Buffalowoman's Posts (1)

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This was repeated to me until I wrote it down..It reads more like a poem, which I don't quite understand but the message is being passed on to you.By Jan 2010 it will begin, by Aug 2011 the winds will start, the waters will rise noah's ark we will not provide- sadness and sorrow will flow that no human has known- the end of days will be truely known the faithful will go and others with a higher purpose will stay to fight the fight like so many many years ago. Angels will be lining up to whisper the words to those who will listen sending them to safety- those who do not heed the warning to get to the highest point will surely parish- east and west coast will no longer be, mountain ranges you must be, you have one and a half years to prepare to listen to the warnings I have sent. Laeol {messengers name}Bight Blessings to you and yours,Buffalowoman aka Heather
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