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By Source and Hazel

Sep 17, 2012 - 11:29:50 PM

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Source and Hazel,  Sept 16, 2012

Father, not my will but THINE will be done. I live to serve YOUR will in the totality of spirit and truth. I come to YOU not with an expectation but for an explanation.
I serve the real truth and knowledge. I seek only the highest truth being YOURS and relinquish any hold on the vagaries of the lower mind. I cannot function without YOUR truth. If I cannot receive in truth and know YOUR truth then I cannot serve YOUR will and life for me will be futile.
If I have not received in honesty then I ask for correction. If I have not heard the truth then I ask for correction. For it is YOUR presence in my soul that is my truth and I ask that as YOU are within me that YOU overcome me that all of me shall sing YOUR truth. I will stand by YOU and with YOU whatever YOUR will may be in this situation and I will serve until the last breath in this body is drawn but I cannot breathe without YOUR truth and I must have it. I cannot survive without it. I must have it. There is no right and wrong Father, there is only TRUTH. I have nothing to prove Father only TRUTH to share.
What will it take for me to receive the truth of all that I need to know to serve YOUR will?  What vibration can I become to have YOUR truth and live in it and stand in it no matter what? Anything and everything standing in the way of this I un create delete, de-story across all time dimensions space and realities. Unite YOUR GOD mind with my mind and shine out my ego. I relinquish it in totality to the light of my spirit. Release your strength and truth into me that I may receive.

Creator of ALL That IS it is commanded that I receive the truth of this' for it is my intention to be of the highest service. Thank you. It is done It is done It is done. Speak to me please.
CREATOR: Blessed and beloved child of MINE- I AM present. Attend your ears to ME that you may hear ME in TRUTH for I shall not repeat this again. Know ye that I AM your God and Father and I will give to you the truth – for the longing and desire of your heart is immeasurable and you reaped the right to know the truth in all honesty.

Bear my words in closeness to your heart for you shall live in the remembrance of this for as long as you shall breathe. This is the moment of truth, when all will come into the knowing of MY presence. Tardiness is not of God but of man.
What you seek you already know for I have released the truth to you and even in your doubting you know. Patience do I have with you for you have proved your will to be MY OWN.  Know ye that the time is here. Reflection is upon you. Turn back not now your thoughts to doubt, but to belief, for I can only give you in truth; I cannot believe for you. The master plan of the universe is at work now. It cannot be repealed. It is in session. You cannot measure progress in time but by occurrences and events.
You seek to know the intricacies, but if I were to tell you, you will not believe nor would you be able to comprehend, So WE give you the broad scene.
You can expect EXACTLY THAT WHICH HAS BEEN REVEALED. IT IS IN SESSION. Stand in your belief, dwell in it and remain with ME. You have come too far to lose that which I prize in you most- your faith. Yes I say your faith, for it is undying.
O beloved you have received in truth and you know the truth; do not bend. Stand straight and tall in that truth and do not conjure meaningless thoughts that betray the very truth I have given to thee. Let the course run and you shall then in the plainness of time see. It is in session.
Michael’s word is my law. It will behove you to hear HIM. This is to be DONE. It is time for completion. Your world can not withstand anymore; the price of freedom is too great were it to be left to man to free himself. It is now or never.
Mark MY words IT IS IN SESSION. The process has begun. For those who will laugh and jeer, let them; for compassion is the Creator’s way and so too must it be yours. You are in training for GOD HOOD. Let not the wills of others detract you. STAND IN YOUR KNOWING. The lifeblood in your world is draining quickly and the world of tomorrow must intervene. Take from that which you wish. IT IS IN SESSION.
Hazel- Can you give me specifics?
CREATOR: I am not here to allay your curiosity but to abate your misery and quench your longing. You must learn to trust unequivocally. You have now asked myriad of times and you have received the answer. What do you wish ME to say?  I cannot do your work for you. Go and learn to trust.
Hazel: Forgive me MY Father


CREATOR: Calm your senses? I speak not only to you but to all;. The process is in session. Disentangle the light of your awareness from the creeping doubts and then you will follow the process with ME. I say to you again. It is DONE.
Go tell it on the mountain Over the hills and everywhere Go tell it on the mountain That the FATHER’S WILL IS Done.


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Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices
in heaven, saying, "The kingdoms of this world have
become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and
He shall reign forever and ever!"

Revelation 11:15 (NKJV)
By Johan and CM
Sep 15, 2012 - 11:15:52 PM
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Candace: Johan was given this yesterday and after my panic attack was over because of a time and date given, I let him post it on the forum, for I had similar information and others on the team have been given similar time frames, but a tad later. Esu and CM both contacted me a bit ago and suggested addiing up to 24 hours to this, as the unfinished business mentioned is not operating "on time."

Please pay attention to the 2200UTC time, For those of you doing the global meditations it is 1 hour later from your 21 utc time. If this was to start today, it would be in an hour from when I post this. 4 pm in the afternoon for me. So I don't expect to notice until 4 pm tomorrow or so essentially.

They began aligning the ship into place for the partial eclipse a couple days ago now. It remains unmanifested and the manifestation will be gradual, over quite a few hours once it starts. So there will not be an "instant dark spot" for the partial eclipse. Once someone on my team has noticed, we will post here that it has started.

But you might want to be sure you have you batteries or candles etc, before it becomes OBVIOUS so you don't have to stand in a line to get them, only to find out they are all off the shelves. When it IS obvious and we have posted to that, be sure to email or call everyone you know, and post to any forums and blogs you belond too, because there IS resistance to explaining WHAT it is in some countries. You might want to bookmark the teaching we have posted here for easy posting.


CMAton addressed me in His familiar way and asked me to take the following message to share with you all :
More scribes will be informed and asked to share but without further ado, I give you at AH notice that you will see the sun going gradually darker from your earthly perspective, starting before the end of the next 24 earthly hours have passed. Noting it is 6 pm EST now or 22:00 UTC when this message has been given. ( Know that mentioning something as delicate as dates, days, let alone HOURS, makes me very jittery ... just so you know, YET I trust my messages AND CMAton even more )

You know we normally never speak out dates, days nor hours, but as you all have been mentioned that the Button Has Been Pushed, No more Delays and Rehearsals and your anticipation has grown considerable, I want to give you this small deserved notice as your patience has been pushed to the limits. The 3 DD's need to start now since new developments need to be nipped in the bud and earth changes needs addressing to.

Rest up as much as possible and early bedtime will do you wonders, IF you have the interest to ask your Higher Selves to be Informed, Instructed and Inspired. Your preparations should have ended long time ago, but check again if needed, YET your best preparation comes from calm and balanced Mind and Soul - Inspirations in the first place.

