Malechite's Posts (193)

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Solstice Energy 2016 Massive and More To Come

I’m not familiar with the man who created this video—but thank you for it kind sir—and I thought it should be shared for anyone that’s been feeling extra terrible over the past four or five days. 

I’ve been getting zapped (static electricity) constantly since December 17th.

I’ve also been crying for no reason whatsoever off and on since about then too. Stomach/gut area bloated again and feeling half sick from eating much of anything. My hair has been looking and feeling like it’s lacking vital life-force again.

Also I’ve had the old Ascension Flu aches, pains and chills again, constant inner ear ringing, HighHeart chest and back/spine pains, severe inner cold, super sensitivity to just about everything and everyone, feeling a strange emotional sensation of ‘Life on earth is ending now!’ type thing that I sense is literally pulsing around the entire earth repeatedly and many, many people are feeling this in varying degrees and not understanding it or why they’re feeling like they are.

Also have felt ‘wired and tired’ over the past few days with daytime naps or decent night sleep practically nonexistent for the past five days or so.

That ‘Life on earth is ending now!’ sensation is due to our having reached the end of 2016s 9 energies of completion at the December Solstice period (days before 12-21 and days after it) while we’re sailing through the Zero Zone of no time in between what’s ending and what’s starting to begin (2017 1 energies of NEW beginnings) at a much higher level. 

Relax, self-care and release, release, release and hold open your HighHeart to receive, receive, receive more greater NEW. To hell with the old traditions/holidays, this is planetary and species-wide compressed evolution and further shifting into more of the NEW right here, right now. Trust it and release the old lower and hold open to receive, to embody the NEW higher and let your body move through the evolutionary DNA advances it’s experiencing now.

No fear, just more highly compressed evolution during this last December Solstice and Galactic Alignment completion that we will never experience again.


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Divine Feminine Tsunami



     Where we are today has been building for eons, but we really began to take notice this year. And here we are at the biggest jump off point that I think we have ever experienced in this life time! If you are not feeling quite ready for the current energies, join the club... and keep reading. We have hope and solutions. 

Ascended Masters all over the world are upgrading and turning UP the volume in many power points on the Earth. This action is a cleansing, purifying, violet flame on steroids according to Archangel Michael. I have been shown Mt. Shasta quite strongly, also lake Titicaca; both are major hubs for releasing this energy.

Others hubs include Uluru, Glastonbury Tor, Avebury, Palenque Mexico, Sedona Arizona, the crystal mountains in Arkansas, Lake Louise in Canada. Quirigua Guatemala, Ollantambo Peru, Tiwanaku Bolivia etc.... The power hub list just goes on and on.

Recent energies over the past months have been a self-leveling time line backwash, taking us to a depth that I have not felt for 33 years. We are in the middle of a shifting paradigm hurricane. It is massive and seriously uncomfortable for sensitive ones, and it is supposed to be. We can go a little crazy just before we have a quantum awaking. This awakening is not just for the elite and the conscious few. This is global, and most of humanity will be touched by this event.

There is a massive overhaul of all shadow aspects of humanity happening right now. What was effective before, no longer is, as the costs is too high to bear any longer. Ego lessons have been simply brutal, and our self-esteem and self-knowing is under repair and rebalancing now. Many have had an avalanche of body issues that are now beginning to clear as well. Emotionally it has been insane. But now we know where all our weak or sore places are. This time it showed us how far we were off our path, blinded by an old paradigm ... or did it? Did we just have a huge wake up tsunami!

(The Star Elders)
"The purpose of the entire year has been about realigning sacred ley lines, (feminine created ley lines) and elevating the universal Divine Feminine. Recently, in your world, there has been a grand illusion that the divine feminine was being restricted once again, even after decades of your hard work to release and free this creative energy. This is further from the truth. Current and future events have been planned in heavenly and masterly realms to trigger and shake loose ridged ego patterns, to awaken the human masses, and will continue to do so."

This is a mass acceleration of the divine feminine. This is a revolution of pure LOVE and CREATIVE power, an all encompassing awakening. This will bring up any and all shadow elements that are not in alignment with the new paradigm's upgraded law of creation. The great mother, the divine feminine, the creative force of the universe, Kali, Sekhmet, etc... are pulsing at full force through our very souls now. She is waking up and she is ... well ... pissed! The bow has been drawn back all the way now, and she is in the process of unleashing huge amounts of righteous and ferocious, eons of pent up creative energy. Humanity has misused her precious energy. We have crossed the great mother, and now she is going to move through humanity like a freight train to bring balance back to Earth.

