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KRYON: 'BECOMING QUANTUM' August 26, 2009Live Kryon ChannellingSedona, ArizonaAnnual Kryon Summer Light ConferenceJune 13, 2009"Becoming Quantum"As channelled by Lee Carroll for KryonGreetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Twenty years ago I said those words to my partner. Do you know what he said to me? "You're going to have to change your name. It's not fluffy enough. It's not angelic enough... and who ever heard of a magnetic angel?" It's what he said, 20 years ago.Today, as you sit in this place, finally do you understand how the magnetics of the planet affect your lives? Does it not make sense that on the other side of the veil we know it as well? Does it not make sense that these things are synchronized, that the physical things, the fractal things, the consciousness things are all related to why you're here? Perhaps you're here to facilitate the spiritual component of the choice points?Now you've started to hear it scientifically [speaking of the research that Gregg Braden presented earlier in the day]. For some, it's what you've been waiting for, for magnetic master didn't make any sense. Perhaps channelling didn't make any sense, either. The man sitting in the chair, you say, was "pretending to have messages from beyond the veil," you say.Let's make this a review for a moment. If you wished, you could go find it in the 1989 first messages I gave. I told you this: There would come a time where the places where you grow crops would no longer grow crops. We also said the places that would never grow them would then grow them! I told you that a profundity was coming regarding a shift of weather. I told you that. Now, you sit within it!I spoke of a consciousness shift and it's here, and for those of you who wonder when it's going to happen, I tell you... you missed it! It is all around you. It is what has happened since the late '80s, and it's what has happened this year. It's all around you. It is a choice point... a point where Human consciousness chooses to void the fractals of recurring energies on the planet.We told you that global warming was cyclical, and that you did not cause it. Do you believe it now? That was channelled, you see, but now you have the science to show it also. We told you clearly in these past years that this warming will be short lived, leading to a cooling cycle. Now this fact is published in many places, and now there's the science. Do you believe it now?There are those here whose intellect is starting to meld with the emotional. You're starting to get the message. "Maybe it's OK not to have a fluffy angel," you now say. Maybe it's OK to have truth come from one who loves you, from home. Perhaps it's OK to even have a magnetic master talk to you?Have you ever wondered why these messages were given this way [through channelling] and why so long ago? Another coincidence, perhaps? You start tracking back and ask, "When did all this begin? When did the scientist, Greg, begin his journey? When did my partner begin his journey? When did some of the epiphanies happen in your lives?" Some of the healers sitting in this audience have interesting start dates also. When did the teacher, Peggy, have her first phase revelations [speaking of Peggy Phoenix Dubro]? You can track most of this back to about 20 years ago, right when the shift began... right when the alignment started. Is this enough of a coincidence for you? When did Dr. Todd have the epiphanies of his invention on earth? It was all within these years that we speak. Too much coincidence? Perhaps.This is a summary of the messages for the last six months. For within that time I've given you information about what is happening to you. Tonight I'm giving you information that's going to make a difference for the choice point.There are those who say there is no reason for Human Beings to do anything different at this juncture than they ever did before. There are Human Beings who say you are designed to fail. Each cycle, each civilization will fail when certain occurrences and civilization attributes occur. They say that Human nature will never shift, will never change, and that the cycles will repeat and repeat and repeat. Here I am saying that this one is different. You've reached a point now where you will start to change and evolve quantumly. Less than one half of one percent of this planet has to make these choices for a fully changed planet to occur.MagneticsWhat did you learn today about magnetics [again, from Gregg Braden's lecture]? How do you align that with the Kryon teaching? I gave you information about the process scientifically, through induction, of how the solar system takes the gravitational imprint of itself and literally sends it out within the heliosphere of the sun... a quantum communication through the solar wind. Meeting and interfacing with your magnetic grid, the solar wind overlaps your earth's magnetic grid, which in turn overlaps the field that is created by your DNA. Therefore the same messages that the solar system gets, you do, too.Corresponding, this is the magnetic couch that you sit in. Your DNA is magnetic and that is a scientific fact that now finally has been seen. Now you have the little affecting the big and the big affecting the little. You also heard that today, didn't you? When enough people think differently, when enough people have a compassionate reaction, an emotion is put forward en masse that scientific instruments can measure. The very vibration of the planet is affected! Is it now starting to correlate that what you think and what you do are making a difference? And if you didn't believe it from the weird guy [speaking of Lee], maybe you'll believe it from the scientist? Maybe, just maybe, they're both giving truth? What about that?Becoming QuantumBecoming quantum is the issue of the day. It is tough, since it requires you to think differently. Dear Human Being, you have an evolvement going on. It's an evolvement through the magnetics that speaks to the DNA, and that gives opportunity for thought to create consciousness shift interdimensionally. It's the hardest thing we'll ever teach.Three years ago, I told my partner he would be teaching the unteachable, and he sits in a chair today, doing it. There are those who will get it and there are those who won't. If you have studied about a quantum state, you will be aware of certain attributes, and we're only going to talk about one of them today. Just one, but it will have a tendency to delinearize some of the attributes of your life. I'm going to show you what becoming quantum can do for you.Human Beings are emotional and that's good, because emotions are quantum. They're uncontrollable, you know, in both directions: Uncontrollable hate, uncontrollable love... they don't conform to a pattern, do they? It takes the intellect to construct a box around the emotions and you call that balance. So already you're beginning to see that the Human mind is a quantum attribute. Consciousness, by its very nature, consciousness is quantum. The Human brain was designed to think quantumly. It is only through logic and intellectual balance that biological synapse becomes linear. "Kryon, we don't understand what you're talking about."Take a look at the autistic Human Being. Here is a Human Being who has an attribute where something is seemingly missing. Perhaps you've been around certain kinds of those autistic consciousnesses? Then you know what it is that they lack. It is the construct of linearity. For an autistic mind is one who does not understand linearity and is always trying to grasp order and symmetry. He is desperately trying to build a construct around his consciousness so he can make sense of the world. The truth is that he is far more quantum than you are! Did you ever think of that? Therefore, the set-up is there. Becoming quantum is already in your grasp. All you have to do is to figure out how to open and shut the various synapses to create the kind of a Human Being that is the beginning of the evolved ones. Is the choice point going to be reached and business as usual be the result? Does a Human suddenly become enlightened, choose something, and then retreat back to an unenlightened state? The answer is no and you know it. No, instead, you change and stay changed. So that creates a new beginning, does it not? That is the wild card that occurs in this current cycle, which never occurred before. That is why Kryon came in 1989, and it's why I'm here. This shift is before you. You sit in the middle of it.Sleep - An Interdimensional AttributeHere's another quantum aspect. I bring you these so that you will understand how confusing quantumness can be, yet, it's in your brain so I know you can eventually understand it. When you retreat into that thing you call sleep, perhaps even what you call the alpha state, that middle portion of consciousness that is without construct, what happens? Have you ever had a dream where nothing made sense? Out of time, out of place, the Human Beings in your dream couldn't even know each other due to linear time. You may have been in different places and different times that make no sense in real life, yet it all made sense at the moment, didn't it? So I'll tell you why: Because when you go to that state, it is quantum! It is a quantum thing, alpha dreaming. The brain is in a state that is without the intellect's control. So it becomes quantum and without structure. Therefore, it is outside of linearity. That is to say, there is no time construct placed upon it. Everything happens at the same time and it's just fine with you while you're there. When you're in the dream, you're not tearing out your hair in confusion, are you? You're just enjoying it. Quantumness is a natural state.You might even say that the intellectual construct that goes around your consciousness is starting to change, perhaps allowing for more understanding of what I am teaching now?"Kryon, I still don't understand."I know this, so I'm going to begin to simplify this into terms that you will understand. Look at the box you're in called time. How linear it is that you can only go in one direction! You can't turn left, you can't turn right, only straight into the future. The clock only goes in one direction... forward. There's no such thing as a clock that goes up and down, or left and right, is there? It just goes forward. Oh, how linear! And that's the way you think. You take that linear bias and apply it to everything. All thought, all reasoning, all logic, all spirituality is done with your bias. You say "we are linear, therefore God must be." However, God is not. And neither, really, are you! Some of you will be stepping out of this soon and be understanding more about what is going on in your life, dear ones. For now, however, much of this is double-talk.The