Elysium's Posts (2)

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Our DNA has It's Own Melody~

The pioneering studies of Dr. Marcel Vogel and Irzhak Bentov, revealed that, in a state of deep relaxation or meditation, the electromagnetic field surrounding
our head, literally attunes to the basic electromagnetic field
of the earth itself! The earth’s harmonic resonance has been
measured at approx 8 cycles per second, or 8 Hertz (Hz). The frequency
range of the electrical activity of the brain that we access,
in states of deep relaxation, is also centred around 8 Hz. Is
this correspondence just a coincidence?

Perhaps that is why we feel so rejuvenated when surrounded by
nature, in a forest, in the mountains, or by the ocean. Perhaps
this is also a key to understanding how, our inner and outer environments,
can be orchestrated to a higher level of harmony.

Music is a universal language. Its gifts are the feelings, memories,
enjoyment and tears it creates. Music creates emotion and emotion
produces actual chemical reactions in the bloodstream - neuro
peptides are released - which affect the organs and systems. Harmonic
sound equals harmonic emotion equals harmonic body.

The human body itself is intrinsically musical, right down to
the DNA that makes up our genes. Even our DNA has it’s own
melody. The idea that DNA and music might be connected comes from
the work of a geneticist, Dr. Susumu Ohno. In order to understand
Dr. Ohno's insights, we need to understand that every organism's
genes are composed of strands of DNA, which in turn are made up
of four so-called nucleotides. In an imaginative leap, Dr. Ohno
assigned musical notes to these four substances The result was
a melodic composition that was finally fleshed out with harmonies,
by his wife, Midori, a musician. When completely transcribed,
the scores were then performed by professional musicians on instruments
such as the piano or organ, violin, and viola.

Dr. Ohno, has so far, notated over fifteen "songs of the
DNA" of a variety of living organisms. He finds that the
more evolved an organism is, the more complicated its music. To
listeners knowledgeable about classical music, these DNA-based
compositions have been taken variously for the music of Bach,
Brahms, Chopin, and other great composers. These melodies are
majestic and inspiring. Many persons hearing them for the first
time are moved to tears; they cannot believe that their bodies,
which they believed to be mere collections of chemicals, contain
such uplifting, inspiring harmonies -- that they are musical.

Interesting to note:

Ancient civilizations, such as that of Atlantis, believed thateach soul held its own musical frequency, a sort of individual
soundprint throughout every cell of the body. This was referred
to as the 'wam', or the soul's music. In the crystalline caves
of Atlantis, the healing priestesses would attune the wam simply
by striking the appropriate crystal matrix and creating a resonant
tone that would bring the individual back into harmony.

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~Isis Encountered~

~Isis Encountered~

As I emerged from the green lotus of my matter-spirit reality, I brought within me the divine image and name of Isa. Isa is Arabic forthe name of Jesus (pronounced Essa). It is the image and name that Ihave felt a great affinity with over the last few years, and one that Ihonor as my vehicle of expression within the total expression of theBeloved.

I saw within my inner visioning, a strand of golden light, that seemedto represent a shore between the world of the created and the universeof creation. I looked upward and outwards to a heaven of turning starsand softly luminance planets that I could not recognize as known solarsystems. The space between these world systems was not dark as in thenight sky, but shined with a translucent ethereal beauty that I findhard to describe.

The light was subtly palpable, and my heart center resonated to it, asif singing within the light of an audible vibration that took hold ofmy being and transfigured my consciousness so that it echoedspontaneously to celestial chimes that uplifted my awareness within itsvast joyful hymn.

Entranced, I then looked from the golden beach to a horizon which heldbeneath it a perfect silver sea of singing waters. Yet these seemed tobe more condensed light waves then water. The tide of these waves rangently but irresistibly to meet the shore upon which I now stood. Ilooked along the shore and called to the Beloved to send to me thedivine entity that would guide me in this place of heightenedconsciousness. Almost instantaneously, as if materializing from her owninner space, a slender female form appeared walking from the middledistance towards me.

As she walked towards me the substance of the shore seemed to partbefore her, making a silver path she opened between I and her. I couldnow make out her appearance. She had the form of a young lady dressedin a simple white robe gathered at the waist with a thin emerald belt.Her hair was jet black and cut simply in the style we are used toassociating with Egyptian goddesses. Her face was a beautiful oval andit shone with a vibrant radiance of white gold. I found myself both atonce sensually attracted to her femininity, and, yet held in thrall bythe aura of majesty that emanated from her being.

She paused a short distance away from me and smiled to me. Her eyeswere as sparkling turquoise stars shining from a inner radiance thatseemed to arrive from the depths of love. She seemed both mortal andyet completely alien to the human condition. I have no conception howlong we looked upon each other. Her gaze was totally withoutaffectation. She simply saw me as herself and seemed to congratulate mydivinity as if seeing her own reflection there. It was as if we bothbathed in a intimate pool of love that her presence created.

Then she slowly turned to gaze to the sea of light that stretched tothe vast horizon of starry illumination. I too found myself compelledby love to follow her looking, as if her vision was to be a sharedmoment of wonder. It seemed we looked from the same sacred perspectiveas one. I heard her speak as an inner voice of love within my heart.The music of her thoughts played upon my awareness like delicate peelsfrom a carillon of singing silence.

In essence, these are the thought waves that she brought to me. Eachone seemed charged with a meaning I could not fathom, but held to be atruth that would eventually be revealed to me. I but listened to thewords that were not words but rather patterns of light that envisionedimages of reality upon my awareness.

Isa, I am your guide in this place of your love awakening. I am knownin the earth mysteries as Isis, daughter of love and beauty. I amSophia of a thousand names. Consort to the flame of humanity. The doveof love's desiring. Given to you my love as the emblem of yourholiness. Honor me as your wholeness, not as above you, but as one withyou.

The stars that you look upon are vortices of reality. Each sun holdsinfinite worlds within it for the heart traveler. All is a spiral ofcreation that Love has awoken within Her. We are from the light. Thewomb and matrix of Her who births all realities. The play of life'sduality is a dance of desire, that meets to part upon the wave of newcreation. The great Attraction is love's desiring for its completion inyou. The mystery of this is the Beloved's movement from Herself intoHerself. Just as the ocean moves within itself to manifest waves, sodoes nature in all its transcendence lap and lie within itself toawaken the bliss of union, and part once more to reach within anotherwave of rebirthed consciousness.

Rest now and be enlightened by this meaning, there is nothing for youto attempt, but only experience. Experience of what is, shall lead youto the balance of harmony within experience. Follow always the heart oflove, in any world you create in the name of Her who is but Love. Weare the children of the Father/Mother, of the unseen light and themanifest light. We are the expression of Her who is become us, that wemay return to Her, as one love, gifted to the uncreated One.

Of a sudden I was made invisible to all sense and laid within a void ofpeace, returning at last into my world environment, at rest within myphysical body and within the soul of the world again. The meaning ofthis light message may never be clear to me, and I no doubt I havetranslated it imperfectly, but I offer it as it seemed to come to me.

~Eric J. Ashford
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