Earth herself is quaking deep inside. We can feel this in the pits of our solar Plexus, thus causing some challenging digestive issues. Wild sudden storms, fires, and increased earthquakes, to name a few, will help the Earth rebalance and raise its vibration to even a higher level. Be mindful if you are called to move or get out of the way. There will be adequate warning for any event. No worries. You are physically safe, but keep your eyes open and your lights on people. Your souls are beginning the massive ascent to a new cycle of time, and a new paradigm.

What you might have been feeling for the last month or so ... Hopelessness, fear, depression, rage, anxiety, stomach issues (fear), heart burn (agitation), kidney issues (hopelessness), feeling fragmented and confusion (not knowing which direction to take). Self esteem issues (feeling unworthy) and even deep self-loathing. Relationship break ups or massive melt downs. Major illnesses or even loss of life, even suicide. The most insidious one is the resurfacing of ancient traumas even from last lives. These are so deep that there is no way to describe them as it almost feels like a poison deep inside that is being detoxed and cleared out. Yes... This not an easy list to read or to live through as well. But there is hope and light at the end of the tunnel.

I still am being shown that when we exit 2016, it will help us turn to a new leaf. We will rebalance the massive wobbles that we have been going through, and we will be in a much different place than before. Our perspectives and work will change and will reach higher and deeper levels than before. You may not know what these are at the moment but they will be revealed quite soon.

A simple process from the Star Elders and Ascended Masters ... I have been told that if you have gotten this far, to the end of this article, there are legions of masters and angels that will assist you through this huge transition right now. Please... If your are called to do so, allow the Ascended Masters to assist you.

They are with you now.

Breathe deep. Bring in this new, accelerated, violet fire that is entering your local area right now as you read this. Then exhale out the poison of the old paradigm. It is SIMPLE as all truth is... As you breathe ... Imagine yourself enveloped in a huge violet fire. Allow it to burn away all the poison of the past world down to every molecule of your body, mind and spirit. Ask that this take place through all time, space and dimension, past, present and future, body, mind and spirit. And allow it to permeate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. So be it! Now ... Let go of who you thought you were, and allow your eyes to open even wider to who you are becoming now!

Expect surprises and many course corrections that you could have never seen in the past. Remember... You cannot overdose on light, only become ill on past poison. This is simple, as it should be, and very effective. Repeat as necessary.

From the Star Elders ....
"Awakening is not complicated. It is simple and intuitive. Truth is alive in you, not spoken at you in rhythmic melodic tones like an angel. It is experienced instantaneously, like a lightning bolt from source, that once experienced, no one can ever return to their original form."


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OLD SOULS IN THE NEW ENERGY" alt="consciousness" srcset=" 400x,"> 150x,"> 300x" sizes="(max-width: 400px) 100vw, 400px" width="400" height="271" />

 Many people have been experiencing unusual bursts of energy and are unsure what to attribute it to.  It could be from solar flares and coronal mass ejections or it might be the energy being sent from the galactic center of our galaxy.

As we look at the world today, it is tempting to think of it as dark and falling apart. We are, however, in a transition process.

Humanity is moving into higher consciousness, and we now have more positive energy on the planet than we have negative. For centuries, we functioned from an old, negative consciousness of war, violence, cruelty, and the need for power. This is now changing. The change may seem slow; but, humanity is shifting toward peace, cooperation, and compassion.

It may not seem this way at this time, but the increased negativity we see is the dark consciousness putting up its last fight for survival. Dark energy will resist change, even if that change is for the better. We are creatures of habit and we tend to like the way things are; or, we often wish to go back to the way things were. We enjoy the familiar, even if the familiar is negative.

Human consciousness is now shining more light upon the planet. Because of this, we are becoming a positive world. This increased light does have its temporary problems. It will bring out the suppressed darkness that was within humans for a long time.

If a light is shined into an abandoned warehouse, rats and other pests scatter and run around. The pests were always there; they were merely hiding in the dark. As more light shines from human consciousness the world becomes more transparent; the deviousness of people becomes known. The new consciousness will not tolerate shady ways of thinking anymore.

We see examples of this in various forms of protests, social and environmental movements, and/or the exposure of corruption in political systems and corporations. The world is now giving a clear message that it wants change for the better. The new consciousness is different and unlike anything we have had in our history.

For example, the new humanity wants desperately to stop the wars and violence, but the old consciousness still believes it is the only solution. The mindset of the old consciousness is to overpower, conquer, and seek revenge. The new consciousness calls for peace, compassion, dignity, and respect. The old consciousness was division thinking (us-versus-them mentality), and the new consciousness is a unified approach: “We are all one, and we must work with and help one another.”

