Dr. SohiniBen Shukla's Posts (143)

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Ascension and the Winter Solstice of December 21st, 2012 ~ by Selacia

By Selacia

With the 12/21 Solstice almost here, it's vital that you connect with a lightness of being and remain in your heart. A lightness of being, after all, is required to maintain a high frequency.

The process of ascension you have heard so much about is directly related to frequency. In the days ahead of Solstice, and on 12/21 itself, you want to have the highest frequency possible in order to access a multidimensional state allowing for great spiritual openings.

With everything going on in the world, you may feel challenged to remain positive - yet this is what you inner being is calling you to do.

Moments Crucial to What Happens Next

Your inner wise self knows that these moments are crucial to what happens next on Earth. This wise part of you can see beyond the negativity and violence the world presents. It knows beyond a doubt that you and humanity are in a grand process of spiritual emergence, leading to a brand-new start for the Earth.

Today's chaotic world is presenting a fast-moving canvas of happenings, prophecies, and uncertainty. It's easy to get caught up in the media's daily commenting about events, and to lose sight of the bigger picture of why you are here. That purpose is nothing less than enlightenment and humanity's ascension, people moving out of a very dark time.

There is still darkness during the process of ascension, but remember that the world shifting out of centuries of fear and dysfunction must bring to light what is unworkable. A society that has been indoctrinated in violence will express violence until people learn how to love. Likewise, a society that addresses mental dysfunctions with band-aid medicines instead of real solutions will see explosions of violence like you have seen in key cities recently.

Remember Love is at Our Core

There is violence in this world, not because we must have violence or because it's our true nature to hurt one another. It exists because of our longtime fear-based conditioning and a society that has become dysfunctional.

We must not give up on ourselves or one another - we must remember that love is at our core. That love, as it becomes the dominant force on Earth, will create miracles - people and beings unable to coexist harmoniously before finding common bonds. We must trust this and give our life energy to this in order to birth our new world more quickly.

Frequency Checklist

Since frequency is so important to your ascension, here's a checklist of things to understand about getting into a higher frequency and staying there more of the time.

Ascension and frequency - Ascension is a progression of spiritual growth during which a person raises his or her frequency of thought and emotion. Lower levels of frequency involve fear; higher levels involve love. Example: being kind to yourself or others comes from love, so this action raises frequency.

Staying in a higher frequency - There is no automatic maintenance of high frequency. You maintain your own higher frequency through your consciousness and actions. This takes ongoing effort and remaining present.

Ascension in groups - There is a misconception in some circles that large groups of people will automatically ascend on a certain day such as Solstice. In fact, there is no automatic ascension. It is a process and it is individual. To be alive now and on a conscious path of awakening, you have been involved in the ascension process for some time. Even though you have made great progress to get to this point, you must stay awake and manage your energies in the now to hold and maintain a high frequency.

Ascension and outside forces - Ascension is a natural process of energetic unfolding for the planet and all of its life forms. That includes you! The source of the ascension process is internal, meaning it occurs within you as you raise your awareness and express that higher awareness in the world. Some people have a misconception that ascension happens for either large groups, select groups, or the entire planet upon the arrival of extraterrestrials or some other outside force. This is based on fantasy and the idea that people need to be rescued from themselves. As a divine changemaker, alive now to move out of victimhood and into an empowered way of being, you know that you are in charge of your own ascension and spiritual growth. No outside force or off-planet intelligent being can do it for you.

Banish worry for higher frequency - When you worry, you are broadcasting fear and reducing your frequency. Banish your worry with the following process. Next time you are concerned about something future-oriented, ask three questions within: "Is this something I can solve right now? Is this something worthy of my attention today? What is a better use of my time than this worrisome focus?"

For Your Attention Now

Of all the moments so far this life, the ones left in 2012 are among the most important ones for checking in with yourself and updating your energy for where you want to be headed.

Prepare your energy now ahead of Solstice with a brief daily focused heart-centered contemplation about your ideal world. Let your heart and your inner knowing remind you of why you came to Earth, and how you want to live with others on the planet.

Trust that your intentions and energies do matter in what happens on Solstice and beyond!


Copyright 2012 by Selacia -
http://Selacia.com, http://EarthsPivotalYears.com

(Note: for more information about your role as a divine changemaker, please visithttp://selacia.com/divine-changemakers.php. To be with us for the 12/21 Solstice global meditation event, please register here. Additional insights about these unique times are found in Earth's Pivotal Years, your must-have book for living now. You are most welcome to publish these articles on your website, blog, and social media - as long as you provide the source - Selacia - http://www.Selacia.com, http://EarthsPivotalYears.com. Thank you for sharing these articles and for your connection and feedback over the years. May light shine on you and your path!)

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As channeled through Suzanne Lie

Our Dear Ascending Ones,
Being in-between the two dates, 12-12-12 and 12-21-12, has become so important in your reality because it creates an expectation of fulfillment or of disappointment. Therefore, you are all given the choice of choosing the type of energy field you desire to hold within your consciousness. Your expectation of fulfillment will empower you, whereas the expectation of disappointment places the power over your life outside of your SELF.
Because you are returning to your Multidimensional SELF in which you are the creator of your reality, your powers of manifestation and multidimensional perceptions are greatly amplified. Therefore, the thoughts and emotions that linger in your heart and mind have an increased possibility of manifestation. Hence, if you allow the disappointment that you will not get what you want into your aura, you will lower your consciousness, as well as your perceptions.
You will not be able to perceive the frequency of reality with your lower state of consciousness. Therefore, you will not be able to perceive that your hope was fulfilled in that frequency of reality. As you know, the process of 3D manifestation is sequential, slow and involves work (resistance over time). Altering third dimension molecules requires work because they resist change and resonate to time. Thus, time exists between the work and the creation and/or alteration.
Fortunately, ascending the molecular spin of third dimensional molecules is greatly facilitated by the higher frequencies of light emanating from the Galactic Center. The third dimensional law that change is created by work does not limit this higher frequency of light. In fact, these higher frequencies of galactic light greatly empower your innate ability to create with your thoughts and emotions.
The third dimension has mass, but thoughts and emotions do not have physical mass. Therefore it is difficult to manipulate physical mass with your thoughts and emotions. However, over time, your thoughts and emotions can change your behavior. Then, your behavior will lead to different choices and actions, which can raise your consciousness.
As you consciousness raises your ability to perceive higher frequencies of reality increases. It is then that you can perceive that your thoughts and emotions have changed the fabric of your reality. By fabric of your reality we mean the density of reality to which you attach your attention. There are myriad densities/frequencies of reality resonating around and within your multidimensional consciousness.
Your third dimensional behavior is accustomed to attaching your attention to the frequency of physical reality. The process of raising your consciousness allows you to perceive higher frequencies of reality. Hence, you have the option of expand your choices by attaching your attention to a higher frequency of reality.
It is within this slightly higher resonance of reality that you will begin to realize the many everyday miracles that are constantly occurring. For one thing, this slightly higher frequency of reality is out of sync with the time of your mundane life. Therefore, you can perceive the cause and effect of thoughts and emotions.
For example, if you unconsciously fear that something will happen, you will not realize that your unconscious fear is the driving force to actually create the thing that you are afraid will happen to you. Therefore, you feel like the victim to this event, even though you are actually the creator. On the other hand, once you have an experience of a higher state of consciousness, you have the choice to attach your attention to that frequency of reality.
Then, from this frequency of reality you can go back in time and understand the thoughts and emotions that were threatening the creation of that particular event. In this manner, you are freed of being a victim. Furthermore, you can learn to recognize the feel of the formerly unconscious fear and transmute it to love. In this case, you actually went back in time to stop the creation of an unwanted event that was about to happen in the future.
You can only free yourself of sequential time by expanding your consciousness into the higher frequencies of consciousness. You do not need to heal that fear, for soon you will resonate beyond its ability to affect your consciousness. Third dimensional reality is riddled with unknown fears that have become fastened to your unconscious.
These hidden fears greatly influence your choices at an unconscious level. However, your unconscious is more easily identified from the perspective of your super-conscious, higher dimensional SELF. Your higher dimensional SELF has access to the higher dimensional perceptions that threaten to overload your 3D thinking.
These perceptions are delegated to your unconscious, right brain, which is often offline to the third dimensional thinking. When you raise the frequency of your daily consciousness, you are able to perceive and understand greater volumes of information. Hence, your super-conscious perceptions are no longer stored in the archived, unopened files of your unconscious, but in the Frontal Lobe of your multidimensional decision making process. As we discussed before, when you raise your perception above the limitations of third dimensional time, you are able to consider past, present and future within the NOW of your multidimensional consciousness.
To more fully define unconscious we tell you that your 3D brain can only delegate a small percentage of the myriad information that enters your 3D sensory receptors. The rest of the information does not make it through the Reticular Activating System, which is much like a firewall in your computer. This information is still stored in your brain, but it is behind the firewall.
This stored information is much like the viruses that enter your computer. They are still in your computer, but the firewall bars them from interacting with your primary operating system. However, you have “clearing programs” to remove these virus from your computer. Fearful stimulus is much like a virus. It silently feeds on your operating systems.
However, you are now receiving a new, Multidimensional Operating System that has expanded perceptions into both the higher and the lower frequencies of reality. Therefore, you can detect an invisible fear and consciously clear it before it can embed in your unconscious. You can choose to avoid certain places, people and stimuli that cause fear and/or lower your consciousness.
As you continue to fully accept and believe in your multidimensional abilities, you can raise your focus of attention to the higher frequencies of your perceptual field. Then, that which resonates to the lower third and fourth dimensions begins to gradually disappear from your reality. At first you will experience this disappearance as a knowing that a certain thing almost occurred, but because you have surrendered to the higher frequencies of unconditional love of the ONE, you have chosen to avoid the contamination of that frequency.
This avoidance of contamination is much like climbing a tree to avoid a wild animal. However, the tree is your own Tree of Life and the wild animal is your own primal self who is locked in fight/flight states of consciousness. You are not being arrogant by making these choices. You are being a pioneer. Just as the early pioneers of every civilization went alone into the unknown to find a safe place to settle, you are frequency pioneers who are moving into the higher states of reality to find safe places to settle.
You have already made your tunnel of light through the Lower Astral Plane and calibrated your Portal of Perception to direct your attention into the higher octaves of the fourth dimension and into the fifth dimension and beyond. In other words, you are creating the trail to New Earth. You will not receive recognition for your discovery, nor will you need it. The enhanced quality of life is the only reward you will need.
Furthermore, you will be blending into the Unity Consciousness of the higher worlds and will loose all necessity of personal recognition. The fact that you have contributed to the collective is all the recognition that it necessary. Also, every One who has contributed to the raising frequency of planetary awareness shares their higher perceptions with you, just as you share your higher perceptions with them. Moreover, these concepts of you and me will be replaced with Unity Consciousness of we and us.
It is within this Unity Consciousness that New Earth is born. Remember that New Earth is NOT a place. New Earth is a frequency. Do you remember when your frequency of consciousness was much lower? Do you remember when you suffered from confusion, depression, anxiety and your life was riddled with unmet challenges and unresolved issues? Think back to that “time” of your life.
Now, realize how improved your life is NOW. Recognize how much wiser your decision-making is and how you have learned to avoid and/or quickly confront issues that once baffled and upset you. Give yourself credit for the myriad ways in which you life has improved. Perhaps, it appears that some one else has given you something or facilitated your change. Maybe it appears that you were just lucky.
However, YOU chose the reality in which these people and good luck came into your life. You have expanded your consciousness into the frequency in which you could perceive these opportunities and choose to accept these benefits. Look around at others who are still trapped in the 3/4D Paradigm. Do you see how the solution to their problem is just beyond their recognition? Have you noticed how you have told them exactly what they need to know to correct their dilemma, and they have become angry with you?
They are still lost to the lower states of consciousness. They cannot perceive themselves within these higher frequencies; hence, they can’t even accept the solution that is handed to them. We tell you this information not to judge those who are still lost, but to remind you to OWN your own accomplishments. It is through owning your accomplishments that you raise your SELF-esteem.
By raising your SELF-esteem, you give yourself the choice to attach your consciousness to a higher frequency of your Multidimensional SELF. Perhaps, you could not even imagine that this expression of your SELF existed when you, too, were lost to the illusions of the lower frequencies of reality. Someone needs to leave the lost ones to their own choices and pioneer the frequency trail into New Earth.
Once you have fully attached your consciousness, your Sense of SELF, to your new, higher frequency of reality, you can easily bi-locate your consciousness back into the remnant of the third dimension to guide these lost ones. YOU, our beloved ascending ones, are the Openers of the Portals into New Earth. These Portals are NOT external and inside a tree or through a mountain. These Portals are inside your High Heart.
Yes, there are Portals that appear to be external to your physical encasement. However, if the Portal is external to your SELF it cannot take you all the way to the frequency of the ONE. These external Portals can take you, and have taken many, into the higher frequencies of the fourth dimension. Hence, they were vital to the spiritual leaders of the Piscean Age.
However, that which was the top has now become the middle. Your options have greatly expanded because the collective energy fields of your planet are awakening the 97% DNA of your Multidimensional SELF. You would not expect your old DOS computer to be able to recognize the sophisticated software of today.
In the same manner, 3% of your DNA does not allow you the necessary capacity and speed to ascend into the fifth dimensions. ALL of you, every ONE of you, are experiencing your 97% DNA coming online in your biological computer brain. Some cannot believe in change and will struggle along with their old model brain rather than face the unknown.
However, Earth is a planet of free will and everyone has the right to make that choice. Therefore, send these people your unconditional love, for that is the ONLY energy field that can have any impact on their choices. However, they can choose to perceive their fear instead of your love. Again, that is their choice. Remember, your love is unconditional. Therefore, whether or not they accept it, has nothing to do with you.
You have learned to consciously modulate your perceptions to the highest possible expression of every stimulus that you can accept as REAL. As you continually accept and BELIEVE your higher frequency perceptions, they will become normal. Then, with a new base line for normal, you can expand your conscious perceptions into higher and higher expressions of any give reality.
As an example, we will focus on a united perception from the 3D perspective and move up the consciousness scale of perception. Let us use the day of 12-12-12 as an example, as it meant very different things to different people. Many were completely unaware of the importance of this date, whereas others had great expectations.
Those who were unaware saw 12-12-12 as a normal day filled with obligations specific to that day. Those that expected to be disappointed were, indeed, disappointed for their lower state of consciousness could only perceive the static realm of the third dimension. Those who expected to leave the planet, because they wanted “out of here now” are still here. Wanting out is a concept that lowers your consciousness, and lowering your consciousness dis-allows you to perceive your higher frequency experiences.
There were also those who held no expectations and surrendered to the moment. Since they surrendered to the unknown, they expanded their consciousness and could perceive/FEEL how their energy field expanded its energy field. Some could perceive this shift and became disappointed because it was not enough, which lowered their consciousness into lack and disappointment.
On the other hand, some surrendered to the unknown with NO expectation. They surrender in service to Gaia and to ALL Her inhabitants. Because they had no selfish expectation their consciousness expanded, as did their perceptions. However, this expansion of perceptions was quite overwhelming for many, and made them feel tired, disoriented or even strangely calm and detached.
We say to all of you that there is NO right or wrong response. This is your ascension, and YOU are choosing the Trail that is leading you to your higher expressions. Some of you will be instrumental in creating New Earth, and others will move into higher expressions of their SELF. Some will bi-locate and live both options. Others may even choose to stay in their earth vessel as long as possible so that they can assist Gaia and Her inhabitants.
ALL of you are following your own inner guidance. ALL of you are beautiful lights of unconditional love that blaze into higher worlds that are higher than you can imagine. We, your Galactic Family, see your great light and are honored to be your Family. Enjoy your ascension. You have worked and waited for this experience for countless incarnations.
Remember that YOU are a great pioneer forging the Trail Home.
We love and support you unconditionally,
The Arcturians

