David22's Posts (272)

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Atlantis, Dinosaurs and Polar Change

This quote from William LePar's spiritual source The Council has a lot to say. It answers the question of what caused the extinction of the dinosaurs and also makes a prediction for the future. It also states that the Atlanteans had what we call today lasers. There is more here that is inferred such as the electromagnetic construction of our beings which refers to the construction of our universe and also points indirectly to the incidents that have occurred in the Bermuda Triangle. More on those later.

Questioner: Did the Atlanteans have trouble with dinosaurs?

The Council: Well, that was one of their toys. Oh, they got rid of them.

Questioner: With their crystal?

The Council: Part, yes, but the greatest, shall we say, ending to the dinosaurs were the polar changes. The changing of the poles, although you may feel it comes gradually, it does not. There is a building up, of course, but once the poles change it is a traumatic shock. It is an experience that upsets the entire magnetic field of the earth and since you are part of that it can also affect the electromagnetic construction of your being so that, shall we say, time could freeze temporarily and some very unusual things can transpire. Man has not experienced a polar change and God forbid when he does. If you think your bombs can cause havoc, man has not begun to dream yet.

Questioner: When you say man has not experienced a polar change, are you referring to present man or present history?

The Council: Naturally, naturally. Your little quivering of your axis now is only the build-up because you will not only have instantaneous freezing and raining of ice, you will have instantaneous burning and raining of fire.

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Love and Respect Yourself

The following is a closing message from a trance with William LePar's spiritual source, The Council. It encourages us to love and respect ourselves. It was a constant theme with them.

The Council: We enjoy being with you. The nature, the good nature, that each of you have is not so far from the nature that we carry. The only thing that separates all of you from all of us is your concept of what you are doing. Just as you are growing through the activities of the physical world, so are we growing. We have learned that we can grow without the framework of physical creation. You, too, will learn that. All of eternity and all of everlasting life is a process of evolvement or growth. It is unending and will always be unending. If you can realize that the most important concept that you can weave into your entire conscious framework is to love yourself and respect yourself so that you can love someone else, you will have the keys to success, for if you cannot love yourself, you cannot love anyone else. You must begin to respect yourself; you must begin by accepting the responsibility of being a child of God. And the first responsibility is to love and respect yourself.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit www.WilliamLePar.com

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God's Rules

In this uplifting quote William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, gives us all hope as we move through our lives.

The Council: There are many rules that seem immovable, but they are only as rigid and solid as are the men who make them. The rules of God are absolute and unchangeable. They are sturdy as a shepherd's staff; they are as high and as strong and as firm as a mountain, but even in this, one should take great delight in that in God's Total Love, His Law, His Rules, are equal for each of His Children. They are as fair for one as they are for the other, and they are only as binding and as demanding on an individual as that individual can honestly fulfill them. Man's rules are not pliable and are not bending; they are rigid, so consequently, they can be broken or they can be changed. God's rules are made in love, consequently, they are firm; they are strong; they are good; they are fair; they are rigid; but they become elastic and bendable with love as the tempering element. God's Laws will not be broken, but they will bend to meet you as you stretch to reach them. This is the Love of your Father.

For more on William LePar and The Council

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To those who are divorced or separated

Questioner: Do you have any hope for people who are divorced or separated? According to their religious teachings, some of them may feel doomed.

The Council: They are never doomed, and to be burdened with such feelings can be destructive to the individual. People, souls, entities, should have much more faith in their Creator, and should attempt to become much more aware of His Total Love. The judgment of the Divine is far more fair and lenient and loving than the greatest of all men put together, and for an individual to feel as though God has abandoned them because of a decision they have made is self-destructive. They should never feel that one decision has totally destroyed them or that by one wrong decision their Father in Heaven has turned His back on them. Remember, if a mother or a father can forgive a child of their wrong-doings, certainly your Father in Heaven is much, much, much more loving and understanding.

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The Council – Part 4 - Their Appearance

In the final part of this four-part series The Council explains what their appearance is or could be if they chose.

Questioner: Does your size relate to, like, human size?