Frustration With Time - Your Most Powerful BiasLet us start the teaching. These are summaries, perhaps things that you may have heard before, but that come together in a group today to help you understand more. I sit in front of an astute group of individuals, many of whom call themselves Lightworkers. You get to define that any way you want. It's awareness, an awareness of things beyond linearity. It's a belief, truly, that you are a piece of God. More than not, in the room in front of me, are many of them. In that awareness, there's communication to the other side of the veil. So I will pinpoint one of the fallacies and the frustrations of what happens when you do that journey to the other side in linearity.Dear Human Being, how many of you have had messages that are life changing? Perhaps you go into a meditative state, perhaps it's in that dream state that I just suggested? But there it is, an idea, perhaps even an instruction? Maybe you had a visualization? It might appear like this: Here's what you're to do. Here's the book you're going to write. Here is what your future is going to be like. Here is the healing modality you are going to teach. Here are the instructions that you are going to meet someone. You're going to do something.You are excited about it, are you not? Perhaps you come back from the visualization and you tell your friend, "It's so real! This is what I've got to do. This is what I'm going to begin. Isn't it exciting?" Then what do you do? You proceed to implement it. Oh, how linear of you! Is that the message you got? In a quantum state, did God tell you come on back and do it now? The answer is no. Yet you think that because your clock goes in one direction, you come back onto the linear treadmill of time and you begin to implement what you're told. That's a big mistake, but you don't know it.Let's just show what happens next, oh linear one. Most of the time, whatever it is that you were shown... fails. Disappointment prevails: "I'm supposed to write this book and I tried and there it was... and nothing happened. There wasn't a publisher who wanted it, nobody really liked it. I must have been wrong. I had these great ideas and I implemented them, but nothing happened," you say.You see, dear one, I know who is here [and reading this] and I'm speaking to some of you right now and you know I am. Even if you've not told anybody, failure is like that. The Human brain doesn't want to come right out and say, "I don't know why I didn't have good communication to Spirit. I got the message, I came back, I tried it and nothing happened." Oh, how linear of you! Then what did you do with it? This idea, this beauty, this thought, the actions you planned, the things you were shown were yours... what did you do with it once you tried it and you failed? You put it on the shelf and you shut the cupboard door! It's over!Perhaps some of your friends said, "You know, a few years ago I remember you tried something. Why don't you try that again?" What did you say to them at that point?"No, I tried it and it failed."What? Oh, how linear! Do you understand where I'm going with this? God didn't tell you to do it now. In your bias of time, you decided when, where, and then against all rational quantum thinking, once you tried it, you discarded it! You're not even going to pull it out and do it again, are you? Oh, how linear! What a single timeline bias you have! Here is what the quantum thinker does: He gets the message, comes back from the visualization, and celebrates the message. It's a ticket that he's holding in his hand that says there's a train coming. If he looks closely at the ticket, there's no time on it. It doesn't say when, does it? But he still has the ticket. That's enough for a quantum mind!He will celebrate the ticket and then sit back and create the attitude of waiting for synchronicity. That is to say, he will hook into the quantumness of who he is and then look at the synchronicity that occurs so that he can recognize when the train comes. Do you understand this? Blessed is the Human Being right now, sitting here, who is being aware of what I am saying. There are things lurking in the cupboard that you locked up that are now ready. Now is the time! It's the decision point. Now is when you were always supposed to do it. It didn't work before because it wasn't supposed to work before. Synchronicity wasn't there, energy wasn't there, quantumness was not there, and now it is.So what does that mean to you? Become quantum with me a moment. What do you think it means? What kind of decision would you like to revisit? That's the invitation. It's about time, isn't it? You think in a linear fashion and, therefore, you were biased in a linear fashion, and it interrupts the flow of your spiritual context of communication to God. Because it's normal, you're not even aware of it. And you know what it creates? Frustration, and sometimes anger. Sometimes you'll even turn your back on Spirit and say, "This didn't work. I guess I should move on." Or, "This didn't work. I'm not loved as much as I thought I was." That is the linear bias of a Human, and it does not represent truth.Waiting for DirectionLet me give you another one. I've got a room full of Lightworkers in front of me and many of them have been Lightworkers a long time. But so many are still waiting to find out what you're supposed to do. It this you? Hmm? You know I'm right. Is this hitting close to home? Unlike the previous section, you are not concerned about a task, but rather you're waiting and waiting to find out who you are, and what you are here for. This is much different, since it has nothing to do with something you were told in a vision, but what you feel at the Akashic level. What are you here for? When will you know?You've got this spark of awareness, and you know about the divine. You know about what's in your DNA, and you're starting to discover it all and you feel there's something more. You don't know what it is, but "someday it will be there," you say. "Someday I'll know what I'm here for," you say. It's a rusty, linear track you're on, since you have been saying this and feeling this for a very long time. It always yells the same thing to you in linearity. "You're not there yet," it says to you. "Time is not on your side," it says to you. Sometimes it says, "It passed you and you didn't see it!" Then you begin to worry and become sad.I wish to give you the truth and I want you to open your heart, because I'm sitting in front of those who need to hear this accurately, emotionally, and truthfully. I don't want you to raise your hands, but invisibly, metaphysically, I want you to turn on a light right now above your head if this is you. Reader, this includes you. Right now. I'm looking at those lights, right now, and I'm going to give you your syllabus. I'm going to give you the plan of what you're here for. I'm going to tell you why you feel the way you do, and I'm going to give you the instruction set that will enable you to leave here knowing who you are and why you came. Some may not like it, yet some of you may love it. It depends on your linear bias. I hope this light that you're turning on above your head coordinates with the light that is shining from my partner right now, because this is the truth.Listen, Lightworker, all your life you've been expecting what is next. You are waiting to find out where you are going, and what you are supposed to do. Let me tell you this: Blessed is the Human Being who is aware, for the awareness of consciousness itself is what you're doing for the planet. That is the task at hand. Stay aware. Keep the light going. Walk from place to place in families, and in work. Keep the awareness. That is the decision point because the awareness changes the grid.It's not what you're going to do, it's what you're thinking about every day. In a quantum way, there is no clock. Can you sustain this energy until the day you die? If you can, every single one of you holding that light right now will know that's why you're here. Don't look ahead to something else, because you're currently doing what you came for in a quantum state. Every single one of you who is aware is doing it! This is it. You're here to be aware! If you are aware of the divine inside, then you fulfilled the task perfectly. Perfectly! Walk from this place satisfied in what you're doing for the planet. Stay aware. Don't give up! Become quantum [satisfied in the now].If everything including your spiritual work is put on a timeline, you're going to fail, because the things that the clock will bring you are not the things that the heart will bring you. The heart [compassion] is quantum. Learn to live without the future. This breaks a linear mindset that says accomplishment is the measure of success. In a linear time consciousness, it is; but in a quantum consciousness, it is instead a measure of your peace and your joy at just "being." Is this you?The Gift of Activating the AkashFor two years we have opened the door to quantum cellular shift and we started giving you information that is simply unbelievable. In your DNA there is the Akashic record. All of the lifetimes that you have lived on this planet are there. The Higher-Self has been the same soul energy in every lifetime. Therefore, you've got a friend who participated in every one of them! Up to this point, all of this past life information has been stacked like the ice core [the linear pipe-shaped ice core that contains history as measured by scientists at the poles]. You've got to look along the linear marks and see who you were, perhaps what the energies were and what happened. All of you assumed it was untouchable and in the past, just like looking at an old newspaper.This is not quantum thought. The quantum mind looks at it all happening now. Therefore, what we have told you over and over is that what is happening now is available to you now. How would you like to go into that seemingly linear untouchable history and pick up the help that you came here for? I'm going to talk to three people who are here in the room: Stop trying to heal yourselves! Because your biological self, this lifetime, isn't going to respond. It's not going to be healed. But the one last time, if you bring it forward, was pure! Go get it! Why don't you get that one and put it on top [for your linear thinking]. What about that? That's what a quantum individual does.Now, if you can do that, then what exactly did you do? Did you heal yourself or did you mine the Akash? Do you see why it is the disease will never come back? It's because at a quantum level, you never had it! If you can pull on your past life energy, you will find DNA that is pure and never had the problem you have now. How? Let me ask you this. Do you love anyone on the planet? If the answer is yes, then I ask you... how? You see, some things must