michael and his Legions stand in the south and Archangel Gabriel and his Legions stand in the west.
Bring your consciousness to your Crown Chakra and visualize your Antahkarana Cord extending up from the Lotus of the Crown. We spin and spiral together up to the Throne of I Am That I Am. See your own Perfected Presence and see Sanat Kumara, the Planetary Logos, and Lady Venus standing at the Throne of I Am That I Am. Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus are the residing deities at the Throne of I Am.
Inside the Pillar of Light, we will go up from the Throne of I Am to the 22nd Dimension, to the Throne of YHWH. When we reach the Throne of YHWH, notice that the Throne is illuminated at the center of the stage with Golden White Light. Notice that above the Throne in a circle, like an umbrella, there are 24 seats where the 24 Elders of the Throne are seated. They are providing an Overlighting Presence above the Throne. Our very own Christ Maitreya and Quan Yin have taken their seats upon the Throne of YHWH as the Residing Deities. We have come to bear witness to their presence upon this throne, to be blessed by them and to congratulate them in their post as the Residing Deities of this Throne.

Receiving a blessing the Throne of YHWH

I usher you to stand directly in front of Christ Maitreya and Lady Quan yin at the Throne of YHWH. You will be facing Christ Maitreya and Lady Quan Yin.
On your behalf, I ask the two of them for the complete healing and perfection of your Physical Body. I ask for complete regeneration and rejuvenation of the Physical Body to the perfection of the Original Intent, to the Perfection of the Divine Plan. This Physical Body is completely capable of rejuvenating itself. Some of the avatars, the living Masters that you visit, show no signs of aging. That same principle can apply to you. If your own Light is not profuse enough as yet, then I request that it be done because Christ Maitreya’s Light is profuse enough and because he has made the sacrifice to take a physical embodiment and is walking on Earth.
I furthermore request, that if it is in your destiny to be in his physical Presence, that he would accelerate you and pull you to himself, clearing the deck on your behalf, so that in this lifetime, you have the good fortune of standing in his physical presence. It is granted, that the moment you stand his physical presence, your entire Physical Body circuitry will be rewired and brought to the Perfection of the Original Intent, the Perfection of the Divine Plan. I therefore, request, that if it is in your destiny to someday meet Christ Maitreya in person, that he would accelerate you to that end.
I now let you state your own intentions.

Calling the Melchizedeks

I now call upon the Universal Logos, Lord Melchizedek, and his Consort, Lady Malak, to come forth. I ask them to bring a healing and clearing to your Emotional body through my intersession in the presence of Christ Maitreya and Lady Quan Yin at the Throne of YHWH.
Melchizedek now sends you an illumination of Light, whereby Platinum is mixed with Melchizedek Blue Light. The Deep Dark Purple Blue is Platinum leafed to create a cocoon around you. The Light is emanating from their Heart Core. Lady Malak sends the Feminine Polarity, the Magnetic Force Field, and Melchizedek sends the Masculine, Electric Force Field. These two Electromagnetic substances mix together to become one beam of Light that shines upon your body and envelopes every single layer of your 5 Body System; the Physical Body, Etheric Body or Auric Field, Emotional Body, Mental Body and Spiritual Body. Feel the Light, the sense of weightlessness and the energy of Bliss and Ecstasy.
What is beyond love? Bliss. What is beyond Bliss? Ecstasy. To you these are only words but they are energies. Right now the effulgence of the energy of ecstasy is pouring on to you and I will ask Melchizedek and Malak to continue pouring these energies on to you. Breathe and bathe as your emotional body is cleansed with the energies of the Purple Blue Light of Melchizedek mixed with Platinum Light of the Feminine Principle. Visualize your Emotional Body. See how clear and clean it has been made by Melchizedek and Malak. Your Sacred Geometries that hold your 5 Body System together have been restored to the Perfection of the Original Intent.
I invite Melchizedek and Malak to, very specifically, bestow the Highest Aspect of the Ascension Flame into each of your individual Heart Chakras and to fill your Heart with the Light from this Flame, clearing all forgetfulness and all feelings of separation.
I also ask on your behalf that they bestow upon you the ability to receive and transmit Light, without the pain and intolerance of the Physical Body or any other of the Energy Bodies; that your Physical Body will be able to run such heightened energies through it without detrimental impact on your Physical Body or any of your Bodies. In fact, I ask that you receive a sense of euphoria and bliss and an extra layer of feeling energized.
I ask Melchizedek and Malak to bestow the ability to receive from these altered states of consciousness, fully charged and energized, as if you have taken a bath in the purest vibration of Love and Light and fully energized by the experience of Union.
I ask Melchizedek and Malak to continue to cocoon you, and provide you with a layer of protection to allow you to then perform mundane level exercises. I specifically ask Lady Veyga and Master Thoth to sharpen your Mental Bodies. To help precipitate, manifest from thin air, all the resources that you might need, even before you need them, and all the comfort and luxury that your Heart desires.
I remind you, in the course of your days, if you feel overwhelmed, go back to this now moment and ask, through the intercession of Divine Mother, that Melchizedek and Malak up the ante and raise the vibration of their own protection, in the form of the Platinum Melchizedek Blue Light cocoon of protection around each layer of your 5 Body System. Renew this energy and add it to your morning and evening exercise.
Call upon and ask, through the intercession of Divine Mother, for that Platinum and Blue Cocoon of Protection from Melchizedek and Malak, which allows you to stay in the energies of ecstasy; which blankets you inside the energies of Melchizedek and Malak’s own ecstasy. I ask him to continue pouring down these energies on you for as long as you live.

