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Ascended Master S.GERMAIN in one of his channelled messages in 2011 is explaining what the DAYS OF DARKNESS is all about.In some areas Days of Darkness can be for 3 days,and in some other areas can be from 3 days up to 7 days! The whole issue as is been degreed  by the Greator,and is to be condacted by The Greator Himself,as is been decided millions of years ago.The chifting of Erth to the 5th Dimension, reguires the changing of THE PLANET,S MATRIX,meaning the complete changing of the Electomagnetic -All Energetic Fields of the Earth. NOTHING TO BE AFRAID on these Days.They advice all,just to be prepared  and face it like a small Advendure!

It is stated,that there is a strong possibility,during these DAYS OF DARKNESS ,the Earth ,now located in

the outskerts of our Galaxy,to be relocated by THE ELOCHIMS ,to the center of our Galaxy,and nearer to

the CENTRAL SUN .....

It is also suggested by other sourcess,that during the Days of darkness,all forms of darkness,and dark entieties,should be removed from Earth,and All doors for EVIL,should closed and sealed for Eternity.




A. DAYS OF DARKNESS : By Asc.Master S.Germain

As chanelled by Aruna. Saturday, March 19, 2011



8108778889?profile=originalI'm not asking that these days be given any

other attention than gathering light sources.-

Master S.Germain





When the days of darkness begin there will be no light from the sun. Nor will there be any days and nights to live through, only nights. Being able to light candles or have lamps that need no electric power can aid this condition. Without any candles there will be no light unless electricity is available. In many areas this will continue to act as artificial light. In other areas there will be only night. I'm not asking that these days be given any other attention than gathering light sources.
Clear the mind of disasters. No disasters are being predicted with this call to get yourself some answers for these days. No oil lamps around? Get other things that can be used if no electricity is working. If you have solar electric there will be no option but to have a back up solution. Many days without sun means the darkness can cause depression and anger. Instead, get calm and act like another day of darkness is no big deal. Wealth will be of no benefit, only acts of courage will matter. About one month of this will come to all of the continents. Can this be a time for deep inner attention?
Chaos may add an act of need for many. Are you able to remain calm? No additional call for this time beside getting lights in the homes and businesses that will need them. Grocery stores need light. Most have back-up generators. Are they the only businesses that do? If so, more need to get them. When will this occur? In one year and a bit more, not next week. But you can begin getting yourself ready to deal with the details.
When the contact of the news media is disrupted, or the Internet is not available, can you be courageous and decisive from your inner guidance? Are you able to determine your own decisions by the director inside? Calm will be the key to this ability. Panic will delete it.
A change of lifestyle for this time can also assist. Can you remain in your home or do you need outside activities to be happy? Not used to being at home? Get your home to be a place to love. And get all of your dreams about being completely taken care of out of your mind. No Galactic Federation craft will come to "do it for you".

 What do we have to do to be more available to you during these dark days? Can
we be available to all of you? Of course we can. Are all of you able to
communicate with this realm? No. Can this dictation give you adequate cause to
open up this more than necessary ability? No one should be without the
Channeling Course I created. It is necessary to have the information it
contains, as being an open channel to the Master inside yourself is all the
contact that will be continued, and it will only come direct to those who can

hear it.

Only those who can activate their own light and pass it to another can assist.

See more


B. Magenta Pixie,chanelling The Council of Nine,is speaking about the 3 Days of Darkness.

During a conversation Magenta is asked about the prophecy of the Three Days of
Darkness. Here she conveys information she has received from "The Nine"
regarding this prophecy.
Watch Magenta,s video below.




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10 Things That We Can Learn About Shortages And Preparation From The Economic Collapse In Greece

When the economy of a nation collapses, almost everything changes.  Unfortunately, most people have never been through anything like that, so it can be difficult to know how to prepare.  For those that are busy preparing for the coming global financial collapse, there is a lot to be learned from the economic depression that is happening right now in Greece.  Essentially, what Greece is experiencing is a low level economic collapse.  Unemployment is absolutely rampant and poverty is rapidly spreading, but the good news for Greece is that the global financial system is still operating somewhat normally and they are getting some financial assistance from the outside.  Things in Greece could be a whole lot worse, and they will probably get a whole lot worse before it is all said and done.  But already things have gotten bad enough in Greece that it gives us an idea of what a full-blown economic collapse in the 21st century may look like.  There are reports of food and medicine shortages in Greece, crime and suicides are on the rise and people have been rapidly pulling their money out of the banks.  Hopefully this article will give you some ideas that you can use as you prepare for the economic chaos that will soon be unfolding all over the globe.

The following are 10 things that we can learn about shortages and preparation from the economic collapse in Greece....

#1 Food Shortages Can Actually Happen

Most people assume that they will always be able to run out to their local supermarket or to Wal-Mart and get all of the supplies they need.

Unfortunately, that is a false assumption.  The truth is that our food distribution system is extremely vulnerable.

In Greece, many people are starting to totally run out of food.  Even some government institutions (such as prisons) are now reporting food shortages.  

#2 Medicine Is One Of The First Things That Becomes Scarce During An Economic Collapse

If you are dependent on medicine in order to survive, you might want to figure out how you are going to get by if your supply of medicine is totally cut off someday.

In Greece, medicine shortages have become a massive problem.  The following is from a recent Bloomberg article

#3 When An Economy Collapses, So Might The Power Grid

Try this some time - turn off all power to your home for 24 hours and try to live normally.

Sadly, most people simply do not understand just how dependent we are on the power grid.  Without power, all of our lives would change dramatically.

In Greece, authorities are warning of an impending "collapse" of the power grid.  If it goes down for an extended period of time in Greece, the consequences would be catastrophic....

#4 During An Economic Collapse You Cannot Even Take Water For Granted

If the power grid goes down, you will soon no longer have clean water coming out of your faucets.  That is one of the reasons why it is absolutely imperative that the power grid stay operable in Greece.

Sadly, most people don't understand just how vulnerable our water system is.  In a previous article, I quoted from a report that discussed how rapidly our water supply would be in jeopardy in the event of a major transportation disruption....

#5 During An Economic Crisis Your Credit Cards And Debit Cards May Stop Working

Most people have become very accustomed to using either debit cards or credit cards for almost everything.

But what would happen if the financial system locked up for a period of time and you were not able to use them?

This is something that the citizens of Greece are potentially facing in the coming months, and this is something that all of us need to start thinking about.

#6 Crime, Rioting And Looting Become Commonplace During An Economic Collapse

Big corporations are already making extensive plans for how to protect their stores in the event that Greece switches from the euro to the drachma.

The following is from a recent Reuters article....

7 During A Financial Meltdown Many Average Citizens Will Start Bartering

During this economic depression, alternative currencies have already been popping up in Greece.

When things fall apart on a global scale, will you have things to barter for the things that you need?

#8 Suicides Spike During An Economic Collapse

When you think of the Great Depression of the 1930s, what do you think of?

