Alex William's Posts (1)

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Nourishing the Physical Vessel and Beyond


Good health is our inherent birthright and we all deserve it. We have been lead to beLIEve that our health is out of our control and that inevitably we get old and wither away. BULL! This DOES NOT have to be the case! Empowerment is taking control of and being responsible for our health. I hear it all the time, "wait until you get old" "it's just what happens when you get older." NO THANKS! I will continue to take responsibility for my health and will experience it until I ascend and beyond -thank you very much!

The body has the innate capacity to heal itself! When you scraped your arm, you didn't need some kind of pill to heal the cut, the body healed itself. The key in allowing the body to heal itself is getting out of its way so to speak. This process is analogous to riding a bike. Naturally the bike rides smoothly, however if we don't take care of the bike and say puncture the tire, what do we do? Change the tire completely-addressing and eliminating the cause, rather than merely treating the symptoms and putting more air into the tire. The latter may work temporarily but ultimately it is not going to remedy the situation and get you back on the road to enjoy the ride. 

Processed foods, chemical make-ups, shampoos conditioners, and other toxic ingredients applied to the skin as well as other sources of toxins cause obstructions within the human vessel, causing unwanted health challenges. When we remove these causes (flat, punctured tire) we allow the body to perform its miraculous healing abilities!

Fresh Whole foods (real food) is what the body needs to operate and run optimally. Incorporating more of these fresh (ideally raw) foods will not only support physical health, but awakens the mind, and spirit too! Real food is more conductive and has a higher vibration than processed junk "foods" which naturally raises our vibration as energetic beings! We are all worth taking good care of ourselves and experiencing perfect health. Its great if we practice meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, etc..but if we don't take care of the physical vessel, our 'bike', the ride won't be as smooth and enjoyable. So eat the high vibe foods that nourish and promote life and enjoy the ride!

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