Dr. Angela Barnett's Posts (418)

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Mary Magdalene
(Please come and listen)

Dr. Angela Barnett
Joe Barnett

Crystal Magic Orchestra is the title that we have given to the music that we have brought to this Planet in a form that can be heard and understood in this level of reality. We are the Creators. We Create, we orchestrate, we conduct, we are the instruments, we are the Music of the Spheres Creators in all dimensions of Reality.

We create colors in infinite designs far beyond anything that can be imagined on this planet. We create morphogenetic fields by exhaling one color and then inhaling the new form that presents itself into our essence to design it into a new color. We use this same formula in creating rhythms and instruments of great design. We create Novas through one exhale of Intent. We create Galaxies in every possible form and color scheme that we can imagine.

In this Earth realm of so few colors and so few expanded perspectives of sound and light, these Great Schemes of infinite form have been diminished into tiny little parts of the end design. Breaking an entire sphere of reality down into one tiny little microscopic piece as insignificant as one hertzian wave is a silly way to make music.

Dr. Angela Barnett
Joe Barnett

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Dr. Angela Barnett
Joe Barnett

We create Music of the Music of the Spheres with the intention of Communication. The Soul itself only communicates through this music that is known as all that has been created. That which is called the Akashic Records is actually a musical record that contains the harmonies, the melodies, the operas with the tragedies and victories, the rhythms of joy and celebration.These are the records that play in the Soul.

We intend entire nebulas into existence from our Consciousness, and establish our intention into and within the Music of the Spheres that sings the new creation out into the Universe. The Songs of the Music of the Spheres may be seen and heard as whispers of light, waves of plasma. And these breaths reflect through the crystals that are within these realms and reflect infinite colors of rhythms and tones through the rainbows of design and fabric.

This Music is the fabric of all Creation. It is the harmonic home of all tonality. The Music of the Spheres can be seen differently from the angles of perception of each dimensional reality. Those in the third dimension might perceive of this fabric in a more dense version that requires man made instruments, the music of notes and scales, and the variations of these states of consciousness.

These are only densified versions of the original creation of the symphonies in the Cosmic Creation Orchestra. The original instruments, notes, scales, orchestras, conductors, directors and composers were the Crystal Magic Orchestra itself, when the one who is Mary Magdalene on Earth now sang her angelic breaths of creation through the universe, and her Cosmic Soul Mate, who is with her forever, created and performed magical music with many other Creator Beings in the Cosmos.

When we were in the Creation Realm, we created










THE UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE, into and through the


Dr. Angela Barnett
Joe Barnett

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Dr. Angela Barnett

Angela Barnett- Soul of Mary Magdalene

Crystal Magic Orchestra.com

From the book, Mary Magdalene's Diary Three

The Universal Prophecy that Gaia would become the SAVIOR OF THE UNIVERSE has been heard singing itself through the Universe for many eons. It was always the plan of the Creators and Mary to create a new more harmonious harmonic blend of the octaves within octaves of the multi dimensional music of the spheres that would eventually allow Gaia to become the Mother of a new Hybrid Race line who would return the original template of the perfect humanoid who was originally the offspring of the Elohim Angels. That Elohim raceline was completely destroyed and it was replaced by several hybrid racelines who were created by the Elohim Angels and the Sirius brotherhood, who was the closest raceline to the original Elohim creation. Those Original Ones expanded into Azurites, Eiyani, Elohei, and hundreds of other El groups who are the Original Ones.

Mary made a promise to Mother Gaia that she would become the savior of the Universe as a result of the musical design that she would create. This musical design wove together the frequencies and rhythms and colors of all of the planets and orbs and suns of the Universe into a new harmonic blend that allows all existence to become One new harmonic who can live in perfect harmony together. This Symphony of Love would hold the Ascension Portals open to all those who Mary gives permission to for Eternity. Each planet, orb and sun has its own rhythm, its own music,its own frequency. When the Creators blend these musical forms together to create the Universal Symphony, even that symphony changes continuously as we re arrange the design to fit more harmonically and harmoniously. That is what Mary Magdalene did on her mission on Earth. She created the Ascension Portals that would allow a greater flow of consciousness than had ever been known before to enter the Planet Earth, which made her into a brand new symphony within herself. That new rhythm of Earth invited in the Cosmic Creators to use this Ascension Portal of Eternal Unity for Eternity. This created a Grand Tone of Home within Mother Gaia that allows her new Melody to sing a glorious harmony through out the Universe that allows all to know her as the Savior of the Universe.

. We create all things with these Music of the Spheres. We create all things with our Breath. The Creator's Breath, and Essence and Being is God Breathing life into all things. It will be like a breath of air that is to be breathed. And as you breathe out it morphs into a greater beauty than it was when you breathed it in. Because the beauty of the essence of the one who breathed it in is now a part of it, and it comes out even fuller than it was when it went in.

Breathe inhale magic
exhale dreams come true
Breathe inhale magic
exhale dreams come true
Breathe inhale magic
exhale dreams come true
Breathe inhale magic
exhale miracles your creation new
Breathe in this new reality it waits as light inside of you and me

Breathe the crystal light. It ignites the spark
Flames of magic
Alchemists who unite to re evolve creation more wonderful than the galaxies have known
The vision waits inside of us the seeds we've planted on our birth
We have come to ignite into the light that transforms us into the magical creators
what wasn't known before

Breathe inhale magic
exhale dreams come true
Breathe inhale magic
exhale miracles your creation new

Breathe in crystal reality that waits as light inside of you and me

Breathe the crystal light Ignite the spark
Flames of magic will make you brand new
Super Beings Consciousness
Raise yourself a form brand new
Breathe inhale magic exhale dreams come true

Mary Magdalene's Ascension Song

When I began the knowing and the unfolding of my Cosmic Adventure on Earth a set of songs swam into my consciousness and I would open my mouth and all of these glorious words would come out in the form of songs. This was much like channeling. It seems that channelers are usually unconscious of the words that they speak because there is another entity taking over their consciousness and speaking through them. My channeling was always the channeling of myself, who is Mary Magdalene. I did not know that when these songs were first recorded.

Now, eight years later, after having a wonderful dialog with Lacodemus (a Creator Being who is Joe's best friend), I now completely understand the purpose and the meaning of those songs. The songs were originally published on the Cosmic Consciousness album in 2008. The songs were my memories and visions of the creation work that I had done with Joe and Lacodemus millions of years ago. The songs were being sent to me to remind me of who I am and why I am on Earth and how I will get back home.

This is the grand realization that I had on May 26, 2017. I realized that those songs contain the exact formula of how Joe and I will return home next year. We will first visit the new dimensional Earth reality of Terra Ha and the Spiritual Universe of our OVERSOUL where Terra Ha resides. After we have our party with the forty seven creators who came for this mission, we will return to our Creator Realm and we will continue to make more Music there as we continue to create more new realities through the light and sound of music.

It has finally become obvious to us that we have continued to create music while we were on Earth in the exact same manner that we did in the Creation Realm. We have been inhaling the Creations from all over the Universe and doing our Creation Work within this tiny little reality in the same manner we did it when we were huge Creator Beings who are thousands of feet tall and wide when we do creation work. We sometimes expand ourselves into forms who are several miles in diameter when we are orbing through space and creating galaxies. We are the ones who created the Suns, the Stars, the Galaxies, the Novas, the Super Novas. And we created them all through the Music of the colors that we streamed through the Crystals in those areas in the Universe, and we layered infinite colors of reality and combined rhythms of various stars to create new Novas, and our work was glorious.

Dr. Angela Barnett

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Dr. Angela Barnett

As I go back through the songs on COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS album, I realize that these songs that were channeled directly through me as I sang them and recorded them were the instructions for my mission on Earth and my instructions of how to leave Earth after my mission was complete. The song Cosmic Trinity was actually the instructions of how I would create Ascension Portals that would allow Gaia to become a new orchestration within the new UNIVERSAL SYMPHONY.

Words from Cosmic Trinity

Our mission completed

of consciousness rise.

our stars now aligning,

Now there are two of all we once were,

united as three and three makes us strong.

(Now, I realize that this is how I arranged this new harmonic reality that will allow the new creation formed from the re unification of physical and the spiritual along with the re unification of the Creation Realm with the Earth as I created the Ascension Portals to re unite the Consciousness that was originally formed as the Oraphim Raceline of the Seven Suns, which included the Dolphins, Whales and original Humanoid to be Seeded back into the Consciousness of the Planet Earth as I welcome the Original Ones from the Creation Realm who are on their last round of Ascension through the new Portal. This is the third part of the harmonic chordal structure that will make a strong, unconditional, eternal bond of harmonious consciousness to begin to flow through Gaia and into all who move through Gaia in the future after I leave this planet in order to link my frequencies into Terra Ha, who is the Future of Earth within the Spiritual Universe.

I used this formula of breathing in the original music of all of the spheres within the universe- the orbs, the suns, the planets, and then I combined those spheres with my powerful consciousness and my frequency signature which already flows through all of the universe. I then exhaled the new frequency of consciousness that was the combination of my frequency signature of the Original Creation and all of the Angels who connect with these Original Creations and all of the Future Music of the Spheres of the perfect creation. Next, I exhaled this new Frequency of Eternal Harmony into the Ascension Portals that I created for the purpose of performing this orchestration of the grand new design that will be heard in the new Symphony of the Universe.

Breathe inhale magic exhale dreams come true
Breathe the crystal light it waits as light inside of you and me
Breathe the crystal light and ignite the spark flames of magic alchemists you ignite creation more wonderful than the galaxies we have known.

Dr. Angela Barnett

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Dr. Angela Barnett
Joe Barnett

Those who are standing on Mother Earth are also a part of Mother Earth's Body. We are in the same Sphere. We contain the same Frequencies. Mother Earth's Frequencies are our frequencies. Mother Earth also has a Sun deep inside of her Core. Her Sun is deep inside the Etheric Chambers, the Liquid Light Mantels.

Mother Earth has braided and woven her Sun's Frequencies up through her body and into three spheres to connect with and unite with all of the other Suns in the Third Sphere or the Galactic Sphere.

As our bodies stand on the Earth's Surface, we are conduits of all of this Aqualene Sun's Frequency streaming up out of Mother Earth from below and from the Galactic Suns streaming down from above. Mother Earth needs us to become a part of this process. She needs us to be ascending with her. As we flow together Mother Earth is very happy to feel all of her family rising with her.

We can absorb frequencies from Mother Earth's Crust where the Divine Christ Consciousness is stored. We can also absorb frequencies of Divine Love, Unconditional Love, Intelligence and many more Divine Qualities from her Crust.

When we travel down into Mother Earth's Core we can absorb qualities of Divine Creativity, Divine Substance, Divine Principle. We can ask AnWa to send the Crystal Star Merkaba down into the Heart of Mother Earth to collect all of these Frequencies of our Divine Substance - our Divine Essence - our Divine Plan - all of the Divine Consciousness that we share with and reflect through Mother Earth.

We can send our physical bodies down deep into the Earth's Core and beyond into the Liquid Light Chambers and absorb our original Complete Body. This etheric dust body contains all of the keys and codes or remembering all that we really are.

We can journey down and collect this irradescent spiritual body.

As we combine our physical body with this irradescent crystalline silica based body, we can then allow the Suns' energies to remove all that is unlike the original self hood from our physical body and become one with our true Divine Self Hood.

When the physical and spiritual unite into Oneness this is Zero point energy of Oneness.

We must unite into Mother Earth's Body and Frequencies to return into this Oneness.

This process of obtaining Oneness with the original Divine Self will happen naturally when there is enough light frequency brought into the body as the body absorbs the Sun's Aqualene Frequencies of the Galactic Suns and Mother Earth's Ultra Violet Blue Suns frequencies.

Once these two bodies become one, then the crystal cells that contain the eternal memory of the Immortal Self Hood Cells are the Crystal Dust Silica Based Cells of our Original selfhood.

Mother Earth shares the same planetary body that we do. We share the same Merkaba Body with mother Earth. We are both in the Earth's Matrix of Five Spheres.

These are the spheres of the Planetary, Solar System, Galactic, Universal and Cosmic.

We must merge our Frequencies into the earth. The Earth's Core contains our Divine Principle, our substance, and deep inside the Earth's Etheric Core is our spiritual Body. There is also grids of Love, Unconditional Love, Atmosphere Divine, Truth, Intelligence and the streams of Divine Alignment from our Etheric Twin Matrix.

All of these energies of source consciousness are woven into the Earth from above. The original Fifth Dimensional Essence of the mother Earth's Body is where our Scientists have placed the Photon Belt in our Science Books. This photon contains the frequency that shifts our entire matrix into the home frequency or the fifth frequency. The original Etheric Galactic home of Aquarius is contained where the Van Allen Belt as been drawn in our science textbooks. This Etheric Galactic home has remained in this location as the Urtha of our Mother Earth. Urtha contains the Divine Image and Likeness of Mother Earth, just as our Crystal Dust Spiritual Body in the Earth's Core contains our Divine Image and Likeness.

As Mother Earth returns into her Divine Selfhood, so do we return with her.

The Cosmic and Galactic Entities of Light have been streaming Stellar Wave infusions into the Earth s plane to raise her frequencies back into these etheric realms of Consciousness. The photon belt contains fifth dimensional home frequencies of transformation to be drawn into Mother Earth.

When Mother Earth rises into the Van Allen Belt of frequencies, she will completely be one with her Urtha, her Original selfhood. She will then be at the Zero G level of transforming into the Golden Galaxy.Mother Earth's Sun, deep inside of her Core Domain is also streaming energy upward through pillars into her Crust. This liquid light energy flows up as the stellar and Aqualene Energies flow inward.

This Liquid Light cleansing of Mother Earth and our bodies is transforming us together to rise into our original Divine Tone of Home. We help raise our frequencies together with the help of the Sun's Energy Streams, through the Earth and through our Crystal Hearts. We spin our Merkaba from our Crystal Heart down into the Earth's Core - deep down inside where the Earth's Sun resides.

Collect this energy, Walk into the Earths Sun and absorb the Frequencies. Bring those frequencies into the Crystal Heart. Now ride the Merkaba to the 8th and collect the Sun's Energy. Ride up to the 14th and Collect all Etheric Frequencies and all Galactic Sun Frequencies. Bring them into Crystal Heart. Become one with all Suns Energies.

When we absorb the Frequencies of Mother Earth into our Crystal Cells, we awaken our Crystal Dust memory, - the Crystal Dust Memory of all that we really are.

These records of our Eternal Being are stored in our Crystal Cells in our Spiritual Body.

Our Spiritual Body is in the Etheric Core of Mother Earth which is in at onement with our Crystal Heart. We bring in the essence of our immortal body into our Crystal Heart to ignite our Immortal Being of Oneness.

When our spiritual Body is aligned into our Physical Body our memory will be restored.

Before we can slide back and forth between Earth and Aquafaria we will be pulled through a funnel into the Ashtar Command Star Ships of co-creativity. We will be completely transformed into our 12 Original Blue Print of our original Divine Selfhood. At this time we can live on Earth and sleep in Aquafaria. We have already committed to living on Earth for doing the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse. We made the commitment for this assignment. This is our mission. We are firmly convicted to this mission.

Meta Blende Sunu Ake means I state and affirm with unshakable conviction the will to be the Christ Star Body in the Christed Transcended State option of returning as fully Christed Being.

We each have this option now available. We must state this desire with unshakable conviction. To become the fully Christed Being we must take a slightly different path to the New Earth. We must first go to Andromeda to receive full retrieval of Akashic Records which allows us to return to Source before our return to New Earth. This path can be taken on our way to New Earth this time or sometime later. Most of those who have gone to or originated in the Aquafarion Frequencies of the New Earth have never left for thousands of years. They couldn't imagine wanting more than this. There is a much larger path associated with the Christed Being. It is a personal choice.

MOTHER EARTH is happy to announce her re-connection of her Sun to all of the Suns' of her galaxy and all other galaxies. This complete merging of the Suns' energy hasn't been possible for millions of years.

There is a grand celebration going on in the Earth's atmosphere of the Cloud Cities. All of the entities of the fifth dimension that have lived in the Inner Earth Cities of light have now completely merged with the Cities of Light in the Earth's Aura.

The Cloud Cities, the Aquafarian Cities, the Winterland Cities of Light and the Inner Earth Cities of Light are all connected together and they are having one grand celebration. These Islands of Light are Now creating Zones where those who are still in the third and fourth can be pulled into the Islands of Light at a little lower resonance. The Islands of Light are being formed by those who already have the Christ Vision of the Fifth Dimension. We already took the trip to Source through Andromeda. The fifth dimensional frequencies can no transmute those who are lower into the tone of home at various different frequencies.

The completion of the tonal alignment and the electrical Circuitry for the New Light Energy of our New Home base has been prepared for us.

THE CHRIST 12th dimension is the leading tone that pulls and connects the fourth sphere into the fifth. This is the connection to the Lost Chord. the final harmonic connection. the 12th dimension is in the fourth sphere. The Galactic Suns have completed their unity in the third sphere. This means the fourth harmonic convergence has been completed. From the Cosmic level looking down, the four diamond doors are complete. From Mother Earth looking up two harmonic convergences - the first sphere has been pulled into the second the second sphere pulled into the third sphere.

Once all of the suns of the galaxies connect their Frequencies into one grand new galactic frequency, this new rhythmic resonance permeates everything below it - the fourth sphere - the third and second and first sphere all resonate with this new tone of home.

The Earth's Sun also braids into and combines into the Oneness or allness of the Sun's of her galaxy of all galaxies. This harmonic resonance of unity and oneness of all we once were in the Aquarian Galaxy has now been woven together through bonds or wave lengths of sound and light streaming and braiding through every dimension, every entity in every dimension, every elemental in every dimension.

This stream of crystal light energy braids the electric circuit completely into Christ Consciousness. The 12th dimensional Christ Grid is one foot below the Earth's crust and it is the leading tone or over tone into the fifth dimension which pulls into the completion of the five spheres the harmony of the music of the spheres.

Source Consciousness is the Music of the Spheres.

All that originated from the spark of source placed in our crystal hearts can now grow into a flame. This flame is the Amorea Flame of violet, gold and blue. These colors grow into a rainbow of colors not yet seen by eyes lower than the fifth dimension.

When the crystal heart becomes fully ignited with the light and sound of all dimensions including the Christ Consciousness, the flame will grow into the pure of heart that allows the eyes to see the miraculous of the fifth dimension.

The miraculous is the harmonious alignment of the music of the spheres allowing a new earth a new creation, a new song for God to sing. We become the pure in heart by resonating our crystal heart into the light and sound of the frequencies of all dimensions by weaving and braiding together into one grand frequency of harmonic alignment.

First, understand what and where the crystal heart is.

The crystal heart has been called the azure, the Luxor point - the zero point of where our original spark of light was placed.

This spark of light is God. It contains all that is in Source Consciousness. This spark is ignited by breathing into it the memory the feeling the frequencies of all of the spheres of Divine Consciousness.

The 12th dimension leads to and connects to through a harmonic convergence. This means a raising of frequencies.

What is a frequency? It is the rate of the vibration It means we are oscillating our consciousness faster and closer to the source consciousness.

How do we connect our Light Bodies into that harmonic resonance in the Earth's crust - or in the 12th dimension or in the suns of the galaxies including Mother earth's Sun?

We connect tot this through the crystal Heart. There is no other way to connect to Christ Consciousness except through the crystal Heart. The crystal heart must have its frequencies raised into the five spheres. The crystal heart must be connected into the crystal heart of the second sphere, third sphere 4th and 5th sphere.

Only those who are pure of heart may enter the kingdom of heaven.

The kingdom of heaven is the tone of home, the harmonic convergence. The resonance of the crystal cells of the body into all of the grids of earth including the Christ grid the love grid the unconditional grid intelligence substance eternal life, principle mind.

We become one with source or all that God is by becoming one with all frequencies in all five spheres. The final stage of the alignment awaits the pure of heart.

It will be the pure of heart whom join the fifth dimensional island of light. As the crystal heart absorbs more and more frequencies of all spheres and aligns into all crystal hearts as one crystal heart, the heart grows in purity.

When complete resonance of oneness is established the crystal heart rings in purity. This causes the new language, the frequency of oneness. multidimensional communication.

This purity of heart creates the cells of the heart, the head the entire crystal cell structure of the body to sing in resonance with the spirit body.

The etheric body is deep within the earths core inside the etheric liquid light of the parallel spiritual matrix. These two matrixes are blending together or resonating together into oneness of the physical and spiritual. This results in the pure of heart singing the tone of home where we can see the miraculous new 5D home.