Many people think of images of people jumping out of buildings.

Well, something similar has been happening in Greece.  Suicide statistics in Greece have been absolutely soaring during the last couple of years.

Once prosperity disappears, many people feel as though life is not worth living anymore.

#9 Your Currency May Rapidly Lose Value During An Economic Crisis

Just remember what happened in Germany during the Weimar Republic and what has happened recently in places like Zimbabwe.

The truth is that it can happen anywhere.

Right now, Greeks are pulling their money out of the banks because they are worried that their euros will be turned into drachmas which would rapidly lose value.

If I was living in Greece I would definitely be concerned about that.  The return of the drachma seems to get closer with each passing day.  Just check out these screenshots.

#10 When Things Hit The Fan The Government Will Not Save You

Has the government of Greece come to the rescue of all of those that are deeply suffering right now?

Of course not.  The truth is that the Greek government can barely take care of itself at the moment.

History has shown us that governments simply cannot be counted on when things hit the fan.

Just remember what happened during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

In the end, the only one that can be counted on to take care of you and your family is you.

So you better start preparing.

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Friday, 8 June 2012

Laura Tyco Allendale : The Return – 7 June 2012

Laura: I am glad I was not only imaging your presence yesterday and I am sorry I was unable to take down a message yesterday. I hope you are back for good and till the end this time! Would you remind our readers who you are briefly please. And also, would be great to have some news from you. . Allendale: No worries las, you have seen the new message and I am glad you realised I am really back, and that it was not merely wishful thinking on your part. I am part of the Galactic Federation in my three dimension form. My material form is somewhat human and I did live on Earth for too long. My visible form in your dimension is working in intelligence in your terms and I am that being’s higher self. . News for me are marvellous, as I am so delighted to see you all join forces and work together with respect and appreciation for each other. I know many of you have suffered tremendously at the hands of the cabal, and yes all Drake is talking about is real. No joke. You are actually pulling this one off, my lads! Well done. You still have to keep going though. But one step at a time, and you will make it to the end of the road. . Resistance is certainly not useless and your secret movement will pick up more and more momentum and attract more and more light workers. Have a wee thought for our friend Bill Wood. He is a genuine soul, in service, doing his duty. He is not exactly having a great time now, I can assure you. Send him your loving thoughts, along with the mail he has requested from all of those who support him. He will not stay where he is for a very long time, as thing will speed up. By that I mean that… well… I don’t want to jinx it by saying too much. . I am glad to be back, things are on the move, your hearts are on the move and for a change, yes it is heading in the right direction my lads. Allendale out. God bless. .
Allendale channelled by Laura Tyco .
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When The Derivatives Market Crashes (And It Will) U.S. Taxpayers Will Be On The Hook




Warren Buffett once said that derivatives are "financial weapons of mass destruction", and that statement is more true today than it ever has been before.  Recently, JP Morgan made national headlines when it announced that it was going to take a 2 billion dollar loss from derivatives trades gone bad.  Well, it turns out that JP Morgan did not tell us the whole truth.  As you will see later in this article, most analysts are estimating that the losses will eventually be far larger than 2 billion dollars.  But no matter how bad things get for JP Morgan, it will not be allowed to fail.  JP Morgan is the largest bank in the United States, so it is essentially the "granddaddy" of the too big to fail banks.  If JP Morgan gets to the point where it is about to collapse, the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve will rush in to save it.  Because of this "security blanket", banks such as JP Morgan feel free to take outrageous risks.  Today, JP Morgan has more exposure to derivatives than anyone else in the world.  If they win, they win big.  If they lose, U.S. taxpayers will be on the hook.  Not only that, but thanks to Dodd-Frank, U.S. taxpayers are on the hook for bailing out the major derivatives clearinghouses if there is ever a major derivatives crisis.  So when the derivatives market crashes (and it will) you and I will be left holding a gigantic bill. (Read More....)


The 2 Billion Dollar Loss By JP Morgan Is Just A Preview Of The Coming Collapse Of The Derivatives Market

When news broke of a 2 billion dollar trading loss by JP Morgan, much of the financial world was absolutely stunned.  But the truth is that this is just the beginning.  This is just a very small preview of what is going to happen when we see the collapse of the worldwide derivatives market.  When most Americans think of Wall Street, they think of a bunch of stuffy bankers trading stocks and bonds.  But over the past couple of decades it has evolved into much more than that.  Today, Wall Street is the biggest casino in the entire world.  When the "too big to fail" banks make good bets, they can make a lot of money.  When they make bad bets, they can lose a lot of money, and that is exactly what just happened to JP Morgan.  Their Chief Investment Office made a series of trades which turned out horribly, and it resulted in a loss of over 2 billion dollars over the past 40 days.  But 2 billion dollars is small potatoes compared to the vast size of the global derivatives market.  It has been estimated that the the notional value of all the derivatives in the world is somewhere between 600 trillion dollars and 1.5 quadrillion dollars.  Nobody really knows the real amount, but when this derivatives bubble finally bursts there is not going to be nearly enough money on the entire planet to fix things. (Read More....)




There Are 100 Million Working Age Americans That Do Not Have Jobs

The unemployment crisis in America is much worse than you are being told.  Did you know that there are 100 million working age Americans that do not get up in the morning and go to work?  No wonder why it seems like there are so many people that do not have jobs!  According to the federal government, there are 12.6 million working age Americans that are considered to be "officially" unemployed, but there are another 87.8 million working age Americans that are not working either.  The federal government considers those Americans to be "not in the labor force" so they are not included in the unemployment rate.  In fact, this is one of the key ways that the government manipulates the unemployment numbers.  The Obama administration would have us believe that the unemployment rate is going down and that that since the start of the last recession about as many Americans have left the labor force as we saw during the entire decades of the 1980s and 1990s combined.  Of course that is a bunch of nonsense, but that is what the Obama administration would have us believe.  The truth is that the percentage of working age Americans that are employed is just about the same right now as it was two years ago.  It was incredibly difficult to get a job back then and it is incredibly difficult to get a job right now.  So don't believe the hype that things are getting much better.  If you still do have a good job, you might want to hold on to it tightly, because there is not much hope that things are going to improve significantly any time soon.

The first chart that I have posted below shows the total number of "officially" unemployed workers in America.  According to the Federal Reserve, that number is currently 12,673,000.  This chart makes it look like the employment picture in America is getting significantly better....

But if you dig deeper into the numbers you quickly see that this is not true.  A lot of those workers that were formerly classified as "unemployed" have now been moved into the "not in labor force" category.  Since the start of the last recession, the number of Americans not in the labor force has risen by more than 8 million according to the Obama administration.  The total number of working age Americans not in the labor force now stands at 87,897,000....

So when you add 12,673,000 and 87,897,000, you get a total of 100,570,000 working age Americans that do not have jobs.

Yes, there are certainly millions upon millions of working age Americans that do not have jobs and that do not wantjobs.