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Saturday, December 15, 2012
Mytre Ascension3 Higher Dimensions of Mothership


Mytre’s Experiences of Ascension 3

Highest Dimensions of the Mothership

As I was released from the hologram at the conclusion of the Arcturian Ascension, I realized that my inner, wounded warrior was finally healed. Furthermore, I felt my energy field expand far beyond the Holosuite and into the Core of the Mothership’s seventh dimensional Oversoul.

When I first entered the Oversoul, the feelings of bliss and unconditional love overwhelmed me. However, I could only perceive a sparkling cloud around me, and I could only hear the Silence. Yes, the Silence did have a sound, but it was not experienced through the sense of hearing or even clairaudience.

The Silence was experienced as a vibration of total harmony and unity. In fact, as I began to calibrate my perceptions to this frequency of reality, I realized that I sensed that I was surrounded by every experience of form I had ever had. In fact, I saw EVERY body that my Multidimensional SELF had worn in any incarnation into form.

First, I experienced my seventh-dimensional SELF in a wavering, ever-changing form of glistening light. With my multidimensional perceptions fully activated, I could see the myriad expressions of any particular component of my Oversoul as it moved into the lower dimensions. Hence, I could perceive generation after generation of the expressions of that expression of my SELF.

Each of the progressions from Oversoul that traveled down into the lower worlds came from a certain “Originator” of that line of incarnations. The descendants of that Originator multiplied more and more as I looked down the dimensional scale to see the myriad off-springs of that Originator. By the third/fourth dimension there were thousands of expressions of that particular Originator of Oversoul descendants.

Furthermore, I had many Oversouls. I had a Pleiadian Oversoul line, an Arcturian Oversoul line, a human Oversoul line, a Tau Ceti Oversoul Line, a Sirian Oversoul Line and even an Antarian Oversoul Line. Then, each Oversoul Line had many Originators of expressions with innumerable expressions as each Originator’s descendants occupied forms in the lower dimensions.

Additionally, many of the countless descendants from each Oversoul Line for different Star Systems were intertwined further down the dimensional realities. For example, within my current expression of Mytre, I could perceive the Essence of Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirius and Earthling. I was just beginning to recognize my many expressions of Oversoul when I felt my loose, seventh-dimensional body release it’s form.

I experienced a huge rush of energy, as if I were shifting into faster-than-light speed without any sense of movement. It was a very unique experience. I knew that I was greatly accelerating, but there was no time or space to serve as a maker of how fast or where I was going. Therefore, I just relaxed into this glorious feeling.

Then, just as quickly as that feeling began, it ceased. Instinctively, I knew that I had merged with the ONE of the NOW in the group consciousness of the eight through tenth dimensions. I felt the Arcturians welcome me to their section of the Mothership.

I was in total unity with limitless expressions of Arcturian consciousness. I “knew,” (which is the only way I can translate this form of communication into 3D language) that they were reminding me there were other energy life-streams within this frequency besides that of the Arcturians.

I could feel those differing energy patterns that inter-twined with the Arcturian energy-patterns much like many instruments blend within an orchestra. Each energy pattern was distinct, yet totally intermingled within the whole. Being totally free of any form and experiencing complete unity with Cosmic Consciousness was almost more than my consciousness could absorb.

On the other hand, extracting myself from this energy field seemed impossible, which indeed, it was. In other words, I was NOT extracted from it. However, I “knew” that I could alter the focus of my perception into the lower frequencies of reality when I was ready. However, I could not imagine ever being ready to leave this experience.

“Once you have remembered this expression of SELF, you never need to forget it. That is unless you re-enter a third-fourth dimensional world. The EM field around that frequency of reality instantly mutes your access to these higher memories. This electromagnetic firewall, protects the lower worlds from information that would literally short circuit their brains.”

Yes, now I understood why I had to release my Warrior SELF before I could resonate to this frequency of reality.

“Are you ready to visit the eleventh-twelfth dimensional expression of the Mothership? We say visit, as your energy field is not ready to do more than merely peak into this frequency.”

“Yes,” I said, a bit too confidently.

Instantly, I was inside of the beginning, as that is the only world that I can imagine using. I felt pulled into a million, billions segments of anti-matter swirling in unity and simultaneously exploding into each other. With each explosion a Universe was born.

Whatever reality I was visiting was inside of me, above me, behind me, but yet, I had no form. I had no substance, no knowing. I was existence that was not yet created and the beginning of the ending that was completed. All these sensations were overwhelming, and my consciousness was unidentifiable. I was in awe of this experience, but was loosing all sense of SELF.

Suddenly, I felt the Arcturian inside of me, while I was also inside of it. Everything began to spin faster and faster. The Silence became so loud that I was deafened and the light so bright that I could not see. I was expanding and contracting, while remaining totally still. I could feel myself blinking out of all reality, then I as gone.


I slowly opened my eyes to find myself in my Quarters with the Arcturian and Mytria guarding my body. I blinked a few times, smiled and said, “I am still alive!”

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Colors Of Hope .......


Now We all are Entering into the new Phase of our Life.....
Since one to two months I am with my heath problems but now as our gates are opening I am getting Magical Help from the Divine....
The Persons whom I may not knowing come & help me and since two days to my surprise I am O.K.....with my medicines but now I am given confidence from the Divine Father that what is going on is good for me and I will be Energetic Again to work better.....
This gift has been given to me when I have entered the Portal of 12-12-12.....
All promises will be fulfilled so we should not loose our Hope.....
We are all the time surrounded by Our Masters and Light workers....so they are constantly giving us very good guidance.....
Just see with the Eyes wide open with your inner Eyes and third Eye of Intuition will be helpful.....
Hear the Inner voice which is coming from the depth of our Heart.....never neglect it....
And Act which can help others also......beneficial activities for the self and Our Loved ones....Your capacity to Love will get increased....You will become prosperous in all aspects of life if you have Faith in your Masters......
We are getting help and healing from all the sides.....
So Meditate for the well fair of all the Souls of our Planet....as well as of the Universe.....Just try to connect your self with the Source of All and you can fulfill your Mission in your Life....and coming future will become very Bright and Prosperous with Harmony, Balance, Peace ...Love & Light for all the Knowledge we will have along with the Divine Wisdom.....


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Video Link: http://youtu.be/YYklD6CRs7s

Hey Sohini,

Woke up last Tuesday morning to receive a message from the Nibiruan, "Pay attention, they said, to the timeline. It's about to end." I knew from the urgency I felt that they wanted me to be aware that my opportunities to clear and shift as high as I can were swiftly coming to an end. I sat with that message (and its sense of urgency) for a day in order get really clear about what to do with it. The result was the message I sent out on Thursday, "Dump Your Junk".