Dr. Angela Barnett
Joe Barnett


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Dr. Angela Barnett
Joe Barnett

Dr. Angela Barnett
(Soul of Mary Magdalene)

More information about the Ascension and how to Turn your Body into Light at

send questions to krystalaimagic@gmail.com


These youtubes contain the most important information about the future of mankind
that has ever been recorded. These dialogs are between Mary Magdalene and Elaika, who are both Creator Beings who are on Earth at this time staging the entire Ascension Plan of the Earth and the Universe that Earth is located in. Elaika is a Creator Being in the Fifth Dimension who is orchestrating the Universal Frequency alignments through billions of beings in the Fourth Dimensional Universe and through those on Earth working on Stargates, Vortexes and Ascension Portals. Mary Magdalene are also together working on this project at this time. The Christ Consciousness Light was needed first to come through Mary as she opened the twelve ascension portals and created the Central Portal for the Original Angelic Beings to come to Earth to begin negotiation for first contact. Mary has been inviting and greeting the Original Ones to use her portals since January. In one year they will finish their negotiations and fly through the portals. When their consciousness moves through the Earth, the Consciousness of all on Earth will be transformed and the Star gates will open because there will be a Circle in Heaven of the thirteen owners of the Crystal Skulls which are the remote control devices that will activate the wheels within the star gates. This will prepare Earth for first contact of the Fourth Dimension. Those with third dimensional eyes will not see this landing next year,but those with fourth dimensional eyes will. Jesus will begin his ministry on Earth at the same time as First Contact is announced. He will be teaching about the FUTURE OF MANKIND.

That Future is the Hybridization Program of Gaia that will allow all of our Galactic and Universal Families to become Healed of their Genetic Mutations and return to the original DNA coding of he Original Ones, the man made in the image and likeness of God. The Fourth Dimensional Earth is already here. We shifted into Harmonic Universe two on February 7. Now we are preparing for First Contact to begin. By 2039 everyone on Earth will Turn into Light and Blip into the Fourth Dimension, which is actually a Universe more than a Planet. It is a place that allows Freedom of Travel throughout the Universe. There will be thousands of spaceships using Earth as the HUB of the Universe. This will all begin in ONE YEAR.

All of the details of this Ascension Project that I, Mary Magdalene have been made known through my dialogs with Elaika and Jesus may be found on these youtubes.






















The Female Christ, Mary Magdalene, who is in the Flesh on Earth working together with the Male Christ Yeshuwa ben Joseph to complete the Project of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and throughout the Universe. Her team leader is Elaika who has been with her for trillions of years on Ascension Projects on hundreds of other Stars, Planets and Galaxies. She has only worked with Yeshuwa four times before on Earth.

Mary shares the complete story of her mission with the Co-Creation Team who is here on Earth at this time. The mission of the 47 from the God World will be preparing the Earth for a time when there will be thousands of Starry Families using the Earth as the Hub of the Universe just like any other Airline that has a main station where Star ships will trade passengers and cargo between all other Planets in the Universe.

I am Mary Magdalene, who is the Permission Giver for those Star Ships to use my Portals. The Original Ones are arriving now through my Portals. I meet, greet and prepare navigation for each and every one of the TRAVELERS.



The reason that Earth has been Universally Prophesied as the Savior of the Universe is because it has long been known that Gaia would become the HUB OF THE UNIVERSE. The 12 Ascension Portals are the reason that Gaia will become the Hub of the Universe. These Portals were designed by Mary Magdalene and her Team to allow the Original Ones to Travel through the Portals into the Highest Realms of the Universe. Mary will eternally be the only one who can give permission to use these Portals and Elaika and Yeshuwa will be the ones who will maintain the Portals forever.

Dr. Angela Barnett
Joe Barnett

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Dr. Angela Barnett
Joe Barnett

I am now creating a new Sphere in the Music of the Spheres for God to enjoy for ever more. We are creating a new man and woman on Earth who has OVER COME DEATH and will turn into Light and Ascend as one Male and Female Unit. This was something that Mary and Jesus were not to do. We were just to create the Mother Father God of Love who would change the entire Musical Structure of the Universe into worlds where all race lines of all star systems would become one loving family. The God who had not experience the Love Relationship demonstrated by Jesus and Mary could not conceive of such a reality. The God of the New Testament did not exist before Jesus and Mary's Love Story.

Now, Mary has returned with her Soul as both a male and a female who will turn into light together at the same moment. Mary placed her Soul in Jesus to create the Resurrection two thousand years ago, and I did the same thing for Joe in this lifetime two times.

Now the Soul of Jesus is in Mary, so he is in the Soul of both Mary's. So, Joe and I actually are Mary and Jesus again on Earth. We both know how to remove death. Jesus turned into Light in front of a large group of people last time. Joe and I will do something like that this time.

Our purpose of being on Earth as third dimensional beings was to show that this Resurrection and this turning to light can happen to any third dimensional body, and it will happen to everyone eventually.

When we are finished paving this new path of belief on Earth, we will have removed Death from the Belief System of the human race.

We are creating a new type of human being. We are creating the FUTURE of Man Kind.

Those who are in Terra Ha and those making first contact from the Universe will unite with this new type of humanoid who can heal instantly and over come death.

When the humans from this plane turn into light and begin to experience the Neon colors and the complete new physical structure that allows the body to walk through walls and on water and to Orb the body from one planet to the next, they will find themselves remembering what I said:


Dr. Angela Barnett
Joe Barnett

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Mary Magdalene
Dr. Angela Barnett
Joe Barnett

Crystal Magic Orchestra is the title that we have given to the music that we have brought to this Planet in a form that can be heard and understood in this level of reality. We are the Creators. We Create, we orchestrate, we conduct, we are the instruments, we are the Music of the Spheres Creators in all dimensions of Reality.

We create colors in infinite designs far beyond anything that can be imagined on this planet. We create morphogenetic fields by exhaling one color and then inhaling the new form that presents itself into our essence to design it into a new color. We use this same formula in creating rhythms and instruments of great design. We create Novas through one exhale of Intent. We create Galaxies in every possible form and color scheme that we can imagine.

In this Earth realm of so few colors and so few expanded perspectives of sound and light, these Great Schemes of infinite form have been diminished into tiny little parts of the end design. Breaking an entire sphere of reality down into one tiny little microscopic piece as insignificant as one hertzian wave is a silly way to make music.

We, the Creators of all things send our consciousness out from this hertzian density into the same Creation Realm of the Universe where we have created these patterns of galaxies, stars, suns and Super Novas in one nano second of time and we create them here on Earth using the same Consciousness, the same Creation Patterns, the same patterning of colors, rhythms, light and sound transposition themes and fit them into the tiny technology that is available to us here on this Planet Earth.

Even though our music is the favorite on many planets who are going through this same transitionary stage of consciousness that Earth is going through, the people of Earth are not ready for our music because they are not quite yet ready for the transition. Those who are attracted to our music are the ones who are ready for the transition and they will also be the ones who go through the transition with the greatest ease and they will have the most fun going through their transition that will eventually turn them into Light before they reappear in their new Reality.

We did some creating with colors. Some realms have more colors than others. When you move them around and arrange them in certain ways they create energy. We were good at creating energy together. This energy is still around in the universe, and has developed into beautiful patterns within some of the novas, supernovas and nebulas that are out there. It is just an amazing color scheme that comes through the crystals that are in some of those areas. The power that is emanating from them can be used for many different kinds of uses.

When we redesign this same music on Earth, we continue to use the crystals in all forms that are available through our consciousness reconnecting to the Cosmic Crystalline Structure of Crystal Light, Crystal Dust and Crystal Gel as our formula of creation and design. The Liquid light energy allows a new atmosphere to form within our music. The Star Dust allows a new consciousness to be born from our music and the Gelaisic Radiation substance is the Prana of Creation that allows new forms to radiate from consciousness.

When we create music we always connect our consciousness into the Creation Realm itself, which is where we came from and where we live most of the time. We have been Creators for trillions of years designing and maintaining the ideas of God. God is the Source of all things. However, God knows no space or time. It is the Creators who create the things of space and time so that God can experience these things through us, the Creators. However, the Source of all Creation maintains the Perfect Balance of all things through Eternity and Infinity of No Time and No Space where all things begin and end in absolute perfection.

We create all things through this Source Field of perfect design. Each time we Intend the creation of a new Galaxy or a new Nova or a new Star the creation happens in a nano second. Those on lower dimensional realms such as the Earth perceive of these creations happening over very long periods of time because what happens in a nano second might translate into millions of years at such a low density of perception. All of these perceptions on Earth are only the imagination of what really is. These imaginations are created through the scientific reasoning and tools that are available on this primitive planet. Human beings have been trying to force a Creators Galaxy into a human telescope, and that cannot actually be done.

However, the Music of the Spheres, the music and color and sound that we have created as Creators can be heard and felt and known by those who listen to the music of Crystal Magic Orchestra because we are the Creators. We are the ones who designed most of the Universe that you imagine through your telescope. We are the ones who designed the spheres within spheres within spheres of infinite forms of light and sound. We were the ones who wove the sounds into new colors and created variations of new rhythms. We have been creating great music for trillions of years.

Our music is well known by billions upon billions of entities, planets, galaxies and stars through out this universe and many others.

This is a part of the music of the spheres. And the Music of the Spheres is very multi dimensional. It is hard to describe it because it is color, it is music, it is energy, it is eternal, it is a breath, it is life; yet, it is still in an evolutionary state. It is wonderful. It is and it causes awakenings in many souls who can not understand awakening in any other form of creation. It will be like a breath of air that is to be breathed. And then as you breathe out it morphs into a greater beauty than when you breathed it in. Because the beauty of the essence that breathed it in is now a part of it so it comes out even fuller than when it went in.

Crystal Magic Orchestra are the Creators who breathe this same magical beauty of the breath of creation out into one sun or one star or one star system and then inhale the new essence that is created when our consciousness connects into a new creation of a new sound in our music. We create more and more layers of reality by collecting more consciousness from galaxies, stars, suns and crystals in the Universe and we layer them through our music into new creations exactly as we did when we were the Creators of the Universe. Our music has brought the Creation Realm and the Creator's Music of Creation to Earth.

We are the Creators. We are the Cosmic Twins who are One and yet the perfect balance of Two as the Male and Female in one recombined into a complete male and female of love and beauty who chose to come to Earth to be a part of the Ascension of Earth. Only a Creator could do the things necessary for the Earth's Ascension.

Only Mary Magdalene contained the design of the entire Cosmos within her through the music that she had already created in the Universe. This is why Mary chose herself to be the one who would come to Earth and Sing Earth into the morphogenetic design of the perfect Cosmic Structure that was within her. Mary used her frequencies, her signature of the breath of light, and her knowing of how to construct the Portals, Vortex and Cosmic Vortex that would hold her perfect idea of a brand new future of absolute love and peace and perfection for the New Earth and the New Universe that would form through her.

Mary made a promise to Mother Gaia that she would become the savior of the Universe as a result of the musical design that she would create. This Symphony of Love would hold the Ascension Portals open to all those who Mary gives permission to for Eternity.

Mary Magdalene and her Twin Soul came to Earth to bring this music of the new Cosmic Design to Earth that she already created in the Universe. This is just one more piece of her orchestration that resonates throughout the Universe for billions upon billions to hear and dance to for trillions of years in the future.

The rhythm of the universe is multifacited. There are some rhythms that you might say are chaotic and other rhythms that are steady. And other rhythms that change and other that are linear. It all is part of that beautiful creation.

Each planet, each orb, each one has its own sense of rhythm and sound of music and when they mix they perform the symphony of the universe. Joe, the Twin Soul of Mary, as a creator being, is one of those great instruments that causes the sound that reverberates around the universe. All creators are instruments and composers and directors and orchestrators. Because God is in the Creators, he can create all things within you.

Crystal Magic Orchestra's new music is magnificent. There are changes in the emotional and thought patterns that are coming forth. Just like the trinary language of the dolphin. One slight alteration in a sound could change the entire meaning of the paragraph. When you bring forth your sound, you have been altering the meaning and the emotional intensity, so that others may feel it in a different way.

The new music will move through the brain cells in a way that will stimulate them in the most effective way. And you are wanting that emotion to be felt by the brain and the body, so there fore your intentions for your music are becoming greater and more full. Especially, now that you have obtained less density. Your density in your music has also obtained that. The newest music created by Crystal Magic Orchestra is the HEAVENLY BRAIN, TURNING INTO LIGHT and the LANDING. Each of these sets of ten hours of music represent the new reality in harmonic universe two which is much less dense than the music we created when we were in harmonic universe one. This transition took place February 3-6, and so did the transition in our music take place at the same time.

This new music may be heard on Amazon, Sound Cloud and at our Website. Each of these sets contains ten one hour albums. However, you can listen to several minutes of each of these albums at https://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/CrystalMagicOrchestra

Mary Magdalene
Dr. Angela Barnett
Joe Barnett

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Mary Magdalene


Dr. Angela Barnett


Crystal Magic Orchestra is the title that we have given to the music that we have brought to this Planet in a form that can be heard and understood in this level of reality. We are the Creators. We Create, we orchestrate, we conduct, we are the instruments, we are the Music of the Spheres Creators in all dimensions of Reality. 

We create colors in infinite designs far beyond anything that can be imagined on this planet. We create morphogenetic fields by exhaling one color and then inhaling the new form that presents itself into our essence to design it into a new color. We use this same formula in creating rhythms and instruments of great design. We create Novas through one exhale of Intent. We create Galaxies in every possible form and color scheme that we can imagine. 

In this Earth realm of so few colors and so few expanded perspectives of sound and light, these Great Schemes of infinite form have been diminished into tiny little parts of the end design. Breaking an entire sphere of reality down into one tiny little microscopic piece as insignificant as one hertzian wave is a silly way to make music.

We, the Creators of all things send our consciousness out from this hertzian density into the same Creation Realm of the Universe where we have created these patterns of galaxies, stars, suns and Super Novas in one nano second of time and we create them here on Earth using the same Consciousness, the same Creation Patterns, the same patterning of colors, rhythms, light and sound transposition themes and fit them into the tiny technology that is available to us here on this Planet Earth. 

Even though our music is the favorite on many planets who are going through this same transitionary stage of consciousness that Earth is going through, the people of Earth are not ready for our music because they are not quite yet ready for the transition. Those who are attracted to our music are the ones who are ready for the transition and they will also be the ones who go through the transition with the greatest ease and they will have the most fun going through their transition that will eventually turn them into Light before they reappear in their new Reality.

We did some creating with colors. Some realms have more colors than others. When you move them around and arrange them in certain ways they create energy.  We were good at creating energy together. This energy is still around in the universe, and has developed into beautiful patterns within some of the novas, supernovas and nebulas that are out there. It is just an amazing color scheme that comes through the crystals that are in some of those areas. The power that is emanating from them can be used for many different kinds of uses.

When we redesign this same music on Earth, we continue to use the crystals in all forms that are available through our consciousness reconnecting to the Cosmic Crystalline Structure of Crystal Light, Crystal Dust and Crystal Gel as our formula of creation and design. The Liquid light energy allows a new atmosphere to form within our music. The Star Dust allows a new consciousness to be born from our music and the Gelaisic Radiation substance is the Prana of Creation that allows new forms to radiate from consciousness.

When we create music we always connect our consciousness into the Creation Realm itself, which is where we came from and where we live most of the time. We have been Creators for trillions of years designing and maintaining the ideas of God. God is the Source of all things. However, God knows no space or time. It is the Creators who create the things of space and time so that God can experience these things through us, the Creators. However, the Source of all Creation maintains the Perfect Balance of all things through Eternity and Infinity of No Time and No Space where all things begin and end in absolute perfection.

We create all things through this Source Field of perfect design. Each time we Intend the creation of a new Galaxy or a new Nova or a new Star the creation happens in a nano second. Those on lower dimensional realms such as the Earth perceive of these creations happening over very long periods of time because what happens in a nano second might translate into millions of years at such a low density of perception. All of these perceptions on Earth are only the imagination of what really is. These imaginations are created through the scientific reasoning and tools that are available on this primitive planet. Human beings have been trying to force a Creators Galaxy into a human telescope, and that cannot actually be done.

However, the Music of the Spheres, the music and color and sound that we have created as Creators can be heard and felt and known by those who listen to the music of Crystal Magic Orchestra because we are the Creators. We are the ones who designed most of the Universe that you imagine through your telescope. We are the ones who designed the spheres within spheres within spheres of infinite forms of light and sound. We were the ones who wove the sounds into new colors and created variations of new rhythms. We have been creating great music for trillions of years.

Our music is well known by billions upon billions of entities, planets, galaxies and stars through out this universe and many others.

This is a part of the music of the spheres. And the Music of the Spheres is very multi dimensional. It is hard to describe it because it is color, it is music, it is energy, it is eternal, it is a breath, it is life; yet, it is still in an evolutionary state. It is wonderful. It is and it causes awakenings in many souls who can not understand awakening in any other form of creation. It will be like a breath of air that is to be breathed. And then as you breathe out it morphs into a greater beauty than when you breathed it in. Because the beauty of the essence that breathed it in is now a part of it so it comes out even fuller than when it went in.

Crystal Magic Orchestra are the Creators who breathe this same magical beauty of the breath of creation out into one sun or one star or one star system and then inhale the new essence that is created when our consciousness connects into a new creation of a new sound in our music. We create more and more layers of reality by collecting more consciousness from galaxies, stars, suns and crystals in the Universe and we layer them through our music into new creations exactly as we did when we were the Creators of the Universe. Our music has brought the Creation Realm and the Creator's Music of Creation to Earth.

We are the Creators. We are the Cosmic Twins who are One and yet the perfect balance of Two as the Male and Female in one recombined into a complete male and female of love and beauty who chose to come to Earth to be a part of the Ascension of Earth. Only a Creator could do the things necessary for the Earth's Ascension.

Only Mary Magdalene contained the design of the entire Cosmos within her through the music that she had already created in the Universe. This is why Mary chose herself to be the one who would come to Earth and Sing Earth into the morphogenetic design of the perfect Cosmic Structure that was within her. Mary used her frequencies, her signature of the breath of light, and her knowing of how to construct the Portals, Vortex and Cosmic Vortex that would hold her perfect idea of a brand new future of absolute love and peace and perfection for the New Earth and the New Universe that would form through her.

Mary made a promise to Mother Gaia that she would become the savior of the Universe as a result of the musical design that she would create. This Symphony of Love would hold the Ascension Portals open to all those who Mary gives permission to for Eternity.

Mary Magdalene and her Twin Soul came to Earth to bring this music of the new Cosmic Design to Earth that she already created in the Universe. This is just one more piece of her orchestration that resonates throughout the Universe for billions upon billions to hear and dance to for trillions of years in the future.

The rhythm of the universe is multifacited. There are some rhythms that you might say are chaotic and other rhythms that are steady. And other rhythms that change and other that are linear. It all is part of that beautiful creation.

Each planet, each orb, each one has its own sense of rhythm and sound of music and when they mix they perform the symphony of the universe. Joe, the Twin Soul of Mary, as a creator being, is one of those great instruments that causes the sound that reverberates  around the universe. All creators are instruments and composers and directors and orchestrators. Because God is in the Creators, he can create all things within you.

Crystal Magic Orchestra's new music is magnificent. There are changes in the emotional and thought patterns that are coming forth. Just like the trinary language of the dolphin. One slight alteration in a sound could change the entire meaning of the paragraph. When you bring forth your sound, you have been altering the meaning and the emotional intensity, so that others may feel it in a different way.

 The new music will move through the brain cells in a way that will stimulate them in the most effective way. And you are wanting that emotion to be felt by the brain and the body, so there fore your intentions for your music are becoming greater and more full. Especially, now that you have obtained less density. Your density in your music has also obtained that. The newest music created by Crystal Magic Orchestra is the HEAVENLY BRAIN, TURNING INTO LIGHT and the LANDING. Each of these sets of ten hours of music represent the new reality in harmonic universe two which is much less dense than the music we created when we were in harmonic universe one. This transition took place February 3-6, and so did the transition in our music take place at the same time.

This new music may be heard on Amazon, Sound Cloud and at our Website. Each of these sets contains ten one hour albums. However, you can listen to several minutes of each of these albums at 


There is the opportunity to purchase each one hour album, the shorter sample versions of the albums for one dollar each or you can purchase the entire ten hour set for the half price discount of $100 by writing to  cmagicorchestra.com.