Calling the Great Divine Directors

I now call upon the Great Divine Directors to come forth to stand with us before Christ Maitreya and Lady Quan Yin at the Throne of YHWH.
They are Master Thoth and Lady Veyga. Their domain is the Mental Body. They emanate from the palms of their hands and all Chakras of the Body, Golden Green Light. This Light will restore to you Health and Wholeness, Abundance, Truth, Hope and Healing.
Thoth is the Guardian of Earth’s records. He is the Logos for Mercury. Veyga is a Great Cosmic Being. Her consciousness stretches across an entire constellation. Constellation Veyga is its own Galaxy. You could say Lady Veyga is a Galactic Logos, holding billions and billions of Star Systems within her consciousness.
The fact that she has agreed to co-chair the seat of the Great Divine Director is testament to her deep level of sacrifice and Selfless Service. This is why I have set up these amazingly powerful Great Beings in their Feminine Countenance, to be in charge of protecting you from now on. Lady Veyga is one such Great Cosmic Being.
Stand before Thoth and Veyga, stand in prayer pose, bow down your head and say, “I demand and command through the intercession of Divine Mother, that you bestow upon me the ability to connect from my Mental Body to your Mental Body and I take a vow that the Wisdom, held in Sacred Magic and Alchemy, will be used for the benefit of all humankind for the return of all the multitudes and masses, who have forgotten, back to their Divinity. I take a vow that I will help the multitudes and masses awaken to their Divinity and I ask you to accelerate me, I ask you to Glorify me, I ask you to bring me Victory, I ask you to bring me Joy, I ask you to bring me Abundance, I ask you to empower me, I ask you to bestow leadership positions on me so that, in me, you can lead, you can be Victorious, you can be Glorified.”
In the Presence of Lady Veyga and Thoth, I ask that they sanction a healing of your Mental Body and connect your Mental Body to their own. Thereby, from this moment on, downloading to you the Highest Seed Thought Forms, of ideas, designs and concepts, which will empower you to be in leadership positions. I ask that Thoth and Veyga teach you at their retreats in dream time and to bring back to your consciousness their teachings.
I want you to make your connection with Thoth and Veyga. They have made a true sacrifice of accepting to be confined as the co-chairs of the Office of Great Divine Director. They can open the flood gates of Sacred Magic in ways that you cannot even imagine in your wildest dreams. They can and will. In a year or two from now, you’d be working with the Elements, alchemically, to precipitate, to manifest from thin air - if all goes well. See that the Golden Green Light is intensified and is pouring on you.
Make your personal intentions before Master Thoth and Lady Veyga. I hold each of you responsible to remember Thoth and Veyga and to demand of them, for this downloading to continue. It is your job to go before them and ask for recalibration.

