bea van Wierst's Posts (3)

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What we sow so shall we reap. How a man thinketh so he is. So find your highest truth, because that is what you sow, that is who you are.

I like to share this insight with you:

I see what I did the last months and years, I pointed my finger outward. I told many people what was wrong and what needed to change. Now I got this very beautiful insight:  I -and we all- need to go more INSIDE !!!

So I like to share how the big shift can take place for many people in just a little while, when we all contribute our part.

WHAT IF  the system as it is, with being rigged, is totally perfect as it is…

painting Babaji

And it is. It is serving the highest purpose for this very moment: It is making you aware of the situation right now. And that is that most people are blaming someone else, or something else, for how rigged they feel, without taking control over their own personal awakening.

Don’t believe the thoughts of the past that pass by. Whoever utters them. Not even my words here on this page.

No, go inside and find your own highest truths. And live them. Share them when you want. And let them replace all smaller thoughts and ideas. Take off all your jackets and coats which are too small. De-velope. Don’t let yourself be en-veloped.

Think and believe the highest thoughts you can imagine, and imagine them to be true. Live them as being the truth. And always remember: As a man or woman thinketh so he/she is.

I saw the other day a text that made me write down the basis for this article. Thoughts about enlightenment. Enlightenment is how we called for years the slow proces of one person at the time finding the I Am. Or stepping into Christ Consciousness or Being. And that was my striving for many years. But not anymore. Because all that was written in the past about enlightenment breathed the same atmosphere as the person who wrote down: “Enlightenment can be possible for a few people.” And this guy writes a lot of spiritual articles, has his own website, and he triggerd me. Because this truth is too small for realizing my big dream and wish. It really is too small for getting done the big job I came for on Earth in this rigged time. And I don’t want to believe a thought that is too small anymore. Because only when you believe it “Enlightenment can be possible for a few people” this will be true.

Don't lose hope

What if you -and everybody else who can see the illusion- take(s) real responsibility for the One life we all live in…

What if you start seeing that the Oneness that used to be only for a few awakened souls is really possible for everybody who wakes up out of the dream…

What if you stop blaming something outside and start taking responsibility for how you think and what you believe…

What if the One Oneness they talk about is really a Oneness and you are part of it…

What if you realize you are already God, or when you are shy: a spark of God…

What if you stop making judgments and live your Godly life and shine your light and love to everybody…

The system is perfect to show you and everybody all about illusion. The system shows you perfectly all the judgements you have.

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a big step in the shift has been made

The very strange thing is that only view people realize this. For quit many something did happen on the auspicious days in December, on the 12-12th and 21-12th and on or around Christmas. But for some it was not the big shift they hoped for, wanted or even expected. So many were disappointed, many felt: you can/could say all this but what is reality? What do I see when I look around me, when I look out of the window, when I see the News, in the conventional media or on the Internet? It is all the same. Nothing seems to have changed, nothing has changed. And some turn around and don’t want to even read anything about the big shift that is happening now. Because they think it is bullshit, it is a fairy tale, another story that promised a lot of good, but when you see what is the result ….

But a beautiful thing did happen: the frequencies did go up a big, big lot! And you can tune in on the new energies very easily now because they are strongly ‘in the air’. And they give you very much, they are very, very powerful. And all you have to do is be conscious of how this New Energy works, what it can give you, what it means for you and humanity, and of course you have to tune in.

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Thinking out of the box and making an intention

For everybody who recognises the power of intentions. 

I like to share my lightworker intentions with which I woke up one morning about 6 weeks ago.

I hope many of you will use/make this or a comparing intention yourself and share it/this with many more lightworkers.

This is a little bit different version of what I wrote on my blog the end of october:


Thinking out of the box and making an intention

People wake up and see everything around them being more and more exposed. Many people wake up and want the world to be different. I love it that people wake up and that many of them/you feel the urge to wake up even more people. 

Me too, I want you to wake up because you are NOT a small person, you are God incarnated in a human form and when you call or see yourself different then that, you still believe that you are small. 

You don’t have to believe anymore that you are smaller then the Highest. You may identify now with who you really are. God in human form. And when you are still a bit shy: you may say/think of yourself as a spark of God in a human form. 

In our personal lives it is all about starting to think out of the box, no longer keeping yourself in the existing paradigm and stepping fully into your multidimensional being, NOW. 

So when we then stop dreaming the dream that this World (3D) is real (and the only existing, and that we never/only slowly can change this), then -when we stop dreaming- and the dream is over - finished.

The more lightworkers can do this, the higher the vibrations we can receive -and give- and the more lightworkers wake up and with all the light coming to Mother Earth the old dream can’t keep it’s hold.


So the more we all wake up out of the dream, the more we see and know that ‘reality’ as we experience it now, is only a reflexion/ projection of our thoughts, beliefs and intentions. So when we intent to take full responsibility for the dream we dream and the beliefs and thoughts we have, then the new reality can quickly take form, and New Earth rises up in front of our eyes.


It is as finally you may believe you really are God. God in a Human form. And you don’t have to feel embarrassed, unworthy, to small or whatever to be God. You just may be who you are: God in a human form. And when you resonate with this: just put your intention on it.


Here the Intention I woke up with a little while ago. This intention changed my life immediately:


It is my intent to be the Pillar of Light which I have promised to be, and believed to be able to be, and for which I am here right now. It is my intention to receive the light and love from all the light beings who want to and can pass their light and love to me and through me (of course you can fill in names of lightbeings).


It is my intention as an instrument and channel to pass the light and love to Gaia, Mother Earth, and all people on Earth. In order to contribute in bringing all darkness and all low and dark energy frequencies up to the light. Around me and inside me.


It is my intention to transform all thoughts and beliefs to a high frequency level, so that my -our- pineal gland can and will secrete the substances allowing the bridge to the pituitary gland to open and by this, the road opens to spirit, the I Am, also known as the Holy Spirit, the Christ Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness or Being.


In this way I -and we- can go beyond programmed beliefs and the ego-personality and be in unity with the divine. In this way I can and we can give expression to my-our Divine Self here on Earth exactly in the way it is intended.


It is my intention to rise above all duality and to think outside the box of pre-programmed thinking. To no longer blame something outside me in duality. To no longer blame someone or something or other people in the outside world for how my life and how life in general unfolds.


It is now my intent to take full responsibility for all my creations and for All of Creation. It is my intention to see that everything in this earthly life has had and has the purpose to find God in me - in us again.

I intend to embrace love, peace, silence, joy and gratitude in all my being. And to serve the Highest and Best Good of the Universe, of myself, and everyone around.


I forgive myself that previously I wasn’t able to turn around the key of the bridge to the Self. And now it is my intention as Pillar of Light to place all the dark and evil in light and love, outside me as well as inside me; and to see no more distinction and separation, because we are One.


So be it and so it is.


Bless you all, Namasté and In L’Akech 


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