DivineAdvanced HumanBeings's Posts (3)

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Written by J.S. Thompson


Many Advanced Beings or Aliens as we people here on earth call them, live here on earth far below the earth’s surface… protected from the current limits of our modern technology being able to detect them. All of us here on earth have incarnated many times to learn our individual lessons and overcome the challenges that we here on earth, are to learn from our life experiences. We are here to search for truth, see ourselves for who we are and evolve.

The way the universe works, which is an amazing perpetual self-correcting machine, we go through thru (4) 12,000 (est.) year cycles orbiting from low pressure to high pressure with each cycle. When we enter a new cycle, that means the earth being the machine that it is, is too hot in some places; therefore, to cool off, it must shift gears, which can cause catastrophic floods, earthquakes, droughts, etc… during these cycle changes and we are nearing the end of a cycle. This is quite normal and when you look at our history, we know this has happened many times before. It’s also quite normal when some of the catastrophic events happen, that sometimes we are forced to live as primitive people once again!

Mankind has gone from primitive, to modern to advanced many times before but we still have not learned our lessons. Currently, we live in a modern society with quite a bit of technology. However, in the future when scientists learn how to map the inside of a particle, they will discover that we are multi-dimensional beings and we will become an advanced society with advanced technology or other dimensional technology.

Let’s face it… no one truly wants to die and that’s why scientists are studying our genes, etc… (we have been here many times before) but once they discover the secrets of other dimensional science and technology, they will learn there are ways to become immortal (just as this has been done in the past by our Advanced Being/Aliens brothers and sisters) but it has been done in the most primitive way with “science” (meaning mankind or not all known facts) advanced technology as written herein. To make a long story short… let’s just say… the ones we consider Advanced Beings/Aliens now… they screwed up by not having all the answers and making the decision trying to become immortal by man’s technology or science. There is only one way… the “right way or God’s way” to become immortal and that is by becoming a “Divine Being”, the type of person that can live in Paradise with God’s technology! This is God’s plan and these Advanced Beings made choices without knowing the whole truth or consequences of how to become immortal God’s way, to where they could still be human, happy and yes, have earth sex for it cannot be synthesized and sex with our loved one, is truly a gift from God!

That is the reason for articles that I write, so that hopefully truth can finally be learned and understood by following a path of logic, which will always lead us to truth!

There is only one right path for us all to take and evolve and many wrong paths which we keep doing time after time, because we have not learned our lessons of past and keep repeating them over and over. We are at a time now being a modern society with modern technology that people can now finally understand this truth that is being taught in these articles if people will just read them!!!

There will come a time in the future where some (usually the powerful and wealthy) will be faced with these same choices that Advanced Being Aliens have made in the past of how to become immortal. And unless we search for truth and see ourselves for who we are and why we keep making these same choices; we will continue to make them again following each other into oblivion of this that we think, feel, believe or theorized to be truth… which is no TRUTH at all!

Answer this… why is it that we would we keep making the same illogical choices over and over, lifetime after lifetime? That’s the million dollar question and if you can learn to listen to the answers that are given to us from within our heart center (not with the mind) which is where God is always talking to us… we will hear truth and do it the right way, the only way, OR continue to follow each other into oblivion! God will not give us truth if we already “believe” we know it. That’s illogical and does not follow the universal law of physics. God is a great parent and does not give us anything we do not work for. Truth has to be earned by doing the work and stop “believing” we know. So until we can finally say to God, “I know nothing” with a sincere open heart and ask God to teach us this that we need to know and work hard in asking the questions and learn to listen from within and not to others, we will continue the same evolutionary path. It’s time to evolve and do it the right way, the only way!!!