But you have to be delusional to believe that there are nearly 88 million working age Americans that do not have jobs and that do not want jobs.  see more


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The Economic Collapse






                                                         YOU ,LL BE HAVING A SAFE LANDING..





America In Decline: The Soul Crushing Despair Of

Lowered Expectations



All over America tonight there are people that believe that their lives are over.  When you do everything that you know how to do to get a job and you still can't get one it can be absolutely soul crushing.  If you have ever been unemployed for an extended period of time you know exactly what I am talking about.  When you have been unemployed for month after month it can be very tempting to totally cut yourself off from society.  Those that are kind will look at you with pity and those that are cruel will treat you as though you are a total loser.  It doesn't matter that America is in decline and that our economy is not producing nearly enough jobs for everyone anymore.  In our society, one of the primary things that defines our lives is what we do for a living.  Just think about it.  When you are out in a social situation, what is one of the very first things that people ask?  They want to know what you "do".  Well, if you don't "do" anything, then you are not part of the club.  But the worst part of being unemployed for many Americans is the relentless pressure from family and friends.  Often they have no idea how hard it is to find a job in this economy - especially if they still have jobs.  Sometimes the pressure becomes too great.  Sadly, we are seeing unemployment break up a lot of marriages in America today.  Things are really hard out there right now.  A very large number of highly educated Americans have taken very low paying service jobs in recent years just so that they can have some money coming in even as they "look for something else".  Unfortunately, in many cases that "something else" never materializes.  In the past, America was "the land of opportunity" where anything was possible.  But today America has become "the land of lowered expectations" and the worst is yet to come.

We live during a time when "the American Dream" is literally being redefined.  In the old days, just about anyone could get a good job that would pay enough to make it possible to buy a house, buy a nice car and raise a family.

Unfortunately, those days are long gone.  The following is from a recent NPR article....

The town of Lorain, Ohio, used to embody this dream. It was a place where you could get a good job, raise a family and comfortably retire.

"Now you can see what it is. Nothing," says John Beribak. "The shipyards are gone, the Ford plant is gone, the steel plant is gone." His voice cracks as he describes the town he's lived in his whole life.

"I mean, I grew up across the street from the steel plant when there was 15,000 people working there," he says. "My dad worked there. I worked there when I got out of the Air Force. It's just sad."

We live in an economy that is in serious decline.  In this environment no job is safe.  In fact, even Goldman Sachs is laying off workers these days.

Millions of Americans are suffering from deep depression because they can't find jobs.  Many of them are sitting at home right now blankly starting at their television screens as they wonder why nobody wants to hire them.  Some have been unemployed for years and have sent out thousands upon thousands of resumes.  The following is from a recent article by J.D. Hicks....See more

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Expansion of Love through the Universe


Lord G. Buddha said, that nobody can avoid pain and  suffering,since incarnated on this 3d mode field of experianse.
The only way  to avoid suffering is through enlightement -graduation-ascension-Liberation.In  this case no other incarnations will be needed!Present days picture,is the  outpicturing of our inside world,manifested as the presend non-real  reality...
Ascension is Mastering-  Graduation.
Ascension is realizing,you are Godlike.
It is the self aguired  knowledge through life experiense
It is the realizing of the inner  desire
to meet the Father,and the master within
Ascension is to follow  your thoughts in action
To see with the eyes of your heart
To listen only  the voice of your master within
Ascension is the mastering of
the  mysteries of THE archaic
Ascension is Love and Wisdom
it is enlightement  and liberation
Ascension is to control your mind and your lower self..Ascension is to observe ,with the eyes of your master,with no  attachments,with no matterial needs or desires.Ascension  is to choose the path of enlightment-liberation,with the eyes of your heart and  not the mind. 
Ascension is to fight your fears,your doubts,and your  believes.It is real knowkedge,which is leading you out of the oceans of  ignoranse,to the mastery and wisdom of the Eternal.
Ascension is to stand on  the rock as light in the dark.Ascension is to open your mind and your  heart,to see and understand the cause behind everything..
Leave your soul and your concious to lead,and not your mind to  decide.
Abandon all attachments you used to live with.
See the merits of  the Devine Plan you are attached to it,and then you can say:
As a wise man said long ago :
With your ascension....
-- Your light  can make brighter all, both Earth and skies.



Speaking for Ascension and the chifting to higher dimensional field of  experiense.....
There is a  place beyond your understanding.
Known only to your awareness,and to your  master within.
There is a place beyond the view of your eyes.
Listening  only to your voice of silense!
There is a place,beyond mind,s  reality.
Beyond duality.Beyond polarity.
Out and beyond of any idea of  right or wrong.
Out of any contractions,and beyond any
matterial needs or  desires!
That is the place of Unity,that is the place of Onennes.
When We  ,ll be ready,we,ll meet there...
Ascension has to do with our inner self,and the discovery from  our Higher Self,the pathway,which is going to lead us back Home,where we  belong,to our Devine Destiny and Destination.Back to the reality of Heavens.
Within YOU is THAT,which is the Flame of the Eternal,which IS never  born,and never dies.
THAT is the conditioned Eternal element of our  existanse,been before space and time!
THAT is the presense of ONENNES Within  one,s individual existanse.
THAT is concious  awakening,awareness,enlightment,liberation.
THAT is the absolute  link,bettween knoweledge and wisdom,bettween love and cosmic love.
THAT is  man,s likeness to GOD,THE TRUE,and absolute REALITY.....


                                                              The Light Palace

Pictures from Nyako Nakar Galleria

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Everything is subjected to subseguend valitation or negation.To be prepared for something ,it may cost a little.If you are not prepared,it may cost YOU everything...andreas botsaris.



21 Signs That This Could Be A Long, Hot, Crazy Summer For The Global Financial System


Market rumor: Pimco and JP Morgan halt vacations to prepare for economic crash

Todd HarrisonTodd Harrison@todd_harrison

Hearing (not confirmed) asked employees to cancel vacations to have "all hands on deck" for a Lehman-type tail event. Confirm?


The summer of 2012 is shaping up to be very similar to the summer of 2008.  Things look incredibly bleak for the global economy right now.  Economic activity and lending are slowing down all over the planet, and fear is starting to paralyze the entire global financial system.  Things did not look this bad back in the summer of 2011 and things certainly did not look this bad back in the summer of 2010.  It is almost as if a "perfect storm" is brewing.  Today, the global financial system is a finely balanced pyramid of risk, debt and leverage.  Such a system requires a high degree of confidence and stability.  But when confidence disappears and fear and panic take over, the house of cards can literally start collapsing at any time.  Right now we are watching a slow-motion train wreck unfold and nobody seems to know how to stop it.  Unless some kind of a miracle happens, things are going to look much different when we reach the start of 2013 than they do today.

The following are 21 signs that this could be a long, hot, crazy summer for the global financial system....