Since sending out the message, the Nibiruans have not stopped bringing this timeline issue to my attention. After 17 years, I come to accept that when something is really important to them, they continue to send "suggestions"until I take action). Just a day or so ago, I received a pair of articles about timelines and how ours is ending. I didn't read them right away and put them in my follow up folder. Soon after I received them again...and then again! "Okay, O Okay, I said under my breath. I'll read them!

When I receive something 3 times I know it is a message. So I sat down and read the articles. Amazing....here was the scientific validation of what I had been receiveing--and saying for many years.

The Nibiruans wanted me to know about the artificial timelines that were created during the Montauk and Looking Glass projects. They also wanted me to know that the emotional clearing and unity efforts we have have been making impacted those timelines finally causing them to end.

Thirdly, they wanted me to know that our current timeline was getting ready to shift, or rather we were getting ready to shift--into an even higher octave of it. They wanted me to know that they are not the only ones saying that things are about to get a lot better.

There are several other topics covered in these articles including the Annunaki, chemtrails, global warming. Though I don't feel these authors have the whole story behind the Elohim and Annunaki, or what is causing the sun to heat up (Nibiru's approach), the fact that they have much of the same evidence as I had received is wonderfully confirming. (Hey Ma, I wasn't crazy after all!)

I encourage everyone to take the time to really read these articles...many of your questions about global warming and chemtrails are answered...as least I feel they are. Once you read them, let me know what you think.

Article links:

TIMELESS COMMENTS ON TIMELINES: Head Scratching Over the Daniel Papers


Daniel Papers


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A Festival of Light Commences – The Council of Nine
by Elizabeth Ayres Escher, December 2, 2012
We are the Council of Nine. We have come today to rejoice with you for the Light of the Christ has descended into the world. The spiritualization of a physical race is now a fait accompli; the first of the star seeds have undergone their initiations into the spiritual hierarchy and the light has entered into the world. Many may not be fully cognizant of just what has taken place, but as the days go by their new gifts will come online, as it were, as the downloads of new energy, awareness, love and light take place in their physical everyday world. Nothing will be the same for them, again. Nothing will be the same for the entire planet. Now that the flame of the Christ has been permanently lit within these physical vehicles upon the completion of soul merge, the light of the Christ will fan through the ranks of the lightworkers like a forest fire.
This is the culmination of a project undertaken by the spiritual hierarchy of this solar system under the direction of the spiritual hierarchies of the galaxy and universe. We understand that few of you understand the significance of this step, but it is one that will change the face of the universe forever.
We rejoice with those galactic sisters and brothers who have had a hand in the establishment of a Christed race upon the Earth, for it was through the star seed volunteers that this task could finally be accomplished. Many changes are yet to come upon the world, but with the presence of living Christed Ones, the changes will be mitigated. Centered in the golden light of the Christ flame, these ones will bring peace into the world, for they are the embodiment of peace. Man, woman and child, these ones will walk among the populations of the world, a blessing in motion, bringing with them the flame of initiation to all whom they encounter. When we say all, we mean all. Even though their companions and neighbors be entirely asleep one day, the next they will awaken, rubbing their eyes and becoming awake, sensitive and, what is more important, amendable to the changes that are forthcoming. The light of understanding will open their eyes and ears; their
spiritual senses will be unstopped and released from the chains of the matrix of fear that has bound so many for the last several millennia.
Many galactic and intergalactic councils, as well as hierarchies of ascended beings have worked to accomplish this step and now it is a physical fact. The spiritualization of your physical bodies can now move forward. This will take some time and adjustment, but will happen. Your Christed light bodies are now in the process of merging with your physical, emotional and mental bodies. You are now living vessels of the golden Christ light. Verification of this fact can be sought out in dreams and meditations.
Now we can go forward with the many plans that both the Spiritual Hierarchy of this planet and solar system, as well as the participating galactic and intergalactic councils, have held for this tiny planet, this new garden of Eden. Yes, many changes must and will come into being through the course of the next days, weeks and months. Yet with access to the living light of the Christ among you, the changes will not frighten those who are open to the high frequencies of their monadic families who will be working through the Christed Ones.
We speak of the Christ in a universal fashion. This is the living son and daughter of the Father Mother God who has undergone a soul merge with their soul. The soul has descended into the physical body and taken up residence there. Naturally, the soul works with the monad, the spiritual family from which it has emerged. And it works with the many councils of the galactic star nations, who as ascended masters themselves are aligned with the goals of the spiritual hierarchies all the way to Source.
Know that these Christed Ones are human beings, too. They are no more important than the beggar on the street, only that as light carriers they act as a catalyst for the spiritualization of the entire human race. They are the servants of all and should not be subject to worship or reverence. The importance of their presence in the world is to bring hope and nourishment in the form of love and light to those who have been forgotten and who have forgotten that they are also the Christ within. The flames of the inner temples are about to be re-lit, as was the ancient ritual of the Festival of Light. First the altars are cleared and scrubbed of all debris and then the fire can be re-set and re-lit; and so it is now. There can be no return to darkness for these ones; they are sealed with seals of fire, head and foot, wrapped in a column of light that cannot be penetrated by the minions of the dark. And they now walk among you as ordinary human beings, lit
from within by the light and love of their Father Mother God.
Know also that these now spiritualized physical vessels will remain upon the planet, for they also serve their Mother Gaia, assisting in bringing about the necessary vibrational changes in their fellow human beings by being here now. The separation of the worlds is now commencing. Those who cannot abide in the increasing frequencies will depart. We ask you not to judge anyone whose soul has decided to withdraw its presence here for they might be choosing to be reborn into a higher frequency body in the new world. Yes, there are those who have chosen to remain in the heavier density, lower vibrational worlds, but that is a choice that has been made for them by their soul, as all human beings are soul extensions, the body being merely a vessel for experiencing the physical realm. The soul is the one who chooses to withdraw, not the individual personality, for whatever purpose. Reserve judgment for deciding on what to eat for lunch; judge not the actions of
others and be kind to yourselves.
It is now time to remember that you are a Light Being experiencing a physical life. As you undergo the soul merge, you will begin to experience such a peace and lightness of heart that many of you have not experienced for more than short moments of this present lifetime. We understand that for many, this life has been hugely challenging, but your souls chose this in order to enable you to approach this most important step on the way to ascension. Initiation is an ongoing process; it will not end with you embodying the Christ light and it will not end with the sixth initiation, ascension. It is a process that will continue on for an eternity until all are once again united with Source… and then it will begin again. Universal cycles are vast in scope. Plans are complicated and take much time to complete, but you have done well, very well and for this we commend you.
As humanity emerges from their cauldron of fire, you will take the next step in becoming galactic citizens. Some of you are ready for this step now, but remember you are here to serve others, to bring the light and love of the presence of your monad, your spiritual family, to others. There are many who have no concept of spiritual hierarchies, the presence of galactic star families and their relationship to them, or even a grasp of their own sacred history, so long has it been suppressed by certain elements of society. That is changing now; the truth is being revealed every day, even now in more daring venues of the mass media and certainly on the alternative sources of the Internet. Be aware and check within your heart for resonance to any material which you are drawn to; your heart will let you know if the information is “yours” or not. This is a time for personal empowerment and enlightenment, as the flame of the Christ burns away all remaining
dross of delusion and illusion. Be one with your soul, within your heart flame and know the inner peace that passes all understanding.
We are one with you in your heart. We encourage you to seek out those who are awake like yourself and to begin, if you have not already, to create communities of the heart. Follow the lead of the lighted one who has taken up residence within your physical body. You will know what to do when the time comes to act.
Our blessings go with you always; Namaste.
Thank you, beloved Council of Nine.

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Website: www.mahalasastrology.com email: planetalert@hotmail.com

December is here and the Winter Solstice is fast approaching, along with Hanukah, Christmas, and New Year’s Day. We have almost reached the end of a major cycle and the beginning of a new one. It’s about time. I feel like we have been crawling to the finish line waiting for our abundance to appear. I have had a little challenge with money flow although I feel very grateful that I have a nice house to live in and a car to drive. I also have a wonderful family and lots of nice friends.

I know many people who are lacking abundance although they seem to make it OK even if there is a lot of stress connected with not knowing where the next dollar will come from. I am amazed at how they manage to create something out of nothing. They have become excellent creators and it’s time for them to start enjoying great abundance. According to the Bible, those who hold on until the end will be greatly rewarded.

In my last article I mentioned that the 26 degree Scorpio ascendant of the lunar eclipse on November 28th would be activating the west coast, including the area from Vancouver B.C to San Francisco. Scorpio is a water sign and rules storms. As I am writing this article San Francisco is getting an abundance of rain. The moon is activating 40N latitude and this is the latitude of San Francisco. How’s that for the accuracy of Astrology?

I also wrote in my last article that on October 26, 2012 a voice said to me “The Ark of the Covenant has been activated.” Along with this activation the Veil around Earth came down, and the storm called Sandy happened. The Veil coming down caused lots of negative thoughts to circulate around Earth and land on certain people. Negative thoughts cause a lot of acid in the system and can be relieved by seeing the violet flame of transformation flowing through your body. I think empaths experienced lots of those thoughts because they tend to draw people’s stuff to them to be transformed.

I think the Ark will continue to be activated as we move into this exciting time-frame. The next activation I see occurring is at the time of the upcoming new moon which is just after midnight on December 12, 2012, which is actually December 13th PST. This Stargate will stay wide open until Christmas, or maybe forever.

I know there is a group meeting in Arkansas on December 12 to activate the large crystals that are in that area. The first three letters in Arkansas is Ark. I believe this is where the crystals of Atlantis are located. They have been dormant for a long time but have started to come alive in the past year or so. With the large group that will be gathered there on December 12th there will very likely be a large activation of those crystals, and the Ark of the Covenant. I think it would be a good idea to activate our own crystals. Check out www.Earth-Keepers.com

I checked out the New Moon chart for December 13, 2012 and it is very interesting. First of all Lilith, also called the black moon because it is on such a high frequency that it is invisible, will be on 28 degrees Sagittarius at that time. This is where the galactic center is located. Lilith is the ruler of this upcoming new age that apparently starts at this time. She will be exactly opposing Ceres, which is the asteroid that represents Earth. They will work together to open the crystals in Arkansas that connect with the Galactic Center. What an energy that will be.

Juno, the goddess of marriage will be conjunct Lilith at that time and this could represent the marriage between our male and female self. This is referred to as the alchemical marriage that unites our positive and negative selves into one. This is when our brains become one. This could be the activation of unity consciousness, which is what the new age is all about.

According to the 13 sign zodiac, the sun will be moving through the constellation of Asclepius, which is the 13th sign of the zodiac. The Sun moves through this constellation from November 30 to December 16th. December 12/13 is when the Stargate opens and we can start coming into our power. It’s time to start manifesting our Christ (crystal) energy, and move into our Rainbow bodies that vibrate to the number 13.

The number 13 is what the new age is all about. We are fast reaching 13 hertz and zero point energy. The number 13 represents women and the Statue of Liberty. As I see it New York had to be cleansed to release all of the old energy that was stuck there. I know it had to happen but I feel much compassion for the people who are going through so much tribulation. New York represents women, and the United States is the New Jer (USA) lem. The Pacific Northwest, which runs from Mt Shasta to Vancouver, B.C., is the spiritual center of the New Jerusalem. This area is lined up with Alcyone, the central sun of the Pleiadean system.