When it comes to the new energy, many of us may have already felt this shift in thinking. If so, it is because we are ready for the new energy. Consciousness has been evolving for many lifetimes.

If you feel within that you are a spiritual worker (an “old soul”), then this is an important time. You have been working on this shift for humanity for many lifetimes as an integral part of this healing process for planet Earth! All intentions, meditations, prayers, activities and self-insight have all come together to change human consciousness.

Overcoming personal struggles reflects that healing to the rest of humanity as well. In feeling peaceful, those “peaceful vibrations” are sent to the minds of others, whether you are aware of this or not. True change and healing occurs at the energetic level of creation. As individual minds heal, the world heals. Mind is causation and the physical world is effect. Therefore, the ills of the world must be solved at the source; which is thinking, energy and consciousness.

In this new energy, we are now ready for big work-and that is to truly feel our spiritual mastery. In order to speed up the process of peace and harmony, we must, as individuals, create peace and harmony within our own hearts FIRST.

In the old consciousness, this was not always easy to do, up against the dark at every turn. The good news is that, in the new consciousness, various problems of the world will be resolved easier and quicker than before. In technology for example, we have seen more technological advances in the last 20 years than we have seen in the last two thousand years. Just as leaps and bounds were made in technologies, imagine the same leaps and bounds occurring in your spiritual awakening. We can do far more in much less time.

Shine and continue to shine your energetic light. Fear not what is shown on the news. It is only a transition process. All that occurs is happening in the appropriateness of our human evolution.

To brighten your light, drop any drama and negativity by resisting any tendencies to try and fix, fight, or make your past different. The past is old energy. Let it be and set it free. There is nothing in negativity that you need. Walk away from it with courage and confidence.

Remember that spiritual light is your primary focus. This will heal and increase the positive energy within yourself and the planet as well. Hold thoughts of peace and compassion (especially compassion for yourself) as often as possible in any ways that you can. You cannot help anyone in darkness if you are sinking in darkness yourself.

It takes strength to help the weak. It takes health and wellness to heal the sick. Only light, compassion, and power can help those in the dark. Be that which you came here to be.

Compassion for self is our self-worth. As we increase our self-worth all things change for the better. Our world is not suffering because we do not have enough resources. We suffer when a majority of people do not have love and self-worth.

The degradation of society is due to greed, lack of integrity, and the hunger for power-all done in an unconscious attempt to fill the void in the human psyche. This void is sourced in low self-worth or negative consciousness. If people in general felt more secure and loving within themselves, thoughts of hate, jealousy, cruelty, power trips, or violence would not be found in their hearts and mind at all. The world would then know harmony.

Become the peace, become the love, become the joy, and become the kindness you wish to see in the world. Expand these qualities within yourself FIRST, and allow the work of your old soul to enhance our present power. Spiritual workers now have new and greater energy to support their efforts.

This is the strength and foundation that lies waiting through your many lifetimes. Each person’s energy and consciousness is far reaching. Do not let it go to waste on negativity. It is time for us all to exercise our spiritual mastery and help carry our planet Earth to its next level of evolution: a planet of love, goodness, and benevolence.

Bob Mangroo

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Many people have been experiencing unusual bursts of energy and are unsure what to attribute it to.  It could be from solar flares and coronal mass ejections or it might be the energy being sent from the galactic center of our galaxy.

As we look at the world today, it is tempting to think of it as dark and falling apart. We are, however, in a transition process.

Humanity is moving into higher consciousness, and we now have more positive energy on the planet than we have negative. For centuries, we functioned from an old, negative consciousness of war, violence, cruelty, and the need for power. This is now changing. The change may seem slow; but, humanity is shifting toward peace, cooperation, and compassion.

It may not seem this way at this time, but the increased negativity we see is the dark consciousness putting up its last fight for survival. Dark energy will resist change, even if that change is for the better. We are creatures of habit and we tend to like the way things are; or, we often wish to go back to the way things were. We enjoy the familiar, even if the familiar is negative.

Human consciousness is now shining more light upon the planet. Because of this, we are becoming a positive world. This increased light does have its temporary problems. It will bring out the suppressed darkness that was within humans for a long time.

If a light is shined into an abandoned warehouse, rats and other pests scatter and run around. The pests were always there; they were merely hiding in the dark. As more light shines from human consciousness the world becomes more transparent; the deviousness of people becomes known. The new consciousness will not tolerate shady ways of thinking anymore.

We see examples of this in various forms of protests, social and environmental movements, and/or the exposure of corruption in political systems and corporations. The world is now giving a clear message that it wants change for the better. The new consciousness is different and unlike anything we have had in our history.