#1 There are rumors that major financial institutions are cancelling employee vacations in anticipation of a major financial crisis this summer.  The following are a couple of tweets quoted in a recent article by Kenneth Schortgen Jr....

Todd Harrison tweet: Hearing (not confirmed) @PIMCO asked employees to cancel vacations to have "all hands on deck" for a Lehman-type tail event. Confirm?

Todd M. Schoenberger tweet: @todd_harrison @pimco I heard the same thing, but I also heard the same for "some" at JPM. Heard it today at a hedge fund luncheon.

As Schortgen points out, these are not just your average Twitter users....

Todd Harrison is the CEO of the award winning internet media company Minyanville, while Todd Shoenberger is a managing principal at the Blackbay Group, and an adjunct professor of Finance at Cecil College.

#2 The Bank for International Settlements is warning that global lending is contracting at the fastest pace since the financial crisis of 2008.

#3 Unemployment in the eurozone has hit a brand new all-time record high.

#4 The government of Portugal has just announced that it will be bailing out three major banks.

#5 Many U.S. banking stocks are being hit extremely hard.  For example, Morgan Stanley stock has declined by 40 percent over the past four months.

#6 Yields on Spanish debt and yields on Italian debt have been absolutely soaring.

#7 10 year U.S. Treasury notes hit a record low on Friday because investors are scared and they are looking for safety. The following is from a recent USA Today article....

"Treasuries are at 1.46 because people are freaking out," says Mark Vitner, senior economist at Wells Fargo Economics.

#8 New orders for factory goods in the United States have declined three times in the last four months.  That is a sign that the "economic recovery" in the U.S. has clearly stalled.

#9 U.S. job growth in May was well below expectations and the unemployment rate has increased to 8.2 percent.

#10 Economies all over the developed world are seriously slowing down right now.  The following is from a recent article by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard....

Brazil wilted in the first quarter. India grew at the slowest pace in nine years. China’s HSBC manufacturing index fell further into contraction in May, with new orders dropping sharply and inventories rising.

#11 Stocks in Japan hit a 28 year low on Monday.

#12 Over the past five years, the stock markets of Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Ireland and Cyprus have all fallen by more than 50 percent.  Will we soon see similar results all over the rest of Europe?

#13 The Greek economy is literally shutting down.  Just check out the chaos that unpaid bills are already causing....

And unpaid bills are now threatening Greece’s electricity supply. State-owned Electricity Market Operator (LAGIE), a clearing house for power transactions, hasn’t paid independent power producers for electricity it bought from them. They, in turn, haven’t paid their natural gas supplier, Public Gas Corporation (Depa), which now doesn’t have the money to pay its supplier. Payment is due on June 22. Alas, its supplier is Gazprom in Russia, and they insist on getting paid. If not, they will shut the valve, and Depa won’t get the gas to supply the independent producers, which will have to take their power plants off line, removing about a third of the country’s electricity production.

#14 It is estimated that there are 273 billion dollars of failed real estate loans in the Spanish banking system.

#15 In March, 66 billion euros was pulled out of Spanish banks and sent out of the country.  That was an all-time record and that was before we even knew the results of the recent elections in Greece and France.  The numbers for April and May will almost certainly be even worse.

#16 The unemployment rate in Spain is 24.4 percent and for those under the age of 25 it is over 50 percent.

#17 Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is warning that Italy may have to take drastic actions if something is not done soon....

"People are in shock. Confidence has collapsed. We have never had such a dark future," he said. Indeed, the jobless rate for youth has jumped from 27pc to 35pc in a year. Terrorism has returned. Anarchists knee-capped the head of Ansaldo Nucleare last month. Italy’s tax office chief was nearly blinded by a letter bomb.

"If Europe refuses to listen to our demands, we should say 'bye, bye’ and leave the euro. Or tell the Germans to leave the euro if they are not happy," he said.

#18 It now looks like Cyprus is going to be the next European nation to need a bailout.

#19 Switzerland is threatening to implement capital controls in order to stop the massive flow of money that is coming in from banks around the rest of Europe.

#20 As I wrote about the other day, World Bank President Robert Zoellick is warning that "the summer of 2012" could end up being very similar to what we experienced back in 2008....

"Events in Greece could trigger financial fright in Spain, Italy and across the eurozone. The summer of 2012 offers an eerie echo of 2008."

#21 Germany’s former vice-Chancellor, Joschka Fischer, is warning that the entire EU could fall apart over this crisis....

"Let’s not delude ourselves: If the euro falls apart, so will the European Union, triggering a global economic crisis on a scale that most people alive today have never experienced"

When was the last time that we saw so much bad economic news come out all at once?

2008 perhaps?

We truly live in unprecedented times....see more.

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8108788654?profile=originalLaura Tyco TAUK with Laitonn 5th June 2012 - Have a feast of Light!

Good day to you, dear. I have been following your thoughts for the past two days. So here is something that you may find helpful, as well as your readers. What is now going to happen, once we pass the Venus Transit? Well… to many of you, not much dare I say. At least not many will notice the subtle energy change within. You have to remember that all these changes are going to be smooth and hardly noticeable to the uninitiated mind.
All right, here goes. What is Ascension? Will all souls on Gaia ascend with her? Do you participate in elevating her vibrations, and if so, how will you help her? Is this more or less what is on your mind for today?
Laura: Precisely. Thank you my dear friend.
Laitonn: This is a smooth transition here, for you and Lady Gaia. The more spiritually attuned you are, the smoother and more peaceful a transition you will experience on a personal level, but also you will make events easier for Lady Gaia. So by striving to connect with your own spirit, you are connecting with Gaia’s own spirit and all other spirits on the 5th dimensional planes, such as myself. Not bad for a fish, indeed Laura!
The more of you are ascending, the quicker and less painful Gaia’s transition. Yes, that is correct, without you and other consciousnesses living on your planet, Gaia could not ascend. So you, humans, as inhabitants of your local planet, Gaia, you are bringing her vibrations higher and higher, with your own vibrations.
Will all of the human souls ascend? Well, this will follow the path of each individual has programmed for himself or herself, and I am speaking of the pre-birth life contract to this life. In other words, yes, it is graduation time for Gaia, and many evolved souls have been sent here in order to help her. However nobody who is too young, or not ready for ascension will be forced to ascend. Of this you can remain assured. When you humans are going for a graduation, only those who have worked or know by instinct will be allowed to graduate. Yes? Ascension is similar to a graduation. Yes, it is graduation time, and no not all Diplomas are given for free to all the students. Doing so would go against Divine Order. All will graduate in time, when ready.
Venus Transit: it marks the second passing and portal opening into 5th dimension for more of you. In other words, those on their way to ascension are being brought even closer to it. It is a marker for a new area for you and Gaia. You will have to experience many of the coming events yourself. I am just a fish, you know… What would I know?
Laura: Ok, I know you are not just a fish, and I enjoy our joking about it. Could you tell us something more on Venus Transit please.
Laitonn: All right then. The portal of energy is now opening, access to higher consciousness is facilitated by this event. Venus is closer to the Sun than Gaia, Venus is an already ascended planet, dear. Yes? You understand the double impact of receiving the energy of your Sun combined with Ascended planet Venus? Venus is pre- chewing the Sun’s energies for Gaia if you like. Some of the Fun light particles are not presented to Gaia in a digestible form. Yes? Venus is in a way slowing those light particles emanating from your Sun and processing them, so that Gaia has a compatible resonance with the Sun’s particles. This constitutes a major leap for your Ascension.
You, as Gaia’s helping souls, will also receive this pre-chewed energy and will be able to integrate the light particles in order to further the transformation into light bodies. You will enjoy an expansion of your awareness, naturally coinciding with a greater understanding and a more conscious love. Now, my dear. I hope I have answered in a satisfactory manner? Lovely connecting with you and enjoy your day! Have a feast of Light!
Laitonn channelled through Laura Tyco
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I AM Saint Germain







