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12th February 2015

By Sayer Ji

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

So ancient a love affair exists between humans and saffron, that it can no longer reproduce without our help. Could its antidepressant and health-promoting properties be an example of saffron ‘returning the favor’?

“Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.” ~ Luther Burbank

A alluring clue to how ancient the love affair between our species and saffron goes is that the plant known in Latin as Crocos sativus cannot reproduce without human assistance. Sterile, incapable of producing viable seeds, its bulb-like, starch-storing organ (clustered in what are known as corms), must painstakingly dug up, broken into individual bulbs, and replanted by hand.

As we discussed in a previous article about this truly magical flower, “50,000 year-old depictions of prehistoric places in northwest Iran contained saffron-based pigments, indicating the human relationship with saffron is as old as time itself.”

What would have inspired this relationship? What would have compelled ancient farmers and herbalists to perpetuate, unbroken, this plant’s life cycle for thousands of generations? Is this an example of co-evolutionary interdependence?

Still today, it takes a Herculean effort to produce enough saffron to meet the global demand, that is barely met. One hundred and fifty hand-picked flowers still yields just 1,000 mg (0.035 oz) of dry saffron threads, and costs approximately $1,000 U.S. dollars a pound on the global market; there is no questioning that our motivation to engage saffron as a primary plant ally is as powerful today as it was a thousand years ago.

There must be more to the human desire to produce and acquire saffron than its culinary role as a seasoning alone. Perhaps saffron possesses powerful medicinal and or psychoactive properties, capable of alleviating human suffering and/or brightening the human condition, that we are only now beginning to rediscover through the optic of modern scientific research….

Saffron: Plenty of Evidence for Appreciating Its Role as a Medicine Botanical

Indeed, our ongoing research indexing project at Greenmedinfo.com reveals saffron has over 40 therapeutic applications in medicine, preventing and/or treating conditions such as erectile dysfunction, macular degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease, and even clinically diagnosed depression.

Notably, many of the conditions saffron seems to ameliorate are psychiatric, that is, address imbalances in the human psyche, soul.

“Flowers… are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities of the world.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Flowers embody something truly wondrous about the design of the universe. They are what I would call an example of the universe’s intrinsic superfluity (definition: “an unnecessarily or excessively large amount or number of something”), embodying a seemingly unnecessary excess of beauty. Flowers remind us that the fabric of reality is comprised of more than just atoms.  There is poetry, abundance, and aesthetic inspiration built into the structure of things, as long as we have the eyes and sense to perceive it.

After all, reproduction – especially as described mechanically by modern biological science – doesn’t need erotic engagement, scent, the simultaneity of touch, ecstasy, and all the synesthetic experiences associated with the first-hand experience of love-making; nor did Nature need color, scent, and the visually enchanting qualities of flowers for plants to fulfill their role in producing the next generation.

Saffron, I believe, is a perfect example of the ‘benevolent excess,’ as well as intelligence and compassion, built into the relationships between diverse species on this planet. When come to appreciate the divine order of things inscribed within the web of life, and the way in which species have spent hundreds of millions of years depending upon, appreciating, and supporting one another, clearly saffron’s unique properties to ameliorate physical and psycho-spiritual suffering in humans should not be that surprising.

For additional evidence that plants express a type of compassion towards the human species, read my article: Turmeric’s Healing Power: A Physical Manifestation of Compassion?

Why We Need Flowers

A 2005 human study performed at Rutgers University in NJ, titled “An Environmental Approach to Positive Emotions: Flower“, revealed that all study subjects responded positively in behavior and emotion to receiving flowers. As summarized by HortiDaily, the 10-week study revealed:

  • Flowers have an immediate impact on happiness. All study participants expressed “true” or “excited” smiles upon receiving flowers, demonstrating extraordinary delight and gratitude. This reaction was universal, occurring in all age groups.
  • Flowers have a long-term positive effect on moods. Specifically, study participants reported feeling less depressed, anxious and agitated after receiving flowers, and demonstrated a higher sense of enjoyment and life satisfaction. 

The paper itself provides an interesting co-evolutionary explanation for why flowers have such a powerful mood-enhancing effect:

“Our hypothesis is that cultivated flowers fit into an emotional niche – their sensory properties elicit human positive emotions. The flowering plants are thereby rewarding to humans and in return, the cultivated flowers receive propagation that  only humans can provide. Demonstration of such a phenomenon fills several gaps in the literature. It supports the basic significance of emotion for survival. As a corollary it supports the adaptive function of positive as well as negative emotion. Finally it opens an area of investigation into the psychological relationships between humans and other species through their sensory properties that have been relatively neglected.”

The paper also draws an interesting parallel between flower-human and flower-dog co-evolution:

“We hypothesize that as flowers moved into the new niche created by agriculture there was an increase in variation and the more pleasing and attracting flowers were allowed to remain. At some point humans might have moved from merely tolerating these weedy species to actively saving and sowing the seeds. It has not escaped our attention that the scenario we present for the evolution of flowers is very much like the scenario that Budiansky (1994) presents for the evolution of dogs. Flowers may be the plant equivalent of companion animals.  [emphasis added]

The Evidence For Saffron As An Antidepressnt Drug Alternative

So, what is the evidence to support the notion that flowers, and saffron, elevates the human spirit, contributes to happiness and well-being?

There is a rather extensive body of human clinical literature on its role in treating depression, with a recent meta-analysis of the literature concluding: “Findings from clinical trials conducted to date indicate that saffron supplementation can improve symptoms of depression in adults with MDD [Major Depressive Disorder]“[1]

Also, a study reported about on Life Extension reveals that saffron is as at least as effective as the blockbuster pharmaceutical drug Prozac for treating mild to moderate depression:

At the close of the 6-week, double-blind, randomized trial, saffron was found to be as effective as Prozac® in the treatment of mild to moderate depression. There were no significant differences in unwanted reactions.

How Can A Flower Can Do This?

I believe that saffron’s power to lift the human spirit may demonstrate the intelligent design woven into the co-evolutionary relationship between certain interdependent species. After all, mammals and angiosperms (the flowering plants) which comprise about 250,000 species and include most of the plants that provide the modern world its diet, co-evolved for at least 200 million years together, eventually rising to become dominant life forms on this planet. In other words, we are designed to need one another, and in one another’s absence, something goes missing — a piece of ourselves, our psyche, without which we can not be whole, healthy and holy [all 3 words share the same etymological root].

Regardless of the exact mechanical explanation operative between saffron and human physiology, we now have the optic of modern experimental and clinical research to confirm that ancient plant medicines like saffron are effective at alleviating suffering. Considering that saffron is a culinary herb, safely used the world over, and can be used as a spice in everyday cooking, it would best to incorporate it not as heroic herbal intervention long after depression has established itself as a diagnosed disorder, but beforehand as a preventive to enjoy and appreciate in meals lovingly prepared and shared.

Article References:

[1] Heather Ann Hausenblas, Debbie Saha, Pamela Jean Dubyak, Stephen Douglas Anton. Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) and major depressive disorder: a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. J Integr Med. 2013 Nov ;11(6):377-83. PMID: 24299602

Further articles by Sayer Ji:

About the author:

Sayer Ji1 Lime Juice Could Save 100s of Thousands of Lives Each Year

Sayer Ji is an author, educator, Steering Committee Member of the Global GMO-Free Coalition (GGFC), advisory board member of the National Health Federation, and the founder of GreenMedInfo.com – an open access, evidence-based resource supporting natural and integrative modalities. His writings have been published and referenced widely in print and online, including Truthout, Mercola.com, The Journal of Gluten Sensitivity, New York Times and The Well Being Journal.

In 1995 Sayer received a BA degree in Philosophy from Rutgers University, where he studied under the American philosopher Dr. Bruce W. Wilshire, with a focus on the philosophy of science. In 1996, following residency at the Zen Mountain Monastery in upstate New York, he embarked on a 5 year journey of service as a counsellor-teacher and wilderness therapy specialist for various organizations that serve underprivileged and/or adjudicated populations. Since 2003, Sayer has served as a patient advocate and an educator and consultant for the natural health and wellness field.

Visit GreenMedInfo online and on Facebook, or sign up for GreenMedInfo’s e-Newsletter.


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2nd February 2015

By Wes Annac

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Effort is always required for the seeker who wants to attain enlightenment, but things get easier after we work hard for so long. If we want to achieve anything, we have to show some incentive and refuse to give up when things don’t seem to go our way, and as long as we stay dedicated, we’ll be rewarded for our dedication.

As seekers of enlightenment, our reward comes in the form of a greater perception, which we’ll have justly earned by the time we receive it. Although enlightenment cannot be forced, some effort is necessary particularly in the beginning of our quest for enlightenment, but the harder we work (and the more dedicated we are) the easier things will get over time.

Some of us try our best and make as much of an effort as we can, and yet, we still don’t seem to experience the fruits of our work. When this happens, the best thing we can do is detach, perhaps meditate, and evaluate where we’re at along the enlightenment path.

If we do, we might find that we still have some work to do before we can reach the flowing, spiritually vibrant state of mind we want. We might also find that while we’ve worked hard, there have been times when we didn’t embrace our path or do the work that’s required to reach the flowing state of mind that makes everything easier.

Dedication is as important as anything else when it comes to enlightenment, and we’ll want to stay consistent if our goal is to enlighten ourselves. Together with dedication, consistency will enable us to continuously practice the things that help us raise our vibration, and these two qualities will always be important for anyone who wants enlightenment.

Thought leader, the late Paramahansa Ramakrishna tells us that initial struggle is inevitable, but it gets easier in the long run:

“Always keep your mind on God. In the beginning you must struggle a little; later on you will enjoy your pension.” (1) “[We] must be up and doing in the beginning. After that one need not work hard.” (2)

He also tells us that power is only given to those who have done the work, and proven they can use it properly:

“[God] does not give one more power if the little that is given is not properly used. This is why individual effort and perseverance are necessary… Don’t you see, everyone has to make some effort, however small, before he gets God’s grace. When one does so, the experiences due to be undergone in ten lives will come to fruition in one, and man will attain to spiritual realization immediately. But one has to make some effort.” (3)

Whether you prefer the word “God”, or Source, or another is unimportant. Commitment, dedication and consistency are important to the enlightenment path because we can’t receive greater power and insight that we aren’t ready or willing to properly integrate and use in our lives.

If we distract ourselves with things we know don’t serve our evolution, we misuse any opportunities for greater creative or spiritual growth Source could otherwise bestow onto us. It isn’t given to us just because we ask for it – we have to seek it, and earn it. We have to be ready to accept greater perceptual power. While Source/God loves all of its creation, it doesn’t just give the power of enlightenment away to anyone. It is there for all of us to access, and we’ll all eventually receive it when we’re ready, but we have to prove we can handle it before we can receive it.

According to Ramana Maharishi:

“None succeeds without effort and the successful few owe their victory to perseverance.” (4) “Effort is necessary. In fact effort is itself yoga.” (5)

He also tells us how complicated true silence and stillness can be. With repeated practice, he tells us we’ll get used to quieting the mind and looking within:

“Everybody, every book says ‘Be quiet or still.’ But it is not easy. That is why all this effort is necessary. Even if you find one who has at once achieved the mouna (silence) or supreme state indicated, you may take it that the effort necessary has already been completed in a previous life. Such effortless and choiceless awareness is reached only after deliberate meditation.” (6)

“By repeated practice one can become accustomed to turning inwards and finding the Self. One must always and constantly make an effort, until one has permanently realized. Once the effort ceases, the state becomes natural and the Supreme takes possession of the person with an unbroken current.” (7)

Even though “God and the guru” can help to guide the way, he tells us, we have to walk our own path, however unique or challenging it is:

“God and the Guru will only show the way to release; they will not by themselves take the soul to the state of release… Each one should by his own effort pursue the path shown by God or Guru and gain release. One can know oneself only with one’s own eye of knowledge, and not with somebody else’s. Does he who is Rama require the help of a mirror to know that he is Rama?” (8)

We can only utilize so much external assistance before it becomes unnecessary, and at a certain point, we’ll have to get used to continuously looking within for a greater perception. There’s a lot of helpful advice from Maharishi and various other spiritual teachers that’s worth our attention, but again, we can only take in so much of it before it becomes necessary to find our own path. There’s nothing wrong with disagreeing with the advice various teachers have given, for example, because it’s only advice that’s based on their experiences with enlightenment. Some teachers claim to be embodiments of Source him/herself! But their perspective is theirs entirely and it doesn’t have to reflect or influence our path.

I think we can employ a healthy balance between utilizing external guidance and looking within for directions back home, and no matter what we hear or read, we’ll always want to be discerning. We’ll want to question things without letting our mind influence us too heavily, and we can be discerning with a calm, quieted mind.

All discernment really is, is the ability and willingness to decide if something resonates with us. If it does, great! If not, oh well – we have everything we could ever need within and we don’t have to integrate advice that seems misaligned. In fact, we disempower ourselves if we take advice that doesn’t ‘feel’ right, regardless of the source, and this is partly why so many teachers encourage us to chart our own path.

The path we chart will require as much effort as any other, and it’ll also require self-empowerment and the willingness not to give up, no matter what. We know by this point that we’re spiritual beings who are capable of achieving infinity, and as long as we stay dedicated and continue to make an effort, the spirit will eventually flow through us with ease.

Then our real work – internal and external – can begin.


  1. Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 210.
  2. Ibid., 112.
  3. Swami Saradananda. Sri Ramakrishna, the Great Master. Madras, Sri Ramakrishna Math, 2 vols, 1979-83, I, 94.
  4. S.S. Cohen, Guru Ramana. Memories and Notes. 6th edition. Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasramam, 1993, 59.
  5. Ibid., 72.
  6. Sri Ramana Maharshi, Gems from Bhagavan. Comp. A. Devaraja Mudaliar. Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasramam, 1985, Chapter 8.
  7. Paul Brunton and Munagala Venkataramaiah. Conscious Immortality. Conversations with Sri Ramana Maharshi. Rev. ed. 1996, n.p.
  8. Anon., Who Am I? The Teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. Sarasota, FL: Ramana Publications, 1990, 19.

Previous article by Wes:

About the author:

Wes Annac

Wes Annac is a twenty-one year old writer, musician and blogger, and creator of the Culture of Awareness daily news site. Wes’ intention is to use writing, music and meditation to help raise the planetary vibration, and disseminates material from his blog that raises real cultural awareness – from the fall of the planetary elite to the new paradigm of unity and spirituality. You can connect with Wes at:

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27th January 2015

By Joshua Eagle

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

The sun is the supreme giver of all life and the greatest source of energy existing in our solar system. Just as water is the source of all life, the Sun is the source of all water. For it is not until the hydrogen radiating from the sun merges with the oxygen of the Earth’s atmosphere that water (H20) can be created.

