EgyptianJewel's Posts (1)

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LOVE-a message of God through an ancient

A message to share as the universe inspires...:) :)


People of this planet listen carefully! Love is not a passing phase, it is not an emotion that flees or approaches by chance. It is a gift that you all constantly throw back because you can't get past yourselves. Love does not exist on this 3D plane, your egos are constantly screwing up the higher vibrations of Love. The moment you tap into this higher vibration, your ego tells you to retreat based on whatever your issues may be. Love is the true reality, your personal issues are the mirage. What separates humanity from God? The ego. What separates you from a true love in another? Your ego. The only reason you, humanity feel alone, rejected, and sadness is because you can't let go of who you think you are or should be to fully accept who you truly are and your role here. Love is universal and starts within your own soul. If you can not embrace the gift of love then it is your own fault. Who would give a free gift back? This is the frustration of the have Love at your finger tips yet you make excuses to justify rejecting it, then dwell in your emotional pit as to why you can't find happiness. Wake up humanity! I am here amongst many others to attempt, yet again to get through to you all, the importance, the truth, and the path to this Love. You are all capable but you are not willing. I have spent lifetimes battling you humanity in respects to Love. I have stood by and watched and been thrown through the fire trying to find, prove, and sustain this Love and none thus far can show me they are willing. Things on this planet will be changing drastically soon and unless you all can wake up and embrace this Universal Love, you will truly become the reality of which you seem to believe justifies your unhappiness. I will never give up on this Love because it is my charge and a part of where I come from. An unveiling of reality is coming, then my message just like others, will hold more meaning-it is my hope you all will not be left wanting. Love is the universal bond between all, the moment you shut it out, is the moment your spirit stops ultimately begins to digress. All begins with Love, and all ends with Love....Love is everything and the only real way to solve anything. Stop fighting and embrace this gift, your ego says it's scary, your ego is wrong. Stop living in a distorted dream world, wake up to the reality. All you need to be happy has been waiting in the wind for all of eternity, if you give this free gift back, then your destined to be miserable. 

Because it is a function and a factor of your soul and what it is made up of. Your 3D body is asleep to this fact and your drowsiness leaves your higher self (of which u r barely aware of some of u) gnawing at the back of your mind that u feel something is missing in your life. The ultimate question humanity asks is why are we here? The human condition longs to be loved and accepted.....the higher self already knows this answer but your ego makes all the excuses in the universe as to why you can't this or that. In part you have all been conditioned this way but who would be content here should you receive a glimpse of reality? It is easier to ignore, I understand but why would you? Your ego will exhaust all it's resources to keep you asleep but humanity, can't you see it is now your choice to awaken? That gnawing desire in the back of your mind to feel belonging to a bigger cause, to feel with absolute certainty that you not only have Love, BUT YOU ARE LOVE is right in front of you. Why do you think you are all scared of Love? Let me give you an insight, the bigger the heart, the deeper rooted the Ego becomes. If your ego is protecting you from hurt and discouragement, it means at one time, your heart was in sync with true love. One is not just born cold, calloused, and closed....the human condition is far from perfect and all people screw up....accept it, embrace the truth behind it, release it, and renew yourself. You all deserve love because you ALL WERE CREATED IN LOVE! Love is a part of your spiritual genetic code, this is why you have the unspoken need to seek love. Your 3D, your ego, are trying to keep you asleep from the truth! Wake up humanity! Embrace that which you are a part of, otherwise those feelings of inadequacy, judgement, despair, loneliness, regret, sadness.....those will consume you. They are a mirage to truth. Be persistent in your journey towards truth of self, and courageous in embracing that which you discover. It is only scary until you finally accept you are worthy of Love, that you are Love. You can win the battle over ego, you created the ego, you can let it go

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