Salu, My Beloved Light Warriors and Star Seeds, as I Love All of you Dearly. CMAton of Nebadon.

Love and Light,

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Stay Informed Do not Left Behind


Behold cometh the darkness upon your world

The darkness that shall in the end cause the great shining of light

For those that have found their light, shall come the opportunity to perceive great glory
For those who made the final rejection shall come the loss of glory and for most, the lost of who they be, as they are returned to the great uncreated to become again remade in the light, but not as their former selves

It is but the cycling of the universe. For old to new to old to new, to brighter even then the last After the days of no light, the planet will come forth in the beginning of its new glory. The Mother has won her great battle.

The Wait is Over

By CM thru Rubens

Sep 13, 2012 - 11:55:29 PM

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Rubens: Who am I communicating with?
Aton: This is I, CM Aton beloved
Rubens: I am all ears dear brother
Aton: I am here to make a public announcement and not to say hello as I have in the past few days
Rubens: All right, I am ready
Aton: This is CM, Sovereign Creator Son of Nebadon;  I have chosen to come to this scribe to announce officially that the wait is over.  Yes, dear ones, as you were told by Siraya and Esu, 3DD is upon you, that is to say that it can transpire within moments of your time; I am not by any means telling you the exact time that it will occur but, I want it known that I have PRESSED THE BUTTON, to use one of your phrases.

Manifestation will take shape in your realm shortly.  Watch the sky and you will know unequivocally that it is so.   I know that we have told you that on my instances and that, in a way, is a hindrance because many of you do not know whether or not this a message addressed to the dark ones or to you, my children per say; I want this information to be known around the world and there are many around the globe who will receive this information and pass it on to the populace.  THIS IS SERIOUS folks.  Belief is a choice that you will not have in this very instance for it will impact you no matter where you are.
Prepare yourselves as we have told you many times and remain CALM.
This is CM, Sovereign Creator Son of Nebadon and I have given my seal of approval upon this message
Rubens: Thank you dear
Aton: Salu







Short UPdate from Siraya By Siraya thru Johan Sep 11, 2012 - 11:13:03 PM
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I AM Siraya,
Representative of Creator Source To Orvonton.
With the most Esteemed Greetings from Creator Source, The Ancient of Days of Orvonton and your Sovereign of Nebadon, Christ Michael and Monjoronson, I Greet and Bless you ALL once again.
Another important meeting has just resulted in outlining and finetuning the vast project that will be undertaken shortly during this northern hemispherical harvest time on your planet after more has been accomplished in the month that just passed you by. It was thought THIS WAS IT, but due to persistent but failing dark actions AND grand decisions and considerations from your Sovereign to have better options available after and during the 3 DD' , in which alot of work to your Mother Planet will be undertaken, it has brought us to this new month of your earthly calender still.
When I brought you great news about the results of your jointly work towards the Vatican, We thoughts this  to be the beginning of revelations that would shock your world, but the dark were keeping their cloth of lies and deception really intact and tight. More and continuous work from Christ Michael and his most loyal staff has brought even more evidence to the surface in the mean time what will enhance the explanations and teachings that will follow their removal and handling your Mother Earth with delicate care. So have you received extra opportunities to sharpen your telepathic abilities even more, getting to know yourself better and preparing in greater depth for the cleansing coming.
With this in Mind, We like to thank you once again, Our Dearly Beloved Light Warriors and Star Seeds to have stood your ground sofar in sturdy patience that will be well rewarded as your Sovereign will not forget who stood by His side through Heart, Soul and Oneness of Mind.
Greeting you warmly and sincere,


in Service of Creator Source.

Love and Light, Johan

Siraya Update on 3DD By Siraya thru Shellee-Kim Sep 11, 2012 - 10:35:58 PM
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Through Shellee-Kim
It is I, Siraya, wishing for you to take a message if you are in agreement.
Time draws very, very near now to the D Day. Please be in position, ready for the events to occur. We know you have many times previously being given warnings and asked to make necessary preparations. Perhaps some of you, as with this channel, will see this as another ‘boy who cries wolf’ scenario, as she fondly refers to these.
However, now it really is TIME. There are no further hindrances in our path, although conditions are not as perfect as we wish them to be. Yet we are choosing to proceed at this time, nonetheless.
We wish you all to know there are major flyovers to take place globally. We will create something of a show for the people of earth. It is important that Starfleet be perceived as playful and accessible, rather than the invasive, controlling dark forces your media and entertainment industries have painted us to be.
Also now there will be many Starfleet members ready to join with you. You have already been told somewhat about this. They will be on standby and available in an advisory capacity.

Please be warned of that element in your various societies whose fear will drive them to lead an attempted revolution against us. They will not succeed in overturning our operation but they will certainly make big efforts in trying.
You ones who are to be the wayshowers now will be specially equipped with the activation of yourselves and, in addition, gifts that will be entrusted to you. These will serve to assist on your earth in numerous ways during this teaching period and beyond. The ones in receipt of these will have been specially selected for their integrity, level of commitment and therefore ability to use these most responsibly and for the benefit of the whole.  This channel has already made mention of this gifting some time ago in a previous channeled message.
In the ensuing chaos of the first week or two after 3DD we will make food available for people. This will be distributed from various depots to supermarket outlets, which will temporarily be run by us. Thereafter and once things have settled down, a new system will be in place with coupons/vouchers being used to exchange for food.
One of the first things to be addressed will be an alternative to the harmful fossil fuels your multinationals have so encouraged for profit. And it will  no longer be necessary to use this type of fuel for the running of your vehicles, as we will be introducing one of our technologies. This will mean your cars will largely be running on a form of hydro electricity/water. Thus eliminating all the harm fossil fuels have brought to your beloved planet. There have already been past efforts to bring forth this alternative to your people, but once again this was either met with dismissal or suppression, by all except a tiny portion of the population.
Forewarned is forearmed, as they say on your planet. There is more which will follow in the days ahead, if you would be so gracious as to co-operate.
As you go forth with cheer in your hearts
I AM Siraya.