The receiving of sunlight not only works to stimulate the brain, but is also held as one of the 5 essential elements in both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic Medicine. The sun which delivers a masculine energy to our mother Earth, is also responsible for stimulating our bodies to produce the essential brain antioxidant Vitamin D, typically referred to as “the master hormone”.

Our bodies naturally produce Vitamin D when the sun’s UVB light reacts with the cholesterol in our skin and Vitamin D can then be absorbed directly into our bloodstream. Studies on Vitamin D show its powers to enhance our brain by enhancing information processing speed, reducing memory loss and helping to prevent various neurodegenerative diseases. Yet the sun provides much more to our brains than just Vitamin D.

By exposing different parts of our bodies to sunlight, we trigger different biological DNA reactions and activations in our bodies. For example, exposing the male reproductive area to the sun is shown to multiply testosterone hormone levels in men by up to 300%. Likewise, exposing areas of our face and head to sunlight stimulates our brains pineal and hypothalamus glands to produce neurotransmitters which support overall mental functioning.

The current field of epigenetics has further discovered that by simply exposing our naked skin to sunlight, over 3,000 epigenome DNA switches are turned on or off and re-synchronized in our body in response to natural celestial frequencies being emitted by the sun. (In turn, the sun’s light unique frequencies are responsive to the communicative information it receives being emitted from the black hole at the center of our galaxy.)

The Great Deception

In the bible, it is written about a “deceiving light” or Lucifer, whom will attempt to usurp and replicate “the light of God”, but whom is incapable of doing so. This great deceiver has turned up in the form of synthetic vitamin pills for vitamin D, pharmaceuticals that claim to be able to replicate natural vitamin D, and various commercial sun-tan lotions which actually contain toxic carcinogens and other chemicals which block the UVB required for our bodies to naturally produce vitamin D.

Not only do the majority of these lotions block ultraviolet light from the sun, which is needed for both producing vitamin D and activating DNA, but the numerous toxic chemicals used in these lotions are also ingested into the body through the pores in our skin. It is estimated that 60% of what you put on your skin is in fact ingested into your body and bloodstream through your pores. Being that a person using sunscreen is further adding to this absorption by heating themselves up in the sun and causing their pores to open further, one is essentially baking themselves in toxic chemicals by using most commercial sunscreens.

Enhancing Ultra Violet Light Absorption

While the sun is a major provider of life and health, certain modern technologies will counteract the healing effects of the sun, and can reverse them from healthful to harmful. For instance, the healthy UVB rays of the sun cannot penetrate glass and sunlight transmitted through glass onto the skin will promote burning rather than health. As well, the Vitamin D our bodies produce as a result of sunlight is maintained in our body’s natural oils. Therefore technically, using soap within a 24-48 hour period after receiving sunlight can wash away these vitamin D containing oils and prevent the Vitamin D from being absorbed into our bloodstreams.

To protect yourself from sun over-exposure, I recommend consuming antioxidant rich foods prior to sun exposure such as green tea, berries, cacao beans and other antioxidant rich organic fruits, vegetables and herbs. If you have circumstances which require you to spend unusually long hours in the sun, or you burn easily, consider using a protective hat or seek out a natural organic sunscreen lotion; much safer alternatives to standard commercial sunscreens. Don’t run from the sun, embrace it and activate a higher frequency of intelligence throughout your DNA today.

For more tips on activating your DNA and ascending your health naturally, please check out my new book Mind Nutrition.


Previous articles by Joshua Eagle:

About the author:

Joshua Eagle The Golden Age Paradigm of AbundanceJoshua Eagle is a Holistic Health Coach specializing in immune system revitalization, detoxification, weight loss, mind ascension and longevity. After a decade of studying health through various modalities he received formal training from the Institute for Intergrative Nutrition as well as The Body Mind Institutewhere he studied under various Naturopaths, Nutritionists and healers of various holistic health systems.

He is also the author of the book Mind Nutrition: Timeless Secrets to Enhance Your Brain Daily, a guide to timeless natural health strategies, foods, herbs and exercises for improving one’s mind on a physical, emotional and energetic level.

Connect with Joshua at:  JoshuaEagle.com • Bloominati.com • Facebook.com/JoshuaEagleHealth


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Aquarius: Building Your Cosmic Bank AccountWednesday January 21, 2015After bearing the hefty weight of Capricorn for the past month, we welcome the levity of Aquarius this week like a breath of fresh air. Aquarius is an air sign; however, among the air signs, it is the one that astrologers refer to as “fixed,” meaning that it is associated with stability, inflexibility, and the ability to hold a course. This means that people born under the sign of Aquarius are intellectual, quick-thinking, strong, giving, and stubborn—all at the same time.As the forward thinkers of the universe, Aquarians can see the end result of what they are doing before the work has even begun. They are true visionaries, with big ideas for themselves and for the world. Many Aquarians find themselves working for large-scale humanitarian projects, and even if they don’t work in this sector, they at the very least respect and are inspired by these efforts.For all of us, Aquarius is a time of expansion; this is the month we can move forward with projects and relationships that we perhaps put on hold in the month of Capricorn. Because Aquarius is the water bearer, the server of the zodiac, Aquarians are usually people with open minds and open hearts, making this month’s energy one of service and expansion. This means that now is a perfect time for all of us to put ourselves more in balance with nature and with others. It is great time to think outside the box and expand our spheres of influence—a time to reach out, not a time to sit back and rest on our laurels.Some of us may say, “But I'm happy and comfortable where I am right now. I wake up and I do x, y, and z. I’ve gotten myself into a good space; now let me just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. I don’t really need to volunteer or go outside of myself and my routine. I’m actually doing pretty well over here.”That’s all well and good, but the fact is that there will come a time in our life—because there comes a time in every person’s life—when we will need to draw from our “spiritual bank account.” What is a spiritual bank account? Quite simply, just as we have a physical bank account with monetary deposits and withdrawals, each of us also has a personal cosmic bank account, which we build as we give and transform ourselves and diminish as we receive.If we make it our primary objective to grow our spiritual bank account through our positive words and actions of kindness and through our efforts to go beyond ourselves, then down the line when we need to make a withdrawal for ourselves or on behalf of someone else, we will be able to do so.The Rav always used to quote Sir Isaac Newton’s third law of motion that states: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.What this means is that how we behave and extend ourselves for others in this universe is how the universe behaves with us.Each of us has two aspects of the self: the aspect that resides in this physical world, the world that the kabbalists call Malchut; and the spiritual aspect that resides in the Upper World.The awakening for growth and expansion needs to come from Below, from our effort in this world. If we don’t do anything down here, if we are content to simply stay in the same place and think only of our comfort, then our soul will have a harder time channeling blessings and potential to us. On the other hand, when we look for opportunities to extend ourselves on behalf of others and to be a force of kindness, when we get moving and do the things that are hard for us, then our soul can begin to manifest its potential in this world.Have a great month and don’t forget to check your spiritual bank account balance once in a while. Each of us, no matter how good or spiritual or righteous we are, needs the Creator to keep us in the positive.Find Karenon FacebookFollow Karenon Twitter
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2015 Was Birthed In A Star Burst of Lightby Patricia Cota-RoblesJanuary 8, 2015www.eraofpeace.orgBeloved Mother Mary is an exponent of the Feminine Aspect of our Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, All That Is. She represents the Divine Mother Principle on Earth, and she has accepted the responsibility of holding the Immaculate Concept, which is the Divine Blueprint for the Ascension in the Light of every single person on Earth. In order to assist us with the critically important and unprecedented process of transforming our Earthly Bodies and the Body of Mother Earth into Crystalline Solar Light Bodies of Vibrant Health, Eternal Youth, and Radiant Beauty, Mother Mary has given us a Life-transforming invocation.During the December 20-21, 2014, New Moon Solstice, Mother Mary joined with the Feminine Aspects of Deity throughout Infinity and our Mother God to anchor on Earth NEW and higher frequencies of the Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Aspects of Deity than Humanity has ever been capable of receiving. This Light was absorbed by the I AM Presence of Awakening Humanity and secured into Earth’s Crystal Grid System through the Heart Flames and Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras of willing Lightworkers.Now Mother Mary is making this unfathomable Light available to every man, woman, and child in Earth through the sacred invocation that she refers to as The Rosary for an Ascending Humanity.This sacred Rosary is designed to recalibrate Humanity’s DNA structures into higher 5th-Dimensional frequencies of our Father-Mother God’s Crystalline Solar Light than we have ever experienced.Scientists used to believe that our DNA was stationary and stagnant. We now know that our DNA is a shimmering, waveform configuration that is moment by moment being modified by Light, solar radiation, magnetic fields, sonic impulses, thoughtforms, and emotions. When Humanity’s I AM Presences join together to collectively imprint the genetic codes for the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity onto our DNA through our 5th-Dimensional Twelve Solar Chakra System, these patterns ignite every cell in our bodies and lift us into alignment with our Crystalline Solar Light Bodies. This Crystalline perfection is then secured in the nucleus of every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth. Once this is accomplished, our transformation will take place in what will be perceived as “the twinkling of an eye.”Humanity’s Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras and the corresponding Solar Meridians that radiate through our newly activated 5th-Dimensional Solar Spines are unique and radiate Light in new ways. Each of our 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras is a sphere of Light, a radiant Sun, that pulsates with all Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity simultaneously. These multi-colored, multi-faceted spheres of Light are referred to as Circles of the Sacred Twelve by the Company of Heaven.In our 5th-Dimensional Solar Spine, every Chakra reflects ALL of the Divine Qualities and Aspects of Deity ALL of the time. But, if we want to amplify one or more of the Aspects of Deity for a particular reason or in a particular situation, we simply ask our I AM Presence to increase that specific Divine Quality, and it will instantly expand through all Twelve Chakras simultaneously.Our I AM Presence always monitors the situation, and when the appropriate amount of Light has been projected through our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies, the Circle of the Sacred Twelve will return to perfect balance in each Solar Chakra.We can amplify one or more Aspects of Deity through our Twelve Solar Chakras anytime we want to, and we can do that as often as we like according to the need of the hour and our service to the Light.The Rosary for an Ascending Humanity is a Gift from Mother Mary that is designed to help each and every one of us greatly accelerate our Ascension process by assimilating and projecting into the world of form the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity. The Divine Intent of this wondrous Gift is to utilize the Light of God to seal our bodies permanently in the Immaculate Concept of Eternal Youth, Vibrant Health, and Radiant Beauty.This invocation is stated in the first person so that we will each experience this Gift of Light personally and tangibly, but know that whenever you invoke this Rosary you are simultaneously invoking the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity on behalf of every person on Earth, because we are One and there is no separation. So listen to your heart and invoke this amazing Light as often as you feel prompted to do so.And we begin…Mother Mary’s Rosary for an Ascending HumanityI AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. As One Voice, One Breath, One Heartbeat, and One Energy, Vibration, and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love I invoke the Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Aspects of Deity one by one:The 1st Solar Aspect of Deity is Sapphire Blue.This exquisite frequency of Light is now descending from the very Heart of God and entering my 5th-Dimensional Crown Chakra. The Blue Light flows down my Spinal Column and radiates through each of my Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into radiant Sapphire Blue Suns.The Divine Qualities of the 1st Solar Aspect of Deity are: God’s Will, Illumined Faith, Power, Protection, and God’s First Cause of Perfection.My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Mary’s Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:“Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb “I AM.” Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.” (Pause)The 2nd Solar Aspect of Deity is Sunshine Yellow.This Divine Light descends from the very Heart of my Father-Mother God and enters my Crown Chakra. As this Yellow Light descends down my Spinal Column, it radiates through all Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into radiant Sunshine Yellow Suns.The Divine Qualities of the 2nd Solar Aspect of Deity are: Christ Consciousness, Enlightenment, Wisdom, Illumination, Understanding, Perception, and Constancy.My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Mary’s Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:“Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb “I AM.” Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.” (Pause)The 3rd Solar Aspect of Deity is Crystalline Pink.This resplendent Pink Light flows forth from the very Heart of God and enters my Crown Chakra. As the Pink Light from the 3rd Solar Aspect of Deity descends down my Spinal Column, it radiates through all Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into blazing Pink Suns.The Divine Qualities of the 3rd Solar Aspect of Deity are: Transfiguring Divine Love, Adoration, Tolerance, Oneness, and Reverence for ALL Life.My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Mary’s Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:“Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb “I AM.” Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.” (Pause)The 4th Solar Aspect of Deity is White.This beautiful White Light flows from the very Heart of my Father-Mother God and enters my Crown Chakra. As this powerful White Light descends down my Spinal Column, it radiates through all Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into brilliant White Suns.The Divine Qualities of the 4th Solar Aspect of Deity are: The Immaculate Concept, Purity, Hope, Restoration, Resurrection, and Ascension.My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Mary’s Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:“Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb “I AM.” Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.” (Pause)The 5th Solar Aspect of Deity is Emerald Green.This Emerald Green Light descends from the Heart of my Father-Mother God and enters my Crown Chakra. As this Emerald Light flows down my Spinal Column, it radiates through all Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into resplendent Emerald Green Suns.The Divine Qualities of the 5th Solar Aspect of Deity are: Illumined Truth, Healing, Consecration, Concentration, and Inner Vision.My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Mary’s Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:“Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb “I AM.” Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.” (Pause)The 6th Solar Aspect of Deity is Ruby-Gold.The Ruby-Gold Aspect of Deity descends from the Heart of my Father-Mother God and enters my Crown Chakra. As Ruby-Gold Light flows through my Spinal Column, it pulsates into all Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into magnificent Ruby-Gold Suns.The Divine Qualities of the 6th Solar Aspect of Deity are: Divine Grace, Healing, Devotional Worship, Peace, and the Manifestation of the Christ.My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Mary’s Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:“Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb “I AM.” Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.” (Pause)The 7th Solar Aspect of Deity is Violet.This exquisite frequency of Violet Light descends from the very Heart of God and enters my 5th-Dimensional Crown Chakra. It now flows down my Spinal Column radiating through each of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming each one into a radiant Amethyst Sun.The Divine Qualities of the 7th Solar Aspect of Deity are: Mercy, Compassion, Forgiveness, Transmutation, Liberty, Justice, Freedom, Victory, and God’s Infinite Perfection.My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Mary’s Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:“Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb “I AM.” Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.” (Pause)The 8th Solar Aspect of Deity is Aquamarine.Aquamarine Light now flows from the Heart of my Father-Mother God and enters my Crown Chakra. It descends down my Spinal Column and pulsates through all Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into exquisite Aquamarine Suns.The Divine Qualities of the 8th Solar Aspect of Deity are: Clarity, Divine Perception, and Discernment.My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Mary’s Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:“Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb “I AM.” Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.” (Pause)The 9th Solar Aspect of Deity is Magenta.This Divine Light descends from the very Heart of my Father-Mother God and enters my Crown Chakra. As this Magenta Light flows down my Spinal Column, it radiates through all Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into radiant Magenta Suns.The Divine Qualities of the 9th Solar Aspect of Deity are: Harmony, Balance, Assurance, and God Confidence.My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Mary’s Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:“Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb “I AM.” Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.” (Pause)The 10th Solar Aspect of Deity is Gold.Beautiful Gold Light flows from the very Heart of my Father-Mother God and enters my Crown Chakra. As this powerful Gold Light descends down my Spinal Column, it radiates through all Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into brilliant Golden Suns.The Divine Qualities of the 10th Solar Aspect of Deity are: Eternal Peace, Prosperity, Abundance, and the God Supply of ALL Good Things.My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Mary’s Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:“Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb “I AM.” Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.” (Pause)The 11th Solar Aspect of Deity is Peach.This exquisite Peach Light now descends from the very Heart of God and enters my 5th-Dimensional Crown Chakra. It flows through my Spinal Column radiating into each of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into beautiful Peach colored Suns.The Divine Qualities of the 11th Solar Aspect of Deity are: Divine Purpose, Enthusiasm, and Joy.My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Mary’s Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:“Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb “I AM.” Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.” (Pause)The 12th Solar Aspect of Deity is Opal.The Opal Aspect of Deity descends from the Heart of my Father-Mother God and enters my Crown Chakra. As Opalescent Light flows through my Spinal Column, it pulsates into all Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into sparkling Opal Suns.The Divine Qualities of the 12th Solar Aspect of Deity are: Transformation and Transfiguration.My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Mary’s Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:“Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb “I AM.” Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.” (Pause)Each of my Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras is now pulsating with the Infinite Light and Divine Qualities associated with my Father-Mother God’s Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity. From this moment forth, my I AM Presence will perpetually bathe my Earthly Bodies and all Life evolving on this Planet with this scintillating multi-faceted, multi-colored Light from the Heart of my Father-Mother God.Now with the assistance of Beloved Mother Mary and my I AM Presence, the multi-faceted 5th-Dimensional Solar Aspects of Deity pulsating within my Chakras lift me into the full embrace of my 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies as I decree:I AM the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality, NOW made manifest and sustained by Divine Grace. (Repeat 3 times)It is done! And so it is.Beloved I AM. Beloved I AM. Beloved I AM.God Bless YOU,Patricia Cota-RoblesNew Age Study of Humanity’s Purposea 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organizationwww.eraofpeace.orgFAX: 520-751-2981Phone: 520-885-7909New Age Study of Humanity’s PurposePO Box 41883,Tucson, Arizona 85717This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.©2015 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
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Dear Dr.,Carolyn loves Christmas so much; the joy that comes forth from people, the love that is shared, the coming together of families, the Christmas lights, the memory of what Christmas is celebrating. It was in this context during the Christmas period of 2009 that she decided to ask Mother Mary some questions about that first Christmas. What really happened? Did she know she was going to be Jeshua’s mother? What was life like for her growing up as an Essene? What were her parents like? Did the wise men really come?Gradually, the questions evolved. Was it really a virgin birth? Were Jeshua and Mary Magdalene married? Did they have children and how many? And the questions began to range far and wide. Mother Mary explained who Jeshua was, who she was, and what unfolded was a glimpse of a play behind the play, so to speak; how great spiritual beings have come time and time again at critical times in human history to assist humanity along its development path.She explained who the Knights Templar were, the Cathars and their connection to the mission of Jeshua and Mary Magdalene. She explains how the mission of Jeshua and Mary Magdalene was primarily about preparing for Ascension, how the DNA of their children was critical to Ascension and how the Catholic Church sought to stamp it out – and much more.Here are some brief excerpts from her replies:...It was all so long ago when you look at it from your linear time perspective; and yet, from where I look at it, where past, present and future are, you could say, all one and all very accessible, it's like it was just yesterday and so I can easily view the records and my memory because I have, where I now reside, full memory of all that I've ever been in every lifetime back to the moment of the creation of my soul and that is truly wondrous...Speaking of her mother, Anna:...And so, even though she was in your terms quite old at the time of Jeshua’s birth, in truth anyone who saw her would have taken her to be about 35 years of age. Quite extraordinary, you would have to agree, when she was, perhaps, close to 500 years of age. So she was a great Master; a great Master of many skills. She had studied with the Druids; she spent many, many, many years in Egypt. She spent time in the Himalayas with the likes of Babaji and others, and she studied very widely. She was a great teacher. She was in charge of the teachings at Mt Carmel, which was one of the great Essene “monasteries” is perhaps a term you might use, but she was a great Master and a great leader and greatly acknowledged by many...…The Essenes were a group who could trace their origins back to Atlantis. They were a group that had kept much of the knowledge and skills that were available in Atlantis, indeed some technologies that were available in Atlantis and were sustained. And in order to preserve some of the skills from that time, operating in this form of consciousness that has existed on the planet since The Fall in Atlantis took great discipline and training; and, no, it was not possible to retain all of the skills from Atlantis because so much in the physical body had changed, so much vibrationally had changed with The Fall…...And so there were many threads to Jeshua’s mission, one of which was this repair work and there were others, one of which you have spoken about in the “The Soul Journey of Jeshua” material which related to the role of the DNA coming forth in the children of Jeshua and Mary Magdalene and I will not cover this here, however I simply have outlined this so that those listening to this will understand that we knew who Jeshua was. We knew the origins of his soul. We knew why he was coming. We also knew that there was the risk of the crucifixion, because we could see into the future, but it was not something which was preordained, you could say. It was not something that we wished to see happen and it was not part of his mission......But there is a much broader answer to your question and that is, few yet understand the dance, you could say that has gone on upon this planet at this higher level. Few yet understand and this is the first time I believe I have mentioned this, is that I am an aspect of the one known as Alorah, that high cherubim angel, the first being created after the seraphim angels, and I am an aspect of Alorah. And aspects of Alorah have always come forth upon your planet to be the mother of those aspects of Marietta when he comes forth. It has always been so, and it will always be so; and so on that higher level I came forth as his mother in that lifetime, as I have always done.And there is that expression “as above, so below” because, with the creation of that great soul Marietta, particles of the soul of Alorah were contributed to that creation and so you could say on that level, Alorah is the mother of Marietta; and so that is a piece of the story that is not well understood. And there are aspects of Alorah that are woven throughout the history of your planet and that continues until this day. And so I well understood that I would be the mother of this one in the continuation of that tradition......What you have begun to open up here are aspects of the background to Jeshua and his mission and also of Mary Magdalene and so let us look at some of these issues. As I mentioned, Mary of Magdala, who was Mary Magdalene's mother was the daughter of that one known as Balthazar, that so-called wise man who was the king of Syria and so, needless to say, she was a woman of great means and she also chose to study the esoteric traditions in great detail and the name Magdala was attached to an esoteric training centre, you could say, not so much a temple but perhaps what you might consider a monastery and so Mary, that Mary, because of her knowledge became known as Mary of that monastic location and so that is how her name evolved; and where she was located was in an area where Joseph of Arimathea had one of his great houses, because he was a man of great wealth through both his own trading abilities where he built a business trading in ore, particularly tin and he owned much of the tin mining within Cornwall in England......There is one who is, you could say, Alorah’s partner on high who sends forth an aspect to be the father of the aspects of Marietta, of which Jeshua was one and Joseph ben Jacob was an aspect of that being; and so this is part of the untold story which is beginning to emerge. You could say there are three great beings on high who have participated together in the unfolding of so much upon your beautiful planet - Alorah and her partner and that one known as Marietta have come forth many times to be mother and father and child and there are other examples in your history that are recognised in some cases by some and in many other cases not recognised; but it is a pattern and so Jeshua was the son of myself and Joseph his father and my husband......And a key aspect of the knowledge of the Templars related to Sacred Geometry. One thing that has begun to come forth into your knowledge, into your reality at this time is the connection between Sacred Geometry and modern physics and the understanding of how Sacred Geometry is used to bring forth the expression of the physical, of matter you could say.These things are inextricably interwoven and so the Templars gathered this knowledge and they brought it forth, particularly in those wondrous buildings known as the Gothic cathedrals, which have been honoured as great Christian cathedrals and, extraordinarily, built under the nose of the Catholic Church when indeed they had an entirely different purpose; and some have begun to understand this. The key buildings created by the Templars created an Ascension path and much more knowledge about this will be brought forth in the coming times; however that was a key purpose of the Templars...Click here to order your copy.Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace.Richard PresserCosmic Connections (International) Ltd20th FloorWah Hing Commercial Building283 Lockhart RoadWanchai Hong Kong
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Right now as you read this, you know yourself to be living on a planet called Earth in a physical incarnation that you share with about 7 billion other people and over 8 billion other living species. In this solar system that we are in, we think of ourselves as being one race of human beings, sharing one planet and one reality. But do we really? 