The United States is the 13th tribe of Israel, the daughter tribe. Lots of people talk about the 12 tribes of Israel but very few people talk about the 13th tribe. This tribe has been hidden from sight for a long time just like they took the power of the goddess away. Now it is time for more people to become aware of the power of love.

Look at the symbolism of the number 13 with Washington, D.C. and the dollar bill. The number 13 is written all over the dollar bill. Check it out. We set up our government on July 4, 1776 which corresponds with 13 degrees Cancer, which is where the star Sirius is located. We have been under the guidance of Sirius for a long time. The main constellation the city was set up under is the sign Virgo, and the planet Venus. Our flag has several five pointed stars on it. The five pointed star represents the goddess and Venus.

We are about ready to enter 2013. Those are the two main numbers of the Dreamspell Calendar. There are 20 glyphs in that calendar and 13 wavespells. The Mayan calendar is based on the planet Venus and the Pleiadian Star System. We are about to move into a new cycle based on the number 13. Goddess energy is the love that flows from the hearts of both male and females and it’s time to start manifesting this love energy and live in peace and harmony.

I Iistened to William Henry on Coast to Coast on Wednesday night November 28th. He talked about the Ark of the Covenant. It was a very interesting program. His website is www.williamhenry.net Please check out his website if you are interested in that kind of information.

I received a message from my friend Mona who said that at the time of the galactic alignment a feeling of peace will be felt all over the world. It will be a time when everyone will be able to experience what it is like to feel peace in their hearts. When I was listening to William Henry I heard him say that we are all connected to the Ark of the Covenant which is the throne of god in heaven, or on a higher dimension. I believe the Ark will be activated again and this is why we will all feel peaceful. What a wonderful Christmas present.

I also believe there is a gold box, which is also called the Ark of the Covenant, that is hidden somewhere on Earth. This box has the rod of Moses/Jeshua in it, the oil Mary Magdelene used to anoint Jesus, and maybe some other tools that are too powerful to use on Earth. Maybe this gold box will be found soon. We do live in interesting times. The planets will start to align on December 21st and will continue until Christmas when the moon enters this alignment. May you be wonderfully blessed this Christmas Season and please open your heart so you can live in peace, love, joy, and abundance. So Be It! Lots of love to you! ***** Mahala Gayle *****

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Vistors Perspective Mytre and Kepier 6



One of the many night body visitors awakes
with a vague memory of being on the Starship…

Dearest Arcturians, I surround my SELF in your great light so that you can assist me to remember my dream/visit to your Starship.

Our dear ascending one, you have asked us repeatedly to assist you in remembering your “dreams” of nightly visits to our Ship. Hence, we will assist to you remember them now. “Will I remember my dream,” is the code message you have given yourself to remember your “dream.”

First, know that you will remember your dreams in imagistic, dream pictures and sensations. If you need to continue to call it “remembering your dream,” allow yourself to do so. Using the word “remembering” calms whatever remaining ego might be frightened by the concept of visiting our Ship in your dream body. Whatever gimmick you need to fool the remnants of your frightened ego is fine. Soon, these gimmicks will be unnecessary.

You woke up with the sentence of, “Will I remember my dream?”
This question was the carrier message that translated you from your “dream” experience on the Ship into the memory of your physical body. To capture your dream experience within your physical memory:

· Begin your remembering by feeling the images…
· Allow your perceptions to shift from the perceptions of your night body into the perceptions of your physical body…
· See your environment in the foggy fashion of the astral world…
· Hear as if you are listening to as a distant message…
· Feel your sense of touch in a very different manner, as there are no longer the sensations of something different against your form.

For example, your physical body is sitting in a chair writing your experience. Your physical body has a border, which interfaces with the border of the chair, and there is the sensation where the two different substances meet, yet remain discrete. Now:

· Feel the night body you wore during your visit to our Ship…
· Experience a glimmer of coldness, as you are no longer in possession of the heat of your physical form.

Without your physical form, you no longer have that same sensation of heat. However, you do have a sensation of being a cloud. You have this feeling because your mind is trying to find a connection to some sensation of form. Your mind wants to find a correlation to “having a form,” because it is attempting to do its job of keeping you safe in your physical world.

Your mind has had many experiences within this life that would have been considered to be crazy by your childhood environment. Therefore, you have adapted by creating correlate versions of your inner reality that do not interfere with your ability to remain functional in your physical life. It is these mental adaptations that have made it so difficult for you to remember what has been happening in your night body.

These mental adaptations made you forget your nightly visits to the Ship. The direct memory of your being on the Ship would have disallowed your ability to successfully function in a society that would have labeled you “crazy” if you had remembered. Therefore, we ask you now to lovingly address this mental adaptation, who has taken a persona of its own in order to protect you.”

Thank you, Arcturians. I will do as you ask…
Dear Mental Adaptation, thank you so very much for protecting me. I was not ready to know what was happening in my dream body. Thank you for the many years that you have protected me.

Dear Mental Adaptation, because you have been so vital in my life, I give you the privilege of being one of the first components of my Multidimensional SELF to ascend/go Home. In other words, I no longer need you to wake up with me. You can remain on the Ship. Before now, being on the Ship would have been frightening, but now I am ready to remember that experience.

I am also ready to practice living in two worlds at once. Therefore you, my protector, will allow you to remain on the Arcturian Mothership. This Mothership is the Home “planet” of the Arcturians. You will remain there to be my Greeter.

Then I will greet ME when I enter the Ship, and YOU can assist ME to adapt to my true form on the Ship. Then, just as I might move into my new Home bit-by-bit, I will gradually move more and more of my grounded self into my true Home on the Ship.”

We wish you to recognize, now, that you are hearing the name and feeling the person who you said you would meet on the Ship last night. This agreement to meet a friend on the Ship is another gimmick to fool your protective ego.

Allow the feeling of that person into your awareness so that you can find that person’s feel. Finding the emotional feeling of a person you have agreed to meet will connect you with that person, as well as the other visitors. Some of these visitors are not human, and none are third dimensional.

You see this person now, who is undergoing his own process of remembering. He is across the room, which means that your auras are not in connection yet. Each of you must go through your own process of remembering your “dream” before you can connect in this state of consciousness. Therefore, please return to your process of remembering…”

I feel myself in my astral, night body, which is more like a cloud than a physical form. Everyone around me is in his or her astral body, as well. We have all chosen to remember our visits so that we can better assist others to remember theirs. I can feel that we are from many different areas, primarily areas of Earth, but there are some Venusians as well.

The Earthlings are from many different walks of life. Some are very old, some middle aged or young and some are children. THEY are in their night bodies, which are the same age and appearance as their earth vessel but at a slightly higher frequency. We are all very happy to be here.

In fact, as I look around, I see that many of us are in the same state of trying to carry this experience back to into our 3D life. I was going to say, back into our waking life, but I realize now that our 3D life is our sleeping life, and this reality is our true, waking life. Dear Arcturians, I feel as though I am loosing my lucid connection. Can you assist me?

I smile as I instantly feel the Arcturians directly in front of me assisting me to stay present with this experience. They are reminding me that I will share my process with others who are also ready to remember. The Arcturians then remind me to remember the feeling, the emotion and the sensation of a different frequency of awareness. I take a moment to focus on these sensations…

As I re-focus my attention, I remember that this intimate experience of my 4D night body while in my 3D form is a precursor to the intimate experience of my 5D light body while I am still holding an earth form. I am now hearing the main message that we are all receiving in our nightly visits.

This message is that we are beginning to BE our Multidimensional SELF while still holding our earth vessel. We will keep our earth vessel throughout the time of ascension process so that we can move back and forth between worlds. Just as we may choose to move into our new home while we are still living in our old home, we will move into our new form while maintaining our old form.

This process of ascension will not be for everyone, but it will be for most of the Openers, that is the Portal Openers. We will need to keep our old form, as this body will serve to assist us in keeping the portals open while others move through them. Most of us who are of Arcturian and/or Pleiadian descent are Openers. Hence, we will maintain our roots in both worlds until our ascension process is complete.

Since time is an illusion, which will morph even more as you continue your ascension, there is no need to know how “long” the process will continue. Your ascension process will continue until it is complete. Therefore, it is within this NOW that you are beginning to live in two (or more) realities within a continuous state of consciousness. This continuous state of consciousness begins with remembering your visits to the Ship, or wherever you are visiting, in your night body.”

Thank you Arcturians, Again, I return to living my experience…
As I stand in this Astral, fourth dimensional room, I feel the cloud of consciousness that connects us all. Some of us are not able to connect with any of the other astral bodies, but most of us can connect with the Greeters.

The Greeters are members of the Mothership who have lowered their resonance to greet and assist us to gradually step up our energy into the fifth dimension. Once we can maintain our fifth dimensional resonance, while our 3D form sleeps, we can intimately experience the Ship in a fully awakened manner.

I have been able to remember my visits in a “story telling way,” but not as a direct experience. Therefore, I will remain here in this fourth dimensional area to fully anchor my physical consciousness with my astral consciousness. My astral consciousness is remaining on the Ship even though my dream has ended.

By allowing yourself to gradually remember your nightly visitations you are creating the reality in which your ascension proceeds slowly but surely. This process of ascension is similar to moving into a new house room-by-room. Your decision to create this type of ascension was made before you took your present body.

There were many pre-embodiment choices that were made, all of which were directly related to your Mission. The most beautiful part of the ascension of Gaia and Her many Beings, is that each and every ONE has gained a sense of individuality. You will then use your great individual creativity to create your own ascension. We, your Galactic and Celestial family, are greatly enjoying watching, as well as assisting, you with your process.

This is enough “remembering” for now. Allow what you have remembered to deeply imbed in your consciousness. In this manner, you will not forget what you have recovered and learned. Allow the puzzle of your process to come together piece-by-piece.

Remember that we, the Arcturians are here to help whenever you call us. We bless you on your journey and await your return with joy and unconditional love.
The Arcturians

Posted by Sue at 6:17 PM
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The Rite of Co-Creation
It is at this moment in our evolution that we develop our abilities to authentically co-create with our beloved Father Mother God and the Councils of Light.
As a result of Soul Absorption, we may increasingly know and experience ourselves as pure consciousness, living life in a human body while radiating a force of light that greatly affects every person we meet and every creation we desire to bring forth through our illumined form.
The mastery of true co-creation emerges when we are operating from "divine personality" and we have established a direct connection with God. Having fully actualized our intimate connection with Source, we can now realize ourselves as one of the great builders of form and a mighty creator within the planetary scheme.
This Rite of Passage sets into momentum the greater awareness of "how" we magnetize our new creations while serving as a fully conscious Divine Human through which the group consciousness is functioning.
We are preparing to walk in the world as a true servant of the Divine Plan while working with a completely different mode of manifestation. Through this initiation, we may develop expanded abilities to wield the power to transform instantaneously. We may be granted the ability to effectively wield the Sacred Fire, command the elements and even positively manipulate atomic matter.
This increase in ability also comes with the knowledge that we, of ourselves, can do nothing. It is the Great Spirit within us that quickens all desired acts of our greater service. When our mind, heart and entire nature is reanimated to Spirit first and foremost, our motivations are enlivened with the divine power of co-creation.
Each preceding Rite has brought us to the point where our awareness is now completely focused in the Group I AM Consciousness. As we become more acutely aware of the divine purpose of our group, we give more of our self in which to cooperate intelligently.
Our smaller plans and ideas will gracefully merge into the greater whole.

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A Message From Tom Om.....

