Divsy's Posts (24)

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Grounding Water (Swelling/Bloating)

Grounding Water (Swelling/Bloating)

Grounding Water vs Swelling/Bloating

One of the most persistent of the ascension symptoms is the excess weight light workers have put on at this time; and all attempts through exercise, dieting, starvation or otherwise to shed this fat suit has proven futile - an acquaintance who`s whole body was kind of swollen went as far administering a water elimination cure (water pills) from a physician to no avail. We have literally not been able to expand our energy field so our body in the form of Grounding Water has expanded in its place. Mankind has evolved in a society where most religious traditions disfavor spiritual aspects of life there by penalizing the development of our etheric bodies - compromising our energy templates.

This devastating symptom over the last couple of years has been given divers designations: Fat Suit, Bloating, Excess Weight, Double Body, Buddha Belly, Extra Fat, 30Ibs+, chub, etc. Most Ascensionees have been more or less experiencing some components of this aspect since the wake of this journey. Nevertheless, some sense, a kind of dispersion/discrimination in the band (lightworker group) with respect to putting on or losing weight. This apparent eclectic split has been attributed to pre-birth agreements on the part of some volunteers to ground energy in specific locations on the globe as part of the ascension master plan. Some brave scribes have even gone as far as sacrificing their bodies/health in being a clear channel for the higher-ups (clocking over 80+Ib). This predicament seems to be amassing more colors, getting more and more grisly as we navigate the etherics close to the finish line.
thomas pafe: radio scientist - author `the religion of love` 

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The Light worker’s Companion

The religion of Love is for those who are seriously searching for Wisdom and the path that leads to the Divine. The journey is long and tedious, but those who honestly search will find it. To each soul God may appear different, but it is the appearance which is unique, not the reality. God reveals himself/herself to us depending on how eager, how committed is our search our Love and the understanding of God will ultimately change our perception of the truth.

This book will amongst many other issues: guide you on how to walk with God and show you a step by step procedure to finding God, show you what God desires, the purpose of life, the soul mission, a practical approach to prayers, direct you on how to find your path in life (Enlightenment, Self-realization, Awakening), reveal the secrets of the kingdom of God as mentioned in the Scriptures, how to think, feel, and act at the finest levels of consciousness, reflecting the New Earth Consciousness or Golden Age, and, most important, teach you how to become a lightworker.

The goals of this book are, first to provide missing or remote information that can awaken or revolutionize consciousness; by providing information on religion which has often been considered as a formality or limited to morality or sociality and sometimes theology; thereby making it possible to manifest your new Space - a place of inner peace, joy, happiness, fulfillment, and abundance.
This book will also help you to discover some very important passages from some Missing Books of the Bible leading you to great insights.

Because many religious groups have given only one-sided information to their followers, I have dwelled on the other issues: Finding God, Spirituality, Truth, The purpose of life/Soul Mission, Duality Game, Love, Prayer, Ascension/Salvation, Heaven vs. Hell, Death, Satan, Mind, Ego, Planes/Dimensions, Energy/LOA, etc. I ardently hope the message in this book can change people’s lives by simply expanding their belief systems about God and life, by helping people drop their Masks and thereby discovering who we truly are – Love and Oneness.
It will also help to create an atmosphere of tolerance, understanding, integrity, and authenticity, taking into consideration that the greatest problem the world is facing today—all the disharmony in the world—is caused by religious divergence (spiritual arrogance) based on our belief systems. Because belief creates behavior and behavior determines reaction. The problem is a spiritual one, resulting in the split of ideology based on differences in the interpretation of scriptures and ideas or rather beliefs about God and life. These belief systems limit our understanding of the truth and therefore of God.

This book aims at creating an environment, an atmosphere, where religious vibes can flower, where God’s fragrance—love —can be smelled; guiding you to the Religion of Love. There is only one religion, the religion of love. My ardent vision is of a united or universal religion, within which humankind will become one again as in the beginning.
Thomas Pafe: www.thereligionoflove.webs.com
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Cracking the Weight Band – The Fat Suit

Cracking the Weight Band – The Fat Suit

One of the most persistent/devastating of the ascension symptoms is the excess weight light workers have put on at this time; and all attempts to shed this fat suit has proven futile. We have literally not been able to expand our energy field so our body has expanded in its place.