When we examine this fact on a deeper level of awareness, we begin to realize that there are many more worlds within this one world that we envision ourselves to be living in. What is more so, is that there are numerous realities as well. And I am not even talking here about the heavy duty ideas of quantum physics, parallel Universes or multiple dimensions. I am simply talking about the fact that each one of us, being a physical individuation of source energy, is its own world and reality. This means that we have about 7 billion worlds sharing 1 planet. 


Although the idea may be simple for us to grasp and know conceptually, the depth of this idea has major implications for understanding life here on this planet. It opens up a whole new understanding when we move past the concept, and actually apply it. 

If we look at the state of the world today, 10 years ago, 100 years ago or even 1000 years ago, we see that although much has changed, one thing remains the same. We cannot seem to get on the same page of understanding when it comes to life on this planet. Why is this? Why is it so hard for us to apply concepts that should be so fundamental to increasing the quality of life for all, especially when we have the means to do so? Take the idea of peace for example. It cannot be argued that it would improve everyones lives, yet we choose not to apply peace on this planet, both personally and collectively. It can be done tomorrow worldwide if we really wanted to, but we don’t. This is just one example of what happens when worlds collide. 

We May Be One, But We Are Each Unique 


In recent years the phrase “we are all one” has gained increasing popularity. It is used by many in spiritual and non-spiritual circles alike, often indiscriminately. I used to use this phrase too, and sometimes still do, but today in a very different way. What I have noticed is that many who use this phrase, often use it in a way that strips us of our unique individuation and diminishes the purpose of our individuality. 

In my experience thus far, yes, we are all one meaning we have all come from the same source of creation, but this does not make us all the same. And although this may seem obvious to you, I feel it all too often gets lost in many spiritually oriented people who are trying to take on a conceptual “love & peace” view of the world, rather than an experiential one. We may all have the same general purpose of spiritual evolution, but our unique purpose and how we see or experience reality is very different. 

This is not meant to divide us or make us focus on our differences, rather than our similarities. Instead it is meant to acknowledge the gift of uniqueness that we each are. In allowing myself to explore this idea, I have come to grasp why so much misunderstanding, chaos and confusion exists in our world today. We are simply trying to merge everyone into the same reality. To do this however, goes against the basic law of free will. This is why people speak about love, but what the concept of love actually means to each person is so different. The same goes for similar concepts like peace, compassion, equality and so on. We each understand these concepts through our lens of reality, through our personal state of awareness and evolution to that point. 

Similarly, this message is also not meant to depress us, but rather to empower us to be more understanding of the different levels of existence and concepts shared on this planet, as to why things are the way they are. We may think we are all talking about the same things, but more often than not, we aren’t. Billions of different worlds are colliding and the final outcome is a rather disorganized state of affairs, where most have to learn through life the hard way. 

You Are Your Own World and Reality 

Artwork by Cameron Gray

And so, as many of us think that we live in one world, the truth is we do. However, this is not the world we are thinking of. The one world we live in, is our personal world. Each of us comes into this life and physical incarnation at a different level of evolution, we are then conditioned by the various cultural, religious and political influences depending on where each physical incarnation takes place. This builds various biases, beliefs and perceptions about the world as we know it. Most of us continue life at this pace, possibly with some small bursts of various awakenings that may change some of these patterns. Others, may have major awakenings and drastically shift the course of their lives, sometimes even multiple times. 

The most important thing to note here is that there really are as many worlds co-existing on this planet as there are human beings. Each one of us lives in our own world, with its own perceived reality. Embracing our unique qualities and individual paths is not a bad thing that should be seen as separating, rather than uniting us. 

In order to fully grasp the wholeness of who we are and really put the phrase “we are one” into action, rather than as just a concept, we have to embrace our own unique purpose and individuality first. Just as, in order for a seed to know itself as being part of the planet, it has to experience itself as a plant first. The same goes for us. 

When we embrace our unique individuation, purpose and level of existence, we can then begin to see how we fit into the whole. This is where I feel many people in spiritual areas have skipped a necessary step. This being, to fully embrace yourself first, before you can embrace the totality of all creation. You get to know the whole, by first getting to know the parts that make it so. Thus to understand the external world, we need to first understand the internal parts that make it up. 

Spiritual Grades of Evolution 


To best summarize what I mean by all of this, I’d like to use a simple analogy that all of us are familiar with based on the current model of education that spans from kindergarten through college. Through this analogy it is my intention to help you see and understand why our Earth is in the state that it is. And again, the state I am referring to is neither bad or good. It is simply a disorganized state, where we are not living from a state of high efficiency or coherence

To illustrate this, I want you to imagine the following scenario. You have just arrived in a brand new country that you know nothing about. As part of your tour of their culture, you are taken to visit a local school. You walk into a classroom and you notice something odd that you have never seen back in the schools of your own country. This classroom is full of kids of all ages and they are all trying to learn together. You notice some kindergarteners, a high percentage of elementary school kids, some high school kids and a handful of college kids. All of these beings are trying to learn and coexist together. The teacher is of course trying to do the best job they can by adhering most of the curriculum to the high percentage of elementary school kids, and so this leaves a lot of the kindergarten kids restless and getting into all sorts of trouble, while it leaves the college kids bored or frustrated. The older kids often try helping the younger ones understand the concepts before them, and while this works sometimes, other times it is a useless endeavor. The older kids soon realize that the younger kids can only grasp certain things at different levels of their development and there is no point in trying to teach them the same things they are learning themselves, or things they are not yet ready for. 

Okay, so let’s come back from the visualization. I am sure you have guessed it by now as to the purpose of that scenario. This is the easiest way to envision very much what is happening here on Earth. Planet Earth is like one giant classroom. It is fun, it is exciting, sometimes the lessons are easy and sometimes they are hard. But the biggest challenge in this classroom is being with kids of all ages and at all very different levels of learning. This is how I have come to see and understand planet Earth. And so we may all be one, coming from the same source, but we are all at very unique levels of our personal evolution. It is this, that poses the greatest challenges on this planet. 

