



Stanford, CA


May 14



About Yourself

Stanford graduate, architect, engineer, designer, scientist, and inventor interested in bringing forth the abundance, genius, and gifts of heaven to earth. Spiritually interested in quickening our transition from a 3D, dualistic, Piscean age paradigm into the unified, multi-dimensional Aquarian Age with my every thought, word, and action.

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

Christ- my namesake :) Mother Mary/Divine Mother, and Father God (YHWH) St. Germain (the Violet Flame of Transformation) The Lords of Light- Metatron, Melchizedek, and Michael

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  • hei chris, many tx for your quick fb. if u're coming over this fall, then we should meet of course and have long chats, if that interests you.

    i'm VERY interested in the topics u're working on. i'm all in for working together on projects.

    sounds as if u're a good listener. my guides (try to) guide me as well, but alas i'm not so good a listener - probably more such grown-up rebellious indigo child. i must say that i find it hard to find the right path - and take the consequences. but, they don't take "no" for an answer anymore those days...

    regarding flooding, great to have your view on that. it sounds like the most logical one - from a heart's view. it's probably more my longing to finally have the close encounters with our galactic family that makes me look at other options. oho, this subconscious...

    since if feel below blessing gives such a warmth, i will repeat it here towards u - apologies if it's copyrighted ;-)

    abundant blessings in the ineffable light of our creator.


  • You make me laugh, always a good sign to start a friendship :-)

    "am actually headed out there this fall" = you have been here in 2011, or you will come here in 2012? I guess here shows my lack of knowledge of the intricacies of the American language.

    And what kind of research are you working on?

    In regards to my work: that is a very good description: "work" as in "labour", "work under construction". They asked me to write, first softly, then in no uncertain terms. Seems human freedom is quite limited ;-)

    About those floodings for coming fall that Greg Giles is speaking about... I notice that California is your homeland. So will you relocate temporarily ?

    I am trying to find out /feel whether my own area falls under the term of "the lowlands of Northern Europe"...  BEFORE I start to warn people. In the fall of 2010, a heavy flooding (presumably caused by human error) was coming our way. We were able to repair the broken energy lines back then. But the moving of the tectonic plates is of course quite a different story. I gather there is some 4 options possible: 1. prevent the flooding by sending lots of love and light to Mother Earth - always good but will it really help? 2. prevent flooding by "controlling" the tectonic plate movements thru more advanced energetic work (not separate from option 1 though) - I see very little advantage though in this option, as Mother Earth needs to shiver and shift to give birth anyway? and 3. simply accept and move out temporarily, (and option 4 is a no-go: stay where we are and pass to the other side prematurely). Mmmmm.... I will doublecheck on option 1 and 2, and go for 3 if need - my kids (and myself) would be thrilled to visit the ships - who knows we might meet up there :-)

    See you around. Sending you lots of Love and Light and Peace.

  • hei chris, your name sounds familiar to me, though i'm 100% sure we have never met in this lifetime. strange no (or of course not)? i still must complete my ashtar webpage so people can get to know me a bit better. but for now, looking at your profile, looks as if we share a lot of interests and the same goals. great to meet you. namaste. gwendoline.

  • Hi Chris! Thank you for accepting my friendship.
    and welcome!!!!

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