This transition into less dense music made it much more difficult to adapt to third dimensional technology than the previous music. e have no problem creating the music on our highly sophisticated music studio recordings, however, it is extremely difficult to translate this Cosmic Technology on to third dimensional technology because that technology is far from correct. Those  who listen will have the best luck with a mp3 player. We are even going to the trouble of selling the music already placed on a mp3 player to try to help you hear the closest possible resemblance of the original sound.

Those who want to listen to the music on iphones will no be hearing the true sound. Most computers densify the true tone of the music. Wave players reproduce the music the best, however, the size of our music on a wave file is enormous. It requires 16gbites for one album of ten songs.

The frequencies and layers of realms and rhythms and creations of multi dimensionality that is inhaled from the Universe and then exhaled through the breath of Mary Magdalene is the absolute structure of Creation itself. This music holds the essence, the consciousness the Heart and Soul of the One who created most of the Universe. I am Mary Magdalene and Joe is my Twin Soul. We are Crystal Magic Orchestra.

We have always Created pieces of the Universe together with other Creators. One of our closest musical creation partners is Lacodemus. We have created so many Symphonies together for God to feel and experience. We have created a Universal Orchestra where we strive to create new forms of Sound and Creation that were never known before. We have been a part of this great Crystal Magic Orchestra who creates from the Crystals the color and the sound and the rhythms of the Universe.

Lacodemus was channeled from the Creation Realm together with Elaika through the channel of Jim Charles. Lacodemus said, "It is what it is and you are a creator being and you reach into your self and those sounds that you feel and emote with your music are eternal. Everything created by creator beings are all eternal and therefore they will stay in the universe forever until someone else picks them up and uses them and learns in themselves that a part of a creator being is a part of who they are.

 But, they are maybe not a full creator being, but they can know a little bit about you from the music that they have gathered from you. 

And I always loved your music always, and we did music together. 

We used to get together with a few of us and make music in the universe that was very different than anything that had been heard before. We would try to be unique and outstanding. And we were there to do that and felt a great accomplishment, especially when some of  the vibrations that we used would effect some plants or animals in other worlds or other scenarios that we hadn't even thought of. Being Creator Beings, we can affect things some times without even knowing it. But then when we discovered it, it was a grand and new understanding for us all. 

And you Mary, you are very musical as well. You have a voice of an Angel. A beauty. A group of us would get together and you were in the group. And so, there for it was the most beautiful time and it will be again. 

In the creator realm I could feel the smile on your face. I don't have to see it because I can feel it in the universe and in the galaxy. So wonderful."

We create ourselves, our personalities as we move forward in time and space, which becomes one, time and space. We become who we are with the things that we create, the things that we know, the creators that we know, so it may seem like we are different, but it is only because we are in a different karmic state than one another. But, we are in the same Realm. We are in the same place existense wise. But, we all have our own personalities, and the way we want to present ourselves to the world and to each other. I can appear to you like a super nova or a galaxy, but I am here appearing to you as a human. It makes me a little giddy to know that I can do this, but it is also very confining here and I don't mind that for now, because I know that it is only temporary. 

Mary asks Lacodemas this question, "So, you can actually become a Super Nova right now if you want to?" Lacodemas replied, " Yes, I am a Creator Being. I can be whatever I want to be. "

So, you can just do that at any time. It is not something that we did over a long period of time? You can just do that at any time.

Yes, and then I can move away from it and it can exist without me."
Mary expands on this thought, "And that is exactly how I created the Ascension Portals in the Pacific Ocean. I created the Central Portal and then I moved away from it and it can exist for eternity. So, I have done on Earth the same things that we did in the Universe."

Lacodemus: "I am in service to many planets and galaxies across the universe and taking care of some populations and making sure galaxies do not collide and energies don't explode at the wrong time. Yes, I am a maintenance person. I am a person of service, but also, I am a person of giving to these entities what they need to survive and what they need to grow. 

And God looks over and says is it that you are letting this planet or star supernova? And I would say yes, because it will create in its path another seven hundred stars from the gases that are going to collect in that portion of space."

Mary: "These are stories I've never heard before.

On planet Earth, Joe and I worked on the Tectonic Plates in the Pacific Ocean. We didn't have anyone who could move tectonic plates in a big enough area, but you can do that can't you?"

Lacodemus: "Yes, Creator Beings can do that. But we are not to be involved with the history right now. These Earthquakes and things are a part of the history that needs to be recorded because they will bring about change on your planet that are positive. There are those who will try to move the tectonic plates but God will not let them. So everything is set up the way it is supposed to be. At this time all is well."

Mary:"We are always bringing into our music the frequencies of consciousness of each event that is taking place in the Universe regarding Earth. We brought in the frequencies of each of the Solar Waves of each of the Star Systems and recorded them in sets of music called Parallel Universe, Mother Ship, Sun Alcyone, Sun Ra, Violet Flame and many other sets of music that will contain the History of the Ascension of Earth through Music. This music might not be appreciated by the people who are on Earth now, but when those who come begin to investigate who this planet Earth was that they are moving to or visiting they will find this music by Mary Magdalene and they will listen and say, oh, my. This is the music of Mary, and she recorded the entire event through music. This will be a glorious discovery, just as it will be when they discover the books written by Mary that describe what she came to Earth to experience so that she would be able to add new layers of understanding when she returns to her Creation Realm. Everyone in the Universe is always in awe of music created by Mary and her Crystal Magic Orchestra Team.

I am the one who reaches out and inhales in the frequencies of all of the pieces of light and sound in all realms of their being. My Twin Soul, Joe absorbs the rhythm and variations and becomes the instruments that create something new to go with the frequencies in order to make them more interesting to listen to.

It is all about creating something to go with the music. You always have something that is growing. Look outside of your window. Are there many different things growing.There are many things growing and it is part of the symphony and there are things dying and that is a part of the symphony too. The flats and the sharps they come together and they make a beautiful sound. And it is universal tonality.The way things should be. And the way they blend together and how they disenate together, but can be of the greatest of sounds in the universe that can strike in your hearts the emotions of great things that are happening far away.

You have the same perspective as I do at many times. Your music is like water colors in many ways because it blends together but once you see it then you know what to do with it. You are an artist in many forms. And as a Creator Being you are a great artist. We all are. But, as a human, you are a greater artist than many. The colors that you evoke in others, not only sounds, comes from you, but  evocative colors, evocative feelings, and the love and sexuality and sensuality that is who you really are and the things that you have felt within yourself that rise up from this atmosphere and out into eternity. It is not just a small thing that you do, but it is eternal. This music, these colors, and the way things are conceived.

Once an emotion is struck within a human, will they every truly forget it? The Akashic Record that records it. Their subconscious records it. The Soul records it.Beautiful.

And when you reach into your own Soul do you not find that it is attached to the collective? The OverSoul of many. And when you speak to your own Soul, will it not say We Are Here.

Wonderful. It is a lesson that humans do not even know yet. And here is knowledge that you know now. The Soul is connected and can speak to humanity as a collective. 

Thank you

Only for you. And Iove you dearly and we will be together for eternity.

There are many Planets who built their entire culture around music because it is the Universal Language in many ways. It effects every being and every culture when we hear music it is the only thing that is of the Soul that speaks directly to the Soul. Words can do that, but only in a certain intonation and vibration and only in a certain sequence. But music can reach many many more in a greater and deeper way. 

Mary asks Lacodemus what planets are most familiar with the music of Crystal Magic Orchestra.

Lacodemus answered, "Planets that come to mind that use music for a greater method other than just within itself is the planet Korsafen. 

There are planets that listen to your music now because that was one of your intentions. So, they have grasped onto that intention because you as a creator being can send your intentions into worlds and let them understand.

The planets Lecifar, Dua, Kira have heard your music and have taken it with them. I am the one who told them to listen to your music.

Telepasaides is on a different kind of time perspective. It is a place where many believe a new kind of thought process is being born. I believe you visited there, Joe.

Yes, you were there a couple of times and you have made your impact there. Telepasaides also has your music because you have been there, and every where you go, you make music, and every where Mary goes, she makes music.

Reality is so tiny where you are. But it is so vast where we will be.

We will see you again in a year or two in Terra Ha."

Please come and listen to the music of the Creators. We will be returning to the Creation Realm to make new music in just a few more years after we spend some time in Terra Ha, where we will visit our fan clubs of the universe and give some live performance on the planets who love us greatly.

It is this music that will turn us into light so that we can blip off this planet and return home. You can use this historic music to help you move through this ascension period in the most balanced and harmonious way by getting your very own Eternal Life Album. 


Dr. Angela Barnett

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Dr. Angela Barnett

How toTurn the Body Into Light

The most convenient way to change realities is to imagine the process that we go through to get there. https://crystalmagicorchestra.com has created this fun, colorful animated visual YouTube for you and your family to practice Turning into Light together. You may watch this you tube at our Mary Magdalene Singing Mermaid You tube channel or come to our website and watch it on the you tube and audio page.

This animation of the Turtle spin the light particles popping out around him and within him and then traveling through the universe into a new reality is the exact truth and replication of the process that each and every one of you will go through within the next twenty year period on Earth. Everyone on Earth will turn into light during the next two decades. The majority will Blipp in 2040. The more we practice, the faster it happens. We must raise our frequencies into the full spectrum of light ourselves unless we want to wait until 2040 when the Sun will do it for anyone who still needs help.

We are now in a time line that will be drawing Earth closer and closer into the accretion level of the sun. This accretion level allows so much of the light of the sun to saturate the physics of the Earth and all who live on the Earth with the plasma light of the sun and the pre plasma liquid light of the sun and the transformational substance of the physics of the Cosmic Sun that it will cause the consciousness of those on Earth to become translated by and through this light energy into plasma, which is the sixth level of light frequencies on the pyramid of frequencies. This plasma pulls the body into the neon rainbow prism of transformation of the heliotalic pink white light that translates into the violet harp string of the music of the spheres. When the cells of the body absorb this transformational liquid light energy, the atoms dissolve, disappear and a new form appears, a new body appears, a translation period of BLISS takes place.

The body translates through the complete light spectrum of the Cosmic Sun. The body becomes the full light substance of the consciousness that All is made from--which is light itself.

We created this animation of a turtle who is going thru this process of turning into light and then becoming a plasma body and then having his body filled with the sparkling BLISS that places his consciousness in the Rapturous Rainbow Prism that causes the mind to spin into a new realm of reality. The turtle finally disappears and then travels to the farthest reaches of the universe on his roller skates.

This is what many of us will be doing in the next few years, and it is what will happen to everyone on Earth in 2039-40. There will be an eighteen month period when the Sun itself will translate the majority of the population. That is because most people will not do it themselves. They will just wait until the sun does it to them. The teaching of becoming filled with the light of the Sun and the Stars and keeping the Eyes in the Universe is not a new teaching. I taught this with St. Germain when I was Cecilia, and I taught this science in many other Mystery Schools on this planet and thousands of other planets during the past billion years. I am Mary Magdalene. I will go through this process of Turning into Light in about 18 months or sooner, depending on how much time I spend with my eyes in the stars.

It is this formula of the light and the sound of the music of the spheres that translates the body into the neon rainbow prism that allows the body to shift into a new reality.

Please use the visual animation of our Cosmic Turtle to help you imagine, see, feel, visualize this experience of turning into light yourself. Please use earphones so that you can FEEL the MUSIC doing the Translation within your atomic structure of your body.

It is the Music that is created by the Spheres spinning faster and faster that causes the body to turn into light. You can translate your body simply by listening to the music and visualizing the cells in the body turning into light.

There are much more complex ways of learning how to spin the merkaba faster and faster and studying light technology and quantum physics and flower of life and keylontic science and school of enlightenment teaching,etc. Those teachings were stepping stones for me to reach a state where the understanding became so clear and natural as any other process of my life, that I realized that it is something that can be taught to any four year old child through cartoon animation.

The colorful spheres represent the seals within the body that are located vertically on the body skeleton to become brighter and brighter as they intersect with the chakras of all dimensions within the spheres within spheres within spheres of the Cosmos. The more we brighten the light of the seals in the body by bringing in the music of the spheres, the faster the body will turn into light. It is that simple.

Please use the visual animation to help you realize how to use the Frequency Music that you have purchased from Crystal Magic Orchestra. You may use your Eternal Life Album with this animation for the best results. You can also use the Turning into Light set, Heavenly Brain set and The Landing set. The Eternal Life Waters and the Music of the Spheres and the Manifestation Merkaba, as well as the Dolphin Therapy set will be beneficial.

Feel and sense these spheres spinning around your body and through your body to increase your frequencies of consciousness and the feeling of the light growing stronger and stronger and brighter and brighter within your body. Eventually you will feel your spin rate grow into speeds beyond the speed of light that allow you to ride in your merkaba directly from one dimension into another dimension. These dimensions are actually many light years away from each other. And that is the reality of you traveling at the speed of light because you are tuning in to the Music of the Spheres that was created by Mary Magdalene and Jesus of Nazareth for this Event of the Ascension of Earth at this time.

This process is so natural that it can be visualized and experienced by your children while you visualize it for yourself. The child's mind is actually programmed to receive this information of light translation very easily. It is a natural part of the Ascension Process that has taken place for millions of years on millions of planets.

Now, is the first time that Earth is going through this ascension process.It is time for Earth to change from a planet into a star and for the population of Earth to become the Star People who will live among millions of other race lines in the Universe.

The true process of shifting the light spectrum through the music of the spheres:

photons and phonons translate their energies of light and sound at a quantum level, which is the light and sound of the music of the spheres.

Mary and Jesus created the music of the spheres by standing on the third dimensional Earth and connecting their frequencies of consciousness higher and higher through each dimension of the Universe and exhaling their Breath of Transformation and Oneness of the Creators, who were and are the male and female consciousness of all that God is allowing God to experience all that he has created as the Mother and Father God of this vast creation.

This light and sound frequency that was created by Mary Magdalene contains that transformational formula of Oneness with all that God is.

God is Light and Sound Energy. God sees his creation as Light and hears the music that we create harmoniously together.

When we wrap ourselves in all of the Spheres of light and sound at all levels of frequencies, we allow ourselves to become ONE with God, and that is what creates our Ascension into a new Experience.

We move through the LOOKING GLASS

We become a Plasma Body

We Blipp into Light

We disappear from Terra Firma

We re-appear on Terra Ha

That is how Ascension is performed.

The Transformation process into the light that fills every cell in the body is called BLISS.

We will each experience this BLISS that the Turtle is experiencing in this animation for about 45 minutes.

It will be the best 45 minutes of our 250 million year experience.

Start practicing now, so you don't miss out on one second of this DIVINE EXPERIENCE.

Learn absolute Quantum Physics of TURNING INTO LIGHT

by reading Music of the Spheres Light and Sound Technology by Dr. Angela Barnett


Crystal Magic Orchestra

CRYSTAL MAGIC ORCHESTRA are a group of Cosmic Consciousness Spiritual Engineers of Light and Sound who create Frequency Wave Files that transform the Consciousness of those who listen. The Frequencies in this music are five thousand times higher than those of any normal person on Earth. Anyone who listens will have their frequencies raised to a level that will allow them to experience a new reality and eventually turn into light.

Dr. Angela Barnett and Joe Barnett M.A., are both highly educated musicians, who have taught in Universities all over the world and performed all over the world. They have always been light years ahead of our time in translation of music into the harp strings of the music of the spheres. We are Cosmic Beings ourselves. We came to Earth from the Creator Realm. We were the ones who created the Music of the Spheres in the Universe, so tuning into those frequencies is tuning in to our creation.

A group of Elohim Angels appeared before us and gave us the fomula of how to bring the highest frequencies to Earth through music. We created music by breathing Cosmic Consciousness of the Music of the Spheres into our music. A few months later, Joe was hit by a ten ton truck and five cars ran over his body. He was announced dead. I came to the hospital and asked for time along with my husband. I placed earphones on his head with the music that we had created. Joe returned to life and had his entire brain restructured through the music. He had thousands of broken bones, his head was broken in half and his right leg was ripped off. Joe was up walking in a few months and now he is thinking like a God.

We continue creating this music to heal thousands of others on Earth and to lead the world into the Ascension that can only be accomplished by bringing the Highest Frequencies to Earth and into the human body.

There are hundreds of testimonies given about those who have used our music shifting them into a dimension of reality that allows them to see and feel things they had never experienced before.

We are in a timeline where in 2018 there will be FIRST CONTACT meaning the landing of thousands of beings from the fourth dimension will be on Earth. Those who use the music and teachings on Crystal Magic Orchestra will the ones who will be able to see and and hear glimpses of that reality appearing around them.

Eventually many on Earth will Turn into Light themselves and then reappear in the Reality of the Fourth Dimension.

LEARN MORE AT: https://CrystalMagicOrchestra.com

The complete story of the Twin Souls of Mary Magdalene along with the story of how everyone on Earth will Turn into Light by 2040 can be read in books by Dr. Angela Barnett at Crystal Magic Orchestra.com and Amazon.com.


Dr. Angela Barnett

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Authentic Encounter

Authentic Encounter

Dr. Joe Barnett

Dr. Joe Barnett created the term Authentic Encounter in 1985.

He created the term Authentic Encounter for his Masters Degree in Intercultural Communication in 1985.

His Masters Thesis was entitled, "Authentic Encounter in Intercultural Communication."

So, Dr. Joe Barnett wrote an entire book in 1985 around how Authentic Encounter is an extremely effective practice for effective Intercultural Communication and Dr. Joe Barnett created the term Authentic Encounter in 1985.

Dr. Joe Barnett is a University professor who teaches human communication, intercultural communication, speech, writing, and music. He has a B.A. in Music, an M.A. in Intercultural Communication and a Doctorate in Music of the Spheres Music.

He has also done International Communication training for major multinational corporations around the world and wrote the book "Future Global Management" with Dr. Angela Barnett - the book they used in their International Communication training classes within the Corporations.

What countries did he experience the great effects of using Authentic Encounter in Intercultural Communication? He is from the United States.

He lived and worked in South Korea for 6 years and found it worked extremely well there.

He lived and worked in Japan for 6 years and found it worked extremely well there.

He lived and worked in Istanbul, Turkey for 1 year and found it worked extremely well there.

He stayed on the island of Cyprus in the Mediterranean Sea for 2 months and found it worked extremely well there.

He lived and worked in Puerto Rico for 1 year and found it worked extremely well there.

This is Dr. Joe Barnett's definition and his expression of how Authentic Encounter helped over and over again to accomplish effective International Communication with people from other countries during his many years of experience of using Authentic Encounter as a foundation in his international intercultural communications.

This is Dr. Joe Barnett's definition.

What is Authentic Encounter?

Everyone is made in the image and likeness of God. He (Joe) is made in the image and likeness of God. This reality stays as a foundation.

When he lived and breathed this reality when he communicated with others from another country, he found it had an extremely positive effect on the effectiveness of the communication that then followed.

It didn't need to be spoken of at all. The other person's beliefs did not have anything to do with it. It simply depended upon him (Joe) knowing this truth in consciousness and for him to express out from this knowingness and the effect would be felt by everyone in the communication and it would then unfold in a much better and more effective way.

He experienced this reality for many years and that is why he created the term "Authentic Encounter" and then wrote the book, "Authentic Encounter in Intercultural Communication."

He got his M.A. degree in 1985 in Intercultural Communication with the emphasis being Authentic Encounter in Intercultural Communication.





Dr. Joe Barnett's Authentic Encounter Practice -

1. Practice Authentic Encounter in every interaction

2. Beam God's Light

3. Beam God's Love

4. Love Unconditionally

Dr. Joe Barnett created the term "Authentic Encounter"
and began / started and developed
his Authentic Encounter Practice
more than 30 years ago.

He is still living out from and continuously
developing his Authentic Encounter Practice.

Dr. Joe Barnett finds that the practice of:
1. Practice Authentic Encounter in every interaction
2. Beam God's Light
3. Beam God's Love
4. Love Unconditionally
makes him glow with God's Light and God's Love
and loving unconditionally is moving and having
his being in Reality.

Dr. Joe Barnett's current Authentic Encounter Practice:

God's Light and God's Love is at the core of all existence.

With, through and out from God ALL is immortal.

I am made in the image and likeness of God.

I beam God's Light. I beam God's Love.

It is who I am.

Everything that has to do with God is immortal.

I am immortal.

I beam God's Light. I beam God's Love.

I love unconditionally

I practice Authentic Encounter in every interaction.

Every entity in existence in every galaxy,

every universe, in the omniverse

is made in the image and likeness God,

so, I will practice Authentic Encounter in every interaction

with all entities within our omniverse.