Akasha by Elreviae

When we begin to see our planet from this perspective, we begin to understand why there are those of us who like the kindergarteners are only interested in fulfilling their own needs and captivated only by their own existence. Then there are all sorts of elementary school kids who are each at very different levels themselves. Some just want to play, while others actually want to learn something. Some are causing themselves all sorts of trouble, not yet understanding how this “school” works, but as they want to figure things out for themselves, as kids often do, they won’t hear from the older kids about how things can be done differently. Then there are the high school kids who are starting to see through the system and rebelling against it in all sorts of ways. They are often the activists who want to make a change, who want to be heard, who feel like they must do something. And then there are the college kids, again all at different levels of their personal mastery and specialization, who are starting to understand that the only way to change the world, is by changing yourself

If we compare life on this planet to other planets where life forms exist, what we know of so far, is that one of the biggest reasons why our planet is so unique is because it breeds such diversity. What we know about other civilizations is that they are much more aligned to being at a similar level of evolution. This naturally makes it much easier for their societies to coexist together in peace or work for a common goal. On our planet, because there are such wide variations of beings, this is very difficult to do. As you can imagine a 4th grader wants very different things than a 10th grader, or even a 7th grader! And so we have those on our planet who want to play with guns, those who have no problem killing others whether it be humans or animals, those who want to create beautiful architecture, or those who are interested in learning all they can about their existence. Also, since there is a greater predominance of elementary school kids, just as the teacher in the above example, our society is geared towards these elementary “grade levels”. And instead of “a” teacher, we have a system put in place to keep the majority under control in various ways, be it political, religious, etc. 

To make matters more complex, yet fun, we are not all at the same level or grade with respect to every area of existence. For example, a being may be at a college level when it comes to mastering personal relationships, but at an 8th grade level when it comes to living in harmony with nature. To add to this, when we speak of people having “spiritual awakenings” or experiencing “enlightenment”, this does not mean one awakening in a conclusive sort of way. We may each experience a spiritual awakening when it comes to a specific subject, or at a whole grade level, which we can equate with graduation from that grade. This would happen when we equalize all areas of existence to be at least at that level of evolution, as we proceed to the next. Even along these levels, as each child in the same grade, we too have different interests and preferences. Even when we reach the college level, we are still not done, for we are then involved in an eternal journey of specialization and further self mastery. 

This is also why we can begin to understand why sometimes something as simple as trying to have a conversation with others about topics which we may think we would all understand similarly, proves difficult. Let’s use some more examples to further understand on a practical level. Think about the topic of abortion for example, a 3rd grader will have a completely different understanding of this topic compared to a 9th grader, compared to a college kid. (Remember we are using complex human topics in the context of grade school analogies.) What peace means to a 1st grader is very different than what means peace to a 5th grader, and more importantly what each is willing to do in order to have peace. And so we can take any topic, the so called economy, politics, ethics, health or nutrition and understand why we have the misunderstandings and miscommunication we do. We may be talking about the same things, but each of our unique abilities to comprehend the vastness of each topic totally depends on our personal level of evolution. 

Ultimately, I am not sharing this so that you may try to figure out what supposed grade you or anyone else is in. That is not at all the point of this dialogue. The point is to realize that we are all at different levels of our learning, thus of our personal evolution and spiritual development. 

Concluding Thoughts

  1. Although we are currently part of a collective reality on this planet, we each construct our own reality, based on our personal perspectives, past experiences, biases and level of evolution. Our personally constructed reality is the most influential force in our lives.
  2. We are all at different stages of spiritual evolution, or in different grades. And a 3rd grader is no better or worse than a 9th grader. “Better” and “worse” are simply constructs of an unconscious ego-mind that lives in the world of duality.
  3. We each need to be tolerant of the fact that we are sharing a planet with many other beings of every level, just as kids of all ages in one classroom. The older kids need more patience with the younger kids, for we were all once there. While the younger kids can save themselves a lot of hurt and pain, if they so desire, by taking example from the older kids.
  4. In order to create most effectively, you must align yourself with those that share similar worlds to yours. This does not mean people of the same religion or same political party, but beings who choose to perceive reality and vibrate at a similar frequency to you.

In the end, I do not have a solution for you, because technically there is no problem. We simply have to recognize and understand the challenge before us, to be able to better get along with each other, and create the lives and world we most want to experience. We each came to this planet, this time and many times before, knowing this challenge very well. In fact, this is one of the reasons why we come here at all, as contrast can cause us to learn and evolve the fastest. It is why we tend to pick the families we do, religions, cultures and such. It can therefore be seen as a very positive, rather than negative thing, despite the challenges that it presents. As long as we don’t get caught up in other people’s realities, but see the bigger picture of what is going on, there is perhaps no better playground or classroom where we can have the chance to spiritually evolve at a faster rate. 

This article has been reprinted from Evolving Beings

About the Author 
Evita Ochel is a consciousness expansion teacher. Her diverse passions and expertise include being a writer, speaker, holistic nutritionist, web TV host, and author of the book Healing & Prevention Through Nutrition. Her health oriented teaching focuses on natural, whole, plant-based and organic nutrition for optimal health and longevity. Her spiritually oriented teaching focuses on consciousness expansion and heart-centered living for optimal joy and inner peace. Evita is also the creator of several online publications: Evolving BeingsEvolving WellnessEvolving Channelsand Evolving Scenes, as well as Healthytarian—a lifestyle for the well-being of the mind, body and spirit.

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This one has a video!  http://youtu.be/I9uznTD7vks

Hey Sohini,

It's been a while since my last update on Nibiru.  I've not written about it the Nibiruans informed me that Nibiru is no longer an issue for us.  Yet, there appears to a lot of fear mongering still going on; in fact, it has heated up recently.  I've been asked to share my perspective. 

A Mini Solar System

As explained in previous updates, Nibiru is not just one planet; it is a mini solar system.  How can this be?  Our sun has a twin, a brown dwarf/ dark sun that never fully ignited and thus, glows a reddish orange color.  

A brown dwarf can also have orbiting planets because due to its powerful magnetism.  The strength of its magnetic core determines the strength and reach of its magnetic field.  Though not as strong as that of our sun, Nibiru has a strong magnetic core and far reaching field.  It’s ring nodes (rings much that that of a hula hoop on which stellar bodies orbit are pretty strong with those furthest out being the weakest.

Nibiru, the planet or planets

This part is a bit off topic but I thought I’d throw it in for those eager to learn more about this mysterious planet of which many ancient civilizations spoke. 

I am told that the Nibiruans do not live on their sun; they live on several of the planets that orbit the main sun. I know this sounds strange but keep in mind that the Nibiruans are a very advanced race having long ago colonized their local planets.  I didn't understand this when I first began my work with them, that is why I said back then that Nibiru was a planet, a ship and a battle star. 

In any case, one could liken Nibiru to a small town.   The main planet, or homeworld, contains the downtown area and governing buildings.  It also has areas that we liken to communities where the majority of the people live including the royal lines. Other smaller planets hold the laboratories, medical facilities and universities.  

I am told there is one planet that is colonized by a race known for their healing abilities.  This planet is not the one that has the medical facilities, or the laboratories, but one that is more akin to a tribe of indigenous healers who work with properties of plants and minerals. 

Though most of the planets have a police force of sorts, there are also fleets of military craft that include battle stars.  The battle stars, owned by different species that make the Nibiru system their home, are part of the military that protects the planets and their inhabitants. The battle stars come in all shapes and sizes.  I've seen them in my dreams, even visiting one once in the dream state.  I recall traveling through space; we were on a way to one of the battle stars.  As we got closer I noticed that it had an outer surface comprised of thick, heavy armor of interlocking metal octagons.  One silently slid open to allow us entry!  The dream was so sequential and logical that it felt like much more than a dream. 

Okay enough rambling about Nibiru. 

So what is causing the recent increase in fear mongering?  I’ve found that it increases around the times of the summer and winter solstice.  That is when we are most likely to get a glimpse of Nibiru due to our orbital location.   

It appears we are currently in position to get a peek and this is what is causing alarm.  What most people don’t realize is that Nibiru is outbound now, therefore we are seeing her from behind. 

More Planets Coming?

Though the brown dwarf is moving on, we still have the back end of her solar system to contend with.  Nibiru’s orbiting planets, comets and asteroids will continue to make their appearances and this may go on for a few more years.  Bottom line is that we are "out of the woods" when it comes to a major pole shift, but we are not completely out of the woods in regards to the backend of Nibiru's system.  

The ring nodes of the outer stellar bodies can still cause some aggravation for us.  The main effects will be seismic and weather related changes with the seismic activity occurring mainly in the "Ring of Fire".  But, as mentioned earlier, the farther out they are from the brown dwarf, the weaker they are.

On that note, it is my understanding that our current level of seismic activity, along with the erratic movements of the Jet Stream and Polar Vortex, are due to having our magnetic field currently locked with one of Nibiru's ring nodes.  Since we are closest to the side of the sun where Nibiru's system is traveling, we are more likely to experience a "handshake" from the ring node closet to us.  Again, it is my understanding that this handshake will end near the beginning of January when we will have orbited far enough away to break the hold.

To sum it all up, we are going to be okay.  I firmly believe that there will be no pole shift.  We will still have weather related challenges and some seismic activity, but that will be the worst of it.  

Let's talk about the fear mongering for a moment.  It  is my humble opinion that the fear mongering is so easily triggered because we suffer collectively from what author, Barbara Hand Clow refers to as catastrophobia.  We carry a deep cellular memory of past catastrophes that occurred when Nibiru’s passing was cataclysmic.   It is also my opinion that the channels, bringing through messages and warnings are not necessarily receiving highly alarming news, rather that is how the news is being received due to our collective catastrophobia.  So if you are reading an alarming report, be kind to the channel as they may not be aware of this cellular trigger. 

As Barbara also states this time we will see a milder passing and so far we have.  Of course the reason is that we are spiritually awakening and clearing our emotional crap.  

As the Nibiruans, along with many other esteemed off-world groups have stated, we can have a profound impact on Nibiru’s passing, reducing the severity through continued emotional clearing.  Why? As we clear our personal emotional baggage, Mother Earth is relieved of having to do it for us.  

In closing, Nibiru not meant to bring planetary catastrophe, instead she was to prompt cataclysmic emotional and spiritual change by helping us blow ourselves out of our old dysfunctional beliefs and systems.   The fact that we have grown in consciousness, preventing the fulfillment of the old earth changes prophesies, tells me that Nibiru is successfully fulfilling her purpose and we are right on track in this ascension. 

Sending you warms hugs,
Jelaila Starr
Psychic/Intuitive Counselor
The Nibiruan Council
Email: nibiruancouncil9@gmail.com 
URL: www.NibiruanCouncil.com
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8109198468?profile=originalSt Germain: "Now is the Time for Forgiveness!"Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - October 28, 2014"Greetings, Beloved Ones! I am Saint Germain, and I am honored and absolutely de-Lighted to be here before you! This is a most sacred Gathering. And it is that we have mission and purpose together. And whether you are in the realization of this or not, this was ordained! It may seem as though this is a last minute decision on your part to be here, but let me assure you, it has been ordained."And so it is that I would like to address a part of the foundations of which we have been speaking all these years in your time. Because, in your time, there isn’t much of it left before you will be called upon to exercise your most Divine and sacred radiances of the Love you are."I am speaking of Forgiveness. You already have a lot of information about what’s really been going on. You’re going to get a lot more. And, furthermore, you are going to witness confusion, anger, desires for revenge - a lot of fear-based kinds of emotions and thoughts are going to be stirred up."Now we have said that consciousness of Planet Earth is ready for the changes and for the ultimate Ascension, first entering into the Golden Age. The Golden Age is where the dark hats are no longer. However, the news of their, shall we say, their activities will still be in evidence, at least at the very beginning."It will not be easy, even for those of you who are quite familiar with what they have been doing. I will cite as an example their treatment of many of the children of the world. That will be the hardest. And yet, in the higher realms of Light and Love, we ask that you love them - those who have perpetrated these deeds as well as, of course, the innocent ones. Again, think of the children and it is so easy to offer them Love and Compassion. It is not so easy to afford the same compassionate, loving Forgiveness to those who have hurt the children."And yet, we absolutely assure you that this Forgiveness must be Worldwide. And who is to lead the way but you, the ones who carry the Light? For that has been, for all of you here gathered, a life’s mission and purpose, time and time again. And time and time again you have witnessed various forms of behaviors and attitudes which have been very difficult to observe. And time and time again, you have striven to be in complete Forgiveness, most especially when the actions of violent thoughts, words, or deeds were directed at you, Beloved Ones! It is not so easy to be a parent, a teacher, a grandparent or someone who loves children and see a child mistreated."And so it is, that we offer that only as an example. Now, a way of assisting in this mission of Forgiveness is to start it now. We know that you all have done so in many ways, whether it be Ho’oponopono or some other thought or word or Heart-felt statement of loving Compassion and understanding. You have had many, many opportunities throughout all of your lifetimes to practice Forgiveness. And we will say this – it is to love yourself even if you, yourself might have worn a dark hat or perhaps a shade of gray in one or more of your lifetimes!"It was all for the purpose of learning. There are those who overstepped, but it was done with your permission on a level that is so difficult to understand. And, Beloved Ones, if you have difficulty understanding this, how will the people who are just waking up, how are they going to understand all of this?"And so it is that we ask you to lead the way, to share your Lights of Love, to offer Forgiveness on a grand scale, to come together in your Gatherings even, on the Higher Levels of Dimensionality. Just call this Family group back into being, this Family of Ashtar.Most of you are Ashtar commanders in ground crew, volunteer service. A few of you are angels and fairies. All of you are in service!"And so it is to come together in singular purpose and to bring Hearts of Love opened! Call in the Lights of Love. Join with the Higher Dimensions. See yourself as a wondrous Light body in a Universe full of Light and Love. And bring this forward, sharing it with all dwellers, all living beings on Planet Earth – below, on and above – so that everyone can move up and out of the fear-based situations and dramas that they’re in! And so that they receive whatever information is for them still to receive, with their own Divine Lights shining and in the true light of Love, which is the only reality!!!"Let fear be totally transformed and transmuted by this grand Light and let Forgiveness become the voice and the action, the gift to all of the Universe - Planet Earth and beyond! Gifts coming from Love - actions, words and attitudes only based in Love. This is how Planet Earth can move from the third dimension up into the Golden Age and beyond! This is how Peace on Earth can be truly the way of life for everyone!!!"Forgiveness is defined in The Course In Miracles by my Beloved Brother, Sananda as the absence of judgment. And you know the words of Yeshua, 'Judge not that ye be not judged.' Well, when there is judgment it is hard to see Divinity. It is hard to feel Divinity. It is hard even to feel forgiving, compassionate Love.And so we ask that you make this a requirement of your own Hearts. Let it start there, and let it move throughout your beings, and radiate out across the World and beyond. Let the Universe know that the bright Lights of Love, Forgiveness, Compassion and Gratitude, are shining even brighter!!!"This, Beloved Ones, is how we see you! Take a moment. Look into your own Hearts and see yourselves as we do. And know the Truth of which I speak. Give yourselves the Feedom to forgive.And you shall not only move further along your own paths of Ascension, but you shall help countless millions to do the same, to join you. And even those who will not come into the Light, know that there is a place that is absolutely perfect for them and they will go there, and you will be in The Golden Age on Planet Earth!"And so we thank you for your attendance, for your commitment, for all that you have accomplished and for all the bright Lights you have been shining, that you have been shining in this moment, and that you have yet to shine as you continue along your paths. We love you beyond all words and we thank you for being with us in this, the greatest accomplishment ever for Planet Earth! And so it is.Namaste!"http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/stg-its-time-for-forgiveness.htmlTranscription by Marta.Given through Susan Leland, October 28, 2014. www.AshtarontheRoad.com© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2014. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
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You ARE Your Divinity

Sunday, October 19, 2014

What is the number 1 reason for why we’re all on this ascension process? To integrate our source essence!  Sure, we want to feel good.  Sure we want to be in the flow where manifesting occurs with ease.  Sure we want to have relationships that area filled with openness and allowing.  The foundation for is all is living our lives through our divinity.