be done in a nonlinear level, apart from the lists that Humans like to give you. Lists are fine for basic learning, but are not applicable to this advanced quantum energy that you are learning to absorb and become.Do you see what I'm saying? What is it you wish you could do? What are your blocks? What are the things that you think are you that can't be changed? In the Akash, there is also you, many of them. Why don't you go there and replace the current you with the former you? That is mining the Akash. That's a quantum Human Being, and it goes way beyond what you were told past life energies were for. You were told they were for karmic exchange. It's the old idea that past life experience builds up in your DNA so that you will be disturbed by it, so that it will become the sand in your oyster and then you have to accomplish something to get around it. It is very old information, and now you can go way beyond that.What if the whole reason for the Akash is just the opposite? What if it is a gold mine with your name on it? You lived all those lives. Think about that. It's life experience; it's wisdom, shaman. Now, go mine it. That's what the quantum Human Being does. It creates mastery. Think about that.The Inner Child RevisitedNow here's something that someone on this stage is really going to enjoy [speaking of Jan Tober], for I'm now going to give you the secret of the inner child. It's a quantum issue and always has been! Why is the inner child so important? You've heard this for years, yet many run from it. "I don't want to be a kid," you say. "I grew up, and don't need to get in touch with that. I'll pass on that one." Perhaps it's different than you think?Let me tell you what is so quantum about it. Now listen to me and open your heart for a moment. It's about time, isn't it? None of you are children anymore, but all of you used to be. So why don't you do something with me for a moment: Suspend the clock and pretend that everything you ever had on this planet, in this lifetime, is in front of you now. Like bins that you can pick from, they're there. They're not in the past, but rather they're in a quantum state, ready for you to see them as happening now.Reflect: I want you to go and look at some of those bins - when you were eight, when you were seven, when you were six, when you were five. Look! You had no worries. How many of you, when you were eight years old, were worrying about paying the mortgage? What about the budget for food, or whether you could have a car and even make it work or not? The answer? None of you! Your biggest worries were how long you could stay out and play. Think about it... it was most of you. This is the child's mind... pure, uncomplicated, and out of the scope of worry.Now, I want you to sustain these thoughts for a moment. I want you to pretend that you can pick up that persona for a moment, that child which is you. It's got your name on it and you lived it. Pick it up out of the bin and place it upon yourself. No worries. No drama. No tomorrow, not really. The child doesn't think about tomorrow unless tomorrow is Christmas, then it is the feeling of joy and excitement. How long has it been since you have felt this, Human Being?Why do I speak of this? Because the love of God invites you into this very attribute! You only have one model, and it was as a child. So bring it back as the model of how we love you and provide for the love and peace you need to move into this new energy! This is the quantum Human Being who can go back and apply these attributes to their lives. You can tell who they are, because they walk around and they shine! They're not in denial. They're quantum.There were a number of masters who walked this planet who were well known to you in many religions. I want to tell you what they all had in common: They were quantum! When you looked at their faces, did you see how they shine? Can you go there with me? Can you be with your favorite master just for a moment? Can you stand next to him or her for a moment? And if you can, what's the energy there? It's peace, is it not? Are they worried about their mortgage? Are they worried about paying the bills? What kind of drama do they have in their lives? They might have plenty, but you never see it! For whatever reason they don't know it, and you're attracted to that peace, aren't you? You just want to stand next to them. You might even say to yourself, "Oh, if I could just be like that. I would love that." Well, you can, dear one, and it's called capturing the essence of the inner child. It isn't innocence; it's not ignorance; it is total, complete quantum wisdom. It is the ability to take those things that in linearity you would worry about and suspend them in a place where they don't affect you. What happens to a consciousness that's not affected by fear? I'll tell you. It soars! Did you expect that? Inner child work is quantum work. All of these things we have been teaching in these last months are asking the Human Being to become quantum.The Incredible Power of LoveNothing compares to the last one. Nothing. This is the third time I'm going to bring it to you, for many here have not heard this. Listen carefully: There are those even in spiritual work who have declared that emotionalism is wrong. They say that if you get emotional, you're not rational. If you weep, you shouldn't be here. They say it is the intellectual mind that is going to figure out everything. That's where your logic is, and that's your reasoning. Therefore, you want to get to a place where you can throw away all emotions and just figure it out with your God-given logical mind.Listen, dear ones, this is totally linear thinking. There isn't a Human in the room who is going to figure out a quantum state with their intellect, because that's not the state that they were born in, and that's not the state they live in. Instead, it's a balance of intellect and the heart. Emotions are passed through the veil, and it's for a very big reason.I'm going to tell you where the real power is... the reason for compassion and the incredible power of love. I'm going to give you the most quantum energy on the planet and I hope you understand it. It's the third time I've done this and I want you to listen really carefully.There is a power beyond all powers and it comes right out of the emotional state. Are you surprised? I'm going to paint the picture yet again as I've done it before. Oh, there are mothers in this room. Many. Mom, go back with me to a time I shared with you, will you? Go back to when your first born was there, minutes old. Go back with me when the first-born infant took its first breath and life began. It represented part of your DNA, part of your lineage, part of your Akash, a seed event, if you will. Now, I'm going to ask you something: Did you hear the angels singing? They stood around the bed, you know? What did you feel the first time that you looked the infant in the eye? What did you feel when you locked eyes with that child and life began? Did you hear the angels singing? Did your heart melt? Did it just pour out to the Universe at that moment? Did you notice that the technicians in the room were weeping, too? What causes that?Perhaps you think that that particular power came out of your mind and your heart? Well, it didn't! Way beyond anything a Human Being alone could even possibly generate, this amazing energy poured into that room because there was sacred joy. For a moment in time you opened an interdimensional portal where life began and everyone wept in the joy of it. The child looked at you and you looked at it. Things would never be the same. Do you remember, Mom? Do you remember that day? Do you remember the moment? That's an energy that is way beyond what your heart is able to do by itself. You had help and anything you felt was amplified by the God energy within you.I'm talking about the glue that holds consciousness together, which is emotional. I'm talking about the love of God. This has been the message from the first day I gave information. It took my partner four years to open his heart to the point where he would weep in front of anyone with this power. It is beyond anything that he could generate by himself. This room is filled with an entourage whose power will generate far more than any Human heart alone can do! It's a quantum energy... timeless... not a future event... filled with a feeling that every loving thing that ever was is pouring into you. It's nature, your own life energy, and the wisdom of the ages! Mom, do you remember?Humans fall in love. They get a little nuts. Some of you have done that, haven't you? Some of you remember sighing a lot and staring into each other's eyes. Psychologist say there is little bit of temporary insanity going on. [Laughter] You remember it, don't you? Perhaps some of you still have it? Tell me about it, dear Human. Did you generate that by yourself? Was it the other person, do you think, or do you think there was something else going on? Do you think you were part of something that you were alone with? Lovers will tell you that there are angels in the room when the humans come together, when the sparks are there, and there's far more than they could create by themselves. Some of them even hear the singing! Is that just a lover's dream? No, for they are correct... it's part of the Human experience where two come together and somehow they generate an energy that is far greater than the sum of the parts. And that's because God is there!The angels are smiling. That's the way it works. It's quantum. There's raw power here. "Why are you telling us this, Kryon?" I'm going to tell you the reason: It's because there are those of you who are ready to fall in love with the first born of a seed consciousness which is the choice point. It's falling in love with yourself, the God within, nature, or just the entire creative process. It's creating an energy on this planet like the birth of a child. It is greater than the sum of the parts because you are quantum enough to do it. Is this confusing to you or is it natural? It's part of the learning curve that this might be confusing.Are you aware you don't have to join anything? You don't. Accept others around you who love the earth. Are you aware that all of you can participate to whatever degree you wish? Opening the heart creates energy above and beyond what you could ever do alone, yet it seems like it's an individual decision. This is an invitation for a quantumness. Call it whatever you want. You want to call it God; you want to call it Spirit; you want to call it your own divinity? It doesn't matter. But you'll feel it. Many of you already have and you just didn't even know what it was. Love is that way. It's pure. It has no agenda. It does not puff itself up. It is unconditional. That's God in you. That's the message.And so this is the work before you. Raise from the chairs and leave differently than you came with a little more insight as to how Spirit works with you. Perhaps you may have a little more comfortable feeling about who you are, and where you're going. Perhaps there's been a release tonight for some of you who felt they had failed, or hadn't accomplished the things they came for. I'm telling you, you have accomplished it! You have.Do you love God? Then you've accomplished it. Do you love yourself? Then you've accomplished it. Are you peaceful? Can you eliminate the drama over the things that you can't control? If you're one of those, then you've accomplished it. That's why you came. And so it is that we say to you in this time that we know each of you by name. What are you going to do with this information? Is it simply information, or is it the truth? You decide.And so it
