





August 7

About Yourself

Hello out there! :-) My (nick-) name is Cortex. My current body is now 26 years on Earth. I'm interested in many sciences - but especially in Information Technology. If you want to know more about me - Feel free to ask me... I would be very happy if I would get to know some other positve and/or creative thinking people! (here) I wish everybody LOVE, Luck and Peace... +AND+ ...bright `*'L*i*g*h*t'*´ right inside !~<3~!

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

I think there is something that you can learn from everybody. But the most important teachers of mine I would consider to be the following; - Experience - Emotions - Intuition - History/"Herstory" (AWESOME expression Ashtar!! :D) - The Internet! Personalities: The Dalai Lama Mahatma Ghandi Alaje Ashtar SaLuSa Sananda Archangle Michael Archangle Metatron The Galactic Federation Of Light The Galactic Heart Sheldan Nidle My Higher Self :)

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  • Without doubt Cortex, the show Californication touches on some of the crazier aspects of life in Southern Cali. I actually grew up around Venice beach where the show is centered. Of course at the same time, Los Angeles county, with almost 10-million people, can't be summed up that easily... it's underbelly is also quite real (much of which Californication kind of glamorizes). Nonetheless, LA is a cross section of a huge amount of creative energy. I work in the Film Industry and have had the chance to work with some incredible Artists and Musicians. If you get the chance, come check it out for yourself Cortex... there's definitely adventures to be had. Then again... that's true everywhere ;-)

    Wherever you go, there YOU are. ~InLight555   

  • Thank you! <3

  • 8114463482?profile=original

  • Dear Cortex,

    Thanks for being my friend may be due to any cause....because friends are rare to have and good friends we can get with Blessings...here Sirians are our connecting link.....



  • I am stopping by to thank you for believing in me.  It really means a lot.  I replied to your comment about how the GLF should not allow people to be taken, which I agree that figures that you look up to should not let horrible things happen to people.  I shared my thoughts on this in the post. Just wanted you to know that I am thankful for your understanding me.

    Have an awesome upcoming week.  You are loved and appreciated.


  • Very well said, no I do not discriminate color is just a illusion were all human and none of us are better than the other, even if some people think in their minds they are.

    Peace Love and Understanding 

  • thanks Cortex for befrending me!!! :) :)!


  • 8114131674?profile=original

  • Thank you for adding me Cortex!

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Cortex posted a discussion
After all we have been forced to go trough this only seems to be fair:Humanity on Earth is going to skip one dimension and is actually now some kind of group conciousness which is typical for 6D.Chemtrails & Mind control nano bots were not meant to…
Jul 10, 2013
Cortex replied to Cortex's discussion This idea might SAVE THE WORLD!!!!
"---> Thinking strangely is not a computer crime :P"
Jun 24, 2013
Cortex replied to Cortex's discussion This idea might SAVE THE WORLD!!!!
"This thought was send telepathically already to all apporciate individuals and groups!

Jun 24, 2013
Cortex posted a discussion
Just think about this most probably billions of lifes saving and revolutionary new idea / breaktrough:Think like "this thought is going to be read, digitalized and send to huge data centers processing and filtering our daily thoughts and emotions…
Jun 24, 2013

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