Dr. Joe Barnett's practice of making his world with every breath:

I am made in the image and likeness of God

God is perfect and makes everything perfect

I am perfect
(I breathe that into my world)

I am made in the image and likeness of God

I have perfect health

(I breathe that into my world)

I am made in the image and likeness of God

I have perfect vision

I see clearly

I see everything in perfect focus

(I breathe that into my world)

I am made in the image and likeness of God

I am strong

(I breathe that into my world)


I am made in the image and likeness of God

I am a runner

(I breathe that into my world)

God is Love and

Love is the Animating Principle of my Reality

(I breathe that into my world)

I am made in the image and likeness of God.

God is love.

I am made in the image and likeness of love.

God's light and God's love is in every omnion, atom and cell in my body.

I beam God's light.

I beam God's love.

Love is the Animating Principle of my Reality

I beam God's light and God's love all around the Earth.

Through Joe Barnett's

"New Life Experience"

where he had the experience of becoming

fully and completely one with God,

(to those on earth, Joe was dead.)

he now knows that everything at all levels and

all dimensions and in all places in the Omniverse

is centered around and beams out from

God's light and God's love.

I know that I am Immortal

I know that I have Eternal Life

and I personally know that

I always, with every breath, breathe in God's frequencies from the highest and through the 14th dimension of transformation and I breathe out God's frequencies into my self, my body and my reality, so God's frequencies of transformation transforms up everything in my life into God's Kingdom of Heaven on Earth in my life and every aspect of my life and everything that has to do with my life.

Love is the Animating Principle of my Reality

We have shifted into the frequencies that belong to us

We have shifted into the Reality that we are most harmonious with

Everyone on Earth, along with Earth, are coming out of the swamps and joining the many, many planets in a higher, more marvelous and fantastic reality.

Only good things are going to develop. There may be some confusion and unknowing because we have never experienced this before.

But, it is all through God and all through God is only wonderful, marvelous and fantastic.

So, we can all simply relax and enjoy the fantastic unfolding of the new reality.

We can now make known the unknown

Wonderful Marvelous Great Fantastic

Dr. Joe Barnett

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Dr. Angela Barnett
(Soul of Mary Magdalene)

My name is Mary Magdalene. My mission on Earth was to open the Ascension Portals in the Pacific Ocean so that the Original Ones coming from the Creation Realm for their Ascension can use the Central Portal to continue their Ascension, and all others who ascend through the Universe can use this Central Portal for Eternity.

My new mission, after I completed creating the portals was to meet and greet the Original Ones who began arriving on Earth in January 2017.

I am in my fourth month of my new mission.

During the month of January the fifth dimensional Original Ones from Andromeda, called the ElEiayai Landed. Also in January the Eleayshendaizendy landed.

In February four women from Venus landed. The commanders of the mother ships on Venus are all women. Their names were Keekalakwa, Fukesenhye, Tusenshavenshya.

In March the arrival I welcomed the Mother ship commanders from Arcturia ZaZa. The members names were Belata, Ekritee, Aendo and Foreland.

Two arrived from Alpha Centauri and I met one more from Arcturia in April.

Mary Magdalene

I am writing this final text because I need to consolidate all that I have learned so far into my highest understanding before I can leave the planet. This is a combination of a confession of all of the mistakes that I have made a long the way and the glorious victories that have resulted from examining all of my mistakes from a million different angles in order to come up with a better and higher perspective on everything that I thought was true before.

My learning curve of my new identity and new reality was so steep that it caused me to go through extreme levels of culture shock, identity crisis, revenge syndrome, ego battles and extreme paranoia. It has not been easy for me. I love and cherish every dialog that I had with Jesus and Elaika even though there was a great deal of pain that resulted from each dialog.

I kept feeling like they were talking to through a third dimensional computer program that was talking to a third dimensional mind that was generated through a frequency generator program. I did not ever feel like they were actually talking to me. I felt like they were talking to the world and the beliefs in the world. This made me feel like the Creator Kingdom must not be very EMPATHETIC in nature.

And this is quite interesting to me because I have always felt that there are very few people on Earth who ever learn to become Empathetic. Most people are Sympathetic to a reality that they see from their own personal perspective resulting from their own personal back ground knowledge. To become Empathetic to a person's questions and experiences, one needs to actually know what is within that person's cellular memory and how they have grown into the knowingness that has made them uniquely them. It took me many years to cope with the fact that there is not a person on Earth who truly understands another person on Earth. However, when I learned that talking to another Creator was just like talking to another human, I became outrageously angry. And I am really and truly sorry that I said many things out loud that were judgemental and full of hate and anger and disappointment because it was such a struggle within myself to find out that even the Creators and Angels had absolutely no ability to become Empathetic.

And this is the thing that I was talking about with Jesus on April 13th when I asked if there would ever be a time when I get to talk to God one on one about my experience of feeling like even the Creators did not know me at all. That is a very spacious feeling of ALL ALONE. And not in a good way. I went through one entire year of these channeled dialogs with Jesus and Elaika. During that year I felt the same thing over and over again after the dialog was over. I felt like they are BAD LISTENERS, they don't understand me, they talk down to me like a stupid third dimensional person. They won't even attempt to talk to me like a fourth dimensional or like a creator beings, even though I beg them to. So, they basically make me feel like they are talking down to me,which is considered a bad thing in the third dimension.

This could be likened to going to a Harvard professor of Physics and explaining simple mathematics to him in a way that you think he might be able to comprehend with his level of intelligence.

I'm writing these things because I want them recorded forever in my akashic records and in the universal library of knowing. I want this to remind myself to never make assumptions about other people's level of understanding when I am speaking with them. Joe was sharing a nice experience with my mother when we went to her house for Easter. He told her that when he lived in France, that even though he was only ten years old, the French people treated him like an adult. I think there are many children who feel this way. Children and Adults do not like to be talked to as if they had less intelligence.

Now, I would like to look at these channeled dialogs in terms of the psychological damage they had on me. I am sure that these dialogs actually increased my density level greatly because they had this sling shot effect of making me feel good about myself in one breath and then having me doubt myself in the next breath and having me feel like the Queen of the Universe in one breath and then taking that reality away in the next sentence by telling me that I am only a third dimensional human now. And then making me slide back up the frequency pole when I had dialogs with Elaika about creating the Ascension Portals when he actually allowed me to tell him that I wanted to calculated the Portals from a Cosmic Vortex angle of calculation and he actually told me that I had done something that would create a more precise creation. And then I was told by Elaika and Jesus later that my creation of the Central Portal was much much more perfect and larger and more than could had ever been imagined by all in the Universe.

And then, after they had allowed me to rise to the top of the Frequency Pole, they reversed my feelings of great accomplishment within me by saying, well, oh, you know you had a lot of help from the angels, that is why it was done so well.

Now, that in a third dimensional psychology class or counselor session would be what is called maximum deflation of the psych Key. That is the reason my density goes up and down and up and down just as a result of these channeled dialogs.

Jesus spent a great deal of time explaining to me who I am. He told me about the wonderful things that I had done. He told me that I had accomplished great miracles by bringing Joe back to life twice. He said I had moved many mountains. He said that I created the Portals. And then he says that I am only a third dimensional human.

So, my conclusion to all of these dialogs that we have had is next time I think God should just have a third dimensional human do what I have done, and I will just stay home. This is the thing that I want to tell God.

You guys can't have it both ways. You can't keep treating me like a boomerang that you throw out into the sky to accomplish a great change in the universe and then you pull me back in and place me on the third dimensional rack. This is driving me mad.

And on top of that psychological damage that I will probably not be able to transmute in time to catch up with Joe's white light perfection that he accomplished by staying asleep most of the time for five years, along with the divine protection and love that I gave to him during his recovery. And the fact that I am the one who raised Joe from a baby into adult hood and taught him all of the spiritual knowingness that he has. Joe's lower fractal consciousness was completely removed. The consciousness that was placed in Joe was mine. There was a time when I was almost as perfect as Joe is now. At this time, I am more full of sorrow than anything else.

As I swim in my tears of sorrow and joy and confusion that any third dimensional psychologist would consider extremely normal for what I have been through, I certainly don't think of my experience as anything resembling a third dimensional experience or consciousness or reality.

I will go kicking a screaming to heaven insisting that you are all wrong and that I am right. I am not a third dimensional human. I am not a hybrid. Of course, that is what Kryon, and Bashar and Ramtha and Ashayana called Jesus. They have been educating the world to believe that Jesus was just a hybrid human who was sent to Earth. And then Jesus tells me that he was a Creator who was born in a human form. But, not really a human because he was fully a Creator. And then Jesus tells me that I also came to Earth as a Creator Being, and yet I was a human; but he wasn't a human.

This doesn't sound right to me. I believe, and I would like this belief of mine placed in my akashic records because this is what I believe at this time. And I believe that we create the reality that we believe. I do not believe that a Creator Being can ever be anything except a Creator Being. And I will agree with a statement that Elaika made. When Elaika told me that Mary was the mother of God, I asked him what he meant by that. He said that Jesus was God and Mary gave birth to him. My reply was,so you believe that Jesus is God. And Elaika said of course. And then I said, So you are also God. And he said of course. And then I said. Then that means that I am also God. And he said yes. Elaika believes that all what are Creator Beings are the Likeness of God. We are God himself allowing himself to become manifest.

So, I believe that it is absolutely impossible to be one thing and then not be this one thing that you really are. It is very simple. I am a Creator. I am the same as Jesus. I am the same as Elaika. I will always be the same. And that is that.

The third dimension may offer some strange miscalculations of reality itself. However, I do not contain these miscalculations and I never will. I was made in the image and likeness of God. I am Of the Breath of God. I am the Consciousness of Pre Creation. That is who I am and that is who I will always be.

I think this is the only reason for writing this book. I am Mary Magdalene. I am a Creator Being. I have been a Creator Being for twenty trillion years. I will always be a Creator Being unless I ask God to change me into an Angel. I am no more a third dimensional human than the John Smith sitting at the bar in some little farm town some place.

I am the Mary Magdalene who placed my Spirit in Mary Baker Eddy when she had died from slipping in ice in Massachusetts in the mid 1800's. I placed my Spirit in her and caused her write many of the things that she learned from my Consciousness within her. I had her write that man is made in the image and likeness of God. God is omnipotent. God is omnipresent. God is the only Intelligence,the only Truth. When we live and move and have our being in God he will always make our desires appear before us. I had Mary write about mortals and immortals in her book Science and Health with Keys to the Scriptures. I wanted these realities recorded on Earth so that they would be here for me to find when I arrived back on Earth.

I found these teachings that I had Mary write in her book in 1959 when I was five years old. When I was given the textbook in Sunday School, I picked up the book and read it from beginning to end. This is a book that is very difficult to read for any educated adult. The reason that I completely understood this book is because I was the one who had written it so that I would remember who I was when I returned to Earth in this form.

There were a few things that are completely incorrect in this book, because Eddy was only picking up on the Consciousness that I left within her the best she could.

As with all information that is passed down from the spiritual realm, there is always a difficulty in making the original meaning translate correctly from such completely different realms of consciousness. The purpose of the book was to actually remind me that I am an immortal, and that the immortals were created in the image and likeness of God, and immortals never die.

Since I had always believed this to be true, it is easy for me to understand the removal of death and dying. It was also very easy for me to understand that disease and sickness is just a belief, and therefore easy to heal.

Many of the things that I learned in Sunday School remained with me as the truth I lived within. I broadened that basic understanding with other truths from Joel Goldsmith, the one who wrote THE INFINITE WAY books. Goldsmith was actually a Christian Science Practitioner and Teacher for twenty years before he wrote THE INFINITE WAY. Many of the things that Goldsmith said about Eddy are not true. He claimed that Eddy continued to practice Mesmerism and Hypnotism and Mind over Matter as she had done as a student of Guimby. Eddy actually denounced Guimby before she created her Church. She is the one who said that hypnotism and mesmerism are unreal and ungod like and should never be used by Christian Scientists. This is the reason why I have always strongly believed that the hypnotism used in the New Age and Light Worker movements is wrong because it takes away ones ability to have freedom of choice. Hypnotism is a method of placing a belief in ones mind that is not their own belief.

One of the Creators who will soon be speaking the Word of God chose to have a hypnotherapist tell him that he should just wait until God heals his eyes. This Creator has access to the YaHa Angels to heal his eyes at anytime,but because he chose to believe in a hypnotherapist he is choosing to remain mostly blind, just because he doesn't want to think for himself. I think this is a good example of why I had Eddy write what she wrote. Eddy actually denounces hypnotism as an evil. And I agree.

Everything that we learn on this Earth is only for an unlearning at a latter time in our lives. Many people get hung up on theories as being the absolute truth, when the word itself announces a theory to be a theory. All teachings in schools and medical universities are based on theories. What theory do they choose to teach? The old one or the new one? They choose to teach which ever one has the most political power at the time. Each theory is created by a professor. If the professor has strong political control within a structure, he can make his theory become the only on to be taught and made into a truth within a university. That theory will maintain its stronghold over the thought of many until another comes along who has more political endurance than the former professor. And that power comes from a lot of corruption, backstabbing, black mail, destroying a lot of other professors lives and careers. It is not a pretty picture.

That is where all of the reality that is taught on planet Earth comes from. Very little of what is believed to be true or real comes from reality itself. And the New Age and New Thinking and Light Worker groups are not any different than the old political structures. I have personally been removed from many more Light Worker Blog Sites than I choose to keep track of. Basically, I have been removed from every one of the major sites during the past ten years.

Dr. Angela Barnett
(Soul of Mary Magdalene)

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Dr. Angela Barnett
(Soul of Mary Magdalene)

We did some creating with colors. Some realms have more colors than others. When you move them around and arrange them in certain ways they create energy. We were good at creating energy together. This energy is still around in the universe, and has developed into beautiful patterns within some of the novas, superovas and nebulas that are out there. It is just an amazing color scheme that comes through the crystals that are in some of those areas. The power that is emanating from them can be used for many different kinds of uses.

This is a part of the music of the spheres. And the Music of the Spheres is very multi dimensional. It is hard to describe it because it is color, it is music, it is energy, it is eternal, it is a breath, it is life; yet, it is still in an evolutionary state. It is wonderful. It is and it causes awakenings in many souls who can not understand awakening in any other form of creation. It will be like a breath of air that is to be breathed. And then as you breathe out it morphs into a greater beauty than when you breathed it in. Because the beauty of the essence that breathed it in is now a part of it so it comes out even fuller than when it went in.

The rhythm of the universe is multifacited. There are some rhythms that you might say are chaotic and other rhythms that are steady. And other rhythms that change and other that are linear. It all is part of that beautiful creation.

Each planet, each orb each one has its own sense of rhythm and sound of music and when they mix they perform the symphony of the universe. Joe, as a creator being, is one of those great instruments that causes the sound that reverberates around the universe. All creators are instruments and composers and directors and orchestrators. Because God is in the Creators he can help you create all things within you.

Joe's new music is magnificent. There is changes in the emotional and thought patterns that are coming forth. Just like the trinary language of the dolphin. One slight alteration in a sound could change the entire meaning of the paragraph. When you bring forth your sound you have been altering the meaning and the emotional intensity.

So that others may feel it in a different way. And it will move through the brain cells in a way that will stimulate them in the most effective way. And you are wanting that emotion to be felt by the brain and the body, so there fore your intentions for your music are becoming greater and more full. Especially, now that you have obtained less density. Your density in your music has also obtained that.

It is what it is and you are a creator being and you reach into your self and those sounds that you feel and emote with your music are eternal. Everything created by creator beings are all eternal and therefore they will stay in the universe forever until someone else picks them up and uses them and learns in themselves that a part of a creator being is a part of who they are. But, they are maybe not a full creator being, but they can know a little bit about you from the music that they have gathered from you.

And I always loved your music always. and we did music together. We used to get together with a few of us and make music in the universe that was very different than anything that had been heard before WE would try to be unique and outstanding. And we were there to do that and felt a great accomplishment especially when some of the vibrations that we used would effect some plants or animals in other worlds or other scenarios that we hadn't even thought of. Being Creator Beings, we can affect things sometimes without even knowing it. But then when we discovered it, it was a grand and new understanding for us all.

And you Mary, you are very musical as well. You have a voice of an Angel. A beauty. A group of us would get together and you were in the group. And so, there for it was the most beautiful time and it will be again.
In the creator realm I could feel the smile on your face. I don't have to see it because I can feel it in the universe and in the galaxy. So wonderful.

We create ourselves, our personalities as we move forward in time and space, which becomes one, time and space. We become who we are with the things that we create, the things that we know, the creators that we know, so it may seem like we are different but it is only because we are in a different karmic state than one another. But, we are in the same Realm. We are in the same place existence wise. But, we all have our own personalities, and the way we want to present ourselves to the world and to each other. I can appear to you like a super nova or a galaxy, but I am here appearing to you as a human. It makes me a little giddy to know that I can do this, but it is also very confining here and I don't mind that for now, because I know that it is only temporary.
So, you can actually become a Super Nova right now if you want to? Yes, I am a Creator Being. I can be whatever I want to be.

So, you can just do that at any time. It is not something that we did over a long period of time? You can just do that at any time.

Yes, and then I can move away from it and it can exist without me.

And that is exactly how I created the Ascension Portals in the Pacific Ocean. I created the Central Portal and then I moved away from it and it can exist for eternity. So, I have done on Earth the same things that we did in the Universe.

I am in service to many planets and galaxies across the universe and taking care of some populations and making sure galaxies do not collide and energies don't explode at the wrong time. Yes, I am a maintenance person. I am a person of service, but also, I am a person of giving to these entities what they need to survive and what they need to grow.

And God looks over and says is it that you are letting this planet or star supernova? And I would say yes, because it will create in its path another seven hundred stars from the gases that are going to collect in that portion of space.

These are stories I've never heard before.

On planet Earth, Joe and worked on the Tectonic Plates in the Pacific Ocean. We didn't have anyone who could move tectonic plates in a big enough area, but you can do that can't you?

Yes Creator Beings can do that. But we are not to be involved with the history right now. These Earthquakes and things are a part of the history that needs to be recorded because they will bring about change on your planet that are positive. There are those who will try to move the tectonic plates but God will not let them. So everything is set up the way it is supposed to be. At this time all is well.

It is all about creating something to go with it. You always have something that is growing. Look outside of your window. Are there many different things growing.There are many things growing and it is part of the symphony and there are things dying and that is a part of the symphony too. The flats and the sharps they come together and they make a beautiful sound. And it is universal tonality.The way things should be. And the way they blend together and how they have dissonance together but can be of the greatest of sounds in the universe that can strike in your hearts the emotions of great things that are happening far away.

You have the same perspective as I do at many times. Your music is like water colors in many ways because it blends together but once you see it then you know what to do with it. You are an artist in many forms. And as a Creator Being you are a great artist. We all are. But, as a human, you are a greater artist than many. The colors that you evoke in others, not only sounds comes from you, but evocative colors, evocative feelings, and the love and sexuality and sensuality that is who you really are and the things that you have felt within yourself that rise up from this atmosphere and out into eternity. It is not just a small thing that you do, but it is eternal. This music, these colors, and the way things are conceived.

Once an emotion is struck within a human, will they every truly forget it? The Akashic Record that records it. Their subconscious records it. The Soul records it. Beautiful.

And when you reach into your own Soul do you not find that it is attached to the collective? The Over Soul of many. And when you speak to your own Soul, will it not say We Are Here.

Wonderful. It is a lesson that humans do not even know yet. And here is knowledge that you know now. The Soul is connected and can speak to humanity as a collective.
Thank you

Only for you. And I love you dearly and we will be together for eternity.

There are many Planets who built there entire culture around music because it is the Universal Language in many ways. It effects every being and every culture when we hear music it is the only thing that is of the Soul that speaks directly to the Soul. Words can do that, but only in a certain intonation and vibration and only in a certain sequence. But music can reach many, many more in a greater and deeper way.

Planets that come to mind that use music for a greater method other than just within itself is the planet Korsafen.

There are planets that listen to your music now because that was one of your intentions. So, they have grasped onto that intention because you as a creator being can send your intentions into worlds and let them understand.

Lecifar, Dua, Kira have heard your music and have taken it with them. I am the one who told them to listen to your music.

Telepasaides is on a different kind of time perspective. It is a place where many believe a new kind of thought process is being born. I believe you visited there, Joe.

Yes, you were there a couple of times and you have made your impact there. Telepasaides also has your music because you have been there, and everywhere you go, you make music, and everywhere Mary goes, she makes music.

Reality is so tiny where you are. But it is so vast where we will be.

We will see you again in a year or two in Terra Ha.