The Council: We have no size. We have no real form, as you are accustomed to know. We are spirit. If it were necessary for us to show ourselves to you or anyone naturally we would do so in a particular form but it would be acceptable to your state of mind or your conscious level but as far as actually having a form as you know form, no. What we are and where we are, we can only tell you in pictures; we can only tell you in pictures, because you cannot conceive yet within your minds nor can the most advanced minds that man has in the physical, conceive what we look like or how we exist. It is the purest essence of our creation, that very, very breath of God. We are totally aware of that now. We know the strength and power that we have. We know the ability of love, true love, true love, not what man or you refer to as love. The intensity with which we experience joy is a hundred thousand times greater than your wildest imagination, as is our existence, our sensitivity. If this would give you some idea, when we come into this room, we do not really come into it, we are part of it. We are here and then we are not here. At times when our vibrations are somewhat higher than what they should be even the house itself knows that there is what you would refer to as a holy presence. The house creaks, especially in this room. And a form such as us, or such as you could recognize would not be able to do. If one wanted to apply to some of the more modern terminology, it's a state of existence, but even this does not nearly explain. If you wanted a picture of what we possibly could look like, the best thing that would represent us would be figures robed in long gowns with very delicate or gentle-type features. We can very easily create a physical body just as solid and just as real as the one you yourself are aware of.

Questioner: Thank you.

The Council: You are most welcome.

Questioner: Although I have to admit I don't really understand.

The Council: We can understand why you do not understand, but you are not expected to really understand. For you we would simply say our dimensions would be of average height and weight and we would have a variety of hair coloring, a variety of skin coloring, but in all there would be a common appearance of gentleness, of brilliancy.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit www.WilliamLePar.com

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The Council – Part 3 - Their Task

In part three of this series William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, talks about their purpose in these communications.

The Council: As to our exact duty or our exact purpose for being in communication with you. We are not so interested in the physical needs. There are other forms of communication for this. We are here to answer the spiritual needs, to educate the spirit, to bring back the true truth that is from God or the Infinite Father. Much of the truth has been dressed up and kept only for those who feel they are solely the proprietors of the truth. The truth is simple, the truth is plain, and it belongs first to the lowly and then to the mighty. Those who sit on top professing the truth will be the last to hear it. Count yourself lucky. You have an opportunity to receive information. It is for you then to judge whether or not it is truth for you. We can say it is the truth, and in truth, it is. But only you can put it to work. Only you can use what you have asked for. Asking for the truth does not necessarily mean you will use it to its fullest benefit, for sometimes the truth is not what we wish, for it does mean that we must sacrifice at times.

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The Council – Part 2 - Where They Live


William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, explains to us there level of existence.

The Council: As to where our position is in all that exists after, we indicate now. At the apex is what we will symbolically refer to as the House of the Lord or God or the House of the Infinite Father. Around the outside of this House is a portico, an open porch. There are many doors to the House of the Lord that open to this portico. There within this portico is where we reside. This is our last lesson to learn. We have offered our services to you. As you accept these we then fulfill or learn the Creation in Perfection and then are able to enter the House of the Lord. During such communications you may be pleased in knowing that quite possibly you will have assisted a spirit entity to pass from his last grade to the House of the Lord or the House of the Infinite Father. During the course of communications the entire council may be changed and again maybe only one. Possibly none at all. Also from time to time during the course of a communication instead of the reference "we" there may be a reference "I." In this case the reference "I" is a communication from a direct spirit entity. This is permitted because the individual spirit entity chooses to do a service on his own. The information given is a joint effort of the twelve of us. When the occasion rises that one speaks although the one or "I" is used, it is still, in essence, a joint effort for in the one requesting permission from the others to answer on his own we all agree, thus contributing to one another. The knowledge is a combined knowledge. None has knowledge more than the other. None possesses more than the other. So, in essence, you receive the knowledge of all twelve, regardless of whether it is referred to as from "I" or "we."

For more on William LePar and The Council visit www.WilliamLePar.com

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The Council – Part 1 – A Brief Description

In this opening quote of this four-part series William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, tells us a little about themselves.

The Council: As to a word on us that speaks through this one here. We have spoken through him many times in the past. We have done this for him and for others, as we will continue to speak through him in the future for himself, for you, and for others.

This will not require absolute perfection of the physical body, for this is not the time for such. We can say that again there is a council of twelve who sit here plus one who is called the master of the masters. He sits in that position whereby he governs the council of twelve. This council was called forth by the spirit whose vehicle we are using. A clarification of this and those things that pertain to our position in this realm that is above the physical manifestation can be explained to you in more detail by asking that one whom we speak through. For this information he is aware of not only on the physical level but also on the spiritual level. The manner of which he speaks of these things should not be taken by you or any to be that that is not. Do not take the manner in which he accepts and speaks of these things as a braggart or egotistical. It is simply that he accepts them on the spiritual level and also on the physical level. He does not make great of those things that come from him. He does not make great of those things that come through him, but only states them as they come through him and from him.