Divine Mother’s personal gift

My intention on your behalf is to heal, rejuvenate and regenerate your 5- Body System. On your behalf, I will ask for a fully illuminated Nervous System, one that is capable of running high intensities of Light, one that is capable of taking positions of responsibility and leadership, one that is capable of being empowered to guide the multitudes and masses; a fully illuminated Nervous System which will constantly and continuously raise your vibration to the frequencies of the 5th Dimensional Octave.
On your behalf, I ask for a Light Body that weaves its Light Nodes into the nodes of your Nervous System; a Brain System that will function 5th Dimensionally. A Brain System that is able to decipher 5th Dimensional Energies and then translate them into your Physical brain function, so that your Physical Brain can understand these alchemical processes and translate them to be used for the purpose of elevating yourselves, teaching the multitudes and masses to elevate themselves and for the anchoring of these energies upon Earth. Set your personal intentions here.
I want you to stand and listen to celestial music. Set your intentions and allow this to be etched in your Beingness, for through you, this Reality is now spread out. You have Co-created this Reality. It has now, as we speak, become part of the structure and the psyche of Earth’s Thrones; Earth’s Dimensional Realms in this 22nd Dimension of Reality, the 24 Elders around the Throne of YHWH, 24 Ancient of Days. Christ Maitreya and Quan Yin, have taken their position as the Residing Deities of the Throne. Notice that the essence and the energy of YHWH and Yahoweh EL is permeating in the Golden White Light that is fully illumined everywhere. The sound of celestial hymns and celestial music is wafting in the air.
Set out your intentions.
Now turn back to face Christ Maitreya and Quan Yin in the east. I want you to go and stand in front of them and ask them to touch you and bless you.
Let us all together, set our intention that, from this moment on, the anchoring of all these energies are fully accomplished, above and beyond expectation and above and beyond limitation, to the highest potential in all Dimensions, in all Realities, activating the full potential of the 5th Dimensional Octave and connecting the 5th Dimensional Octave to the Throne of YHWH which is now the God-Source, the God- Self, the Higher Self for this Octave; continuing the shower of Light from the Throne of Divine Mother, at the 122nd Dimension, to Overlight the Throne of YHWH, the 24 Elders, the Residing Deities and to connect the Throne of YHWH to the Temple in the 5th Dimension.
I bless each of you with the Light of the Highest and Brightest vibration. May the Light of YHWH, the blessings of the 24 Elders and the Protection of the Great Cosmic Beings continue to unfold to protect, to nourish, to nurture and to empower you.
I am well pleased with what you have done. I am well pleased with all that you do. I hold each of you I n my own heart. You are the Light that illuminates this world. You are the Light that warms up my heart. I walk with you at every step that you take. I thank you.
Blessings to all of you. I am you Mother,

So it is.

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Messages from the Ascended Masters - Nasrin Safai

Hi One & All


here are some great & powerfully transformative gateway channelling activations [free]
a post below with an invocation to connect your higher-self to your conscious-self

i hope you enjoy it

travel light


Dear Friends,
In this month’s newsletter, Divine Mother takes the key and unlocks the seal which creates a barrier between our Higher Self and Conscious Self. For eons of time the connection and the communication between our Conscious Self and our Soul and Higher Self has been blocked. In this month’s meditation, Divine Mother offers us the opportunity to dissolve this seal and remove all barriers. What a magnificent gift this is for Humankind.