Chanelled by Aruna



Asc.Master S.Germain - Lord of Civilisation

I AM Saint Germain

My dear ones. Today's message will address the deceptive collection of drama
creators who are not light. My name will be frequently used to discredit my
accurate channel. When my name is used by the deceivers, they use it as a
statement of their own making.

My name has never been anything other than Comte de Saint Germain. No other name comes with my energy. Violino was not my name in any country or category of heart energy in any dimension. This deceiver is making another claim to have my chelas' attention, but not a very clever one. Send him packing.

Those who claim my name often have controller agendas, causing doubt about my authentic advice. Always ask "Is this Christ consciousness?" and get a clear "Yes." When the dark tries to disguise an answer, anything besides the word "Yes" is devious. Check with your own Higher Self before continuing to read messages. Only delaying an instant to do this can avoid mental confusion. Many deceivers are doing the little game of using my name to assure you of untruthful comments. No clones are on this terra to replace the cabal, no landings have occurred, and no government officials are in communication with me.

Can you accept that what comes without any option for anything you can do to improve or change the consciousness of readers is from the controllers? Please observe this difference in the channelings you are delivered. Wanting others to fix things is not an Ascension candidate's consciousness. Ownership of your own divinity is what must alleviate these current dynamics.

When we of the Great White Brotherhood ask for your
assistance it is due to the fact that choice is on your side of the veil and we
must always respect that. Politics does not control anything but the cabal's
ability to choose in your stead. No direct contact with any government is now in
an active mode—only you can do this. You are divine creators. Up the light
quotient and create more de-light in your lives. Ascend the dark and light

When we communicate disasters coming we want you to delete them
with your love. Giving, caring, meditating, choosing nothing that is out of
harmony with nature, etc. can actively alter many of these. When we call on you
to act like a Master we want you to manifest with your decrees. As a Master,
call on the God within you to lead the way—always. No Master expects "others" to
be their savior. Choose Mastery over fear and hope.

Now, another important topic to learn from me is about Ascension. It is my current conduit's assignment to deliver messages in this category. I have given you the Master Messages and this ongoing direction towards this goal. My dear ones,
what I am about to tell you must be accepted or you cannot ascend.

No details about ascension that claim mental changes or a new configuration of the human body come from me. We do not tamper with minds or bodies. We inject our call to human minds in the collective mind to lead all to ascension, but never
do we do anything to alter man's creation for any reason. You do not need a body
to ascend. Now is the time to develop the ability to absorb more light for
ascension, there is nothing going on that is more esoteric than that.

As your consciousness rises there are changes that do occur in the mind and body as you release contractions in the chakras. Spiritual practices and sudden shifts
in consciousness may also activate the prana that has been dormant in the base
chakra, and this can cause many mental and physical discomforts not recognized
by the medical community.

We want you to have an absolutely clean ascension by making an obvious leap in consciousness, not continuing the current body in another dimension. No bodies are needed and no changes will occur in yours unless you need more ability to receive the light. No ascension alterations are coming from us. Be aware of cabal calls to keep you negative against us and the dramas being created that support  your complete ascension.

Aches and pains are not ascension symptoms. They come on as a
message to your mind about unconscious mental division that needs deleting, or
many disturbances in the chakras that can be deleted to allow in more light. No
ascension candidates are free and clear of their human genetic codes and can get
dis-ease when they are not clearing contractions in the energy centers. If you
have dis-ease, go to a naturopath or natural healer.

Can you see how the concept of "ascension symptoms" can make you negligent about getting help for mind/body disturbances? This is a cabal concept. Get rid of this one too. Take care of your mind and body to ascend by deleting all misaligned

Practices can aid in the ascension destination. Meditate, chant, channel, and draw or journal when your feelings need to be expressed. Be obvious in your diet choices and give up all things controlling you— like caffeine, maltodextrin ingredients, dieting compounds and all chemicals that do not give more life force to the body.

Ascended Master Saint
Channeled by Aruna

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Sananda says . . .




Sananda or Sanandana Kumara

Sananda says . . .

Are you my consciousness? No man can claim love in the way my body did as Yeshua ben Joseph unless he has no divisive attitudes. Mental love is not Christ consciousness, only an idea of love. More dusting off of mental concepts like this one needs attention. Discover True Love—the only kind of love for ascension.

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Inner Awareness is the Only Way


Chanelled by Aruna


Asc.Master S.Germain

Inner Awareness is the Only Way

The children of God need more awareness. Not about God's creation or about any
of the things my messages address. More awareness is needed about the way they can discover the heart of their own new world. Truth must be disclosed. Nowhere in the world of channeling is the truth of man's inner sanctum being discussed. No man or living diety can describe it. Only a most ardent devotee to man's inner world has the ability to discover this non-describable truth.

The Masters of my realm are not the direct, non-verbal orientation that is needed.
We only can talk of man's mental dimension, not his inner world. Many of you are
unable to look towards the undescribable. When you do, you will make the leap to
New Earth consciousness. When you do, we will no longer be student and teacher, as we will no longer be operating in different dimensions. Our Oneness will be clear.

As long as war continues in any way there is negative energy. In
the depths of your inner monestary there needs to be only quiet and no attitudes
against anything, no desires, no disturbance, and no choice; no individual
concepts and no grasping for more of anything. Nothing is conceptualized in this
inner world, only experienced.

Can you do this for me now? Go into mental awareness of your inner monastery. Walk through the door of conditions and directions until you find nothing of the mind's motivations to divert your attention. Be completely present with no thought. When the mental body gives way to the entry of man's higher consciousness what is the most significant thing you will discover? Oneness. Without this fact being part of your attitude, disturbances against another will always be generated. Without dismissal of negative attitudes, ascension candidates will be left behind.

Consider negativity against ANYTHING your density, whether it is against negativity in others, dramas of the controllers, what is in the air, desecration of humans in other countries, or mention of a political party. All dark attitudes do more for the future advancement of the thing you are against than anything you can actively create in an attempt to destroy it. Mandates against call to you what
you want to destroy. This is always the case.

