Eliza's Discussions (3)

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X-Ray vision


Did any of you starseeds experience yourselves having "x-ray vision"? -that is, being able to recall images of the inner organs in the bodies of others without any instruments? This can - if the energies around you are high enough, and you have th

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Avatar - the movie

Ok, let's hear it from other starseeds: how was your experience of the movie "Avatar"?First of all, the moral message is clear: respect nature, and become aquainted with her intelligence. But the references to extra-planetary life - do you feel any k

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from soul to spirit

Dear All,I just would like to turn the attention towards the fact, that soul energy is actually leaving earth from now on. There will be many years in which soul ascension still goes on, however, all new children carry pure sprit energy - this is to

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