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On Christ the Solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand…


- Christ Michael on the coming Stasis Period - Candace

There are some people that we wish to evacuate whilst the Planet is going into the Mini Stasis, or even possibly a bit before. We will evacuate also everyone in the danger zone around the Gulf of Mexico that will be staying with the Planet or needs their physical body elsewhere, before or as soon as the "Mini Stasis" starts. We do not need to have everyone involved within the Mini Stasis.
What I am saying here, is that some of you and your families, or people you know, are those who belong to a certain group who are going to be lifted to an alternative specially prepared "New Planet" in their physical body. So IF we do have an interlude between the "Mini Stasis", and the "Major Stasis", these Ones are already going to be gone and please don't assume they were part of the Dark Ones that were being removed. There are about one million people who will eventually be populating that newly designated "New Planet", in addition to those 300,000 Earth Folk already placed there. Not all one million of these Ones will be taken immediately to that New Planet, but they will live aboard the evacuation Motherships and then be placed on the New Planet as soon as it is ready to accept them. They will know however, they are going there when it is explained to them following the lift-off. There are also some others going to other planets and these will be lifted also, but their numbers are less than those going to the special New World being prepared....
Everything "Of God", has a higher vibratory rate. The animals, insects and plants that are destructive to the planet will all be gone during that phase. . Now, IF we have the Mini Stasis, followed by a short period of announcements before the Major Stasis, we will be removing the Dark Ones of this world, as we have said before, by simply removing them. Some are going to other "Prison Worlds" or the "Void Planet". We will pick them up in the Levitation Beams, during the Mini Stasis. Their bodies will not survive that process. They are too much of the Darkness. It's that simple, and they are each known to us, every one of them. Their Souls, however, will be picked up and taken to wherever they are going, which in most cases will be by incarnating by birth as cavemen within the beginnings of a new primitive civilization on a specially prepared 3D planet for them. This routine is typical of a world under the end times of the current cycle, the Judgement, as it were. There is always a Magnetic Pole Reversal, and those not of God simply cease to exist and it matters not if they are "Man," insect, plant or other animal. The Stasis is always used before the reversal so there is NO suffering. The malformed "Spirits" associated with these not of God, simply disassociate.....
We are remodeling this entire Solar System into an "Eternal" System, and as Man becomes more Human than he currently is, he will need some more living room, since poor little Planet Earth cannot by herself handle all these people.
Another reason I am talking here about the removal of those who need to remain in their present physical form, before the Mini Stasis or at the beginning of the Mini Stasis, is not all of you have chosen to stay with Planet Earth. Some of you will find yourselves definitely aboard a Mothership, rather soon now, and don't pack anything as we have everything you need! Those that can be dematerialized ["teleported"], will be, others have to step into the beam, so if a lot of small Scout-craft show up, board ship immediately. If you wish for their identification first, just ask, but if you have a sky full of craft, you can safely assume this is what is truly going on. However, if you accidentally board ship and you are staying with Planet Earth, have no worry. Because actually some other folks staying with the Planet are going to be removed early on too, which brings me to this final topic of the night.
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I Am Melchezidek . . .


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I Am Melchezidek . . .

What Saint Germain is commenting on at this time makes an important point: what comes from nothing is not energized, it only serves as a counterfeit, imaginary copy of the real thing. Unless paper money is backed by an actual thing, like metal or land, it has only the value attributed to it, not any value that can be controlled. What the controllers are causing now could not have occurred when dollars had gold to account for. Can you deliver gold to the debt holders now? No, only more of the debt that is called in by the major banks who are in cahoots with the controllers—sad.
Can you get out of debt by leveraging money with more debt? Only temporarily. When you are debt ridden and asking for more debt you are contributing to the problem. Why not pay down old debt before creating new debt? When large debts accumulate they can become overwhelming. In the case of one inquirer who has many debts and is attending college, I recommend a temporary debt reducing college break and then a search for money to continue that does not accrue debt, say a grant or scholarship. Having less debt will not only decrease your cash dilemma when the dollar drops in value, you will also need more money  to clear the debts you now have if you delay payment for another few years.
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8108830058?profile=originalAscended Master S.Germain

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Door to Ascension

Consistent with all of my messages, are we doing what we can about man's distractions from awakening? Yes, we are. We want the mass awareness to be Oneness, without the controllers in charge. We want you to awaken from all of the drama that keeps you dense, containing dross, and not recognizing the reality. Are my words clear? Can you see the connection between conscious love being the divine light, and your mental drama being the corruption you must navigate through to realize what is real and what is not?
Are we asking you to go to another area for health or mandating it? Yes, because draught and drugs are two controller led obstacles that can dim your divine light. Are we asking you to give to the care of those not able to care for themselves? Yes. We are also asking you to find new ways to enliven your levels of caring. The masters are working to open doors for you to other dimensions, and we are calling on you to support these conditions. We are not asking you to do things that are against the controllers.
It is the caring of togetherness that can alter the mass consciousness. What does the control of the banking system mirror to you? Your money consciousness. Control of anything will deny the flow. Control of money in your own life is what is making the conditions that are being magnified in your controller drama. Making money more available with credit is not the answer. Making more debt will only delete the management of conscious use of money. Control of your own desires is more impactful than getting into more and more debt. You must accept the fact that debt is giving away your own sovereignty.  No man is the controller of his debt, only charlatans offer to do that. No man who denies his own ability to thrive is making his contribution to mankind as his contract calls for. Being driven to get is not conscious. Giving to get (even a tax deduction) is also not the loving model of giving. Giving to give is using your gifts in appreciateion of the divine attributes you already own. Making a contribution to mankind is not about giving away money. It is about sharing your divine attributes in all that you contribute.
Self-love is the way. Self-love makes the attributes you came in with more available. Self-love is not about narcissism, it is caring for a divine creation in the form you chose to operate it in. Are your divine attributes available now, in these days of crash and burn? Absolutely, and needed in every daily encounter. Are you able to love the content of the earth changes? No? Then realize that the love in you can change this content. Is this still possible? Yes, but the changes you are experiencing is a manifestation of the mass consciousness, so more caring in the mass consciousness, not just a few, is what must happen to alter that content.
Self-love is one thing that is needed. Another is acceptance of all of the changes that occur without being negative about them. Can you do this? Can you accept all as divine and not complain? When changes occur they do not come without cause. All of these downgrades to your life conditions are the consequence of the human management in your own active matrix of materialization.
When we close the door to ascension no more denial will be able to remain in your minds. Those who are capable of ascending are going to leave the material world and those left will need to depend on their own matrix of materialization to live. Will they be able to do it? Of course, as all are able to get divine assistance when needed. However, should they not ask for it, they may die without ever knowing what they are capable of. There is no magic to being able to ascend. All who decided to look for God found their way to ascension. God is inside each of you, not just a few. Finding God was your mission. Can you go to  your death without finding God and still ascend? Yes, but only when you ask for God at the moment of death and are able to accept that who you are is a divine being.
Self-love is the consequence of going within and accepting your divinity. Are you capable of doing this? Yes, but no one can expect a door to open if they don't go near a door. Open one and claim that door's entrance to the future. Only one door of the multitude of choices will take you to ascension. All the other doors are closed to this. Are you opening a door that claims your future is in the hands of others? It is not that door. Are you opening a door that claims the controllers are in charge of your money? It is not that door. Are you opening a door that gives your mind the choice of direction? It is not that one either.
The door that leads to ascension takes you to the heart of the One God that actually controls all human/divine actions: the God inside of your own heart. Now, most of you who read my words on this blog are already on the threshold of this door, and all who are not can still go looking for the door that will take them there. But will they? Are they able? Not as many as we had decreed, but enough to complete the ascension. Self-love is the key to that door. Are you on the other side of it yet? No? Then do whatever you can to look for it and cancel your negative attitudes. Blessings come in many ways, consider this message one of yours.
Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna
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One of the most serious issues the latest times ,is the reliability of the channelled messages through many channels,mostly on the Internet W/Sites.