Being against man's controlled environment darkens this avenue of control. Meditating to drop most of our own negativity has the desired effect. Meditating to destroy your own control will be more powerful than attempting to control another's way of doing things. Against war? Give love to those creating war. Against negative people?
Love them. Against falseness in others? Give them your love too. Be a crusader
against anything and your anger causes more density than anyone's call to assist
in creating their desires. Be FOR assistance, not against the cause. Awareness
of what darkens and what lightens needs more discussion. Attacking what "doesn't
resonate" makes your contribution to density a greater darkness than the thing
you are judging.

Should conditions be difficult, the most direct way to go through them is with caring, compassion and gratitude to the one creating the difficulty. Gratitude? Yes, for giving you the opportunity to grow in acceptance of "what is" and giving instead of darkening. Walk away when you are not capable of confronting the situation with a content free mind. Give no thought to what appears. Face all with the heart first.

Attitudes about anything are your mind's attitudes, not your inner awareness. Waking up to the highest consciousness demands dismissal of those mental attitudes. First, ask yourself, "is this my Higher Self" before attacking anything. Nothing negative is your Higher Self.

When you can accept the drama in your life as nothing other than an attention getting device for developing more awareness, details can then be dramatized for more insight. Your negative attitudes are all controller attitudes, and eliminating them in yourself is the way to create a better world.
Cognitive awareness is the way to have your decisions be the beginning of more
expanded awareness. The time to do this is a matter of days, not years. Please
give these words your attention.

Ascended Mater Saint
Channeled by Aruna

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Melchizedek says . . .


says . . .

Please concentrate your mind on your attitudes. Observe their way of defeating
the choices your heart desires. Make awareness the way out of this dilemma.
Choose the way of the heart always, not the mind's editing of these desires.
Happiness will never come from the mind.

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                                                                                                                  BACK TO THE STONE AGE ?









Sadly, most people never want to believe the truth until it is too late.

Even though all the warning signs were there, very few people actually expected to see the kind of financial crisis that we saw back in 2008

When it comes to the financial world, it is important to listen to what the "smart money" is saying, but it is much more important to watch what the "smart money" is actually doing.  The ultra-wealthy and those that run the biggest financial institutions on the planet are far more "connected" to what is really going on in financial circles behind the scenes than you and I could ever hope to be.  But if we watch their behavior we can get clues as to what they think is about to happen.  As is the case with so many other things, if you want to figure out what is really going on in Europe, just follow the money.  And right now, money is rapidly flowing out of southern Europe and into northern Europe.  In fact, some large corporations are now pulling the money that they make in Greece during the day out of the country every single night.  It is becoming increasingly clear that the upper crust of the financial world considers a Greek exit from the euro to be "inevitable" and that it also considers much of the rest of southern Europe to be a lost cause.  Unfortunately, a financial collapse across southern Europe is also likely to trigger another devastating global recession.

Even though all the warning signs were there, very few people actually expected to see the kind of financial crisis that we saw back in 2008.

But it happened.

Now very few people actually expect another "Lehman Brothers moment" to happen in Europe although the warning signs are all around us.

Sadly, most people never want to believe the truth until it is too late.


The following are 25 signs that the smart money has completely written off southern Europe....

#1 Lloyd's of London is publicly admitting that it is rapidly making preparations for a collapse of the eurozone.

#2 According to the New York Times, top global law firms are advising their clients to withdraw all cash and all other liquid assets from Greece....

So their advice is blunt: Remove cash and other liquid assets from Greece and prepare to take a short-term hit on any other ........

#3 According to CNBC, large numbers of wealthy Europeans have been moving their money from banks in southern Europe to banks in northern Europe....

4 The President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Charles Plosser, says that the Federal Reserve is advising money market funds to reduce their exposure to Europe....

#5 The yield on 10-year Spanish bonds is rapidly moving toward the very important 7 percent level.

#6 Many multinational corporations that operate in Greece are now pulling their funds out of the country on a nightly basis.

#7 Juergen Fitschen, the co-CEO of Deutsche Bank, has publicly proclaimed that Greece is a "failed state".

#8 The head of the Swiss central bank has admitted that Switzerland is developing an "action plan" for how it will handle the collapse of the eurozone.

#9 The European Commission has urged all member states to develop contingency plans for a Greek exit from the euro....

Last week, the European Commission said that it has asked member states to make plans to deal with a potential Greek exit, ahead of a second round of Greek elections on 17 June.

#10 PIMCO CEO Mohamed El-Erian says that a Greek exit from the euro "is probably inevitable".

#11 Spanish stocks continue to drop like a rock.

#12 The percentage of bad loans on the books of Spanish banks has reached an 18 year high.

#13 Late on Friday, the Spanish government announced that banking giant Bankia is going to need a 19 billion euro bailout.

#14 Standard & Poor's downgraded the credit ratings of five more Spanish banks to junk status on Friday.

#15 Moody's downgraded the credit ratings of 16 Spanish banks back on May 17th.

#16 According to the Telegraph, "struggling European banks could be seized and controlled by Brussels as part of secret plans being drawn up".

#17 The head of equity strategy at Societe Generale, Claudia Panseri, is warning that European stocks could fall by as much as 50 percent if Greece leaves the euro.

#18 Economist Marc Faber is warning that there is now a "100% chance" that there will be another global recession.

#19 There seems to be an increasing attempt to pin the problems that Greece is now experiencing on the behavior of Greek citizens.  The following are some of the shocking things that the head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, said in a recent interview....

"Do you know what? As far as Athens is concerned, I also think about all those people who are trying to escape tax all the time. All these people in Greece who are trying to escape tax."

Even more than she thinks about all those now struggling to survive without jobs or public services? "I think of them equally. And I think they should also help themselves collectively." How? "By all paying their tax. Yeah."

It sounds as if she's essentially saying to the Greeks and others in Europe, you've had a nice time and now it's payback time.

"That's right." She nods calmly. "Yeah."

And what about their children, who can't conceivably be held responsible? "Well, hey, parents are responsible, right? So parents have to pay their tax."

#20 According to the Telegraph, an unidentified member of Angela Merkel's cabinet has stated that Germany simply will not "pour money into a bottomless pit".

#21 This week the Bank of England is holding a "secret summit" of global central bankers to address the European financial crisis....

The summit will be dominated by central bankers including the host, Sir Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England. Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank, and Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People’s Bank of China, have been invited.

#22 According to Zero Hedge, a major German newspaper is reporting that a Greek exit from the eurozone is a "done deal"....

"The Greece-exit is a done deal: According to the German economic news from financial circles EU and the ECB have abandoned the motherland of democracy as a euro member. The reason is, interestingly, not in the upcoming elections - these are basically become irrelevant. The EU has finally realized that the Greeks have not met any agreements and will not continue not to meet them. A banker: "We helped with the Toika. The help of the troika was tied to conditions. Greece has fulfilled none of the conditions, and has been for months now."