For example, the new humanity wants desperately to stop the wars and violence, but the old consciousness still believes it is the only solution. The mindset of the old consciousness is to overpower, conquer, and seek revenge. The new consciousness calls for peace, compassion, dignity, and respect. The old consciousness was division thinking (us-versus-them mentality), and the new consciousness is a unified approach: “We are all one, and we must work with and help one another.”

When it comes to the new energy, many of us may have already felt this shift in thinking. If so, it is because we are ready for the new energy. Consciousness has been evolving for many lifetimes.

If you feel within that you are a spiritual worker (an “old soul”), then this is an important time. You have been working on this shift for humanity for many lifetimes as an integral part of this healing process for planet Earth! All intentions, meditations, prayers, activities and self-insight have all come together to change human consciousness.

Overcoming personal struggles reflects that healing to the rest of humanity as well. In feeling peaceful, those “peaceful vibrations” are sent to the minds of others, whether you are aware of this or not. True change and healing occurs at the energetic level of creation. As individual minds heal, the world heals. Mind is causation and the physical world is effect. Therefore, the ills of the world must be solved at the source; which is thinking, energy and consciousness.

In this new energy, we are now ready for big work-and that is to truly feel our spiritual mastery. In order to speed up the process of peace and harmony, we must, as individuals, create peace and harmony within our own hearts FIRST.

In the old consciousness, this was not always easy to do, up against the dark at every turn. The good news is that, in the new consciousness, various problems of the world will be resolved easier and quicker than before. In technology for example, we have seen more technological advances in the last 20 years than we have seen in the last two thousand years. Just as leaps and bounds were made in technologies, imagine the same leaps and bounds occurring in your spiritual awakening. We can do far more in much less time.

Shine and continue to shine your energetic light. Fear not what is shown on the news. It is only a transition process. All that occurs is happening in the appropriateness of our human evolution.

To brighten your light, drop any drama and negativity by resisting any tendencies to try and fix, fight, or make your past different. The past is old energy. Let it be and set it free. There is nothing in negativity that you need. Walk away from it with courage and confidence.

Remember that spiritual light is your primary focus. This will heal and increase the positive energy within yourself and the planet as well. Hold thoughts of peace and compassion (especially compassion for yourself) as often as possible in any ways that you can. You cannot help anyone in darkness if you are sinking in darkness yourself.

It takes strength to help the weak. It takes health and wellness to heal the sick. Only light, compassion, and power can help those in the dark. Be that which you came here to be.

Compassion for self is our self-worth. As we increase our self-worth all things change for the better. Our world is not suffering because we do not have enough resources. We suffer when a majority of people do not have love and self-worth.

The degradation of society is due to greed, lack of integrity, and the hunger for power-all done in an unconscious attempt to fill the void in the human psyche. This void is sourced in low self-worth or negative consciousness. If people in general felt more secure and loving within themselves, thoughts of hate, jealousy, cruelty, power trips, or violence would not be found in their hearts and mind at all. The world would then know harmony.

Become the peace, become the love, become the joy, and become the kindness you wish to see in the world. Expand these qualities within yourself FIRST, and allow the work of your old soul to enhance our present power. Spiritual workers now have new and greater energy to support their efforts.

This is the strength and foundation that lies waiting through your many lifetimes. Each person’s energy and consciousness is far reaching. Do not let it go to waste on negativity. It is time for us all to exercise our spiritual mastery and help carry our planet Earth to its next level of evolution: a planet of love, goodness, and benevolence.

Bob Mangroo

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KARMA Tipping Point

Unraveling Karma 
Any adverse experience is not your personal karma, but the aspect of the collective you are healing for the well-being of all. What if the notion of personal karma was simply an unconscious tendency to identify with the layers of emotional debris your energy field transmutes in all you encounter?
What if everything you've cleared in the world was innocently woven into the fabric of identity, instead of passing through you and returning to Source?
What if your current symptoms, illness, or patterns of conditioning are the very layers you are healing for the well-being of future generations, or incarnations of Self? 
What if the realization that nothing you feel has anything to do with you is how you clear the karma of humanity that has been held in your cells until this realization dawns?


The moment you open to the possibility that adverse experiences are not yours, but your contribution toward a more evolved humanity, you begin to lighten the load of your energy field, releasing what was never evidence of who you are or aren’t, so you may welcome the joy of liberation far before the collective reflects it back.

The collective shifts as a result of a tipping point in consciousness. As your lifetime of healing is honored as your contribution toward tipping the collective scales into the vibration of unity consciousness, you can continue to uplift those around you without being weighed down by the emotional density that freely flows through you and returns to Source without having to get stuck orbiting your field.