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This was probably added elsewhere in this site. Just a reiteration here of its importance with extra pictures for all:8:8 Message from Archangel Michael - August 8, 2009I am Michael, Prince and Regent of the Celestial Militia. Liked well Maitres of the Light, Children of the Light and Star Seeds, I come to you, in this day, accompanied by the sevenfold Archangelic Radiation. Thus, we, Archangels reunited in Conclave, and from this day, officiate within your solar system in order to bring about, to initialize and manifest, on this date of August 15, the revelation of the Light. As I said at the time of my last coming in the Celestial Weddings, the radiant terrestrial triangle located in Mexico becomes active, and it must be the same in you, within this week, in each day which separates you, as from tomorrow, from August 15. You will climb the seven steps which will make it possible to realize, in you, for your Glory and your Unit, the revelation of the Light. What is at the Top is like what is at the Bottom. What will pass in your interior being will be realized within your Earth and under your eyes and in your Skies. The hour is with the effusion, in 8 days, of the new Metatronic keys of Light.The radiant triangle, in you, is called sacrum. It corresponds to the awakening (in response to the impulse of the Light, through the Ultra-violet), to the revelation of your Divinity, to the phenomenon of fusion, followed during your Celestial Weddings, which will initialize for any human being wishing it. This sacrum is the place where lays the Fire of the Earth. I come to initialize, with the Conclave, the revelation of the Fire of the Earth. This fire of the Earth responds to the Fire of Heaven. During this week, you will fuse to allow the radiant triangle to operate in you, within this materiality. The radiant triangle will awaken and allow fusion, for those who wish it, of the crown of the heart with the crown of the head.I have taught you (and I will not return there) on the sacred lemniscate, on the sound B, on the interior silence. I refer you to what I have said and what will always be up-to-date, within your humanity, for those who would wish to join these Weddings. The hour is, now, to give over your head to your heart.The heart is, as I finished in the last effusion, receptive. The heart is Love, Vibration and Light. The Light of the head, that which permitted you to externalize yourselves within this density, must leave the place to the Light of the heart. Thus, during this week, there will awaken in you, in a permanent manner, the six points of the heart and the five points of the head, to realize, here, through the crossing and the sacred lemniscate, the crown of the twelve. This crown of the twelve is the reunion of the twelve Virtues that I had announced to you. This will permit, under the influence of the Radiation of the sacred triangle but also of the celestial Radiation, actualization in your Skies, on August 15, a work where the body of Eternity and the body of personality will amalgamate within this density.Rejoice. The hour is with the Light. The hour is with the return. The hour is with the revelation, within your dimension, of the Divinity. The falsification of the Light will no longer be possible. It belongs to you to receive, in you, by yourself and by your acceptance, what we propose to you. The major stage is on August 15th. It will finish on September 29th, the day of my effective coming on the Earth, through the most celestial elements.Liked well Children of the Light, during this week, during these 8 days which precede August 15th, we will concentrate the triple radiation of the Radiation of the Ultra-violet, of the Holy Spirit and of the radiation of the Source, in your time slot of 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., by your watch. During this hour, you will benefit from the most important support of our Conclave in order to realize the work and to climb the seven steps. For that you must assimilate, you must include/understand and you must abandon yourself totally to the Light, to the Truth and to the Love. It is not able to be different. You are asked for allegiance. You are asked to no longer privilege your ego, your personality but to let it bathe in the Light of the Source, the Radiation of the Ultra-violet and the Holy Spirit.There exist, at the surface of this planet, seven Ancient Circles of Fire. These Ancient Circles of Fire have been constructed, since time immemorial, in order to permit the Light to manifest within your Skies, the White Metatronic Light, to be guided as on rails in order to take root within your density, of your dimension, permitting in this way the establishment of the reign of the Light.Some of you know, all over this planet, the Ancient Circles of Fire. You will be asked, as well within your interior being, for those who have the chance of it externally, to join together in proximity to the Ancient Circles of Fire. It does not belong to me to give you their location. No matter if you do not know them: you join together in groups, and above all on August 15, to receive Lord Metatron. This one comes to seal, in you, the White Light. No preexisting shade can exist and continue its life beyond the Metatronic impulse.As you know, Metatron will establish his reign at the end of Times. You are returned in the End of Times. This is an objective announcement in which the probity and the signs that I give you are announced, in a visible way to all, in your Skies. But I refer to your interior being because alchemy must be first realized in you. You must merge, during this week, and each day from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., the crown of the heart with the crown of the head. This work will be realized simply from the moment when you receive, in humility, in simplicity, without pride, the Light that comes to you. The Source decrees the hour of his return. We announce, us, Conclave and we prepare this moment since times immemorial. These have been announced with the dates and these dates are not vain. They correspond, for those who refuse to see it, to the ultimate proof of the Truth of the Light. You will discover by your eyes, by your senses and by your heart, above all, what is the Truth. And the Truth is simple. And the Truth will free you from the limits of this world.You must penetrate in the Joy, in the Confidence, in the Serenity, in the Unit and in the reception of your brothers and your sisters. Some among you feel a Divine impulse to gather. Do it. The hour is now. It belongs to you to work so that the circumstances of your lives permit you to carry that out in peace, serenity and in privileged places. Be sure and certain that, wherever you are on this planet, far or close to the Circles of Fire, from the moment when you receive the Light in your breast [center], in humility and simplicity, the Intelligence of the Light will act. It will act, whatever the level of deconstruction visible in your eyes.The deconstruction visible to your eyes is only the deconstruction of the illusion. The deconstruction visible to your eyes is only construction, in your breast, of the new Jerusalem, of the New Alliance initialized by Metatron. Each day, from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., by your watch, we ask you, this being for only a few minutes, to put yourself into receptivity and receive what comes. For that, there is nothing else to do. It is not to direct the conscience towards the heart, towards the head or towards the sacrum, or elsewhere. It is simply to receive and enunciate, clearly, in oneself and distinctly, the acceptance of the Christ Light, Unité and Truth.While pronouncing simply: "I receive the Christ Light in Unit and in Truth", there will be realized, in you, the alchemy. A certain number of vibrations will then invade your body, on the level of the heart and the head, in various points of conscience. You do not have anything to do if it is not to receive, in humility and in simplicity. You will also be able to stick the language of your mouth on the level of your palate and pronounce this sentence, in you. This is simplicity, this is Truth itself. Information, parallel to the arrival of the Metatronic Light, on Saturday August 15, will enable you to become aware of what we realized together, liked well Maîtres of the Light, since a few months.This is Truth. Your illusions must die out in front of the Truth of what comes. There is no other possibility. In that, there will be realized, in you, the closure of your Celestial Weddings. The events unfolding on Earth will follow a course which will be Light or Shade according to what you will have chosen or received in your breast [center]. Here is what I had simply to say to you, today. If you have, compared to this process which will unfold, clarifications or explanations a little more full, I want to do them before returning in your Essence, in your Heart, until the end of the 72 minutes.We do not have questioning. We thank you.Liked well children of the Light, here present and everywhere in the world, I ask you to receive, now, the triple effusion, relayed by the Conclave and the seven Vibrations or seven Archangelic Seals, at the same time as the Divine Marie, your Mother to all.… Overflowing of energy…Liked well Maitres of the Light, Children of the Light and Star Seeds, we continue, until the stated hour (ndr: the 72 minutes end of this channeling), effusion. Nevertheless, I will not add words and you will be able, if you wish, to open your eyes and live what you live, open the eyes. I say to you until August 15, at 1 p.m., where I will express myself before leaving the talking and the Light of Metatron to appear within your density. You are blessed.[1]… Overflowing of energy…[/1]Ndr 1: The link to the time difference ( will enable you to deduce your local schedule.Ndr 2: the channeling of August 15th will not be public.