Editor’s note: In the next part of this series The Council will tell us a little about the realm where they exist.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit www.WilliamLePar.com

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A Prayer to the Father

In this short message from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council they give us a prayer and a thought that we can rely on in times of need.

Questioner: If you would care to give a formal prayer or would you prefer to suggest a particular way of praying?

The Council: As to a formal prayer, we would suggest the "Our Father." As to a way of praying, simply ask the Father that you are never foolish enough to be used, to allow yourself to be used as a channel for negativity or Satan or whatever term you wish to apply to the negative forces. Ask him to seal off all that from you and instead allow you to be used as a channel of light of His Divine Love because this is your wish to serve His Will. Those basic words repeated to oneself with the intention that they fall on the ears of the Father could be considered as a prayer. Any words are a prayer to the Father if the intention is proper.

If you are willing to forgive those that go against you, you will be forgiven too. The true forgiving means that one must not continue in those things that we are forgiven. If you are worried whether or not you are forgiven for some of the sins in this present expression, attempt with sincerity of heart not to commit them again. Do you understand?

Questioner: Yes, I do.

The Council: And they are forgiven. Ask that you be forgiven for your trespasses and they will be forgiven, but do not make a mockery of this. Do not run out and commit sin and then get back to your home and say forgive me. This will only go on for so long and then you begin to make a ridicule of the situation. You begin to ridicule the forgiveness of the Father. So then you become guilty not only of committing the sin but of insulting the Father.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit www.WilliamLePar.com

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Forgiving and Forgetting

Forgiving and Forgetting


Questioner: Is that part of life, people being tested all the time to see if they can forgive and forget?


The Council: Well, it is a part of the life that your world has made, yes. That is not the way it was supposed to be. Do you understand?


Questioner: Yes.


The Council: It is sad but that is the life the world, the way it is made now, and it was made that way through the actions of man, not through the desire of the Divine Presence. His desire was to have a life full of happiness, joy, sing and dance and laugh your way to spirituality, back to Him. That was His desire. But you have a free will and He cannot interfere with that. So He must sit back and wait for you to change your ways, to understand what life is really supposed to be.


There are things that we cannot forget and we cannot forgive. Those are crosses that we must learn to live with, but whenever crosses like that are brought to us, they are not always injustices. All individuals have a past. That is the thing accusers must be knowledgeable about or must understand.


For more on William LePar and The Council visit www.WilliamLePar.com

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Satan - Part 3

Satan – Part 3

There are many souls who are seeking and growing spiritually but in our world today we know that there is still much more that could be done. In the final of this three-part series William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, points that out in this quote from the Research and Study Group session titled Spirituality is an Attitude.

The Council: So, one thing that you can all look forward to: Once you leave the material manifestation, you will not have to worry about Satan tempting you.

Questioner: The spiritual level that these negative forces work from, is that the world of formation that you talked about once?

The Council: No, we have not talked about a negative realm yet; in fact, we have deliberately avoided it, hoping that if you can understand the beauty that lies before you, why should you even be concerned that such a thing exists for you will have no part of it then? One of our tasks is to make each of you realize on a conscious level so this will facilitate your own personal soul or you as a true spiritual entity, to make you aware on a conscious level of your rightful place, of the potential that is there, the greatness that is you, if you will but try, and we mean, just try. Many souls in the material manifestation now or in the physical plane say they try, but it is pure rationalization. If one tenth of those who say they have tried would have tried, then the spiritual explosion that would have transpired would have been so powerful that it would have carried millions of other souls on to development or perfection. So you see, how much trying has there really been? How many little things have you actually done for someone else? And these are the steps to spirituality; it is the little things. There are only so many leaders; it is the soldiers that make up the body; and it is the body that is needed. What good is a head if there is no body to carry it?

For more on William LePar and The Council visit www.WilliamLePar.com

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Satan - Part 2

In this quote from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council gives us insight into the power of Satan.

Questioner: Could you please give me an understanding of Satan and his forces?