Matt Kahn

 When what you feel is not yours to chase away, but your ongoing opportunity to clear out global density by loving what arises, you become the first resident of your upgraded Earth plane. From this space, you freely and effortlessly shine your light in every direction to assist each innocent heart in finding their way home.

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Mother Earth Star Burst October - November 2016

Mother Earth will be producing her second internal “Star Burst” from October 27 through November 16, 2016!

The Energy of Mother Earth’s second internal “Star Burst” is designed to manifest every Soul’s gift and talent designed for the Fifth Dimension! The only way any Soul will become aware of the fact that he or she is manifesting his o

The only way any Soul will become aware of the fact that he or she is manifesting his or her new gifts and talents for the Fifth Dimension will be through the increased awareness of his or her own “gut feelings” and intuitive “hits!”

This will only be achieved through the alignment of your own Solar Plexus Chakra into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field! Our eyes will not become obsolete in the Fifth Dimension instead they will be opened for Perceiving the Light of the entire Universe!

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Shifting With Hurricane Matthew

Glad all is well in NZ but something VERY big is happening as of October 4 and it is weather but also so much more. We are all visualizing this hurricane headed out to sea. But for now, Haitians are devastated as are Cubans. Soon the Foridians will follow.

Instead of handling events in a more enLIGHTENED fashion, the FL "government" simply told people to run for their lives. They weren't helped to mass evacuate but instead were sent to their individuals autos and wished Good Luck as they drove north to who knows where.

At the end, there was gasoline shortage and most could not properly fill up their vehicles but they were left to it all the same. Shelters,Motels and Hotels are booked up so, where to go?

Transit, Military and School buses would have helped, as would trains or big truck convoys. But no that would be too humane and safe. These are the old patterns of mass behavior that the SHIFT requires us to transform. The energy coming through is Intense but also Insistent. Move it through your body and across the planet.


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Days Of Transcendence Beginning October 4th

Mother Earth begins the physical manifestation of her New Reality and New Horizon on October 4, 2016.

This is when she will begin to initialize her innate abilities to transmute and metamorphose as a Light-Bodied Being for participating in the Universe’s Fifth Dimension!

Every Soul upon her thus, will be placed into an entirely new set of circumstances and situations whereby he or she must do things differently than in the past.

This is Transition to produce an entirely new set of circumstances and situations for every Soul to transcend our current human conditioning!

The Days of Transcendence will begin with Mother Earth’s initiation to become a Light-Bodied Being on October 4, 2016 and thereby introducing ALL CHANGE to everyone upon her.

From October 27 to November 16, 2016 she will be producing her second internal “Star Burst.”

Mother Earth’s second “Star Burst” however, is more personalized and primarily designed to assist every Soul’s transcendence into the Fifth Dimension through the manifestation of his or her gifts and talents designed for the Fifth Dimension!

On November 24, 2016 Mother Earth will complete the Middle Transition segment of her Fifth Dimension Transition and also begin her Final Transition segment from November 24, 2016 through March 8, 2017!

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October Earth Entering 5th Dimension

In achieving and manifesting a process of ALL CHANGE beginning on October 3, 2016, Mother Earth will be serving to lead every Soul upon her body to likewise achieve and manifest his or her own Soul’s Purpose for the Fifth Dimension!

The concept of ALL CHANGE is seemingly easy to conceive and perceive in our mind’s eye, dear Ones, as we have all witnessed at one time or another an individual undergoing a personal crisis that leads him or her to the achievement of a Life changing transformation, maybe even our own! Although a Life changing transformation is predominantly a personal event, change and transformation can also affect a group of people or a geographical region as a whole. Events such as an economic downturn, for example, not only lead to a personal crisis affecting the individual workers of the lapsing industries but also directly affect the worker’s families and the economic viability of the geographical region.

Circumstances of war similarly induce a mass scaled crisis of many on both sides of the war’s participants. Mother Earth’s process of ALL CHANGE, however, will not be limited just to one individual, one group of people in one geographical region, or even one hemisphere of our Earth! Mother Earth’s process of ALL CHANGE will be simultaneously occurring all at once upon the entirety of the Earth! Although many places will be slow in introducing and manifesting their transformation and changes for the Fifth Dimension, there will be some exemplary exceptions!

Chaos and confusion will be the new “normal” throughout the Earth as crisis after crisis will be symptomatic of Mother Earth’s ongoing process of ALL CHANGE! Where we are today, dear Ones, is only a minute vestige of Mother Earth’s entry into the Fifth Dimension on October 28, 2011!