My Personal Message for You:Sohini, Do not think you willbe aware of your own enlightenment?Since you are me - we will!!!!-Your Higher Self----------------------------------------------------------------Hope you feel well and happy :)Today is the release of theSIRIUS MASTER CODES 4.These are ENLIGHTENMENT Accelerators!You know that........The entire cosmos is filled with beings of lightevolving on different levels of consciousness,within the many octaves of the heaven world.Some Beings of great light assist the earth from other stars,some notable are from the God-star Sirius....Now you have the chance to visit the..ENLIGHTENMENT CHAMBER #4But what is enlightenment?Enlightenment is a particular level of realization or awakeness,even if the exact definition varies depending on who is using the word,as it does with every word.What really matters is what your awareness is doing right now.How is your consciousness appearing or shifting in this moment?Are you realizing more of your experience and Essence right now?Or are you contracting and limiting your awareness with thoughtsand identification? Is any shifting happening from reading these words?Enlightenment or awakening is a profound mystery, and the bestdefinition may be found in the actual experience of your own shiftsin consciousness. Just as it's more nourishing to eat an apple thanread about one, so it can be more rewarding to explore the movementsof your own awareness than to try to understand these things mentally.While definitions of such things can be helpful, it can also be beneficialto not have too many concepts, which could interfere with youractual experience.To experience more, watch this amazing video - please click below ...>;>>>http://spiritualhealingpower.com/SiriusCodes4.htmlAlso, please SHARE with your favorite social community:)Your fellow traveler,TOMFriends,Please go with the Given links....Thanks....Sohiniben.
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Hi Everyone, It has been an intense month and I feel that we are all being prepared energetically to receive the 12/12/12 energies this month. The Pleiadians have given me some very specific information to assist each one of you in being able to consciously receive the powerful Illumination Waves coming at that time. My message is longer than usual and it feels very important to share with each one of you. I've also included some questions that have come from circles which I feel are relevant. The Pleiadians are saying there will be a series of Illumination Waves coming onto the planet on 12/12/12. They are asking you to open up to new alliances with pre-agreements that you made before you came onto this earth plane. In order for you to be able to fully take in the energies of the Illumination Waves that will be coming onto the planet on 12/12/12, you need to open up and create new energetic alliances for yourself.. Be aware that the waves will be at their strongest at one minute past midnight until six a.m. on the 12th of December. They will begin to expand again from 12 noon until 3 p.m. on that day. From 12/12/12 and onwards in your life, you have made a series of pre-agreements to have energetic support. Whether you remember it or not is irrelevant. Now it is up to you to activate these pre-agreements. The activation must come from you and not from the other side. You need to give your permission and activate your pre-agreements by opening up to whatever energies are there for you. You don't need to know which ones. You just need to give your permission for the activation. Open up to these energetic alliances on the day before 12/12/12. It is irrelevant that your ego mind may not understand or know which energetic alliances you are calling forward. You only need to understand that these pre-agreements are something that you have made for yourself to support you now. So do not let your ego mind say: 'Well, I'm not sure who I'm calling forward so I am not going to activate any of my pre-agreements' You don't want to go there. The energies must come from you. The same goes on 12/12/12. You need to open up consciously, through conscious choice to call in the Illumination Waves. The energies that will come through those Illumination Waves will align you and birth you into a new aspect of yourself. The Illumination Waves are designed to activate another level of the crystalline structure in the cells of your body. This crystalline structure once activated will be able to then house another level of your own divine light in your physical body. It will transform your body electrically so you will be able to take in and hold a lot more of your own divine light in your cells. This is a revolutionary time for us as human beings and at the moment a lot of our divine light is housed outside of our physical form. With the system we have in place right now, we are unable to carry that light. With the activation of the crystalline structure, you are going to be able to take in and house much more of your own divine light on 12/12/12. The Illumination Waves are designed to bring you into yourself and redesign your system. Another aspect of the crystalline structure is that activation will more accurately reopen your telepathic communion center. The energy of 12/12/12 holds a sacred energy of communion with the energies, with the Universe. It opens up that sacred communion possibility for each one of us. To come into new understandings, new knowledge - there is nothing new - but receiving the knowledge and ancient teachings that are a part of truth and integrity. On that day, your cells align to a new level of truth and integrity, allowing you to continue your path forward from that time in a new way; understanding that the whole planet will go through an energetic transformation on that day. You might say 'why all of a sudden?' It's not all of a sudden! Things have been put in place for some time now for this happening to occur. The crop circles will be moving into a new birthing of themselves, coming into their fullness for the first time since being on this planet. They will be working in alignment with all the megaliths sites; the sacred sites on the planet. There will be sacred webbing between the megaliths sites and the crop circles, covering the planet and creating a series of ley lines. We need to become part of that sacred webbing on that day. There is an opening of portals on that day and each one of you have the ability to become part of that sacred webbing. This sacred webbing that is going to birth around the earth plane is part of the really strong transformation of our planet, of consciousness. Those who choose to align to that sacred webbing on that day will have an automatic connection of telepathic communion with each other. You don't need to understand so much as be willing to be a part of what you have said 'yes' to already. It's really about showing up for your appointment and taking your place within what the Pleiadians are calling 'the grand plan.' By opening up your pre-agreement alliances the day before, those energies will support you and show you the way and assist you in that process the next day. You move back to taking your place with the energetic alliances that you have said 'yes' to, enabling you to work with on that day and from that time onwards. We have 12/21/12 as well. Nine days later, where another level of energy is going to come onto the planet for those who have worked with the Illumination Waves on 12/12/12. This day is another strong time to open and receive and allow another level of your crystalline structure to be activated. You will go through another level of transformation of an electrical energy activating through the body, being able to receive another level of your divine light and have it housed in the cells of your body. On that day, the portals will open again and the sacred webbing around the earth will open up and you will rejoin the sacred webbing on another level. On 12/12/12 understand that coming together in groups will be very supportive. There is a very important need for those of us who are awake, to come together to anchor and expand who we are at this time. It is important to come together in groups of like-minded people; those who are awake. All people from all paths - there is no separation. People who are not on the path, after this date will there be a separation from them? No, absolutely not. The fact is that we have all pre-agreed to awake early, to hold open a pathway for others to follow. If anything we will be more connected. We may not be connected to those who are abusive, controlling, connected to violence, for example. However, we will continue to be connecting with regular people who have good hearts but are not awake. I live in an apartment? Can I set this all up to do alone for 12/12/12? Yes, of course. Will working with the 'letting go' energy be supportive on that day? Yes, remember it is through the letting go energy that you move into your realignments. The letting go energy allows you to leave the 3rd dimensional energy that you are holding, allowing that to drop away in a moment and in that moment realignment can occur. In that one moment when you choose to let go of everything from this earth plane it becomes a very powerful and empowering moment of realignment. It only takes one moment of time for the all the cells to move into a new level of alignment and remembering. The 'letting go' energy holds an alignment energy that will assist you with the Illumination Waves on 12/12/12. You also want to be opening to a receiving energy. It's very important to allow yourself to consciously open to receive the Illumination Waves. It would support you to do a vortex of 3 candles with a crystal in the center, which will attract and support the Illumination Waves coming in so the Illumination Waves have an avenue to come through, an energetic structure. Or anything else you feel called to do in setting up a pattern of crystals would be supportive. I would do all of this the day before. To sit and open to your energetic alliances and feel out what you need to do to create for yourself to receive those Illumination Waves and allow the energetic alliances to support you and show you what is best for you. Build something for yourself either as a group or an individual but have it done the day before and feel out the energy and make the adjustments. The more committed you are the more those Illumination Waves will work with you. It's part of you consciously choosing to receive. If you have a group of people, you might want to set a circle around that vortex as part of the format, part of the ritual or structure. You have some time to think about it and feel out what will work and what feels good. You may want to have cushions spread out on the floor as an option to lie down because the energies will be strong and you may need to integrate and receive them and then maybe go out to the sky, to the galactic energy and lie on the earth and open to the energies of the stars during that time in the night. Be creative. Feel what is right for you inside. The natural forces are committed to working with you as well. They have a strong energy to support you in the integration of the Illumination Waves on the planet. Would it be supportive to go to a sacred place? The Pleiadians are saying that every place on the earth plane will be sacred on that day. The entire earth becomes a sacred place. So be it. Have an empowering and powerful 12/12/12. With love and blessings, Christine


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Dear Friends,
Now the Time 21st Dec. 2012....is coming near and so many have fear in their Mind ....But when so many Light workers and Ambassadors of Love like you are becoming ready to face the situation.....there is and there should not have any fear ....and just try to be Pure in your heart, take care of your Holy Mind and should keep it as pure and clear as a Crystal.....Please do not think much but try to be with your inner self..in Joy and help each other, if it is necessary send healing who so ever  need it.....Your purity will draw so much of Love, Light and Life ...or the pure Prana and when you have realized your self or the Soul you can attract other souls towards you which will give more strength and Unity Consciousness will help in Ascension of Our Consciousness in Mass.....along with the Ascension of our Mother Earth...Our Planet.....Because all changes are due to the Ascension of our Planet in 5th Dimension....So when you will have purity then and then your frequency of Vibrations will be that of 5th Dimension, Synchronizing with the Vibrations of the Planet Mother earth of 5th Dimension.....
So just Be ready and take your Divine Friends along with you....Because with out Being God or Goddess like ....you will not have good vibrations of the Higher realms.....Actually we will have to go more beyond 5th Dimension means our Frequencies should have been up to 7th Dimension for easy and Sure Ascension along with our Mother Planet earth....
The Energies of Love, Light, Wisdom, Harmony, Joy and bring that Balance in your Life  which can  give you long lasting Peace.....
Just Live in the Present moment and always think positive all the Time .....This is must......
Spread and Radiate Love, Light and Peace where ever you go......to bring Balance in lives of others also.....
Love is a very strong and magnetic type of Energy so Your Light of knowledge and Wisdom will help you here to bring long lasting Peace.......Your presence should have very good Vibrations which has the capacity to change the whole atmosphere ......A Sacred place should be created by your Name and your Presence.......
So Be A Holy Person having most of the categories of our Masters.....who are constantly giving us Guidance ......and caring for us.....Remember their Efforts what they are constantly sharing their Views with us with lots of Love & Compassion.....
We should not make them disappointed......and give favor to their labor and constant guidance to awaken our Souls.....
So Be Awakened Souls and Remain Awakened with Full Of Purity , Truth and Very Clean Crystal Clear Life........
Our All the Masters Angels and Archangels, Mahatmas and Chohans, Mother Gaia, Mother Isis and Osiris, Mother Quanin with her absolute Compassion.All Stars and Star Seeds...All our Spiritual Guides, Father and Mother God, Great and Greater Sun...Our Master Ashtar Command,, Sananda, Saint Germain,along with Lady Nada Our Master A.A Michael who is with us only removing all our negative Energies from our Cells and Energy centers including our Auras... of the Body.........Our Planetary Logo Sanat Kumar, Galactic Logo Melchior, and Universal Logo Master Melchizedek.....all the 1,44000 Masters giving their messages from their Golden Seat, All the Light workers of the Universe, and all the Ambassadors of Love, Light and Peace,..Our Brothers and Sisters of White Brotherhood,  All are with us showing the way since years to gather.....and they all are taking care of us....giving us perfect guidance ...but Our Path we have to select and Go with Courage.....We are not Alone......But have to go our own Path ....up to certain level we are To gether But at the last point we have to select our way with our intuition......and with the help of our sixth Sense.....
On taking help from so many Masters if we are afraid and fearful with worries then what's the use of all help what we are receiving at each moment of our time......at present......
Have faith in your Pure Heart and in your inner self & your destiny .... that nothing will happen if You are ready.......
Just Wait & Watch.....Give your hand who needs your support with Love and Radiate your Light and Be Compassionate ......
If there is no compassion then you will not be saved....also.....