The Council: Satan is the total collection of all the negativity that has ever existed, coming to a central focal point so that when it is necessary this negativity can actually manifest and develop into a form, whether it be the traditional pitchfork and red-suit or whether it be in an actual physical form. Do not take Satan lightly. In NO way should you be that foolish. Satan is as real as you are, whether you look upon yourself as physical or spiritual. As to his angels they are the individual entities who allow themselves the selfishness that create the darkness within.

Whether one thinks of Satan or his angels, be wise to know that it is real. At this very moment if one of you were to allow themselves to be used as a channel for negativity, you could if that negativity were to desire, you could be responsible for an actual manifestation of a demon or what have you right within this room now. Just because the light is in here does not mean that the darkness cannot be lurking by too. So when the Bible speaks of Satan, heed those words. For there is a Satan; there is a Lucifer; there is a Devil. But be wise to know too that it is the total negativity of all that there is. This should not take away from its actual danger but should add to it.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit www.WilliamLePar.com

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Satan - Part 1


William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council explains why God allows Satan to exist.

Questioner: I was wondering why didn't God destroy Satan when he became a force for evil?

The Council: Because you must have the free will to choose whether you will return to your just place or whether you will leave your just place. IN other words if the Father did not provide the opportunity for you to do, to have a choice whether you wish to live in the Light or in the darkness, you would not have free will. You would be predestined to only His Will which would not really give you free choice, then. Does this explain it sufficiently for you?

Questioner: Yes.

The Council: This may be hard for you and the rest to understand but it was out of God's Love for you, for us, for all, that He allowed the negativity to exist, so that we would not be forced into doing only His Will. We are given a free choice, to either live or die, and we mean this, of course, on a spiritual level.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit www.WilliamLePar.com

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A Comet in the Sky and Secrets of the Pyramids

In these answers to a couple of questions William LePar’s spiritual source points out that some of what we concern ourselves with belongs to the “old ways” of thinking. However, within this information there is still nuggets of very valuable advice.

Questioner: Is the comet in the eastern horizon before sunrise of any spiritual significance?

The Council: Only if you wish to give it so. There is much said about such things that appear in the heavens. Most of it is silliness. It is true large masses do affect the physical but only to the extent that you wish it to. You can overcome anything that has been given to you or placed before you. Some would say that the coming of a comet would indicate a new vibration or a new influence in the physical. We say foolishness, foolishness. If you wish it to affect you, certainly it will. It would be wiser to raise your eyes to your Father and ask for the strength to do His Will and so doing this He gives you the strength to overcome anything which may hinder your progress.

Questioner: Thank you.

The Council: You are most welcome. You see you cannot always mix the old with the new. Such beliefs belong to that of old times. In their own words they say that the universe, that man, that the heavens, that all that is, is in a new cycle, growing onwards evolving upwards, yet they attempt to drag you backwards. Listen to the contradictions. This one here has more than once pointed out many fallacies to you all.

Questioner: Would knowing the secrets of the pyramids be helpful in our spiritual growth?

The Council: If you wish to resort to the mystical or occult methods, then the knowledge of the pyramids would be necessary. If you wish to bring yourself under the New Dispensation given to you by your Infinite Father the knowledge of the pyramids are useless. If you choose the old way you bring upon yourself a much more difficult road. If you accept the dispensation given to you, then you walk a much easier road to perfection or your at-one-ment with the Infinite Father. To play with the pyramids is no harm, but to become involved in their significance, we suggest this is foolishness.

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Situations Where Bravery is Needed - Part 1

Questioner: You said it takes great bravery to be a true child of God, when you use the word "bravery," are you referring to "bravery" as in life-threatening situations or are you referring to "bravery" as in a person standing against popular concept, popular social beliefs, so that they are following the path of God?

The Council: Well, let us say, we are speaking more of the second example that you have given, the internal strength of standing up for one's standards, the Divine Principles, although there are times when physical bravery runs hand in hand with the internal bravery. Do you understand?


Questioner: OK, thank you.


The Council: Sometimes, let us go to an example that most people could relate to. Suppose a child is in a burning building and someone runs and rescues the child, and that individual loses their life. That takes great bravery, but before that kind of bravery can be demonstrated, the internal bravery of one who has high standards must exist someplace within that individual for them to have a high enough conscience to be able to risk their lives for someone else. So, one cannot go without the other in the example we have given you. But, how fortunate the majority of mankind is that it is not necessary for them to risk their life and limb to prove their worthiness spiritually.