Channels and channellings ,is been also the main subject,for many messages from the Ascended Masters,and in detailed messages from Ascended Master S.GERMAIN.

In these messages,the Master is clearly stated,that some channels are not telling the true,about what is happening now-days on Earth,trying to redirect people,s attention to faulse expectations,for events which,in no way-as they say-could take place,or the possibility for taking place,is very low !Meaning that some channels,intentionally or not,are providing and promoding information,which is not for the BENEFIT OF HUMANITY,but are promoding their personall interests,and the agenda of the people behind the veils.

In this case,it seems that they are trying to deceive people again,and the people behind,are playing with DOUBLE AGENDAS.

Ascended Master S,Germain,in one of His messages,clearly stated that some of the channeled messages

coming as messages from the GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIGHT ,are deceiving messages from INTRUTORS !! SEE Asc.Master S.Germain message:IDENDIFYING THE CONTROLLERS METHOTS.

The Counsel of the Galactic Federation contains deceivers. Some are from Orion. Others are not only dark, they are not even able to connect to you with a caring demeanor. Change is their desire—change of their own destiny. One way to take over a new territory is to deceive the ones who currently are in that territory. NESARA, and all other concepts that reward "doing nothing", and blocking all the mental light that can increase awareness is their game. Capture the light in quiet concentration on divine alignment. Breathing, not anger is the way.....

Certainly ,the ascended masters Realm,is in a much better condition ,to Know,beyond any doupts,what is really happening behind the veils in our 3d world,or in the 4th Dimension,where dark entities are

interacting.We may have in mind that Ascended Masters resides in 7th Dimension.and with no doupt

THEY ARE THE ONES with single agenda.Their service is only to GOD,to LIGHT,to LOVE for Humanity.

What does the word < Intrutor> means,in terms of Light VS Dark?

It means that,a dark master or high intelligense dark entity,is interacting within the rangs of the Galactic Federation,DISGUISED as Ascended Master,channelling for Love,ascension,co-operation,

freedom e.t.c.That,s the one face of the coin,and is related to the Ascended Masters single agenda.

The other face of the coin ,is related with the segond agenda,of the dark Gabal,which intents to keep

and secure their interest,power and Dominion,and seeking to enslave Humanity,and,to take over what is left on Earth.

See relevand message from S.KUMARA on 5th July 2011.

The Orion Reptilians Empire of the Dark Side,and the Zeta Ridiculus,who controlled our Planet for thousands of years,they don,t want to loose power and dominion on Earth.

Working on a genius evil master plan for milleniums,they created the existing dream-reality,within we are strugling to find the way out,and restore our rights and power as Humanity.It should be a great mistake,to underestimate their intentions,or what are capable for.People working in their service,or co-operating with,seeking or expecting to be rewarded for the services provided to these dark entities,

they will find themselves very dissapponted.

We have to accept that we are still in war,with strong possibilities of escalation of this war,if dark side

recognises that is loosing the game.All the information given to the puplic from verious channels,represending the Galactic Federation of Light,about the distruction of weapponery,and underground military -advanced Tecnology-Establishments,are correct ?Who can verifies all these information,and tell to the puplic that is true ?Does all these information ,is given with one and only one reason ?To put us back to bed and to a deep sleep again,untill the beginning of implemending their agendas ?We are not in a possition to accept or to reject all these informations,because are all released from the skies.

It is stated very correctly,that in conditions or circumstansess of war,we have to know WHO IS WHO.

We certainly know who the ASCENDED MASTERS ARE,We know who is Master S,Germain,who is ARCH.

Michael and the other Archangels.Does anybody can guestions the motives of these LIGHT BEEINGS?

Certainly not.The only thing in guestion,by many,is the reliability of The channelled messages.

If this is happening with the Master,s and Archangels channelled messages,what about the SKY meesenger,s messagess?What about the Masters messages in case are contradicting with the Sky messenger,s messages?There is no common answer to this guestion.Each one of us,has to give His own

unswer,asking his own master within,or his Higher Self.

Some times is better to see things from a distanse,and give more thoughts,as are not creating mental or emotional attachemends ,faulse expectations,and dissappoinmend.

We don,t want at the end, to discover,that we were told,what we wanted to listen..and found ourselves

deceived...once again.

Watch this magnifisent video below....


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Monsters and Mysteries in Alaska


Monsters and Mysteries in Alaska


In Alaska, hundreds of witnesses claim 

to have witnessed Sasquatch and the 

evidence of their presence, including 

1,000-pound cypress trees turned upside

down and driven seven feet into the 

ground, with their roots pointing upwards.
Thousands of others have seen mysterious 

objects in the sky, including the respectable 

crew of a Japan Airlines 747.
In this extremely well-made and action-packed 

documentary, some of these people are 

interviewed using the latest lie-detection 

technology to test if they're really telling 

the truth.

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Sananda says . . .




Sananda says . . .


What Saint Germain describes on today's ComptedeSaintGermain blog is the opening
of the door to the New World Order. It has been in the making for many
generations, and what comes next is the currency exchange the controllers have
been managing for these many years.

When this happens, do not go into
chaos. Peace and love will give the most appropriate alternative to their guns.
Make no mistake, we, the Masters and Angels in Oneness consciousness, do not see
this as dark vs. light. It is all in the dream of the conscious mind, not the
reality. Choose the continuium of your divine Self now, as the controllers are
only a manifestation of ego's desire to be in control, and your destiny is to be

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Bring it On

Politics is now a distraction from love. Who the best candidate is will depend
on your own mental attitude. Who will win has no connection to who is to be the
next leader. My comments now are to tell you that there is no way that an
election in the free world can be fair. Any man who is called into the arena of
collective collaboration with a group of dictators goes with the awareness of
his most difficult task to be done: do what they tell him. Mr. Obama was not
naive, nor was Mr. McCain. Both knew full well their choices would not be their

Mr. Romney was not the controllers first choice, nor was his running
mate, as these two don't totally understand that their next duties are to
dissolve all of their own conditions to go along with the controllers. Both go
along now thinking they can be less in collaboration after the election. Should
they win, they can congratulate themselves on moving against the controllers
agenda. But this is only one step away from what is now happening, because the
controllers cannot allow them to deter the most elaborate drama to go into
manifestation ever designed. They cannot get away from this design, only decide
to go along because it is too materialized to be disturbed. What will become of
the controllers design is only on hold in the moment—in the appearance of
cooperation, but no alterations to the larger game will be made.