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Sirius Codes.....Healing With Tom Om.....

Dear Friends,

You will have to go with the given link in the message.....


My Personal Message for You:

Sohini, Beware of thoughts that might trap you!
I AM here to help you!!

      -Your Higher Self-


Hope you feel well and happy :)

How To Prevent Karma?
Simply by controlling your thought and emotions
on a daily basis.
Connect in the morning to your Higher Self
and Spirit Guides to make yourself aware of
any negative thoughts and feelings and then
transmute them into their counterpart.
Since it takes time to make this a habit,
and many NEGATIVITY slips through
this filter mentally say every night before
you sleep:
'I ask my Higher Self and the Violet Flame
to pull back all thoughts and emotions
which are not aligned with the Will
of the CREATOR, and that all will be
erased in the Violet Flame Now. Thanks'  
Then feel for seconds how these energies,
will be pulled back into your aura and 
'burned' in the violet flame.
Your life will change completely and your
Higher Self will 'be happy' as you don't
release burden into this system.
The only GOAL of your Higher Self is
to ascend as well, but can accomplish
this only through YOU, as a part of the 
Higher Self Ascension TEAM!!!!
Accelerate this process and release
more karmic imprints NOW!


Also, please SHARE with your favorite social community:)
Your fellow traveler,

PS. You will get the Complete KARMA Report and

how to resolve Karma as a FREE Bonus. It is newly released!!! 
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50 shades of purplePurple is a mighty color that is not only powerful in its striking appearance, but in meaning too.

Its warm mix of calming blue and intense red creates a vibrant tone that has a strong meaning in society on many levels.

It is often associated with royalty, so has an air of power, indulgence and authority about it. In religion, it’s a symbolic color that has different meanings across multiple faiths, while on the other side of the spectrum, it also represents sexuality.

But what other powers does this alluring vixen of the color world have?

It Enhances Creativity And Meditation

The great Leonardo da Vinci once wrote that meditation and prayer is ten times more powerful when done to the warm flicker of a lavender or purple-colored light in the background.

How often he meditated or the type of practice he followed we don’t know, but we do know that he produced some pretty magical stuff, suggesting that the power of purple is a creative force to be reckoned with.

It Stimulates Emotions

Different shades of purple symbolize various meanings. Light purple creates romantic feelings and sensuality, whereas the darkest of purples are associated with death and funerals (and is the color of mourning in some cultures). Bright purple, on the other hand, represents playfulness, which explains why 75% of young children will choose purple over other colors.

In Feng Shui, It Represents Children, Wealth And Love

In feng shui, the power of purple reigns supreme as it’s considered to be the “feng shui beige” – being the only color that is suitable in any direction.

Purple is also said to enhance kids’ imaginations, so splash a lick of purple paint on your child’s bedroom wall to tickle their mind. To bring out their creative streak, paint the west wall purple. To improve their health, get the paint rolling on the east wall. Also the color of recognition, a purple south wall is said to act in the favor of young aspiring artists or actors.

For us adults, royal purple is the color of prosperity and lavender is good for your love life. To stimulate its power within your home, paint your southeast wall or the corner of your living room purple. For luck in business deals and job opportunities, wear purple in meetings or interviews, and equally – watch out for salesmen wearing this color!

Given its luck and good chi (energy), purple also stimulates romance for both couples and singles. To attract more action in your bedroom, buy lavender bedding and spray it with lavender water, and wear purple underwear to send out the green (or in this case – purple) light to the potential love interests.

To encase your relationship in longevity, place pictures of you and your beloved in purple frames and have a purple amethyst in the southwest corner of your room.

Do you feel the power of purple? Tell us if you’re drawn to its mystery and radiance and purposely place it in your home or office to generate luck, wealth or love.

Read more…



                                                                       The Rite of Soul Absorption

VIDEO - Soul Absorption Process Explained

This is the initiation of the GREAT LIBERATION, our point of entrance into a new life for which all our past has been a preparation.

Collectively, we have reached the point at which we make permanent transition from living as a human personality to a life of divinity solely focused in Unity Consciousness.
This Rite of Passage is the initiation that sets into greater momentum the emergence of the I AM Race in its qualifying characteristics and what is referred to as 5th dimensional conscious living. This is the main goal of the Rites of Passage program and potentially what will complete at year's end for numerous people in our collective grouping and soon thereafter for many more.
It is the heralding consummation of the Great Work in which we are finally able to enter into God Consciousness. This, beloved family is the actual physical process of what many refer to as the "ascension".
"Ascension", from the angle of our group endeavor, is when the human personality, the incarnated Soul and the great God Self fuse to become one unified being here on Earth. Undertaken in group formation, this is the initiation that returns us, as lesser aspects, to our monadic source, the Group I AM Presence and the one originating reservoir of Divine Consciousness that sent us forth.
In order to make this transition, the individualized Soul, which has served as the guiding intermediary between the human and God, is no longer required as a separated entity. The purified human personality brings about a burning of the sheath around the entire soul body. This fuses the Soul's attributes with the form, thereby relinquishing the Soul vehicle completely from our energetic framework.
The threads of the entire Soul body sheathing, that has shrouded itself around the human form, are finally severed. They are consumed by cosmic fire and the Soul is then absorbed back unto its Source. A new "divine personality" arises in which there is now only a direct connection between the form and God.
This phase of initiation marks the end of personal karma and the necessity to reincarnate for evolutionary purposes. We are released from the controls of the matter aspect. The illusion of duality finally comes to an end.
This is the actualized phase in which we activate the codes of immortality and the numerous gifts of our inherent supernal ability.

Rite #9 Audio Transmission WORDS OF POWER
In the audio for Rite #9 (Soul Absorption), we use the following Words of Power. Chanting or repeating the names of GOD creates instant Divine Alignment.
Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh
This is another way to say, I AM that I AM. I AM is the name of God.

El Shaddai

This means God Almighty as the all powerful, sufficient One. It is God as El who helps and God as Shaddai who abundantly blesses.
Yod Hay Vod Hay
This is one of the sacred names of God and the Divine Father aspect.

As the mother of all mantras, the vibration of Aum has infinite power. It is the intelligent, creative and all loving vibration of the voice of the Holy Spirit. It can connect us to the supreme infinite Presence of God and the cosmic body of all creation. When chanted it is known to create a universal harmony within us and our surroundings, elevating us to unimaginable levels.

Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth
This is Children of the Sun Foundation's Mantra which means Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God of Hosts. When this mantra is chanted, it acknowledges God and the great Host of Light, creating resonance between all levels of creation and Source energy.
As a mantra for initiation and spiritual attunement, it ties all of the rhythms of the body together with the spiritual rhythms of the Monadic Source, or the unified Group Consciousness. It is so strong that no force other than Love can remain in the presence of its vibration. Therefore, it creates an invincible pillar of energy around you.

gold check

Prerequisites to Soul Absorption

This achievement of focus is not the result of a symbolic ceremony or Rite of Passage

transmission. It occurs after lifetimes of preparation, deep purification and self-willed


Soul Absorption is only possible after the transfiguration of the personality is stabilized and

the life is sincerely renounced to the interest of the larger whole. Our emotions and mental

activity are controlled. We have freed ourselves from all attaching hold to personal and

material identity. We are living with an attitude of equanimity and harmlessness towards all life.

Our personal will is completely surrendered over to God and we now embody a Spiritual

Will that is firm and unshakeable. We are functioning from the plane of Divine Intuition as

an intelligently focused expression of Divine Love in action.

It is at this point that the energy comprising the Soul and the human personality can be

blended and fused. The personality transcends to serve as an instrument under the direct

guiding force of the monadic God Presence. The Monad, or, the Group I AM

Consciousness, becomes our most prominent guide and teacher from this point forward.

The Physical Process of Soul Absorption

When the Soul’s vehicle is ready to be absorbed, the action of this crucial Rod of Initiation

is most carefully and scientifically regulated by the God Presence, sponsoring Ascended

Masters and other beings of light over-lighting each advancing initiate.

At a certain point, we are ready to receive an increase of energy voltage into our form. This

comes in as a downward rush of cosmic fire that enters through the developed

Antahkarana, the bridge of light that connects us to our God Source. As this fire blazes

through our central channel, it reaches into and penetrates the permanent atom located

deep inside the heart chamber.

It is here that it meets an upward rush of the inner fires of matter. The two fires meet in a

parallel contact and the work of the actualized absorption commences.

The blending of these fires absorbs the entire life force of the physical body through an

intense radiating heat. The human mantle shatters as it breaks away from the Soul

sheathing. This causes the burning of the soul webbing and all other confining walls in

order to fuse the bodies of the personality with the attributes of the Soul.

All remaining barriers that keep us from fully entering into Unity Consciousness are also

incinerated including any subtle filaments of the personality body that keep us matter bound.

This is very much like a death process as the ancient Soul body is finally liberated. It burns

up and is absorbed back into its Source. Our consciousness, however, REMAINS IN THE

BODY to realize its immortality here on Earth.

Our new personality serves purely as an instrument of divinity in physical expression.

Physical Symptoms of the Absorption:

This Rite of Passage initiates the momentum of Soul Absorption on a collective level. The

timing and the process of this will be different for everyone. For some it will be quick

absorption experience, for others it may be a more lengthy endeavor.

The process of Soul Absorption comes with highly noticeable physical symptoms. During

the actual process…

•There is a lot of heat radiating from the inside out including waves of hot flashes and


•There can be hot discharge and diarrhea through the genitals and bowels.

•The endocrine system may seem very imbalanced temporarily.

The Pineal Gland greatly expands. There can be dizziness, loss of equilibrium.

The activity of each individual atom is increased, resulting in a greater degree of nervous

energy. The neural patterns in the physical body endure a process of recodement. Nerve

synapses are instantly reconnecting. The nervous system can become highly sensitized yet

strong. Eventually, there is more peace, calm and overall stability.

Without the soul body sheathing, we are reconfigured to directly bridge with our monadic

presence. As the consciousness of the human personality fades further and further from

any familiar coordinates, there is a feeling of being erased, dissolved and at the same time

literally being absorbed into the Light.

It could feel as if you are going through a type of death process.

There may be a feeling of brief disconnect in your consciousness. Oftentimes a great

aloneness and feelings of isolation are temporarily experienced.

The absorption burns up and consumes the last bits of separation held within the

personality. You might experience neurotic thinking or strange thought forms passing

through as they are being incinerated and consumed.

The veils between dimensions become extremely thin. There could be more tangible

feelings of oneness. Your extra sense perception may become highly acute. Your spirit

guides could feel extremely close or even feel as if they are merging into your body.

You might start outwardly seeing energy fields. Nature may literally start speaking to you.

Once the Soul is absorbed, the physical body beings its youthing process.

World Service

This is a brand new experience as God Consciousness enters more directly into our form.

Our new personality and God stand together in perfect alignment, held together through

the antahkarana, the connecting bridge of light.