Questioner: Council, you gave the example of running into a building and giving up your life to save somebody. Isn't there a lot more realistic ways to give your life for somebody, just like taking care of somebody for their life or something like that?


The Council: Well, certainly, certainly. That is another badge of bravery. We gave that as an extreme, but it is an extreme. There are many ways of giving your life for someone else. Dedication to another individual. When you make a commitment to an individual, you are basically giving your life up for them. So, there are all forms of bravery. Two people who are in love and make an honest commitment, they are giving up their individuality to serve the other one. Both should be doing the same thing. There that takes great bravery, great bravery. Especially in your world today when there is so much

darkness of self-indulgence. Does that answer the question?


Questioner: Are you saying, someone like that would be brave because they are giving up their self-indulgences?


The Council: They are giving up their life which means they have already given up their self-indulgences. Certain things have to come in order. You have to be willing to give up your indulgent life, that puts you in a position where you understand your value as an individual, therefore you are able to give up yourself in benefit for someone else. You see the order?


Questioner: Yes, definitely.


The Council: So, there is an order in spiritual evolution, if we might use that term and do not take it literally, "spiritual evolution." You are already spiritual, it is just a question of are you going to exercise it or not. If not, you are going to lose it. It is that simple.


For more on William LePar and The Council visit www.WilliamLePar.com

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Stepping Aside as an Act of Love

In this interchange between William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, and a questioner we are given an example of bravery on the part of parents.

Questioner: Would that be like an example of parents letting their child go out into the world when they really don't want to, they want to protect them, but they kind of push them out into the world because they know it is better for them or they know they have to learn?

The Council: Yes. That does not mean that your parents love you any the less. They are giving you your freedom, and that is the same with loving. If the person who is priority on your list to love, if they willfully step out of that position, it is an additional act of love on their part. Do you understand?

Questioner: Yes.

The Council: Not a rejection. There a dilemma may rise up. What do you do? Well, if you are lucky enough to be in a situation like that, you will be in a situation to love more than just one priority. So you cannot lose when you are dealing with love. Very well.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit www.WilliamLePar.com

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Protecting Yourself from Evil

In this quote from William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, they take a strong stand on workplace harassment. We are all take to be kind and caring but there are times when a strong stance is necessary.

Questioner: How do you protect yourself from evil in today's world, especially in the work place where everyone is out for themselves, trying to get ahead at any cost, and you are there with these people for so much of the day, nearly every day?

The Council: The simplest way in your world today, is do not react in like manner. You know what the appropriate attitude and actions are. Be steadfast. In some cases, that means one must be somewhat withdrawn from the individuals they work with or have to deal with. This does not mean that you are uncivil, of course, you are civil, and you are appropriately kind when the situation calls for it. But to become personally involved in their pettiness, you are only allowing them to drag you into their own negativity. In the world today you must stand tall and strong. If you do not, you will lose. Only the strong and the brave will succeed.

Questioner: What about in the workforce if you have one person that always gets people roused up, just over petty stuff, and then you try to keep things calm but she continuously does that? Is there any way that a person should try to handle that in a better situation?

The Council: If the person is doing this out of ignorance, then maybe simply calling their attention to it will be sufficient. But if the individual is one of those types of people who likes to cause problems then you can address that individual a little more firmly and point out that this is not the appropriate way to act, nor is this the way that the atmosphere in a workplace should be. In some cases, with some people who, for whatever sick reason, find themselves in a power situation by creating commotion where they work, with those individuals, you simply call them to task on it. If they cannot understand civil conversation, then simply tell them to shut their mouth. Or the other alternative is to point out to others that they are a troublemaker. Sometimes it is necessary to use a little determination in dealing with the ignorance of some individuals.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit www.WilliamLePar.com

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Ice Age of the Heart - Part 3

Ice Age of the Heart - Part 3


Here we finish the discussion between William LePar's spiritual source, The Council and a group of questioners at a Research and Study Group session on spiritual growth.


The Council: One other remark to what we have just said. Do not always rely on the person you are giving this love to to be totally honest with you in regards to your shortcomings. You may think you are giving enough love, and you may ask that person, "Are you happy?" And in order to be kind, they may say yes when there is great pain still there. Keep that in mind. Make sure the love you give is a love of quality, and we might add, to insure your profitable return, not only quality but quantity. Very well.


Questioner: And this just does not apply to like a spouse or family but in everyday life?