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August 2009 Interview With Mayan Elder Carlos BarriosBy Mitch Battros - Earth Changes MediaAug 3, 2009 - 9:18:07 PM you will see an extensive report on my interview with Mayan ElderCarlos Barrios. What was said, and is now being reported, will occur indays, weeks, and months not years. Mayan prophecy as with most ancienttext, does not speak in terms of exact dates related to events. However,Carlos does say the Mayan Sacred Books of ' Chilam Balam' mentionsDecember 20th 2012, but he reminds us "it is not like turning on aswitch".Many of you know of the 6.9 earthquake which hit Mexico's Gulf ofCalifornia earlier today. This may be the precursor of what is to come.Another sharp announcement earlier today comes from NASA. The Keplerspacecraft has detected an Earth-like Planet orbiting a nearby Sun. Theyhave called for a media briefing to be held on Thursday, Aug. 6, at 2 p.m.EDT, to discuss their findings.Although these two items alone would fit most everyone's mark asexceptional, what you will see inside suggest much more. Areas which werediscussed in our interview cover earthquakes, volcanoes, viruses, the USfall from power, the July 22nd full solar eclipse, the coming August 6thpartial lunar eclipse, Barak Obama, and the new leader of the world.*Earthquakes:*Large earthquakes along the US West Coast. Could be California, but verylikely Oregon, Washington and through Canada. Watch for 8.0 and largeralong this line. Possible tsunami to follow. Carlos says the Maya know ofevents before and following a solar eclipse. This coming Thursday Aug. 6this a partial (penumbra) lunar eclipse. The mid and eastern part of the USwill be able to see it. Most of Russia, Canada, and Australia will missit. The Maya believe in a 20 day reaction. They see events happeninganytime especially in August 09. But it is 2010 which will be the mostdangerous.Carlos describes it as "the energy is not good and needs balance". Carlosfurther describes the bad energy is due to 'greed'. He tells the US wasthe leader of the world, but lost its way. The consciousness turned tomoney. This was the way of the 4th world. Now the US has lost its statuswith most nations. The religion became "materialists". He tells us Mayanprophecy tells us the US is about to lose its status. The US will nolonger be able to control the direction.The Maya believe the changes which are upon us and escalating is here to"teach us". If we can bring back "balance" to the world, we will not haveto suffer as a people and a nation. Carlos tells us what is coming will"move the country". He is referring to a tectonic split. The Maya prophecytells us mankind will need to shift its religion (or spirituality). Ibelieve Carlos is referring to 'what is our priorities'. Is itmaterialistic, or is it of spirit, of nature, of balance.*The World Power Will Change:*Many elders translation of the Mayan Sacred Books of 'Chilam Balam' saythat a new world power will come in to take the place of the UnitedStates. Many had believed it would be China, but the sacred books describeIndia as the new leader. As of now, China is the richest nation in theworld, but is because of this not being able to maintain "balance", therewill be internal disruption. Carlos this disruption to be its own peoplewanting change, not from earth changes.The 'Chilam Balam' tell us we are in the time of war, users, greed,deception and false religions. But as we come into the 5th world, "theland will return to consciousness. Carlos may have meant 'return us toconsciousness'. This could mean the earth will right herself. A time ofearthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, tsunami's will come forth. The ChilamBalam tells us the end of this cycle comes on December 20th 2012. However,Carlos reminds us it is not like turning on a switch. The shift hasalready begun and will intensify. We will always have a choice. It is thetime to return to our personal integrity. Or we can fight to keep thingsfamiliar and resist change.This is an area which can be very confusing. How does one know if whatthey are fighting for is healthy and productive, or if it isself-defeating and harmful? Are we quick to be defensive, or are we opento something new? And how do we know if it is good for us, or if it istrickery and covert? More on this later ….*Yellowstone:*Mayan elders do not believe we will see anything from Yellowstone calderaanytime soon. All Carlos would say is that "we see that the energy is tooquiet at this time".*Special Note:**There is more to come, *and I will have this for you tomorrow. I havejust been invited to do three hours on the Coast to Coast radio showtonight. I have run out of time to tell the rest of the story. Ontonight's show, I will speak in general terms of the earth changes ahead.I feel a commitment to you, all of you who have supported ECM for thisspecial event, and the many of you who have been with us for years.For those of you who feel this information should not be told only to theprivileged (your words not mine), I promise to play my part as a trustedsteward for all.* I hereby by grant you permission to share the above and cominginformation with any and all you wish to. It is 'all' of us which makes acommunity. Or as Spock once said: "the needs of the many outweigh theneeds of a few, or of one".**
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Happy Birthday Sananda

Happy Birthday Waltz to Sananda for piano.mp3

The birthday of Esu Immanuel Sananda, or Jesus the Christ is actually thought to have been August 8th. There is some information to substantiate the claim, and if researched (over Google) might be found to be enlightening. Be it as it may, considering that Sananda just recently asked all of us to engage in our passion (or compassion) this week from August 5-7, I decided to start early with my passion for composing, and write a Birthday Waltz for Sananda. There may be those poets who would like to add lyrics, at least to the first part of what you hear in this MP3. I composed it just over the last couple of days with accompaniment. Maybe an orchestration will be in the works. It is my joy to share with you the somewhat finished product. Hope you will enjoy!