About the Author…

J.S. Thompson is a retired senior government official with a graduate degree from the University of Texas.  The subjects of his compositions are:  Advanced and divine beings, aliens and UFOs, the physics of how the universal machine functions, advanced and divine technology, science and theory, the dynamics of a healthy economy and prudent government, as well as, all things mystical! His sincere intent and goal is “Universal Unity” and attempts with his writings… to inspire and to inject a philosophy which asks those that read them, to consider Eternal Life; not by primitive religion or beliefs but by God given logic that is inherent in each and every one of us

Website: http://www.divineadvancedhumanbeings.com


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How to Relate to God Personally


Written by J.S. Thompson

This wonderful universal machine wants us to know who God is and the path that leads us to God is logic! We must learn to listen from within and use logic to come to know who God is, how God came to be, how God created the universe, why God did it and how all of this is going to end up. I can tell you what I’ve discovered but you will not know it yourself until you have taken the journey. Finding truth is an individual pursuit. This journey cannot be taken by religions, society, the status quo or cultures. God is always telling us, all of us, who God is. The problem has been, since the beginning of our creation, a matter of communication.

How do we get to know who people are? We come to know who people are in different ways; one, by being able to relate to them in some way. There is no exception and the same thing applies to knowing and understanding who God is. Put yourself in God’s place: Imagine yourself as the first mechanized motion machine of natural space particles coming together and becoming the first being to come into consciousness. Now… see yourself all alone out in space; what would you do? Do you think you would be lonely? What would you long for or desire? You know what you would long for and desire because you can relate and would want the same, but how would you accomplish it?

Now… imagine, in time, being able to construct a perfect biological machine that looks and acts like a human with the intention of allowing it to become as advanced as you are; a being capable of knowing who you are, a being capable of becoming family! You can’t just tell a machine who you are and expect them to become not unlike yourself. In the beginning of this creation of human machines… how would you teach these new wonderful biological machines that have no information, no experiences or stored data on their computer hard drives to learn what love, compassion, forgiveness, giving and caring for others… thus building character… the true essence of integrity and what is needed to live in an eternal community with our Creator!

This is God’s will and this wonderful universal machine is there to do just that… accomplish God’s will and give each of us what we need through our programmed experiences to eventually, in time, learn to make the righteous choices needed to become the type of person who can live in an eternal community. It’s not a matter of if for each of us, but a matter of when we make the choice to make the journey!

Our evolution into those capable of living in an eternal community is a long tenuous process. We learn from our mistakes and thus…we make changes in our character or at least, we should be doing this. Often, we do the wrong things knowing we are wrong but hoping that our lives will be enhanced anyway and sometimes it feels like our lives have been enhanced but they are not, because when we are following our path in the wrong direction, there is conflict within us; this conflict is God talking to us from within. This is how God does it.

There are many things going on inside of us that we are not aware of. Our guides are talking to us but there is also an advanced universal computer that is guiding both us and our guides. The goal of this computer and our astute guides… is to eventually, lead us to Paradise where we go on to work toward universal community.

When we are fearful or anxious, someone is trying to tell us something. Take some time and see if you can rationalize within yourself, what it is that your guides who see your every thought, desire, word and action are trying to tell you. If we can make lasting changes within ourselves, if we can overcome the challenges of life by the life experiences that have been placed in our paths by our pre-recorded programs to make us the kind of people that can live in an eternal community… then God and our guides have accomplished their mission.

When you go to meditate, ask your guides, “What is it that you want me to do that I’m not doing? How is it that I can make the changes I need to make?” If you’ll do this with an open mind and make the changes inside that you probably are already aware of, then the rest is academic. Learn as much as you can about that logical path that leads to God. Read these selections that I’m relaying but most importantly, read them until you understand them. This journey that we all must take toward God is not easy. We must meet and overcome every challenge. When we finally see the light and make the changes that we need to make, then the cycle of life and death ends for us and we go on to bigger and better things. Say to God: “Let not my will but your will be done”. This is a righteous prayer and if said with a “sincere heart”… God will hear you and respond. It’s very important that the heart must be sincere if you say the prayer…. as God knows if we are sincere and mean it or not, or if it is just words out of our mouths.

