Divinity's Posts (2)

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The Heartbeat of Oneness

My tears are your tears….my screams are your screams….my joy is your joy….my smile is your smile….We are all connected at the heartbeat of creation which is in complete wholeness and love for each and every being on the planet….…we are all on unique and divine pilgramages in our human embodiment….no one is better or worse than the other or more evolved or less evolved…..we are all on unique journeys of our awakening to the divine heartbeat of that which is Love!  My unique journey wants to join at the heartbeat with all beings in a state of ecstatic love and bliss….a state beyond which our human minds can perceive….but here, now, while we are in this human vessel….my dream is to join with others in this human experience from a place of divine love and support for one another's individual journey towards infinite love….and bringing that infinite love to fill the earth and the Love is already doing that…..the Love IS Here and Now filling the Earth….and we can all awaken to it in perfect harmonic resonance.

Let's listen to our sacred heartbeat…..and follow it's resonance…..sometimes the heartbeat gets covered or overshadowed by the fears, doubts, sorrow, limited beliefs, misconceptions, and density….we've all been there or we are there in this human journey…..we've all been in the dark or maybe we are still in the dark…….We can take the leap beyond the previous age of what has been known as karma and duality and leap into the new human paradigm of connecting with unconditional love for one another's human experience.  We can love the darkness from the sacred heartbeat…..we don't have to agree with acts or manifestations of darkness….but we could love it knowing beyond the darkness lies the scared heartbeat of unconditional love……The sorrow bleeds compassion from the heart and shines forth our divine love and gifts. we are all divine beings and equally special….this is within everyone of us….as Jesus quoted " seek and you shall find"  the kingdom of heaven is within"

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Breathing God

Let's Breath In The Heart and Mind of God...... " In Breath....I am so loved, I am love, I am bliss.....Out Breath...I embrace my shadow with love and release the parts that no longer serve me, release the fears, doubts, limitations into the the pure light for transmutation."  May We All Experience Peace, Love, and Harmony in Our Being and in Our World.....May All Beings Who Choose, Be Free of Suffering and Awaken To The Divinity In Each and Everyone Of Our Hearts.

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