We serve as a fully conscious Divine Human in full control and with unwavering selfmastery.

Our transcended aspect and its form serve as the instrument through which the

group consciousness is functioning. We now know ourselves to be pure consciousness,

experiencing life in a human body while radiating a force of light that greatly affects every

person we meet.

The Soul Absorption takes place so that we can authentically express the monadic rays of

the Will, Love and Wisdom of God.

As a result, we become more universally aware, working from the frequency of Christ

Consciousness through the faculties of Divine Intuition and active intelligence. True vision

is embodied. The Divine Plan is grasped. We come eye to eye with the revelation of the

Divine Plan and its purpose as it concerns the planetary evolution.

This Rite of Passage brings us into the “center” where the Will of God is known and

heralds our triumphant victory over the transition called death. This is the level where we

literally can do anything with our rapidly developing Avatar abilities.

Then, we may go out into the world as a true servant of the Divine Plan while working

with a completely different mode of manifestation. We can re-create our bodies. We

develop abilities to wield the power to transform instantaneously.

We can co-create as the Masters of Wisdom and use the entire field of group energy for

the highest good of humanity and the planetary evolution.

As we are raised up, all life is raised with us.


The Soul:

The Soul is the linking or middle principle, representing the relation between spirit and matter; the

link between God and the form. The Soul is that which provides consciousness, character and

quality to all manifestations in form. It has also been the inner guide of the human personality.


This stream of light consciousness bridges the personal energy with the energy of the God Self,

which is a Group I AM Presence. The antahkarana fuses the human personality with the Soul, and

the Soul with the Monad (Group I AM Presence).

During the absorption process, the Soul is burned up and the Antakharana now becomes the direct

link to the Monad (Group I AM) to the newly formed Divine Personality.

From the perspective of Group Consciousness, the Antakharana is the pathway of light that

synthesizes our collective energy streams into one harmonized unit of God.


This is a term to describe the direct aspect of the greater God-Self, containing all individualized,

multidimensional expressions of self. Our Monad contains many Souls. Our human personality

and our Soul are individualized aspects of a group of Souls and even a group of Monads. The

Monad is also another word for the Group Avatar, the Group I AM.

Soul Absorption:

The process by which the Soul, through the light-bridge of the Antahkarana, is by-passed as the

transfigured personality comes into contact with, and under permanent service to the Monad. The

Soul body becomes redundant and is absorbed by the Monad. The new divine personality serves

purely as an instrument of divinity in physical expression.

Audio Transmission’s Words of Power:

In the audio for Rite #9 and the Soul Absorption, we use the following Words of Power. Chanting

or repeating the names of GOD creates instant Divine Alignment.

Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh

This is another way to say, I Am that I Am. I AM is the name of God.

El Shaddai

This means God Almighty as the all powerful, sufficient One. It is God as El who helps and God as

Shaddai who abundantly blesses.

Yod Hay Vod Hay

This is one of the sacred names of God and the Divine Father aspect.

Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth

This is Children of the Sun Foundation’s Mantra which means Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God of

Hosts. When this mantra is chanted, it acknowledges God and great Host of Light, creating

resonance between all levels of creation and Source energy.

As a mantra for initiation and spiritual attunement, it ties all of the rhythms of the body together

with the spiritual rhythms of the Monadic Source, or the Group I AM Presence. It is so strong that

no force other than Love can remain in the presence of its vibration. Therefore, it creates a pillar of

energy protection around you.


The vibration of Aum is the mother of all sounds and has has infinite power. It can connect us to

the supreme infinite Presence of God and the cosmic body of all creation. It is the intelligent,

creative and all loving vibration of the voice of the Holy Spirit. When chanted it can create a

universal harmony within us and without us and elevate us to unimaginable levels.



A 12-Week Program September Equinox to December Solstice

You are Invited! In this moment of human history, it is incredible to behold the awe-inspiring power of Divine Remembrance springing forth from within the awakening hearts and minds of the masses. We are bearing witness to the global revelation that not only is God present within us but also that WE are the physical reflection of the supreme Divine Presence upon the Earth. After years of successfully navigating the narrow road of self mastery fraught with extraordinary challenges, the actualization of our true nature is finally upon us. This inner realization of our union with Source is rippling out to include all life as we come to understand on a tangible level that every atom in creation is a part of the interconnected whole. As a resonant group, we have been preparing all our life in order to make the necessary commitment to go the distance in this exponential passage. This is going to be one heaven of a ride, beloved Avatars, so gather your ability to focus as we rise to meet our destiny through support from these Rites of Passage.


1. Sunday Morning Delivery We will send an email to you announcing each Rite of Passage. This will be delivered very early each Sunday morning, America time.

2. The Rites of Passage are Initiations in the Daily Life

These Rites are essentially initiations that build upon the other. If you are sincere and apply yourself in full focus, these initiations will be profoundly reflected in your daily life.

3. Text and Audio Support Materials:

Important to Do BOTH! Each Rite will have a PDF text article and an Mp3 Audio Transmission. These will be offered as downloads on our website.

The program is BOTH the PDF text and the MP3 transmission. The text and the audio are created differently and they go together. It is the energy BEHIND the words and BEHIND the voice that delivers codes. The text and audio combination helps to balance the right and the left brain hemispheres for a balanced understanding from the heart-mind! It is recommended to print and read the text often. The audio is a sacred transmission that delivers codes to awaken remembrance. It is best to listen to the audio more than once and with headphones.

4. When To Do It?

There is no pre-set time to read and listen to the Rites. We are all encouraged to do them when intuitively guided in order to receive the maximum benefit. This is all also reflected in your daily life experiences.

5. New and Full Moon Grid Transmissions

We will continue with our unified gathering on the Grid every new and full moon. This will assist to maintain the integrity and focus of our endeavor while in group formation and to give each other great support. 6. Rites of Passage Support Our Center of Illumination features a group forum for all active members to share in their direct experiences with the Rites of Passage. If you feel in need of this extra support, please consider joining us.

Subscribe here as a Gold Ray member.

IMPORTANT GUIDELINES AND KEY UNDERSTANDINGS We will be guided through a greatly accelerated experience of back-to-back initiations which focus upon our collective entry into the internal unified state of God Realization, as a group consciousness.

Following are important guidelines of understanding to this endeavor...

  • to undertake such a program for yourself, please remain connected with us. You will still benefit. It is for you that we are undergoing this accelerated initiatory experience. Our progressive emergence as an enlightened group harmonic has high potential to ripple out through the Unified Field catalyzing a dynamic upshift in our level of unity consciousness thereby lifting off big pieces of the huma
  • This is a collective group undertaking.
  • Each Rite is taken over period of seven days and in this time period there may be sub-levels of initiation taking place. Each Rite builds upon the other, exponentially
  • Due to the acceleration of initiatory of energy from one Rite to the next, it is highly recommended that participants start at the beginning with Rite 1. We encourage everyone to start at the same time... September 23, 2012 and to remain committed until December 21, 2012.
  • We are calling forth those souls who are authentically ready to resurrect their life into a completely new system of energy.


  • Everyone can safely participate. This Passage program is purposefully designed (and coded) to lift everyone into expanded states of perception, no matter the level of consciousness.
  • There will be those among our group that are fully prepared to endure this quickened pace and realize a holy emergence. Others will participate in order to deepen certain understandings or to accelerate clearings and internal activations. It is working on all levels and dimensions.
  • We have proven that the vibration of varying levels of consciousness, as this is contained within a higher vibrating group matrix, can be raised to directly experience heightened levels of awareness. The KEY to integration is to remain within the group energy field in order for the subsequent quickening to properly stabilize.


To Register To participate, all that is required is to be on our mailing list. Each Rite will be delivered every Sunday morning through email, beginning September 23. If you have friends or groups of people from other networks that want to participate, please direct them to our subscription page here. Offered by Donation In the spirit of abundance exchange, we ask for donations to this service if you are able. Due to this program being one of enlightened understandings, we are working on a system of absolute faith that everyone will comply. These donations are being applied towards our multi-million dollar fundraising campaign for the 2013 Children of the Sun World Tour and Humanitarian Event. The purpose of this Tour and humanitarian undertaking is to bring our messages of unity and love out into the world, en masse. See the World Tour webite. OUR LANGUAGING We have modified our language presentation in these Rites to appeal more to the expanded diversity of program participants. Use of the Word, God

We are remaining with the use of the word GOD as a way to express the Great Spirit, our Source of Life, that Supreme Intelligent Power that permeates every form and every atom of the whole universe. We are using this word due to its sheer magnitude of vibratory frequency.

If you are new to the platform of Children of the Sun and do not understand a certain phrase, please see our glossary of definitions. Translations in Many Languages

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Lord Sananda
To Begin Monday, November 19, 2012

Greetings, my Glorious Eagles! My Peace and my Love I bring to you during the wonderful NOW in which you are reading this. All of you seek the Peace of which I bring but as you look around all you see is chaos and war, but I tell you that Peace must first be achieved within before you will recognize it without. Peace is not something I can give you; it must come as a progression within your Self, and that progression begins with Gratitude, for Gratitude leads to Joy and Joy allows for Peace. So I have come to bring you a simple method of going through that progression. This will not be the sending of Love or other Divine Energy to a grid as you are normally asked to do, rather it is to take you into the Peace of the Heart, there to radiate it out to others. So let us begin, shall we?

Those within the United States will be celebrating the holiday known as Thanksgiving during your coming week. And although this is traditionally an American holiday, we are asking all of you, no matter where you live, to join in this Thanksgiving Holy-Day. I tell you truly that soon every day on your planet will be a day of Thanksgiving for all, but we invite you to begin now. Many years ago I gave to the Sananda's Eagles group what they termed `Sananda's Thanksgiving Prayer', and we have used it on many occasions since that time. For your next meditation each of you are asked to focus on this prayer, thoughtfully considering its words and, you may if you wish, add to it those ideas for which you are most grateful. You will find that this gratitude will fill your heart with great joy and that, no matter your circumstances, Peace will be anchored within you. So…here is my Prayer:




















This prayer aligns you to the Law of Attraction and the Law of Manifestation, for the Universe itself gives to you those things that bring you the greatest joy. And so it is.

I AM Sananda, and you are My Joy. Shalom

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DL Zeta: You are Multi-Dimensional, Existing Simultaneously throughout the Universe


The energies of November through year’s end open a window for exploring new spiritual identities that will carry us seamlessly into the expanded future we have envisioned over the past decade. This re-envisioning of our destiny takes place as old ways of perceiving ourselves and the world we live in erode and fall away.

Accepting All Things are Possible in the Universe

November has served as a passage to help us revisit age-old questions of “Who am I? Why am I here?” Now more than ever these questions are crucial to our movement through upcoming transition times. Who we believe ourselves to be determines everything in our lives. Our beliefs serve as gatekeepers, determining much of what we “allow” into our experience. We are being asked now to expand our beliefs to embrace the idea that all things are possible in the universe. Limitations do not truly exist. Time does not really exist. These are just human constructs that help the conscious mind manage and process reality. These constructs are meant to serve as tools for navigating consciousness, not as self-imposed prisons that greatly limit our potentials.

You are a Vast, Multi-Dimensional Being

As we allow ourselves to move deeper into the energies of the new time, we encounter expanded timelines where each person holds a deeper awareness of their spiritual identity. As part of this deeper awareness, each of us will come to perceive our multi-dimensional nature. During this time, we will have dreams, experiences and visions that prove to us beyond a shadow of doubt that we are much more than the limited physical beings we’re able to perceive with our physical senses.