October is full of Special Events

This year the month of October has some exceptional Portal Days. One is 10/10/10 where we shall have our free Gateway Portal Channeling (at 8:00 PM ET). To join us on this Global conference call, click here to register.
Society and Scholar Membership Certificates: The Portal Day of 10/10/10 is such an important energy portal that Divine Mother has requested we issue certificates to those of you who are eligible as Society Members and Scholars of the Mysteries for the Path to Enlightenment Mystery School. To read more about how to receive your certificate, login to your account and click on Society Member or Scholar of the Mysteries link.
Meditation Course Series: On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, October 4, 5 and 6, we will have free live group events where we will conduct guided meditations. This first series of 3 sessions is called Tranquil Mind: Meditation Techniques for Stress Relief & Relaxation. Divine Mother has requested that we offer these meditations, especially to attract beginners to join us as part of our commitment to Project Awakening. We are inviting all of you to participate and ask your loved ones to join us as well. To read more and to register for Tranquil Mind Meditations click here.
Festival of Navaratri: Also in October we will celebrate the Festival of Navaratri. October 7 through the 16th is Navaratri, which is Divine Mother’s 10 day festival celebrating Victory over darkness. In honor of this event, we will have a special offer of the Navaratri Home Study Course at half tuition. It is highly recommended that you practice these meditations during this 10 day period, especially if you have specific intentions and you wish to accelerate their manifestation. Click here to read more and to register. (50% off coupon code 0D89 valid until October 4, 2010)
The Alchemy of Abundance with Goddess Gaia: To further benefit from Divine Mother’s energies during this time, we are offering the Alchemy of Abundance with Goddess Gaia. This series of 3 live group channelings will be given on 3 consecutive nights; Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the 18th, 19th and 20th of October. Divine Mother is offering us Prosperity and Abundance in material possessions and spiritual attainments, through Goddess Gaia. Click here to read more and register for Goddess Gaia course.
Additional Portal days for the month of October are 10/1, 10/18, 10/20, 10/22 and 10/29.

Feast of Samhain
This month we call upon Goddess Hecate, the Guardian of the Household and Protector of everything born new, to intercede on our behalf for both our mundane and spiritual endeavors. Feast of Samhain (pronounced - sa-win; meaning summer’s end) is celebrated from October 31st through November 1st and honors Goddess Hecate and marks the start of the Celtic New Year. As we embrace October, let us release the old and embrace the new. Please make a note of the following important dates:
Full Moon: Sunday, October 22nd is the Full Moon with very prominent and impactful energies. Goddess Venus, Goddess Hecate and Goddess Selene (Selena) are all involved with this phase of the moon. Call upon all three Goddesses to help you manifest both your personal and global intentions.
New Moon: October 7th is the New Moon, a time to open up new projects, plans and programs. During the time of the New Moon, ask the Great Cosmic Being, Goddess Venus, the bringer of good fortune to assist you with these intentions and help you fulfill your Divine Mission.
I wish you all an enchanted month of October filled with love, joy, peace and harmony!
In Light,

Divine Mother tells us the Story of Sanat Kumara

My children of Light, I am your very own Divine Mother.
I have brought you a gift. The gift comes with a story.