One the one hand, it seems so simple; but in truly doing so, it’s not so easy!  The Goddess in this teleconference assisted us in really ‘seeing’ who we are as our divinity.  She then took us step by step and we merged our divinity with our mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.  If our thoughts are only filled with love, we see love all around us.  If our emotions are based in love rather than fear, anger, distrust; then our divinity is flowing through us. 

We are as our foundation a Soul infused individual.  Allow that to be your truth, your reality.  

Question & Answer Video ›

Nama sika; venia benya I AM the one, I AM the whole

I greet you beloved family! I reach out my energies from my heart to yours. I reach out to everyone who chooses to come and spend this time together. I invite you at this time as we are beginning our communication for the evening that you take this opportunity and allow your focus to move within.

As you breathe within yourself let go of whatever may be going on around you, let go of any tension or stress. Let go and simply allow yourself to be here in this now moment.

The earth is an amazing place. The earth is filled with diversity and change. The earth has a very intrinsic balance that starts within the center of the earth and Gaia as the soul essence of the earth flows with the energy so that there is an intrinsic balance at all times.

The earth is a place of opportunity for all soul energies. Indeed, allow yourself to recognize how much is available for you in this now moment upon the earth.

So many times people become pigeonholed or it is as if they have tunnel vision as they look at their life or consider what may be going on within their life. That’s very much a part of your mental body. That’s very much a part of being human. You forget sometimes that there is even more to who you are that what you see in this now moment.

Yes, I feel such joy and such love for each one of you, because this is the path that you have chosen for this lifetime and for the evolution of your soul.

Sometimes people have a belief that you are here upon the earth to learn a lesson, if you so choose, that is your reality. Sometimes people have a belief that you are here upon the earth, just marking your time to get through life and then you move on. That is perhaps your reality. Some people have a belief that everything is preordained and it’s going to happen no matter what. You therefore take a step back and just allow yourself to bounce from experience to experience.

There is never a right or wrong answer to a belief, a belief is just that, a belief.

I do invite you to take stock of your life in this moment before we shift our focus and ask yourself some of those questions about the foundation for your life.

Take in another breath. This time, breathing all the way down into the earth. Allow yourself to link with Gaia and the elementals so that it may anchor you and then let that energy come back up within you. From there, shift as if you let your consciousness stream out from within you the human. As you do so, allow it to shift upward so that you align with the energies of your higher self.

As you look around from within this space, become aware of what it is, perhaps clear out things that are no longer working for you and is time to let it go.

From here, as if you’re energies stream out even further, as if it’s a column of light, you just follow that cord of energy that takes you right back into your divinity.

As you arrive within the soul plane have that sense of your divine essence as if standing there in front of you.

As you reach out allow yourself to merge completely with the energy of your divinity. Your I AM Presence is immense. Chances are you won’t be able to take in all of who you are, but allow yourself to merge, feeling the energies for as much as you may take in.

I the Goddess, walk in and amongst each one of you. As I do so, I reach out and embrace you, the person that you are in this lifetime and as your divinity.

As our energies merge you will find yourself shifting into the space of the All That Is. Look around. Allow yourself the perception as if you look at this for the very first time. Let go past believes, let go anything you may remember from other times in which you’ve been within this space and as if you step in allow yourself to merge with these energies.

There are always going to be influxes of energy into the earth. There will be the solar flares, the eclipses, the full moon, the equinox, Mercury goes retrograde. I have heard many of you speaking about these experiences and the fact that they seem to intensify the energy of what’s going on with you in your life.

There are times when I hear you say, “Well, if I just get past this I’ll feel better”. I may also hear you say, “Well once Mercury goes straight I’ll be fine”.

It’s important for you to begin to let go a reason for why things are happening in your life. There are also those very earthbound energies, “Something happened at work, therefore I’m feeling frustrated and angry at home”. “Something is happening or not happening at home and therefore I’m depressed or upset at work”. During this time, people may also say, “Well, it’s the solar flares that are really making me feel bad”. “It’s that full moon with the eclipse that just felt like it slammed me upside the head”.

Anytime that you have an experience such as that, where it feels as if you are battered by the energy or you are battered by life itself, or you feel very overwhelmed it is the key moment for you to open up and receive more of your divinity. The more that you are in alignment with your divinity, the greater ease you will have within your life.

There is that core of light that comes from your divinity and it is a part of you, it never goes away. At the time that you transition back into soul that core will then return into soul, taking with it the consciousness of you in this lifetime.

So it’s not about you creating an alignment to divinity, it’s more so about you expanding and allowing that flow of your divinity into your everyday life. This is one of the reasons why I always choose to work in the All That Is and that I always choose for you to have the opportunity to align with your I AM Presence.

As I speak of this, I invite you to focus for a moment as if you are going within and then perhaps feeling as if you are once more meeting your divinity for the first time. Open up the door to your consciousness and as if you are looking around receive your perception of your divinity.

I may ask you this every day of the month and every day of the month it may be different. So look around, receive your perception, for how it is right now.

I so love watching each of you as you do these various experiences; for some, it’s as if there is a big ship over you like, what is that show from the 80s the one, Star Trek, Star Wars that came up and it got bigger and bigger and bigger. Others of you it’s as if you have this big cloud over your head and still others, it’s as if it’s a human shape, it just gets bigger, bigger, bigger. There is no right or wrong. You may have something even completely different than that and you may simply sense or feel it inside of you.

Your divinity is the God source essence that is in that direct alignment with you the person that you are. Your I AM Presence has had a multitude of life experiences and that’s what created the immensity of who you are.

There are places within your divinity that have already been living in the fifth and sixth dimension. There are places within your divinity that know or that know what it’s like to live existences without a physical body and in fact that may be part of the problem; that physical body, the feeling of limitation can perhaps sometimes be frustrating for you.

So let’s begin by asking a question.

Whatever it is that seems like it’s always the overriding energy in your daily life, ask that question now and then follow it as if it’s a thread that’s going out to a place within your divinity.

You may not hear the answer, you may not know anything but allow that alignment to be placed and then let that flow of energy move down through you. It moves through your consciousness and let it go down into your physical body.

Ok. Something I’m hearing from many, many of you; “Why is my mental body so stubborn? Why can’t I let things go? Why do they keep percolating going around and around and around? Why?”, and I see each one of you going into that place within your divinity but so too this is something that I will speak of from the collective consciousness.

The mental body is the foundation for the ego, which is the foundation for being human. So too having emotions and the physical reality are very much a part of the uniqueness that is humanity.

Your mental body is actually quite powerful and one of the most essential energies for making you human. So many of you are very old souls, perhaps for that you’ve been upon the earth for quite some time and that very focus, intelligent, someone might say, rigid mental body is what you create as a means of grounding you in this lifetime.

I hear you. So many of you say, “Enough, don’t need that anymore, I can ground myself now”. So let’s bring in some relaxation and I agree 100%. Here you are, not only are you a part of your divinity, but it’s as if you are looking within at all of the energies of your divinity. So if your mental body seems to keep you in a pathway that’s no longer serving you and if there are things within it that you would like to release then allow your I AM Presence to just wash through and merge with your mental body right now.

Many, many of you; I see this merging take place and it’s like this beautiful, warm pinks, blues, greens, just moving through and balancing and calming the mental body. There are others of you; it’s as if your thoughts then are becoming even more rigid saying; “No, no, no, don´t come in here, they are not welcome”. So, through your consciousness, through your thoughts, I invite you to once more remind your mental body that you are choosing to allow your divinity to move in through you and into your thoughts and into your beliefs.

With this second way in which I spoke about this, I can see that everyone had a much greater relaxation of the thoughts taking place. It may be that you need to create this alignment every single day, multiple times during the day but your divinity blending and merging with your thoughts will shift any rigid stance or pattern that no longer works for you.

How many of you have emotions that just keep coming up again and again and again?

You make me laugh because I hear you say, “I got lots of joy, lots of happiness. I am not limiting that”; and of course not.

Some of you also have anger, fear, lack, frustration. If you have any of those emotions that want to keep you as if you are pulled back or locked down then I invite you to open up as if you are opening up your heart center even further and allow your divinity to wash through.

As your I AM Presence moves through your emotions if there’s anything in particular allow it to come up, allow it to merge with your divinity ~ whew ~ and let it go.

Feel the energies move through.

Many times your emotions may seem as if they are more fluid than your thoughts, but if there is something that you keep carrying around, that holds you in a space of lack it may become very rigid. So if you reach out to whatever that may be, bring it up from within you and allow your divinity to merge completely with that energy, there we go. I then felt it all completely move through you.

The earth is a very visual place. Visually it’s beautiful, visually is diverse from the countryside to the billions of people that live upon it.

So often people attempt to categorize by whatever topic they would like to choose. It may be that the physical body is one that you judge yourself with. Perhaps it’s not as strong as you would like, perhaps you have a disease, perhaps it doesn’t look the way you want it to look or perhaps other people judge you.

Again from the perspective of your immense divinity your physical body is the vessel to contain your soul in this lifetime and therefore it is what it is. It is divine; it is a part of the process for you in this lifetime.

People keep speaking about the ways in which the physical body is changing with the higher lighter dimensions. They speak about regenerating a limb if it should be cut off, they speak about healing a bone that breaks, regenerating an organ; all of these things are possible. At this point many are not probable because of the collective consciousness of the earth and the belief systems that you as the individual may have.

Take a moment and look at your physical body and as you look through the perception of your thoughts and your emotions and your beliefs, just take in whatever that may be.

Ok, I am going to clear that away. Open up again that consciousness of your divinity; let yourself flip it around as if you are now looking at your body from the perspective of your divinity.

In the vast majority of cases it’s a different perspective than what you have in your daily life. What I was hearing; ‘why are you being so hard on yourself? What is the matter with the way you look? Why do you continue to create that problem once I’ve worked with you to release it?’

Your physical body can be that of someone in their prime at all times and I as your divinity I’m here to help you with that.

Sometimes you forget that you are not alone. It’s not about I the Goddess or God or anyone at all outside of you. God and Goddess come to you through your own divinity. So open up to that which is your divine essence and allow it to move through every thought, every belief, every emotion, every cell within your physical body, so that you are completely filled with your divinity and you therefore have the life that you are seeking to have.

That makes me laugh as I was saying that because I heard so many of you responding. Perhaps another way to phrase that is that you will realize the life you have is exactly the one that you had intended because of your beliefs, your emotions, your greater or lesser connection to divinity, there you go.

So flip it around if you need to, open up even wider to these energies and let it all flow through you, filling you up. And then this time if indeed you want your life to be different than what it is you now will be receiving the messages, you will now be receiving insights. So it’s not about everything that you are physically doing in your life it’s about what you are open to receive, and it’s about what you notice as you are living your days upon the earth. It’s about the reality that you are creating that could change at any given moment.

The more that you allow your divinity to be a part of your reality the more that life will open up, with ease; if nothing else you feel good because when you are in that expanded alignment with your divinity there is nothing but balance, alignment, unconditional God source love and awareness.

Have the intention that you will allow this greater expansion of your divinity to manifest starting right now and anything that may walk through your days with you as it comes back to your awareness, there is only love. Allow that to become your mantra or if there’s one belief that you have, there is only love and that love of course is the God source energy for you from within you, as you.

Allow yourself to shift, allow this energy to manifest within the hologram that comes up within all of you and as you are looking at the hologram have the intention that as each one of you infuse not only your own divinity into the hologram, let’s have that intention that we clear out the energy of the collective consciousness so that it may release whatever it is that keeps people separated from the knowledge of their divinity and so that they may once more just open to receive. So as that hologram begins to spin infuse all of who you are into that pattern of lights. As it does so the hologram begins to spin. It’s filled with that crystalline love, that crystalline vibration that begins to just sparkle.

As you let it go it is as it follows a pathway that is an aspect that moves up into the universe and an aspect that moves down into the earth. And as this hologram merges with the earth itself, it links with Gaia; it links with those crystals that are the core essence of the earth and then expands outward.

It’s as if it expands moving through every layer of the earth itself. It tunes into and activates crystals that support this vibration and then for each one of you personally it comes up from within you as if it comes up through all your energy bodies as if it moves through every cell within your body. Be open and allow yourself to receive that expanded balanced energy of you as your divinity.

It also moves up through the grass, the water, the trees; let it move up into the collective consciousness so that it can create a shift clearing out old energies and allowing people to receive that higher or more expanded sense of their divinity.

This integrates moving through all the levels of consciousness of the earth, many, many people who are completely unaware that they can have a conscious choice in their life will perhaps begin to find things niggling at the back of their mind or perhaps they’ll begin to notice what’s around them. The foundation of the Christ light or the God source energy it’s there is only love and with that as your foundation may all that you see and all that you do be a reflection of love, peace, contentment, joy, howsoever that would be experienced by you.

Allow your focus to once more come back up within the All That Is. I would like you to take a moment. You just felt it on the earth, and you are here within this space, take a moment and once more release anything at all from your earthly experience that no longer serves you and again be open to feel the flow of your I AM Presence within and around you.

Allow your focus to begin to shift as if you are taking those stair steps. You move into the soul plane, from there you begin to move into your higher self, perhaps within this space that’s so much closer to the earth plane you have that sense of your expanded divinity flowing within this space to make it more easily accessible for you.

So too, it washes down. As it does so it comes in through all your energy bodies of your physical body, and it moves around clearing out everything within your physical reality. If there is more of that higher vibration that what you can physically manifest, let it spread around you and then you integrate it over the days and weeks to come.

As you walk through your days upon the earth, remember that you are first and foremost your divinity.

Your God source energy is that part of you that lives through infinity. So you were that source energy before you were born into this life. You are that source energy that you will return to as you leave the physical body.

As you allow that belief and that potential to flow through every part of who you are, your thoughts, your emotions, your physical reality, you will find that everything in life will change.

There is only love.