#23 According to CNBC, preparations are quietly being made to print up and distribute new drachmas should the need arise....

British banknote printer De La Rue is drawing up plans to print new drachma notes in the event of a Greek euro exit, according to an industry source with knowledge of the matter.

The world's biggest security firm G4S expects to be involved in distributing notes around the country.

#24 Citibank's chief economist Willem Buiter is warning that any new currency issued by the Greek government could "immediately fall by 60 percent".

#25 Reuters is reporting that a planning memo exists that suggests that Greece could receive as much as 50 billion euros to "ease its path" out of the eurozone.

If Greece does leave the eurozone, the cost to the rest of Europe is going to be astronomical.  The following is from a recent article by John Mauldin....


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Continue from part 1...see more
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A .. Theory .



God is manifesting Himself and His Dream within Infinite - Eternity,through Spirit - Matter.Cosmic evolution is through matter and soul,for manifesting the Devine plan.On this level of experiense - existanse,matter is the vechicle of oul,and in a higher level,soul is the vechicle of spirit.
Within these parametters,and due to the bindings - limits - limitations,God imposed to Himself,Creation is SUBJECTED to the so called big and small cycles,which are consisting an integrall part of the Devine Plan and have been defined as the Days and Nights in Creation.
All awakened people knows about the Days or the outbreathing of The Creator.
Nights is considered to be the inbreathing of The Creator,which through a reversing seguensess process, everything is driven into desolution of the matterial worlds,and return to  the Primary Source of Life,to ALL THAT IS.
Within smaller cycles,is the distruction of a solar System,a Planet,the distruction of an  existing civilisation,or the dark night of the soul of an individual.
What is hidden behind the distruction of the matterial World ?
Nobody can put it better,than master Zalatustra,the currier of the seven richis,after the fall of Atlantis,to post - Atlantians civilisations,in his Chrinicles..
...- I have seen ,during my life times,many civilisations distroyed.It seems that the distuction of the matterial world,pulls the trigger,for the chifting of consciousness to higher levels of existanse..- 
  This is happening,because of the Separation of the collective conciousness,from the Devine,and the prevailing of darkness upon Light.All aspects of spirituality(Light) in life,s existanse,are getting spiritually - minus,and all aspects of darkness - matter,are getting darkness +(plus),by increasing matter,s tensity and gravity.
It seems that within Devinity - Creation,there is a secret - sacret code,resulding to a dual chain of seguensess process,either attached to Devinity - Eternal : Spirituality +Plus =darkness - matter - minus,or to Death - Dissolution Phenomenon of the matterial World : Spirituality - minus =darkness - matter +plus. 



In an interview with Linda Dillon,chanelling Sanat Kumara,-Lord of The Day,Ancient of the Days,GOD,Silend Watcher-reveals and explains the secrets in creation,in manifesting the Dream,and the Devine Plan.HE also reveals the secret - sacret Number for manifesting,or outpicturing one,s dream,into Reality,which is number 17...see more.
Ideation is the state-stage of Cosmic Being,in bettween existance and non-existance,or the state of Dreaming of The Creator,before Outbreathing,before manifesting Himself as Cosmos.It is the so called stage of The Golden EGG,which Is a NON-PHENOMENON,as the pre-existanse of the Phenomenon Cosmos,or Universess.
   In Creation,CONTROL is the factor within factors,in respect of predifined applied conditions,regarding Time-Space.The bindings-limits-limitations,imposed by God upon Himself,transforming the NON-CONDITIONED Timeless Space-Spaceless Time,into a CONDITIONED  CONDITION within Infinite - Eternity. 
Continue:Zero Point -Ascension of matter-matterial Worlds.
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8108781298?profile=originalLaura Tyco - Message from God and Sfhs – 26 May 2012
God: We come today in order to give new information about the coming days and events. Many of you will find your entire belief system put into question, it will not be Earth shattering news to put it in your terms. However there is from now on a more subtle presence within you, a presence who has ancient knowledge and comes from connecting with your higher feeling centre.
All which no longer stands in the light and serves for your ascension will slowly dissolve and leave your sphere. You will find more and more people resonating with your own frequency from now on, the connection and bound between you has run for thousands of years and it is natural that you reunite with your loved ones for this last duality incarnation, in order to help the entire Earth and earthly life forms ascend.
Many of you will experience a huge resistance in the coming future, we recommend you to sit with any new information which you wish to question, we recommend you leading your own research and listening to your own Higher guidance when it comes to new information. All of you, reading these messages have been guided through your Higher Self and guides to our messages, along with other spiritual work necessary for inner cleansing.
Often intuition will guide you, however, it is easy to be confused in these times from other energies, which may not always have your best interests at hand. Many energies and beings surround you daily. Some are angelic, but there are still higher dimensional acting influences who are still trying to make their own agenda come into manifestation in your reality. The most efficient way of ensuring that you are following your own path is to listen to Higher guidance several times throughout your day.
Laura: I would like to ask a question in relation to my dream 2 nights ago and of the loud voices I was hearing in my house, when I was the only one in the house. Could you explain a little about it, please.
Sfhs: The dream was in fact a guided memory recovery from your youth as a student in Atlantis, the lecturer you have now was also your lecturer on Atlantis. You and him have been friends because of certain personality traits you share in conducting your research. You have to focus on your academic work again for a short while more, and finish the two remaining projects with the same resonance and quality in your work you used to work with on Atlantis. This is part of your self discovery journey and reconnection with your Atlantis self. This is a necessary process for many of you. You can already recall the Atlantis Hall of Records where you did research as a student on Atlantis. From the dream experience you will be able to retrieve even more information. Just go back to the images and feelings you have received, close your eyes and open your 3d eye. You will see more of that time and feel more of that life.
You have been guided to remember more and more of that life for a specific reason, and your memory retrieval will continue through dreams, as it was done for the past 2 year or more now.
The voice you were hearing are part of the dimension you travelled to. In effect, you were transported back in time during the dream, in order to remember your self. The voices were the voices of the people being with you in the Atlantis Hall back then, although you heard the loud voices just a few seconds after waking up from your dream. It is a reverberation effect, which is not usually allowed to protrude into awaken state. However you were allowed to retain more than a dream from the experience, in order to make you aware of the reality of the experience you had while were in sleep mode. A way of making sure you know it was not “just a dream”.
God and Sfhs through Laura Tyco.
Laura Tyco.

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Serapis Bey says . . .




Master Serapis Ray 4 of Harmony and Beauty through Conflict


Clear answers about future events are not on anyone' contents page. We don't know how things will unfold. Before claiming anyone's advice as you own absolute, do more calming and clearing of your own channeling ability. Nothing can be accurately predicted now, many options are open. Can you go to another option once the one you agreed to does not work out? Be free, and most of all, be flexible. No two channels get the same info unless they are being guided in a group. Are you able to be alone and decide (on your own) how to move forward with a moment's notice? Be willing to experiment now.