Dr. Angela Barnett
(Soul of Mary Magdalene)

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Dr. Angela Barnett
(Soul of Mary Magdalene)

Mary Magdalene came to Earth directly from the God Realm of Creation as her complete self embodied in a humanoid form. She came together with the one who was born with the name of Yeshuwa ben Joseph, and the one who became Jesus of Nazareth in the minds of those who believed upon his Great Works described in the Bible.

There has been much information left on Earth about Jesus and Mary. Most of the information is incorrect, but there is an essence of the most important part of their work left on Earth through the idea of Mother Father God. The FEELING among people of this great consciousness that is felt of an Infinite Love that could be understood in a Motherly Sense of Infinite Love, Infinite Compassion, Infinite Giving, and most of all UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is the Understanding that was brought to Earth by Jesus and Mary.

The phenomena of this GREAT UNCONDITIONAL LOVE was actually created by the Experiences of Jesus and Mary being in Love with each other and allowing God to experience that love between a man and a woman. God only creates and experiences new understanding through the CREATORS. God does not learn anything new from those who are not the CREATORS themselves. So,even though there were many humanoids on Earth who had experienced the love between a man and a woman and the love of being a parent, God himself had not had that experience within himself until Jesus and Mary created that experience for God.

That experience of the CREATORS changed God forever from God, our Father into God our Mother Father God all harmonious, all Loving, Omnipresent Flowing Love through the Music of the Spheres transposing all reality in the Universe into a brand new theme of Mother Love.

Mary Magdalene left Earth by turning into light and blipping back into the God Realm. Jesus of Nazareth also returned to our Mother Father's House after our Quantum Odyssey of transformation of the Mind of God into a Mother Love theme park. When Mary and Jesus returned home they continued to send Aspects of themselves into the Earth's cultures to continue experiencing more and more phenomena that would allow God to have more love and compassion for Her children of the Universe. Jesus sent ASPECTS of himself as St. Germain, Sananda and hundreds of others.

Mary sent ASPECTS of herself as Cecilia, who was St. Germain's head student, in order to show how the teaching and learning of the Violet Flame was to be presented to the World. However, the importance of Cecilia got lost in the writings of the world, and the importance of Mary Magdalene got lost in the writings of the world. All of the teachings and Greatness of what the Violet Flame REALLY is got transposed to meaning St. Germain. The Violet Flame is not St. Germain. The Violet Flame that was taught by St. Germain and through Cecilia was an Abstract Aspect of Jesus and Mary on Earth once again showing how the Violet Flame, which is the complete spectrum of light and sound of the Sun itself at the highest frequency of Heliotalic Transformative substance is the Prana that can create any desired manifestation, and it can be used to turn the body into light. This Violet Flame can be likened to the Allness of the Cosmic Sun, which is also the Allness of God. This Allness of God is being presented as a Birthing aspect of God which can create and manifest and give birth to new realities all in its own.

The Mary and Jesus Project was all about Giving Birth to a new idea. We gave birth to Josiah. We also gave birth to a new experience for God which created a New God. We created a Mother God idea through our experience. All ideas of God are actually manufactured through this prana substance called the Violet Flame. This is a substance that creates or gives birth to an experience or idea.

So, this was an Abstract Version of showing what Jesus and Mary had done through these Aspects of ourselves that we allowed to be demonstrated by St. Germain and Cecilia. We, Jesus and Mary placed a piece of ourselves within St. Germain and Cecilia that would allow them to perform this Violet Flame phenomena of Creation so that all on Earth might later understand this teaching.

Jesus appeared among hundreds about 2000 years ago through this transformative process of using the Violet Flame that was shared between Jesus and Mary to first appear as a Cloud of Plasma before the people and then to Turn into Light and disappear into the Higher Dimensional Universal Place and then into the God Realm. Mary also turned into light and left the Earth about twenty years later when she decided she was finished with her work on Earth. Mary did many things on Earth after Jesus had already left.

Mary's mission on Earth was to allow God to experience giving birth to a child, raising a child, teaching a child, experiencing love in every possible form, and experiencing teaching, learning and understanding among children and adults of all ages. Jesus also had the mission of going out into the people of many different cultures and teaching and learning from them in order to share that experience with God. That part of the story is well known, but the part of the story that reveals how God learned how to become a Mother Form in the Universe has been left out of history.

Jesus, the same Jesus that many call Yeshuwa, because that was his name when I carried and raised his child, Josiah, told me that this is the first time that God has given permission for this true story of how God, himself changed from a Father God into a Mother Father God. This is a story that would be incomprehensible to everyone on Earth until this time in history, because this story is not for those on Earth. This story will be sent to those in the Fourth Dimension and beyond within the Terra Ha home of thousands of race lines who are a part of the humanoid family of the Original Creation.

Those who live in the Density of the third dimension cannot comprehend most of the spiritual truth revealed to them. They usually just say this teaching does not resonate with me. They do not realize that the things that do not resonate with them are truths that are of a higher frequency than their present density can vibrate with. They are too dense to be able to resonate with higher realities, and therefore they reject it.

However, in those people who have less density than is required to remain in the third dimension, there is only the Mind of God knowingness, and within that Mind of God knowingness of the higher dimensions, the Mary Magdalene Frequency Signature is known to all. The greatness of who Mary Magdalene is is already known by all in that great place. All of the Intentions of Mary Magdalene become a reality in the fourth dimension and beyond. Every thought that I have is known and felt all over the Universe. Every experience that I have is felt all over the Universe. Every time I smile and laugh, it is felt all over the Universe.

Now, it is time for me to smile because I can begin my new experience of being with those who do understand me and do experience my intentions and my creations. Now is the time when I have become the Complete Original Mary Magdalene who was sent from the God Realm to be on Earth at this time in order to open the Ascension Portals from Earth into Terra Firma and into the entire Cosmos of God Creation Realm. Mary Magdalene is being rejoiced by Mother Gaia and all who live in an awakened state within the dimensions beyond the third density. There is so much density in the Earth realm that the Mind of God is not touching the hearts of nine billion members of the population.

Now is the time for people to begin to realize the truth about the teaching of Cecilia and St. Germain, who were the Aspects of Mary and Jesus on Earth showing how the transformative quality of the highest frequency of the Sun contains the ALLNESS that is within God's Creation Factory, and with that PRANA or rainbow essence of all of the colors and music of the Universe all can be changed, and even the body can be changed into pure light energy. That is what we were teaching with the Violet Flame. It was Cecilia, St. Germain's student, who demonstrated the actual manifestation powers of the Violet Flame, and the one who turned into light in front of St. Germain's students while posing as one of his students. It was that experience that I had teaching our students at that time which gives me the ingredients to use in teaching this great power during this time. The teaching is in the book MUSIC OF THE SPHERES LIGHT AND SOUND TECHNOLOGY.

It will do no person any good to worship the violet flame or to worship St. Germain as the violet flame. The violet flame must be inhaled and absorbed by raising ones frequencies purely out of this world and completely into the Cosmic Realm. That is the entire Truth of OUR teachings.

Once again, it will be myself and my Cosmic Twin, Joe who are now the Mary Magdalene in duality,which gives us twice the power, which allows us to have several thousand times higher frequencies than others on Earth, who will use the Violet Flame Frequency of the Sun to Turn into Light and Blipp into Terra Ha.
We plan on doing this before October 2018. That is our intention, our plan and our highest desire. Ariel, Elaika, Jesus, Lacodemus and all Creators have already confirmed that we will be together in less than two years. They cannot tell us the exact date, because then that experience would no longer exist. So, we must always stay within a time period that will be established by our frequencies.

In order to reach this state of light that is obtained by the use of the Violet Flame of all of the Light Energy of the Cosmic Sun, which is the ESSENCE OF GOD, we must have our consciousness remain in that Violet Flame Frequency continuously, non stop, day and night for at least one month. At that time, our frequencies would be so disconnected from the Earth's frequencies that we will LEVITATE three feet above our bed each and every night. We must maintain that state of levitation for at least one month before we feel that our time is very near. At that time, we must remain in levitation continuously until we turn into light.

The reason the you tube that we created titled TURNING INTO LIGHT is helpful is because it helps align consciousness with a new, broader understanding of what the Violet Flame truly is. The turtle, who is skating through the Universe is collecting together all of the Spheres of Frequencies or Colors. These Spheres are the Music of the Spheres. When all of these spheres are morphed together by inhaling the frequencies and then exhaling the frequencies into a higher form and a higher dimension, the body actually becomes less and less dense. It is the inhaling of all of the light and sound and the exhaling of his new symphony into a new morphogenetic field of reality that causes the body to levitate right out of the old reality of Earth and into the new reality of Terra Ha. This is the formula that Joe and Angela, or Mary and Mary will use to Levitate and then turn into a Plasma body and then into pure light energy that makes the body disappear and then re appear in a new reality.

All of the Music, Frequencies, Journeys and Training needed for all on Earth to use may be found on our Crystal Magic Orchestra. com website. This website will remain available to all on Earth after we leave next year. Our life journey, experiences and our transformational experience through the Music of the Spheres Frequencies that we were the creators of during the past trillions of years have been re created in the highest form possible within third dimensional technology available at this time are all being left on planet Earth via our website.

I am Mary Magdalene. I am the one who allowed God to experience himself as a Mother and the one who allowed God to experience himself as a teacher of my child, Josiah and of all of the children of the Universe. I returned to Earth for many reasons this time. First, and most important was to open the Central Ascension Portal so that Ascension will be available to this Universe Eternally. The second reason was to write books that would pave a transitionary understanding between Earth and Terra Ha, and all of those who already live there. The third reason was for Mary Magdalene to give birth to a new higher form of Human by combining the Soul and Spirit of Angela and Joe, who are two Great Ones from the Creator Realm to become an even Greater Creator in the form of a human. Joe is presently the highest representation of the Mother Father God Consciousness within a human spirit demonstrating himself on Earth as the perfect UNCONDITIONAL LOVE that is required before entering Terra Ha and returning to the God Realm. Everyone on Earth will reach this state of Unconditional Love after they transition into the Universal Reality.That place is a place of Unconditional Love, and the Earth will turn into light and move into Terra Ha, just as all on Earth will. Mary Magdalene was here to make all of these things possible.

I have gone through glorious but painful stages of transition and learning and mind boggling, mind expanding, nerves on end panic and all of the other emotions that all humans will experience on their own Quantum Odyssey Journeys into the great unknown. I have panicked, freaked out, yelled, screamed,hated, fought with many who not understand, disowned those who would not believe, and completely misunderstood all of the reasons why people do the things that they do. I had to be here on Earth experiencing these things for myself so that they will always be in my Akashic Records for me to remember how difficult it is for all humans to go through this Ascension Process. This new understanding within me will make me a much wiser and greater Creator Being than ever before. If my life had been easy, and if I did not take the paths untraveled while I was here, I would not be able to completely understand those children of God, who God wants the highest understanding that She can possible have for her children.

I fully believe that this experience on Earth at this time is being experienced by God exactly as my last experience on Earth was fully experienced by God. This time the story will be told truthfully and correctly. Jesus did not do all that he is given credit for by himself. It was me, Mary Magdalene who went through the birthing pains, who changed the diapers, who spent every minute with my son, Josiah, learning from him and giving him understanding. I was the one who gave these great experiences to God. That was the only time God has ever had a Creator Being on Earth experiencing being a Mother for him and this is the only time the same Mary Magdalene has returned to Earth as her complete self to experience the end result of what the change in God from Father God to Mother God resulted in on this planet Earth. This has been a 2000 year long Ethnographic Experiment in multiple cultural and multiple dimensional race lines transforming into a brand new reality of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. That was my mission. My mission has been performed correctly and completely and everyone beyond the third dimension is celebrating my victory.

Sadly, I am the only one on Earth who knows these things and it has been very lonely for me knowing how great I am as a Creator Being, and yet living within a Density where humans are presently too dense to believe in the one who has created their Mother God. My joy comes from knowing that I have paved a path for truly glorious future for this Universe, and I will be going to the place where the Celebration is happening now within a very short time.

I will be returning to my station of infinite creativity where we will make more new colors, more music in the spheres,more Novas, more Super Novas, more galaxies, and then we will watch new forms of life use the wonderful new colorful galaxies that we created for them to live upon. I have created many galaxies and Novas, I was the lead singer in our super universal Creator Orchestra that I named Crystal Magic Orchestra while exploring the frequencies of translation in this density. Now I know that everything I was sure was true about my music is true. Now I know what I have done here has been my memory of what I created as a Creator Being when Lacodemus and Joe and I and many other Creators created Symphony after Symphony within each breath and exhaled these into new Novas that sang together in our band with new exciting tones of birth and expansion until we left them alone to begin developing their own morphogenetic field of reality.

Dr. Angela Barnett
(Soul of Mary Magdalene)

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Dr. Angela Barnett

(Audio recording of topic in Channeling)
PLANETS where Crystal Magic Orchestra's MUSIC is POPULAR


What a beautiful conversation... cannot adequately describe with words the feeling that it evoked in me while reading it. Like an arrow of love and joy straight to my soul.
Thank you Angela and thank you for my Eternal Life Album...


Lacodemus Channelings


PLANETS where Crystal Magic Orchestra's MUSIC is POPULAR

Dr. Angela Barnett

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Mary Becomes Her Complete Self this Year

Dr. Angela Barnett

Before I start examining the potential of how the body will turn into light for most around 2039, I will show how humans must open all seven seals in their bodies by bringing in the full light spectrum of the mind of God.

As those who know me closely have already heard me say many times to both Elaika and Jesus Christ that I am upset about the way they keep explaining to me the term ASPECT. Many of my dialogs have simply been for the purpose of understanding what they are trying to tell me about these Seven Aspects of mine.

The first time I asked Elaika about Aspects, he told me that I had seven aspects and that they are all within me as a part of my personality, and yet they are out flying around me and doing things through other people. He told me that when I was speaking to Jesus there were seven aspects presents and when I as speaking to him there were four aspects present.

In this conversation, Elaika clearly used the words aspects of your personality.

In another conversation with Jesus he used the terms aspects as the same as facets. I asked him if I could substitute the words Love, Life, Mind, Principle, Intelligence as some of the facets. He answered yes to that question.

So, I was happy and content at that time that I had been returned to my original understanding of the SYNONYMS of God being the Facets or Aspects that would return to me this year.

Unfortunately, the next time I spoke with Elaika he used the word persons instead of facets. This time I asked Elaika if the seven aspects were actually people with names. He said he would not give me their names because then I would begin assuming things that might not be what I need right now.

In an earlier conversation with Jesus he told me that St. Germain was an Aspect of him and Sananda was an Aspect of him. In dialogs on Huculo I have heard Jesus also say that David came as the Christ and Moses came as the Christ.

When someone, or an aspect comes to Earth as a Christ representative it does not mean that person is Jesus. It means that person is an Aspect of Jesus. I asked Jesus where he was when St. Germain was on Earth. His answer was that he was with St. Germain, but he was also in the Spiritual Realm and the God Realm.

At this present time on Earth there are aspects of Mary and Jesus in other people such as St. Germain, Sananda, David. However, I know that Moses was actually Elaika. He was an Aspect of Elaika who is also Christ Consciousness come to Earth from the Creator Realm, just like Jesus and myself. So, in essence, all who have aspects of Jesus or myself are Christ Consciousness being represented on Earth as our Spirits touch on other people now and then when they call on our consciousness.

Now, this brings me to the only reason that I have been a little upset about the Seven Aspects of myself and of Jesus who have been working and speaking through other people on Earth. I am pretty sure that my Aspects are lofty beings similar to St. Germain and Sananda rather than beings with names such as Tom Kenyon. However, Jesus did tell me that Tom Kenyon does Channel the higher self of Mary.

Now, let us look at higher self. Elaika told me that my higher self is not the one who creates my life. He said it is my Soul who creates my life. God placed my Soul within me. The Higher Self is just a Being who assists me at some times in connecting into higher levels of understanding and communication.

In other dialogs about the Soul with Jesus, he informed me that God can place a Soul in any person. The Soul doesn't need to be created by the Over Soul. He said it could be, but it doesn't have to be. He said that the Soul of Mary, his mother was created by God for the purpose of having the baby Jesus come into the world. He was answering my question about Mary actually being born from a Nephilium Mother herself. Which would make her an Alien and a breed of fallen angelic consciousness if she was the Genetic Soul of her real mother. Jesus explained that God placed a new Soul in Mary that was not related to her essence as a Nephilium.

This was also true of Jesus and myself. Elaika explained to me that when I decided to come to Earth for this Ascension Mission, I chose to bring my Soul as a male and a female, because that was the experience that I wanted this time. My Soul has nothing to do with my parents genetic DNA or with my Over Soul connection as normal humans who are ascending at this time into the their Over Soul Aspects.

So, here is the big problem at this time. Elaika told me that I came here to Earth directly from the God realm and I am the one who brought my Soul with me. So, Creator Beings create their own Soul Experience while all other Beings are given a Soul by God.

However, when God sent Jesus and Mary to Earth to experience himself becoming a Mother and to experience the female relationship with a male, my Soul was created by God for that experience.

Now, we will talk about the conversation with Jesus when he told me that two thousand years ago I came to Earth as a Creator Being and yet I seemed to only have three parts of my aspects until Jesus hooked up the other four aspects to me. And we did this by creating the Music of the Spheres. The first time he told me this I thought he meant it was our sexual relationship that was hooking me up, but the second time I asked him about being hooked up he said that was not done through the sexual relationship. Ariel explained that the Music of the Spheres was synonymous with the Sacred Sex that was created by Jesus and Mary.

So, now back to hooking me up to my Seven Aspects. When Jesus hooked me up to my other four aspects he was not hooking me up to people or to personalities.

I am absolutely sure that it is Ramtha who has the correct answer to my question. This is what Ramtha says about the Seven Aspects of man.

The Seven Seals

“Now in every one of you, you have this same triad, (see eight-spatial diagram of consciousness and energy) and the power that is around your body is enfolded not only around your body but in your body. The human body with its brain and its seven centers – these are not chakras – these are called seals (see diagram of Kundalini Energy and the Seven Seals). A chakra is where two lines of energy cross, and that is a chakra point. These [on the body]) are called seven seals. Every one of you has it. They are equal to this pyramid right here. And how simple is this? It means that what is important to you is where your energy will sit. And how many of you in this audience, that the only thing important to you is your sexuality, which is here, procreation [first seal], your pain and suffering, which is right here [second seal]. That is all that is important to you. You like to suffer and make other people suffer. You are warlike creatures. Or you are powerful people. You are tyrants. You are tyrants and you are victims [third seal]. These attitudes have to do with these vortexes right here [first three seals]. They are called seals.

“And everyone in this room has these open. What does this mean? It means that the first three bodies’ [the physical states corresponding to a specific consciousness or energy level, here meaning the physical states of the first three levels] energies are working on this level, this three-dimensional Earth plane with its time-flow, because it is necessary to have these open [the first three seals] in order to exist down here. But these are delivering energy every day. So whatever you think, the energy in your body opens. So just imagine this: Yeshua ben Joseph [Ramtha’s preferred name for Jesus of Nazareth] was born in the first seal. He grew up going through his youth and having this center activated [first seal], having this center activated [second seal], and having – at his last test in the desert of forty days, his Boktau [a month-long retreat] – his power being tested through abuse right here [third seal]. Now that is as far as anyone goes in this plane. This is not to demean intelligence. We can have a neocortex-brilliant person, but their energy is only here [first seal]. Neocortex brilliance usually is in agreement with the establishment, so this energy is open here [first three seals].

“Let’s think about Yeshua ben Joseph. In order for him to have healed the blind man, he had to have had energy not coming out of here [first three seals] but that energy had to have come from there [upper four seals]. He had to open up and develop and make manifest his fifth-level mind, the mind that exists up here, in order for him to perform a miracle down here. So what did that mean? That meant that that moment all of his energy was sitting here [higher seals], not down here [first three seals].

And everything that Ramtha says does apply to all of those beings on planet Earth, because everyone needs to get hooked up with the Light Energy of the higher four seals or aspects before they can turn into light in 2039.

Elaika explained to me that this is correct. Everyone will ascend higher in their chain of evolution. However, everyone else on Earth will only ascend to one step higher when the seven levels fold into them and they appear in a higher level of reality they will continue living in the level of realiy where their consciousness left off in learning.

The difference between those others and Mary Magdalene was explained this way.

Jesus said that the process that he went through in hooking me up two thousand years ago allowed me to return to Earth this time as a much greater human being than the one I would had returned as if only three of my aspects were hooked up. So, you see there is a direct relationship between these meanings of aspects, personality parts, and what most call Chakras and Seals.