Debt is
the one way to downsize this entire growth in consumption goal that has
destroyed all countries in the leadership of the controllers. All of the
European Union, Egypt and the other Middle Eastern countries, Morrocco, Algeria
and Nigeria are under the controller's dominion. In America, both the US and
South America are completely dominated. Cuba and all other non-controlled
countries will not be considered a threat to this dominion because of their lack
of dictator control in these areas—no, they can do their dance without any
uncooperative leaders in opposition. Other countries that are totally controlled
are in Asia and the Pacific countries near the land of North Korea and China,
but neither of these two countries are in their control, they are only being
used by the controllers to achieve their objectives.

Russia is on the
brink of controller demise, as they have many legs deep into the world of
finance. They will be completely dancing with the controllers next decision to
collapse the world economy because Russia can then take down their capitalist
neighbors without making a cash investment to do so. They can become the next
big dictatorial society other than China, and they can take on the other
countries together, without any interference. Russia will be declared a next
generation government when Mr. Putin is out of the limelight. Mr. Putin is not
going to decide his own fate. Who will replace him? A member of the

When the decree to remove the banks' manipulation of the
pound, dollar and euro comes, all other economies on the dollar standard can go
down. Only those with another banking option can delay their own collapse. All
world economies are doomed in this drama. Will this occur? Once the drama begins
to unfold it cannot be delayed. When, is the question. It can go at any time. No
economy has enough resources to demand a different controller drama.

Where do the controllers get the ability to do this? They own all the
dollars and the euros and the pounds. They own the banks and the money making
machines. They also own the managers of these banks and control of the banks
means control of the money. No banks will close. They will be waiting to deliver
new currency—a one world currency to all countries. No devisiveness here, one
currency that they control. Can it be used? Why not? Nothing else that could be
used instead will be worth its weight in any form. All the dollars will
disappear and all the currencies tied to it are about to disappear.

currency will be created that leads the money distribution in all countries.
Europe is about to be dissolved into many distinctive entities that can do
nothing against the controllers. Neither can anyone else, not even the countries
that will emerge as the next world leaders.

So it goes, the controllers'
agenda. Are you going to get disturbed by this? Why? Nothing can be done to stop
it now, so why not give up your money dreams and focus on your awareness? Acting
out your anger and frustration creates density. Instead, give your love to all
of this and do what loving beings do: give them the opposite of the density.
Give them only gratitude for what is and happiness no matter what. Why am I
asking you to do this? To defeat their goal of human incarceration for defying

Trials and confinement are not their goal, chaos and murder of
humans to deplete the growth of managed socieities will be the delight of their
machine guns. Give them no cause. Be aware and await their non-denied actions
with no distress. Happy hearts can accept their entire game and give them no
dissent.  Why? To ascend, as ascension, not self-destruction was your chosen
destiny. If you want to be destroyed by them, go ahead, but call to I Am That I
Am as they attack. You won't be granted any dispensation for the body, but
ascension can be the drama they don't get to control.

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna

8108779282?profile=originalNOTE FROM
ARUNA: For those asking the question, "Why is this information only being
channeled by Aruna?" you can find possible answers to this in my recently
published book: The Master's Messenger, Emergence of an Awakened Channel, now available on

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Economic Failure: 58 Percent Of The Jobs Being Created Are Low Paying Jobs


Are you good at flipping burgers , waiting tables or stocking shelves?  Are you proficient with a cash register?  Do you enjoy doing mindless work for very low pay?  If you answered yes to any of those questions, then you are probably going to fit in very well in the new U.S. economy.  According to a report that has just been released by the National Employment Law Project, 58 percent of the jobs that have been created since the end of the recession have been low paying jobs.  So exactly what is a low paying job?  Well, the National Employment Law Project defines it as a job with an hourly wage between $7.69 and $13.83.  But of course you can't pay a mortgage or support a family on $13.83 an hour.  Even if you got full-time hours the entire year, you would make less than $28,000 on an annual basis.  The federal poverty level for a family of five is $27,010.  So needless to say, most of these new jobs are not paying enough to support a middle class lifestyle.  This represents an economic failure on a fundamental level.  Our economy is producing very few good jobs that enable people to be able to raise families and live the American Dream.  The ranks of "the working poor" are exploding and the number of Americans that are dependent on the government is sitting at an all-time record.  Sadly, if current trends continue things are going to get a lot worse.

The numbers compiled by the National Employment Law Project are absolutely stunning.  Most of the jobs lost during the recent recession were mid-wage jobs, and most of the jobs created since then have been low wage jobs.  This represents a fundamental shift in our economy.  Just check out these figures....

-21 percent of the jobs lost during the last recession were low wage jobs paying between $7.69 and $13.83 an hour.

-58 percent of the jobs created since the end of the recession have been low wage jobs paying between $7.69 and $13.83 an hour.

-60 percent of the jobs lost during the last recession were mid-wage jobs paying between $13.84 and $21.13 an hour.

-22 percent of the jobs created since the end of the recession have been mid-wage jobs paying between $13.84 and $21.13 an hour.

But even the high end of the mid-wage pay scale is not that great.

If you make $21.13 an hour and you work full-time hours for the entire year you will end up making about 42,000 for an entire year.

Yes, that can probably support a family of four in most areas of the country, but you really have to scrimp and save to do it.

And keep in mind that 80 percent of all the jobs being created now pay at that level or less.

Welcome to the new U.S. economy.

It really stinks for workers.

The truth is that there has been a fundamental cultural change in our economy. Workers are no longer valued.  They are viewed as expensive liabilities that should be disposed of as rapidly as possible once their usefulness has ended.

There is very little loyalty to workers these days, and most big corporations do not really care about the quality of the lives of their workers.  The number of companies offering health insurance to their workers continues to decline (and thanks to Obamacare that decline is accelerating even further), and the number of companies offering pension plans to their workers continues to decrease as well.

At this point, less than 25 percent of all jobs in the United States are good jobs, and that number continues to shrink.

Is this because the big corporations are not making enough money?

Not at all.

In fact, corporate profits have been setting all-time records in recent years....

Meanwhile, wages as a percentage of the economy are at an all-time low....

So why is this happening?

Well, I already talked about the fundamental cultural shift that is happening.  Companies simply do not care about their workers like they used to.  America is becoming a very cold place.