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SAINT GERMAIN : What a Master Does







Chanelled by Aruna


Master S.Germain


 What a Master Does

 Many of you do not understand that my cause and effect teachings are not negative. It appears that way only to those who don't want to learn what actually exists in your world. A Master's consciousness has no opinion about any of these things, because Masters do not avoid anything, they only go towards whatever appears in their awareness. My messages do not alter life situations, they only inform the participants. How do you move towards things that may be difficult? With a Master's consciousness: peaceful, undisturbed and courageous.
Now, with that said, please give this your attention: Presently there is a major controller move to collapse all of the world's currencies that are connected to the US dollar. Prayer is not going to alter this. Masters do not go to the aid of any cause and effect drama, only observe and discuss the actions that can lessen the distress. I AM THAT I AM also does not go to any one's aid. All must do their best to deal with these challenges. Doing this is what develops Mastery. Ignoring a condition does not alter its appearance, only adds to the difficulty of handling your response to it.
Wealthy ones will not go without, but those with little before the collapse of dollar based currencies are going to need more than they can get with their current assets. This is why my diet change was offered. Making do with less is a major asset in times of crises, not a way of getting you to deny yourself in the present. Please consider this to your benefit. When the economy does collapse, those who do my diet can get manna when they need it. Not starting the diet now means not being able to do this when it is needed.
World dollar collapse will come with no warning. Any time is a major challenge, but getting adjusted to this idea now means there can be much less distress when it does occur. Many of you do not want to think about the cause and effect dramas about to manifest. If you would have acted on this dance of dark and light to make yourselves more at ease in the great fall of the American empire, you would have no fear about it now. Fantasising about the New Earth, without making any attempt to redirect the course of events now unfolding, is negative in a not-so-obvious way. Your mental constructs are not the most active means of adding to the light's contribution. Making a difference means taking action, not making mental demands of your guides to do it for you.
Please, get out of denial. See the world as it is and concern yourselves with giving your mind a rest so your Higher Self can act for the good of all. All you need to do is meditate, give more attention to the needs of others, and deliver your truth (by any means at all) to the correct actors in your movie so they can make a difference. Call on your messengers to give you guidance on more actions that you can take. My ability to contact all of you is only limited by your ability to get my guidance directly. Again, I can only deliver to you what you can accept. My Channeling Course was created to help you get my direct guidance.
Next, community. My Master Messages gave many details about this needed collection of friends. Not just to give a "hello" or dispensing a gift, but to get to know and answer the question "Is this someone who I can turn to when I need assistance?" If the answer is no, get connected to others who you can. Make good friends, not only acquaintances. Find out who is a caring human and who is not. Can you have a conversation about anything important? Can they ask you more about one thing than another? Are manners more important than caring deeply? What do you actually know about the quality of human advice? Can you get inner guidance to assist others? Can they get it to assist you? What can you count on? Pontification does not create close attitudes. Asking about one's thoughts on a topic does. You can disagree with grace, not an argument.
Are you going on with your life as though nothing ever goes awry? Why not get able to deal with new challenges? I'm not delivering them, only giving you time to build your approach. The Ascended Masters will not come to your rescue. You must come to our level of Mastery. Nothing happens without a God given Mastery opportunity included. What is that opportunity in today's events? What do you consider that to be? Moving away from a condition does not make it go away—only for those who don't care about those they left behind.
We of the Great White Brotherhood want all of you, and all of your acquaintances, to ascend—not escape. Ascension will assist others to move on to their own level of development. It is not a failure for anyone. Mastery comes as a consequence of aiding others. Ascension does this. Choose to ascend. Now, more than ever, we need your commitment.
Selling off your material possessions needs no attention. Only making a difference to others does. Give away what you don't need or want. Pleasure and nice feelings are not what being a Master is about. It is the ability to have a clear mind and a non-disturbed heart in the midst of chaos. Can you claim the ability to do this? I hope so.
Make today the most caring one. Nothing done in the past matters. Seek a new opportunity to care tomorrow. Your love is what matters. Be a gift to all. Meditate, channel your own Higher Self. Love who you are. Masters do not need to affirm anything. They accept all that is as divine perfection.

 Ascended Master Saint Germain

 Channeled by Aruna



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Following Master,s S.Germain messages....

Happiness is Moving Ahead

 - Face the controllers with open hearts that don't give rise any anger because of their attitudes. Love them, and don't act like they are the answer to your dance of Leela. They are not—YOU ARE. When you can accept that they are needed to bring more awareness to the dance, you can give up your anger and fear, and dance the current mass consciousness to the next level of awareness. Give me your controller anger because you need to negate it now. Freedom is not actually anything more than an act of declaring: I AM FREE and making this your mantra. I AM FREE of anger, desire, negativity, darkness, fear and all other "me against other" attitudes. Being FREE then becomes available. Cast them away, as none of it is worth keeping. Keep only what is love.....
Maybe total FREEDOM is closer than you think.
The Arcturians, The Shadow is One with the Light

You are the Earth, you are the birds, you are the flowers and grass, you are the very dirt that you stand upon and you are also the stars in the sky and the perceived darkness in between.
This darkness is the shadow and the shadow is an important part of all that is as well. Yes the shadow is one with the light, for it is also alive and full of potentiality!
This shadow is also within you and there, in the shadow, is also life, pulsating life that will become creation. Does not creation first start as the shadow, the darkness?
Does not the plant grow in darkness before the dawn, before it comes into the light and blossoms?
Yes, all is needed, all is in perfection, and all is in movement, the natural cycles of life. Become one with this shadow, and become one with all sides of the equation. In darkness is new life!

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1 PICTURE =1000 WORDS and More !!

- Shadow is one with the Light -






- If thre is a war - is with Your Self.-

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The energies around planet Earth are blooming at this time, many of you feel an unprecedented inner peace and joy. This is due to the cosmic events you are going through. This sums up as a massive upgrade for your nervous and sensorial system. Many of you feel their inner light shining more than before, the sense of fear and anxiety has now left many of you for ever.
For the vast majority of lightworkers your inner Sun is shining brighter that the Sun of your Solar System. From now on, it will no longer matter what the weather outside is like, since you will always have a deep connection with the Sun residing within your being.
Even those who are not responding well to the current higher vibrations coming from above find an inexplicable inner peace. Whereas before they were fighting energies from positive origin, they are now genuinely opening up to the spiritual world.
However there are still troubled souls among you, who still are unwilling to acknowledge their connection to all that is. Please consider your own well being, dear lightworkers, as well as being somewhat of a role model at this time for many confused people. Please ensure to clear the negative energies persisting in surrounding you whether from the unmaterial world, or from your own physical environment.
The time for compassion for those around you is upon you, but please remember never to interfere with others free will and life plan. Your role is to show the way by example, not a forceful one. Do not seek to impose your will on those who have chosen to walk a different path from yours.
I am God, channelled through Laura Tyco.
Laura Tyco
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