Lemuria and Atlantis
The story is about Sanat Kumara, the Planetary Logos for Earth. As the Guardian of Earth, his energy engulfs all dimensions of Earth and Overlights all Souls and all things manifest on Earth. He came to Earth, physically, once a year, during the time of Atlantis (85,000 to approximately 8,500 years ago), or four times a year during the time of Lemuria (350,000 to beginning of Atlantis) but his energy was constantly Overlighting Earth and his Soul was connected to all of your individual Souls.
Sanat Kumara, Planetary Logos, leaves Earth
The important part of our story goes back to approximately seven or eight thousand years ago when Sanat Kumara, the Planetary Logos was forced to leave Earth completely. His energy, his consciousness, his Overlighting Presence was removed from the Third, Fifth, Seventh and Ninth Dimensions, all the way to the Presence of the I AM That I AM. As a result, the connection between his Soul and the Soul of every human being was severed. That connection would allow every Soul to have the experience of Oneness. It would be the equivalent of an energetic umbilical cord, between a child and a father. You fully appreciate and understand that there is a physical experience, an umbilical cord, between a child and a mother, even after the child is born and the umbilical cord is cut, the energetic connection remains.
Father Energies of Earth
There is an energetic connection between a child and a father too. It is also connected from the area of the umbilical cord. There is also a Higher Self connection, not from body to body but from Soul to Soul. That connection is between a Planetary Logos and every Soul. It is also between a Planetary Logos and the Collective Consciousness of all Souls. Furthermore, it is between the consciousness of the planet itself and its logos. It severed the connection at all the three layers.
When the connection to the individual Soul was severed, the individual Souls forgot that there always was a father figure, a Godly Presence who always looked after all of you.
When the connection between the Collective Consciousness of all Souls and Sanat Kumara was severed, Souls felt separated. They couldn’t share energy with one another. Gradually they started to feel separated from each other. When Sanat Kumara left the planetary energy, the planet too felt abandoned.
The Souls went into the experience of abandonment, rejection, disappointment, depression as did the Collective Consciousness of all Souls and the Collective Consciousness of the Soul of the Planet.
As a result, over time, each individual Soul pulled its energy, its consciousness, out from the body and the Third Dimension of Reality and moved itself to the 13th Dimension at the Throne of the I Am That I Am. The Soul sat with the father energy of Sanat Kumara, represented in the God-Force of the I AM THAT I AM. It sat and aligned itself to the heartbeat of the I AM THAT I AM. There was no connection between the Soul and the body anymore because there was no soulful or spiritual life force to sustain the Soul inside of the body. Well, it might have been well for the Soul! But it wasn’t good for the consciousness of the body.
The Higher Self is connected to the body through the Soul. When the Soul left, the Higher Self left too. The higher guidance, the higher direction, the direction which usually comes through the Higher Self or God-Source was gone. Suddenly everything shifted, from getting your answers from within you, because your Soul and your Higher Self were within you, to searching for answers and getting your guidance from somewhere out there.
In the course of the past couple of years, together, we have worked to bring back the Soul imbued with the Presence of the Higher Self. The Soul now sits in the Seat of the Soul Chakra, between your Personal Heart Chakra and your Solar Plexus.
We have made great strides. Where we stand now, is that the Soul has returned, the Higher Self has returned. Sanat Kumara has been residing in the Throne of the I AM THAT I AM and pouring his Overlighting Presence to those of you who have connected yourselves through your Golden-silver Cord, your Antahkarana, to the Throne of the I AM THAT I AM. You did this for yourselves and through you, it has been done for the Consciousness of all Souls and the Planet as well.
You can call the Conscious Self, “the Witness”. When you sleep the Witness is awake. The Witness makes sure you are safe. The Witness makes sure you breathe, the Witness make sure your heart is beating. The Witness makes sure the temperature is good around your body. The Witness is always there, the Witness is the mediator of all your aspects. The Witness doesn’t have judgment, the Witness is always serving, the Witness is always at your service 24/7.
That poor Witness, or the Conscious Self, has been doing it all alone for over 7,000 years with no help from anyone and has been locked up inside of this body. yes! Locked up and away, locked away from contact with the Soul, locked away from the Higher Self and the Overlighting Presence of Sanat Kumara and Higher Realms and Hierarchies.
During the days of the Lemurian civilization, you walked along side of Sanat Kumara. Through the Lemuria Course (see below), he connects you, he rewires your energy circuits to his own energy circuits and he reminds your DNA structure about the powers that you had, the abilities that you had, and the purest and the most potent of times in the history of Earth. He takes you back to Lemuria to awaken you to the memories of who you were and what you did. (To read more about this course, Living with Sanat Kumara, PH I Lemuria, click here.)
In the Sacred magic of Isis, PH II course (to read more, click here) with Goddess Isis, I gave you the connection between your Solar Plexus and your Soul. I am now giving you one last remaining gift and that is to remove the lock. What will you feel when this lock is removed? You will feel reconnected again. For the first time, you are going to take a deep breath and you’re going to say “I’m not alone; I don’t have to carry this load on my shoulders, I’m no longer blindfolded and my hands are no longer tied behind my back and I’m no longer whipped to run to I don’t know where. I am no longer whipped to do I don’t know what, in this life!”
When this lock is removed the Conscious Self will merge to the Soul. Suddenly the Conscious Self has guidance from its highest source. The Conscious Self relies on the Soul. It has done for many hundreds, thousands of years. Furthermore, the Conscious Self becomes connected to the Higher Self, your God Self. That Higher Self is connected to the consciousness of Sanat kumara.
When you are returned to that state, where the umbilical cord which connects you to the father energies is reestablish you return to that place of trust, knowing someone watches your back, someone who makes sure you win; someone who will fight your battles. Someone who will come and throw his fist in the face of whoever wants to harm you - I’m only using metaphors here. Sanat Kumara has no desire to hit anybody. Just the fact that he is watching over you is enough. Believe me, nobody; no Body, no human, no animal, no creature will pick animosity with you. Because that power, which over lights you, exudes from the pours of your skin and that power sends an energetic single which says, “don’t you dare touch me because someone much bigger than you ever could imagine watches my back! Don’t even think of it; don’t even come close to me! Don’t even throw a stone on my path because a boulder will be thrown on top of you, don’t even think of it!” That is the impact of the Overlighting Presence of Sanat Kumara.
It will be a while before you really understand, what it means for Sanat Kumara to be present on Earth and to have the good fortune to know and connect to his Energetic Presence. He now has a throne in the Fifth Dimensional Octave. Those of you who have been practicing the meditation in the great hall, (see May, 2010 newsletter) inside the great temple of the Fifth Dimensional Octave, know that feeling because you were present when we built and installed him upon his Throne.