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https://www.facebook.com/DoloresCannonOfficialFBIt is with a heavy heart that we let you know Dolores passed away this morning. To this end she was the Dolores that we all know and love and we want you all to know that she appreciated very much the loving energy and prayers you sent her way these last few weeks. She was with all of her family this morning and left surrounded by their and your love. Her heart will remain connected to us all.
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Nearing The Activation 
Of Our Divine Nervous Systems.
Aluna Joy - Oct 17th, 2014


Last night I had another travel dream.  I do this quite often, and it is so fun.  No jet lag and no packing!  This time we were in PALENQUE, Mexico.  Palenque is my favorite temple site of all time . . . that is if you pushed me to choose over so many amazing places.  This site has given me so much.  Read my first experience in Palenque in 1990. It is a crazy story! http://www.alunajoy.com/2003jan.html



In my dream, our group had just arrived in Palenque, and we entered the site for the first time.  We explored the sacred waterfalls and then followed the trail up to the main plaza.  I knew at least one of the group members, Joyti from New Zealand (oddly this will be the first time she is not coming with us to Palenque).  She came alone this time, and I could see that she was in a very deep process. Then I noticed that our entire group, (about 20 of us), were falling into a deep space where we could barely walk or keep our eyes open.  Palenque had a surreal feel to it, and it was very soft and dreamy.  In the past, I was told that Palenque would anchor a new crystal/golden city around the time of the shift of the ages.  Since this cycle is about 26,000 years long, I figure we are about the equivalent of about two to three days into this new cycle. 


Now . . . according to my teacher Pearl Dorris of the original "I AM" era, sometimes the Ascended Masters will encourage us to take a deep nap, so they can download profound teachings.  This was what was happening to us in this moment.  In the space in between being fully awake and fully asleep, there is a place where all the good stuff happens!  You can get there as well when meditating.  I am sure you that those of you who are reading this have touched this space many times before. 


We also had this experience on our very first trip to Machu Picchu, Peru when a thick cloud covered the entire city.  We got so sleepy that we went back to our rooms and had a profound nap!  This has also happened to me in the ancient stone circle of Avebury in England.  I slept leaning on a standing stone for only a few moments, and I saw more than I could share here today. 


Well . . . back to the last night's dream.  I knew deep inner work was coming to us, and we didn't fight it.  We just had to lay down.  So we boarded our bus and went back to our rooms for a nap.  Then I woke up and the dream ended. 


When I woke, I asked what this dream meant.  The Star Elders said that during the days preceding the upcoming December 2014 Solstice, and during the days of the Divine Feminine in Mexico (culminating on December 12th for the Goddess Guadalupe), there will be a day when we will be called to take a nap . . . a divine and profound sleep.  In this sleep, new encodings will be activated in each of us.  During this entire year, we have been upgrading our nervous systems to handle new frequencies.  I am sure you have been feeling this.  Well, this will be when the light switch is turned on to this new nervous system. 


Please share this message.  Please don't forget to give permission to your personal Guides, Guardian Angels and Ascended Masters that you work with, for this activation to take place.  This will be a global event.  Pay attention to being in sacred space and positive consciousness during these pre-solstice days.  As usual, the Star Elders did not give me an exact date for this.  This will depend on time, space and consciousness.  My suggestion would be to stay intensely aware for a 20 day window from December 5th to the 25th.  But . . .  I can say this, as they are quite clear, by the first of the year in 2015, we will be in a whole new and fresh energy field, with a newly activated and heightened nervous system . . . with eyes and hearts wide open! 


. . . Then the real excitement hit for me.  Beginning in 2013, most visionaries were having challenges with seeing the future!  Many of us felt cut off from our usual guides and intuitive insights.  It was the great void that the Star Elders told me about years ago.  Even though I felt prepared for this the void, it was no picnic for most of us.  It was so unlike us to be unplugged from future timelines.  Well . . . I think we are BACK ON folks!  This new nervous system will offer us even deeper and more evolved vision and insight!  I can peek forward again already!  And I hope you can too.  Yippee!  The fun returns!


We still have space in our group to PALENQUE in December! Is it calling you?  Don't miss out!  ... And there is still space for EGYPT on Equinox 2015 too! (Very intimate group on private sail boat on the Nile!). http://www.alunajoy.com/pilgrimages.html





Yesterday, (Oct 16th) I had a powerful vision come to me, (about 11:30AM MST time) with a decree that it was asked to be passed on to YOU ASAP, and invite YOU to put our collective light into action!  Do you want to play today . . . for just a few moments?


I was asked to combine our like-minded, soul family's LIGHT and say . . .





And so it is.


When I did this simple decree, I immediately saw a huge, hard stone-like structure start to peal away from the Earth. Then a second thinner layer began to be removed, revealing a pristine new skin of the new Earth.  Can you give a few moments, from the light that you truly are, and help with this sudden and spontaneous Earth clearing?  It appears that there is a substantial crack in the old, fear-based programming, and now we can get into it and bust this system with precision and efficiency!  YAHOO!


Please share this post, and also share what you experienced while doing this simple process on our face book page!  https://www.facebook.com/alunajoyyaxkin


... Later that night...  I could feel that many of you out there did your good work triggered by our Facebook posts and added some wonderful additions to the original message I received!  We are so blessed.  I could feel a deep fracturing and clearing of the old programs.  I know this process is ongoing today and with your added help as well. It was a bit hard to go to sleep with all that going on.  LOL.  This morning, when we woke, there is a very tangible and deep calm with a edge of timelessness.  It was hard to know what day it was when I woke up ;)  Even the birds in our garden were calm and serene.  Thank you everyone! Keep up the good work. 


When I received the message, there was an urgency with it. These cracks in programming are few and rare, and once we notice them, just as many others will go in to fix the cracks.  The Star Elders want us to jump on this opportunity fully armed with our spiritual crow bars!  And we did and still are!  These cracks and the following clearings create much needed change. Most living beings do not like change. But without change, there is no spiritual and physical evolution. To become Living Masters, we must go through much and continual change.  Some of this change will be joyous events, and other times we might kick and scream in resistance. 


The bottom line is that our group of like-minded souls have decided to ascend, and that we will do anything to achieve this. Good work every one. We certainly peeled off a huge layer of the past that is no longer needed! 


you received this newsletter as a forward from  aluna@alunajoy.com, or newsletter@alunajoy.com,

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Upcoming Events  


Eclipse October 18 Global Meditation - on site Santa Monica or anywhere you are - with a powerful C12-guided meditative journey process that is both a personal healing and a healing for the planet * attend live or with mp3 for an unforgettable experience with The Council of 12 and one of your spirit guides! 


Your Past Lives & You Series with Selacia -December 7 at Mystic Journey  

- next separate workshop in an experiential series to connect you with past life influences on your current life * focus: Angels & Spirit Guides  * receive an activation of past life connections helping you to connect more tangibly with angels and spirit guides * come away with a new understanding of your long connection to specific angels and spirit guides * get in touch with why a certain guide from the past is around you in this pivotal lifetime    


Divine Changemaker Courses - 4-Week Series, Practicums


These are experiential life-changing courses offered globally to help you move more fully into your divine changemaker role and highest purpose for this life * each course helps you to become more empowered, more trusting in spirit, and more confident expressing your authentic self 

New Phase 1 Divine Changemaker Course:  Oct. 20 to Nov. 16*
(this is the initial course in our Divine Changemaker Series - open to all)

Beginnings and Endings Divine Changemaker CourseOct. 5 to Nov. 8*
(*pre-requisite:  Phase 1 course * registrations still open!) 


Please visit the Divine Changemaker pages on the website for more details, videos, and testimonials from others who have taken these courses globally since 2012! Both classes are taking registrations now and beginning to fill. Space is limited, so please do register early. If you have questions, new to these courses, feel free to contact Selacia. 




Info & Registration for All Events HERE 


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October 8th is a Full Moon Eclipse! I share a few words on the Eclipse as a brief summary below.The theme of this Full Moon is Freedom and Liberation (and new creations and innovation).With that in mind I share "14 Ways to Free Yourself!" at the link below:www.globalloveproject.com/2014/10/14-ways-to-free-yourselfWhat can you let go of for more freedom in your life?What story, situation, thought, feeling, doubt, fear, piece of past, habit, hurt, comfort zone, grievance, etc.?And what can you embrace for more freedom? What belief, decision, action, hobbie, path, adventure, connection, expression?Go to: www.globalloveproject.com/2014/10/14-ways-to-free-yourselfFull Moon EclipseOctober 8Please note: I'm not an astrologer (though my mother is so it has been seeping in over the years) . These are just some very general basic reflections - as always, accept, ignore, digest, discard, whatever does or doesn't feel true for you respectively.This October 8th Full Moon Eclipse has currents of liberation and freedom, setting yourself free, breaking chains, unleashing your free-flow spirit and the wild love in you, inspiration and revelation, new creations and innovations.There's been a continuing them of re-birth this year with four eclipses in a row, and a freedom that comes through that. There's freedom from letting go of old patterns, and anything you're carrying that isn't yours to carry or isn't serving you, freedom as more Truth is brought to light and seen and acknowledged by those blind to it, freedom from the past, freedom from taking responsibility and working towards new creations as you step into and birth the NEW, and awaken and set free more of the luminous you!This October Full Moon Eclipse in Aries will also "fall on Alpheratz in Andromeda, which is a very important star of liberation. Freedom seems to be the theme of this eclipse as the Moon is also conjunct enlightening Uranus." ~ Marina MacarioThis Lunar Eclipse is also known as the Hunter's Moon (the name for the full moon after Harvest Moon) plus it is part of the rare lunar tetrad - four total lunar eclipses in a row (these began mid April this year).Feel free to join us in a Global Love Meditation this auspicious full moon!You can meditate in any way that calls you, or use the free guided "love immersion" meditation MP3 available at the link below:www.GlobalLoveMeditation.comThis is a beautiful guided meditation for accessing, immersing in, receiving and sending love.If you wish to join this or future Global Love Meditations, click join at the Facebook event page below where other energy enhancing gifts are also share >>https://www.facebook.com/events/708290232583361Much love,Aine Belton
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by Bored Panda 

The flower, as a reproductive organ, evolved with one primary purpose in mind – to attract pollinators like insects or birds. This function has driven their astounding evolutionary explosion of distinct colors and shapes, some of which have even come to resemble various recognizable figures, plants or animals. 

The colors of these flamboyant orchids attract insects and birds, signaling that these flowers are full of tasty nectar. Their shapes, on the other hand, often evolve to attract or accommodate specific pollinators while dissuading parasites or other, less desirable pollinators. Some flowers are more welcoming to bees, while others are perfect for hummingbirds or different insects. 

Their stunning colors and biodiversity have attracted another type of creature as well – us. Orchid lovers value flowers like these for their resemblance to other recognizable objects which, while coincidental, is still definitely entertaining! 

Monkey Face Orchid (Dracula Simia) 

Source: avaxnews.net

Source: tree-nation.com

Moth Orchid (Phalaenopsis) 

Image credits: Christian Kneidinger



Naked Man Orchid (Orchis Italica) 

Image credits: Ana Retamero



Hooker’s Lips (Psychotria Elata) 


Dancing Girls (Impatiens Bequaertii) 


Laughing Bumble Bee Orchid (Ophrys bomybliflora) 




Swaddled Babies (Anguloa Uniflora) 


Parrot Flower (Impatiens Psittacina) 



Image credits: Bruce Kekule

Snap Dragon Seed Pod (Antirrhinum) 


Flying Duck Orchid (Caleana Major) 

Image credits: Michael Prideaux

Image credits: Robert Andrew Price

Orchid That Looks Like A Tiger 


Happy Alien (Calceolaria Uniflora) 

Image credits: Butterfly voyages

Image credits: Julio Martinich

Angel Orchid (Habenaria Grandifloriformis) 



Dove Orchid Or Holy Ghost Orchid (Peristeria Elata) 

Image credits: Saji Antony

Image credits: Reji

Image credits: M.a.h.S

Orchid That Looks Like A Ballerina 

Image credits: Tere Montero

White Egret Orchid (Habenaria Radiata) 

Image credits: Rachel Scott-Renouf


Image credits: Torisan3500

Darth Vader (Aristolochia Salvadorensis) 



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Selacia's ArticleBuddha Wisdom at Wesak

with invitation to upcoming (details below article):
Council of 12 Global Meditation - Global Wesak 5/10 and 6/21
Your Past Lives & You - Mystic Journey 5/17
Divine Changemaker Course - Global 6/8 to 7/26

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Buddha Wisdom at Wesak    
by Selacia   


If the Buddha celebrated at Wesak were alive today, he would experience a dramatically different world. That world is your world, and your challenge in these moments is to find new ways to walk the spiritual path. 

That path is timeless, as are the teachings of the great ones like Buddha, the Christ, and Kuan Yin. They shared universal truths to remind you of your divine nature and the love that it is at your core.  


Buddha Alive on Inner Planes


Even though these enlightened beings are no longer in physical form, they are very much alive on the inner planes. When living on the Earth, they discovered timeless wisdom about the true nature of existence, applying it to everyday life situations. As they did this, they set the template for enlightenment. 

At Wesak season - including at Wesak celebrations such as those occurring this weekend - you have increased access to this template for your own journey. Not only that, since the veils between dimensions are thinner at such times, it becomes easier for you to receive tangible connections with the Buddha and the other ascended beings.  Likewise, you have more opportunities to evolve spiritually because of the auspicious blessings available at this time. 

If you're wondering how the Buddha would be challenged by texting or other modern technology, you can be sure that he would face similar frustrations about living in the "on" position 24/7. Most likely, he would be talking about the need to find balance and quiet time.  


What Buddha Would Teach Now 


Certainly, the Buddha would be teaching about how to stay connected to the world while still managing to meditate and do spiritual practice. As part of that, he would remind us to cherish and honor one another - not allowing devices and nonstop media to replace genuine human contact. 

To be sure, the gaze between two people or the sound when two people speak remotely in present time cannot duplicate a mechanized exchange. There is a palpable energy that gets exchanged between people who are physically engaged with one another in the present moment. Your eyes and ears take in much more than you may imagine. It is through such energy exchanges that you learn from others, helping you to see yourself more clearly and to evolve spiritually. 

Enlightenment cannot happen in a vacuum. It occurs in a process over time as you fully engage with life, the world, and other people. This was true for Buddha, and it is true for all of us. You may be saying about now that it's much harder today - not so simple and too many distractions.  

To some extent this may be correct, but the Buddha would tell us that mindfulness is the same now as during his lifetime. It is up to each of us to learn to master our own mind - only we can do this in the moment. Even if we were able to shut off the outside world for days - no TV, no texting, no phone calls, no visits from others - our own nonstop untrained mind would keep us quite busy!  


Mindfulness the Key 


We can learn mindfulness as Buddha did, controlling our thoughts and our ruminating mind. The masters like Buddha remind us that we can do what they did - that we are Buddhas in training.  Buddha simply means enlightened one.  