Mankind has evolved in a society where most religious traditions disfavor spiritual aspects of life there by penalizing the development of our etheric bodies – compromising our energy templates. These templates which have been holding our energy in a physical form will be fully released with time depending on our rate of energy integration – it’s a gradual process.

We all have a personal energy field around us that we call the human template which corresponds to our energy signature. And we are now progressively releasing these templates as a result of the present evolutionary process we are undergoing. We will soon get to a stage where the energy will not encounter any resistance, because we have sufficiently purified our physical, emotional, mental, and etheric bodies - by getting full engaged in our clearing/energy word (Grounding, Grids, Meditation, etc).
Symptoms are as a result of the blockage of higher energy flow, it’s somewhat like having a blockage in a hose - the higher energy is like water moving at a greater pressure through the hose; any unpurified area will yield Standing Waves – dysfunctional/blocked energy. Whatever it is we are experiencing shows us where we still have some work to do, something that needs releasing because it's blocking our being a clear vessel for the higher energy.
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The Science of Ascension Symptoms


Let me attempt with some words as best as I will be guided:

Ascension as we all know is a business of Energy Integration, Shifts, Vibration and Frequency (constant movement – periodic pulse of energy) - the transition/graduation into a higher vibrating frequency version or rather band of Earth; in simple terms ascension is changing our frequency band so to speak, and can be assimilated to a transition from AM to FM band (3D to 5D). It is in effect the critical mass conversion of the Earths receival capacity template from analog to digital, black and white to color - It is the Crystalline Age (Crystals are indispensable in our modern setup: Frequency generation/stabilization, All Electronics, Clocks, Radios, TV, Phones, Instrumentation,……).

Quantum physics has now proven beyond all doubt that everything in the Universe is ultimately comprised of energy (matter is all energy – frozen light). Every subatomic particle of matter - energy in the Universe is connected to every other particle by a kind of holographic energetic matrix and we can change the behavior of these quantum particles by directing our attention, feelings and thoughts.

Ascension is not an isolated event – it is a unified, synchronized whole; it is intricately tied to the karmic grid – they are complementary; karma being the determining circumstance – soul mission/contract, the aspects of our lives we need to resolve on the journey to reconnection. At the moment of our incarnation here together with our Guides/ Angels agreed and programmed our records to what would best suit our growth and evolution. This running soft ware and the ascension undertaking together determine our new working point - platform; so the extent to which we experience these upheavals will depend on these parameters. The karmic process could in a sense function without ascension as conceived – ascension therefore is a subset of karma so to speak; previous civilizations ascended without necessarily going through our present configuration. Ascension as we know it is a different method/approach to accomplish the karmic cycle without passing through physical death. Ascension symptoms therefore would vary (number, type, magnitude, frequency) in sympathy with our karmic loads. It is for this reason that this project is directed through a common management – ascension proper/soul contract - mission. Life would supposedly become unbearable were it not for this kind of harmonization. We all experience this process and symptoms in divers ways, modes, intensity as they vary from person to person. We are all unique, ascending and shifting in a multitude of ways – scenarios. As this cycle speedily draws to a close the repercussions of these purifications and symptoms would accelerate in order to clear our slates, our pending karmic balance.

Conditioned Soul[contract/mission] → Karma[ascension] → Multiple Lifetimes →Reconnection →Source

Ascension Symptoms

The ascension project is a dynamic process constantly progressing with respect to the planetary Light Quotient (collective/mass consciousness) serving as the barometer; operating in harmony with the Cosmic calendar - the periodicity of the energy flow – exchanges (full/new moon, equinox, eclipse, solstice, T/Vcross, 09.09.09, 10.10.10, galactic alignment, etc) and at the same time modulated by divine dispensation - Grace. This complex process can be very demanding as a result of the continuous flooding from the massive influx of energy - harboring divers and unpredictable variables.