Meditation to Unlock the separation of the Higher Self from the Conscious Self

Come with me to the Core of the Earth. Feel yourself encapsulated in that Core Crystal; that blessed sacred magical space that is like the womb of Mother Earth. Stand with Goddesses Victory, Liberty, Glory, Gaia and Isis. It is appropriate that these five beings stand and be a Witness to this event. Every one of them has been involved in the process.

Watch, as I lift up this key, which is in a shape of an Ankh. I will align my key from above with the keys of the five Goddesses of Victory, Liberty, Glory, Gaia and Goddess Isis.

  • Visualize that you are standing in a Grid of Light facing north.
  • Goddess of Victory stands directly behind you, her Scepter of Victory held high above her head and showering you with the Platinum and Golden Light of Victory. The Legions of Victory stand in a semicircle, from east to south to west.
  • Goddess of Liberty takes her position in front of you, holding her Torch of Liberty above her head, illuminating your path. She is beaming Platinum, Pewter Light in every direction. See the Legions of Liberty create another semicircle in front of you, from west to north to east, completing a circle with the Legions of Victoty.
  • Goddess of Glory stands back to back with Goddess Liberty. She faces you pointing her Rod of Glory to you and pouring the Golden Yellow Light of Glory into your Third Eye.
  • Visualize to your right, holding on to your hand, Goddess Isis as she emanates Lapis Blue and Gold Light to you.
  • Visualize to your left, holding on to your left hand, Goddess Gaia. Feel her love as she emanates her Ruby Red Light to you.
They will all pick up their key, in the shape of an Ankh. The Ankh is an object of power that opens many kinds of doorways, one of which is the door to the treasure chest where the Conscious Self has been hiding.