A Buddha in Training 


Think of yourself this Wesak season as a Buddha in training. Let go of the small stuff that arises and appears threatening. Focus on the big picture and the long term. You are, after all, eternal and you are wired at a DNA level to achieve mastery as the Buddha did. Trust this. 

Copyright 2014 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article text.   


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NOTE: If you missed earlier articles about our recent intense energies, Wesak, and divine changemakers, please visit the Archives. To attend this year's Wesak global meditations with The Council of 12 - from anywhere in the world - please registerHERE. More information found below!   





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Elders Transmissions.....


The Elders Transmission ~ May 2014

Mp3 download http://pleiadianlight.net/free-downloads


Welcome, sweet ones. It gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now, and indeed in these rapidly accelerating dimensional frequencies of Light as they are experienced through many of these incredible planetary activities of Light. And you are seeing the quickening, sweet ones, a deeper level of remembrance that has been activated through the DNA in the knowing of your magnificence, your preciousness, and your Light. Through the Full Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse on April the 14th/15th, you were taken deeper into the octaves of the higher dimensions of the Cosmic Heart of All Creation, utilizing that Now moment to transcend human miscreations through the I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light, and indeed too, sweet ones, to go deeper within the shadow aspects of yourselves, embracing both the shadow and the Light. And this beautiful diamond, golden and white Flame of Divine Light and Love illuminates through the beautiful silver ray of Interstellar Christ Consciousness, this beautiful silver ray of Illumination that activates into the fifth dimensional New Earth Templates of Light, illuminating your pathway in Christ Consciousness, showing you, sweet ones, a deeper sense of this golden Age of Light.

You are coming into a recalibrating frequency of the higher dimensional octaves and this is affecting Mother Earth and all her life as these dimensional frequencies and New Earth Templates activate within the Unity Grid of Divine Love. And for many of you too as initiates of Light there is a deeper level of remembrance as these parallel realities of your Highest Potential merge into this Now. As you experienced the Cardinal Grand Cross Alignment on April 22nd, 23rd and 24th, you had the opportunity to be taken into a deeper sense of these multi-dimensional realities. As you experienced the Activation of the Seals of Solomon and the energy in particular of joy, abundance and empowerment, these frequential energies together with these Seals of Light illuminated the Pathway of Christ Consciousness and your Heart's Dreaming as well as activated, purified and recalibrated the lower bodies into a deeper connection of the crystalline matrix of the fifth dimensional templatings.

And now, in this month of May, you start this celebration of Light activities through the activation of the Crystalline Cities of Light, and the activation of the Sedona Vortex. This planetary activity of Light amplifies over the 3rd and 4th of May, as you are embraced within the diamond, golden and white Flame of Divine Love and the diamond Flame of Purity that activates within the Sedona Vortex. In this celestial activity of Light, sweet ones, as you connect at a Higher Light level, it is through the initial impulsing of the sonic vibratory frequencies that were experienced in a co-creation of Light taking you into this vortex of Divine Love and linking from here into the Sedona Vortex of Light and the Sedona Crystalline City of Light. The Sedona Vortex of Light, sweet ones, amplifies over this month of May into a greater stargate of Light allowing these Christed Timelines of infinite potential and possibility to be experienced through all dimensions of Light through the sacred diamond Flame of Purity. And it is through the Flame of Purity within the Flame of Divine Love, sweet ones, that you come into a deeper level of self-love, self-appreciation, and self-nurturing. The Flame of Purity takes you into a greater level of your magnificence and your Light as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. It embraces the aspects of the negative ego existing within the lesser-than and better-than consciousness, and in particular, the aspects of yourselves that need to be integrated, that experience a sense of unworthiness, of being unwanted, and of being unloved. And as this Flame of Purity activates within your hearts in this beautiful diamond octahedronal shape it further allows you to link into the beautifuleighteenth ray of Multi-Universal Service, and the Cosmic Heart of all Creation. And it is within this Source Light, sweet ones, that the purity of your creations unfold, and as this beautiful Flame of Purity, this diamond Flame of Light, activates within the Sedona Vortex it links you too into the Crystalline Cities of Light and the 33 fifth dimensional Stargate Portals of Light.

The Crystalline Cities of Light, also known as the higher dimensional Cities of Light, bring through the crystalline matrix of your Heart's Dreamings, and the ability to collectively anchor your Heart's Dreamings in this Now, sweet ones. The Crystalline Cities embody the energy of pure Divine Love, of peace, of harmony, and further act as a dimensional gateway for many of the Beings of Light from On High to connect to the awakened souls on this earth plane. And in Golden Ages of Light many initiates would find themselves walking up a spiral of crystal stairs into a beautiful Crystalline City of Light, greeted by Christed extra-terrestrials and higher dimensional Light Beings, you would experience various Healing Chambers of Light, celestial musical transmissions, inter-dimensional creations of art, peace embassies, golden fountains, dolphin birthing chambers, schools of spiritual enlightenment ~ the peace and beauty of nature, as well as the advanced healing technologies. And so, sweet ones, the gift of this particular planetary activity of Light links you into the twelve primary Crystalline Cities of Light related to the primary vortices or chakras of Mother Earth. And this is in part what is being activated throughout this year, the deeper connection into each Crystalline City of Light, not only in the knowing of your ability to co-create Heaven on Earth, but in your ability to anchor and activate your Heart's Dreaming and follow the Christed Timelines into the greatest sense of yourselves, sweet ones, as these sacred transfiguring flames of Divine Love, and these Master Beings of Light. So let us start with a deeper sense of the primary attributes experienced briefly through these twelve Crystalline Cities of Light and from here step into the Portals of Light, the spiritual Portals of Light being activated over this month of May, and the corresponding spiritual laws that take you ever deeper into this pathway of Divine Love.

So you start by coming deep into yourselves, breathing, expanding the lower abdomen as you breathe in, contracting the lower abdomen as you breathe out, centering and grounding yourselves now as you experience this beautiful diamond, golden and white Flame of Divine Love activate within your heart chakras, and now this beautiful diamond Flame of Purity, and now, this silver Flame of Illumination, illuminating your pathway as you walk the Christed Timelines. You have a sense now of merging with your Beloved I AM Presence, the Highest Light that you are, within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, merging into the soul aspect of your consciousness, of purity, of innocence, of unity, sweet ones. Calling in now ~ your master guides, your guardian angel and all other Beings of Light from on High that you personally acknowledge and that wish to join you now in this sacred space. And as you ground into the crystalline matrix of the Unity Grid of Divine Love, you start to come into a deeper sense of these planetary key codes and numerologies and sacred geometries that are activating through the New Earth Templates of Light, the Star Blueprints of Light. And as you take on a deeper level of your own individual puzzle piece within this collective you connect now to the Light workers, and star seeded ones, and all the Beings of Light from On High, assisting in this journey of Divine Love, in this embrace of One Unity Consciousness.

You have a sense of being deeply supported in this Now, sweet ones, by the many Illumined Beings of Light from On High, your Beloved I AM Presence and your soul and star family and friends of the Light. You are joined by the many Legions of Light, and you feel and experience these sonic transmissions, these vibratory crystalline frequencies that activate the carbon based cells into the crystalline matrix of the Solar Light Cells and the Patterns of Perfection. And you have a sense now, sweet ones, of coming together at this Higher Light level, participating in these many glorious activities of Light, knowing that these higher dimensional frequencies of Light are being activated through the hearts and minds of all awakened souls in this Now, in this timeline, and the re-union of hearts is to be experienced as you trust and surrender ~ as you believe, sweet ones, as you believe in the magnificence and Light of your Selves, as you believe in the knowing of your co-creation in this Golden Age of Light.

You have a sense now of traveling in soul consciousness to the beautiful Sedona Vortex of Light, feeling and experiencing this beautiful diamond Flame of Purity in particular as it purifies the lower bodies, sweet ones, asking you to know that your body is a Temple of Light, to give yourselves the sustenance, and the energies that are supportive and conducive to the nurturing of Self. As you embrace yourselves now in this beautiful diamond Flame of Purity, you travel the timelines in which you have felt unwanted, unloved, unappreciated, unseen or unheard, and you embrace those sub-personality aspects of yourselves, sweet ones, you give them a voice. You Love these aspects of yourselves as you are taken deeper into this beautiful diamond Flame of Purity and this diamond, golden and white Flame of Divine Love.

This diamond Flame of Purity activates the diamond Light Grid, sweet ones. This diamond Light Grid that is being anchored now activates in August through Glastonbury Tor, the heart chakra of Mother Earth, and at that time you will be able to create the diamond Lightbody Merkaba Fields of Light. For now, as this beautiful diamond grid activates into the crystalline matrix of the 144 Unity Grid of Divine Love it brings with it the ability to experience all dimensions of Light within the Cosmic heart of Mother/Father God ~ unlimited timelines as they activate now through the Sedona Vortex of Light, and you experience now, sweet ones, this connection initially into the Sedona Crystalline City of Light.

As you are lifted in soul consciousness into this Crystalline City of Light, you draw in particular upon the energy of the god/goddess archetypes of Light. These spiritual archetypes embody what you are needing to experience to know yourselves in self-mastery, to know yourselves in Love, looking through your master eyes at all of life around you, and you draw upon these energies of Light as you are placed in this God/Goddess Archetypal Chamber of Light, brought in by the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light, the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light, and the Overlighting of the Brotherhood of the Light. As this multi-colored laser grid of Light comes in, you are shown the images of this beautiful Sedona Crystalline City of Light. You hear these sonic vibrations of crystal frequency as you create a deeper sense of the diamond light body, sweet ones, as you come into a knowing of your full multi-dimensional multi-faceted natures, and your ability to experience this deep love within yourselves. It is this sense of loving and nurturing yourselves that amplifies over this month of May, sweet ones, and it allows you to draw upon archetypal energies that support you, and that are experienced as you connect now to the primary Crystalline Cities of Light through the primary vortices of Mother Earth, drawing into your reality and this Now the energies of the high priest, and priestess, the lover, mother/queen, father/king, wise woman, sage, spiritual master, alchemist, inventor, intuitive healer, the warrior, the advocate of justice, the visionary and seer, the artist, the magical innocent child and the servant. These archetypal energies will support you, sweet ones ~ to magnetize, to manifest, and to bring into your reality all that you need in any given Now moment, lifting you into another level of awakening and remembrance as though still waking from one dream and experiencing another. All these realities are being dreamed into creation, sweet ones, and this multi-dimensional reality is so very real, so very vivid, and it is your ability to ground these energies as the physical vessels of Light that activate in a greater level of purity and innocence and Source Light over this month of May.

And now you have a sense of the 33 Stargate Portals of Light that are experienced too within these fifth dimensional templates of Light. And you are drawn now into the first spiritual portal of Light. This thirteenth spiritual portal that supports the Law of Divine Flow. The Law of Divine Flow reminds you to live in this Now, centering yourselves in Love, being of service in Love. In this Now, sweet ones, there is no concern for what is to unfold, or what has been. There is a knowing of harmony, and grace in your co-creations of Light, of your ability to dance in Divine Love ~ reflecting Love, allowing Love, being Love. It is these actions, sweet ones that call for not only the dynamic outward flow, but also this inward flow into yourselves, taking the time to support your own biorhythmic ebb and flows. To feel and sense what you are needing to support yourselves fully in this moment, and allowing this beautiful silver ray of Illumination to guide you with the Flame of Purity, and the Flame of Divine Love, to the Heart's Temple, into the natural flow of peace and harmony and co-creation, sweet ones. And you have a sense of how this Law of Divine Flow operates within your own lives; of the synchronicities that abound, that bring you together in Unity Consciousness, that bring you together in your co-creations of Light, that connect you at this soul level with one another, and allow you to feel the creative inspirations that activate as you further experience a greater level of the rebalancing of the divine masculine and feminine aspects of yourselves. You hold to this knowing of this divine flow and a deep level of trust and surrender, sweet ones, aligning your will to the Will of God and knowing that even as you walk this pathway and its perceived challenges, you have chosen these lessons to create these Pathways of Light for others. And as these flames of Divine Love you anchor these energies of these stargate portals and spiritual laws so that others too may experience this flow of Divine Love within their lives in a deeper level of self-love and self-nurturing and self-appreciation.

You now activate the Cosmic Christ holographic discs, the Cosmic Christ holographic disc in particular related to this dimensional stargate portal of Light. As this beautiful silver Cosmic Christ holographic disc activates through the vertebrae of the spine and from here in to the appropriate chakras and nadis, you have a sense of being able to find this flow and balance within your lives through this Flame of Purity, sweet ones, and the illumination of this beautiful silver ray of Light. And if there is anything that you are needing guidance with, allow this beautiful silver ray of Light to illuminate your pathway, to show you this flow, and harmony that you are needing in this Now.

And now, sweet ones, you find yourselves in this spiritual portal of Light related to the Law of Divine Love and Oneness, although of course, sweet ones, you are familiar with this law, it is to know that such a law exists only for you to know the truth of the One Reality of All that Is. There is only Divine Love and you are all One, and this Divine Love embraces this, all aspects of yourselves, moving into the shadows and the Light, and within the flame of Divine Love the shadow aspects are embraced in love, for there is only Love, sweet ones. There is no separation, and you have this sense of unity, too, amplifying now not only with your soul family and friends and the Illumined Beings of Light from On High, but at this earthly dimensional level, sweet ones, you have a sense of being able to see others. To know that it is just the levels of Cosmic Consciousness awareness that differs from individual to individual, and to be able to see the Light of all Souls as these open hearts in this Golden Age of Light.

You have a sense within this spiritual portal of Light of these sub-atomic particles vibrating in increased Light frequencies further activating this beautiful diamond Flame of Purity, this diamond octahedron within the heart chakra, holding to this expanded sense of your multi-dimensional selves, and bringing into this Now, the understanding, the remembrance, the wisdom, and the knowing, sweet ones, of the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, of Source Light, as it anchors deeper now through this beautiful Flame of Purity within your hearts, and through this Flame of Divine Love.

And now you activate the silver Cosmic Christ holographic disc of Light related to this spiritual portal, this spiritual law of Light, through the body and through the energy field, through the vertebrae and the corresponding energy centers of the body, creating this etheric templating with a greater level of flow within the embrace of the Cosmic Heart of All Creation and the Patterns of Perfection, sweet ones; and the knowing too that you are able to experience all dimensions of Light, all realities of Oneness, if you so choose.