The seemingly endless stage of our chaos and confusion we will be witnessing on Earth after October 3, 2016 will not be remedied by the completion of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition on March 27, 2017, but will only be remedied through the actions of our Souls – the acknowledgment of the role our Soul’s Third Eye Chakra serves, to promote our Soul’s Social Self, our individual Self operating to increase and expand our concepts to promote and enhance our relationships with others!


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Wisdom As Ascension Energies Intensify


Personal Contraband

As is always the case with the evolutionary Ascension Process, we reach periods where we absolutely must dig deeper to excavate something(s) within us that we’ve managed to smuggle through all previous Ascension Checkpoints. We may have shaved a few more layers off from most of our old personal inner issues and stuff—whatever and whoever they are—but we always reach another phase where we have to go deeper and finally get all personal contraband up, out and gone. Why? Because another big evolutionary Stair-step needs to be traversed by us soon and our old lower world and self issues simply cannot travel any further with us into the higher frequency NEW. If we tried to continue smuggling it or them up more energy Light Wave Stair-steps at this point, they would cause us more pain and pressure than they ever caused us originally. It’s just not worth the amplified pain or spiritual risk after all we’ve already been through in this evolutionary process.

We absolutely cannot take our old lower inner contraband stuff with us as we evolve into higher frequency beings of Light in physical bodies. To assist us with the mandatory offloading of any residual inner contraband we still have, we go through repeated Ascension Checkpoints where we’re thoroughly scanned for any prohibited old density items — toxic substances, unnecessary baggage, festering fears, crippling emotional wounds, ridiculous guilt, or poisonous anger. All illicit, prohibited lower density substances will not be allowed entrance through any Spiritual Ascension Customs Checkpoints. 

To continue evolving and moving forward with greater ease, safety and comfort, we go through more mandatory safety-net Checkpoints on our personal evolutionary Ascension Process. Such has been the case throughout most of August and September 2016. For some of us, myself included, all of 2016 has been one big Ascension Checkpoint demanding the release of any and all remaining personal and collective contraband. It’s not fun, but I certainly am grateful for them because I, we, all too often honestly believe we’ve already dealt with all our inner stuff years and years ago. We did but we’ve discovered there have been multiple remaining layers of our personal stuff we’ve had to feel, deal with and fully release, neutrally. The second we’ve done this we’re given the all-clear to pass through the latest Ascension Checkpoint to continue up the next energetic Ascension Stair-step.

Collective Contraband

Most Forerunners have very much felt and lived with the human, and in many cases the nonhuman as well, collective contraband throughout 2016 in highly amplified ways. We’ve always felt it, felt them, felt their collective inner and outer stuff, but this year it’s been nearly unbearable at times. The only thing that has helped the Forerunners survive this onslaught of collective old world contraband being amplified and brought to the human conscious surface for removal has been our ability to get in and remain in our HighHearts where everything is known, seen and felt as energetically Neutral. But, because many Forerunners, myself included, have not as yet mastered being in this higher state constantly, there have been times when I’ve had to disconnect from the world as it is at this moment to not be driven insane or heartbroken or worse because of it. We knew this time would come for all of us too but it’s proven to be a real test for us all. Such is the human collective experiencing their first substantial and obvious Ascension Checkpoint. Stay in your HighHeart as they go through this 2016 one including the others throughout 2017. It most likely won’t be pretty or easy but it’s absolutely necessary for them, for us, and for All everywhere else too. This is a Process and each step is important in its Alchemical and evolutionary nature.

Recent Dreams

As you know, when times are tough and full of change as they now are, we can quickly get a lot accomplished, resolved, better understood, transmuted and cleared while in the dream state. You may have been working hard again at night last month and this month too, and because of that have had some pretty wild dreams. Here’s one I had last week that’s rather telling.

In this dream I was in an unknown house with a group of unknown people. We were all talking when I saw a small but incredibly brilliant flash of white light explode in the middle of the living room about three feet above the floor. It was so bright you couldn’t see anything for a second or two and when it was gone, so too were some pieces of furniture and two people. The rest of us jumped up and looked around at the now empty spaces in the room where furniture had been, and some people, and wondered what in the world had just happened. Some people went throughout the house looking for the two missing people but they and some furniture were gone.

After about twenty minutes this happened again in another room in this house and when the flash of brilliant white light dissipated, more people were gone. This repeated ten minutes later in another area of the house and more people and furniture disappeared. At this point in my dream I was mildly concerned and confused and began expanding my awareness in the dream to discern what was happening and why. After a few moments of this I intentionally woke myself up and laid in bed in the dark and went over the dream so I wouldn’t forget it. It impacted me rather intensely so it wasn’t likely I’d forget this one however.