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Important message from Sananda August 1, 2009

Esu Emmanuel Sananda (Jesus, the Christ) Message August 1 2009message channeled throughJudith K. Moore (USA)(July20, 2009)The Ascended Masters are holding Earth’s ascension pathway:three powerful cosmic rays that are moving into our field at different angles, from different parts of cosmic consciousness, which is the mind of master form. The Earth experienced these rays before at the end of the age of the dinosaurs.Sananda explains that these three cosmic rays are intersecting in the Earth. I am being shown a triangle, the points of which intersect in different places on the planet. Two rays intersect and go through the planet and a third intersects the two on the other side of the planet, forming a triangle. The cosmic force of these rays is unprecedented with a vibration that has already begun to affect our ionic balance. I am told that through the ray of the Seventh Ray of Sananda, we are able to support the Earth through what is about to occur.“All of the energy grids that have been empowered through the work of light-workers serve to create a mantle of negative ions, crystal light, healing light and now the Ninth Octave is viable. I, Lord Sananda, speak to you now through my messenger. It is the love that you generate through your hearts, the faith that you have, that creates a new potential for Earth at this time. It is the capacity to move beyond the impact of the hologram when the cosmic rays intersect the planet. You are capable now of moving beyond cataclysm. This refers to the possible end of much of the Earth’s ecosystem, a time of complete change in the atmosphere of the planet. This is your understanding of the end of the age of the dinosaurs when the planet lost its ability to be viable and most of the bio-systems were devastated.The formation of consciousness, through Sananda and the Ascended Masters, is now sufficient enough to activate a mantle of energy from the heart matrix and create a holographic heart. The point of intersection is through England. The first two rays intersect in England. Then if you draw an imaginary line, at an angle through the planet, the intersection points, for the second two rays, can easily be located and when the third ray comes through the core of the planet, through the mantle of the planet. The third ray has the potential of tearing the earth’s mantle. It’s the third ray that can have such an impact. The intersection points can trigger the tectonic plates into massive Earth changes. This is avoidable but we, the Ascended Masters, must work with all humans who can connect to us. There are many off-planet, extra-terrestrial intelligences that will assist you in creating a time gap. Earth must be moved beyond space and time for a short duration. The recent intensities over this past week that have been observed are ionic, affected by the ionic changes as these first two cosmic rays enter Earth’s planes. They have not yet intersected, but are expected to do so on the planet on August 7th.The harmony of the dove, the harmony of peace, is viable now. The Ninth Octave is essential so that the community of light-workers may focus on the Grandmothers so as to establish a heart matrix, a mantle. This is to stabilize the Earth’s dynamic energy, to prepare to transcend space and time so as to avoid the place, in the space-time continuum, where the rift would tear the mantle of the Earth. The 13 Grandmothers have prepared a time for global peace prayer. We, the Ascended Masters and your benevolent cosmic family, will connect to you at that time. It is essential that everyone form a heart, holographic heart. This holographic heart will sustain the impact of the August 7th intersection in England and ultimately the Earth will be moved beyond space-time on August 7th and be returned into this timeline after the cataclysm.Some of you may have seen this occur in car accidents where time is spliced and passengers are moved beyond the damage of that accident. We must now do this for Earth. We must move Earth beyond the time frame of cataclysm when the cosmic rays enter the mantle of the planet. This can be done through the opening of a holographic heart on August 5th and we continue to focus on peace. Those days of August 5th, 6th and 7th are the final days for the manifestation of new consciousness, harmonic polarities and interactions between your mind and the Mind of God, the Heart of Creation.It is essential that you maintain your own personal balance, staying in the peaceful center so as not to allow extreme energies of unresolved fears or any chaos factor to create dysfunction or disharmony. It is essential, after the 5-7 August that you pray for peace during your daily movements and activities. The community of faith on this planet is a powerful force of creation now.You who receive this message will be the transducers for the collective and as you work with this field, try to visualize, through the Ray of Sananda, that the Earth becomes the holographic heart.The heart chakra on the planet will be supported by the cosmic spiral and by all other chakra systems. All other chakra systems support the heart chakra and the Earth will be absorbed in the energy of the heart chakra. This is a time, which calls upon your compassion, when your love is to be the force of creation that will transcend physical potential reality and create a different reality through the holographic heart, the Ray of Sananda. This will, in turn, trigger the heart response over these three days that will be felt by all humans, on one level or another. You are asked to feel love, and to feel it powerfully. These three days are essential to the experience of loving communication, loving exchange from the heart source of your God Self. This will trigger waves of the vibration of Sananda throughout the global collective experience.We are not asking you to meditate for three days. You are being asked, instead, to be conscious of your actions, thoughts, words and deeds over these three days with a total focus on the heart and on positive thought. Your energy fields generate powerful ionic forces. When you think positively it sustains the Earth through its changes and challenges. When you allow your minds to become occupied with old-paradigm thinking, the ionic field of the planet is actually affected. You are the Bringers of the Dawn. You have stepped forward to be agents of harmony for the polar opposites that create discord through dense vibrations. You must now hold every mind, every human on this planet in thoughts of compassion and support.Lift up your fellow humans, lift them up into the light, lift them up into the heart of Sananda, and lift them up into the Ray of Sananda. The whole planet’s vibration, through the Ray of the Dove, through the ray of peace, through the Ninth Octave must sustain a harmony you will have accomplished during your world peace prayers.This harmony must be sustained through the 5th, 6th and 7th of August. This is to be accomplished, not just by your prayers and meditations, but by the way you live, for that is the greatest prayer and meditation. Your daily compassion is the greatest prayer and meditation: your daily focus on peaceful communication, on conflict resolution, on dreaming. This will be a powerful time to dream of things which bring harmony to the Earth - the plans that you have for global-renovation projects. This is the time to focus on the manifestation aspect of peace projects, education projects, healing projects. Focus! If you are a healer, focus on your healing during those days. Use your gifts, use your skills. If you are an artist, focus on art. If you are a mother focus on your child. Whatever your vocation and activity, bring your every energy to fruition, through your ability to manifest peace, create beauty and sustain the harmony for these three days. This is the assistance that we, the Ascended Masters, need.. A total focus for three days.The ionic dissonance has already begun. This transmission advises you of the essential field that you may participate in, together with us and with your cosmic brothers, the cosmic Christ Council, the Brethren of Light, through your cosmic light family, the Cosmic Christ.This message is to be sent into the world web from Lord Sananda. When you receive this message, know with confidence that you have already transcended this challenge.You have nothing to fear. This cataclysm will not be, but your participation is an absolutely essential element of the pattern that will carry you in the transformative sense. This pattern, once the cosmic rays enter Gaia’s Trinity Gate, will open to the cosmic force. But this entrance will have a great impact and you will be able to help avoid any catastrophic effects on the Earth’s mantle and the Earth’s changes.We bring this message to your heart and you, the family of light, who are the tools for the Ascension energies. Many of you are already living in ascension patterns, you are living on new timelines. You are to think of yourselves as if in a boat, the Ascension ship, the lightship similar to those, which served in the ascension of the Anasazi (or Anastasi) Native American people. You are on that ascension plane now and you can form a life raft for the Earth with the holographic heart of Sananda, the Ray of Sananda. We, the Ascended Masters, will be with you. Your Cosmic Christ Light family supports you and works through you; your masters and guides will work through you. All is in order, all is in Divine and perfect harmony. Your awareness that you truly have the opportunity to transcend this massive cataclysm, creates a pattern for the transformation of your hologram of the planet.Once the Gaia gate and the trinity rays are in place in the Earth heart matrix, it will be a powerful cosmic force to facilitate the transformation of the old hologram. It will facilitate into manifest form the new hologram.. The Eagle Count Calendar is the time calendar, the rhythm for you to transcend and go beyond all physical potential and no longer be limited by the perception of physical challenges. This has been shown to you, for example, by miraculous cures from cancer. You are no longer limited by the physical body and the Earth, which is no longer limited by her historical physical limitations that created Earth changes in the past and during great cycles of change.But this is an absolute and ultimate moment for co-operation among the groups of light-beings despite apparent differences. Now is the time for unity, for Sananda’s holographic heart, to sustain the planet and transcend any physical limitations.I, Sananda, bring you this message in full confidence that you have already prepared yourselves. You have surrendered to peace, you have surrendered to faith, and you have prepared yourselves. But these three days will be the ones that open the greatest potential and the greatest opportunity for you. And on August 8, you will reach the Infinity Gate.Kadoish, Kadoish, Kadoish, Adonai, SebayotYod Hey Vod Hey, YahwehAs above, so below, As the spirit, so the soulAs without, so within, as within so without.Blessed be. So be it, and so it is.Amen.