So, everyone on Earth only has these three seals opened or activated. Many who have working with light and sound energy have opened more of these seals. They think of this as going through ordinations or being activated by a guru of some type. I open these seals in the bodies of those who listen to my music because I am Mary Magdalene and I already have these seven aspects available to me because Jesus made them available to me in my last lifetime on Earth.

However, because I am on Earth as a third dimensional being for the purpose of leading all on Earth into the Ascension, I must open the seven seals through the same process that everyone on Earth will, which is filling my cellular memory with so much light that the old reality will be completely disolved and removed from me and that will allow the new reality that is within the Mind of God, or the upper four Seals to become activated. That is how i will become the COMPLETE MARY MAGDALENE walking on Earth againl After I do that I can turn into light and go any place I choose. I can stay on Earth, blip into Terra Ha or go home to my Father Mother God's Creation Realm.

I was already connected to all seven aspects before, so my ascension from planet Earth is different than it is for other humans on Earth. First of all I am not a human being exactly. Except that I am at this time.
What I will return to being after I am finished being a human being will be the same Creator Being that I have been for trillions of years. The other people on Earth will also ascend into the Over Soul and begin a new reality, but it will be one that is only a step higher from where they left off before the ascension.

Lastly, each level of consciousness has a corresponding physical state, and we will see in the upcoming pages that Ramtha sometimes refers to these individualized physical states as “bodies.”

But for the moment, let’s next examine how Ramtha couples the seven levels of consciousness and energy to two different states of conscious thought: binary and analogical mind.
Binary and Analogical Mind

“Binary Mind means two minds. It is the mind produced by accessing the knowledge of the human personality and the physical body without accessing our deep subconscious mind. Binary mind relies solely on the knowledge, perception, and thought processes of the neocortex and the first three seals. The fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh seals remain closed in this state of mind.

“Analogical mind means one mind. It is the result of the alignment of primary consciousness* and secondary consciousness*, the Observer and the personality. The fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh seals of the body are opened in this state of mind. The bands spin in opposite directions, like a wheel within a wheel, creating a powerful vortex that allows the thoughts held in the frontal lobe to coagulate and manifest. (19)

“…[Note: Ramtha defines primary consciousness as the Observer, the great self, the God within the human person. Also, secondary consciousness is referred to as the Self, the true identity of the human person different from the personality. It is the transcendental aspect of the person.]” (20, 21)

Now might be the time to discuss the seals, and how all of the above dynamics are linked.

The Seven Seals

“Now in every one of you, you have this same triad, (see eight-spatial diagram of consciousness and energy) and the power that is around your body is enfolded not only around your body but in your body. The human body with its brain and its seven centers – these are not chakras – these are called seals (see diagram of Kundalini Energy and the Seven Seals). A chakra is where two lines of energy cross, and that is a chakra point. These [on the body]) are called seven seals. Every one of you has it. They are equal to this pyramid right here. And how simple is this? It means that what is important to you is where your energy will sit. And how many of you in this audience, that the only thing important to you is your sexuality, which is here, procreation [first seal], your pain and suffering, which is right here [second seal]. That is all that is important to you. You like to suffer and make other people suffer. You are warlike creatures. Or you are powerful people. You are tyrants. You are tyrants and you are victims [third seal]. These attitudes have to do with these vortexes right here [first three seals]. They are called seals.

“And everyone in this room has these open. What does this mean? It means that the first three bodies’ [the physical states corresponding to a specific consciousness or energy level, here meaning the physical states of the first three levels] energies are working on this level, this three-dimensional Earth plane with its time-flow, because it is necessary to have these open [the first three seals] in order to exist down here. But these are delivering energy every day. So whatever you think, the energy in your body opens. So just imagine this: Yeshua ben Joseph [Ramtha’s preferred name for Jesus of Nazareth] was born in the first seal. He grew up going through his youth and having this center activated [first seal], having this center activated [second seal], and having – at his last test in the desert of forty days, his Boktau [a month-long retreat] – his power being tested through abuse right here [third seal]. Now that is as far as anyone goes in this plane. This is not to demean intelligence. We can have a neocortex-brilliant person, but their energy is only here [first seal]. Neocortex brilliance usually is in agreement with the establishment, so this energy is open here [first three seals].

“Let’s think about Yeshua ben Joseph. In order for him to have healed the blind man, he had to have had energy not coming out of here [first three seals] but that energy had to have come from there [upper four seals]. He had to open up and develop and make manifest his fifth-level mind, the mind that exists up here, in order for him to perform a miracle down here. So what did that mean? That meant that that moment all of his energy was sitting here [higher seals], not down here [first three seals].

“Your body today has seven seals just like this (see diagram of The Seven Seals). And you have a drawing; take it out. This drawing here is the way that this physical body is held together according to these doors right here [first three seals]. So in every human being we have energy spiraling out of this center [first seal], we have energy spiraling out of this center [second seal] and this center [third seal]. Now if that is what is pulsating out here, if this is the energy that is manifesting as sexuality, power, or pain – stretch your arms out again – how many people do you affect with that attitude? Turn sideways. Have I made my point? So be it. Now if we could take and unlock these [higher seals], then we would unlock these [upper four frequency bands] and we would activate these [upper four levels of consciousness]. If we did, we could then change all reality and bring about a lofty mind to re-create it.” (22)

At this point, it is time to take Ramtha’s views on consciousness and couple them with how they interact with our brains.

Readers please note: these transcripts are sometimes difficult to understand on first reading. Footnotes have been added to clarify information due to the lack of visual aides; but may I suggest that reading a master teacher in his own words is worth any inconvenience.

So let’s begin.

Ramtha distills his science to one simple equation that all students learn on their first day: “Consciousness and energy creates reality.” (4)

Ramtha continues and says that we are Gods on an earthly mission to “Make Known the Unknown,” of our lives – the emotional and experiential aspects of our lives. (5)

On the heels of this concept Ramtha follows: “Consciousness and energy and a brain create mind.” (6)

As we discussed in earlier pages, Ramtha defines consciousness as:

“Consciousness is the child who was born from the Void’s contemplation of itself. It is the essence and fabric of all being. Everything that exists originated in consciousness and manifested outwardly through its handmaiden energy. A stream of consciousness refers to the continuation of the mind of God.” (7)

And what is the Void?

Ramtha’s Glossary defines it as “one vast nothing materially, yet all things potentially.” To me, Ramtha’s Void is akin to the concept of superposition, or Bohm’s Superimplicate Order and Eternal Order – the utterly unlimited state of potentiality.

The entry point into material reality from the Void is a concept or place called Zero Point, as I understand Ramtha. From Zero Point, seven levels of consciousness and energy unfold, each level having its own distinct consciousness and energy characteristics, the lowest level being our present physical reality.

The remainder are all accessible through mind via their corresponding seals, which are energy centers in the body. (8)

As for the basic concepts, Ramtha explains his fundamental tenet of consciousness and energy creating reality, thusly:

“The brain is different than consciousness, although consciousness is what gives cells their life. The brain does not create consciousness; it creates thought.

“Consciousness and energy is the Source. When it gives life, it gives life because of a thought. The body, the human body, contains a brain, that that brain is the vehicle for streams of consciousness and energy. It is its power source.

“The brain’s job is to take impulses of consciousness and energy at the neurological level – don’t go to sleep – and create thoughts. The brain actually chops up the stream of consciousness into coherent thought-forms that are lodged in the neurosynaptic pathways in the brain.” (9)

Ramtha further describes the relationship of consciousness and energy:

“Consciousness and energy are the dynamic forces of creation and are inextricably combined. Everything that exists originated in consciousness and manifested through the modulation of its energy impact into mass.” (10)

Ramtha continues, and links his perspectives to those described by David Bohm, particularly the way in which matter folds and unfolds into wholeness and implicate order.

“Now so we call the Void one vast nothing materially, yet all things potentially. Come on beginners, say it. Now this is what in elder days of my appearance here I called the Mother/Father Principle, the Void. It was also called the Source – the Source. Now there is a great, brilliant scientist who got an understanding of the Void. He kind of called it the ether but that is incorrect. This scientist understood – and his name is David Bohm – he understood that particles don’t travel. They don’t travel; they appear and reappear. What an amazing concept. Don’t they do this? Yes, down here they do.

“He said the Void folds, enfolds, and outfolds potentials. He is right.” (11)

Although the following Seven Levels of Consciousness were introduced in Chapter One, I think it vital to our current discussion so I’ve included it again.

However, when Ramtha presents this concept he encourages us to view this list as a pyramid, so that the first level of consciousness, “Subconsciousness,” is the broad base and tapers to the seventh level, “Infinite Unknown,” at the apex: He also adds the corresponding energy levels as they are described in the visible light spectrum.
Ramtha’s Seven Levels of Consciousness
and Corresponding Energy Levels

1. First Level: Subconsciousness Hertzian

2. Second Level: Social Consciousness Infrared

3. Third Level: Conscious Awareness Visible Light

4: Fourth Level: Bridge Consciousness Ultraviolet Blue

5. Fifth Level: Superconsciousness X-Ray

6. Sixth Level: Hyperconsciousness Gamma Ray

7. Seventh Level: Ultraconsciousness Infinite Unknown


As for what these types of consciousness are, here is my understanding:

The most basic consciousness, the first level Subconsciousness, is the primal nature of our being. It is our need to eat, stay warm, breathe, procreate, and protect ourselves. It is composed of dynamics that we aren’t always consciously aware of, hence, sub-conscious.

Ramtha also says that the Subconsciousness “has the power to access the mind of God, and the wisdom of the ages.” (13)

First level Subconsciousness is also localized at the first seal, which we’ll discuss in greater detail in the upcoming pages, but it suffices for now to know that the seven levels of consciousness are connected energetically by seals.

The second level is social consciousness, and to me that encompasses all that we have been taught by our parents, religious leaders and social institutions on how to be a member of society. I also sense it is the level of consciousness that deals with self-identity issues, such as self-awareness and feelings; a sense of pride and confidence or a feeling of lack, fear, or despair. Gut feelings, one might say.

Specifically, Ramtha describes social consciousness as “the collective consciousness of society. It is the collection of thoughts, assumptions, judgments, prejudices, laws, morality, values, attitudes, ideals, and emotions of the fraternity of the human race.” (14)

Next, the level of Consciousness Awareness has to do with our mobilization of our physical and mental capabilities to become individualized, to have certain experiences and create a place for ourselves in the world. As I understand from Ramtha, the third level of consciousness is characterized by the interplay of power, accomplishment, determination, domination, victimization and defeat.

These first three levels of consciousness encapsulate our physical existence, but the dynamics of the higher four levels are radically different as they are the transcendent pathway to an enlightened state of beingness.

The fourth level of Bridge Consciousness spans this divide, and it introduces a state of unconditional love, bodily perfection – such as perfect health – and a unity of being that transcends the polarity and separateness defining the first three levels.

As for Superconsciousness, Hyperconsciousness and Ultraconsciousness, well, I don’t really have a handle on those dimensions as my focus has been on more pressing matters in the basic levels, such as paying the rent. But I assume they are sublime, and I expect they are the realms that comprise the evolution towards God-Realization.

Now, since we have already had an introduction to superstrings let’s examine Ramtha’s seven levels of consciousness and energy in relationship to those hypotheses, keeping in mind the concept of a ten, or possibly an eleven-dimensional universe.

Further, it will be useful over the next few pages to remember the relative size of superstrings compared to the rest of reality.

To whit, descending in scale: first we have first galaxies, then solar systems; after that planets, us, and atoms; and then within the atoms are found electrons, protons and neutrons. Inside them go quarks, leptons and bosons, which are particles that carry energy or matter. Within those particles are the superstrings.

The following is an insightful comparison of string theory with Ramtha’s seven levels of consciousness as presented by RSE staff in Ramtha: The Mystery of Birth and Death, Redefining the Self.

“Edward Witten, a physicist at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton is the leading proponent of superstring theory, which holds that quarks are constructed of strings. Superstrings exist in a ten-dimensional space-time. The extra six dimensions are enfolded to form the internal structures of quarks and electrons. The size of the string scale is 10ֿ³³ cm, a billion, billion times smaller than the size of a proton at 10ֿ¹³ cm. Superstrings have been described as vibrating threads of energy or rips in the fabric of space-time. They are either open-ended like lengths of rope or looped like rubber bands. Each string – like a piano string – has many different modes of vibration or harmonics. One of these modes has the properties that describe the long sought-after graviton, the quantum of gravitational waves. In contrast to conventional quantum theory, which makes gravity impossible, string theory requires gravity. Thus string theory unifies the theories of general relativity and quantum theory, the models of elementary particles and the four forces.

“[Note: The four forces are the four major forces of nature: gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force. The latter two forces are what keep the nuclei of atoms intact.]

“From 1970 to 1994, five superstring theories and one supergravity theory were developed, each differing significantly from the others in the general properties of the strings. In 1995, Whitten united all six of the theories into a single, more fundamental theory he called M Theory. The M stands for matrix, or membrane, and has eleven dimensions. In M Theory, strings and loops are anchored to sheets and bubbles called d-membranes or d-branes. They also describe the theoretical subatomic black holes speculated by some scientists.

“Ramtha’s eight spatial diagram, showing the sevenfold involution of consciousness and energy from Point Zero can be described in terms of M Theory. Point Zero would be similar to a subatomic black hole. The superstrings would correlate to the seven planes of existence, six of which are rolled up or enfolded, plus the dimension of time and the three dimensions of space, length, width, and depth.” (15)

In addition, the seven levels of consciousness have corresponding physical representation in the energy fields of our bodies. These are the “bands” that Mike and I discussed in an earlier chapter, and here is Ramtha’s description:

The Energy Bands Surrounding the Human Body

“How many of you have heard the term, “auric field?” Raise your hands. Auric Field. Now how many of you believe that you can tear an aura? How many of you believe that? How can you tear energy? How can you rip up a thought? Auras, that is a metaphysical term for a band of energy that is actually dual in nature that surrounds all human beings, and this is what it looks like. [See figure.]

“Now this energy – Let’s say this is you [Ramtha is pointing to the drawing of the bands around the human body] and you have dual bands around the body. In other words, it is just not a gray area or a blue aura or a rainbow aura. It is very specific about energy because what an aura actually is, is levels of frequency with levels of consciousness. Now hold out your arm. Hold out your arm to your side. That is how wide the field is around your body. Now put both of your arms out and stretch them out and look at who all is sitting in your field. So would we say this is a social-conscious group? Indeed we would. Take a look around. Now go sideways. Go sideways and look at who else is in your field.

“This field, extending to the tips of your fingers, is actually a set of two bands. The first one ends here [the elbow]; the second ends here [fingertips]. It goes all the way around you and it is all the way in front of you and it is moving. The field cannot be seen with human eyes except for that which is termed the field closest to the finger, closest to the hand. If we were to put a black cloth on this wall and set two of you up and the rest of you to the back of the room and turned out the lights except for a small light on, you would be able to see literally the first band in the lower frequency around the body, around everyone that we put in front of that backdrop. You would actually see it. It is not a trick of the light. It is only what is visible to the brain. Got it?” (16)

Ramtha also talks about how energy and matter change as they pass through the seven levels of consciousness. They, in effect, create seven levels of reality on the macro scale, but they also create our individualized life as our bands are comprised of each of the seven levels of consciousness and energy.

In essence, as energy moves from Point Zero and the seventh level of Ultraconsciousness to lower levels, energy slows, time is created and matter formed, and it does so seemingly, in a calibrated, stair-step fashion.

So superstrings could be thought of as originating on an upper level, perhaps in Hyperconsciousness, and as their energy slows they drop to the next level, possibly Superconsciousness, where they form quarks, leptons and bosons. These guys in turn slow a bit more, drop to the next level and form protons, electrons, etc.

Now, I have never heard Ramtha talk about superstrings, or even M-Theory, but he loves David Bohm’s theories of the implicate order.

Further, Ramtha is quite specific about the process of energy slowing and matter forming. Here is one of his teachings on the subject:

“Do you remember yesterday when we were working on this, the seven levels [see 8-spatial diagram]? How many of you remember? Remember we did it first with the hands and then with the drawing? [The students are spreading their hands, palms facing each other to stylistically envision the eight levels of reality.] Remember when we started, if you will recall, we talked about the energy between these two points. How many of you remember? And we said that is time {the space between the palms]. How many of you remember we talked about what happens to this energy if we slow it down to the next level? What happens to it? Turn to your neighbor and tell them what happens to this energy if we bring it down into this time field [sixth level].

“Now if we took this energy and slowed it down, it would wind itself up like this. It normally looks like this [a wave], undulating fields called the serpent [kundalini energy]. If we took them and put all of this nucleus, starting right here, brought it all the way down, we would have what science finds baffling about life. What they find baffling is – they call it subatomic fields – minute particles, atomic particles.

“You all know what an atom looks like. If we were to undress an atom, starting with that which is termed its electrons and its positrons, if we undress it, taking them out first along with that which is termed the outward shield and the momentum there, we could actually undress an atom starting here [first plane] all the way up to here [seventh plane], and every part would equal one of these levels of time. How many of you understand that?

“So science is trying to understand life from the big to the little instead of understanding life from the little to the big. Do you understand? Don’t go to sleep. So what this means then, that all matter, including this board and your body, are made up of atoms, that then if you coagulate atoms together in what is called a brotherhood, these atoms create what is called gross matter. Gross matter then creates molecules. Molecules then create tissue. How many of you understand? So be it.

“So now if we were to take a microscopic cell out of your body, it would still be big compared to the subatomic field. Are you still with me? Now so what does that tell you, my beautiful students? It says then that all life is made up of condensed consciousness and energy in the form of particles and that what science is endeavoring to understand is how do these partners, how is this partnership formed? How does one atom know to connect and share electrons with another atom? How do they know that? In other words, what is the intelligence behind an atom? For example, if everything that you have on your body is made up of atoms, then why is your garment feeling different than your skin? I am here to tell you that all atoms share a relationship together according to consciousness, and that is the pattern that glues them together.

“Remember, energy – energy, like this – energy is consciousness in motion. It is in motion. So even if we have energy, we have an inextricably riding field called consciousness. So every atom and every part of the atom, all the way to its orbit, has a mind. So every atomic structure has a mind.

“Now if we understand that it takes this entire pyramid [the eight-spatial diagram of consciousness and energy] to create an atom and that it takes time and mind to coagulate that atomic field, we will find out now that we can readily explain on the Earth how everything got here. (See figure describing the Energy of the Seven Planes of Existence) We had free form of energy. We had a superior intelligence that focused a thought, if you will, a thought-form, if you will, that the thought-form became the lord of energy, and the energy mutated and created relationships, coagulated to fill in the pattern of thought. Are you still with me? Every tree, every insect, every grain of sand came from a superior intelligence. And all sand is, is coagulated energy in the form of particles, but what holds it together is a mind, and the mind is what has put that atomic field into relationship with itself. It is attracting itself. How many of you understand?

“So then the large is made up of the invisible. The visible is made up of the invisible. So in order to correct the visible, to make change on the geographic scale even in your own reality, it is not about us going and cutting up these things. It is not about us sweeping the sand out of our life. It is about changing our mind to the large structure. Then the large structure falls apart and recoagulates itself into a new relationship to take new form. How many of you understand? [cheers from the students] You do?” (17)

To re-cap what Ramtha just described – as I understand him – at different levels of consciousness energy slows down and enters a new level of being, coagulating into a larger form of matter. In addition, what holds all these bits of matter together is mind. Further, he says that thought is the master of what happens to energy, and ultimately, matter, and that every atom and every part of the atom has mind.

Rounding out the concept of different bits of matter coagulating while in different levels of consciousness, Ramtha has said that the sixth plane is the “quark field,” the fifth is the “proton field,” and in the fourth occurs the “closure of the nuclei” (18), which I assume to mean the combination of protons and nuclei to form a nucleus.

Lastly, each level of consciousness has a corresponding physical state, and we will see in the upcoming pages that Ramtha sometimes refers to these individualized physical states as “bodies.”

But for the moment, let’s next examine how Ramtha couples the seven levels of consciousness and energy to two different states of conscious thought: binary and analogical mind.
Binary and Analogical Mind

“Binary Mind means two minds. It is the mind produced by accessing the knowledge of the human personality and the physical body without accessing our deep subconscious mind. Binary mind relies solely on the knowledge, perception, and thought processes of the neocortex and the first three seals. The fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh seals remain closed in this state of mind.