Another major factor is that millions upon millions of our good jobs have been shipped overseas thanks to the emerging one world economy.

In the old days, U.S. corporations were more or less forced to hire American workers and the wages earned from a typical manufacturing job could easily support a growing family.

That has entirely changed now.

The big corporations no longer need American workers to make stuff.  They can just close up shop and move their facilities to the other side of the globe where it is legal to pay slave labor wages to very desperate workers.

And now there is greatly increased competition for the jobs that we still have in this country because so many of our jobs have disappeared.

If you don't like how your employer is treating you that is just too bad.  In most cases your employer would have absolutely no problem finding a replacement for you.  In fact, there are probably thousands of people in your community that are desperate for a job such as yours.

So what does all of this mean?

It means that the decline of the middle class in America is going to get a lot worse.

American families are rapidly getting poorer.  Real median household income has fallen another 4.8 percent since the last recession ended.

Meanwhile, the cost of living continues to go up and American family budgets are being stretched to the limit.

In a previous article, I noted that 62 percent of all middle class Americans say that they have had to reduce household spending over the past year.

Things have fundamentally changed.  The days of endless prosperity for the middle class are gone for good.  You are going to have to adjust.

At this point, 77 percent of all Americans are living paycheck to paycheck at least some of the time.

If you are relying solely on a job for the financial survival of your family, then you are probably in a similar situation.

Do you know why they call it a "job"?

It is because you will mostly likely end up living "Just Over Broke" for most of your life.

A major shift in our economy is happening.

We are transitioning from an "employment economy" to an "ownership economy".

Most Americans that are currently working for others are not going to have a bright economic future.

That may sound harsh, but it is the truth.

Even if you are still one of the fortunate Americans that still has a good job, you need to start thinking about what you are going to do when you lose that job someday.

The system is failing, and if you have blind faith that it is always going to take care of you and provide a job for you then you are likely to be bitterly disappointed someday.

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Jacob Rothschild, John Paulson And George Soros Are All Betting That Financial Disaster Is Coming

Are you willing to bet against three of the wealthiest men in the entire world? Jacob Rothschild recently bet approximately 200 million dollars that the euro will go down. Billionaire hedge fund manager John Paulson made somewhere around 20 billion dollars betting against the U.S. housing market during the last financial crisis, and now he has made huge bets that the euro will go down and that the price of gold will go up. And as I wrote about in my last article, George Soros put approximately 130 million more dollars into gold last quarter. So will the euro plummet like a rock? Will the price of gold absolutely soar? Well, if a massive financial disaster does occur both of those two things are likely to happen. The European economy is becoming more unstable with each passing day, and investors all over the globe are looking for safe places to put their money. The mainstream media keeps telling us that everything is going to be okay, but the global elite are sending us a much, much different message by their actions. Certainly Rothschild, Paulson and Soros know about things happening in the financial world that the rest of us don't. The fact that they are all behaving in a consistent manner right now should be alarming for all of us.
Let's start with Jacob Rothschild. Apparently he believes that the euro is headed for quite a tumble. The following is from a recent CNBC article....

You know the euro is in deep water when a doyen of the banking industry, Lord Jacob Rothschild takes a £130 million ($200 million) bet against it.

Okay, but the euro has already been falling dramatically. In mid-2011, the EUR/USD was above the 1.40 mark, and right now it is at about 1.23.
Does it really have that much more that it can fall?
If the eurozone ends up breaking apart it sure does.
If there is a Greek default, or if Germany leaves the euro, or if a new currency comes along to replace the euro those currently betting against it will end up looking like geniuses.
Another big name in the financial world that is betting against the euro right now is John Paulson. The following is from a recent Der Spiegel article....

One of these warriors is John Paulson. The hedge fund manager once made billions by betting on a collapse of the American real estate market. Not surprisingly, the financial world sat up and took notice when Paulson, who is now widely despised in America as a crisis profiteer, announced in the spring that he would bet on a collapse of the euro.

And as I noted in my last article, Paulson has also been putting billions of dollars into gold.
So just what are Rothschild and Paulson anticipating?
Could we be on the verge of a massive financial collapse in Europe?
According to the Der Spiegel article mentioned above, a lot of investors seem to be preparing for such a possibility right now....

Banks, companies and investors are preparing themselves for a collapse of the euro. Cross-border bank lending is falling, asset managers are shunning Europe and money is flowing into German real estate and bonds. The euro remains stable against the dollar because America has debt problems too. But unlike the euro, the dollar's structure isn't in doubt.

The financial world is starting to wake up to the fact that the globe is absolutely drowning in debt and it is not really good to be holding fiat currencies when a debt crisis erupts.
When men like John Paulson and George Soros start pouring huge amounts of money into gold, it is time to start becoming alarmed about the state of the global financial system.
The amount of money that these men are investing in gold is staggering....

There was also news last week in an SEC filing that both George Soros and John Paulson had increased their investment in SPDR Gold Trust, the world’s largest publicly traded physical gold exchange traded fund (ETF).
Mr Soros upped his stake in the ETF to 884,400 shares from 319,550 and Mr Paulson bought 4.53m shares, bringing his stake to 21.3m.
At the current price of about $156 a share, these are new investments of about $88m of Mr Soros’ cash and more than $700m from Mr Paulson’s funds. These are significant positions.

And the central banks of the world are certainly buying gold at an unprecedented rate as well. According to the World Gold Council, the central banks of the world added 157.5 metric tons of gold last quarter. That was the biggest move into gold by the central banks of the globe that we have seen in modern financial history.
But that might just be the beginning.
According to a recent Marketwatch article, there are persistent rumors that China has plans to buy thousands of metric tons of gold....

Within the gold market, there is unconfirmed speculation that China plans to buy up to at least 5,000 to 6,000 metric tons of gold and that it will start to buy during this year, according to Kevin Kerr, president of Kerr Trading International.
If China buys this much gold, that would exceed annual, global production of gold, he said. “We do not have enough gold for China to buy that much, and it will take China time to purchase this amount of gold.”

So what comes next?
Nobody is quite sure.
Another major financial crisis could erupt in Europe at any moment.
A major war in the Middle East could start literally at any time.
Renowned investor Jim Rogers believes that things are really going to get "bad after the next election".
Others believe that the action could start even sooner than that.
The truth is that even though we have not seen a "Lehman Brothers moment" yet, things in Europe just continue to get progressively worse. The following is from a recent article by Mark E. Grant....

Whether you turn your attention to Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal or even Ireland; it is getting worse. Nowhere on the Continent are things improving and even in France and Germany the financial strains are beginning to show. It is not a question of Euro-bear or Euro-bull; it is just the numbers as they come rolling out month after month.