You Exist Simultaneously throughout the Universe

Because time and other limitations don’t really exist, souls are able to incarnate simultaneously into numerous timeframes and dimensions. As we move further into the awakening process, we gain awareness of other aspects of our selves simultaneously existing throughout the universe. Some of these aspects are incarnated into physical reality in other timeframes – both past and future – and some aspects reside in other locations in the universe serving as soul guides, spirit helpers and originators of new realities. As we accept that our other aspects exist, we develop the potential for communication and sharing with these aspects.

We Are Not Limited to the Confines of our Conscious Mind

An unenlightened conscious mind likes to think of itself as separate, autonomous, and authoritarian. The other side of the coin is that it can feel also feel isolated, alone and overwhelmed by questions and experiences it is unable to understand. When our conscious self expands its identity to include these other aspects, it is able to begin communicating with them, sharing information, talents, skills and wisdom. In this unified state, we are able to burn through the perception that we are small and alone and limited to the confines of our conscious mind. The acceptance that we are “many” allows us to adopt the spiritual identity of a vast, multi-dimensional being empowered by an atmosphere of love, cooperation and mutual assistance with our other “selves.”

An Expanded Spiritual Identity is an Ascension Milestone

A major milestone on the road to ascension is awakening to an expanded, multi-dimensional identity. When we accept that we’re vast, empowered beings, we are able to recognize others who are still struggling in silence and isolation. When we find inner unification, we naturally want to serve and assist those who are ready to step free of the condition of separation.

It’s impossible to experience true oneness with others when we are still experiencing the condition of separation within ourselves. When we adopt the identity of a multi-dimensional, unified being, we are empowered to serve and assist our “selves” and all others in a spirit of love, unity, cooperation and compassion.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta http://www.celestialvision.org/timeline-and-identity-shifts-e/ For more information visit www.celestialvision.org

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Dolphin Collective ~~ Every heart is tuned differently and will be activated in these times on its own most appropriate energy ~~ Channeled by Méline Lafont on 16/11/2012

November 16, 2012 by kp40 | 3 Comments

Our lovely Ones, how marvellous it is to again have the opportunity to communicate with you in these most wonderful times! Are you also feeling this intense Love? What staggering shifts have come to pass during this eclipse of the sun, shifts of a most unusual nature, wouldn’t you agree?
Up until now, these past days between the portal of 11:11 and the solar eclipse on 13:11 have been the most important days by far for all of you. Many of you have experienced personal and collective processes, others not yet. However, for those who haven’t felt a thing in those days, we can reassure you by stating that each of you has his/her own time and portal to make the shift. Every heart is tuned differently and will be activated in these times on its own most appropriate energy. So there’s no need to worry, this month grants you an incredible amount of chances and energies to allow you to make the shift “to the bone”, so to speak.
You can surely regard this month as being intense, our lovely ones, and thanks to this intensity much will be able to shift. On a world scale the tectonic plates are moving now thoroughly; however, all will get accomplished with as little damage as possible. There is no benefit to having these tectonic shifts causing unnecessary casualties. It has always been the intention of the Light and our intention as well, to minimize the damage involved. Nevertheless, sometimes an eruption of all crammed negative energy is unavoidable for them to get vented.

There is an intense and thorough cleansing taking place on Mother Earth and She connects a lot now with the Lightgrid resulting in the fact that there are energy activations going on, on many places on Earth, involving of course enormous Light infusions. Mother Earth shines as never before, for centuries She has not radiated in this manner as She is now beginning to take on Her Lightform. This is thanks to your cooperation as well, our lovely ones and family of the Light. We thank you all most heartily for your commitment and assistance which always emerges from pure Love itself.
We especially thank you for the many Love-energies and the many Lightbeams which we have amply received in our oceans. Many hearts have chosen to assist us in all circumstances and for those souls and for all of you in general, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude. Gradually our oceans take on their more natural pure state, resembling the beauty of a pearl. A lot of work and many purifications are still ongoing but the end of this cleansing is now in sight.
Your beloved oceans, our cherished home on this Earth, are transmuting lots of energies of your planet and of your collective thought patterns. Water is par excellence the most appropriate element to accomplish just that. All that comes into contact with this powerful, but wonderful element water, is quickly affected by it. Water always brings change and therefore transmutation.
The oceans, our favourite Home on Earth, are still close to our heart. After countless incarnations in our dolphin embodiments we are really getting used to living in your oceans and we are overjoyed to see that the transformation of your oceans has a positive effect not only on the planet GAIA but also on Her children and their enlightenment.
We, from the Dolphin Collective, wish to share 1 important aspect with all of you with regards to the remaining days of this month of November. Due to the fact that even more similar shifts as well as energetic changes will come to pass we strongly advise you to ground yourselves as much as possible in these days. Doing so will bring you to your inner self and will restore balance which is necessary.
Our oceans and the water are at your disposal to make good use of not only to lift you up out of the chaotic circumstances but also to give you a feeling of refreshment and to ground you thoroughly. Jump into the ocean whenever you have the opportunity and swim with us; you are all most welcome, our lovely ones. We love you all so immensely and we so long to greet the precious hearts of all of you in the NOW. Get to know us as we really are, from our Heart. When our love touches your hearts and comes in, you will never be the same again, for we give you all genuine and benign unconditional Love which will remain in your hearts forevermore.
In Love and friendship we send you our energy and enlightenment from the bottom of our Hearts.
The Dolphin Collective. Talk to you soon, our lovely ones!
Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.be for Blogger andhttp://pleiadedolphininfos.wordpress.com/ as Homepage

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Opportunity of the 11/11 Gateway

- Recent Energies in Perspective -

Latest article from Selacia

If you feel a bit dizzy from the plethora of recent events, you are not alone. The pace of chaos indeed has quickened, impacting you and everyone you know. Even if you knew that this wild cycle was coming, you probably wonder when things will settle down and become manageable.

If you are like most people, you feel like you are moving on a very fast train, unable to process all that you are seeing and experiencing. Some days, as you cope with feelings of overwhelm, you may wonder how you can slow things down, or at least have a better understanding of what's going on.

Questions are helpful, especially now. Your wise inner self and spiritual guidance team are now working overtime to help you stay awake, nudging you with thoughts that can catalyze all sorts of questions about reality. Pay attention to your thoughts, then, and keep asking questions.

Not Your Ordinary Year

The part of you asking for understanding has a particular interest in remembering why you are alive now. This is not your ordinary year or your ordinary year-end. You as a spiritual being had a specific purpose for being on the planet during these pivotal moments, when you could be a conscious and integral force in birthing a new reality.

These auspicious moments have been unfolding for thousands of years, and the time has arrived. If your future self - understanding what is at stake now - had set an alarm clock to start going off with increasingly loud beeping in the last days of 2012, that clock certainly would be beeping like crazy now!

We are now moving into the future our ancient wisdom keepers foretold. We step into our collective future, regardless of whether we are conscious of the opportunities and what is at stake. Knowing this, let's do what we can to remain awake and help others to awaken.

In the next several weeks as 2012 draws to a close, it's vital that you do your best to be present and watchful of what shows up in your life. Pay close attention to dreams and to repetitive messages inside your head that are spirit's way of showing you what's important for you personally.

11/11 and 12/21 Gateways

We have two major energy gateways coming up before year-end - 11/11 and 12/21. At each gateway, you can connect with spiritual energy transmissions that are quantum and vast, helping you to shift into the higher frequencies of ascension and to hold your energy there more of the time.

The 11/11 energy gateway is always a powerful spiritual catalyst, but this year the benefits are magnified. That's because it occurs during the last days of 2012, a year that marks completion of a very long evolutionary cycle. It is also significant because of its potential to help prepare you energetically for the 12/21 Solstice.

On a spiritual level, of course, you are already prepared for what comes next. It is your human self, long conditioned by fear, which needs preparation. You therefore benefit from regular reminders of what's truly important, and assistance with keeping your energy above the octaves of fear and stabilizing in the higher frequencies of love. Given the chaotic state of the world today, this is no small task, even for the most advanced spiritual practitioners.

Our Process of Emergence

We are now in a powerful process of emergence and remembering what we have been born to be and do. Each experience we have can become part of the catalyst we need to evolve out of our old stories and patterns - and into our true nature, which is divine.

When we consider the enormity of our task to shift this planet into light, it can feel overwhelming. In fact, though, this response is from our linear mind, the part of us that does not grasp the interconnectedness of all things and the power of people coming together with intention to create a loving world.

Let's choose the non-linear view today as we contemplate what needs changing and how we go about changing ourselves. We are vast, multidimensional beings, capable of miracles and achievements that will fill future history books!

How can we lose hope in our ability to change this planet when we are the revolution, each one of us? That's why we are here now.

Tools to Help You Succeed

Here are some things to help you succeed with your higher purpose in the final days of this year.

Confront your doubts as they arise. When you question how you will cope with the present and what's coming next in 2012, remember that you are not the same person who asked that question a year ago. Your energy has shifted even beyond your detection since then, resourcing you in brand-new ways. Keep this in mind as you question your capabilities.

Make each day count. Avoid the tendency to fantasize about the future or review the past. Three ways to make today count: be kind, be present, and be mindful of what today means in the larger picture. Example: today you have about six weeks before the 12/21 Solstice, a spiritual marker in humanity's evolution of consciousness. Remember this as you are faced with challenges, focusing your mind on the bigger picture. Use your time and energy wisely.

Update your view of what's possible. You are shifting regularly, and so are others around you. Do not discount how much is occurring, even if things appear to remain the same. Much indeed is happening beneath the surface viewed with conventional eyes. Your own shifts in awareness can come seemingly overnight, as you process insights in your dream state and have a new view of something that you could not grasp before. It's vital that you keep your energy up-to-date, especially now. Regularly revise your world view, too, reflecting with your more aware consciousness. Example: as you have spiritual openings during energy gateways like 11/11, intentionally update your world view. Remember that as your consciousness shifts, you see the world with new eyes. Invite your more aware eyes to show you how to interpret life day-by-day.

Come back to the simple and natural ways of your wise ancestors. The sages from past cycles understood how to be in harmony with nature and how to gain wisdom by listening to their own bodies and other life forms. They respected the cycles of the Earth, and they knew that most problems had simple solutions that could be accessed with a higher consciousness.

Track your own resistance and inner fight with what is. By becoming mindful of how you resist circumstances, you move back into the driver's seat as an empowered divine changemaker. Only you can change the channel of negative self-talk inside your own head. Only you can consciously choose to let go in the moment, allowing the universe to orchestrate the next steps in your highest good. Only you can say 'yes' to moving forward. A single 'yes' coming from enlightened awareness can change everything.

Copyright 2012 by Selacia -
http://Selacia.com, http://EarthsPivotalYears.com

(Note: for more information about your role as a divine changemaker, please visit http://selacia.com/divine-changemakers.php. To be with us for the 11/11 ascension and 12/21 Solstice global meditation events, please register here. Additional insights about these unique times are found in Earth's Pivotal Years, your must-have book for living now. You are most welcome to publish these articles on your website, blog, and social media - as long as you provide the source - Selacia - http://www.Selacia.com, http://EarthsPivotalYears.com. Thank you for sharing these articles and for your connection and feedback over the years. May light shine on you and your path!)

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