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Being; Becoming Both

August 2009Many things in life are simply a matter of perspective. We can say, “I stand here the accumulation of all I have experienced, thus, the most I have ever been”. Conversely, we can say, “I stand here peering out at eternity, thus, the least of what I will ever be”. Both perspectives are correct but neither describes who we are until place them in the same sentence, seeing ourselves as both at the same time. We often dissect reality but we are whole, being neither this nor that but them. To think of ourselves merely as children of the universe diminishes us. We preceded time and space. We were present when force condensed into energy, when energy compressed into matter, and the universe came into being. We danced with the angels when stars were formed, and the light of wisdom shone out through each of them across an ever expanding universe. We sang accompanied by the music of the spheres as the energies formed the gases, the vapors, the liquid and finally the solid upon which we would plant our feet. When the music became form, and the form became us, we possessed the means with which to interact with matter. We are not children but cocreators of the universe and we cannot be measured by its physical size. Yet, we are gods in the making, and the entire universe has been placed in our care.To see ourselves as everything inhibits our growth, but to see ourselves as nothing shrivels an aspiring soul. We are simultaneously everything and something, creator and created. There is nothing we are not but there is much we have not yet experienced. This is where we find ourselves, this is our lot, this is our destiny; we are everything become something, so that something may become everything. When we question our reason for being, the answer should be “for experience”. For it is only through experience something may become everything.Let us not feel crushed with the weight of who we are or what we may become but to understand we are in the arms of that Infinite Loving Kindness we call God. We will not be overcome for what is too large, too difficult for our precious Lord. Our God is the designer, the keeper of our ultimate perfection, and there are no obstacles along the path He has not, in his infinite wisdom, allowed for. When the journey gets difficult, when the obstacles seem daunting, it is helpful to remember our gracious Lord has promised us we will never be faced by more than we can constructively deal with. Likewise, as aspiring souls, fragments of God, we will not retreat from the challenge. We will not be defeated though we often fear we will. There is placed before us each day, all that we need to experience our own divinity. We can feast upon the banquet or nibble upon its crumbs. The choice is ever our own.May God bless you and surround you with such tenderness that you will remember you are an eternal child of Infinite Loving Kindness, against which nothing can prevail.________________________Harvey A. Green, LLCP.O. Box 457Kailua, HI 96734(808) 358-5440www.spiritjournalhawaii.com
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MESSAGE FROM VIOLINIO GERMAIN July 28, 2009 TuesdayThrough Anne BellringerGreetings to you from the Lighted Realms. I am Violinio Germain, One with Creation/Creator Source. I am Master Teacher and Wayshower and have come to give you ones a message pertinent to these end times.It is with great joy that I can say the Hosts of Heaven are upon your plane at this time. The Adversary and his minions have risen in power to the point of annihilation of not only your planet but her people, as well. Satan/Lucifer has not stopped in his conquest of Planet Earth. His minions, whom I will refer to, as those who follow his bidding, are far more advanced in evil than Satan himself. They are teaching Satan how to be evil!Who are Satan’s minions? It is those, who have risen in power in your country and over the world. This comprises your government, its leaders, politicians and many others, who support your government. It comprises all leaders of the governments of the world, who support control, greed and power of all people, and the planet itself. They are very willful, and have no conscience of taking from the people to satisfy their lust for power. It is very similar to Satan/Lucifer wanting to be God.It is that evil never stops wanting more and more and more, and these ones are never satisfied until the ultimate control of the entire universe is achieved.Your planet is a freewill planet, and these minions, who follow Satan, have willfully given up their will to the will of Satan. So it is with every souled being on your planet. They have the freewill to either follow Darkness or Light. Many of your people have allowed themselves to be cloned. The cloning of many of your people occurred many years ago, so that clones begat clones. You have a planet filled with clones, all of whom are there for the lessons of you souled ones.I could not agree more with Patrick’s latest “Hello, Central! What can We Do To Stop Obama and His Crooks?” Why do I say this? It is because the Hosts of Heaven guided the writing of this article to help many, who feel so helpless against the powers of Darkness.Each of you souled ones have the Power of Creator within you, and you must use that power to overcome the wiles of the Dark ones, who come upon you with subtle suggestions, urging you to do just “one little thing”, until you are hooked into the evil snare and your God Spirit within dwindles to a bare little light. Satan is not after those, who already follow him. He is after those, who are of the Light, for he desires all to follow him, eventually ALL in the Universe.You souled ones are here for your lessons, and the choices you make for the Light assure you of your graduation into 5th dimension, where no evil exists. All souled beings have the same lessons, and no one graduates until the lessons are learned.Also, you must know that, as Patrick said in his “Hello, Central!”, the time for the intervention of the Hosts of Heaven is upon you. The Darkside has all but destroyed Mother Earth with the poisoning of her air, water and land, raping the minerals, and caring only to exploit and take her riches to make themselves kings. They have tried many means to depopulate this planet, but have not been successful. Now, their final plan is to commit world genocide with the forced H1N1 vaccination designed to kill billions of people. Those in the U.S, who would refuse, would be placed in a containment/concentration (death) camp. Their Satanic desire has driven them to the point of mass genocide of Mother Earth’s people, as well as the destruction of Mother Earth. Creator Source has said, NO, as this is forbidden by Cosmic Law. It is not up to Satan to determine, who shall live and who shall die. It is at this point that Divine Intervention happens. We are at that point, now!I have worked diligently with those, who are to implement the NESARA Mission and bring the entire world to the gold standard system. However, the more the Darkside delays, the more Mother Earth will reach the point of dumping this whole mess. Right now, I am hoping that this Mission can be accomplished before Mother Earth makes her cleansing move into 5th Dimension. The Darkside has run out of options. They are screaming mad, doing everything to maintain control, but that shall soon end. They CANNOT WIN!I am very hopeful we can accomplish the NESARA Mission very soon!How much time we would have to clean up Mother Earth after the NESARA Mission is accomplished is unknown, as that decision is up to Mother Earth. She is ready to be birthed into 5th dimension. That is why Sananda waits aboard the Phoenix on Red Alert to take his people home.Know that the Light always wins. What can you do? You of the Light must continue to hold the Light with your prayers and petitions. Keep your Light burning with your God Power and faith in knowing that the Light always wins. Follow what Patrick has said in his latest “Hello, Central!” His words are those of the Hosts of Heaven.Thank you for your time. I am Violinio Germain, Teacher and Wayshower, and one with CREATION/CREATOR SOURCE.Salu to all mine
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Appealling to Angels for Assistance

I have found a question posed to me very interesting which some of you might wish to answer. Which angel would you call upon to remove a curse. Immediately the image of Lord Michael, or Archangel Michael comes to mind. I have a list on my page which lists all the angels names for specific requests. When I do my daily meditations I particularly call to the angel bands of the Seven Rays. If you are a member of Ascended Master Teachings, I AM University, or Summit Lighthouse you will know to which I refer. They are as listed here:Archangel Michael and his divine complement Faith of the Blue Ray, Will of GodArchangel Chamuel and his divine complement Charity of the Ruby Ray, LoveArchangel Jophiel and his divine complement Christine of the Yellow Ray, IlluminationArchangel Gabriel and his divine complement Hope, White Ray, Purity, Joy, AscensionArchangel Raphael and his divine complement Mary (Queen of Angels), Emerald Ray, healing, vision, wholenessArchangel Uriel and his divine complement Aurora Grace, Purple Ray, Service, Resurrection, BrotherhoodArchangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst his divine complement, Violet Ray, Freedom, Forgiveness, Transmutationto find further information please visit this site: believe that if you invoke any of the Rays and their colors as well, that you will receive the qualities, virtues, etc. of each of those Rays. It is important at this point to be balanced in all Ray qualities, but most effective appears the invokation of the Violet Flame for many reasons. It will remove dross, or rather transmute darkness into light. It aids well in healing. (Very useful in meditations and visualizations). Rember the Elohim for invocation as well, and especially Arcturus and his divine complement Victoria of the Violet Flame. In this period of ascension it is imperative that we learn and apply all we can for ourselves and others who are eager to know these eternal verities. I hope that this post will help some who read, and inspire others to comment or post similar blogs. Thank you to all who take the time to read this information!
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Uriel on Present Ascension Cycle

Uriel on the Present Ascension CycleUriel is the Archangel of the 6th Ray of Divine Service (purple in color)Accepting your role as creators in the third dimension has been a difficult task as you have used its polarity to reinforce the negative aspects of your experiences and the illusion of separation and powerlessness that were one option among many that you could use to define your journey. The density of the earth's energies present you with an opportunity to create from spirit, to mold them into the embodiment of their divine Source. You direct these energies and as you manifest higher levels of creation with them, you form new dimensions and allow ascension to occur.Your job on earth is to create and to take the third dimension through its creation cycle. While you partner with Source in this process you are the ones who are able to work with the earth's energies; this is the human dimension and you have authority and dominion over these energies. The more you focus on the creative aspects of your energies and set your intention for the creation of your realities, the transformation of polarity and your ascension, you are enabling ascension to occur as it will happen through your efforts.Ascension is not limited to the earth and the third dimension. All of your solar system, galaxy and Universe are ascending at this time. Your role in this process is to keep the energy flowing, to move it through this cycle and to remember your power in this process. You are not limited in any aspect of your power as co-creator and you are responsible for your ascension. You are not passengers in this process; you are at the forefront of this shift and while there are energy transmissions, shifts and downloads that assist you, they are possible because of the work that you have done to prepare for them.The creation cycle is a continuous process of transformation and ascension that you have participated in during many lifetimes. This time is the end of a cycle for the earth and for humanity. Work with your creative energy continuously as you are creating the ascension as you move through it. You cannot wait for the Universe, the angels or your guides to act, they are supporting you and the creation that you are enabling. Creation stops if you stop creating and it moves forward as you continue in your efforts. So create your ascension and remember that you are in control of this process. Be aware of your power and the important role you play in creating heaven on earth and allowing the ascension to occur at this time.