This dream shows how both personal and collective stuff is suddenly disappearing due to increasing Light right where we live. This dreams anomalies are symbolic but also literal, personal but also collective, and will only increase throughout the remainder of 2016, especially after the September 22nd Equinox. Be prepared for more and more personal and collective contraband and other things and people to quickly disappear.

The old world and consciousness is disappearing, is being suddenly zapped away by flashes of brilliant white Light. 2017 could very much be this but 1000-fold more intense which is why we’ve had more Ascension Checkpoints to work our ways through during 2016. Big NEW things are in the works now, and more so soon, and the rush is on like never before to be energetically ready for such a massive change as what’s coming. Do The Inner Work, whatever that is for you now, and everything else unfolds so much easier, faster and less painfully. Have a creative and progressive September 22, 2016 Equinox as you release the old to ready for the NEW in all ways.

Denise Le Fay

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INTENSE Energetic Upgrades Now

Intense Eclipse Energetic Upgrades Occurring!


Friday, September 16th was the final event of the eclipse season, a Total Lunar Eclipse at 24º Pisces. Full Moons are powerful ‘course correctors’ that provide new solutions to outworn situations. Since August 18th, we’ve been moving through an intense global upgrade that culminates with 3 eclipses, Mercury Retrograde, Jupiter in Libra, Saturn-Neptune square and the annual Equinox on Sept. 22nd. Just one of these events is life-altering, so you can imagine the evolutionary impact while this is happening all at once.

These cosmic events represent threshold points— creating powerful shifts from one phase of your life to the next. Passing through an Ascension threshold can create instability and anxiety, as your entire being adjusts to the heightened Light activations. You may experience additional physical/mental/emotional symptoms due to extreme changes in your electromagnetic field. I’ve been experiencing deep fatigue, nerve twitches, allergies, inflammation and hot sweats during this detox/upgrade phase. My body needs more sleep and rest to adapt to the incoming crystallized Light.

As Mercury completes its retrograde cycle the same day as the Equinox on Sept 22nd, you may have vivid dreams, visions, memory flashbacks or new insights that resolve and heal old wounds, clear away emotional pain/hurt, or provide clarity into soul purpose and karmic history. Take this time to embrace the healing and clearing, supporting the body’s adjustments to metabolize crystal Light. Open your heart with more forgiveness and disengage from emotional enslavement. Set yourself free from ‘low vibration’ people, places and social entertainments.

Pull your mental focus away from Time, from the Ego, from the media, from wifi/microwave interference. The global controllers are whipping up more drama and chaos in the world, to frighten and intimidate the public into submission. Don’t give it your power! When we unite and protest against injustice, we can change the world. There is power in numbers! The eclipses are compelling us to awaken from the Matrix coma and speak our truth.

2016 is the year of decomposition – triggering the collapse of a corrupt, dying regime. The New Earth paradigm is rising out of the cracks in the collective prison. Another massive Diamond Light blast is coming in early 2017. This will elevate many souls into the multi-dimensional realm of Light Body activation…being able to live on crystallized Light. Life as you knew it is fading away. Support your human psyche to adapt to the rapid changes, so that you too can elevate into your ascension timeline.

Lovingly, Meg Benedicte

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Forming Families of Light

From September 2 through October 4, 2016 Mother Earth will be aligning through our Sun with the Universal Grid of Sun-Stars to become an abode and domain of the Unity with God for the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! Immersed within this alignment on September 29, 2016 will be the need for every Soul merging into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension to align into the Brotherhood of Light as the initializing core group of Souls responsible for Re-Creating Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension! 

The Brotherhood of Light will initially be comprised of solely Lightworker Souls but will incorporate Man of Light Souls once the completion of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition occurs on March 27, 2017. The main theme the Brotherhood of Light will be promoting for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be to “work together in Unity with God, Live together in Unity with God!”

The work of the Brotherhood of Light will not be immediately influencing and impacting the lives of the many on Earth, but will be forming the core leadership of Mother Earth to teach, guide, role model, and demonstrate every facet of life required in Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimensional Reality! When the Energy of October 4, 2016 arrives on Earth, the chaotic level of events currently producing everyone’s immunity to the heightened level of traumatic events around the world will be increasing to an even more unbearable level!

Those whose thoughts, words, and deeds are not aligned within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be purging the many contagions from their Souls and bodies and producing multiple toxic waste-like cesspools all over the world! It did not have to be this way, dear Ones, but through the accumulation of many Lifetime’s of experience with the illusion of separation from God and the need to survive within the parameters of a subjective reality, many were led to assume they were a mere body experiencing the parameters of Earth rather than a Soul experiencing Mother Earth through the parameters of a physical body!