There is a growing realization in Europe that the euro simply does not work. Italy is absolutely drowning in debt, the Spanish economy has basically descended into a depression, and Greece has been experiencing depression-like conditions for years at this point.
The euro is doomed. The only question is who is going to blink first.
Nobody wants to be the first to leave the euro. There are rumblings that it could actually be Finland that leaves the euro first, and that would please Germany just fine because they don't want to look like the bad guys in all of this.
But that doesn't mean that Germany won't eventually pull the trigger if nobody else does. The German public is sick and tired of bailing out the weak sisters of southern Europe, and at this point it looks like it would take perpetual bailouts just to keep the euro together.
And recently there have been lots of little signs that Germany is starting to move slowly toward the exit doors.
In fact, I found it quite interesting that a giant euro sculpture was recently removedfrom the Frankfurt International Airport....

A massive € sculpture (identical to the one in front of the European Central Bank) was dismantled and removed from the Frankfurt International Airport in Germany Thursday.
The official explanation is ‘the plastic parts are getting weak after 11 years and the terminal needed the space‘.
Does € sculpture’s removal from the Frankfurt Airport indicate Germany is preparing for a surprise return to the Deutsche Mark?

Sure that might just be a coincidence, but it also could be a harbinger of things to come.
Sadly, most average people living in North America and Europe have absolutely no idea what is coming. Most of them just want to be able to get up in the morning and go to work and pay the bills and take care of their families.
Unfortunately, millions upon millions of those hard working individuals are in for a very rude awakening.
A lot of people are about to have their current lifestyles totally turned upside down.
But it doesn't have to be all bad.
In fact, I found it very interesting to read about how some young people are responding to the depression in Greece....

In the spring of 2010, just as the Greek government was embarking on some of its harshest austerity measures, 29-year-old Apostolos Sianos packed in his well-paid job as a website designer, gave up his Athens apartment and walked away from modern civilisation.
In the foothills of Mount Telaithrion on the Greek island of Evia, Mr Sianos and three other like-minded Athenians set up an eco-community.
The idea was to live in an entirely sustainable way, free from the ties of money and cut off from the national electricity grid.
The group sleeps communally in yurts they have built themselves, they grow their own food and exchange the surplus in the nearest village for any necessities they cannot produce.

I think there is a lesson to be learned there.
When the system fails, it is going to be important to be able to live independently of the system.
Governments and big banks all over the world have been rapidly preparing for the coming financial collapse.
Perhaps the rest of us should be too.
If you can believe it, 77 percent of all Americans live paycheck to paycheck at least some of the time.
If another major economic crisis comes along, many of those people are going to be totally wiped out.
And there are already signs that the U.S. economy is basically on life support at this point.
Just look at the velocity of money.
In an economy that is growing and healthy, money tends to circulate very, very quickly.
But when an economy is sick, money tends to circulate very slowly.
And that is exactly what is happening right now. In fact, the velocity of money is currently at the lowest level in modern U.S. history....

For much more discussion on this, please check out this article.
This is exactly what happened back in the 1930s. The velocity of money absolutely plummeted. When people are scared, credit is tight and times are hard, money does not exchange hands as rapidly.
But this is just the beginning.
What we are experiencing right now is rip-roaring prosperity compared to what is coming.
Jacob Rothschild, John Paulson and George Soros are preparing themselves for the tremendous chaos that is coming.
Are you getting prepared?

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DUALITY : Light VS Darkness



DUALITY -  Light vs Darkness - ,on 3D Mode or Free Wll  field of experiense EARTH:

Certain issues of Duality related to Planet Earth.

1.The fall of all incarnated beings,on the lower level of the spectrum,on Earth.

2.Co-creation and the matterial world of non-reality.

3.The self-inprisonment and the stage of amnesia.

4.The illusions and the sleeping < deities >.

5.New energy tense through duality-polarity.

6.Negativity and veiling of darkness.

7.Controll and dominion of dark side.

8.The visual reality created and the continuous deception of the sleeping < deities >.

9.Manipulation through evil entieties, of all aspects of human life.

10.The secret Agendas of the illuminatti and their evil masters.

11.The depopulation plan for Humanity.

12.The plan to enslave for ever the rest of humanity through genetic engeneering.

13.The end of the unholy plans,and the end of the ORION evil Empire.

14.The re-activation of light source within darkness.

15.The return of low tense dark entietes-not subjected to reseruction of light within-to the primary source, until the next Day of the CREATOR, for a new beginning.

For the people knowing,the awakened or awared ones,or the ascended ones,the fall from the higher

dimensions,to the lower level of tensity - Vibration in the whole creation,and the journey through many life times

within this 3D field of experiense,is been OUR choice and also a great challenge.

This journey..of ours,is been an adventure beyond any expectations ,more like a Sisifian efford

for every one of us,searching for our lost identity in a stage of complete amnisia!!Just...think about this happening,on which voluntarily all of us ,we participated from the very beginning,and we are still participating,most of us not knowing yet, the very end of our journey!



Ascension Earth

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8108825676?profile=originalFlower of Life

I am the wind and the rain.
    I am the sun and all that shines.
      I am that which holds the heavens and all that does not shine.
    I am the all of all-ness and the no-thing of nothingness.
      I am you - the very source of your being.
You live, move and have your
    being in me as I, in you.
    We are not separate.
    I a m8108825689?profile=originalyou.

     I am divine perfection.
   I am known to you.
    I live in you.
    I express in you.
    I am creator and creation in one.
I am all that and more
I Am That I Am.
      I am unity.



Heaven and Earth


There is time whereas there is space.The one exist because of the other,as a way of perceiving reality ,within a specific field of experiense.Time and space,are related to limited perception,of our existanse,within a certain mode of ,being, breathing,moving,and acting,as living beings. There are no limits,within the eyes of the Eternal,because IT IS ALL THAT IS.

The dream of GOD,is manifested ,as the Devine plan,within, the evolutionary process,is taking place,within the Eternal and the Infinite,based on the so called,Great(Devine) cycles,and Small cycles:


1.MANVATARA :The Great Day of BRACHMA,The Outbreatheing of THE CREATOR:The stage within Eternity,the Creator is manifesting Himself as Light and Phenomenon Cosmos,covering the endless waters-Chaos,outpicturing His Dream,and His Presense, as Universe and All Universess.The Day of BRACHMA,followes the stage or state of the DREAM,the stage of the Golden Egg,or the stage of Ideation,which is in bettween Existanse and Non-Existanse.

The stage bettween Ideation(Golden Egg),and Existanse(Day),is the Zero Point,which is before Big Bang,or the Great Explosion within the oceans of the Infinite,and  eternity.