And lastly now, you find yourself experiencing the fifteenth Spiritual Portal related to the Law of Continuity of Consciousness. The Universe itself, sweet ones, is a continuous and endless process of creation. Everything within this One Reality, everything in creation, is connected to everything else; and this interconnectivity, this relationship is one of consciousness connecting individual consciousness to the universal consciousness, to the vibrating frequencies of Light ~ and you experience now a greater sense of these geometries, and New Earth templates, these key codes, fractal geometries, numerologies, and crystalline frequencies of Light. You are experiencing a greater level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness, sweet ones, merging into a greater sense of your magnificence and Light through the Overlighting of your Beloved I AM Presence and being lifted into many of the Ashrams of Light. In particular, in this month of May, this is activated at a deeper level through the Festival of Wesak experienced on the full moon in Taurus on May the 14th. So for a moment now as you experience this Law of the Continuity of Consciousness you activate this fifteenth silver Cosmic Christ holographic disc through the vertebrae and spinal column allowing the cerebral spinal fluid to activate in this new Consciousness of Light recalibrating the pituitary, the pineal, and the hypothalamus glands, the left and the right hemispheres of the brain, and integrating the divine masculine and feminine aspects of yourselves, sweet ones, which amplifies too over this month of May. These recalibrations quicken and will lead for many of you to a great reunion of hearts, to the merging of twin flames individually and through your soul groups into a greater level of collectively ascending to these multi-dimensional realities and all dimensions of Light.

As you experience the Festival of Wesak, sweet ones, you are drawn into the energy of Lord Buddha, and the Masters from Shamballa. Lord Buddha is the Planetary Logos and embraces all Life within his cosmic heart, and it is the energy of the Masters from Shamballa and the Ashrams of Light, that connect you, sweet ones, as the chelas on the threads, into the Ashrams of the Masters through purity of heart, through Source Light, through your desire to serve in Love, through your commitment and your ability to create the change that you have always wanted to as you step into a greater level of self-mastery. You let go of the lesser-than and better-than consciousness as you step deeper into the knowing of your Selves as the sacred transfiguring flames of Divine Love. Wonderful.

As this beautiful silver ray of Light illuminates your pathway through the Christed Timelines, you bring a focus now to the Ashrams of Light within Shamballa and in particular to the first three ray ashrams of Will and Power, Love/Wisdom, and Divine Intelligence. As you experience this beautiful three-fold flame activate now within your hearts, you are lifted energetically into the Ashrams of these first three rays, and from here you will be guided into the Ashrams of the twelve earthly rays, and the six cosmic rays, as is appropriate to your levels of conscious awareness, sweet ones. Request this blessing as you walk the pathway of Buddha Consciousness, and Christ Consciousness, to a greater level of self-mastery.

If you are ready in this month of May, sweet ones, greatness presents itself. If you are ready to purify the lower bodies, if you are ready to purify the mind, the heart, and the soul, to truly know your magnificence as these Master Beings, leading the way in this Golden Age of Light, a greater level of wisdom, of Love and empowerment activates for you, taking you deeper and deeper along the pathway of Divine Love, in service in Love. Know this to be a resonating truth of the highest order, this reunion of hearts, sweet ones. Follow your Heart's Dreaming, and know that this is unfolding in this Now. Take these beautiful flames, this diamond golden and white Flame of Divine Love, this diamond Flame of Purity, and this silver Ray of Illumination ~ activate these energetic frequencies to the maximum cosmic law can allow, as these flames of Light activate now around Mother Earth and all her Life, so that all life may know their magnificence and their Light.

And now this beautiful diamond flame of Light activates through the crystalline matrix of the 144 Unity Grid of Divine Love. You experience this activation through this diamond octahedron within your hearts and now this beautiful diamond golden and white flame of Divine Love this creates this beautiful shape of the Flower of Life, fifty four feet in diameter around you. For it is in this, sweet ones, when you are ready, that you will activate your diamond Light Body merkaba field, and for now, you simply come into remembrance of this, with the ability to experience all dimensions of Light, in self-mastery and in self-enlightenment, as these sacred transfiguring flames of Divine Love and these Master Beings of Light.

You come back now into your sacred space, grounding once more into the crystal heart of Mother Earth, and keeping this connection of Light open to all these Beings of Light from On High. Acknowledge these frequential energies and what they bring to you, and the knowing of the New Earth Templates of Light building to a greater harmonic of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness. This is indeed an amazing time to be on this sacred earth, sweet ones.

As you ground once more into the crystal heart of Mother Earth you align into the Inner Earth Sun, the Inner Sun within your Hearts, the Sun, the Central Sun, and the Great Central Sun, to the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. And you come back now through all dimensions of Light, physically grounded in the physical realms too, in purity and Love and wisdom, in power, unity consciousness and illumination. Wonderful.

We thank you, sweet ones, for your service work, and we bless you, and with this we bid you a most magical day.

Transcribed by Eadie Miller.

Artwork by Art Dimension http://martdimension.com/


Suggested links:

A-Z ~ The Nature of Stargates ~ Metatron via J Tyberonn ~ http://youtu.be/_2RnD2tIZWY

Sedona Crystalline City of Light http://www.sedonalightcenter.org/


Activation of the Crystalline Cities of Light www.pleiadianlight.net/eventsservices



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Have a Breakthrough during April's Crossroads  
by Selacia   


Feeling edgy and out of sorts, or simply sensing that you're on the edge of your seat about to make your next move?

If you're experiencing either of these states right now, you are in good company. You don't have to look far in any direction to notice people with an anxious disposition. Some of them close to you may be acting out their jittery feelings, too, adding to your own nervousness.

Especially if you are sensitive, you can feel what others are feeling. Sometimes you are aware of this response - other times it may be unconscious. Don't make sensitivity or awareness bad. It's part of being multidimensional to tap into the interconnected world and the collective. This includes people you work with, live with, and interact with in everyday life. 

Energy is energy and it exists whether or not you are consciously aware of it. No matter how hard you try, you cannot divorce yourself from the world and its current energetic shifting that touches everyone around you. Even pets are impacted!

As a reminder of what's going on, here's a recap of this month's energies underlying the edginess, chaos, and intensity.  We now sit between two powerful eclipses in a longstanding transformational cycle building for decades. 

Next Wednesday's Grand Cross Peak

Part of that cycle is the rare cardinal grand cross energy you can feel now before it peaks April 23. Even after that peak, too, is a cycle of releasing and adjusting to the new energies. 

For perspective, what you are feeling is both personal and your tapping into the collective dance of radical shifting involving how Earthly life is lived. It's not just about one day, or one month, but certainly April is an intense time for most people to handle! In my private astrology readings for DNA healing clients, we address the very personal implications of cycles like this. 

These definitely are moments you don't want to sleep through or let slip by unnoticed. Indeed, this cycle has great potential to catalyze just the breakthroughs you have needed to get free of your past and move into a much more promising future!  

From a multidimensional perspective - as I describe in my book Earth's Pivotal Years - "upward spirals of growth can occur either very slowly or seemingly in a flash of time. This applies to both individuals and the planet as a whole."  When we have a grand cross, think of it as a crossroads that can ignite your personal spiral of growth with a bolt of lightning!

Avoid the tendency to go into fear and have a breakdown. Use these energies to have huge breakthroughs instead.

5 Tips for Having Breakthroughs

Here are five tips for having breakthroughs in April and over the coming weeks as the chaotic energies continue to play out. As I've been writing about on Facebook, these can be times of meltdown or breakthrough - applying these tips can help you to achieve breakthroughs. 

First, avoid your learned tendency to be harsh with yourself. Refuse to listen to your ego voice that keeps you in fear and negativity. Don't let that critical voice convince you that things are hard, no fun, or tough to accomplish with all that's going on. Invite your higher wisdom to help you stay positive, on track, and open to the gifts of self-discovery now becoming available at this crossroads.

Second, when you first begin to feel a negative emotion, check in with yourself to determine how much of what you are feeling is yours, how much is other people, and how much is the collective. The only feeling you have any power over is your own. This means owning how you feel but refusing to act on the emotion. An angry text or comment to a colleague or loved one will backfire. Find a gentle way to communicate or hold your tongue for a bit until you can find more constructive words.

Third, remember that just on the other side of chaos and darkness there is peace and light. These qualities always are there, in fact, but during turmoil it can be challenging to access them. Keep your focus on your light-filled intentions and your own light within. It is your own light that can reveal things blocking your full divine expression. Allow this light energy within to bring you the outer resources you need to break free. These resources could include insights from others not invested in seeing you the way that you have always seen yourself. It's common knowledge that enlightenment is catalyzed by being with and seeking input from others outside of you. Asking for help doesn't make you less than - it can help you to be more than your ego self is allowing you to be.

Fourth, know that crossroads like these tend to bring up intense desires to do or be something different from what society dictates. To have breakthroughs, you will need to self-moderate your desires and only take actions on things that truly need action right now. If you're not sure, wait. Meditate on your desires and invite dreams or other inner input to help you see the larger picture of where these desires will lead long term.

Fifth, on a daily basis, ask your higher self to reveal to you what you are not seeing about your situation. Ask to be shown - directly or through other people - what in your DNA-level conditioning is blocking your forward movement. Invite a knowing of how your current blocks relate to things you experienced in past lives, vows you took in other lifetimes, or agreements you made with people at another time in history. These things, not on the ordinary person's radar, can be seen in the field of the DNA, which is also the place they need to be cleared to have real progress. Remember, too, that in your DNA are very beneficial patterns helping you in this pivotal lifetime - ask to be made aware of these things so that you can see your divine qualities. Then call upon those qualities to assist you in creating breakthroughs that subsequent generations will liken to miracles!  


Copyright 2014 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article text.  







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Top 100 Benefits of Meditation

Physiological benefits:

1. It lowers oxygen consumption.
2. It decreases respiratory rate.
3. It increases blood flow and slows the heart rate.
4. Increases exercise tolerance.
5. Leads to a deeper level of physical relaxation.
6. Good for people with high blood pressure.
7. Reduces anxiety attacks by lowering the levels of blood lactate.
8. Decreases muscle tension
9. Helps in chronic diseases like allergies, arthritis etc.
10. Reduces Pre-menstrual Syndrome symptoms.
11. Helps in post-operative healing.
12. Enhances the immune system.
13. Reduces activity of viruses and emotional distress
14. Enhances energy, strength and vigour.
15. Helps with weight loss
16. Reduction of free radicals, less tissue damage
17. Higher skin resistance
18. Drop in cholesterol levels, lowers risk of cardiovascular disease.
19. Improved flow of air to the lungs resulting in easier breathing.
20. Decreases the aging process.
21. Higher levels of DHEAS (Dehydroepiandrosterone)
22. Prevented, slowed or controlled pain of chronic diseases
23. Makes you sweat less
24. Cure headaches & migraines
25. Greater Orderliness of Brain Functioning
26. Reduced Need for Medical Care
27. Less energy wasted
28. More inclined to sports, activities
29. Significant relief from asthma
30. Improved performance in athletic events
31. Normalizes to your ideal weight
32. Harmonizes our endocrine system
33. Relaxes our nervous system
34. Produce lasting beneficial changes in brain electrical activity
35. Helps cure infertility (the stresses of infertility can interfere with
the release of hormones that regulate ovulation).

Psychological benefits:
36. Builds self-confidence.
37. Increases serotonin level, influences mood and Behaviour.
38. Resolve phobias & fears
39. Helps control own thoughts
40. Helps with focus & concentration
41. Increase creativity
42. Increased brain wave coherence.
43. Improved learning ability and memory.
44. Increased feelings of vitality and rejuvenation.
45. Increased emotional stability.
46. Improved relationships
47. Mind ages at slower rate
48. Easier to remove bad habits
49. Develops intuition
50. Increased Productivity
51. Improved relations at home & at work
52. Able to see the larger picture in a given situation
53. Helps ignore petty issues
54. Increased ability to solve complex problems
55. Purifies your character
56. Develop will power
57. Greater communication between the two brain hemispheres
58. Respond more quickly and more effectively to a stressful event.
59. Increases ones perceptual ability and motor performance
60. Higher intelligence growth rate
61. Increased job satisfaction
62. Increase in the capacity for intimate contact with loved ones
63. Decrease in potential mental illness
64. Better, more sociable Behaviour
65. Less aggressiveness
66. Helps in quitting smoking, alcohol addiction
67. Reduces need and dependency on drugs, pills & pharmaceuticals
68. Need less sleep to recover from sleep deprivation
69. Require less time to fall asleep, helps cure insomnia
70. Increases sense of responsibility
71. Reduces road rage
72. Decrease in restless thinking
73. Decreased tendency to worry
74. Increases listening skills and empathy
75. Helps make more accurate judgments
76. Greater tolerance
77. Gives composure to act in considered & constructive ways
78. Grows a stable, more balanced personality
79. Develops emotional maturity

Spiritual benefits:
80. Helps keep things in perspective
81. Provides peace of mind, happiness
82. Helps you discover your purpose in life
83. Increased self-actualization.
84. Increased compassion
85. Growing wisdom
86. Deeper understanding of yourself and others
87. Brings body, mind, and spirit in harmony
88. Deeper Level of spiritual relaxation
89. Increased acceptance of one self
90. Helps learn forgiveness
91. Changes attitude toward life
92. Creates a deeper relationship with your God
93. Increases the synchronicity in your life
94. Greater inner-directedness
95. Helps living in the present moment
96. Creates a widening, deepening capacity for love
97. Discovery of the power and consciousness beyond the ego
98. Experience an inner sense of Assurance or Knowingness

99. Experience a sense of Oneness
100. Leads to enlightenment

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March 28, 2014
Cloud Meditation
Head in the Clouds
by Madisyn Taylor

Following a cloud with our eye and drifting through the sky with it can be an easy and relaxing meditation.

When people use the phrase “head in the clouds,” they usually refer to a mental state that appears to be drifting rather than concentrating. For this reason, putting our heads in the clouds can be a wonderful meditation tool. Whether puffy and white or tinted with the colors of dawn and dusk or shades of gray, those vaporous sky dwellers can remind us of so many things about life and about ourselves.

For this meditation, we can find a physical place to relax and look upward, or we can look to the skies from within our imaginations. Directing our thoughts to the endless of expanse of sky that clouds inhabit, we feel our souls expand to reach beyond any seeming limitations. Following the clouds, we are free to unleash our imaginations. We may choose to merely drift along with them for a time, enjoying their distanced perspective on the world. Or we can look for messages in their fantastical shapes, or feel the joy of bounding between their immense billowy puffiness. However we interact with them, we do so from a peaceful place. Clouds drift above the hustle of the world below, knowing they belong to another realm that cannot be affected by its frenzy, reminding us that peace is always available to us. By directing our vision beyond the ordinary, clouds also remind us of the illusion of appearances. While appearing to be solid, their vapor and mist appear like cotton balls ! from below, giving little indication of the heights they reach. Sometimes they may cast shadows, leaving us in shade, but like life’s difficulties clouds change shape and move onward, revealing the shining sun, twinkling stars, and blue sky that are behind them.

When a ray of light breaks through the clouds, their dramatic filtering only makes the light more beautiful by contrast, just as we can shine more brightly in the midst of life’s challenges. When we allow clouds to offer us a welcome respite, they help us visit the realm of illusion to see the truth beyond.

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