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Behaviors and their Consequences

Behavior and its Consequences“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."Actually this idea concerning behavior is of utmost importance to me, and one I wheel about in my head or mind constantly. If people know how they ‘ought to’ behave, but don’t…what does that say about them? The ‘I don’t care’ attitude generally shows itself big time! If this behavior were shown to a supervisor, it would be “out the door with ya”. But it seems that this behavior is just fine to display to other co-workers. I have experienced this sort of thing (directed towards me) numerous times. In fact it is just the reason I just left a job this very week. When you find another shaking their head and wagging their finger, while using disparaging words, you aren’t even so much concerned with the content of the words as you are the attitude displayed. It is a matter of respect or disrespect as far as I am concerned. It has been said in the post that there are too many that think they have all the answers or demonstrate every capability that ever needs demonstration. It is pure arrogance in action. It matters not that the person can type, do data entry, or open mail faster or more accurately than the next. But this is the point another will make, whether or not they know the facts. I have worked and lived in job settings that involve showing quotas and percentages of 100% or more. It seems that one slave will try to outdo another, or if they believe the other isn’t doing as much of whatever they do, then the supervisor needs to pay attention and give them their due, etc. etc. I have learned through the years in my own way that people enjoy showing their smarts (and smart assed manners if I may put it so) more than working in cooperation with one another as in a team. If team effort is mentioned, then one member will automatically expect all the other team members to ‘do it their way’ or the highway…so-to-speak. I am sure there are those that know exactly what I mean. It has become a dog eat dog world. I have come to understand there is nothing spiritual in playing this sort of rat race or hamster wheel running. The attitudes are not as they ought to be. I have read Spiritualist books that speak of one entering into the ‘other side’ and there is one waiting ‘to be of service’ in the kindest manner possible. Do you expect to find such here in this 3D world? If so it is rare indeed. I go on and on with the preaching in this regard, whether to myself, or anyone who will listen, but seemingly to no avail. It appears no one listens and takes heed to demonstrate such wonderful expressions as ‘how may I be of service” or “is there anything I may do for you?” Because this lays on my mind so heavily, I decided to actually write up this little talk in document form and keep it handy for future reference. I continue: There are those who seem to know all about what is going on in the world regarding money, politics, etc. But when you mention anything about the earth and it’s people in ascension mode, no one I know has any idea what I am talking about. Mention the photon belt, or prosperity programs and no one has a clue. It is all made up disinformation, according to them all, put out there on the Internet, and ‘if you believe anything you read on the Internet, you are duped for sure’. So, you see, most of us are into conspiracy theories or anything of that nature when we discuss the Galactic Federation and the like. In fact, living in the Bible belt of this United States, you are certain to come across scoffers of every kind, especially from the fundamentalist ranks. You don’t dare mention a site where Jesus asks and answers the questions today….which is a site I regularly visit. These things are just not sound Bible. You don’t even mention that a homosexual has a chance to enter heaven, even though mediums have demonstrated many have and are doing very well. It is because it is not Bible based and is actually heresy to believe such things. Attitudes continue and people will continue in the mode they see fit, until they suffer a near death experience and see the light, or until 5D finally overtakes us, or we go to the light chambers to finally open up to all we ever knew and were and are at any point in time in space to come out a ‘new creature’. This according to the Planetary Activation Organization and Sheldan Nidle. Or, you may read Matthew’s Messages to find out the latest from a 4D perspective on the goings on of earth and its peoples. One may have many a view and habit, such as chanting Nam-myo-ho-renge-kyo or doing decree work with the Ascended Masters. I have done all these things, but I have tried my best to use the magic staff of Andrew Jackson Davis in Spiritualism: “in all things keep an even mind”. I find a hurricane of attitudes round about me, but try to remain in the eye in spite of it all. Here I am one of the poorest in the nation, just on the verge of being homeless, while others tout a self-righteous “you make your own world by your choices”. I listen to it all, and continue in what I know best and hope that others will see a little value in who I am, despite my age of 56 this coming August 2nd. “Maybe my music will finally be heard and appreciated”, I say. But who can ever know the final outcome? I rant and rave only to myself perhaps, but at least I know that the Akashic records keep a record for all who have any interest at all in hearing this ‘voice in the wilderness’ Last piece of advice, may I please offer here? Never tell others you are bored. Never tell others you don’t care. These are the things that show low vibration and discordant attitudes. There are many who have died or made their transition, rather, who wish that they could be right where you are now, in their regrets as they review their lives and see how others were affected. May your life be filled with joy, compassion, peace, creativity and eagerness to be of service.
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Qualifications(and how they play a role in life)Do you qualify? In this day and age where standards and qualifications seem to mean so much to anyone seeking employment, hiring an employee, reaching for opportunities in such a competitive environment one must ask this very question. But the true contemplative will ponder further. Who says I qualify, or why do I believe I qualify? You say, “I have earned my right and privilege”, or “I have put in my time.” The disappointment may come when you are booted for another who appears to have more qualifications than you do. Maybe you are unaware that the choice made was better for all concerned and yet you hang on to the nagging feeling of disappointment or anger associated with that choice. Just this evening I watched a movie that has been out for a couple of years that brought this point home. But in the movie the characters did not show upset so much as a desire for cooperation. You may have seen the movie of the nymph found in the swimming pool, who before reaching her final destiny had to be the catalyst for several events to unfold that taught a true lesson in ‘qualifications’. The landlord who gathered all those he thought to be qualified to play their respected parts, found in the end that the choices he had made did not turn out to be the needed matrix of gifts or qualifications lying dormant in each individual. But the end result demonstrated that team work paid off. There were great difficulties to muddle through, yet joy and light prevailed. It is this kind of movie that moves me greatly and leads me to ponder in my own life what truly qualifies anyone at any given moment to be ‘the one’ to carry out any given task or assignment. This type of theme is found in much literature and spiritual work, including the Bible. If at any given point in time one feels resentment at having not been considered as a candidate with qualifications for a particular task at hand, one must step back and become all the wiser and control that emotion or overcome it at best. The lesson here is that team work plays an integral part in that which is for the best of all concerned. The truly useful idea or intent is an orientation towards service. This will be implemented in the work place as well as home environment. All relationships will benefit from the contemplation of this notion and ideal. Do you feel that you too will experience the benefit of the inclusiveness that comes from team work and service? Consider and ponder the implications if you will. I do not consider myself a good example of all I have just relayed to you. I wonder how I might respond in situations that would require such needed team work and service. And yet we are all tested to some degree daily, however slight, in this regard. How will you respond when you are given the opportunity to prove yourself as a team participant, rather than a ‘qualified’ leader? You might just be surprised at the end result. meSteve Filkins is a resident in Oklahoma City. Known mostly in music circles, Steve also writes on subjects of interest including Pets, Spiritual, and the Humorous. Having lived with an Air Force father, Steve traveled all over the US as a youngster and even lived in Ankara, Turkey for 4 years just before the World's Fair in New York of 1964. Making his home in Oklahoma City, Steve prides himself in musical accomplishments involving piano and voice, and gets paid regularly for both activities. If you would like to know more about his original music you may visit his newly established website and feel free to check out the links. You'll find Helium is one of them. site:
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