On August 22, 2016 everything in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition will begin into motion once more and initiating an entirely New Reality through the formation of the Brotherhood of Light and the return of the Soul’s innate potential of possibilities!

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From August 18 through September 16, 2016 Mother Earth will be aligning with the Universe to produce many seemingly unrelated factors and intertwine them all into a simultaneous series of events of common space, time, and place through the congealing effect of her Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field!

The effect of Mother Earth’s congealing, or the solidifying, of her Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field will do more than just induce a random series of coincidental events. In actuality she will begin reproducing the Synchronicity of the Universe upon her body for every Soul in alignment with her Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field! The Synchronicity of the Universe we will begin experiencing at this onset stage of Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension will largely be enacted through our internal sensory organs, where every perception and awareness of Reality begins!

Our internal Perception and Awareness Centers, our Seven Chakras and our five physical sensory organs, serve to perceive, comprehend, and elicit a meaningful understanding of our entire world wherever we may be. This is nothing out of the ordinary from the prospective of enhancing our innate abilities to perceive our New Reality. What will be different is our ability to draw upon our awareness of “the Kingdom of God is within us” through experiencing our proximity of Mother Earth’s full Fifth Dimension, especially after August 22, 2016!

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Sun's Light Solves Problems

In the morning, when you are watching the sunrise, think of the rays shining on you as living creatures that can help you solve the day’s problems.

But only today’s problems, not tomorrow’s. Tomorrow you will have to go and consult them afresh, and again just for that day.

Those entities will never give you answers for the days that follow. They will say, ‘No need to provide for more than one day. When you come back tomorrow, we will answer you.’

We eat every day, and we don’t stock up our stomach for a week, only for that day, and we start again the next day.

Well, it has to be the same with light, because light is a food we must absorb and digest every day for it to become feelings, thoughts and inspiration.

Why do people not have the same reasoning with regard to light as they do to food? They say, ‘It’s true, I ate yesterday, but that was for yesterday. Today I have to eat again.’

And it has to be the same with light.


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Use A Memory To Bring You What You Need

You have all experienced moments of joy and happiness. Well, seek out these moments. Even if there were only three or four in your life, or only one, return to them often: recall the place, the circumstances, the people…
Try hard to recover the same thoughts, the same feelings, the same sensations. Gradually you will have the impression you are reliving these states, with the same intensity as if you truly were experiencing them here and now for the first time.

It is always what you feel inside that is most important, not what comes from outside. So seek out all those times when you understood and felt the beauty and meaning of life.
Make all such moments available for times when you will need them. This gives you yet another way of working. And even ensure that you have a choice of memories.
For just as a certain piece of music is better suited to your inner state depending on the circumstances, so a particular memory will help you more than another and bring you what you need at the time. 
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The manifestation of the availability of every Soul’s Fifth Dimension gifts and talents will be set into motion through the implementation of Spiraled Time, the experience of choosing to be in the Present Moment of NOW!

The days from July 19 through July 30, 2016 will be persistent and intensely demanding in the acknowledgment of our Spiritual Nature through Spiraled Time, as many will find their daily schedules and routines conflicting with the demands of his or her Higher Self! Some Souls will choose the direct route through the experience of the Present Moment of NOW and manifest the availability of his or her Soul’s natural gifts and talents designed for the Fifth Dimension experience through Spiraled Time!

Most, however, will take the indirect route with his or her Higher Self and experience lengthy bouts of Higher Self induced sleep to discover his or her “Pearl Within.” Regardless in which way one will choose to manifest the availability of his or her “Pearl Within” in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition, it will be the fact that one has initiated the internal alignment of his or her Soul’s gifts and talents designed for the Fifth Dimension experience!

Lightworker Souls will be activating the availability of his or her Soul’s Pearl Within from July 19 through July 30, 2016 while Man of Light Souls will be attaining the Spiritual Growth needed to prepare for the availability of his or her Pearl Within after the completion of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition.

Mother Earth’s physical transformation will be serving to place special emphasis on the manifestation of one’s hidden Pearl Within, the gifts and talents we all have hidden within our Soul for the Fifth Dimension! Lightworker Souls will manifest their gifts and talents primarily to serve in leadership for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition and beyond!

Gifts and talents like the ability to organize great Projects of Light never attempted before on Earth, the ability to instantaneously heal our physical as well as our spiritual body, and the skills and talents of great diplomacy needed for a world in transformation without emphasis of economics! Many of your gifts and talents for the Fifth Dimension have already been revealing themselves within you but when our gifts and talents of the past did not manifest as the gifts of a world class athlete, singer, songwriter, or even as a creative genius of technology, we were deemed to be “ordinary” citizens of the world! 


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