During the Day,the Allness,the Absolute THAT,the Oneness,as a non-phenomenon,cosmic or universal ideation, is prodjecting HIMSELF, in the Infinite,s  screen or map,as phenomenon cosmos or universe, or the magic Devine drawings of GOD Himself ! The stage of Day,can be defined,as a conditioned  condition,meaning,that the Absolute and Limitless Allness,is manifesting Himself,through imposed bindings and limitations to the projected  Cosmic Reality >.

2. PRALAYIA:The Great Night of BRACHMA,The Inbreathing of THE CREATOR:

The stage within Eternity,when,through dissolution, the matterial World or the phenomenon Cosmos,is returning to its Primary source of being,to ALL THAT IS,To the stage of non-phenomenon,or the stage of Ideation,which is a non-conditioned condition,of the Absolute, free,limitless,bindless Allness or Nothingness!

It is stated in old testaments that the duration of the Days-Nights,is 4,320,000,000 billions years

respecively,repeated within the Infinite and Eternity,as predefined cosmic cycles.

It is written that Light is a primay element in creation,and darkness is an after light conditioned condition!What is the meaning of this?Light is the essense of creation, and all forms

of life are born,evolve,and dies within the spectrum of the DIVINE FLAME OF GOD.

The outbreathing-day of the Creator is the beginning of all creation...< and the LOGOS said..Be light..

and cover all the oceans of the Infinite!The Will-Power of GOD is manifested through Light, as cosmos and Universess.The Love of GOD is through light, manifesting HIMSELF in the Infinite,s map,as the magic beauty, balance and harmony, in all creation.

The Wisdom of GOD,MANIFESTED as cosmic intelligense and universal knowledge,is the eternal light in evolutionary process and implementation of the Devine Plan.

It is written also,that Nobody can ADD on this Sacred Prototype of Creation or TEMPLATE.

What is the meaning of darkness, as the opposite of light,or the< other face of the coin >?

Does any real source ,within creation,exist,which activates darkness as a self-existing element?

Or is just the de-activation of certain light cores within creation,which diminishs or minimises light forms in all aspects of life existanse,driving to the dissolution of the phenomenon cosmos,and return All to its primary source of being,as non-phenomenon?

DUALITY OR Light vs Darkness,on 3D Mode or  field of experiense EARTH:

Certain issues of Duality related to EARTH:


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8108799865?profile=originalMaster S.Germain

No guns? Not a Good Idea.

Many of you are questioning my comments about having guns. What is the cause of
this change in my consciousness? Am I negative? No, neither negative nor
cancelling out my desire to have more caring in my chelas. I am only being clear
about what may begin to occur in your communities.

Are you fully able to
accept whatever comes to you without any concern? Good, you are able to ascend.
Those who cannot ascend, or completely accept whatever occurs without any
negative attitudes against a perpetrator, can do what is needed to defend their
community. No one is asking you to deliver darkness to anyone in your circle.
Guns are not dark, only your negative thinking about them is dark. All things
are neutral—man gives them dark or light designations. Choose the attitude you
wish to carry and the gun will not be used against anyone. However, it could
make an intruder leave, and in this drama you could consider it worth

Are you afraid of a gun? Are you afraid of the desire of your ego
to act against another if one appeared in your abode? In all circumstances the
ego is the actor against another, guns are only tools. You can deliver deadly
attacks without a gun. Another weapon of choice could do damage as deadly as any
metallic object you can design. Cars kill, are you afraid of getting one? Mother
nature is not all loving either, she also kills, as an act of destruction
carries many lessons about caring and compassion.

Care about the friends
and family in your community and get the things you may need to deliver them to
a condition that answers their needs, whatever that may appear to be. Choose the
caring over the label you cast on what that caring needs to include. Seldom does
caring include a delivery of death, but it can at an appropriate moment. Can you
get what this means? Not having the ability to deliver death will not make you a
hero when your loved ones are being attacked. Cancel these delusions. Having a
metal object that can thwart an attacker can make you a hero instead of a

Now, when you get upset about an idea, go inside and ask
yourself: what is my disturbance about? Conditions may not get to the level I'm
describing, but if they do, what is causing you to have negative thoughts about
how to defend yourself? Only a question, but an important one to answer before
you depend on divine assistance that does not appear. Cast your negative
attitudes into the well of love and come out of your own fears. Then you can
defend your dear ones with whatever they need defending assistance from. Cause
and effect includes: delivery of an act of courage when needed, not defending
with merely a desire that another come to deliver it for you. We cannot be there
to do it for you, we can only provide you with a call to arms.

Are you
unable to consider the dense conditions my words detail? Are you not aware that
debt is more overwhelming than cash in all countries? Are you not aware that
debt cannot be sustained indefinitely? Only a non-aware individual cannot see
how deeply in debt the US is. Can it maintain this forever? No, and when it
collapses there will be chaos. Be more aware and more able to care for your
non-aware loved ones by getting things to defend yourselves with. Pity after the
fact does nothing. Seldom does man regret owning things that attract an attacker
to him, such as a new car, quality machinery or expensive accessories, but these
are things that can draw an attacker into your area. A car is not an instant
attraction now, but when no gas is available to buy it could be. A deterrent to
being attacked because you possess these desirable things could be a

I Am That I Am is not able to keep you from attracting attackers,
only you can avoid doing that. Only you can avoid using a gun when it is not
needed. Only you can decide to deliver a gun's charge against another. But when
the "other" determines that mean deeds are to be done, when the attacker denies
your dear ones the right to life, can you accept this with any other tactic?
Give the attacker his due—an appropriate response to his motive. I Am That I Am
has this in the caring category. I Am That I Am wants you to defend to the death
your family that comes together to live. I Am That I Am wants the love of those
beings to give you courage.

Ascended Master Saint

Chanelled by Aruna


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Archangel Raphael says . . .


Archangel Raphael says . . .

More and more of you are awakening. Can we call for the ascension now? Not quite
yet, as our choice is to have the biggest number possible ready in case many
choose not to ascend at the last moment. Will we decide and make an announcement
to all who are able? No, when they are called we will get their answer then. No
advance notice will be given.

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The Afterlife Investigations: The Scole Experiments‏

For five years a group of mediums and scientists witnessed more phenomena

than in any other experiment in the history of the paranormal.

From UFOTV®, accept no imitations. Breakthrough scientific evidence for the afterlife. The Scole Experiments. For five years a group of mediums and scientists witnessed more phenomena than in any other experiment in the history of the paranormal, including recorded conversations with the dead, written messages on sealed film, video of spirit faces and even spirit forms materializing. These experiments may finally convince you there is life after death. The scientific team in change of overseeing these experiments include world renowned Cambridge Scientist - Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, Dr. David Fontana and Researcher Montague Keen who died during the filming of the documentary.
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