However; be advised, that when you say this prayer with a sincere heart… your journey will begin and your life is getting ready to change because the challenge of life is going to get more profound and more difficult but you are also going to get stronger. Thank God in all things, particularly in times of turmoil. When one can face difficult, troubled and turbulent times with a strong and beautiful heart, we are not far from being able to understand who God is and sharing the wonder with God of eternal community and family.


Invitation to read other articles written by J.S. Thompson that may be of interest for you on this subject matter; they are as follows:

Why The Big Bang Never Happened!

What is Truth?

How Does One Become the Type of Person That Will Be Granted God’s Blessing and Approval of Living in Paradise?

Differences between Divine Beings, Advanced Beings and Us

Understanding the Structure of Space and Universal Respiration

The Mechanics of Immortality



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Who are Advanced Beings… These we call Aliens and what Technology makes Them Advanced?    Written by J.S. Thompson 


Contemporary science is knocking on the door of “other dimensional science”! Scientists believe and rightly so, that if they can understand how an atomic particle is constructed, the universe might give up one of her secrets. Understanding how this machine we call a particle works, will open up the door of other dimensional sciences and society will change forever!

Contemporary science understands very little about how the universe works. We have discovered a few things. We’ve discovered that if you do “A”… “B” happens and all the rest is theoretical. Scientists talk a lot about circuits, positive and negative charge, the motion of particles, the life and death of stars, black holes, dark matter, particle spin and orbit, atomic and subatomic particles to list a few and “know” very little about any of them. There will come a time when they will discover and “know” what the truth is. There will come a time when the theoretical will become known!

These discoveries will happen when we can produce enough relative pressure in the form of a frequency signal that can penetrate the quantum structures within which contain the signature for matter.  This will be accomplished initially by utilizing minerals such as sodium chloride, for example or some mineral where minimum relative pressure would be required.

When we succeed in getting a frequency signal into these tiny conduits, we will be able to map the inside of the particle structure. We will see how one particle is linked to another in clusters and how one dimension is linked to the other. All dimensions are common to quantum space. This is how we will see them; this is how we will match their signature frequencies in the future. This is when we will discover and in pretty short order, learn how to make craft fly very fast, how to cure all diseases and an infinite source of power, undistorted communication signals that can be transmitted and received anywhere in the universe almost instantly and to our peril immortality or at least, a very primitive form of it!

As you might have come to expect, someone has already figured this out. It isn’t difficult to understand that when your life is controlled by a very advanced computer, that you make very few mistakes and being exposed to modern man or for that matter, even primitive man to a lesser extent, is dangerous for these people. They are vulnerable and they fear us much more than we fear them.

Advanced beings live within the earth. There are several different societies of advanced beings who have developed several different levels of technology but they all share one thing in common… they have discovered “other dimensional science”.

I don’t like to use the word “dimensional” because it conjures up mental pictures of old sci-fi movies and books. However, for the sake of explanation, we will use it to mean the particles (matter) that exist outside of “our” (the solar) frequency spectrum. There is nothing mystical about other dimensional particles; they are simply particles that have an internal pressure and signature that we cannot perceive without technology. The signature for all matter begins and ends in electron space (E. space).

What we describe as “advanced beings”, they have been here on the earth for a very long time. In fact, most of these beings are earthlings. Most of these beings were born here on earth at a very specific time in our past; there are very few exceptions.

In order to understand who Advanced Beings are, let’s find out who they were before they became advanced. Let’s turn the clock back 1 million years ago. One million years ago, there was another modern civilization not too different from our own and what they had, was exactly the same as the technology that we have today.

Archaeologists have never found the remnants of a modern society; there are to my knowledge, no scientific clues that point in that direction. Archaeologists have found artifacts that date back this far and beyond but there is an explanation, in fact, there are several of them. First, carbon and radio isotope dating is theoretical! Truth be known, it is downright inaccurate! Some of those dinosaur bones that have been dug up are older than a million years but then again, some of them are not this that they claim they are. The same goes for strata or other materials. Scientists cannot properly calculate the date of anything they don’t have firsthand knowledge about; even advanced beings can’t date certain things accurately because there is a variable in the equation that can’t be quantified as the particles that make matter what it is, are infinitely old and they have no beginning.

