





May 26

About Yourself

I'm young and it feels like I'm still struggling a little with finding balance in life - but I'm here, trying to get better. My interests include spending time with family, animals, art, nature (hikes, photography, great place for meditation.)

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

Intuition and the world around me

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  • Remember this the Phoenix the Sphinx and the Unicorn when you know their meaning and not just the understanding you will have found your heartfelt answers.
  • Dear Charlotte.. wish you happiness,love and peace in your life ...
    New Year Comments & Graphics
    ~Magickal Graphics~
  • Try to keep in mind that, at times, we can not know how to act.

    Sometimes, you just need to see how things work out. Try to focus on the sunnier side of things while working on yourself. There is absolutely no sense in beating yourself up while trying to better yourself, and is, in nature's brilliance, counter-intuitive. We all have, in us, beauty. One of the lament's of man is that we often cannot accept comments, which, are positive in nature from ourselves(we have all had this probably, even Mr.Enlightenment). Life may look bleak at times, but there's all the reason to laugh.

    We have a huge capacity for warmth, for coldness. We need both. Figure out how each applies to you, and work with it. But always looking forward, smiling, and towards the edge.

    Hopefully, you can do something with it! My wife, Katrina, has taught me these things. And for them, my life has been all the better (=.

  • "I'm young and it feels like I'm still struggling a little with finding balance in life - but I'm here, trying to get better."

    You're smart, but you think too much of it and not the simpler answers in life. In essence, you're here. But to avoid. You don't know what to do, but that doesn't matter the only way you can know yourself is by doing. Only then will you know how to act. Talking about it, thinking about it, they all do nothing. Experience, and action do. You'll probably rationalize and say "you're thinking too much into things" and thus defeat yourself, or you will do something. You will feel it grow within you. You already know what to do, Charlotte. It's in you, it always has been and it's how you discover it which will create change.

    All the best

  • Dear Charlotte as a part of god you are very precious and very valuable,the only thing that you did was to give inconditional love, so don't fell worthless, the thing is sometimes the people that we are surrounded don't vibrate at the same level as us , is hard it happen to me, i am still trying to raise my vibration more and time will came when i am going to meet that person that vibrate at the same level or share the same belief. you are an advanced soul. your suffering now is the fire that wich will thansform you from coal to a biutiful diamond, be patient and keep focus, try to find a place of meditation, like raja yoga, or others place when you feel at ease. from the lord god of my being i send you my blessings and the light of god that is in me and everyone of us surround you and protec you
  • Namaste!!!!!!!!

  • Welcome Charlotte, or should I say welcome back?

    Why figure out how, why not just be OK with thine self (heh he he, I like using biblical "language" bwahahaha...makes me sound holier than thou heh he he)

    Be Blessed...and Be Good
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Charlotte Jones commented on Charlotte Jones's blog post Angles on "trust"
"Thank you for your insight. I never thought of it as "not having trust in myself" - well, I know I have been ignoring my own intuition at times, but for some reason I didn't think of it as an "issue of trust" the same way as we have a hard time…"
Jul 20, 2010
Charlotte Jones posted a blog post
That title probably best describes this question I have - from what angle should I address this problem I have created for myself?So I followed my intuition and found some things that I am glad I now know, but that now are haunting me instead. I am…
Jul 20, 2010
Charlotte Jones replied to Charlotte Jones's discussion Emotions vs. being practical
"Wow - that totally explained the duality and conflict I've been struggling with. How did you know..?

What I came across was this "fact" that emotional people (ie. me) often use emotions as an excuse - while logical/rational people just plow through…"
May 11, 2010
Charlotte Jones posted a discussion
I find myself in a situation where I am questioning my own beliefs, and have yet to figure out where I want to stand on this topic, or how to feel about it. I was curios what people here had to say on the topic.Before I explain my own thoughts and…
May 10, 2010

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