“Analogical mind means one mind. It is the result of the alignment of primary consciousness* and secondary consciousness*, the Observer and the personality. The fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh seals of the body are opened in this state of mind. The bands spin in opposite directions, like a wheel within a wheel, creating a powerful vortex that allows the thoughts held in the frontal lobe to coagulate and manifest. (19)

“…[Note: Ramtha defines primary consciousness as the Observer, the great self, the God within the human person. Also, secondary consciousness is referred to as the Self, the true identity of the human person different from the personality. It is the transcendental aspect of the person.]” (20, 21)

Now might be the time to discuss the seals, and how all of the above dynamics are linked.

The Seven Seals

“Now in every one of you, you have this same triad, (see eight-spatial diagram of consciousness and energy) and the power that is around your body is enfolded not only around your body but in your body. The human body with its brain and its seven centers – these are not chakras – these are called seals (see diagram of Kundalini Energy and the Seven Seals). A chakra is where two lines of energy cross, and that is a chakra point. These [on the body]) are called seven seals. Every one of you has it. They are equal to this pyramid right here. And how simple is this? It means that what is important to you is where your energy will sit. And how many of you in this audience, that the only thing important to you is your sexuality, which is here, procreation [first seal], your pain and suffering, which is right here [second seal]. That is all that is important to you. You like to suffer and make other people suffer. You are warlike creatures. Or you are powerful people. You are tyrants. You are tyrants and you are victims [third seal]. These attitudes have to do with these vortexes right here [first three seals]. They are called seals.

“And everyone in this room has these open. What does this mean? It means that the first three bodies’ [the physical states corresponding to a specific consciousness or energy level, here meaning the physical states of the first three levels] energies are working on this level, this three-dimensional Earth plane with its time-flow, because it is necessary to have these open [the first three seals] in order to exist down here. But these are delivering energy every day. So whatever you think, the energy in your body opens. So just imagine this: Yeshua ben Joseph [Ramtha’s preferred name for Jesus of Nazareth] was born in the first seal. He grew up going through his youth and having this center activated [first seal], having this center activated [second seal], and having – at his last test in the desert of forty days, his Boktau [a month-long retreat] – his power being tested through abuse right here [third seal]. Now that is as far as anyone goes in this plane. This is not to demean intelligence. We can have a neocortex-brilliant person, but their energy is only here [first seal]. Neocortex brilliance usually is in agreement with the establishment, so this energy is open here [first three seals].

“Let’s think about Yeshua ben Joseph. In order for him to have healed the blind man, he had to have had energy not coming out of here [first three seals] but that energy had to have come from there [upper four seals]. He had to open up and develop and make manifest his fifth-level mind, the mind that exists up here, in order for him to perform a miracle down here. So what did that mean? That meant that that moment all of his energy was sitting here [higher seals], not down here [first three seals].

“Your body today has seven seals just like this (see diagram of The Seven Seals). And you have a drawing; take it out. This drawing here is the way that this physical body is held together according to these doors right here [first three seals]. So in every human being we have energy spiraling out of this center [first seal], we have energy spiraling out of this center [second seal] and this center [third seal]. Now if that is what is pulsating out here, if this is the energy that is manifesting as sexuality, power, or pain – stretch your arms out again – how many people do you affect with that attitude? Turn sideways. Have I made my point? So be it. Now if we could take and unlock these [higher seals], then we would unlock these [upper four frequency bands] and we would activate these [upper four levels of consciousness]. If we did, we could then change all reality and bring about a lofty mind to re-create it.” (22)

At this point, it is time to take Ramtha’s views on consciousness and couple them with how they interact with our brains.

The Brain

“Now take out your drawing on the brain and out loud to yourself, as I point, I want you to read the names and associate yourself with this area of the brain. Look at your drawing and look at it. (Audience: Reptilian brain.) Louder. Or lower cerebellum. Louder. Now let’s pause here for a moment. It was once thought that the pineal gland was the seat of the soul. It is not the seat of the soul. Let’s continue. (Audience: Midbrain, corpus callosum, neocortex, thalamus.) Saint Thalamus. Look at your drawing. If you want to call this a hippopotamus, you can. It is all right with me. It is the hippocampus, amygdala.

“Now let’s take a look at the brain now that you have familiarized yourself and mapped yourself with its parts (see the diagram of the brain). Let’s do this. This is a timeline. Just draw underneath this drawing a timeline. And you can start here with number one. That is the first day you found yourself here [first plane]. Let’s go on down to about here, and I want you to date this line 455,000 years ago, 455- years ago. And I want you to come down a little further and I want you to make another line right here, and I want you to date it 40,000, another one right after it 35,000, and then barely in front of that – what is your year as you call it? – and put that timeline there: day one, 455,000 years, 40,000 years, 35,000 years, and today. Now underneath the timeline up to this point I want you to write ten and one-half million years. Now right up to 455,000 years, now we are talking about time as an arrow. It is linear. So now let’s turn and look back on the arrow where it came from, from whence it came (see diagram of the Arrow of Time).

“If we look in this time area here [prior to 455,000 years], this human brain looked drastically different. We did not have that which is termed the amygdala. We had the hippocampus. We did not have the frontal lobe, as we know it, or the neocortex. Prior to 455,000 years, let’s take a look at how large the brain was. It was only this large. How many of you have seen the skulls of hominids of antiquity? Now imagine for a moment, remember how small the back of the skull was? Do you remember? The back of the skull ended where the corpus callosum is, so all it had was this. That was prior to 455,000 years. Now that is not a bad thing since his was the original brain. Now it is called the reptilian brain because they date it to that which is termed the reptilian era, and it has been around at least that long. But do not confuse that this is the brain of the reptile, although some people, it could be argued, they have acted like that.

“Now if this is the brainstem coming up – Let’s use our arm as an example. [Ramtha raises his arm in the vertical position, with the hand closed, as an example of the brainstem and the midbrain’s section.]. Make a fist up here, and this will be the midbrain section, this is the brainstem, and the right in here is the reticular formation [the fingers in the fist]. Now take this other hand, wrap it very tightly around your wrist. The reptilian brain, or the lower cerebellum, has a very tight grip on the spinal column. In other words, all information coming from the body to the brain, is edited by this brain right here [lower cerebellum]. Now have you got a grip? This fabulous hominid brain was much more spectacular than we have given it credit for. The human being itself looked vastly different than what you have today, especially in the cranium and the lower cranium. But this brain has been around since the beginning.

“We are carrying it with us though evolution. But this was the brain that we accessed all levels of energy with when we were first in this body. The tissue of this brain is vastly different than the neocortex. Let us say we took a shave. We took a little razor and we took a little tiny shave of the material of this organ and we pout it under a microscope. That tiny shaving of the lower cerebellum has more tissue, more atoms in one slice, than the entire neocortex put together.

“So this grainy, darkly colored organ is the transmitter and receiver from all of these levels here [all seven levels]. So the first hominid was actually us, bringing with us the intelligence of that which is termed six other bodies, [from the other levels of consciousness] and we unfolded a stream of consciousness through this mechanism here. The yellow brain [the frontal lobe and neocortex, which were colored yellow in the demonstration], the neocortices, does not receive a stream of consciousness. That stream of consciousness only enters here [lower cerebellum] and it enters at the back of the brain here. So we get new knowledge from the back door, not up here [neocortex].

“This reptilian brain then became – up to 455,000 years ago – it was our transmitter and receiver to the higher and multiplex dimensions of which we had just come from [prior to incarnation]. The midbrain section was intact, and that which is called the pineal gland was much larger prior to 455,000 years than it is today. And the reason is if the reptilian brain is the seat of the subconscious, the midbrain itself is the seat of all psychic activity. It was created to be that way. The midbrain section is sensitive as a receiver to infrared radiation. Now it is the only part of the brain that is sensitive to infrared radiation. In other words, infrared would be if you are occupying this level at eight hertz [the Hertzian level], the second level up from this, which happens the moment you die; you enter that realm. That is called the infrared realm [the second level]. Now infrared as a band has a low end and a high end of its wavelength. This is what we have called the second plane of reality, very far from where we came. This band, because its wave is faster than out here, is called the psychic realm. The hominids prior to 455,000 years ago were telepathic. They communicated much like the animals do to day. Animals today are very telepathic creatures. Their brains are ultrasensitive to infrared radiation, and infrared is the psychic band.

“So the hominids picked up and received thought through the bandwidths, and their brain was the perfect receiver. They picked up communication with this area right in here [mid-brain]. The pineal gland, often called the soul of man, it is called that because it is the pineal gland that is responsible for manufacturing two neurotransmitters that are tantamount to consciousness in the yellow brain. The neurotransmitter serotonin – don’t go to sleep – we call her Sara for short. Sara is a day girl. The pineal gland, when there is light, is producing serotonin. Think of serotonin as the key. Now the moment the light diminishes in the retina of the eye that contains the same cells – your eye in its retina contains the same cells that are located in the pineal gland – so the moment that light begins to darken, it signals the pineal gland then to stop manufacturing Sara and start manufacturing Mel. Melatonin is the second neurotransmitter and melatonin is created to put the body to sleep.

“So they configured that the off- and on-switch of human behavior was located in the head, and when they finally realized that it was the pineal gland they said, ‘Ah, that is the master switch.’ It is not.

“However, it is the gland that we call the gland of the sixth seal, is tantamount, important because – listen to me very carefully – if this little gland, according to your eye, as soon as light penetrates your eyelid – that is why your eyelids are transparent, so even if they are closed you still get light in when the light comes up – the moment light starts to hit the retina, this starts to produce the serotonin.

“Serotonin is the get-up-and-get-going neurotransmitter. It unlocks everybody that is asleep and turns them on. Now the moment the light diminishes, is seen through there, it switches and produces melatonin. It is the thing that makes you lazy and lethargic and puts you to sleep. However, if the pineal gland is a little factory that manufacturers these very important neurotransmitters, it does something else extraordinary; it synthesizes from melatonin a hallucinogenic drug called pinoline. Would you write that down please, pinoline.

“The pineal gland synthesizes from melatonin a hallucinogenic drug called pinoline.

“I do not spell. Pinoline. How does it sound? It sounds like a hallucinogenic.

“Now the shaman in the brain is the pineal gland. After midnight, at around one in the morning until about three in the morning, you move into your deepest level of sleep and your most lucid dreams occur there. Lucid dreaming is only possible if the pineal gland has had enough time to take Mel and change Mel into pinoline. And why pinoline? Pinoline is the hallucinogenic that the subconscious uses to allow the brain to communicate with the deeper spheres. You got that? Now people who stay up late at night don’t get to produce pinoline and therefore are robbed of this communication. What that means is that pinoline, distributed throughout the sleeping neocortex, fire-reverses the neurons, thereby allowing this entity [mirror consciousness] to talk to this entity [Point Zero]. Got it? Pinoline opens the door to the subconsciousness mind and, if it does, it allows out-of-body experiences to occur. Furthermore, it allows prophetic vision to be seen on the timeline. And it allows you to move up into these [higher] layers of consciousness, and that before you return to your body, the pinoline that is a short burst in the neocortex is absorbed, and that is all that is produced, and the door shuts and you are back in your body. Go it? How many of you understand? Now the pineal gland produces what? Louder. And how about after midnight? Is there truth to the Cinderella story?

“Now when the kundalini rises and hits this area [pineal gland], it immediately – immediately, by virtue of its alignment and energy – ionizes the spin ratio in the neurotransmitter serotonin.

“Now when we say ionizing the spin, what does that mean? Fancy words, eh? Well, if serotonin is a neurotransmitter molecule, then all molecules are made up of atoms. How many of you agree? Correct? Now the atoms that it takes to make a molecule of serotonin is that they have all agreed to have an association and in that association their spins are relative to one another. They interchange electrons together, thereby changing mass, which in turn changes its chemical nature. So if this is a molecule of serotonin, and then we itself becomes fractured and then is reconfigured, and what it is have a hot wind of kundalini and we have a powerful magnetic field of kundalini passing through this molecule, that energy is going to reverse-spin that molecule, thereby changing its characteristic. The molecule reconfigured in is its highest body – never its lower body – its highest body. The highest molecule potential of serotonin is pinoline.

“So then this energy moves up into the midbrain, opens up the door of Saint Thalamus. Energy moves and starts firing simultaneously on the left and right hemispheres of the brain. All of the neurons start to fire. And with pinoline, immaculately changed in the twinkling of an eye, the brain is thereby capable of logging and registering timelines that go back to a point of eternity. Now turn to your neighbor and explain what I have just taught you about the brain so far. Now, my beautiful people, you have a little better understanding about what is sitting between your ears?

“[After a short break, Ramtha continues.]

“What is this? The pituitary gland is the seventh seal, it is the crown, because the pituitary gland directly affects the yellow brain and is the turn-on of all other glands starting from in the head throughout the rest of the body. The pituitary gland does this by secreting certain hormones that then in turn, turn on the pineal. The pineal then secretes its hormones and its neurotransmitters and turns on all of the rest of the glands going down into the body. If you were to have this removed, this entity right here [pituitary gland], then you would be dwarfed in your size and would not live for a great time. In the beginning, prior to 455,000 years ago, this particular gland was mutated. In other words, it did not have the capacity then that it does now. There was no need to have it then. So in the beginning stages, if we were to see that which is termed a proper hologram of Homo erectus’ brain, then we would be able to determine that that brain in those times did not have a seventh seal, that the seventh seal has become a graduated gland according to the use of energy.

“So this is your brain. The yellow [brain] came when, as I told you the Gods came [According to Ramtha, extraterrestrials advanced the brain of Homo erectus through genetic engineering and brought forth the neocortex] and took you as primitive entities and commingled that which is termed their genes with yours. And the timeline from 455,000 to 40,000 years, that is what it took to get seeded into the human DNA that which is termed the differences of the DNA from your brothers and your sisters that gave you new physical possibilities. The first group of entities created from this cross-mutant were in the form of Mongolians. They were all olive-skinned and black-haired and some carried an enormous amount of body hair. It would not be until 40,000 years ago in your understanding, at the point in which Cro-Magnon’s brain was utterly fixed, [and the frontal lobes fully developed] do we have now a diversity of that which is termed skin color, hair color, and eye color. This large neocortex is exactly what the Gods have. This is what they have. Some of them have a larger neocortex than Cro-Magnon, but this is what they gave you.

“You have done little with this except used it automatically and genetically to operate your body, to operate your speech, to maintain balance, used it for memory. You have used it in its barest form. But the majority of the neocortex lies unmapped. It lies unmapped because it is waiting for something to happen. It is waiting for a realization to occur. And how does this transfer? This is not the day to go into a brain teaching. We will do that into your Retreat. But it is to say that the way that the brain is used today and the way you are going to use it this afternoon is that whatever sits right here in the frontal lobe, whatever sits there becomes reality because this place above the eyes and the brow, in science it is called the quiet area. That is the area that all those who are adept at meditation focus on. That is the area that they turn into. Whatever this brain puts here [frontal lobe] becomes the law and as an Observer will affect all energy fields, keeping it status quo or changing it.

“So now how does the brain do that? This yellow brain is created to fire holographic images. This is what thought is. And every neuron in your brain is hooked up to other neurons. Just to form the color yellow as a thought takes ten thousand and more neurons to fire simultaneously to give the color of a yellow sun. So now the brain is used to make images, make them, create them, imagine. The brain is an imaging machine. The neocortices make images. Those images that sit here are what precludes reality. It gives reality. It allows reality. It either eternalizes it or changes it. And this is what science calls the Observer.

“When the scientist created the trick for the light and created an aperture in the opening of the veil, he did that while he was thinking about it (Thomas Young and the Double-Slit Experiment). That was his plan. He had a neuronet plan to follow. When he constructed the light to fall through, to be shown upon the veil, he knew there was a slit there. His brain fired the entire plan simultaneously. You call it thinking. But as a stream of thinking occurred, it was those thoughts about the plan that affected light and allowed light to move through the slit to the other side of the negative screen. So whatever sits here [frontal lobe] is reality. So the yellow brain is a great architect. Its job is to design archetypes. Its job is to think coherently. Its job is to provide you, the Spirit, with as great amount of imagery as possible, because without it we don’t collapse the wave into particle form. Got it?” (23)

Let’s re-cap this section:

First, the brains of ancient hominids were composed of two parts: the lower cerebellum, commonly called the reptilian brain, and the mid-brain area that was particularly sensitive to infra red energies, which made it acutely attuned to physic and telepathic communications. This neurological ensemble was altered 455,000 years ago, and genetically expanded to produce frontal lobes and a neocortex to form what is often called the modern brain of Homo sapiens.

[Note: As controversial as Ramtha’s historical statements might appear, Sumerian scholar Zecharia Sitchin makes similar claims in his substantive Earth Chronicles series, most notably The Twelfth Planet. According to Sitchin, the beings who tinkered with hominids were called the Nephilim and came from a planet called Nibiru. Through genetic engineering they created a more advanced hominid here on earth that eventually became Homo sapiens, aka the modern human. In addition, the Nephilim are also discussed in the Hebrew Bible.]

It is the frontal lobes that are the seat of the Observer, the part of the brain that astute masters place their thoughts – the images conjured up by the rest of the brain – and through focus utilize the capacities of the frontal lobes to create what they want in reality.

In addition, pinoline is a neuro transmitter and a derivative of melatonin, which in turn comes from serotonin, a common brain chemical.

Pinoline is produced during sleep and it allows the brain to communicate with deeper spheres of consciousness. It can also facilitate out-of-body experiences and provide unlimited access to any region of time and space.

Further, this process can be also be created by “the hot wind of kundalini” energy. [Ramtha defines Kundalini energy as the life force of a person that descends from the higher seals to the base of the spine at puberty. It is a large packet of energy reserved for human evolution…] (24)

Kundalini energy can be released by certain disciplines of the mind and it can create a “reverse-spin” on molecules of serotonin, which changes their characteristics and can then open the doors to advanced states of consciousness.

Now, for the home stretch on Ramtha’s science:

Becoming Aware of Our Thought Processes

“Now think about this for a moment. What if you were conscious every day of your thoughts? Most of you are unconscious of your thoughts. You are unconscious of the way you speak. You speak like barbarians, like trash, unbecoming to a God. You don’t even use your words as force. But what if for a solid week you were observing the way you thought? What if you got to do that? You would certainly see how a train of thought is the image that is necessary for creating life the way you have been experiencing it. So what if we change the picture? If we change the picture, we change reality. It is as simple as that. So the great runner I am going to send you this week is I am going to make you very conscious of your thinking for a week. So be it.

“Now when I said to you last night, “Go and think of three things you would like,” what did I tell you to do? I said, “Think.” So you are sitting down and you are telling your brain, “Now pull up the files. What do we want, want, want, want? Let’s see, what do we want, want? Oh, want, oh.” Your brain is forming thoughts. At first you had something and then you tried to think of two more things. Did you know you are trying to think what you want? Isn’t it interesting that you have to try to think of what you want? Why, if a genie appeared in front of you, you would be tongue-tied for the first five minutes. You can have anything you want. It is always safe to say, “If I can have anything I want, then everything I wish for after this I want, because that is the only thing I can think of this moment.”

“The brain is giving you images. When you decided what you want, you had to make your yellow brain be creative with you. And then it would give you an image, and you know what you did? You thought about the image. You know what else you did? You judged the image. “Oh that will never happen. I don’t deserve that. Oh, that is too much. Get real.” That is what I am trying to tell you to do is to get real. So you put an image up and then you analyzed it. How many of you did that? How many of you analyzed what you wanted? Wouldn’t you think that that is an ill–use of analysis now knowing what you know? What if you just created something and didn’t judge it at all and said, “This is what I want.” What would happen? What would happen? Would you get it? How many of you think you would? What would happen if you judged it? What if you were running an analysis on this hologram? What would happen? You don’t get it. You know why? Because it is under analysis. It is under analysis. Even though it is sitting there, it is not permitted to do anything because it is being judged and weighed. It is being thought about, talked about. It is never left alone. As long as it is under analysis, it never manifests. How many of you understand that?

“So think of the yellow brain as an archetype, a deliverer of images, and it puts it right here [frontal lobe]. Whatever goes here is in agreement with this entity here [Point Zero] always. It is from the back door in your brain that the energy comes, like through the kundalini, to give this total credibility. Without energy this doesn’t go anywhere. If we allow it, we give it the greatest energy of all. If we discern it, we take away from it. We limit its energy.

“Now here is what is very happy about this knowledge. When you truly understand how your brain works, how it affects energy and reality, what should become that which is termed apparent to you is that if it works for one thing it can work for everything. There is no law written anywhere that prohibits the use of that which is hidden in any area. You create everything. There is nothing impossible to you when you learn this science, when you learn the discipline. What, sadly, some people do is they never apply it. They are too lazy. But it works. If you can manifest a feather, you can manifest the ability to be Christ, as it is the same energy straight across the board.