The Council: It applies to anything and everything. We addressed it specifically to interacting with another individual, but it is a principle that can be applied to all, all relationships.


Questioner: So, for example, when you continue to be kind, as another word for loving, to someone say at work and they just continually hurt you or don't return it and are just nasty. How do you keep it up?


The Council: Well, if someone is just a sour apple, you try to sweeten it a little. In a case, in a situation like that, if they are not willing to accept the sweetness, then take your energies some place else and allow them to indulge themselves in their own negativity. Now there is a situation with individuals that you work or casual acquaintances where yes, make an effort, but do not allow those people who are negative to draw you into their own negativity by occupying all your energy and time so that you cannot give it to others that will benefit from it. Let them stew in their own sour grapes after you have offered to help, to give. Do you understand?


Questioner: Yes.


The Council: All you can do is offer charity, we are using "charity" now in the strictest of Biblical senses which incorporates all the forms of love, not charity as far as necessarily as just giving to the poor. Do you understand?


Questioner: Yes, I do.


The Council: Be charitable to all individuals, but those who do not appreciate that charity, then shake the dust from your sandals and move on. Sometimes that is the best you can do. Possibly in the future they may remember that kindness and seek it out again.


For more on William LePar and The Council visit www.WilliamLePar.com

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Ice Age of the Heart - Part 2

Ice Age of the Heart - Part 2

This is a series of questions and answers from William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, based on the previous posting where The Council described our world today existing in an Ice Age of the Heart.

Questioner: Why would a person choose not to love?

The Council: That befuddles us. We should be asking man or mankind why he chooses not to love. The reasons are as numbered as there are individuals. There is no real answer to that question other than selfishness which then creates loneliness which then creates desolation of the soul. Does that answer the question?

Questioner: Yes. Now it is a conscious choice, right?

The Council: Well, whenever one does something unloving, it is a conscious choice at one level or another or at many levels. Some people are nasty, being so, fully conscious. Others are nasty because there are underpinnings that surface in the conscious mind that make them react unkindly or unlovingly towards a given situation. And that occurs because they have not put in those things that raise the spirit. Do you understand?

Questioner: Yes, thank you.

Questioner: You said that we didn't put in the things that helped the spirit. Are you saying like garbage in, garbage out?

The Council: Very accurate. Very accurate. You can only be, you can only reach, you can only see what you have put into yourself. Do you understand that?

Questioner: Yeah, but even then we are still quite capable of blocking that, even all the good that comes in?

The Council: Put enough of it in, and you will succeed. If you think that you can put so much in and you still do things that should not be done, then you have not put enough goodness in. You have not pushed yourself enough. You have not eaten of the banquet set before you. You have chosen to eat artificial food that looks as good as the banquet, but gives no sustenance to the soul. Does that answer the question?

Questioner: Yes, but kind of brings up another one. You were talking about the heart and how cold we are with the heart. OK, so if we want to change, how do we develop good attitudes to start opening up our heart?

The Council: Take advantage of what is around you. If someone loves you, return that love and more, in any way that is necessary. Seek out to make your partner happy. Seek out to make your mate happy. Seek out to make your family happy.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit www.WilliamLePar.com

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Ice Age of the Heart - Part 1

Although this posting may seem foreboding, William LePar's spiritual source offers hope for those willing to make the effort.

The Council: Mankind, at this present time, exists in an ice age of the heart. We will repeat that. An ice age of the heart. In your world today, there are the users and the used. The common denominator with this lifestyle is loneliness, again, the common denominator is loneliness. Man has not learned that his only source of happiness is in his ability to love. There is no loneliness when one chooses to love, and if you have been blessed with a love or a great love, where loneliness does not exist within you, you are experiencing the best and most perfect of loves. Be ever grateful, be ever grateful. Be sure that you are giving as much as you are receiving. Be sure that if your loneliness has been taken away by the one you love, make sure that that individual also is absent of loneliness. This necessitates then you loving more than what you are presently giving. How sad man will exist in this ice age of the heart. The terrain will become more hazardous, more dangerous, and darkness will become even darker. This will continue to those who refuse to love, their hearts will be frozen to the point where it cannot be thawed out. They will choose everlasting state of the ice age of the heart. Those who venture forth from this dark, bleak time and begin to give of themselves will rise above that into spring meadows and warm sunshine. They will resurrect themselves above the coldness of man's world. They will be reborn into the springtime of eternity.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit www.WilliamLePar.com

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