



Austin, TX

About Yourself

Work at Apple, like electronics/computers; anything new age/metaphysical ~ Became aware/was introduced to Metaphysics in 1988 by my Beloved cousin Mary: Joined the Ascended Masters Church/Mystery School The Aquarian Foundation in 1990 ~ Founded By Adept Medium Ketih Milton Rhinehart ~ My Personal Master is Sananda. ~ Have seen Triangle ship over Denver about 14-15 years ago-went directly overhead-about 300X300X300 yards in size, black-about the same height up as you would see a news/traffic helicopter. totally silent: totally awesome!-UPDATE: 16July, 2009 also saw a ufo while I was watching planes go by...it was in same flight pattern as the other planes...(heading toward airport) simular color as all the others-about double or triple length and double the thickness(these planes are pretty far away..) I said to myself as it flew steady that if it pauses or goes backwards I'll know it''s a ufo-it kept going across the sky, then I noticed it going up and then it started going faster--higher and higher /faster and faster ...I stood up and it was climbing and climbing almost straight up going about 10x's the speed of normal planes(almost looked like a space shuttle the way it was ascending -but NO cloud plume behind it) I watched it go up and up and up into the atmosphere until it left the atmostphere....

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

Jesus, St Germain, Ashtar, Arc Angel Gabriel, etc.....and of course, my Immediate surroundings.

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  • Hello there! I'm happy to be added as your friend :-)
    I hope you're having a lovely week.
  • Thank you for the friend request.
  • Welcome and thank you for your friend request. May you always be surrounded with much, love, light, joy and many, many blessings!

    Infinite Love and Light,
  • Hello Chirs, thank you for your friendship!!

    Have a super day!!!!!!
  • Hi Chris!
    Greetings from Iceland.
    Namaste :-)
  • veel Love and Light
  • Hi ChristBearer,

    Thanks for inviting me to be a friend.

    Kind regards,
  • Í'm very glad to have friends in this site of spiritual path
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ChristBearer left a comment for Cheryl Rose
"Cheers to you and your goal to master this life! Christopher"
Feb 27, 2015
ChristBearer left a comment for Amanda Brooks
"Not used to seeing Texans! - Nice! (Though don't know where Mineola is !!! Cheers!"
Mar 13, 2014
ChristBearer commented on Tiamacious's blog post (Live TV?) This just in, earth leaders gathering for press conference on the arrests of cabal
"...can anyone say 'Dubya' and Cheney???...at the head of the line...."
Feb 22, 2012
ChristBearer left a comment for somesayimnot
"pulp fic; half-baked....sooo coool !!! ha! - havent seen pineapple, but Dave Chappelle show is my #1 Fav! lmao...Ciao"
Dec 15, 2011

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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"I'll try and remember that name as well. I would ask about other galaxies as well, but since there are billions upon billions of galaxies out there in our Dern Universe I don't think we would be able to put down the Sirian name for every one of them…"
44 minutes ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Well, from an Earth perspective, that spiral galaxy is observed, as close to the Andromeda constellation and that is where it gets it's name....The constellation being the chained lady of Greek mythos...
It is a nearby galaxy to Kashira and similar…"
51 minutes ago
rev.joshua skirvin posted a blog post
| SourceGreetings, beloved ones! We are thrilled to establish a new connection with you. We are the Blue Avians, channeled by Octavia, guardians of the passages of time, 12th-dimensional beings. Once upon a time, we were just like you.As you entered…
58 minutes ago
rev.joshua skirvin posted a blog post
| SourceBlessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.We know you so very well as your true selves, your whole selves, and as we tune into you there in your physical lives, we hold that knowing of who you really are above all…
1 hour ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Also what do the Sirians call the Andromeda Galaxy? Had to ask since you mentioned the Andromeda Galaxy and yes I agree the name Andromeda is indeed a pretty cool sounding name :)"
1 hour ago
rev.joshua skirvin posted a blog post
| SourceBy now, hopefully everyone has read the earlier morning article and the update that was sent later.This supplemental information deals with the LION’S GATE PORTAL which opens tomorrow, Friday, July 26th, 2024, and which will be active until…
1 hour ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Yeah around the normies I guess I still gotta use the term Milky Way. Forgot about the normies for a second lol :P"
1 hour ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"hehe...Yeh I always thought we had a bad deal with the naming of "milky way." It obviously comes from the Greek, "galaxias," which means milky....So milky way galaxy is like saying the "milky way milky"...LOL

Now in contrast, we have a nearby…"
1 hour ago