



Bronx, NY


August 30

About Yourself

Newly awakened Sirian Starseed telepath/Psychic/Channel/Contactee/Liaison. Was told that my Sirian name is Ra'Im'Tah, apparently that is Andromedan for "Follower of the Sun". Unlike most of the people here, I never get used to these kinds of nice and surprising but kind of unnerving incoming info lol Also, I don't know what it's like on Sirius, so please don't ask. Sorry, I just get told this stuff. It holds no significance to me that I am also apparently Lyran, Draconian, and Pleiadian (sorry, Plejaran- PC name for Pleiadians now!? ;-)) I can't keep track, lol I'm also a bunch of Earth ethnicities as well, I don't think it should affect my mission on a day to day basis or affect who I am unless it means never having to stand in line at the store again or giving me the ability to open a jar of pickles with my mind, lol. Interested in bridging the gap between "strange" and "normal" in the Awakening/Ascension process. Blog: http://anyaisachannel.blogspot.com Website: http://www.thestarseedcouncil.ning.com I am available for private readings by phone for US or Canadian residents or Skype for international readings. You are welcome to record the session. To arrange an appointment, feel free to contact me at the email address for this site or email me at: anyaisachannel@gmail.com Love and Light, Anya

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

My dear friends and family on this journey of many lifetimes.

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  • Hello!

  • okay :) ill try to find a picture where there were more than one language style :)

  • Many blessings
  • peace...shanti...shanti...shanti

    cosmic light kisses in your heart

    Maria Celina
  • Dear Anya:

    It is so refreshing to meet others like me. I cherish our friendship. It's interesting how more and more of us seem to be coming out of the woodwork. I think that because of our perception of reality versus the main stream it is often easier to remain silent and let the illusion of others play itself out without our "disturbing the waters" so to speak. Ripples are beautiful though, and far reaching and I know for myself that simply observing and working behind the scenes is not all that is required of me at this time of awakening and ascension. It is all really so simple. Faith, trust, gratitude and heart-filled intent to serve for the highest good of all. It leaves no place for fear to find nourishment. I love my life, even though it often takes me beyond what I believed was the brink of my endurance. We are capable of expanding beyond our own comprehension. <*grin*> Yes, life is wonderful. Thanks for your bold stand and confidence to tell it like it is. You have my full support. Don't lose sight that your efforts are far reaching. I mean, after all, you found me and I'm way out there! Ha.

  • have a great spring and summer....

  • PhotobucketNamaste
  • hi anya, youre welcome.
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Anya posted an event
Nov 2, 2020
Anya posted a video
They asked ME to talk about this. Still shaking my head as to why. Enjoy! I am still trying to make sense of some of it...And YES, Henry Kissinger came into my living room in an astral projection the other night and demanded that I join his side. Of…
Nov 2, 2020
Anya left a comment for Vincent
"Ha, great minds... Thanks for the friend add! I love silkscreen, I want to make a studio in my home...

Love and Light,

Sep 14, 2009
Anya left a comment for Mischa
"Well there you go, I am just getting that you saw it! You have a strong Arcturian energy as well, did you ever say/think/feel that? I never knew about the Arcturian alignment until I was aware of them further very recently (last ten months or so),…"
Aug 22, 2009

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RichRaelian posted a photo in Mission Of Maitreya; Eternal Divine Path
Perhaps one day someone will translate it into English.
2 minutes ago
Drekx Omega replied to Ivy Ivy's discussion Galactic Languages in Starseeds from Sirius
"More Sirian words for you, Ivy....:
Sirians refer to our galaxy as; "Kashira." The Kashira galaxy, if you will...It has a reference to logoic ensoulment of creation, in so far as the poetic images place "ka" (soul,) with "shir" (rule and…"
24 minutes ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Hello friend....Well, Sirians refer to our galaxy as; "Kashira." The Kashira galaxy, if you will...It has a reference to logoic ensoulment of creation, in so far as the poetic images place "ka" (soul,) with "shir" (rule and administer,) "ra" (female…"
28 minutes ago
RandyFirstContact left a comment on Comment Wall
"Drekx what is the Siran word for the milky way galaxy and what does it mean? I know most Sirian words have a poetic and deeper meaning."
51 minutes ago
RandyFirstContact left a comment on Comment Wall
"Thanks for that data Drekx. I feel Lord Surea and the Time Lords are going to bless us with an amazing new galactic year. The long dark age is just about over now. We usher in the Light and continue to raise the frequency of this sacred realm to our…"
56 minutes ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"AE...Can do more than the year, can give the date today, the 27th July, which is the long count of

13 baktun
13 X 144,000 days = 1,872,000 days
0 katun
0 X 7,200 days = 0 days
11 tun
11 X 360 days = 3,960 days
13 uinal
13 X 20 days…"
1 hour ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"This was a few days before the last video posted where this time it was Russia intercepting US aircraft. https://youtu.be/ZCrAPAEwMOw?si=P6w0MRfm5IIpM81P"
5 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"And not too long before this a week ago at most it was Russia intercepting US aircraft. It's very obvious the Cabal knows they are about to lose power in the US and then everywhere else not too long after so they are prepping for WW3 so that they…"
5 hours ago