So take a deep breath.
  • Goddess of Glory; takes her Ankh and touches your Solar Plexus.
  • Goddess of liberty shines her torch above your head with one hand and points her Ankh at your body with the other.
  • Goddess Gaia takes her Ankh, made of emerald, and touches you on the left side of your Seat of the Soul Chakra (waist level).
  • Goddess Isis’s Ankh is made of ruby. She touches you on the right side of your Seat of the Soul Chakra (waist level).
  • Goddess of victory holds her Specter of victory above her head pouring the platinum light, that’s the light of the feminine principle, the divine creative mother light. Her Ankh is made of platinum. She points it, touching your mid back, behind your Seat of the Soul.
Simultaneously we all activate this Ankh
  • I point my Ankh on top of your Crown Chakra, in the very center of your Thousand Petal Lotus
  • Your golden, silver cord is widened, so that the Ankh fits inside.
  • The Emerald green Ankh of Gaia is illuminated,
  • The Rudy red Ankh of Isis is illuminated,
  • The golden Ankh of Goddess of victory is illuminated
  • The torch of liberty is illuminated, her Platinum Light is illuminated in her Ankh
  • The scepter of victory and the platinum ankh of Goddess victory are illuminated,
  • With my Ankh, I continue pouring Copper gold light over your head.
  • Pewter is the Light of Goddess of Liberty, Platinum is Goddess of Victory, Emerald is Gaia, Ruby is Isis, and Copper Gold is Divine Mother.
  • Touching your body with all the Ankhs as the key that dissolves the energetic capsule, the lock, from around your Conscious Body. The Conscious Body begins to be absorbed into your Soul, which is seated inside of a lotus, in your Seat of the Soul Chakra. The two mix and merge and unite. The Conscious Self mergers with the Soul and the Soul enlarges.
  • Divine Mother pours Copper Gold and invites Sanat Kumara to pour his essence from the Throne of I Am to the Higher Self in the Cosmic heart Chakra. The Overlighting Presence of Sanat Kumara and the energies of Higher Self pour down upon the Soul and the Conscious Self, who are now reunited for the first time in seven thousand years. The Conscious Self starts to fill your entire physical body. Pause for a moment.
  • Now the Conscious Self is fully superimposed upon the physical body, sending beams of light that fill and illuminate your ethic body, your emotional body, your mental body and your spiritual body. Inside this amazing perfusion of lights, the Soul, the Higher Self, the Conscious Self, the Physical Body become One.
  • Feel the energy pouring from your Antahkarana cord into your body. Feel the Lotus of the Crown Chakra absorbing the Father energies of Sanat Kumara and the mother energies of Divine Mother. Feel the child within you nurtured in the love that is pouring down.
  • Feel the Conscious Self free. Let us set the intentions that never again will you feel lonely or separate. Never again will you feel severed from your Soul, the Higher Self, the God Self. Never again will you dismiss the needs of body, the Inner Child. Never again will you lose the connection of the Higher Self, within Soul and Conscious Self.
I watch over all of you, and I watch over Sanat Kumara, bathing him in Light so that his Light can shine on Earth. Let’s us together sent the intentions that the love that you feel from this communing will nurture Sanat kumara. So that he will feel welcome in his own home, back on the 5th Dimensional Octave of Earth.
Let us pray together that the burden you have been carrying for thousands of years, be released, once and for all. For as long as he will Overlight each of you, you will bathe him in your Light and make your Light so bright that his heart will not let him leave, ever again. And let us, together, pray that the Fifth Dimension Octave becomes the most joyous of homes for all of you because that is where you’ll feel his Presence, palpably.
He has manifested a Body of Light that is capable of withstanding the Fifth Dimensional Octave, he can bring you to himself; he can help you stand in his Presence because he has built such a body. For the next three years, he will increase his Overlighting Presence in your individual lives. And he will awaken your DNA structure.

Every one of you, have great history with him. You wouldn’t be here on Earth if you didn’t agree to work on his behalf. You wouldn’t be here on Earth if your Soul had not made a contract with him. When he heeded the call to rescue Earth, he first called to all of you. From the four corners of the Universe you have come to answer his call. You are the highest and the brightest illumined Light. You came to Overlight Earth.

The one thing that has been heartache for all of you, is when he left. He left and everyone thought that he’ll be back, including him. Then everything on Earth was sabotaged and the portals for his return were blocked and many of you felt as if he had left and abandoned you. That heartache has been the scar you have carried in your hearts and he has carried in his. I am here to give you the gift of healing those scars, unlocking the treasure chest of your love for him and the mountain of his love for you, unleashing the joy and ecstasy that comes when he pours his love upon you.
I hold you in my own heart. I will do everything to heal you and to bring you back to the perfection of the Original Intent, in the Divine Plan. You are Earth’s hope for the return to purity and perfection. You are the beacons of Truth, upholding Truth on Earth. You are the harborages of Earth’s Glory.
I have come to you to gather you up in my heart to watch over you and bring you home to safety. I have come to accelerate you. I have come to Glorify you. I have come to bring you Victory and Liberty, Abundance and Joy. So that together we accomplish the tasks and walk on the path of journey home, Home to my own heart, home to my own Essence, Home to the Glorious Light of the Feminine Principle.
Talk to me every day. Call on me with every breath and know that I will watch over you, I will hear every thought, every prayer, every plea, every word, every desire and I will address it. I will see to it that the best of everything that you desire and more, be given to you.
I hold you in my own heart, always and forever, from eternity to eternity,
I am your very own Mother.

So it is.

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