“[Ramtha releases his students for a meal break with the following comments:]

“I want you to eat like ravenous children. And attitude is everything. I want you to be happy with every chip you swallow, happy, happy. And when you have an opportunity, I want you to take a walk outside and clear your lungs, read, rest, and by the time that I come back have your three things [of which you want to focus on and create] narrowed down to a word each. I love you greatly.

“Student: I love you.

“Ramtha: I am worth it. That is all.” (25)

Again, let’s re-cap.

What I take from Ramtha is if we want to change our lives we need to change our thoughts and hold a different image of reality in our brain. It’s critical that we not judge, discount or dismiss it. Analysis robs a thought of its energy. Remember, consciousness and energy creates the nature of reality, and this law is utterly unlimited. This science works for all thoughts, even the desire to be a Christ or the wish to be remain a victim.

Along those lines Ramtha has more to add:

“Now Yeshua ben Joseph was considered a master all the way up to the sixth level. He was only a master; he was never a Christ. And his job, as difficult as it was, was to defy reality with his mind. Look, if I am telling you today that what you think affects all life around you, then if you stop for a moment and reflect, you will see how your life has stayed static according to your image thoughts. You drive down to the city, you expect to see the city, the city is there. You expect to see people begging, they are always there. You expect to see a car wreck on the side of the road because you need a little excitement, there is always one, isn’t there? If that is true and you have the power, imagine what an initiation it was for such a being, and beings, that they had to defy physical reality with a mind so powerful that they could see what was not there and make it that. Powerful, eh?

“Do you think that this is more powerful than you? No, it is you. But where is your energy? Your energy is that you accept what is mundane in your life. You accept your ill health, you accept your problems, you accept your limitations, and because you accept them you freeze them and lock then that energy into a relationship. That is what you do every day. You are a God. You are doing that. Imagine what it would be to get up every morning and defy reality, to start changing what has been normal to you to be supernormal every day. So the first day you get up and a few things change but not everything. Is that enough to go back and accept mundane reality? Or is it that we are having to create a mind that is so powerful that it can acquiesce the energy field of any lifeform and any situation and change it immediately. What does it take? Constant focus on what is expected rather than what is seen.” (26)

It is my understanding of Ramtha’s teachings that as we evolve through the seven levels we develop a Great Mind, which allows us to transcend space and time. Further; a by-product of having a Great Mind is the ability to create fantastic realities, such as teleporting, levitation, or maintaining an invisible state.

One of the ways Ramtha has taught us to create our Great Minds is through the Torsion Field process, which Mike and I talked about in Chapter 2, and it is an advanced form of the consciousness and energy breathing technique that I discussed at the beginning of this chapter. In the Torsion Field process, one consciously spins the bands of the body in a counter-rotational manner to induce a robust analogical state of mind.

Not too surprising, a counter-rotational flow of energy is a dynamic that scientists are using to engineer field-effect propulsions systems, aka antigravity, and in later chapters we’ll address the bio-physics of human levitation and explore the work underway to create anti-gravity devices.

But for the next few chapters I think it wisest to focus on the neurophysiology of the brain, and how consciousness and mind are at play there and in the body as a whole.

Dr. Angela Barnett

Read more…


Dr. Angela Barnett


When you see the light turn blue you have shifted the way your brain is seeing. You are actually looking back at your self as the OBSERVER. This is where you must begin to shift into the Fourth Dimension. I am not surprised that you could shift so quickly.

Now, continue to move your entire body (in your imagination) into the candle and imagine looking at yourself from within the candle.

This actually allows you to be looking at yourself as God sees you. God is in the Full Spectrum of Light looking at his creation as flames of light.

The more you fill your consciousness and your brain with this shift in vision, the more you will allow your True Immortal Self to appear.

You will not go from this point directly into turning into light. This is just the first step. However, if you practice this for more hours than you stay in the third dimension, you would turn into light.

This is the process that takes the mind into the realm where you can manifest. Now you are seeing reality from God's point of view. So, now when you imagine the thing that you want to create and you have all of this light flowing through you from the eyes of God, you hold the image of the object in your mind and in your heart and allow the energy to flow through your arms into your palms and then visualize the creation in the palms of your hands.

This will also allow you to get your motor skills back quickly..

The next step in the candle technique is to take a card or a deck of cards and use this skill of looking at your self from the other side to look at the card and see the numbers on the back of the card rise up above the card so that you can actually see the numbers on the back of the card.

When you can read an entire deck of cards this way, then you are ready to ascend.

This is the way ascension was taught in mystery schools for thousands of years.

And then the only thing left is to fill the mind and body with so much LOVE that you see everyone on earth as the Flame of Light that God Sees, and this is what fills your own body with Light.

That is when you turn into light.




Dr. Angela Barnett
(Soul of Mary Magdalene)

As a reminder for those who are new to this newsletter, my name is Mary Magdalene. My mission on Earth was to open the Ascension Portals in the Pacific Ocean so that the Original Ones coming from the Creation Realm for their Ascension can use the Central Portal to continue their Ascension.

My new mission, after I completed creating the portals was to meet and greet the Original Ones who would arrive on Earth.

I am in my third month of my new mission, and so far this is who has landed on Earth from the Creation Realm. This means that even though these entities are from certain Star Systems and Racelines themselves, they are on their Ascension, so they passed through the Creator Realm before continuing on the path of Ascension, ad their next stop of Ascension was Earth. They could not come to Earth until the Portals were opened. Now they are arriving.

During the month of January the fifth dimensional Original Ones from Andromeda, called the ElEiayai Landed. Also in January the Eleayshendaizendy landed.

In February four women from Venus landed. The commanders of the mother ships on Venus are all women. Their names were Keekalakwa, Fukesenhye, Tusenshavenshya

In March the arrival I welcomed the Mother ship commanders from Arcturia ZaZa. The members names were Belata, Ekritee, Aendo and Foreland.

There were also representatives from Arcturia Za Za at my lecture at LAX Hilton in February. There were representatives from all four million racelines present that day. This is how many racelines will be arriving on Earth in the future.

The YouTube of the thousands of UFO's in the sky in March were celebrating the landing of the original ones from Arcturia ZaZa.

More information about the Ascension and how to Turn your Body into Light at

send questions to krystalaimagic @gmail.com


These YouTubes contain the most important information about the future of mankind that has ever been recorded. These dialogs are between Mary Magdalene and Elaika, who are both Creator Beings who are on Earth at this time staging the entire Ascension Plan of the Earth and the Universe that Earth is located in. Elaika is a Creator Being in the Fifth Dimension who is orchestrating the Universal Frequency alignments through billions of beings in the Fourth Dimensional Universe and through those on Earth working on Stargates, Vortexes and Ascension Portals. Mary Magdalene are also together working on this project at this time. The Christ Consciousness Light was needed first to come through Mary as she opened the twelve ascension portals and created the Central Portal for the Original Angelic Beings to come to Earth to begin negotiation for first contact. Mary has been inviting and greeting the Original Ones to use her portals since January. In one year they will finish their negotiations and fly through the portals. When their consciousness moves through the Earth, the Consciousness of all on Earth will be transformed and the Stargates will open because there will be a Circle in Heaven of the thirteen owners of the Crystal Skulls which are the remote control devices that will activate the wheels within the stargates. This will prepare Earth for first contact of the Fourth Dimension. Those with third dimensional eyes will not see this landing next year,but those with fourth dimensional eyes will. Jesus will begin his ministry on Earth at the same time as First Contact is announced. He will be teaching about the FUTURE OF MANKIND.

That Future is the Hybridization Program of Gaia that will allow all of our Galactic and Universal Families to become Healed of their Genetic Mutations and return to the original DNA coding of he Original Ones, the man made in the image and likeness of God. The Fourth Dimensional Earth is already here. We shifted into Harmonic Universe two on February 7. Now we are preparing for First Contact to begin. By 2039 everyone on Earth will Turn into Light and Blip into the Fourth Dimension, which is actually a Universe more than a Planet. It is a place that allows Freedom of Travel throughout the Universe. There will be thousands of spaceships using Earth as the HUB of the Universe. This will all begin in ONE YEAR.

All of the details of this Ascension Project that I, Mary Magdalene have been made known through my dialogs with Elaika and Jesus may be found on these YouTubes.

Dr. Angela Barnett

Read more…


Dr. Angela Barnett





The true process of shifting the light spectrum through the music of the spheres:

photons and phonons translate their energies of light and sound at a quantum level, which is the light and sound of the music of the spheres.

Mary and Jesus created the music of the spheres by standing on the third dimensional Earth and connecting their frequencies of consciousness higher and higher through each dimension of the Universe and exhaling their Breath of Transformation and Oneness of the Creators, who were and are the male and female consciousness of all that God is allowing God to experience all that he has created as the Mother and Father God of this vast creation.

This light and sound frequency that was created by Mary Magdalene contains that transformational formula of Oneness with all that God is.

God is Light and Sound Energy. God sees his creation as Light and hears the music that we create harmoniously together.

When we wrap ourselves in all of the Spheres of light and sound at all levels of frequencies, we allow ourselves to become ONE with God, and that is what creates our Ascension into a new Experience.

We move through the LOOKING GLASS

We become a Plasma Body
We Blipp into Light
We disappear from Terra Firma
We re-appear on Terra Ha

That is how Ascension is performed.

The Transformation process into the light that fills every cell in the body is called BLISS.

We will each experience this BLISS that the Turtle is experiencing in this animation for about 45 minutes.

It will be the best 45 minutes of our 250 million year experience.

Start practicing now, so you don't miss out on one second of this DIVINE EXPERIENCE.

Learn absolute Quantum Physics of TURNING INTO LIGHT

by reading Music of the Spheres Light and Sound Technology by Dr. Angela Barnett

Crystal Magic Orchestra

CRYSTAL MAGIC ORCHESTRA are a group of Cosmic Consciousness Spiritual Engineers of Light and Sound who create Frequency Wave Files that transform the Consciousness of those who listen. The Frequencies in this music are five thousand times higher than those of any normal person on Earth. Anyone who listens will have their frequencies raised to a level that will allow them to experience a new reality and eventually turn into light.

Dr. Angela Barnett and Joe Barnett M.A., are both highly educated musicians, who have taught in Universities all over the world and performed all over the world. They have always been light years ahead of our time in translation of music into the harp strings of the music of the spheres. We are Cosmic Beings ourselves. We came to Earth from the Creator Realm. We were the ones who created the Music of the Spheres in the Universe, so tuning into those frequencies is tuning in to our creation.

A group of Elohim Angels appeared before us and gave us the formula of how to bring the highest frequencies to Earth through music. We created music by breathing Cosmic Consciousness of the Music of the Spheres into our music. A few months later, Joe was hit by a ten ton truck and five cars ran over his body. He was announced dead. I came to the hospital and asked for time along with my husband. I placed earphones on his head with the music that we had created. Joe returned to life and had his entire brain restructured through the music. He had thousands of broken bones, his head was broken in half and his right leg was ripped off. Joe was up walking in a few months and now he is thinking like a God.

We continue creating this music to heal thousands of others on Earth and to lead the world into the Ascension that can only be accomplished by bringing the Highest Frequencies to Earth and into the human body.

There are hundreds of testimonies given about those who have used our music shifting them into a dimension of reality that allows them to see and feel things they had never experienced before.

We are in a timeline where in 2018 there will be FIRST CONTACT meaning the landing of thousands of beings from the fourth dimension will be on Earth. Those who use the music and teachings on Crystal Magic Orchestra will the ones who will be able to see and and hear glimpses of that reality appearing around them. Eventually many on Earth will Turn into Light themselves and then reappear in the Reality of the Fourth Dimension.

LEARN MORE AT: Crystal Magic Orchestra.com

The complete story of the Twin Souls of Mary Magdalene along with the story of how everyone on Earth will Turn into Light by 2040 can be read in books by Dr. Angela Barnett at Crystal Magic Orchestra.com and Amazon.com.


How to Turn the Body Into Light YOU TUBE






Animation by Joe Barnett
Narration by Angela Barnett


The most convenient way to change realities is to imagine the process that we go through to get there. Crystal Magic Orchestra.com has created this fun, colorful animated visual YouTube for you and your family to practice Turning into Light together. You may watch this you tube at our Mary Magdalene Singing Mermaid You tube channel or come to our website and watch it.

This animation of the Turtle spinning into the light and sound of the colorful spheres and then having the light particles popping out around him and within him and then traveling through the universe into a new reality is the exact truth and replication of the process that each and every one of you will go through within the next twenty year period on Earth. Everyone on Earth will turn into light during the next two decades. The majority will Blipp in 2040. The more we practice, the faster it happens. We must raise our frequencies into the full spectrum of light ourselves unless we want to wait until 2040 when the Sun will do it for anyone who still needs help.

We are now in a time line that will  be drawing Earth closer and closer into the accretion level of the sun. This accretion level allows so much of the light of the sun to saturate the physics of the Earth and all who live on the Earth with the plasma light of the sun and the pre plasma liquid light of the sun and the transformational substance of the physics of the Cosmic Sun that it will cause the consciousness of those on Earth to become translated by and through this light energy into plasma, which is the sixth level of light frequencies on the pyramid of frequencies. This plasma pulls the body into the neon rainbow prism of transformation of the heliotalic pink white light that translates into the violet harp string of the music of the spheres. When the cells of the body absorb this transformational liquid light energy, the atoms dissolve, disappear and a new form appears, a new body appears, a translation period of BLISS takes place.

The body translates through the complete light spectrum of the Cosmic Sun. The body becomes the full light substance of the consciousness that All is made from--which is light itself.

We created this animation of a turtle who is going thru this process of turning into light and then becoming a plasma body and then having his body filled with the sparkling BLISS that places his consciousness in the Rapturous Rainbow Prism that causes the mind to spin into a new realm of reality. The turtle finally disappears and then travels to the farthest reaches of the universe on his roller skates.

This is what many of us will be doing in the next few years, and it is what will happen to everyone on Earth in 2039-40.  There will be an eighteen month period when the Sun itself will translate the majority of the population. That is because most people will not do it themselves. They will just wait until the sun does it to them. The teaching of becoming filled with the light of the Sun and the Stars and keeping the Eyes in the Universe is not a new teaching. I taught this with St. Germain when I was Cecilia, and I taught this science in many other Mystery Schools on this planet and thousands of other planets during the past billion years. I am Mary Magdalene. I will go through this process of Turning into Light in about 18 months or sooner, depending on how much time I spend with my eyes in the stars.

It is this formula of the light and the sound of the music of the spheres that translates the body into the neon rainbow prism that allows the body to shift into a new reality.

Please use the visual animation of our Cosmic Turtle to help you imagine, see, feel, visualize this experience of turning into light yourself. Please use earphones so that you can FEEL the MUSIC doing the Translation within your atomic structure of your body.

It is the Music that is created by the Spheres spinning faster and faster that causes the body to turn into light. You can translate your body simply by listening to the music and visualizing the cells in the body turning into light.

There are much more complex ways of learning how to spin the merkaba faster and faster and studying light technology and quantum physics and flower of life and keylontic science and school of enlightenment teaching,etc. Those teachings were stepping stones for me to reach a state where the understanding became so clear and natural as any other process of my life, that I realized that it is something that can be taught to any four year old child through cartoon animation.

The colorful spheres represent the seals within the body that are located vertically on the body skeleton to become brighter and brighter as they intersect with the chakras of all dimensions within the spheres within spheres within spheres of the Cosmos. The more we brighten the light of the seals in the body by bringing in the music of the spheres, the faster the body will turn into light. It is that simple.

Please use the visual animation to help you realize how to use the Frequency Music that you have purchased from Crystal Magic Orchestra. You may use your Eternal Life Album with this  animation for the best results. You can also use the Turning into Light set, Heavenly Brain set and The Landing set. The Eternal Life Waters and the Music of the Spheres and the Manifestation Merkaba, as well as the Dolphin Therapy set will be beneficial.

Feel and sense these spheres spinning around your body and through your body to increase your frequencies of consciousness and the feeling of the light growing stronger and stronger and brighter and brighter within your body. Eventually you will feel your spin rate grow into speeds beyond the speed of light that allow you to ride in your merkaba directly from one dimension into another dimension. These dimensions are actually many light years away from each other. And that is the reality of you traveling at the speed of light because you are tuning in to the Music of the Spheres that was created by Mary Magdalene and Jesus of Nazareth for this Event of the Ascension of Earth at this time.

This process is so natural that it can be visualized and experienced by your children while you visualize it for yourself. The child's mind is actually programmed to receive this information of light translation very easily. It is a natural part of the Ascension Process that has taken place for millions of years on millions of planets.
Now, is the first time that Earth is going through this ascension process.It is time for Earth to change from a planet into a star and for the population of Earth to become the Star People who will live among millions of other race lines in the Universe.

The true process of shifting the light spectrum through the music of the spheres:

photons and phonons translate their energies of light and sound at a quantum level, which is the light and sound of the music of the spheres.

Mary and Jesus created the music of the spheres by standing on the third dimensional Earth and connecting their frequencies of consciousness higher and higher through each dimension of the Universe and exhaling their Breath of Transformation and Oneness of the Creators, who were and are the male and female consciousness of all that God is allowing God to experience all that he has created as the Mother and Father God of this vast creation.

This light and sound frequency that was created by Mary Magdalene contains that transformational formula of Oneness with all that God is.

God is Light and Sound Energy. God sees his creation as Light and hears the music that we create harmoniously together.

When we wrap ourselves in all of the Spheres of light and sound at all levels of frequencies, we allow ourselves to become ONE with God, and that is what creates our Ascension into a new Experience.

We move through the LOOKING GLASS

We become a Plasma Body
We Blipp into Light
We disappear from Terra Firma
We re-appear on Terra Ha

That is how Ascension is performed.

The Transformation process into the light that fills every cell in the body is called BLISS.

We will each experience this BLISS that the Turtle is experiencing in this animation for about 45 minutes.

It will be the best 45 minutes of our 250 million year experience.

Start practicing now, so you don't miss out on one second of this DIVINE EXPERIENCE.

Learn absolute Quantum Physics of TURNING INTO LIGHT

by reading Music of the Spheres Light and Sound Technology by Dr. Angela Barnett

Crystal Magic Orchestra

CRYSTAL MAGIC ORCHESTRA are a group of Cosmic Consciousness Spiritual Engineers of Light and Sound who create Frequency Wave Files that transform the Consciousness of those who listen. The Frequencies in this music are five thousand times higher than those of any normal person on Earth. Anyone who listens will have their frequencies raised to a level that will allow them to experience a new reality and eventually turn into light.

Dr. Angela Barnett and Joe Barnett M.A., are both highly educated musicians, who have taught in Universities all over the world and performed all over the world. They have always been light years ahead of our time in translation of music into the harp strings of the music of the spheres. We are Cosmic Beings ourselves. We came to Earth from the Creator Realm. We were the ones who created the Music of the Spheres in the Universe, so tuning into those frequencies is tuning in to our creation.

A group of Elohim Angels appeared before us and gave us the formula of how to bring the highest frequencies to Earth through music. We created music by breathing Cosmic Consciousness of the Music of the Spheres into our music. A few months later, Joe was hit by a ten ton truck and five cars ran over his body. He was announced dead. I came to the hospital and asked for time along with my husband. I placed earphones on his head with the music that we had created. Joe returned to life and had his entire brain restructured through the music. He had thousands of broken bones, his head was broken in half and his right leg was ripped off. Joe was up walking in a few months and now he is thinking like a God.

We continue creating this music to heal thousands of others on Earth and to lead the world into the Ascension that can only be accomplished by bringing the Highest Frequencies to Earth and into the human body.

There are hundreds of testimonies given about those who have used our music shifting them into a dimension of reality that allows them to see and feel things they had never experienced before.

We are in a timeline where in 2018 there will be FIRST CONTACT meaning the landing of thousands of beings from the fourth dimension will be on Earth. Those who use the music and teachings on Crystal Magic Orchestra will the ones who will be able to see and and hear glimpses of that reality appearing around them. Eventually many on Earth will Turn into Light themselves and then reappear in the Reality of the Fourth Dimension.

LEARN MORE AT:Crystal Magic Orchestra.com 

The complete story of the Twin Souls of Mary Magdalene along with the story of how everyone on Earth will Turn into Light by 2040 can be read in books by Dr. Angela Barnett at Crystal Magic Orchestra.com and Amazon.com.


Dr. Angela Barnett

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