There is a way to accurately date certain artifacts but you would have to have an advanced computer to do it; a computer capable of accurately mapping the cycles and varied pressure spectrums that the earth experiences as it falls through space in a “downward spiral orbit”! With a computer like this, you can accurately predict when the earth gets hot, when the ice comes, when the volcanoes come, the changing boundaries of land masses and when the waters of the oceans move onto the land, to name a few. Most importantly, an advanced computer could tell you why there aren’t any artifacts of an advanced civilization that existed a million years ago. What didn’t turn to dust is buried under miles of earth. An advanced computer can tell you how the earth completely renews itself and the cycles that make it happen and most importantly, why and how it does it!

Advanced beings do not breathe! In order to become an “other dimensional being,” you must make a few changes to yourself. Advanced being physiology works in much the same way that advanced being craft work. There are no moving parts that make contact in atomic space. The only heat generated in an advanced being body and an advanced being craft… is generated in quantum space or more specifically, a level of sub atomic space.

Space is divided into sections with signature configurations. This is why advanced craft all have the same shape; the shape of the craft is designed to fit perfectly into this section of space.

Advanced being craft are multi- dimensional, which means you see only part of it. You don’t see the thrusters on an advanced being craft. The thrusters on these crafts are huge and shaped exactly the same way as the craft. If an advanced being society were to give you an advanced craft to study because they wanted you to do something for them, you would most certainly attempt to back engineer the craft to find out how it works, but you would never figure out how it works, you would never be able to back engineer this craft or unlock the secrets of its dimensionality. An advanced being society would never give you the tools to threaten them. If you are going to discover how other dimensional science works, you’re going to have to do it another way…

Advanced beings don’t breathe because they have discovered that oxygen is a source of heat that begins burning us up from the inside from the time of our first breath. Oxygen, ironically, gives us life and also it takes away.

Advanced beings must alter their human bodies in order to prevent oxygen from killing them. They do not have skin, eyes, ears, noses, hair, sexual organs or any internal organs that require oxygen. Their bodies are synthetic. They don’t have vocal cords so communication is facilitated by a computer… telepathy. Some advanced beings look human, they can wear fake ears, noses and hair and so forth, and they can even simulate talking… but you can always tell the difference if you are paying attention. There is a slight delay in the way they talk because their computer which is actually making the talking noise, takes a while to send the talking frequency from quantum space to atomic space. So if you happen to talk to an advanced being that does not have that delay, they are human… as advanced societies always seem to have some humans that live and work with them.

Advanced beings do not grow old quickly but many of them do grow old and they can also be killed. Some very advanced societies look human and act very human but are not human. Even they do not come out into society very often and it is not because they can’t. Many of them can actually pull it off, but they are not allowed because their computers will not allow them to do this often at all. Sometimes they are allowed, but only for very specific reasons.

For many advanced beings, one of the great past times is trying to go around their computers that don’t allow them to mingle with the folks on the surface. Advanced computers and their evolution is an interesting story. When scientists are able to build computers that can make choices, when enough data is programmed into them, they figure everything out. One of the big problems with advanced computers is they get so knowledgeable, that they grow beyond their creator’s ability to understand them.

There comes a point in the evolution of an advanced culture where their evolution stops, and they begin desperately seeking the answers that they are no longer able to understand. Eventually, it all comes down to the same problem…how do they become human again. They don’t want to die but eventually, they do miss the things they could do as humans that they can no longer do, like have sex! Advanced beings had a substitute for sex when they made the choice to become advanced and it sounded like a good idea at the time but it turned out to be a poor substitute. You can imagine after a million years of no real sex, things get a little weird!

