Luc van Lier's Posts (1)

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beloved ones, I see daily around my house and in the sky arcturian energy ships.

they are mostly blue colored with a yellow outside and full of dots of light in the inner circle.  since a few weeks, I see also scout ships, smaller but completely with the same outlook.  now, I start to see them here just above earth in much  different colors when they light themselves up.  I have seen, blue, orange/yellow, red and white ships.  also the merging of 2 ships (a blue with a yellow one). Once they stop lighten up you still see their form, but they stay at place and are transparant.  Is there any possibility to make connection with them consciously?  they always are out there visible from sunset until early morning.  probably during the day also, but until now I didn't see them during the day.  much blessings and love .  I am a Belgian who lives in Bulgaria.  can I please receive an answer, for 1 or other reason do I have a very close connection.  also when I go into the field they are giving some light flashes like they say hello.  it seems to me that no other people is seeing them.  When I think for the arcturians, they send me waves like energies from electricity going through my complete body, but very nice feeling too me.  Also a ship was in the center of our village, and no other people saw them when I said.  I understand now that they are working with colors for restoring of the earth.   In the night I saw a mothership with a kind of chemtrail after it, the same like the chemtrail planes are doing.   it was very clear to me that they sprayed also something.   I don't know what and it was absolutely not a plane.   I used my binoculars, so could see them very well moving.   Also much movement of motherships here in the night, thousands and thousands and thousands.  hope to hear from you soon.

much love8109055062?profile=originalif you see this picture, think the  blue surrounding outside of the yellow circle away, and the blue inside is with white/yellow dots all around.    once the weather allows me, I will go outside for more drawings.

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