Eliza's Posts (1)

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I was one with the ligthening

Last night I found myself half-awake. At first, I did not realize, that I was being brought back from pure spirit by material, sensous inputs from the commencement of an outrageous wether, that was taking form outside. I found myself half-awake. But I sensed the whole process. I sensed, how mother earth at the particular node that was in sink with me got herself and her moods together - collected excess energy, and got ready to burst out in sound and fury. Then, as the mood built up, I suddenly felt how I was gliding into the wave of lightening. I felt, how I became one with the essence of ligthening, which is not fire and light, that is only the physical form of this essence. I felt all the feelings involved in the building up of thunder and lightening, and I felt how it was to become one in my spiritual energy with the moods of mother earth. Oh, how words to diminish this experience. But to me it was significant, since I am not originally an energy that would take incarnations on earth. This means, that I have become close with the energies of mother earth, this means, that I have become open and aware of my symbiotic connection to mother earth as a human being. This just extends my notion of being a small, material quant of mother earth - as well as being a small ray of light coming from the divine forces - how combined a phenomenon I am - even in this material form. And how rare it is to have to try to express an experience, where ligthening and my deepest, earthbound energies melt together, and I am allowed to openly and consciously feel the thoughts and movements of a ligthening building up...How many experiences I have, that are forced down into the deep of the unconscious, because there are no one with whom you can share the experience - no one who accepts the energy ínformation in it....no one who do not cast the energy of it back where it came from, thence to be forgotten...Last night I felt the sensitive gliding thought of a lightening
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