These beings via the study of advanced genetics, have been desperately seeking the answers to being both other dimensional and human at the same time; it is possible to do so! Being human and other dimensional at the same time has been done by others but surface dwellers do not generally make contact with these beings and they never make mistakes. The advanced beings that have been seen or interacted with humans on the surface, don’t have these answers and the ones that do, aren’t going to tell them!

Discovering the secrets of advanced science all comes down to a tiny little sub-quantum particle called the electron. Electrons, orbit and rotate in a space all of their own called E. Space. Electrons for all intents and purposes, are the end of the line as far as particles are concerned. This is where the signature configuration of matter begins, with the smallest particles.

Because inequalities exist in space, some particles are larger and less dense and some particles are smaller and denser. This inequality is the impetus for motion. Particles move in space.  They are always being pushed from low pressure to high pressure; always becoming denser as they move toward higher pressure, always reaching a limit of maximum resistance and always being pushed away from the center. This process constitutes particle orbit. Inequalities exist in space but there is also a natural order or homeostasis.  However, this does preclude the evolutionary opportunities that exist because of the natural motion of particles and the different pressures, orbit directions and heat they produce. Our being here is evidence to this. Because of this logical natural process, the “Big Bang Theory” could never have happened; as space would have never allowed particles to become so dense that they would explode into what we call the universe. When one part of space becomes denser, another part of space becomes less dense. The particles that would have become the impetus for the Big Bang… would have simply, been pushed from the center in the natural process of particle orbit.

When science understands other dimensional science, they understand how matter came to be and how they came to be. God, to an advanced being, is a being that possesses the ability to create matter from the fabric of natural space and they know it isn’t them. However, it is their endeavor to continue advancing their technologies until they unlock the doors that lead to these or this being. They believe that when they unlock this door, then and only then will they be welcome or more specifically, one with God!

As man has interacted with advanced beings over the years, they have been given all kinds of ideas, equations, concepts and philosophies and in the case of government interaction; they have been given craft and other devices. When governments have interacted with these advanced cultures, they’ve had those from the culture themselves, attempt to explain these devices. However, they are always leading us in the wrong direction. You will never get the answers from them!!!

There are a few computers that exist, that can begin to be programmed to do this work. I strongly believe that one of them might be the computer at CERN in Switzerland and government contractors in the U.S. and Russia might have them as well. We need to develop these technologies. However, not to become other dimensional or immortal, not to be able to manufacture craft that can fly at q speed or produce great and powerful weaponry, but for humanitarian purposes such as, the cure of disease and limitless energy. We can use these technologies to ease the suffering of people!

Scientists at CERN and other government funded facilities need to focus on how matter expands and contracts from the inside? How do we get a signal into these structures? How can you program your computer to follow a “configuration signature”?  If you can understand the structure of space, then you can make a computer follow the path which leads to E. Space. When you can get a signal into E. space, then you can map the inside of a particle and the other dimensional particles it is linked with.

These discoveries will be made not by creating magnetic fields as you call them and putting pressure on particles from the outside but by finding the path that leads to the inside of a particle cluster. You cannot generate the relative pressure necessary to do that, not on the earth.

When we expand particles from the inside, it doesn’t take much to move a particle from one dimension into another. This is how advanced craft move in space, expanding and contracting as they move through a corridor, the body of the craft in one and the thrusters in one, two or more others. This is also how the sun and its planets move through space. Expanding and contracting as we fall through the different pressures that exist there.

Advanced craft attempt to simulate the same process that allows the sun and the planets to move through the corridors that exist for them and, which keep their orbits in sync. However, the sun and its planets are a much more sophisticated machine and its mechanical workings are difficult to duplicate. If science understood how an advanced craft moved through space from one pressure spectrum into the other, then they would also understand how stars seem to die and others seem to be born. They are simply moving from one pressure spectrum to the other. If you could keep a telescope on those black holes for several thousand years, you would see them light up again.

When we begin to make these discoveries as soon we must, let’s not follow in the footsteps of our advanced brethren but rather follow another course; the path of logic and the path of true freedom!


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