



North Pole, AK

About Yourself

My original screenname. Leffotrak. It's backwards. Kartoffel is german for potato. Potato is the real rose. Read: http://www.irrefutablefacts.com/potato-is-the-real-rose/ I like to garden, swim, write, draw, sing, dance, bead, dream... playing Xbox Kinect (it's a fun workout man!), go to concerts and festivals... I like to get into stimulating conversations with people that can maintain their cool. I love animals. I'm proud of myself for getting through life so far without the aid of daily medication and hope it remains that way for as long as possible. I count my blessings. Spiritual interests... hrm... I don't think spirituality is a requirement for a healthy, fulfilling life. I used to be delusional and think I had a spirit guide 24/7 (and spent almost a whole freaking year having conversations with him in my mind), but through a series of fortunate events, and some scary experiences... I've come to realize that is not true and spirit guides are a product of the imagination. I don't think Twin Flames are real.. I think everyone is an individual and if you don't make a love connection in life, don't expect to have some dead person waiting for you as some long, lost lover... and if you do expect that, also expect to be disappointed. I like the idea of the love of Jesus, but I think it's possible he's an imaginary character... or his story was very much fabricated (pretty much how most stories about people go). I don't think there's a bossy God. I think God is like air. Neutral. It doesn't care what you do, like air. It's people that care what you do. It's you that cares what you do. So, if we really do exist in the afterlife, I think if you're a bad person and do bad things, people will probably separate themselves from you that don't want to be around that. Personally, I'd prefer that there be some sort of spirit jail for the absolutely horrific crimes, with a non-corrupt judge, jury etc. But it wouldn't be like Earth jail. There would be active participation for rehabilitation for those that want it. And those that don't, can spend time thinking about their actions. And if their brains are just beyond repair and there isn't a magical quick fix button in the afterlife, then I guess reincarnation is the only other alternative. However, I have a slight issue with that, because depending on the life they enter into, they're going to be creating bonds and relationships with other people. And I think it would be kind of unsettling to find out after that life that your husband, in his previous life, was a nasty, pervy, pedo. But really, afterlife prison doesn't make much sense. Although if there was, it would be an example that there is some sort of organization over there. And if Earth is as organized as it is... I can only imagine that the afterlife (if it really exists) would be even more so organized. Unless people over there are lazy because they no longer have to worry about staying alive since they're already dead. And that really is what living is mostly about. Staying alive. I mean that's the core of it. There's more you can add to that if you want. Like enjoying staying alive, if you can. Would certainly make living more enjoyable if you decided that route. Don't you think? And imagine what your existence would be like if one day you woke up, and you were immortal. That would change your daily routine considerably. I imagine that's what it's like after you die. You're just simply immortal. And what if that's the only difference? --- I think it would be more fun if we could create with thought. But in a safe way, not in a, "be careful what you think, because it'll manifest instantly!" kind of way. Kind of like dreams. You can manifest in dreams, but sometimes it doesn't work. And sometimes it's not instantly. And sometimes it turns out even better than what you were originally thinking.

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

Nature and my dreams... but I'm beginning to think more and more... that despite all the deceased people I encounter in my dreams, despite dreams that warn me of personal future events... that more often than not, dreams are a concoction of the imagination... but that doesn't mean you can't learn something from your own imagination. I mostly think about what it's like to be a dead person. About dead communities. What dead people like to do in their free time. I think, that because we can't interact with them freely and knowingly, they can't either. And they probably don't. It's probably just in everyone's heads that they think they do. Can you imagine if someone made an invention that allowed the dead to be seen by the living? The living and the dead, co-existing simultaneously? Except of course, they can't touch our physical world since they're not made of a physical, measureable substance. But we might be able to effect theirs, if it really is a thought realm they exist in. --- I imagine it would be like having regular people around. Except they no longer have to worry about dying. There would probably be no more secrets. They might even treat us like their personal video game/reality show. "Yeah, do that! That'd be awesome!"... even though that awesome thing might really affect your life negatively... it won't really bother them. You're just their entertainment. --- But that's all hypothetical. And a good example of why the two worlds don't exist in such a way.

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  • LOL thanks it will return with my "other side" picture drops
  • yep not easy at all sista when you've at the bottom of everything been in the darkest of places seen the worst for what it has been... a hole lot of Maddness eh!! lol ;) <3 

  • Thanks for being my friend Dreamsicle good to see someone ells looking at things from many sides as well namaste Gaia <3 :) 


  • Thanks hun.


  • Thank you

    spirit photo: spirit lunapic-124597285492479.gif

  • My dear Dreamsicle,

    thank you so much for your friendship...

  • LOL I've just been clicking madly on all your posts and reading them and getting buzzes like electric shocks and my vibrations are raising higher and higher with each one your a hoot and I see myself in your thoughts and notions so much it's like a mirror of myself almost..I had to come tell you that,you made my night,I was down in vibes and now I'm not Thank-you.



  • aww dont be sad; i got your messages now.... and sometimes notifications are late in email... email me your question... or what the issue is ;)

  • Oh, I am sorry .. I misread your initial comment .. I realize now.. sorry leffotrac .. it was my mistake .. sometimes words can get lost in translation..
    much love to you and thank you, i appreciate it very much ..
    humble apologies my sister ..


This reply was deleted.
Dreamsicle replied to Cassandra Gifford's discussion Arcturian Healing ~ Divine Methods of Medicine, Science &amp; Thinking I'd like to share
""You are a highly Left-Brain dominant person....this is harming you."
Is that your official diagnosis? Am I free to give you my diagnosis for you or am I only allowed to hear yours for me?
So you believe that every criminal act is caused by…"
Jul 17, 2013
Dreamsicle replied to Malcolm's discussion Here's proof that Barack Obama, his wife Michelle, Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney, and George W. Bush are blatant followers of Satan.
"But Feather! El Diablo might hear us! Because you know he's so not-busy that he answers everyone's beck and call!
Actually that's sexist. El Diablo is a female who's cleverly gotten away with people expecting her to be a male. Oh wait, gotta keep up…"
Jul 17, 2013
Dreamsicle replied to Cassandra Gifford's discussion Arcturian Healing ~ Divine Methods of Medicine, Science &amp; Thinking I'd like to share
"I think your post would fit nicely under the dreaming sections.
If you're getting "intelligent information" in your dreams... that information is coming from your own subconscious. It's your own intelligence.
Every thing in your dreams comes from…"
Jul 17, 2013
Dreamsicle replied to Malcolm's discussion Here's proof that Barack Obama, his wife Michelle, Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney, and George W. Bush are blatant followers of Satan.
"The Church of Satan/Satanists do not worship or even believe in Satan. They think anyone who believes in such things are insane.
So if members of the illuminati are also followers of the Church of Satan, they do not believe in Satan. In fact if they…"
Jul 17, 2013

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