Our human framework is designed to accommodate these energies in a manner that can be likened to a lightning protection network primarily comprising of a lightning arrestor – antenna, conducting wire mesh – circuit or conduit and an excellent Earth or Ground. The idea behind a lightning protection system is to rapidly and efficiently conduct heavy currents from lightning discharges to ground without damaging existing equipment or infrastructure. So in a similar manner, our body comprises an antenna system – primarily our hair (this is the reason why most Masters/Sages kept long hair), our energy centers - Chakras as conduit and the Earth as our Ground (the reason why we are often advised to stay grounded – meditate outside and better bare footed). Drinking lots of water is also highly recommended – water being a good conductor of electricity would facilitate current circulation analogous to a car radiator – preventing over-heating – engine protection. Deep (Soul) Breathing will in turn super charge our accumulators/energy centers/chakras with life energy – Adamantine/God particles to further reinforce our protection system. All electrical networks or systems must be grounded to close the circuit to let current flow: Source (Generator) – Subject – Ground – Source (the human Aura is the appellation ascribed to the electric field associated to the body current flow).

Let us keep in mind that the principal objective of this endeavor is to raise our vibrations - consciousness, reconnect, awaken the dormant life current in us which has atrophied for so long; this awakening of the Kundalini is the gate way to divine consciousness, oneness – our original status.

Our body elements under normal working life, repeatedly suffer from a variety of dis-ease partially due to the inflicted conditions of the etheric body (unforgiveness, judgment, resentment, stress……); so the passage then of currents associated to these energy shifts depending on the magnitude would further affect our fragile bodies thereby manifesting as symptoms. This implies that if our physical, astral, mental, etheric bodies were whole, we would be transparent to these symptoms but for the inherent energy anatomy – carbon to crystal metamorphosis (the carbon to crystal conversion involves just the carbon particle structure and not the element itself) and the constant upgrading of our running system/software with an adapted version to accommodate our new template (a window of experimentation – the wonder and beauty of a new Toy). It would be interesting to mention here that these current passage configurations and their corresponding symptoms present theoretically an in exhaustive list in sympathy with these energy centers – chakra positions – areas being worked on.

The effect of these energies on our system is twofold – the physical and the etheric (emotional) components which eventually manifest in the symptoms we experience being dislodged. The way our bodies will respond to these energy shifts, downloads or what we sometimes call rebooting will be determined by the resistance presented, resistance here meaning how much clearing, cleansing, balancing… we have to effectuate. This is the reason why on some days we rise up booming with vitality and on others we just feel like going for the power off switch – a see-saw ride. Just like in the lightning protection network, if the discharged current flowing to ground encounters any resistance it would generate heat or damage the component (blowing some fuses); nevertheless our system is designed to work in such a way that this kind of damage cannot occur (it is protected by an etheric automatic current control system – there is a complex algorithm in play). Our experiences of these body symptoms vary extensively depending on some of these aspects: our karmic load, mission/contract, environment – nutrition, air, exercise, etc. Bloating in all its colors is for example an expansion of our system in order to accommodate more current – energy (the bigger the capacity of a battery accumulator, the more energy it can store - manipulate), heat/cold flashes is due to an abrupt rise and fall of vital current – current waves, disruptive sleep patterns is caused by the high energy flow into our brains for processing and ringing in the ears is the result of an extended band of frequencies resulting from Intermodulation products between this new frequency band/standing waves - blocked/stagnant/stray energy thereby yielding lots of harmonics and side bands previously inaudible but now featuring because of our improved range of audible sounds (colors, smell, etc).

In closing ……., We should strive to integrate these energies with ease, peace, balance and harmony at all times thereby promoting clarity within our heart, mind and reality; it is therefore recommended to stay focused on our primary goal – light integration (unconditional love - oneness), practicing total surrender, detachment – the key phrase here is: let go. Letting go and regular meditation eases the smooth circulation of these afore mentioned currents thereby facilitation communication between vital elements of our network: lower self - higher self - the superconscious (for prayer – manifestation/LOA to be meaningful, we invariably have to abide to this sequence consciously or otherwise). And in the same light, Ego trips: fear, anger, resentment, worries… generates interference/standing waves – contrary signals which obstruct this smooth flow. In so doing we would be able to transform the ascension journey from a scary and detested engagement into a joyful completion.

Conjure the big picture and let the Veil thin out !!!

Thomas Pafe: Radio scientist, Teacher, Life coach, Prayer master – author `The Religion of Love`
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